miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008

Torneo de Morelia/Linares 2008

12ª Ronda : Linares, 4-3-2008

¡Qué increíble suerte tiene Magnus Carlsen!. ¡La suerte de los campeones!.

Me ví en la obligación de seguir a Anand desde un principio. Ví una estructura de peones muy mala de Peter Leko. Anand jugaba un P4AD muy bueno que gustó mucho en el ICC y también a Rybka. Presionaba y daba la sensación de que con técnica podía ganar la partida, pues llegó hasta conseguir un peón de ventaja. Pero a partir de esos momentos el GM magiar con la moral alta tras su gran lección técnica de ayer contra el joven Carlsen, se puso manos a la obra hasta conseguir una posición defendible que le llevó a un honroso empate. ¡Muy buena partida posicional de ambos jugadores!.

Pasamos entonces a ver la partida cumbre en la lucha por el segundo puesto: Carlsen-Topalov. Y me encontré con una posición que me asustó bastante tras verla a bote pronto. Pensé que por la ventaja material existente, Topalov podía ganar aquella partida. El búlgaro en los sprints finales de los torneos es muy peligroso. Pero ¡alas! (¡ay!), Rybka le daba bastante compensación al jovenzuelo GM noruego. Y así fue. Los jugadores se fajaron en una lucha muy tensa y muy interesante. ¡De las que hacen afición!. Lo cierto es que cuando Rybka cantaba el empate, Topalov se metió de lleno en una red de mate que el programa sentenció señalando las siete movidas de inmediato. Carlsen no desaprovechó su oportunidad y de esta forma le endosó un curioso 2-0 al GM búlgaro y de paso le recortó medio punto de ventaja a Anand. El torneo se pone pues muy interesante. Mañana de momento, día de descanso y luego las dos últimas rondas (!?) se disputarán el jueves y el viernes.

Dio tiempo todavía de pasarnos al final existente en la partida Shirov-Aronian. Ya en el ICC mucho antes, los comentaristas deducían que Aronian lo iba a pasar muy mal, pues la línea de apertura escogida no le daba demasiado. Yo diría que sólo obtuvo problemas para sus intereses. Y se llegó a un dificilísimo final de partida. Shirov parece que no acertó con una continuación muy bonita que el programa sugirió. Pero habrá que analizar con más detalle. Tras unos durísimos escarceos, Aronian arrancó un sufrido empate.

Ivanchuk quiso emular la técnica demostrada ayer por Leko y entró en un final con peón de ventaja y con torres y alfiles de distinto color, pero no pudo forzar la partida y tuvo que ceder el empate, eso sí, no sin antes lucharlo con mucha fuerza.

Bonita jornada la disputada hoy en la Mecca del Ajedrez, la ciudad de Linares.

"Este juego pertenece a todos los pueblos y a todas las épocas y nadie puede saber de él qué divinidad lo regaló a la Tierra para matar el tedio, aguzar el espíritu y estimular el alma.
Es un pensamiento que no conduce a nada, una matemática que no establece nada, un arte que no deja obra, una arquitectura sin materia. Pero ha demostrado, sin embargo, ser más perdurable, a su modo, que los libros o que cualquier otro monumento.

Pero llamarle juego, ¿no es limitarle injuriosamente?. ¿No es también una ciencia, un arte algo sutil que está suspendido entre uno y otro jugador, como el féretro de Mahoma entre el cielo y la tierra?.

Querer jugar contra uno mismo es, en definitiva, como querer saltar sobre la propia sombra, una paradoja".

Stefan Zweig (1881-1942), novelista austriaco.

(1) Anand,V (2799) - Leko,P (2753) [C88]
Morelia/Linares Linares (12), 04.03.2008
[ICC/Rybka 2.3.2a mp 32-bit/Jimenez,A]

1.e4 e5 2.Cf3 Cc6 3.Ab5 a6 4.Aa4 Cf6 5.0-0 Ae7 6.Te1 b5 7.Ab3 0-0 8.h3 Ab7 9.d3 Te8 10.Cc3 h6 11.a3 Ac5 12.Cd5 Cd4 '044' 13.Cxd4 '043' 13...Axd4 '043' 14.c3 '043' 14...Ac5 '043' 15.Cxf6+ '043' [15.Ce3 d5 16.exd5 Cxd5 17.Df3 Axe3 18.Axe3 Dd6 19.Tad1 Tab8 20.d4 e4 21.Dg3 1/2-1/2 Leko,P (2763)-Adams,M (2719)/Dortmund GER 2005/The Week in Chess 557] 15...Dxf6 '044' 16.Ae3 '045' 16...d6 '043' 17.Axc5 '044' [17.Dh5 Te7 18.a4 Td8 19.axb5 axb5 20.Ta5 c6 21.Axc5 dxc5 22.De2 Dd6 23.De3 Ac8 24.Ac2 Ae6 25.Td1 Ted7 26.Ta6 Tc7 27.c4 Dd4 28.Dxd4 cxd4 29.c5 Rf8 30.Tda1 Re7 31.Ad1 g6 32.Tb6 h5 33.Taa6 Tdc8 34.h4 Rd7 35.g3 Re7 36.f4 f6 37.Rf2 Ad7 38.Ab3 Tf8 39.Re2 Ag4+ 40.Rd2 Ad7 41.Ta1 Ae6 42.Rc2 f5 43.Te1 Axb3+ 44.Rxb3 exf4 45.gxf4 Re6 46.Ta6 Td8 47.e5 Te8 48.Tg1 Tg8 49.Rb4 Rd5 50.Tga1 Re6 51.Ta7 Tgc8 52.Txc7 Txc7 53.Ta8 Th7 54.Tf8 Ta7 55.Tf6+ 1-0 Karjakin,S (2694)-Matsuura,E (2511)/Khanty-Mansiysk RUS 2007/The Week in Chess 681] 17...dxc5 '043' 18.Te3 '043' 18...Te7 '043' 19.Dh5 '0422 MightyViking (IM) : Draws and loses. Except against Magnus, whom he regularly beats. That's why. MightyViking (IM) : Just apply Sofia rules in all tournaments then. MightyViking (IM) : No draw offers allowed. MightyViking (IM) : Another 85-minute think coming up.' 19...Dg5 Diagram

'041365 MMCMiranda (FM) : Qe2' 20.Dxg5N '04294' [RR 20.De2 Td8 21.Tg3 Df4 22.Tg4 Df6 23.De3 Dd6 24.Tf1 Rh7 25.f4 Dxd3 26.Dxc5 Dd6 27.Dxd6 cxd6 28.fxe5 dxe5 29.Axf7 g5 30.Tf2 Td3 31.Rh2 Te3 32.Ab3 Rg7 33.Ac2 Tf7 34.Td2 Te1 Alavkin,A (2466)-Zamruk,A (2389)/Togliatti 2001/CBM 083 ext/1-0 (55)] 20...hxg5 '047' 21.c4! Rybka la sugiere tras 3 minutos y 41 segundos en un ordenador rápido. '04104 VerdeNotte (GM) : White is better MMCMiranda (FM) : c4 was unexpected move! MMCMiranda (FM) : now, c5 is a very weak pawn indeed.' 21...c6 '041835' 22.Tg3 '04453' 22...Td8 '0430' 23.Tc1 '0436 jensk (IM) : Rc1 Rdd7 cxb5 cxb Rxc5 Rxd3 Rxd3 Bxf7+! jensk (IM) : Some problems for Leko jensk (IM) : When was is "dead drawn"? jensk (IM) : Well, the WCh found a deep plan' 23...b4 '04422 funnybird (FM) : ab4 red7 MMCMiranda (FM) : axb cxb c5 and Bc4 white better. sitparkcin (FM) : looks draw funnybird (FM) : ab4 red7' [23...Rf8 24.cxb5+/= Rybka.; 23...Tdd7 24.cxb5 cxb5 25.Txc5+/- ICC.] 24.axb4 '04452' 24...cxb4 '048 MMCMiranda (FM) : c5' 25.c5 '0415 MMCMiranda (FM) : so, c4 deserves an ! jensk (IM) : Kf8 Bc4 f6 Ra1 Ra8 Ra5! and picking up the b-pawn by Rg3-e3-e1-a1-a4' 25...a5 '04391' 26.Ta1 '04152' 26...Aa6 '0476' 27.Txa5 '04224' 27...Axd3 '0462 atalik (GM) : maybe a balanced position?' 28.Txg5 Diagram

