lunes, 18 de febrero de 2008

Torneo de Morelia/Linares 2008

3ª Ronda : Morelia, 17-2-2008

Topalov-Ivanchuk (3)

¡Bien por Topi!. ¡Que gran partida!. Me recordó a Bobby Fischer!!. De momento ya está con 2,5 puntos de 3 posibles. Se vino a Morelia con todo!!.

Fue una Defensa Siciliana, Ataque Inglés. ¡Qué bien lo contó el GM uruguayo Andrés Rodríguez en el vídeo resumen para el ICC. Creo que esta idea de comentar las partidas por vídeo en español, en un periodo de no más de veinte minutos por partida, es acertadísima!!. Se aprende ajedrez muy rápido. ¡La de maestros nóveles que podrán salir a partir de ahora en un futuro!, sean del sitio que sean del mundo. Estamos empezando a usar esta tecnología y qué ocurrirá cuando se haga así con todas las partidas teóricas que necesitemos para progresar en una o en otra variante.

Ya en idioma inglés se ha venido haciendo, pero faltaba que se pusieran manos a la obra en el idioma de Cervantes (!?).


Las blancas como siempre hacen en esta línea, atacan por el flanco de rey y las negras por el de dama. Lo más curioso es que Topalov, fiel a su estilo, le metió mucho dinamismo a su posición con un Da3! y con su movimiento de rey al centro (Re2!) que fue una sutileza en aras de tener una máxima coordinación con sus piezas, para terminar con una feroz entrega de peón que Ivanchuk ya inferior no se atrevió a tomar.

Lo que siguió fue una gran presión posicional y esta vez otra entrega de peón pero por parte de Ivanchuk, que liberaba su casilla "e5" pero que tampoco le valdría para solventar sus problemas defensivos.

Topalov con gran técnica (una vez que la fase táctica le funcionó a las mil maravillas) dispuso el cambio de cuantas piezas "quiso" y se impuso limpiamente en un final de caballos, totalmente inoperativo para el GM ucranio.

Con este gran arranque y conociendo a Topalov, me apunto a pensar que este torneo lo ganará él. ¡Al tiempo!.

En la actualidad hay jugadores posiblemente más técnicos que él y a lo mejor hasta más fuertes, pero más brillantes no. ¡Eso seguro!.

Topalov,V (2780) - Ivanchuk,V (2751) [B90]
Morelia/Linares Morelia (3), 17.02.2008

MightyViking (IM) : Cuz he's the black sheep of chess. MightyViking (IM) : Who has the longest handle on ICC? 1.e4 040 1...c5 0464 2.Cf3 042 2...d6 04245 3.d4 042 3...cxd4 0422 4.Cxd4 042 4...Cf6 042 5.Cc3 042 5...a6 042 6.Ae3 04191 6...e5 0432 7.Cb3 042 7...Ae6 042 8.f3 0474 8...Cbd7 0474 9.g4 0421 9...b5 04106 10.g5 042 10...b4 0432 11.Cd5 042 11...Cxd5 042 12.exd5 042 12...Af5 0411 13.Ad3 042 13...Axd3 042 14.Dxd3 0421 14...Ae7 0496 15.h4 042 [15.Tg1 0-0 16.0-0-0 a5 17.Rb1 (17.Cd2 f5 18.gxf6 Cxf6 19.f4 Cd7 20.Tg4 Tf7 21.Tdg1 exf4 22.Axf4 Cc5 23.Dg3 Af8 24.Ae3 Tc8 25.Rb1 Dd7 1/2-1/2 Adams,M (2731)-Svidler,P (2686)/Moscow 2001/CBM 086 (50)) 17...f5 18.gxf6 Cxf6 19.f4 e4 20.De2 Dc8 21.Tg5 h6 22.Tg6 Tf7 23.Cd4 Cxd5 0-1 Ivanchuk,V (2748)-Bu Xiangzhi (2637)/Stepanakert 2005/CBM 110 (45)] 15...a5 04627 16.a3 04180 [16.0-0-0 0-0 17.Rb1 (17.Cd2 f5 (17...a4 18.Rb1 f5 19.f4 Dc7 20.Cc4 exf4 21.Ad4 Cc5 22.Axc5 Dxc5 1/2-1/2 Leko,P (2743)-Kasparov,G (2838)/Bled 2002/EXT 2003 (54)) 18.gxf6 Cxf6 19.h5 Dc8 20.h6 g6 21.Thg1 (21.Tdg1 Rh8 22.f4 Da6 23.Cc4 Tfc8 24.b3 a4 25.fxe5 dxe5 26.d6 axb3 27.axb3 Td8 28.Ag5 Cg8 29.De3 Axg5 30.Txg5 Txd6 31.Cxd6 Dxd6 32.Rb1 1-0 Svidler,P (2689)-Gallagher,J (2514)/Biel 2000/CBM 079 (35)) 21...Rh8 22.f4 Cg4 23.fxe5 Cxe5 24.Ad4 Af6 25.De3 Dc7 26.Ce4 Tac8 27.Tg2 Rg8 28.Dh3 Tce8 29.Tf2 Ah8 30.Txf8+ Rxf8 1/2-1/2 Shirov,A (2726)-Svidler,P (2713)/Wijk aan Zee 1999/CBM 069 (41)) 17...f5 18.Cd2 Dc7 (18...Dc8 19.f4 Da6 20.Dxa6 Txa6 21.Cc4 Tc8 22.b3 Ad8 23.The1 Rf7 24.Ac1 Txc4 25.bxc4 e4 26.Ab2 Ab6 27.Te2 Ac5 28.h5 Rf8 29.Ad4 Axd4 30.Txd4 Cc5 1/2-1/2 Ponomariov,R (2743)-Anand,V (2755)/Mainz 2002/CBM 091 (40)) 19.Cc4 a4 20.Thf1 g6 21.b3 Tfe8 22.f4 Af8 23.h5 exf4 24.Txf4 Ag7 25.hxg6 hxg6 26.Dd2 Cc5 27.Dxb4 axb3 28.cxb3 Teb8 29.Axc5 Txb4 30.Axb4 1/2-1/2 Anand,V (2803)-Bu Xiangzhi (2640)/Turin 2006/CBM 113 (40)] 16...a4 04626 17.Cd2 042 17...Tb8 042 syaherr (IM) : Tokhtamysh did not failed and take Moscow 1382 18.axb4 04831 18...Txb4 0421 syaherr (IM) : yes Juarez, Tokhtamysh 1382, Lzhe-Dmitri I 1605 and lzhe-Dmitri II 1607 captured Moscow Buffon (IM) : the state did 19.Da3! Diagram

04415 Dworkin (IM) : qb8 ra2 Dworkin (IM) : does black can protect a pawn? 19...Db8 041518 20.c3 0432 20...Txb2 0475 21.Dxa4 042 21...Tb7 042 HellasPutzer (IM) : ke2 22.Re2! Diagram