'0436 MMCMiranda (FM) : was necessary Rxg5? why not f3 first? sitparkcin (FM) : ya i like this line brian this is the goal sitparkcin (FM) : but there not beatnig eggs though this is the problem with this brain MMCMiranda (FM) : maybe, Bxe4 Rg4 MMCMiranda (FM) : for if: Bxe4 Rg4 Rd4 Ra8+ Kh7 Rxb Rxb Bc2 over MMCMiranda (FM) : so, white is a clear pawn up..' 28...Rh7! '04565 elextranjero (IM) : Ba4 Bxe4 elextranjero (IM) : f3 Kg5!?' [28...Axe4? 29.Tg4 Ad5 30.Axd5 Txd5 31.Txb4+/= Rybka.] 29.Tg4 '04273 jensk (IM) : Rd4? Ra8! jensk (IM) : RxR and Rb8 Drahacik (FM) : Just got here, something was wrong with Bxe4 instead of Kh7? jensk (IM) : But Bb5!? is maybe something jensk (IM) : Could be Bb5 RxB!+ cxR Bd5' [29.Ta4 Td4 30.f3 g6= Rybka.] 29...Ae2 '04219 Enamul (IM) : Rg4 & Rb4' 30.Tg3 '04206' 30...Td2 '0497' [30...Tc7= Rybka.] 31.Aa4 '04380' [31.Ta8 Txb2 (31...g6 32.Aa4 Txb2 33.Axc6+/=) 32.Tf8 Ah5 33.Tc8 Ta7 34.Txc6 Ta1+ 35.Rh2 Txf2= Rybka.] 31...Tc7 '04694' [31...Te6 32.Ta7 Tf6 33.Tc7 Txb2 34.Axc6 Tb1+ 35.Rh2 Txf2 36.Ad5 Tb2 37.Txf7 Txf7 38.Axf7 Tc2 39.Tb3 Ac4 40.Axc4 Txc4= 41.c6 Txe4 42.c7 Tc4 43.Txb4 Txc7= Rybka.] 32.Tb3 '0413' 32...Td1+ '04130' 33.Rh2 '045' 33...Td4 '047' 34.Te3 '0438' 34...Td2 '0462' 35.b3 '04178' 35...Ta2 '0411' 36.Ta8 '04103' 36...Ab5 '046' 37.Tb8 '045 AZ79 (IM) : very good defense by Leko' 1/2-1/2

(2) Carlsen,M (2733) - Topalov,V (2780) [A28]
Morelia/Linares Linares (12), 04.03.2008
[ICC/Rybka 2.3.2a mp 32-bit/Jimenez,A]

1.c4 e5 2.Cc3 Cf6 3.Cf3 Cc6 4.d3 'AllGunsBlazing (IM) : Topa will win AllGunsBlazing (IM) : inferis so lame' 4...d5 '04809 AllGunsBlazing (IM) : come on zek' 5.cxd5 '045' 5...Cxd5 '042' 6.e4 '046' 6...Cb6 '044' 7.Ae2 '0427 MightyViking (IM) : Anand is a worthy challenger.' 7...Ae7 '04194 MightyViking (IM) : Magnus played badly.' 8.0-0 '0427' 8...0-0 '0463' 9.a4 Diagram

'0410 MightyViking (IM) : The youngest guy should not get tired. He should have more energy than the others. MightyViking (IM) : What, majo? Drahacik (FM) : Not very ambitious by White, but got Topalov out of his preparation, which is a very good thing to do. Smallville (GM) : looks rather dry Smallville (GM) : but Carlsen has shown that Topalov is pretty weak when he's not in preparation Drahacik (FM) : Yes, even 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 is good against topalov, I bet he doesn't have prep for that :) Drahacik (FM) : yes, that's why I made the Qh5 comment Smallville (GM) : Right, but honestly, I'd rather just be good at chess then all preparation Smallville (GM) : I mean, playing preparation isn't chess Smallville (GM) : I don't play chess because I want to go blitz out 30 moves of some line I analyzed while I was sipping tea' 9...Ae6N '04334 MightyViking (IM) : Like it or not - It's a very important part today. Smallville (GM) : Yes, but its still good to play chess Drahacik (FM) : Carlsen just played chess last game against Topalov, 1.e4 Nf6, and Carlsen won. Smallville (GM) : Yes, but at least some of these guys can play chess! Smallville (GM) : Agreed completely, fugl Smallville (GM) : I don't drink Numi Jasmine Tea, I prefer any type of Chai in general Smallville (GM) : Probably true Smallville (GM) : I should go make myself some warm tea and study chess Smallville (GM) : lol theodulf Smallville (GM) : Burgers are sickeningly unhealthy and beer is ewww Drahacik (FM) : Smallville, go apply for Bundesliga, or whatever you have to do to get in it :) MightyViking (IM) : Kasimdzhanov? Smallville (GM) : Nah, no need. Drahacik (FM) : most of the big boys play Bundesliga Smallville (GM) : What is the point of eating an unhealthy burger which has 1k calories? MightyViking (IM) : Kaspersky?' [RR 9...a5 10.Ae3 f5 11.Tc1 f4 12.Ad2 Ab4 13.Cb5 Axd2 14.Cxd2 Rh8 15.h3 Ae6 16.Cf3 Ag8 17.Tc3 Tf7 18.Da1 Df6 19.Tfc1 Td8 20.Da3 Tfd7 21.Rf1 Cc8 22.Tc5 C8e7 23.Dc3 Cg6 24.Txc6 Agdestein,S (2610)-Ivanchuk,V (2705)/Tilburg 1993/CBM 039/0-1 (44)] 10.Ae3 '04293 Smallville (GM) : I'd rather drink some single malt Johnny Walker Smallville (GM) : Yeah, maybe I'll go to my cabinet and get some of the Black Label right now MightyViking (IM) : If I had been smart I would not have been a mediocre IM. Smallville (GM) : Blue Label is better, but I don't have any right now Smallville (GM) : JD is good, but I prefer JW Smallville (GM) : Jack Daniels is just ok imo Smallville (GM) : Well, I never said Johnnie Walker was best Smallville (GM) : I just like it a lot MightyViking (IM) : It's good for Carlsen. Now he only has to play a 2600 GM. Smallville (GM) : Macallan isn't bad Drahacik (FM) : hehe MIghtyViking Drahacik (FM) : yes, Topalov out of prep, 2600. Topalov in prep, 2850 Smallville (GM) : I'm primarily a scotch drinker, rarely drink anything else besides wine Smallville (GM) : I'd be willing to say any 2650+ player has even odds if they can reach an equal position against Topalov out of prep Smallville (GM) : I mean I don't mind French wines Smallville (GM) : riojas...lol Smallville (GM) : I'm going to France in a few weeks, Brazillus Smallville (GM) : Well, Pinot Grigio was rather bad when I last had it MightyViking (IM) : Alekhine castled with his queen once when he was under the influence. Smallville (GM) : I mean I like French and Chilean wines best' 10...Cd7 '04518 Smallville (GM) : Muzzle me, why? Smallville (GM) : Ok, grunts, how about I you about the $2k I already won this morning from PLO? MightyViking (IM) : GMs can talk about anything they want. Different rules apply. Smallville (GM) : Does poker suit you better, grunts? MaxVertigo (IM) : well done smallville Smallville (GM) : Well winning with quad jacks for a $1320 pot will do in 5/10 PLO (C DM) : the Move! me your predictions before each move. Smallville (GM) : lol ljg LittlePeasant (GM) : also if Ng5 Bxg5 with more dominatino Smallville (GM) : Ng5?? Smallville (GM) : Are you drunk, peasant? MightyViking (IM) : I don't think Ng5 would be met by Nc5... LittlePeasant (GM) : im answering inquiries Drahacik (FM) : well, he said Black dominates after Ng5 Bxg5, and that's true :) MaxVertigo (IM) : you play 5/10 now ? MaxVertigo (IM) : how do u manage your bankroll ? LittlePeasant (GM) : thanks! but it was Mexico :) Smallville (GM) : lol Smallville (GM) : Yeah, and then I lose it all in the stock market as everything tanks Smallville (GM) : Buy high, sell low! Smallville (GM) : lol OceanEyes Smallville (GM) : Nd7-c5 is the idea Smallville (GM) : Oh lovely, I check in on the markets and they are already way down Smallville (GM) : Of course, it doesn't matter since my oil is going to the moon Smallville (GM) : Stars,Tilt,UB Smallville (GM) : "Investing" in stocks is stupid Smallville (GM) : Investing in ETFs and mutual funds much smarter MMCMiranda (FM) : except if you make a lot of money... Smallville (GM) : I think I'm rather well prepared for life already should I fail to play Carlsen for the WC in 3 years Smallville (GM) : Favre retired?? Smallville (GM) : O M G Smallville (GM) : Yeah, I'm gonan turn on ESPN soon Smallville (GM) : You will not be able to find a backdoor around my firewall, thank you very much Smallville (GM) : Rock Paper scissors is just ok Smallville (GM) : I am pretty good at Rock, Paper, Scissors Smallville (GM) : I defeated 10 people in a row in a tournament Smallville (GM) : in best of 1 matches too! Smallville (GM) : I like Best of 7 matches Smallville (GM) : But yeah, Rock Paper Scissor is a fun game Smallville (GM) : Its better when there's money on the line though Smallville (GM) : Russian roulette isn't as much fun Smallville (GM) : lol grunts Smallville (GM) : yep' 11.d4 '04975 (C DM) : 11.d4: Sanika gnulp jonina Ladolcevita1960 Faquarl Piti patzerforlife the-monster ( your ) Smallville (GM) : Roshambo is played at the WSOP too, I think' 11...exd4 '043 (C DM) : 11...exd4: Piti ( your )' 12.Cxd4 '046 (C DM) : 12.Nxd4: Piti ( your )' 12...Cxd4 '044 (C DM) : 12...Nxd4: Piti ( your ) supergelo (IM) : draw here' 13.Dxd4 '0478 Smallville (GM) : Yawn ChessFM Smallville (GM) : The real question is why I'm not on air Smallville (GM) : hvad, are you a fan of RainKhan? Smallville (GM) : Pro Poker Player Smallville (GM) : I was at a table with him the other day Smallville (GM) : Agreed, Courts, he's an uber aggressive donk Smallville (GM) : He should have won too, but blundered it all way Smallville (GM) : Looks like the Bush economic plan is really in full swing! Smallville (GM) : I don't have much respect for Tilly Smallville (GM) : Only 2 players I really like are Hansen and Ivey Smallville (GM) : Hellmuth: "I'd win every time if there was no luck"' 13...c6 '04287 (C DM) : 13...c6: Sanika Piti jtc ( your ) Smallville (GM) : Wii Tennis is bad Smallville (GM) : I play real tennis, so when I try Wii tennis, I can't even return the ball Smallville (GM) : cause I try to pretend I'm actually hitting a groundstroke Stungar (IM) : i like wii chess for instance Smallville (GM) : Oh the hand where Ivey's jaw drops? Smallville (GM) : It was against Antonius, right? Smallville (GM) : I'm confused...how can you know about these other pros and not know who RAINKHAN IS???? wcristen (IM) : High Stakes AA vs KK Farha vs Gold http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_CVonp7SQs Smallville (GM) : Farha vs Barry G KK vs AA was funny Smallville (GM) : Sammy is a lot of fun to watch as well Stungar (IM) : i always throw away all pieces when playing timetrouble in wii chess Smallville (GM) : Who says they are profitable? Smallville (GM) : Quite a few win tourneys, then throw it all away Stungar (IM) : Stu Ungar best poker player in the world Smallville (GM) : Never ending cycle Smallville (GM) : That is very possibly true, stungar Stungar (IM) : sure Smallville (GM) : I'd say Stu Ungar was the best ever hold em player Smallville (GM) : Chip Reese best all around player Smallville (GM) : Gin Rummy is a tough game Stungar (IM) : gouga is funny but a patzer Smallville (GM) : Canasta is a game that old women in retirement homes play Smallville (GM) : Bridge of course is more pure Smallville (GM) : But I never learned that one Stungar (IM) : who knows Butifarra card game? MightyViking (IM) : shogi? Smallville (GM) : Shogi is silly MightyViking (IM) : silly? why? Smallville (GM) : Because shogi is crazyhouse Smallville (GM) : Reversi is just ok Smallville (GM) : Go is better Stungar (IM) : Go wcristen (IM) : check this out Phil Ivey Monte Carlo Millions best bluff ever! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEfLXr3eSxs Smallville (GM) : right, wcristen, but thats heads up Heine (GM) : must have been a mistake Pille Smallville (GM) : And they are both winning big at that point already Stungar (IM) : ETERNITY puzzle!!!!!!!!!!! MightyViking (IM) : for what, pille? Smallville (GM) : Only difference between chess and poker is that you can be up a queen and get mated in poker Smallville (GM) : Backgammon is a very -EV game MightyViking (IM) : didn't know that Stungar (IM) : i actually did promoting a king in blitz' 14.a5 '04627 (C DM) : 14.a5: Piti jtc ( your ) MightyViking (IM) : Leko would have problems in shogi Smallville (GM) : lol mightviking Smallville (GM) : Skill, thats why I cube and someone in accepts and then rolls double 66 Smallville (GM) : I lose Smallville (GM) : Backgammon has the same luck factor as poker Smallville (GM) : lol Play2Ke2 Smallville (GM) : That would spice it up Smallville (GM) : So if you cube and someone accepts you get 2 points for the win? Smallville (GM) : Haha, thats a good idea actually MightyViking (IM) : Sac, In Chinese Chess pawns can move sideways. Smallville (GM) : I'd like to see that implemented in chess Smallville (GM) : lol MightyViking (IM) : Once they have crossed the Yellow river in the middle of the board they can move sideways.' 14...Cc5 '04251 (C DM) : 14...Nc5: BrotherJohn ( your )' 15.De5 '04159 (C DM) : 15.Qe5: Sanika Piti jtc Braveheart-xx ( your )' 15...Cb3 '04570 (C DM) : 15...Nb3: BrotherJohn Striker89 GrandPatzer Piti jtc f5kinley ( your )' 16.Ta4 '0410 (C DM) : 16.Ra4: Piti ( your ) Smallville (GM) : What about GM Carlsson? Heine (GM) : wasnt it the only move?' 16...Ad6 '04260 (C DM) : 16...Bd6: gnom KAPPA2000 BrotherJohn Piti ( your ) Heine (GM) : ahh, true' 17.Dh5 '0444 (C DM) : 17.Qh5: BrotherJohn Braveheart-xx Piti wonderboy ( your ) Sauerkraut (GM) : i think it is a very unclear pos Sauerkraut (GM) : g6 then qh6 jensk (IM) : This should of course be clearly better for white - unless I overlook something :) Sauerkraut (GM) : the crowd can be wrong like many times in previous games Smallville (GM) : Love machine...lmfao MightyViking (IM) : Aha, Ra4-h4 idea. Interesting. MightyViking (IM) : Not if one looks closer, I suppose...' 17...g6 '04453 (C DM) : 17...g6: BrotherJohn fearlab MeatGrinder Braveheart-xx Sauerkraut gnom Piti jtc ( your ) MightyViking (IM) : yes, Be5-g7 Heine (GM) : whi this Pille bashing? me kaes alot of relevant points Smallville (GM) : This looks =+ Smallville (GM) : No, he isn't Smallville (GM) : I don't like this after Qh6 Be5 Smallville (GM) : I'd say black has a small edge here' 18.Dh6 '04275 (C DM) : 18.Qh6: Braveheart-xx BrotherJohn drunkman MeatGrinder Fahraeus good-2 gnom OceanEyes ( your )' 18...Ae5 '048 (C DM) : 18...Be5: Braveheart-xx ( your ) Heine (GM) : forgot to check your engine Pille?= Heine (GM) : lost a lot of credability in my eyes there Smallville (GM) : Topalov is better here Smallville (GM) : f4 is pretty much losing, so not sure what else Magnus can do' 19.Ag5 '04177 (C DM) : 19.Bg5: Detroit-Warrior Piti ( your ) AllGunsBlazing (IM) : f6 looks good Smallville (GM) : Everest Poker is silly' 19...Dc7 '04379 (C DM) : 19...Qc7: BrotherJohn gnom Michal1990 juki27 Braindamaged Detroit-Warrior ( your ) Smallville (GM) : No, my name is Hiro Nakamura MightyViking (IM) : abducted Smallville (GM) : I still think Topalov is better, but its gonna get messy now Smallville (GM) : lol Smallville (GM) : Nah, more like 2690 MightyViking (IM) : Chavez is unbeatable.' 20.Ae3 '04341 (C DM) : 20.Be3: Piti ( your ) MightyViking (IM) : Qd8 repetition! :) gaizca (IM) : Tfd8! MightyViking (IM) : Rfd8 Bg5 Rd7 Be3 jensk (IM) : That was odd - Be3-g5-e3 - what has he gained? MightyViking (IM) : Rfd8 Bg5 Rd7 Be3' 20...Cxa5 '04397 (C DM) : 20...Nxa5: KAPPA2000 ( your ) MightyViking (IM) : Now Magnus really has to show what he's got. Smallville (GM) : Uh oh, Topalov pulled out Fritz Smallville (GM) : Nxa5 is such a computer move' 21.f4 '0475 (C DM) : 21.f4: claymore BrotherJohn bigmac Brillante KnightOfNee ( your )' 21...Ag7 '045 profylaktik (IM) : topalov plays what position needs Smallville (GM) : Qh4 looks best' 22.Dh4 '0443 (C DM) : 22.Qh4: Brillante Jon-Kristian12 pille claymore Smallville Didyousayno ( your ) Smallville (GM) : Yeah, Qh4 f5 looks problematic Smallville (GM) : f5 only move here Smallville (GM) : b5 is bad from a partical stand point MightyViking (IM) : Aha, f5 stopping white's options. Seems logical.' 22...Ab3 '04545 (C DM) : 22...Bb3: Piti ( your )' 23.Td4 '0480 (C DM) : 23.Rd4: Piti ( your ) MightyViking (IM) : Piti is Fischer. He's alive after all. Smallville (GM) : Oh great, so now its time for the idiots to come out? smeets (GM) : ing Rad8 MightyViking (IM) : They have a right to live too! :) sitparkcin (FM) : alot of people are real losers on here dont worry small.. they do this cause they hate themselves and there lives sitparkcin (FM) : i believe you\ sitparkcin (FM) : racist and so on and they have no manner this is why they play here and not there own chess club cause no one likes them smeets (GM) : or maybe f6 now:) sitparkcin (FM) : i love when i hear this stuff makes me all fuzzy inside knowing the people are burning up with hate lol sitparkcin (FM) : all the losers who cut down small for being so smart' 23...Tad8 '04448 (C DM) : 23...Rad8: explorer GrandPatzer deEbeck settheory pille Piti ( your ) Smallville (GM) : Oh the hate is just so great sitparkcin (FM) : maybe you should worry about your self instead of someone ou dont know?? sitparkcin (FM) : in real life people like you get beat but would never say this to anyone face' 24.e5 '04150 (C DM) : 24.e5: fearlessone WidowTwanky MrTroon3 sfinx E-Boa Piti ( your ) sitparkcin (FM) : funny how tough people get when behind a computer Smallville (GM) : Very true, sitparkcin Smallville (GM) : brocky35 added. VerdeNotte (GM) : this looks fun :) sitparkcin (FM) : aww did we hurt your feelings MightyViking (IM) : Topalov not the best defender' 24...Txd4 '04275 (C DM) : 24...Rxd4: KAPPA2000 Didyousayno REX MrTroon3 Gouga Piti ( your )' 25.Axd4 '0413 (C DM) : 25.Bxd4: Piti ( your )' 25...c5 '042 AllGunsBlazing (IM) : Topa will grind the youngster easy MightyViking (IM) : "arse" is four letters, pille!' 26.Ae3 '04161 (C DM) : 26.Be3: fearlessone Impitoyable Brillante Piti ( your )' 26...f6 '041 VerdeNotte (GM) : Ne4 was certainly the bullet move AZ79 (IM) : Topalov will just win this AllGunsBlazing (IM) : Piti is a prodigy sitparkcin (FM) : hard to keep f6 gaurded in this line AZ79 (IM) : it did?' 27.Cb5 '04176 (C DM) : 27.Nb5: Piti Zebedee ( your ) sitparkcin (FM) : aww no i report you sitparkcin (FM) : to late already did sitparkcin (FM) : gl loser sitparkcin (FM) : + cens chat soon lmow' 27...Dd8 Diagram