04301 HellasPutzer (IM) : ke2 |Rb2 Rhb1 Neveris (GM) : 1-0 HellasPutzer (IM) : 0-0 Thb1 thretens Qc6 HellasPutzer (IM) : 0-0 Thb1 thretens Qc6 , Rc8 Rb7 Qb7 Qa7 look like trouble, maybe 0-0 is unplayable.... Neveris (GM) : i think chukky will resign to the computer Neveris (GM) : think? i know it i sold him his laptop HellasPutzer (IM) : maybe Bd8 and Ke7 Neveris (GM) : i dont need a bot to see that whites winning Neveris (GM) : please turn it off Neveris (GM) : kibitzers should be banned from using comps SilikonaPub (FM) : neveris just use set kib 1 :) HellasPutzer (IM) : sirjohn White possible winning Neveris (GM) : topalov is the strongest player in the world when he remembers to turn his comp on Neveris (GM) : sometimes he forgets Neveris (GM) : apparently his fitness coaches are dwain chambers and marion jones Neveris (GM) : well i think white is winning and im a gm, well i was last time i looked Neveris (GM) : kramnik is on a russian state pension so couldnt afford a proper comp 22...Tc7 04732 israpu (GM) : Rhb1 Qc8 Qa8 with clear edge israpu (GM) : yeahh:_) israpu (GM) : after changing Qs its looks clear SilikonaPub (FM) : it's amazing for me that a GM could think Topalov is using rybka... israpu (GM) : sac c3 pawn for getting Rs on the 7th... israpu (GM) : Ne4 coming etc israpu (GM) : Topi is playing as super Rybka:-) 23.Thb1 04300 23...Dc8 042 israpu (GM) : than change Q and c4 SilikonaPub (FM) : rybka can "see all" in the next 6 moves, then is totallly blind :) israpu (GM) : no point to discuss this sir johen:-) israpu (GM) : with K on g8 compare to Ke2 in edngame... is very clear israpu (GM) : Maybe Bb6 now israpu (GM) : looks almost winning israpu (GM) : Bb6 R:c3 Ne4 Rc2+ Kd1 israpu (GM) : than on Rc4 Rc1!! olala HellasPutzer (IM) : Bb6 line no Rc2+, just Rc4 immediately still Rc1 :) israpu (GM) : Bb6 is stronger israpu (GM) : Bb6 R:c3 Ne4 Rc2+ Kd1 israpu (GM) : than on Rc4 Rc1!! olala 24.Ab6 04239 HellasPutzer (IM) : ! israpu (GM) : looks almost winning HellasPutzer (IM) : Rb7 israpu (GM) : too easy tactics for such guy SilikonaPub (FM) : israpu is a kind of superb rybka too :)) israpu (GM) : I see well when I am out of the game,without stress:-) israpu (GM) : naked totaly israpu (GM) : and is not a nudist beach...chuki forgot it... israpu (GM) : R:c3 Rc1! is fantastic HellasPutzer (IM) : Rb7, Qc6, 0-0, Bd8!?? SilikonaPub (FM) : chuky is not in sitges? :) israpu (GM) : hellas show nice drunk lines :-) israpu (GM) : Rybka confirm my Ne4 as well guys? Neveris (GM) : topa will kiss his comp after the game israpu (GM) : just his head Neveris:-) Neveris (GM) : what happens after rc3? Neveris (GM) : oh Neveris (GM) : nasty Neveris (GM) : ne4 and rc1 SilikonaPub (FM) : neveris, you say some things that should be forbidden for a GM Neveris (GM) : why? israpu (GM) : Rc1 0-0 R:c3 Q:c3Q:d7 Q:a1 Q:e7 Qa6+! MMCMiranda (FM) : what if Rxc3? Neveris (GM) : nothing is forbidden Neveris (GM) : its a free country... Neveris (GM) : u dont believe in free speech? 24...Tb7 04427 SilikonaPub (FM) : yes, but to doubt that topalov finds his moves by himself looks to me... ridiculous? israpu (GM) : ofcourse he find them alone,stop this paranoya chess stuff :-) Neveris (GM) : no, he uses comp Neveris (GM) : :-) Neveris (GM) : im jesting Neveris (GM) : why are people so serious Neveris (GM) : mind u everyone in athletics cheats israpu (GM) : the biggest danger in playing too much chess is getting paranoid,too much suspicious about all :-) SilikonaPub (FM) : maybe my awful english can't take ironic :) israpu (GM) : anyway could be nice to have this chip Topi use:-) Neveris (GM) : im censored? Neveris (GM) : it could be worse in iraq i would have my hands cut off VoinG (IM) : yes, jadwin, and 1c6.. Neveris (GM) : nc4 PapMisa (IM) : Qc6 hmmm Neveris (GM) : qc6? is that possible? 25.Aa7 04287 israpu (GM) : with R:b7 and Qc6 idea israpu (GM) : looks great Neveris (GM) : icc couldnt afford me. HellasPutzer (IM) : sir john still think Black ok? Celine (IM) : chucky in the ropes HellasPutzer (IM) : same mess I think as 0-0 Neveris (GM) : chess. is. hard. very hard. Neveris (GM) : ba7 is... a comp move israpu (GM) : when Gm's can't find a move they call it 'a comp move' :-)) Neveris (GM) : gnom , what is the command to censor sore gms? type: cens people who r much better than u SilikonaPub (FM) : I think 1.e4 is an alien move from Saturn Neveris (GM) : "neveris, you may be a funny person, but your chess comments are pretty useless" and your title is??? Neveris (GM) : and yours are? israpu (GM) : lol Neveris (GM) : strange that you think you are qualified to comment... Neveris (GM) : get your rating up first methinks Neveris (GM) : past the 1200 barrier... Neveris (GM) : you are all taking it way too seriously Neveris (GM) : how old am i? Neveris (GM) : im 12 i was made in a factory in the ukraine israpu (GM) : olala,what an attack on Neveris,leave him to relax and enjoy some chess guys :-) Neveris (GM) : what do u expect, its not like i get paid to write on here, why shouldnt i say what i like? SilikonaPub (FM) : olala these GMs are bad for chess image... 25...e4 04547 Neveris (GM) : i love this a multi attack. bring it on! Neveris (GM) : can we get back to the kibitzing please Neveris (GM) : why would i want, or care that you respect my comments? israpu (GM) : we all are insulted by need for more:-) PapMisa (IM) : hehe PapMisa (IM) : Hello Arthur how are u? ;-) Neveris (GM) : fidelito is a nobody Neveris (GM) : (nap) SilikonaPub (FM) : I'm gonna sleep, enough for today Neveris (GM) : oh im sorry, i forgot u sent me that cheque for analysing on the icc.. pmsl Herman (IM) : Ivanchuk hates Topalov? Neveris (GM) : yeah well said faq Neveris (GM) : fidelito isnt qualified to say my chess analysis is bad, he's just irked by my comments, and wants some revenge. Neveris (GM) : does anyone want a ruck? Neveris (GM) : its a joke dont take it so seriously... Neveris (GM) : whats wrong with u guys.. if u take icc this seriously i fear for your hopes in real life.. or maybe this is real life for u? Neveris (GM) : im a neverbody Neveris (GM) : i dont exist im a program Neveris (GM) : i started off as a real person and morphed into the icc Neveris (GM) : brit is correct Neveris (GM) : britt eklund Neveris (GM) : anyway i have 2 go now, theres a good film coming on Neveris (GM) : lol yes ive been rumbled, hi here its nigel 26.fxe4 04510 Neveris (GM) : i could be anyone for all you know, i could be your darkest fantasy Neveris (GM) : whos parsifal Neveris (GM) : wasnt he that knight from that tale Pliskin (IM) : wasnt possible to take on e4 by the knight? Neveris (GM) : who r u stendal? luke mcshane? Pliskin (IM) : wasnt possible to take on e4 with the knight? Pliskin (IM) : e4 isnt the best square for this knight??? and which square is better? Neveris (GM) : anand winning apparently Neveris (GM) : is the kid psyched out by anand Neveris (GM) : he seems to resemble a bad 2200 player when playing vishy PapMisa (IM) : haha knowledge prevails... Neveris (GM) : whos ray keene? Pliskin (IM) : I cant believe it bigbadbarry, too long to reach c6 while e4 was at disposal at once kava (IM) : 0-0 Rxb7 Qxb7 Qc6! Neveris (GM) : is he the one that writes all those terrible books? Pliskin (IM) : maybe some tactical lines Pliskin (IM) : I cant understand fe4, someone can explain to me? Jinn (IM) : hi Jinn (IM) : hellloooooooooooooooooou Pliskin (IM) : Ne4 keep pressure on d6, defend c3 Neveris (GM) : whos keith arkell? Neveris (GM) : dont taint him with my brush! Celine (IM) : anand is winning .. 26...Txb1 04499 27.Txb1 042 27...0-0 042 Pliskin (IM) : black can get some counterplay with f6 to follow Pliskin (IM) : black is treatening Ne5 and Qg4, as well as f6 opening lines against white king 28.Dc6! Diagram

04139 28...Ce5 042 29.Dxc8 0421 29...Txc8 042 Pliskin (IM) : Rb8 is not good? Pliskin (IM) : it looks lost now, I cant understand Chuky sometimes, he went astray Pliskin (IM) : Bd4 or Rb7 are almost the same and they are good, but from technical pint of view, it looks better to trade pieces with Rb8 Celine (IM) : carlsen is dead lost. Pliskin (IM) : Carlen is about to resign I think Pliskin (IM) : rules say: when u are a pawn up trade pieces, so Rb8 looks soundest move 30.Tb8 04491 Greysky (FM) : lol xD 30...Txb8 0422 Pliskin (IM) : no risk, play simple 31.Axb8 042 Pliskin (IM) : c4-c5 is a treat Pliskin (IM) : I cant see how black can escape this Pliskin (IM) : a piece? how? Pliskin (IM) : as Nf3-d4-f5 (c6) Pliskin (IM) : it looks over to me, no chanches fr black Pliskin (IM) : only chanches probably is h6 and activate his king on the king side Pliskin (IM) : Kf8 is slower! ;-) Pliskin (IM) : I agree gunslinger, but how? 31...Rf8 04357 32.Cf3 0411 Greysky (FM) : if white manages to swap knights, i think it´s won. Pliskin (IM) : ok, here is simply a matter of time Pliskin (IM) : black is going to resign soon Pliskin (IM) : bad day for chuky today Pliskin (IM) : f6 loses at once, Ne5 Pliskin (IM) : f6 Ne5 fe5 c4 and c5, 1-0 32...Cg6 04393 33.c4 04360 Pliskin (IM) : he's treatening simply c5 33...Re8 0498 Pliskin (IM) : e5 now? 34.e5! Diagram