Jiménez: Tras terminar de seguir de cerca la partida Anand-Leko, nos pasamos a esta otra, que iba por esta jugada. Las negras tienen un peón de más, pero para Rybka hay compensación. '04194 (C DM) : 27...Qd8: Piti jtc ( your ) MightyViking (IM) : Bxc5 fxe5 MightyViking (IM) : Qb6+ then MightyViking (IM) : *if* Magnus wins, yes sitparkcin (FM) : bxc5 fe gun sitparkcin (FM) : prob xc5 sitparkcin (FM) : ill just wait for relay sitparkcin (FM) : qb6 check sitparkcin (FM) : no qd2 sitparkcin (FM) : i was speaking of the other line Ng5 (IM) : Topa will resign when Magnus the magic word sitparkcin (FM) : ya be7 line sitparkcin (FM) : no good MightyViking (IM) : He confused "relay" and "delay".' 28.f5 '041914 (C DM) : 28.f5: MrTroon3 Didyousayno kaps Piti magital Snow drunkman Qualm Sven askeland ( your )' [Veamos un ejemplo que dio la computadora: 28.e6 De7 (28...Axe6 29.Axc5 Dd2 30.Axf8 Axf8 31.Cc3 Dxb2 32.Dxf6=) 29.f5 gxf5 30.Tf3 Axe6 (30...Dxe6 31.Ad3=) 31.Th3 h6 32.Axh6 f4 33.Ta3 Ad5 34.Af1 Axh6 35.Dxh6 Cb3 36.Dxf4 De5 37.Dxe5 fxe5 38.Cc7 Cd2 39.Tg3+ Rh7 40.Th3+=] 28...fxe5 '041' 29.Ag5 '047' 29...Db6 '044' 30.f6 '045' 30...c4+ '045 (C DM) : 30...c4+: Piti ( your )' 31.Rh1 '046 (C DM) : 31.Kh1: Piti ( your )' 31...Dxb5 '047' 32.fxg7 '045 (C DM) : 32.fxg7: Piti ( your )' 32...Txf1+ '0411 (C DM) : 32...Rxf1+: Piti ( your )' 33.Axf1 '041 (C DM) : 33.Bxf1: Piti ( your )' 33...Rxg7 '042 MinAl (IM) : omg MinAl (IM) : Piti playing at 2750! Ng5 (IM) : draw Ng5 (IM) : Bd8 Xa5 Qe7= Merick (IM) : Bd8 Ng5 (IM) : Bh6 is a winning try, Bd8 forces draw Ng5 (IM) : Topa will resign when Magnus the magic word PapMisa (IM) : Bd8 Nc6 and...? MightyViking (IM) : Shirov is Russian. Speelman (GM) : Isn't bd8 nc6 Qf6+ Kg8 Qe6+ Kf8 Bg5 Kg7 Qf6+ Kg8 bh6 winning PapMisa (IM) : . MightyViking (IM) : Shirov is an ethnic Russian. Ng5 (IM) : Bd8 Qd5 = says my comp jensk (IM) : Yes, Bd8! is really something Speelman (GM) : Ah. Silicon rules here sadly Ng5 (IM) : Bh6 seems a winning try jensk (IM) : But...is Qf2 an option? jensk (IM) : No, Qf2 Qb6! jensk (IM) : But...Bh6+ ?' [33...De8 34.Ah6 Cc6 35.Ae2 c3 36.bxc3 Af7 37.h3 De7 38.Df2 con compensación por el material entregado. Rybka. 38...b6 39.De3 Dd6 40.De4 Cd8 41.Af3 con compensación.] 34.Ad8 Diagram

'04183 (C DM) : 34.Bd8: StupidPlayer Brumm ( your )' 34...Cc6?? '0454 (C DM) : 34...Nc6: Michal1990 Piti majo ( your ) Ng5 (IM) : Topa will resign when Magnus the magic word Smallville (GM) : Mate? What mate? Smallville (GM) : Qf6 Kg8 and what? Ng5 (IM) : Magnus is using his Jedi skills MightyViking (IM) : Forced mate!!! VerdeNotte (GM) : Qf6 Kg8 Qe6etc AZ79 (IM) : mate in 7 for computer Smallville (GM) : Qf6 Kg8 and then what? Smallville (GM) : and then if Kf8' [34...Rg8 35.De7 Dd5 36.De8+ Rg7 37.Axa5 Dxa5 38.De7+ Rh6 39.Dh4+ Rg7 40.De7+ Rh6 41.Dh4+= Rybka.] 35.Df6+ '0499 (C DM) : 35.Qf6+: Striker89 StupidPlayer battleangel Smallville VerdeNotte Downhill ROPIE ( your ) Smallville (GM) : oh Bg5...sick Smallville (GM) : oh so sick Neveris (GM) : oooerrr VerdeNotte (GM) : lol none of you would see this without a comp Ng5 (IM) : Qf6-e6, Bg5 !! AZ79 (IM) : nowhere near top 10 mistake AZ79 (IM) : I don't see the mate either Neveris (GM) : what was the move instead of nc6 Ng5 (IM) : Qd5 was OK Smallville (GM) : No, he missed Bg5 like I did jensk (IM) : Geart, truely great! Neveris (GM) : he must have missed kg8 qe6 kf8 bg5! Neveris (GM) : he missed bg5 AllGunsBlazing (IM) : Carlsen -blood sucker Neveris (GM) : thats the only explanation jensk (IM) : It seems that balck was lost already after fxe5? Smallville (GM) : just terrible Neveris (GM) : or danilovs phone cut out:-) Ng5 (IM) : offer a draw Toppy MightyViking (IM) : All who saw the mate were using engines. Ng5 (IM) : has Carlsen seen Bg5 ? MightyViking (IM) : I meant here. Neveris (GM) : is carlsen that good though? a lot of his wins seem quite lucky not like gazza when he was on the up and up, swashbuckling attacks ChessMaestro (FM) : a sad day for chess MightyViking (IM) : 34...Qd5 covering the White squares. jensk (IM) : What happened was probably that Topa did not go deeply enough into the pos arising after fxe5? Neveris (GM) : carlsenites are in an orgasmic frenzy jensk (IM) : gxf5 should be better mharize (WIM) : Kg8, Qe6, Rf8, Ag5, Kg7, Qf6, Kg8, Bh6 MightyViking (IM) : Topa pwned Neveris (GM) : i agree' 35...Rg8 '04434 (C DM) : 35...Kg8: battleangel PaintDryer Morrowind JadedPawn annicks GunSlinger patzerforlife ( your )' 36.De6+ '044' 36...Rf8 '046 Neveris (GM) : the scary thing is he hasnt played well this tournament and he could well win it.. MightyViking (IM) : +2 without playing well is kinda promising.' [36...Rg7 37.Af6+ Rf8 38.Ag5 Ce7 39.Dxe7+ Rg8 40.Ah6 Db4 41.Dg7#] 37.Ag5 '044 AllGunsBlazing (IM) : last move Smallville (GM) : lol, so horrendous Ng5 (IM) : spooky Smallville (GM) : Topalov needs to go back to cheating jensk (IM) : That 28. f5!? waqs really tricky MMCMiranda (FM) : what is this?? ninguno (IM) : lol i agree Neveris (GM) : topa gonna take up athletics ninguno (IM) : painful lost Cronope (IM) : $^ù Ng5 (IM) : how is Leko immune to Magnus alien brain zapper ? Neveris (GM) : wasnt great game Neveris (GM) : u shut it slavic Neveris (GM) : donkey breath AZ79 (IM) : the capslock crew in full flow Neveris (GM) : moppie u want some as well? jensk (IM) : Bravo Magnus Neveris (GM) : and u do? Neveris (GM) : get a title first muppet Ng5 (IM) : this was a bit lucky MMCMiranda (FM) : was not simple draw? Neveris (GM) : i'll u where if u give me your address... Neveris (GM) : so many patzers Neveris (GM) : u him timman MightyViking (IM) : This was almost more embarrassing than when he resigned in a drawn position. MMCMiranda (FM) : me Neveris, what happened here?? was not a draw? Neveris (GM) : loss for topy Neveris (GM) : he cracked MMCMiranda (FM) : but he had repetition Neveris (GM) : i was actually complimenting magnus, but the fools didnt realise it Smallville (GM) : Topalov has been cracking ever since he lost to Kramnik Neveris (GM) : no miranda forced mate Neveris (GM) : i was saying magnus hasnt played well this tournamnet Neveris (GM) : but still he is nearly in the lead Neveris (GM) : which is worrying for the other players MMCMiranda (FM) : Ah! I see now Neveris (GM) : it shows that top chess MightyViking (IM) : indeed, Neveris Neveris (GM) : is as much about psychology as it is about great play Neveris (GM) : but why bother Neveris (GM) : its wasted on these idiots Neveris (GM) : so much crap written on here Neveris (GM) : total moron stuff Neveris (GM) : who indeed Neveris (GM) : i cant be bothered big mac Neveris (GM) : there not worth it Neveris (GM) : bunch of nobodies Neveris (GM) : theres some ok people on here but a lot of morons MightyViking (IM) : Carlsen's secret is to disturb the opponents with strange movements: http://www.chessbase.com/news/2008/morelia/round7-06.jpg Neveris (GM) : i mean an army of them Neveris (GM) : dont take what i say seriously... most of it is a joke Neveris (GM) : of course carlsen and topa different level to me Neveris (GM) : but when u see interviews with top players.. a lot of them.. lack a personality... no thats not it AZ79 (IM) : someone like slavicfrench, when he spams the screen with two dozen of his idiotic s, ICC should just muzzle the muppet for a month Neveris (GM) : what i mean is they are chess chess chess Neveris (GM) : its not a great life being a top player Neveris (GM) : u have 2 work so hard Neveris (GM) : theory, theory, theory Neveris (GM) : chess is dying Neveris (GM) : computers strangling chess Neveris (GM) : u write yours first Neveris (GM) : no this is funny Neveris (GM) : but what will we do when chess is solved like draughts? Ng5 (IM) : we all know who neveris is, its no big secret Neveris (GM) : who are u tpsia Neveris (GM) : no its funny Neveris (GM) : the only solution is to ban computers Neveris (GM) : from chess tournaments Neveris (GM) : its funny how people get so offended by what i say Neveris (GM) : like they are married to there computers or something Neveris (GM) : maybe they have computer love:-) Ng5 (IM) : this wasnt a gg but it will be remembered a long time Ng5 (IM) : good sport, , good entertainment, Neveris (GM) : braindamaged Neveris (GM) : i just try to make a point Neveris (GM) : please dont insult me Neveris (GM) : get a rating first MightyViking (IM) : New Elo record for Magnus, I suppose. Neveris (GM) : its not keith mate Neveris (GM) : its all funny to me Neveris (GM) : i mean.. i was merely pointing out that magnus play isnt as impressive as kaspy at the same age.. Neveris (GM) : people get insulted by that MightyViking (IM) : Magnus will be #4 again after this round. Neveris (GM) : the magnus lovers.. its not worth arguing with them.. they are in love:-) Neveris (GM) : are u a real comp? Neveris (GM) : pmsl Neveris (GM) : no1 cares who he is? Neveris (GM) : i care thats enuf:-) Neveris (GM) : its entertainment Neveris (GM) : who are u tsia AZ79 (IM) : Carlsen will be 18 this year. Ponomariov won the FIDE World Cup and got to 2750 at that age AZ79 (IM) : It's a different era, impossible to compare AZ79 (IM) : no one will be unbeatable MightyViking (IM) : "Interview with Magnus on Playchess: Did you see the mate immedately? Magnus: Yes.... and once again i had to show him the draw" lol AZ79 (IM) : rating isn't always reflective of talent MightyViking (IM) : How can I be repeating myself when it was the first time I posted it? :) MightyViking (IM) : That's why I put it in quotation marks. Sven posted it first! MightyViking (IM) : But it was funny about showing Topalov the draw again. Poor Topa!' 1-0