0453 34...Rd7 042 Pliskin (IM) : Ke3 35.Rd3 0446 Pliskin (IM) : Ke3 and black can resign Pliskin (IM) : sorry, Kd3, mistake 35...h6 0452 Pliskin (IM) : Ke4 Pliskin (IM) : draw gunslinger? Pliskin (IM) : are u drunk? Ng5 (IM) : surprised chucky hasnt resigned Pliskin (IM) : is it strange to see chuky keep on playing this endgame, usually he resigns 36.exd6 04195 Ng5 (IM) : very easy auto win 36...Axd6 042 37.Axd6 042 37...Rxd6 042 Pliskin (IM) : and Kd4, c5 etc 38.gxh6 0422 38...gxh6 0421 39.Rd4 042 Pliskin (IM) : gunslinger is drunk, he assets this position as draw, lol! Ng5 (IM) : only 3.6 ? just wait 39...f6 0442 40.c5+ 042 40...Rd7 0423 Pliskin (IM) : in Italy we say: if my grandfather should have wheels he would be a car! Pliskin (IM) : Ke4-f5 Pliskin (IM) : no, di Torino 41.Re4 04169 Pliskin (IM) : piu' o mneo e' quello che cercavo di dire io,non so se esiste un detto simile in inglese Pliskin (IM) : but I cant remember a single war austrian won against italian, lol! Pliskin (IM) : thx brian, I hopw it's understandable anyway, the meaning 41...h5 04109 Pliskin (IM) : when you can take an holiday, Italy is a beauthiful land for tourism, not to live maybe 42.d6 04106 Pliskin (IM) : ok, u can take simply a sport channel ;-) 42...Re6 0443 43.Cd4+ 0421 43...Rd7 042 44.Cf5 0443 Pliskin (IM) : zugzwang 44...Ce5 0432 Pliskin (IM) : knight moves, Kd5, King move Ne7 45.Rd5 0464 45...Cc6 042 Pliskin (IM) : almost every moves wins 46.Cd4 0443 Pliskin (IM) : I cant understand why Chuky played this boring and simple endgame, totally lost from the beginning 1-0

Aronian-Radjabov (3)

La partida más anodina de todas las disputadas hasta ahora. En España, antes de irnos a la cama, ya había acabado… .

Ya Radjabov había jugado recientemente en Odessa, la tierra de Efim Geller (!?), esta variante contra el GM ruso Alexander Grischuk. Entonces, las blancas intentaron poner en aprietos a su rival, pero al final no lo consiguieron y la partida terminó en empate. Al menos aquel fue luchado.

Aronian, que también había practicado esta línea con blancas, en España en el año 2004, permitió ahora fácilmente a las negras entrar en una variante de cambios que llevaron a una posición insípida en donde ambos contrincantes se repartieron el punto sin mucha dilación.

Aronian,L (2739) - Radjabov,T (2735) [E61]
Morelia/Linares Morelia (3), 17.02.2008

MightyViking (IM) : Kosovo is free? According to whom? MightyViking (IM) : Once again: According to whom? 1.d4 040 1...Cf6 043 2.c4 044 2...g6 0414 3.Cc3 043 3...Ag7 043 4.g3 043 MightyViking (IM) : That Kosovo declares itself independent doesn't mean it is independent. 4...c5 0457 5.Cf3 0423 5...cxd4 0421 6.Cxd4 043 6...0-0 0417 7.Ag2 043 7...Dc7 0437 8.b3 043 [8.Dd3 - 26/66; 8.Da4 d6 9.Ccb5 Dd8 10.0-0 a6 11.Cc3 Ad7 12.Dd1 Cc6 13.b3 Cxd4 14.Dxd4 Ac6 15.Ab2 Ce4 16.De3 Cxc3 17.Axc3 Axc3 18.Dxc3 Axg2 19.Rxg2 Dc7 20.Dd3 Tfc8 1/2-1/2 Drozdovskij,Y (2558)-Radjabov,T (2747)/Odessa 2007/CBM 119 (39)] 8...d5 0425 [8...Cc6] 9.0-0 04110 AllGunsBlazing (IM) : radja will win MightyViking (IM) : Some kind of Grünfeld-King's Indian. [9.Cdb5 Da5 10.Ad2 dxc4 11.bxc4 Dd8 12.0-0 a6 13.Ca3 Af5! 14.Cc2 Cc6 15.Ce3 Dd4= Gelfand,B (2700)-Sokolov,I (2665)/Wijk aan Zee 1996/Inf 65 16.Tc1 Ae4 17.Cxe4 Cxe4 18.Ae1 Cc5 19.Axc6 bxc6 20.Dxd4 Axd4 21.Cc2 Af6 22.Aa5 Tab8 23.Tb1 Tb7 24.Txb7 Cxb7 25.Ab6 1/2-1/2 Aronian,L (2675)-Nataf,I (2565)/Mallorca 2004/CBM 104 (57); 9.Axd5 Cxd5 10.Cxd5 Dd8 11.Ag5 f6 12.Ae3 e6 13.Cc3 Da5 14.Ad2 f5 15.e3 Dd8 16.0-0 e5 17.Cde2 Cc6 18.Cd5 Ae6 19.Ac3 Dd7 20.Dd2 Tad8 21.Tad1 Df7 22.f4 b5 23.fxe5 bxc4 24.bxc4 Cxe5 25.Axe5 Axe5 26.Cef4 1-0 Garcia,R (2420)-Todorcevic,M/Skopje 1972/EXT 2000 (33)] 9...dxc4 0465 10.Ccb5 0424 10...Dd8 0490 [10...Db6 11.bxc4 a6 12.Cc3 Td8 13.Ae3 e6 14.Db3 Dc7 15.Tad1 Cbd7 16.Ca4 Cg4 17.Ag5 Af6 18.Axf6 Cdxf6 19.Db6 Td7 20.c5 Tb8 21.Da7 e5 22.Cc6 bxc6 23.Txd7 1-0 Tkachiev,V (2645)-Vachier Lagrave,M (2577)/Besancon 2006/CBM 113 ext] 11.bxc4 043 11...a6 04206 12.Cc3 0419 12...Cg4 043 13.e3 043 13...Cc6 Diagram

0434 14.Tb1? 044 kava (IM) : Nxd4 Bxd4 Nd5 with initiative for white [14.Cce2 Cge5 15.Dc2 Dc7 16.c5 Ag4 17.Tb1 Tad8 18.h3 Axe2 19.Dxe2 Cxd4 20.exd4 Cc6 21.Af4 Dc8 22.d5 Cd4 23.De4 Dxc5 24.Txb7 e6 25.d6 Cf5 26.d7 e5 27.Ae3 Cxe3 28.Dxe3 Dd6 29.Tb6 Dxd7 30.Txa6 f5 31.Ta7 De6 32.Tb1 Td7 33.Tb6 De7 34.Tbb7 Txb7 35.Txb7 Df6 36.Ad5+ Rh8 37.Db6 Dxb6 38.Txb6 e4 39.a4 Ad4 40.Tb4 Ac5 41.Tb5 Ad4 42.Tb4 Ac5 43.Tb5 Ad4 44.Tb4 Ac5 1/2-1/2 Grischuk,A (2711)-Radjabov,T (2735)/Odessa UKR 2008/The Week in Chess 687] 14...Cxe3 04209 15.Axe3 0492 [15.fxe3 Cxd4=] 15...Axd4 0491 16.Axd4 04446 16...Dxd4 04230 17.Dxd4 04246 17...Cxd4 0422 lusar (IM) : Rfe1 18.Cd5 04114 18...Rg7 04979 19.Cxe7 04396 19...Ae6 0468 20.Cd5 04702 20...Tac8 04364 21.Ce3 043 21...b5 04137 22.cxb5 0421 22...axb5 04136 23.Tb2 04115 23...Tfd8 0469 24.Td1 04182 1/2-1/2

Leko-Shirov (3)

Leko y Shirov repitieron la partida Carlsen-Ivanchuk de la primera ronda de este torneo. Allí las blancas no lograron gran cosa y aquí tampoco.

Las negras se quedaron con su típica debilidad en "d6" mientras que ocupaban a cambio la columna "c", al tiempo que abrían más tarde también la columna "f", con lo que obtuvieron el suficiente contrajuego para no pasar apuro alguno.

Se cambiaron un par de torres y las damas y la partida derivó en tablas, en una línea en la que Rybka encuentra un curioso camino hacia el empate.

Leko,P (2753) - Shirov,A (2755) [A00]
Morelia/Linares Morelia (3), 17.02.2008
[ICC/Rybka 2.3.2a mp 32-bit]

1.e4 040 1...c5 043 2.Cf3 043 2...d6 0422 3.d4 043 3...cxd4 043 4.Cxd4 0411 4...Cf6 043 5.Cc3 043 5...a6 043 6.Ae3 0411 6...e5 043 7.Cf3 0496 7...Ae7 0411 8.Ac4 043 8...0-0 043 Psychojonesy (FM) : draw 9.0-0 0422 9...Ae6 04264 10.Ab3 04159 10...Cc6 04522 11.De2 04423 11...Ca5 041171 12.Tfd1 0453 12...Cxb3 0421 13.cxb3 Diagram

043 13...Db8 04606 [13...Cd7 1/2-1/2 Carlsen,M (2733)-Ivanchuk,V (2751)/Morelia 2008/ (39) ] 14.Ag5 04390 14...b5 04542 15.Td3 04545 [15.Ce1 h6 16.Axf6 Axf6 17.Cc2 Ad8 18.Cb4 Ab6 19.Ccd5 Ac5 20.Cc6 Db7 21.b4 Axd5 22.exd5 Ab6 23.a4 Tfe8 24.Rf1 bxa4 25.Txa4 Dc8 26.Tda1 Df5 27.g3 e4 28.Txa6 Txa6 29.Txa6 Axf2 30.Dxf2 Dxd5 31.De2 e3 32.Rg1 Dd2 33.Rf1 Dd5 34.Rg1 Dd2 1/2-1/2 Mainka,R (2455)-Skembris,S (2530)/Dortmund 1992/TD] 15...h6 04346 16.Axf6 04537 16...Axf6 043 17.Tad1 0421 17...Ae7 0464 18.Cd5 04898 18...Axd5 04435 19.Txd5 0411 19...Dc7 043 20.Ce1 04249 PapMisa (IM) : . vogonprotestnik (IM) : it seems Shirov is not ready for the Naydorf yet 20...Tac8 Diagram

04501 Silluger (FM) : najdorf is pretty sweet Celine (IM) : g3... Silluger (FM) : shirov really screwd up positionally here Silluger (FM) : well there are other alternatives.. shirov prob was just following anand's example Silluger (FM) : well if black can manage to trade bishop for knight and lose d6 pawn... get to a rook endgame... maybe... but I dont find that possible 21.g3 04396 Silluger (FM) : f5 doesnt do anything Silluger (FM) : lol I'm sure creating more light squared weaknesses would be sweet Silluger (FM) : all ur gnna do is give leko an easier time pentrating blacks kingside Silluger (FM) : only way for shirov to do anything is penetrate c-file 21...f5 04171 Silluger (FM) : hes not holding anything, theres no way for him to get through 22.exf5 0474 Silluger (FM) : pfft I voted for shirov on chessgames bookie :P 22...Txf5 0421 Silluger (FM) : he doesnt have anything... lol Silluger (FM) : += Jinn (IM) : hi Jinn (IM) : vamos shirov cargate a este notas Jinn (IM) : a este tio Jinn (IM) : por ahi por alla Jinn (IM) : es que tampoco habia nada por ver Jinn (IM) : el de bilbao gano Jinn (IM) : va mal el atleti Jinn (IM) : no esta muy fino ahora Jinn (IM) : jaja Jinn (IM) : eso no volvera a pasar nunca mas Jinn (IM) : 3 Jinn (IM) : madrid barça y atleti no? Jinn (IM) : altetic Jinn (IM) : se Jinn (IM) : aunque eso igual cambia .... Jinn (IM) : ;-) Jinn (IM) : si Jinn (IM) : debe ser la idea Jinn (IM) : pues este año me mola mas que otro años Jinn (IM) : san vuelto a hacer fuertes en san mames Jinn (IM) : dentro de lo que cabe Jinn (IM) : y yeste es durillo 23.De4 04813 Jinn (IM) : buff esto todavia esta muy fresco para saber quien ganara Jinn (IM) : pero me suena que algo asi Jinn (IM) : se consideraba igualdad Jinn (IM) : en un libro Jinn (IM) : es que el negro ha hecho la sutileza de obligar comer en b3 de peon de c Jinn (IM) : y eso beneficia un poco al negro Jinn (IM) : asi que yo me decantaria por decir que esto esta igualao 23...Tcf8 Diagram

04170 Celine (IM) : R5d2 Jinn (IM) : parece que el blanco tendra que hacer muchas jugadas para que pueda realizar la maniobra de caballo 24.T1d2 04204 Jinn (IM) : esta me gusta Jinn (IM) : asi evita algunos d5 Jinn (IM) : por ejemplo Rd5d2 Qb6 Qe2 d5 was a idea for black I think 24...h5 04861 25.Tc2 04303 25...Da7 0443 26.Cd3 04181 26...h4 043 27.Rg2 0449 27...hxg3 04292 28.hxg3 043 28...Dd7 0411 29.Tc1 04645 29...Th5 0433 Jinn (IM) : Rh1 30.Th1 04149 30...Txh1 0411 31.Rxh1 043 31...Df5 04657 32.Dxf5 0422 32...Txf5 Diagram

043 33.Rg2 04180 33...Rf7 043 34.Cb4 0451 34...Re6 0421 Silluger (FM) : Rd1 Silluger (FM) : white is still much better 35.Td1 0464 35...a5 0422 klaras (GM) : why should white be much better? 36.Cc6 0453 PapMisa (IM) : . klaras (GM) : black can give a pawn klaras (GM) : play d5 36...Tf8 04222 kava (IM) : d5 rxd5! first klaras (GM) : not at once klaras (GM) : rf8 nax5 d5 klaras (GM) : or nax5 ra8 b4 rc8,then d5 klaras (GM) : or nxa5 rc8 at once klaras (GM) : white's knight ll be terribly misplaced 37.Cxa5 04257 klaras (GM) : drawn already Heine (GM) : hist first draw in tis tourney? aries2 (IM) : position fairly ugly for leko aries2 (IM) : definitely yes shirov could play on aries2 (IM) : black has possibilities, i don't see risk [37.Cxa5 d5 38.a4 Ac5 39.f4 bxa4 40.bxa4 exf4 41.gxf4 Txf4 42.Tc1= Rybka.] 1/2-1/2

Carlsen-Anand (3)

Aronian que había perdido con blancas frente a Topalov en la primera ronda, fue capaz de recuperarse (!?) y ganar con las piezas negras a Anand en la segunda; pero ahora, Anand que no iba a ser menos, hace lo mismo y se rehace ganándole en esta tercera ronda a Magnus (también jugada !?).

¡Qué apasionante el Torneo de Morelia/Linares!. El espíritu de lucha siempre predomina en este evento maravilloso… .

La partida empezó con una Defensa Semieslava. Anand siguió un cauce teórico que ya había usado el año pasado en el Torneo de Mainz (Alemania) en donde las negras se comen un peón y es a las blancas a quien les corresponde tener la iniciativa.

El GM hindú fue ahora el primero en innovar de aquella partida.

Y se llegó a una posición que había sido jugada en un torneo celebrado en el año 2005 en nuestras queridas Islas Canarias, en Las Palmas, concretamente en una partida del entrañable GM español Juan Manuel Bellón.

Tras las veinte primeras jugadas se llegó a una posición donde Vishy había impuesto su ley. Estaba francamente mejor y conservaba su ventaja material, algo que hizo el juego de Magnus tremendamente tormentoso.

Lo curioso es que para Rybka, no hay demasiadas maneras para las blancas de mejorar la posición tras la apertura (!?).

Se puede decir que las negras se quedaron simplemente con un peón de más que ni siquiera estaba doblado.

Nada contento con su posición, el joven Magnus intentó alegrarla un poco sacrificando la calidad, pero al menos recuperando primero el peón y luego ganando otro, pero se llegó a un final de marcado cariz técnico que Anand desarrolló perfectamente hasta dar con la victoria.

Al menos el chaval luchó como un jabato, pero sin chances reales de tablas.

Tendrá que revisar la línea escogida. De cualquier forma parece que Magnus tiene a su bestia negra en el actual campeón del mundo (!?). ¡Buena escuela!.

Carlsen,M (2733) - Anand,V (2799) [D43]
Morelia/Linares Morelia (3), 17.02.2008
[ICC/Rybka 2.3.2a mp 32-bit]