(3) Shirov,A (2755) - Aronian,L (2739) [C89]
Morelia/Linares Linares (12), 04.03.2008
[ICC/Rybka 2.3.2a mp 32-bit/Jimenez,A]

1.e4 e5 2.Cf3 Cc6 3.Ab5 a6 4.Aa4 Cf6 5.0-0 Ae7 6.Te1 b5 7.Ab3 0-0 8.c3 d5 9.exd5 Cxd5 10.Cxe5 Cxe5 11.Txe5 c6 12.d3 '04242' 12...Ad6 '0410' 13.Te1 '0428' 13...Af5 '048' 14.Df3 '048' 14...Dh4 '048' 15.g3 '046' 15...Dh3 '048' 16.Axd5 '0413' 16...cxd5 '047' 17.Dxd5 '0414' 17...Tad8 '0456' 18.Dg2 '0411' 18...Dxg2+ '0425' 19.Rxg2 '0410' 19...Axd3 '048' 20.Ae3 '048' 20...Tfe8 '0434' 21.Cd2 '0411' 21...b4 '047 Ng5 (IM) : strange for Shirov to play this again' 22.Ab6 '048' 22...Txe1 '049 Ng5 (IM) : very boring, not his style' 23.Txe1 '048' 23...Tb8 '049' 24.Aa5 '04424' 24...bxc3 '0436' 25.Axc3 '0467' 25...f6 '047' 26.Ce4 '045' 26...Af8 '046' 27.f3 Diagram

'045' 27...Tc8N '0425' [RR 27...Ac4 28.b3 Ab5 29.Aa5 Tc8 30.Cc3 Ac6 31.Td1 Rf7 32.Ce2 h5 33.Tc1 Ad7 34.Txc8 Axc8 35.Ac3 Ad6 36.Rf2 g5 37.Re3 h4 38.gxh4 Axh2 1/2-1/2 Shirov,A (2755)-Leko,P (2753)/Morelia/Linares MEX/ESP 2008/The Week in Chess 695 (38)] 28.Td1 '04292' 28...Ac4 '0446' 29.a3 '0440' 29...Ab5 '04426 Celine (IM) : 1-0' 30.g4 '04131' 30...Ac6 '049' 31.Td3 '04827' 31...Te8 '04527' 32.Td4 '0433 Celine (IM) : bad judgement to play marshall against shirov.' 32...Tb8 '041002 GoneWithWind (GM) : ob 2' 33.h4 '041171' 33...Ae7 '04245' 34.h5 '04819' 34...Td8 '04107' 35.Tc4 '049' 35...Ab5 '048' 36.Tc7 '0413' 36...Td7 '0410 Drahacik (FM) : These Marshall players really believe in the 2 bishops, always going straight to a pawn-down endgame. Drahacik (FM) : only += with a pawn up, Marcelo?' 37.Txd7 '04482' 37...Axd7 '0412' 38.h6 '0415 Drahacik (FM) : f5 gxf5 gxh6 f6 looks nice for White, every good chances to win' 38...gxh6 '04483 Drahacik (FM) : Bxf6 with passed f-pawn and 2 vs 1 on the queenside Cobra-King (WIM) : Bxf6 Bf8 b4 +- MightyViking (IM) : Looks great for White. Drahacik (FM) : I think the opening line is a mistake: why does Black want to defend a pawn-down ending? ilves (IM) : Might even Nf6 win here? ilves (IM) : just theoretically' 39.Axf6 '04449' 39...Af8 '0414' 40.Ad4 '04521' 40...Rf7 '04171' 41.Rf2 '0446' 41...Ae7 '04142 Ng5 (IM) : not easy, not a win, not alive Ng5 (IM) : white has winning chances, but its drawable Ng5 (IM) : Aronian is good enough Ng5 (IM) : Kg3 Kg6 f4 h5 looks OK Ng5 (IM) : no, it looks like a position where white will never ever accept a draw TheSalesman (FM) : Shirov is going to win TheSalesman (FM) : vvvvvvvvvinnn Shirov' 42.Re3 '041031 Ng5 (IM) : Kg6 and h5 is obvious, seems OK Ng5 (IM) : you need to think more than one move ahead Ng5 (IM) : white needs a plan, cant see one' 42...Ag5+ '04678' 43.f4 '044' 43...Ad8 '044' 44.Cd6+ '044' 44...Re6 '043' 45.Cb7 '04154 Ng5 (IM) : Nf5 h5 Ng7 Kf7 Nh5 Bg4=' 45...Ae7 '0480 ninguno (IM) : Nf5 h5 Ng7 Kf7 gxh5' 46.f5+ '0425 Ng5 (IM) : he seems to be making progress' 46...Rf7 '04105 Ng5 (IM) : could be either sitparkcin (FM) : h5 soon and draw' 47.Rf4 '04336 Ng5 (IM) : Bc6 seems to force a draw Ng5 (IM) : Bc6 Na5 Bd5 and Bd8 OCB Eli (IM) : bc6 na5 nd5 ne3 nd6x pretty help-mate' 47...Ag5+ '041562' 48.Re5 '045' 48...Aa4 Diagram