MightyViking (IM) : Carlsson is the best MightyViking (IM) : I have never played against Carlsson. Analyzed with him though. He sees a lot, and is a nice fellow. MightyViking (IM) : pille is out there. Greysky (FM) : e4 or d4... who knows xD Greysky (FM) : both are interesting for his repertorie against Anand Greysky (FM) : maybe Nadjorf with 5.Nf3 again? 1.d4 040 1...d5 043 2.c4 043 Greysky (FM) : same as their last game... 2...c6 0411 Greysky (FM) : slav with .e3 3.Cf3 043 3...Cf6 043 4.Cc3 043 Greysky (FM) : e6 e3... 4...e6 0411 5.Ag5 043 5...h6 043 Greysky (FM) : Bg5!!!!!!!!! Greysky (FM) : new for Magnus,. I think :) He has already played .e3 6.Ah4 0421 6...dxc4 043 7.e4 043 7...g5 0411 Greysky (FM) : i think he has studied deep this line... 8.Ag3 043 8...b5 043 MightyViking (IM) : Nxf7 coming up? Greysky (FM) : :) I hope that Mighty!!! 9.Ce5 0421 9...h5 0443 [9...Ab7 10.h4 g4 (10...Tg8 11.hxg5 hxg5 12.Df3 De7 13.Ae2 Cbd7 14.Td1 0-0-0 15.Rf1 a6 16.b3 cxb3 17.axb3 Cxe5 18.Axe5 Cd7 19.Ag3 f6 20.Rg1 Ag7 21.De3 Th8 22.Txh8 Axh8 23.Ag4 c5 24.d5 Ce5 25.Axe6+ 1-0 Sasikiran,K (2670)-Rodriguez Guerrero,E (2464)/La Roche sur Yon 2006/CBM 112 (51)) 11.Cxg4 Cbd7 (11...Cxg4 12.Dxg4 Dxd4 13.Ae2 (13.Td1 Dg7 14.Df4 Ca6 15.a4 Ab4 16.Ae2 0-0 17.0-0 Cc5 18.De3 Cb3 19.axb5 Ac5 20.Df4 cxb5 21.Cxb5 Cd4 22.Cxd4 Axd4 23.Axc4 e5 24.Df3 Rh8 25.Txd4 exd4 26.Df4 1/2-1/2 Sasikiran,K (2700)-Stefanova,A (2483)/Zafra 2007/CBM 117 (72)) 13...Ca6 14.Td1 Dg7 15.Dh5 Dg6 16.De5 Dg7 17.Cxb5 Dxe5 18.Axe5 cxb5 19.Axh8 Axe4 20.b3 Axg2 21.Rd2 0-0-0+ 22.Re3 Ac5+ 23.Rf4 Axh1 0-1 Greenfeld,A (2559)-Gelfand,B (2736)/Beer Sheva 2007/CBM 120 ext) 12.Cxf6+ Dxf6 13.Dd2 0-0-0 14.h5 Ag7 15.0-0-0 De7 16.De3 e5 17.dxe5 Axe5 18.Axe5 Cxe5 19.Ae2 Cd3+ 20.Axd3 cxd3 21.Txd3 Txd3 22.Dxd3 Dg5+ 23.Dd2 Dxg2 1/2-1/2 Gelfand,B (2737)-Najer,E (2634)/Odessa UKR 2008/The Week in Chess 687 (27); 9...Ab4 10.Ae2 Cxe4 11.0-0 Axc3 12.bxc3 Cxc3 13.Dc2 Cxe2+ 14.Dxe2 h5 15.f4 f5 16.fxg5 Dxg5 17.Tae1 h4 18.Cf3 Dg4 19.De5 0-0 20.Cxh4 Tf7 21.Dd6 Cd7 22.Txe6 Cf8 23.Te8 c3 24.Cg6 Ae6 25.Ce7+ Txe7 26.Txa8 Dg5 27.Dd8 Dg7 28.Ae5 Df7 29.Ad6 1-0 Cheparinov,I (2713)-Nepomniachtchi,I (2600)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2008/The Week in Chess 689; 9...Ag7 10.h4 Cfd7 11.hxg5 hxg5 12.Txh8+ Axh8 13.Dh5 Axe5 14.Axe5 Cxe5 15.Dh8+ Rd7 16.Dxe5 Ab7 17.0-0-0 Rc8 18.Dg7 De7 19.e5 Cd7 20.Ce4 Rc7 21.Cd6 Tf8 22.Ae2 a6 23.Af3 Aa8 24.Dh7 g4 25.Ae4 Dg5+ 26.Rb1 Cf6 27.exf6 Rxd6 28.Dh2+ g3 29.fxg3 Dxf6 1/2-1/2 Kasimdzhanov,R (2683)-Anand,V (2792)/Mainz 2007/CBM 120 (62)] 10.f3 043 Greysky (FM) : no Nxf7.. [10.h3 Ab7 11.Df3 Cbd7 12.Td1 De7 13.a3 Td8 14.Ae2 Tg8 15.Cxd7 Txd7 16.Ae5 Ag7 17.Axf6 Dxf6 18.Dxf6 Axf6 19.e5 Ae7 20.Axh5 Th8 21.Af3 Th4 22.g4 Rd8 23.Re2 Rc7 24.Ce4 Rb6 25.Cc5 Tc7 26.Ce4 a5 27.Re3 Th8 28.Ag2 c5 29.Af3 cxd4+ 30.Txd4 c3 31.bxc3 Axa3 32.Td3 Axe4 33.Axe4 Thc8 0-1 Cramling,P (2521)-Van Wely,L (2675)/San Sebastian 2006/CBM 115 (48)] 10...h4 04128 11.Af2 0421 11...Ab7 Diagram

0422 12.Ae2 043 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Guess the Move! Tell me your predictions before each move. [12.Ae3 Tg8 (12...Cfd7 13.Cxd7 Cxd7 14.Dd2 Ae7 15.Ae2 Tg8 16.g3 Dc7 17.Af2 a6 18.Tg1 0-0-0 19.0-0-0 c5 20.gxh4 cxd4 21.Axd4 Cc5 22.Dc2 gxh4 23.e5 0-1 Manninen,M (2420)-Hansen,L (2530)/Ostersund 1992/CBM 031) 13.Dd2 Cfd7 14.Cxd7 Cxd7 15.Ae2 e5 16.Td1 exd4 17.Dxd4 Dc7 18.f4 Ag7 19.e5 gxf4 20.Axf4 Cxe5 1/2-1/2 Bellon Lopez,J (2401)-Bellia,F (2390)/Las Palmas 2005/CBM 109 ext (31)] 12...Cbd7 04339 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 12...Nbd7: riktig Little-Fish spacecadet Beancounter (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 13.Cxd7 0422 13...Cxd7 043 14.0-0 043 14...e5 04277 15.a4 0464 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 15.a4: easyking BrotherJohn (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 15...a6 0464 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 15...a6: Beancounter riktig (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 16.d5 0453 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 16.d5: Laphroig Jacek-Stopa (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) MightyViking (IM) : I upgraded from Windows ME to XP just a few weeks ago, lol MightyViking (IM) : I've heard some bad things from people who have Vista. MightyViking (IM) : Microsoft will stop supporting XP and then we will all have to go Vista whether we like it or not. MightyViking (IM) : They will eventually, pille MightyViking (IM) : I still think of Windows 3.11 as the classic OS. It was nice in its day. [16.axb5!? axb5 17.Txa8 con ligera ventaja de las negras. Rybka.] 16...Th6 04488 MightyViking (IM) : In those days ChessBase and Chess Assistant were DOS programs. MightyViking (IM) : Carlsen and Windows 3.0 are equally old. MightyViking (IM) : pille, that's forbidden MightyViking (IM) : Alien rook at a6 MightyViking (IM) : they're, their & there - true MightyViking (IM) : But they weren't originally pronounced the same. English speakers have just gotten sloppy. MightyViking (IM) : Then there's "queue". No matter how many letters you take away from the end, it is still pronounced the same. MightyViking (IM) : Hei Rusta! Bare bra, takk! Og du? MightyViking (IM) : All this talk about spaceships and you take a bus? HellasPutzer (IM) : think white may have to throw in h3 if there is nothing direct MightyViking (IM) : Doom 1 and Wolfenstein is the way to go. 17.dxc6 042281 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 17.dxc6: BrotherJohn Young-Sun Castle00 riktig grunts Jadwin Capineiro tessin barca2006 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 17...Axc6 0424 18.axb5 0479 [18.Dc1 h3 19.Td1 hxg2 20.Rxg2 con ligera ventaja de las negras. Rybka.] 18...axb5 0421 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 18...axb5: barca2006 SananabEnogNwap (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 19.Txa8 043 19...Dxa8 0421 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 19...Qxa8: SananabEnogNwap barca2006 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 20.Dc1 0426 20...Tg6 Diagram

04232 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 20...Rg6: manofgirth (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 21.Td1 0425 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 21.Rd1: Metaphysician SananabEnogNwap (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) MightyViking (IM) : Before castling there was the king jump. 21...Ac5 04546 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 21...Bc5: Metaphysician BrotherJohn barca2006 Samdog Masqtu zhark96 Sanosfe Sticko (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) PapMisa (IM) : Anand rules! Kingway (IM) : It's a horrible feeling when your gambit opening goes ugly and you find yourself down material and down position. Kingway (IM) : Magnus is a fighter, but very hard to hold this against Vishy... Pliskin (IM) : black is better here, isnt? nataf (GM) : what a preparation from white in this game nataf (GM) : pff, just 0-1 from opening nataf (GM) : what he prepared carlsen here I don't understand nataf (GM) : common Freddi Rh6 is just normal nataf (GM) : it's one of the basic ideas of h5 22.Axc5 042208 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 22.Bxc5: BrotherJohn SpinTiger Tazoo freddi Chessrascal LibertyCent1836 metalyho AlphaSleuth Jadwin Kismate Sac (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 22...Cxc5 0443 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 22...Nxc5: BrotherJohn SananabEnogNwap (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 23.De3 043 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 23.Qe3: Tazoo (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) MMCMiranda (FM) : what if Rxc3? MMCMiranda (FM) : Am I kibtizing Carlsen game? PapMisa (IM) : . 23...Cb3 04430 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 23...Nb3: DOLATA offroff II Morrowind (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) PapMisa (IM) : Qb6 Nd4.. MightyViking (IM) : Aruna looks so tiny next to Vishy: 24.Db6 04350 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 24.Qb6: Sanosfe PapMisa SananabEnogNwap matethis (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 24...Cd4 Diagram

0475 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 24...Nd4: good-2 Morrowind KayoKid BrotherJohn mbburch RossA nicoasp SaoCarlosII Chesslord (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 25.Txd4 0442 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 25.Rxd4: BrotherJohn mbburch (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 25...exd4 043 Celine (IM) : 0-1 26.Cxb5 0411 Celine (IM) : anand is toooo goooooood Celine (IM) : lol PapMisa (IM) : Bb5 and Qc6 26...Axb5 04248 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 26...Bxb5: BrotherJohn Morrowind spacecadet Chesslord mbburch KyrieEleison PapMisa (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 27.Dxb5+ 0443 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 27.Qxb5+: BrotherJohn DutchBird KayoKid MarktheGreat (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 27...Dc6 043 Greysky (FM) : Bxc4 maybe? MasterSierra (FM) : Qe5 israpu (GM) : easy 0-1 kava (IM) : Qb8 Celine (IM) : anand is just better. Celine (IM) : yes it is. He will of course win him some day. Just not nor. Celine (IM) : now. 28.De5+ 04223 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 28.Qe5+: MasterSierra barca2006 MorphyMadness Ayax DutchBird boldar Bethabara (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Celine (IM) : I bet one Leffe beer that anand wins. Greysky (FM) : i don´t think it´s so easy for black... ChessMaestro (FM) : van wely is "from the wheel" 28...Te6 0464 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 28...Re6: BrotherJohn mbburch DutchBird paperboy (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 29.Dxd4 043 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 29.Qxd4: MarktheGreat SananabEnogNwap (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 29...Db6 043 Celine (IM) : easy technical win. Kingway (IM) : I think the rb2 is what takes this from drawish to winning... klaras (GM) : 0-1 already? Celine (IM) : rook is better than horse and bishop. Jinn (IM) : hi Jinn (IM) : how goes masters PapMisa (IM) : game over Celine (IM) : if anand does not win this, he will lose the wc title on the spot :) Diesen (IM) : rybka says 'f it' PieperEmden (IM) : 2.12 deep 28 rybka 30.Dxb6 04473 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 30.Qxb6: TonB SananabEnogNwap MarktheGreat spacecadet sharkmeister bjoernchess barca2006 DutchBird Ayax AlphaSleuth BrotherJohn grandvar (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 30...Txb6 043 PieperEmden (IM) : zappa mexiko 2 has -0.66 here 31.Axc4 0422 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 31.Bxc4: BrotherJohn SananabEnogNwap grunts barca2006 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 31...Txb2 Diagram

043 MightyViking (IM) : Ke3, Rb1 and white is in zugzwang. Celine (IM) : he has to break free... Celine (IM) : god knows.. MightyViking (IM) : I think h3 loses. Maybe g3 and f4 but it looks difficult. Diesen (IM) : h3 is a disaster move Greysky (FM) : how do you see it so winning? i have some doubts... Celine (IM) : kf1 - h3! Silluger (FM) : if h3, black just goes Kf2 and Rg1 Mataleo (FM) : i believe it should win failry easily Greysky (FM) : i am not sure. Celine (IM) : hehe Silluger (FM) : this looks difficult to defend as white Diesen (IM) : h3 = loss Greysky (FM) : h3 is ilogical move but .. seems correct.. isn´t it? Greysky (FM) : h3-Kh2 and move my bishop... i don´t see the black progress Celine (IM) : experience prevails 32.g3 04234 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 32.g3: mbburch TonB backrankhrvat IamGod widowmaker barca2006 offroff (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Mataleo (FM) : comon guys... on h3 black would win the the g2 pawn Diesen (IM) : only chance Silluger (FM) : anyone saying h3 is a draw for white are complete douchebags Mataleo (FM) : h3 Ke3 then Rb1 then Kf2 and Rg1 Diesen (IM) : better than h3;) Silluger (FM) : true bj Ng5 (IM) : easy win PieperEmden (IM) : fritz 11 has 2.02 Ng5 (IM) : Ke3 Rf2, Rxf3 0-1 Silluger (FM) : black doesnt have to do anything here, just move his king up, whites king is on the back rank PieperEmden (IM) : i am not thinking now Silluger (FM) : this type of ending is nearly impossible to hold Greysky (FM) : of course magnus wouldn´t resign this position Greysky (FM) : don´t say stupidies... Silluger (FM) : the strain and the forced calculations u gotta do to stay alive, one mistake and ur blown over ChessMaestro (FM) : simple ke7 Greysky (FM) : stupidie is a word i just created (if doesn´t exist). any problem? :) 32...f6 04204 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 32...f6: SananabEnogNwap (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Silluger (FM) : I'd say the odds of winning for black to draw are probably 10-1 Greysky (FM) : nah, it´s lost :( MightyViking (IM) : Kf2, Rg1, Rxg2+ and progress has been made. Silluger (FM) : ok, theres one imp thing most patzers need to know, if u lose the 7th rank to a rook... ur done for Silluger (FM) : if white king was on g4.. prob draw 33.Ae6 04109 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 33.Be6: grunts (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Silluger (FM) : I'm not calling all of u, just the ones that think h3 is a draw Silluger (FM) : I'm one third of a way there bj :P MightyViking (IM) : h3: Kf2, Rg1 & Rxg2 -+ Mataleo (FM) : people who recommend h3 should go back to the basics... Drahacik (FM) : Ke3, Rf2 and Rxf3 Bxf3 Kxf3 winning K+P ending Silluger (FM) : bardem u should listen.. Ke3 Rf2-Rxf3 Ng5 (IM) : Bh5 ? i ply Ke3, Rf2, Rxf3 33...Re7 04171 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 33...Ke7: IamGod SananabEnogNwap chess0707 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Drahacik (FM) : what draw mbburch, I play Ke3 and Rf2 and take on f3 34.Ag4 0432 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 34.Bg4: mbburch sharkmeister DutchBird (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Silluger (FM) : black just walks up, its not like theres a execution squad waiting him Gumptious (GM) : I am never too sure about these positions- don't think there is a fortress, but white threatens to get rid of the pawns with f4 and e5 and I think the position with g5vg3 is a draw, so I think white has real drawing chances Drahacik (FM) : White can't allow Ke3 Rf2 and Rxf3, so he HAS to play f5 sometime. Drahacik (FM) : f4 I mean MightyViking (IM) : f4 next ... hmm, not so clear Manuan (IM) : not so easy for white Silluger (FM) : its always easier to win than to draw Manuan (IM) : f4 to come 34...Te2 04138 Manuan (IM) : Bf5 now and then f4 Gumptious (GM) : I would say it's more like 50/50 on the drawometer- because most of the positions with h and/or g are drawn, and it should be possible to get f4 and e5 Drahacik (FM) : how does gxh4 stop the plan of Ke3, Rf2 and Rxf3? 35.gxh4 04116 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 35.gxh4: Lattas mbburch fischerreborn wizardbar SananabEnogNwap (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) ChessMaestro (FM) : carlsen's father said that? Silluger (FM) : if he can exchange blacks f6 pawn... it might be possible for a draw 35...gxh4 0422 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 35...gxh4: SananabEnogNwap (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Drahacik (FM) : If it's depth 25 and only 1.91, then the computer doesn't find a win 36.h3 0432 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 36.h3: TonB DutchBird (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Silluger (FM) : dont comps have difficulty finding slow wins? Gumptious (GM) : looks more like a draw than a win now, but why h3? Gumptious (GM) : . v strange Celine (IM) : the king will now penetrate into the enemy's camp. ChessMaestro (FM) : really colomet? ChessMaestro (FM) : did he lose to you? toerag (GM) : now zugzwangs become a constant problem Drahacik (FM) : King to g3 and Black can choose where to sack the exchange, f3 or h3 Silluger (FM) : whisper whites gonna try Kf1, f4-e5 now Gumptious (GM) : bf5 and f4 and e5 looked like a theoretical draw- maybe magnus didn't know that- seems unlikely though ChessMaestro (FM) : colomet, did you comfort him? Celine (IM) : Lesson nr. 1 : to pentrate or be penetrated, that is the question. Gumptious (GM) : but with the pawn on h3, the h-pawn positions become more tricky too 36...Rd6 0494 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 36...Kd6: wizardbar a740130 SananabEnogNwap DutchBird fischerreborn SaoCarlosII (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 37.Rf1 0421 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 37.Kf1: SaoCarlosII nicoasp SananabEnogNwap fischerreborn (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Silluger (FM) : whisper if only h-pawns remain, would black be able to win it and be able to get his king out!? 37...Tb2 0443 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 37...Rb2: SaoCarlosII VGodAWata (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Drahacik (FM) : Anand will do a NDShort and play Ke5 Drahacik (FM) : f4 now or never Greysky (FM) : f4 of course. Greysky (FM) : now white has many draw chances, but i am not still sure it´s draw. Greysky (FM) : zhark. censor! ChessMaestro (FM) : this looks over Greysky (FM) : IamGod - in that situation, black idea would be to take the white king far from the kinside, and then scrifice the rook in h3... Gumptious (GM) : after f4 and e5, theoretically I'm almost certain it's a draw, but in practice it's not going to be easy to hold 38.f4 04148 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 38.f4: SaoCarlosII nicoasp SananabEnogNwap Quale Drahacik DutchBird Bardem Greysky BIRDSMAN fischerreborn ljg Lattas colomet good-2 Ayax CCC (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) ChessMaestro (FM) : how is it a draw, can't black just sac exchange to get into a winning king and pawn endgame? Kingway (IM) : kc5 e5 rb4! and how does white hold? Greysky (FM) : ChessMaestro, depende de si el rey blanco está demasiado lejos no? en eso se basará la lucha. 38...Rc5 0488 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 38...Kc5: VGodAWata mbburch nicoasp Kingway SaoCarlosII (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Greysky (FM) : the only black chance to win is sacrificing... but i don´t think there will be possible. 39.e5 0421 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 39.e5: SananabEnogNwap SaoCarlosII IamGod wizardbar sharkmeister (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 39...Tb4 043 40.exf6 0422 40...Txf4+ 043 Greysky (FM) : drawwww Greysky (FM) : now there is no chances i think...ç Kingway (IM) : I seem to remember this is a zug win...been a while, could be wrong. Greysky (FM) : tablebase says 0'-1 ???? i can´t believe.... Drahacik (FM) : what's the winning plan? Kingway (IM) : Magnus doesn't think it's a draw, thinks it's the best he could do Drahacik (FM) : Taking on h3 wins only if the White king is on the d-file Drahacik (FM) : Can you force a position with King and rook attacking h3, and the White King on the d-file, Black to move? 41.Re2 04149 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 41.Ke2: AlphaSleuth (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Celine (IM) : do you have a link to a seven piece table base ? Gumptious (GM) : kd4 PieperEmden (IM) : los in 43 Silluger (FM) : pretty sure this is a draw, white king can get to the kingside in time 41...Rd4 0411 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 41...Kd4: Gumptious gazap (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) PieperEmden (IM) : mate in 44 MightyViking (IM) : 0-1 according to TB. toerag (GM) : some unpleasant zugzwangs lie ahead PieperEmden (IM) : Greysky (FM) : even with the king in g2-g3, black will need anything to win... MightyViking (IM) : Because with a black-coloured bishop White has stalemate ideas with Kh1 and Bg1. 42.Af3 04265 42...Txf6 Diagram