Jiménez,A: Tras la sorprendente derrota de Topy, vemos ahora que Aronian, pasa por problemas. En realidad los lleva consigo desde que entró en esta línea de apertura, ya jugada con anterioridad en este torneo, como ha comentado para Radio ICC el GM Andrés Rodríguez. '044 VerdeNotte (GM) : rest day tomorrow I believe elastase (FM) : what has happened in Carlsen-Topa???? elastase (FM) : what was the blunder in Carlsen game? elastase (FM) : thanks but after qd7 ba5? in carlsen game? Sikandar (IM) : What do u think guys Sikandar (IM) : I think Aronian is lost elastase (FM) : how coul topa have drawn? elastase (FM) : ok qd7 ba5? elastase (FM) : comps comps comps.... playlikestevie (IM) : go Shirov playlikestevie (IM) : incredible profylaktik (IM) : carlsen was clearly worse whole game' 49.Cd6+ '042671' 49...Re7 '046' [49...Rf8 50.f6 Ab3 51.Ac5 Ac1 52.Rf5 Rg8 53.Ad4 Rf8 54.Cb7+/= Rybka.] 50.Ce4 '044' 50...Ad1 '044' 51.Ac5+ '044' 51...Rf7 '044' 52.b4 '044' 52...Ac1 '044' 53.Cd6+ '044' 53...Rg7 '043' 54.f6+ '044' 54...Rg6 '043' 55.f7 '043' 55...Ab2+ '043 Neveris (GM) : ke6' 56.Re6 '041276' 56...Axg4+ '048' 57.Re7 '047' 57...Af6+ '048' 58.Re8 '046 Sauerkraut (GM) : bd4' 58...Af3 '0425 Neveris (GM) : pawn equals knight Sauerkraut (GM) : knight check' 59.f8C+ '0445' 59...Rh5 '0417' 60.Rf7 '048' 60...Ab2 Diagram

'046' 61.Cxh7? '0411' [Para Rybka era mejor: 61.a4! Ad5+ 62.Re7 Rg4 63.Cxh7 h5 64.Cf6+ Axf6+ 65.Rxf6 h4 66.Cf5 Ae4 67.Ch6+ Rh5 68.Cf7 h3 69.Cg5+- Un ejemplo: 69...Ag2 70.Ad6 Af1 71.Cf3 Ad3 72.Cd4 Rg4 73.a5 Ae4 74.Ah2 Ag2 75.Re5 Rg5 76.b5 axb5 77.Cxb5 Ab7 78.Rd4 Rg4 79.Re3 Ac6 80.Cc7 Rg5 81.a6 Rf5 82.a7 Rg5 83.a8D Axa8 84.Cxa8 y según las tablebases ganan las blancas en 23 jugadas. 84...Rh5 85.Cb6 Rg5 86.Re4 Rf6 87.Rf4 Re6 88.Rg5 Rf7 89.Rf5 Re7 90.Ae5 Rf7 91.Cd5 Rf8 92.Re6 Re8 93.Cb6 Rd8 94.Ad6 h2 95.Axh2 Re8 96.Ad6 Rd8 97.Ae5 Re8 98.Af6 Rf8 99.Cc4 Rg8 100.Rf5 Rf7 101.Cd6+ Rg8 102.Rg6 Rf8 103.Ag5 Rg8 104.Ah6 Rh8 105.Cf5 Rg8 106.Ce7+ Rh8 107.Ag7#] 61...Axa3 '044' 62.Cf6+ '0414' 62...Rh4 '046 VerdeNotte (GM) : lol amusing MightyViking (IM) : Too bad it isn't three white knights. That happened in a Swedish game. Neveris (GM) : pmsl Neveris (GM) : i cant mate bishop and knight MightyViking (IM) : I saw a GM not being able to mate a comp with Q vs R. Neveris (GM) : queen and rook is impossible Neveris (GM) : i would just agree a draw Rahjus (GM) : nc4 andbe3 MightyViking (IM) : Is this so easy? MightyViking (IM) : Topalov simply isn't a good defender. tamangis (IM) : Nf5-Kg5 64.Nxh6-Kxh6 65.Be3 ;-)' 63.Re6 '04285 ilves (IM) : a5? Cowboystiefel (FM) : a5??? Bf2 1-0 ilves (IM) : sorry ilves (IM) : silly me :-) PorkChopsTamer (IM) : np MightyViking (IM) : Carlsen puts the pressure on the opponents, and eventually they crack. You can call that blundering, but he repeatedly wins that way.. sitparkcin (FM) : cause he likes kn better sitparkcin (FM) : cause he likes kn better Cowboystiefel (FM) : Kg3 h6-h5-h4-h3-h2-h1=Q 0-1 Cowboystiefel (FM) : ;-)))) Cowboystiefel (FM) : ;-) MightyViking (IM) : Was it necessary to give up the a-pawn? Why not 61.a4 ? Cowboystiefel (FM) : but this h6 guy is dangerous indeed MMCMiranda (FM) : a5? Bf2+ sitparkcin (FM) : a5 ?? sitparkcin (FM) : no one would do a5' 63...h5 '04596' 64.Re5 '0410 sitparkcin (FM) : nxh5 are you joking sitparkcin (FM) : cant argue with a idiot sitparkcin (FM) : your right nxh5 is awesome lol MMCMiranda (FM) : My perrot would draw this.. MMCMiranda (FM) : My perrot is a genious! MightyViking (IM) : Carlsen has won more games than Anand. sitparkcin (FM) : white is trying to win here not black' 64...Ae2 '04298 sitparkcin (FM) : not sure complicated if you count the pieces i believe white has more Cowboystiefel (FM) : there is no luck in chess sitparkcin (FM) : this is why im here MightyViking (IM) : As a GM said earlier today: "Topalov should go back to cheating" Pliskin (IM) : chess is luck for the most. When I want a real strategical game I play dices ;-)' 65.Cde4 '044' 65...Ac1 '047 Cowboystiefel (FM) : there is always a chance' 66.Cd5 '0418' 66...Rg4 '049' 67.Ce3+ '0410' 67...Rf3 '0411' 68.Cg5+ '0410 Ng5 (IM) : check ! Tiko (GM) : is it the last control with no increments ? Ng5 (IM) : white will win, Ng5 always wins' 68...Rg3 '0496 MMCMiranda (FM) : if he stays there...Ng5' 69.Re4 '047' 69...Ab5 '0413' 70.Ad6+ '0412' 70...Rf2 '042' 71.Ch3+ '042' 71...Re2 '044' 72.Cf4+ '044' 72...Rd2 '042' 73.Cxh5 '0423' 73...Ad3+ '0423' 74.Rd5 '0430' 74...Rc3 '0419' 75.Cd1+ '0419' 75...Rb3 '0413' 76.Cf6 '0438' 76...Ad2 '0461' 77.Ce4 '0427 MightyViking (IM) : On Playchess Magnus said that he had to show Topalov the draw again... Neveris (GM) : finger magnus MightyViking (IM) : Poor Shirov. So much work for so little.' [77.Ce4 Axe4+ 78.Rxe4 Axb4 79.Axb4 Rxb4=] 1/2-1/2

(4) Ivanchuk,V (2751) - Radjabov,T (2735) [B33]
Morelia/Linares Linares (12), 04.03.2008

1.e4 c5 2.Cf3 Cc6 3.Cc3 e6 4.d4 cxd4 5.Cxd4 Cf6 6.Cdb5 d6 7.Af4 e5 8.Ag5 a6 9.Ca3 b5 10.Axf6 gxf6 11.Cd5 Ag7 12.c3 '0475' 12...f5 '041' 13.exf5 '046' 13...Axf5 '041' 14.Cc2 '045' 14...Ae6 '0457' 15.g3 '04314' 15...0-0 '043' 16.Ag2 '047' 16...f5 '041494' 17.0-0 '0411' 17...a5 '048' 18.Te1 '049' 18...Tc8 Diagram