043 43.Ab7 0424 43...Tb6 043 Greysky (FM) : Ba8- Drahacik (FM) : g2, not g3, joe1313 PapMisa (IM) : black wins in 38 PapMisa (IM) : ;-) PapMisa (IM) : ;-) PapMisa (IM) : nope PapMisa (IM) : tablebase says PapMisa (IM) : moment Drahacik (FM) : now you got it, joe PapMisa (IM) : 44.Ac8 0475 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 44.Bc8: SananabEnogNwap bigbadbarry IamGod Lattas (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 44...Re4 0421 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 44...Ke4: JoseMaReyesIII IamGod feuerbach (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) PapMisa (IM) : win in 37 PapMisa (IM) : 36 PapMisa (IM) : Ke4! was best PapMisa (IM) : yea Silluger (FM) : is this actually mate in 36 by engines? PapMisa (IM) : yep! Greysky (FM) : hello Pap :) Drahacik (FM) : tablebases, not engines PapMisa (IM) : hey Greysky ;-) MightyViking (IM) : Perhaps it wasn't a good idea for Magnus to play a highly theoretical variation with a pawn down against Anand. PapMisa (IM) : and to be honest Greysky (FM) : a sad day today ;) PapMisa (IM) : Anand plays like tablebase now.. Drahacik (FM) : if it's 36 moves, it's not so simple ... lots of maneuvering and zugzwangs Silluger (FM) : aha zuggys PieperEmden (IM) : 36 to mate the last 10 are eassy PapMisa (IM) : maybe.. Mataleo (FM) : comp evaluation is completely useless here MightyViking (IM) : DevilChess gives -6.66 here. Drahacik (FM) : 36 moves to mate, means about 26 moves to get a queen, which means 22 moves to take on h3 with the rook Drahacik (FM) : 22 moves is a lot of maneuvering to win h3 Diesen (IM) : Isnt this a theoretical win with the pawn on the fifth ? 45.Ag4 04277 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 45.Bg4: SananabEnogNwap (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 45...Tb2+ 0411 Silluger (FM) : I dunno this theory :P Diesen (IM) : I think this is a win 46.Re1 0451 MightyViking (IM) : If Black blunders the rook it is still a draw! :) 46...Re3 043 PieperEmden (IM) : Kf4 was better Diesen (IM) : ob 2 Silluger (FM) : was Kf4 winning? PapMisa (IM) : Kf4 was better than Ke3?! Silluger (FM) : like faster winning PapMisa (IM) : again win in 36... PieperEmden (IM) : yes, 1 move earlier mate :) Drahacik (FM) : Anand has to play Rxh3 on move 92 or earlier :) PapMisa (IM) : hehe Greysky (FM) : Kf1 of course. PapMisa (IM) : Kf1 is best Greysky (FM) : not so easy... 47.Rf1 04159 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 47.Kf1: MarktheGreat magd1618 wizardbar SananabEnogNwap bigbadbarry IamGod Greysky PapMisa dce (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Drahacik (FM) : You can't capture on h3 with White king on e-file ... instant draw. PieperEmden (IM) : now kf4 Drahacik (FM) : White King has to be on d-file when you play Rxh3 Greysky (FM) : i entered in the "guessthemove"! did i get any present? :) Indiana-Jones (GM) : was not Nakamora - Onischuk very similar to that? PapMisa (IM) : Kf4 is best again Indiana-Jones (GM) : USA 2007... and Oni won Drahacik (FM) : bigbadberry, the tablebases don't agree with your draw assessment Indiana-Jones (GM) : :) Greysky (FM) : stupid is to think that a patzer knows chess, only seing table bases and checking moves... PapMisa (IM) : they played 5 moves so far, after last exchange of pawn... Indiana-Jones (GM) : I am too lazy to look now,,, but this game was very similar... MightyViking (IM) : The lady who arrived in the first round was not fat: PapMisa (IM) : blck wins easy... Indiana-Jones (GM) : who ever has power search Nak - Onischuk USA championship 2007 Diesen (IM) : its a draw if the pawn is on the fouth rank - win with attacking pawn on fifth rank 47...Rf4 04127 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 47...Kf4: BrotherJohn JoseMaReyesIII wizardbar IamGod PapMisa SananabEnogNwap SaoCarlosII (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) PapMisa (IM) : hey Indiana-Jones (GM) : right ... also same endgmae PapMisa (IM) : tablebase shows draw! Drahacik (FM) : Winning plan is with White King on d-file, play Rxh3. How exactly to get that, I don't know :) aries2 (IM) : if wonderboy has his raisins, he will make a draw PapMisa (IM) : but only if black plays Re2 or Rg2 ;-)) Indiana-Jones (GM) : 1-800 Dvoretsky... Diesen (IM) : push the king away and eventually x promote 48.Re1 0454 PapMisa (IM) : yep 48...Rg3 0411 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 48...Kg3: joe1313 SananabEnogNwap (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Indiana-Jones (GM) : Kg2 ... and then check on "e" file... Indiana-Jones (GM) : then we think :) Silluger (FM) : I think black has to get whites king to c-file first, and then he can do his own thing Drahacik (FM) : Kg2 check on e-file, Kd2. Can't play Re3. Diesen (IM) : ob 3 Heine (GM) : Indiana-Jones (GM) : comp with no tablebase... will not help here... Drahacik (FM) : Any engine eval less than mate-in-X moves just means the engine doesn't see how to win. 49.Rf1 04127 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 49.Kf1: Ozgur-Bjk EdTheKing MarktheGreat magd1618 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 49...Tf2+ 043 Drahacik (FM) : daisuke, not with the wrong bishop, which is this case StarkL (IM) : DRAW Drahacik (FM) : white can't blow the win unless he hangs the rook or takes more than 50 moves Indiana-Jones (GM) : also similar endgame was Kasprov - Yusopov... do not remember when but was draw there Drahacik (FM) : I mean Black PapMisa (IM) : win in 33 PapMisa (IM) : 32 sorry Indiana-Jones (GM) : but the pawn were on a4-a3... ( black on a4 ) PapMisa (IM) : nope PapMisa (IM) : when he PapMisa (IM) : takes on h3 50.Re1 04117 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 50.Ke1: Golde wizardbar bigbadbarry magd1618 RegicideX SananabEnogNwap (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Indiana-Jones (GM) : and draw... Greysky (FM) : big mistake pap ;) PapMisa (IM) : new 50 moves.. ;-) StarkL (IM) : black WINS 50...Tf4 0411 Indiana-Jones (GM) : I think this is winning Greysky (FM) : Indiana. it´s winning :) PapMisa (IM) : win in 33 PapMisa (IM) : Rf8 was better Drahacik (FM) : Ke2?? Rxg4 and queens Indiana-Jones (GM) : trying to figure all the tiny bit difference between same endgames... Indiana-Jones (GM) : main thought is... 51.Ac8 0478 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 51.Bc8: bigbadbarry joe1313 ComeNPlay Ape (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Indiana-Jones (GM) : I should order tablebase!!! PapMisa (IM) : Kg2 win in 31 Indiana-Jones (GM) : Kg2 StarkL (IM) : Ke2 StarkL (IM) : Kg2 best StarkL (IM) : hey guys StarkL (IM) : tablebase is erring StarkL (IM) : draw StarkL (IM) : Kg2 Ke2 Re4 Kd2 and = Greysky (FM) : stark, = ? StarkL (IM) : tablebase says draw when you go on StarkL (IM) : kf2 Bd7 then in my line and it says NO win found Greysky (FM) : star.. table base is not comp engine!! israpu (GM) : is famous draw analised 200 times by Baburin recently in Chess today :-) StarkL (IM) : this link with tb u gave is bad... israpu (GM) : but many Gms lost it already Greysky (FM) : israpu!!" Indiana-Jones (GM) : I knew Arthur would know!!!!! israpu (GM) : lol Jinn (IM) : draw Greysky (FM) : i defended it was draw but this guys said me it was table base won... :( israpu (GM) : Neni boy is here:-) StarkL (IM) : yes phish that is why this tb has a bug :) PapMisa (IM) : who says that this is draw? StarkL (IM) : it said ...not found :) MaxVertigo (IM) : isn't it draw ? Silluger (FM) : confusing endgame Indiana-Jones (GM) : black has only one move to lose here PapMisa (IM) : it is win israpu (GM) : it was analised with details just few weeks ago by Baburin Silluger (FM) : Rg4! israpu (GM) : so nothing new here:-) Indiana-Jones (GM) : only one.. much more interesting then finding a win :) Indiana-Jones (GM) : yes! Silluger (FM) : dam I'm good Indiana-Jones (GM) : :) :) Drahacik (FM) : Stark is trying this on a 5-piece tablebase, and it says "not found" :) Indiana-Jones (GM) : annoying we think and see those moves PapMisa (IM) : hehe StarkL (IM) : this is a draw Indiana-Jones (GM) : yes :) Drahacik (FM) : Stark, you sound like joe1313 Silluger (FM) : start ur being outvoted here :P PapMisa (IM) : hehe StarkL (IM) : draha but play down the line and I remember this as a draw also StarkL (IM) : tb doesn't find a win... PapMisa (IM) : . Pliskin (IM) : this position reminds me the one that Radjabov managed to draw against Van wely in Chorus, isnt? but there the white pawn was n forth rank PapMisa (IM) : Rf2 wins in 33 moves...and Kg2! in 31... Pliskin (IM) : why Kg2 and Re4 cant be enough to win? Jinn (IM) : win PapMisa (IM) : . haha 51...Tf8 04520 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 51...Rf8: BrotherJohn (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) StarkL (IM) : ok black has some nice manoevers it is 0-1 Ubiyca (GM) : winning PapMisa (IM) : 32 moves win... 52.Ag4 0442 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 52.Bg4: SananabEnogNwap bigbadbarry (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Ubiyca (GM) : yes 52...Rg2 043 StarkL (IM) : Anand has to play precise else DRAW :) cause of 50 moves Ubiyca (GM) : plan : you put Kf2 Re3 he has Kd2 then he moves bishop u attack it and u check from d line then u put king on g3 come with rook x h3 that's it. Pliskin (IM) : Anand has still 40 moves to spend :-) 53.Re2 0488 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 53.Ke2: bigbadbarry (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) StarkL (IM) : tb says: rfe8 not found... 53...Te8+ 0421 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 53...Re8+: Kickflip89 dolmas Golde (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) klaras (GM) : this is 2 easy for anand Pliskin (IM) : Re8 and then Kf2 and then Rd8 klaras (GM) : common 54.Rd3 0432 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 54.Kd3: Golde raimundo (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) StarkL (IM) : Kd2 was more precise Silluger (FM) : this isnt easy to win doofuses 54...Rf2 0443 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 54...Kf2: JoseMaReyesIII spanghe RossA (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Ubiyca (GM) : yes I had a4-Bb5 Ubiyca (GM) : still was very hard StarkL (IM) : rg8 was better move... PapMisa (IM) : win in 28 PapMisa (IM) : Re3-a3 PapMisa (IM) : and after zugzwang Kg2 and Rh3 StarkL (IM) : re3 wins.. Silluger (FM) : oo interesting PapMisa (IM) : atfer Re3 just Ra3... Silluger (FM) : theres no more time adds now right, so carlsen can be in time trouble? PapMisa (IM) : too many! Greysky (FM) : Carlsen is just waiting Anand plays the right continuation... Greysky (FM) : why resign? nobody won a game resigning... Drahacik (FM) : capture on move 42 55.Af5 04169 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 55.Bf5: Lattas MarktheGreat RossA Bardem (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 55...Te3+ 043 StarkL (IM) : best move 56.Rd4 0411 Pliskin (IM) : Kd4 56...Rf3 043 PapMisa (IM) : best play from black.. PapMisa (IM) : win in 26 PapMisa (IM) : yea Drahacik (FM) : How does White attack h3 with his king and his rook at the same time? PapMisa (IM) : haha toerag (GM) : still many more unpleasant zugzwangs lie ahead Drahacik (FM) : lots of work left for Black PapMisa (IM) : kd2 was lost even faster... Silluger (FM) : watch anand do his magic Diesen (IM) : OMG drama killer news - Carlsen is gonna lose guys Silluger (FM) : dam diesen u ruined the ending Tim (DM) : White is lost Tim (DM) : Mate in 26 according to the Nalimov tablebases Silluger (FM) : topa is gonna go for 6/7 start Silluger (FM) : carlsen doesnt have any more time, he can flag too 57.Ag4+ 04349 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 57.Bg4+: MarktheGreat bigbadbarry EdTheKing dce (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 57...Rf4 043 Greysky (FM) : carlsen can´t play with Anand :( PapMisa (IM) : Kf4 best move! PapMisa (IM) : 24 moves... toerag (GM) : this is the first of the unpleasant zugzwangs PapMisa (IM) : Re1, Re8...many ideas.. toerag (GM) : maybe Bc8 last move was better Greysky (FM) : toerag :) why zugzwang? Bc8 isn´t move? Blitz-King (IM) : grey Sky toerag (GM) : Bc8 Re8 Greysky (FM) : tell me Blitz King ;) Blitz-King (IM) : How are you Blitz-King (IM) : Spanish King 58.Rd5 04106 PapMisa (IM) : zugzwang = white has no good move(s)... Greysky (FM) : well, fine :) and you? learning from Anand :) Greysky (FM) : papmisa... Greysky (FM) : what means "move" ... what means "have" ? xD PapMisa (IM) : Rg3! PieperEmden (IM) : 24 mate PapMisa (IM) : Rg3! win in 24 Blitz-King (IM) : I would love to learn endings 58...Te5+ 0486 59.Rd4 043 59...Tg5 0411 Silluger (FM) : endings are SOOO Boring PapMisa (IM) : again win in 24 Diesen (IM) : endings are exciting MMCMiranda (FM) : I dont think so silluger! Instructive. Blitz-King (IM) : Bishop somewhere Silluger (FM) : godamit, no one likes middlegames?! Silluger (FM) : lol PapMisa (IM) : ;-) Silluger (FM) : resign already Drahacik (FM) : what?? Greysky (FM) : why resign? StarkL (IM) : ??? Silluger (FM) : I thuoght he would keep going StarkL (IM) : what is up to him?? Silluger (FM) : why did he resign so early klaras (GM) : he gets cut another file wcristen (IM) : annand looks like the guy in "Assassin's Creed " lol wcristen (IM) : toerag (GM) : there were some important zugzwangs there,but Bg4 was worse than Bc8 as a defense Silluger (FM) : o i know why Silluger (FM) : its cause white was gonna be pushed to the c-file Silluger (FM) : and then all black has to do is Kg3 and move his rook to sac on h3 Silluger (FM) : cause white king will be on d-file and that is a won for black Silluger (FM) : off to the leko game now toerag (GM) : it was clear from the moment White tried h3 that Zugzwang would be a serious problem toerag (GM) : I saw no real defense after h3?! toerag (GM) : with pawn on h2 Black king can't use g3 square MightyViking (IM) : Actually White doesn't win even if he takes Black's rook. MightyViking (IM) : Even then there is h3 and draw. MightyViking (IM) : Bc8 Rg4 too. toerag (GM) : it's funny really.I explain that there will be zugzwangs ahead and one person tells me that the Bishop will always have at least 2 squares(as if that is relevant!) and another shows me ome obvious but bad move as if I had missed it lolololol morons! toerag (GM) : no only 2 of you lol toerag (GM) : ok apologies - you aren't morons,but it just isn't respectful to immediately judge me wrong,backed up with a nonsense reason.;but ok you aren't to know that I am an endgame specialist because my account is anon toerag (GM) : lol I missed what you said Phi - my handle is just an affectionate term of endearment my g/f should hear what she calls me when she is angry!! toerag (GM) : we need to have an Always(GM) on here...yes I miss most of the kibs on here I must admit - I dread to think what players are saying during my awful blitz games! toerag (GM) : anyways it's beginning to become like a ghost town here now the game is over so I bid you goodnight :o) 0-1

Recibid un cordial saludo!,

Angel Jiménez Arteaga

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