'04501 VerdeNotte (GM) : Nd4!?' 19.Cce3N '04140' [RR 19.Dd2 Rh8 20.a4 (20.Tad1 e4 21.f4 b4 22.Cce3 bxc3 23.bxc3 a4 24.g4 fxg4 25.Axe4 Ce7 26.Df2 Axd5 27.Cxd5 Cxd5 28.Axd5 Axc3 29.Te4 a3 30.Rh1 Df6 31.De2 Dh4 32.Tg1 Tb8 33.Txg4 Dh5 Svidler,P (2635)-Filippov,V (2510)/Kazan 1995/CBM 051/1/2-1/2 (38)) 20...b4 21.cxb4 e4 22.Cf4 Ag8 23.b5 Ce5 24.Ce3 d5 25.Cfxd5 Cd3 26.Cf4 Cxe1 27.Dxe1 Dd4 28.Ah3 Dc5 29.Dxa5 Axb2 30.Td1 Ad4 31.Txd4 Dxd4 32.b6 Ta8 33.Db5 Txa4 34.Axf5 Tb4 Baumegger,S (2413)-Jakovenko,D (2596)/Izmir TUR 2004/The Week in Chess 518/0-1 (62); RR 19.Ca3 Ca7 20.Dd2 e4 21.Tad1 Ae5 22.Cc2 Rh8 23.Dh6 De8 24.Cce3 Cc6 25.a3 Dg6 26.Dh4 Df7 27.Td2 Tb8 28.Ted1 Axd5 29.Txd5 Ce7 30.T5d2 Tg8 31.Rh1 Tg6 32.f4 exf3 33.Axf3 Dg7 Ivanchuk,V (2717)-Leko,P (2745)/Monte Carlo 2001/CD PDR/0-1 (41)] 19...Rh8 '0421' 20.Dh5 '04120' 20...b4 '04633' 21.Tad1 '0421' 21...bxc3 '0447' 22.bxc3 '0411' 22...Ce7 '04192' 23.c4 '0457 Sauerkraut (GM) : maybe Nc6 heading to d4' 23...Cxd5 '04481' 24.Axd5 '0411' 24...Df6 '04516 armandomontes (IM) : hola armandomontes (IM) : a todos armandomontes (IM) : espero todos esten bien armandomontes (IM) : saludos armandomontes (IM) : a que te refieres armandomontes (IM) : las partidas van hoy luchadas armandomontes (IM) : haciendo fuerza para que clasifique nuestro MI EDuardo Iturrizaga armandomontes (IM) : haciendo Tables debe estar en la Final del Iberoamericano armandomontes (IM) : parece que Bruzon se metio en una combinacion buena pero solo para Tablas armandomontes (IM) : con ellas Eduardo debe estar en la Final armandomontes (IM) : esperando el Resultado de Bachman' 25.Te2 '041672' 25...f4 '04645' 26.Ae4 '04603' 26...Dh6 '04412' 27.Dxh6 '0417' 27...Axh6 '0411' 28.Txd6 '0412' 28...fxe3 '0419' 29.Txe6 '0419' 29...exf2+ '046' 30.Rf1 '048' 30...Txc4 '0422 Sauerkraut (GM) : rxf2 Sauerkraut (GM) : is draw Drahacik (FM) : Rf2 Rf2 Kf2 Re4 Rh6 Ra4 Re6 drawing easily the rook ending Drahacik (FM) : white is not trying to win this position Drahacik (FM) : because he's worse... smart to go for a drawing line Drahacik (FM) : Ra4 at the end is nothing, Re6 wins the e-pawn and draws D-Fridman (GM) : Rc6 or Rf2 = mharize (WIM) : Rf2 mharize (WIM) : Bd5 kickflip89 mharize (WIM) : easy draw with Rf2 mharize (WIM) : Rc6, and white still can play to win mharize (WIM) : but i think is a dead draw VerdeNotte (GM) : draw' 31.Tc6 '042968' 31...Txc6 '0410' 32.Axc6 '0412' 32...Ag7 '0410' 33.Ae4 '049' 33...Tf6 '048' 34.Tb2 '0413 VerdeNotte (GM) : DRAW? VerdeNotte (GM) : Bh6 perhaps MMCMiranda (FM) : white wants more than draw VerdeNotte (GM) : won't get it vogonprotestnik (IM) : I prefer Bd4 Booth' 34...Af8 '04208' 35.Tb5 '04243' 35...a4 '0472' 36.Txe5 '0439 Cronope (IM) : *' 36...a3 '041319' 37.Af5 '0410' 37...Th6 '0445' 38.h4 '047' 38...Ad6 '049' 39.Te8+ '0410' 39...Rg7 '049' 40.Rxf2 '0416' 40...Tf6 '0435' 41.g4 '0424' 41...h5 '047' 42.Rf3 '049' 42...hxg4+ '049' 43.Rxg4 '049' 43...Tf8 '048 ninguno (IM) : wasn't Rb6 better than Rh6?' 44.Te6 '049' 44...Tf6 '0410' 45.Te3 '048 VerdeNotte (GM) : this is drawn surely ninguno (IM) : Rb6-b2 looked simpler' 45...Ab4 '04241' 46.h5 '049' 46...Td6 '049 kava (IM) : re7 kf6 Smallville (GM) : Ivanchuk will now think for 1 hour and flag Smallville (GM) : He has done that before btw Smallville (GM) : yep Smallville (GM) : Losing in that manner is bad LozCooper (IM) : anyeway, enough of this crap, big game for arsenal tnoight LozCooper (IM) : mis lol VerdeNotte (GM) : Chucky's clock still ticking Sikandar (IM) : Whats the result here? Sikandar (IM) : Chucky resigned? playlikestevie (IM) : hihi Ng5 (IM) : now can you forget Ng5 (IM) : how can you forget Ng5 Sikandar (IM) : Its true guys Sikandar (IM) : 'The game is over Ng5 (IM) : nothing Ng5 (IM) : Man U 0-0 Lyon' 47.Ae6 '043142' 47...Rf6 '0412' 48.Ab3 '049' 48...Td4+ '047' 49.Rf3 '049' 49...Ad2 '047' 50.Te6+ '049' 50...Rg5 '048' 51.Te5+ '0412' 51...Rh6 Sikandar (IM) : Anyone knows the result of this game? Tim (DM) : any result here yet? Tim (DM) : Is there any official result here yet? VerdeNotte (GM) : the religion of the aristocracy :P '049 chacalito (IM) : jake chacalito (IM) : lae chacalito (IM) : hola amigos que tal como les va en sus clases de coligio peero lles informo que soy muy capo y quiero enseñar ajedrez jugandp PapMisa (IM) : hehe' 52.Re2 0435 52...Ag5 045 53.Ta5 047 53...Rxh5 046 54.Txa3 046 54...Rg4 044 55.Ae6+ 044 55...Rf4 044 56.Ah3 044 56...Re5 045 57.Ta5+ 047 57...Td5 045 58.Txd5+ 048 Neveris (GM) : draw? Neveris (GM) : god does exist.. its me. MightyViking (IM) : Differing religious claims are mutually exclusive. By simple logical deduction at least all but one must be false. MightyViking (IM) : Since thay claim an absolute truth, thay have to believe that only they are right, and all others are wrong. MightyViking (IM) : "offroff : one or zero religons are 100 true, that's for sure" correct! MightyViking (IM) : Lone-Tiger, A specific claim about the reality is either right or wrong. MightyViking (IM) : kareltje, What's the difference between those religions then? MightyViking (IM) : kareltje, Can you name any two such religions? MightyViking (IM) : But if the religions are so hazy that they don't claim anything specific, they can't be right about anything either. 1/2-1/2

Recibid un cordial saludo!,

Angel Jiménez Arteaga


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