sábado, 10 de marzo de 2007

Torneo de Morelia-Linares (13)

When I'm Sixty-Four

When I'm Sixty-Four/Cuando tenga sesenta y cuatro años (McCartney):

Cuando me haga viejo y se me caiga el pelo

Dentro de muchos años

¿Seguirás enviándome una tarjeta el Día de los Enamorados?

¿Me felicitarás el cumpleaños con una botella de vino?

Si no hubiera vuelto a las tres menos cuarto

¿Cerrarías la puerta con llave?

¿Aún me necesitarás?

¿Aún me alimentarás

Cuando tenga sesenta y cuatro años?

Tú también serás vieja

Pero si dieras esa palabra

Podría quedarme contigo

Podría serte útil, arreglaría los plomos

Cuando se fuera la luz

Tú podrías hacer punto junto al fuego

Saldríamos a pasear los domingos por la mañana

Cuidar el jardín, arrancar las malas hierbas

¿Quién puede pedir más?

¿Aún me necesitarás?

¿Aún me alimentarás

Cuando tenga sesenta y cuatro años?

En verano podríamos alquilar un chalet en la Isla de Wight

Si no es demasiado caro

Tendríamos que apretarnos el cinturón

Los nietos en las rodillas

Vera, Chuck y Dave

Envíame una postal, escríbeme unas líneas

Diciendo lo que piensas

Indica con precisión lo que quieres decir

Tuyo sinceramente, consumiéndose

Dame tu respuesta, rellena el formulario

Mía por siempre

¿Aún me necesitarás?

¿Aún me alimentarás

Cuando tenga sesenta y cuatros años?

Robert James Fischer cumple en este día 64 años. El rebelde de Brooklyn. La gran estrella del tablero de ajedrez. El gran sindicalista del juego. El que pudo sólo contra el Imperio Soviético. El más popular de todos. El que ha hecho de su vida un guión perfecto para una gran película. El hombre de Reykjavik. El genio. El divo. El amante de Caissa. El que se fue a la guerra. El que pasó por la cárcel. El que usurpó a los Tribunales de Justicia. El que jugó en Belgrado. El que estuvo en Japón. El Siciliano. El Indio de Rey. El que vendió más libros. El gran simultaneador. El que luchó en soledad. El que más se concentró. El auténtico. El amigo. El estratega. El táctico. El finalista. El teórico. El posicional. El luchador. El ganador. El ídolo de masas. El que desea estar sólo. El héroe. El divino. La máquina. L'enfant terrible… ¡todo un ciudadano del mundo!.

Bobby cumple hoy 64 años y también hoy Magnus Carlsen, con tan sólo 16 años, le emula en Linares. A falta de una ronda para que el torneo finalice y tras las tablas producidas en las dos partidas punteras de esta decimotercera jornada, Anand llegará mañana con medio punto de ventaja sobre el jugador noruego. Ocurra lo que ocurra, la gesta del chaval nórdico ha dado la vuelta al mundo en todos los informativos de noticias del planeta. ¡Cómo en la época de Portoroz de 1.958 y de Bled, Zagreb y Belgrado del 59!.

Felicidades Bobby Fischer!!.

Los grandes aficionados no te olvidaremos nunca!!.

¡Y qué cumplas muchos más!.

Anand-Leko: Se desarrolló bajo los cauces de la Apertura Española. El húngaro quiso plantear el Gambito Marshall, pero Anand lo rechazó optando por escoger la misma línea que le jugó a Svidler en este torneo, pero variando en el movimiento número 10. Cuando le atacaron su alfil, Leko no se fue a f8 con él, sino que a su vez atacó al alfil blanco español. Se cambiaron por lo tanto ambas piezas e inmediatamente Leko golpeó en el centro, quedando con una posición cómoda tras la escaramuza de la apertura. Anand intentó atacar por el flanco de rey, pero el húngaro dispuso siempre de una buena defensa, pasó el caballo al centro, contragolpeó, pero Anand nuevamente no quiso saber nada de táctica y entró en una línea en donde logró cambiar damas, contentándose con unas tablas que lo sitúan en una muy buena posición para alzarse meritoriamente por segunda vez en su vida como campeón del Torneo de Linares (hoy llamado Intercontinental de Morelia-Linares).

Anand,V (2779) - Leko,P (2749) [C88]
Morelia-Linares Linares (13), 09.03.2007

1.e4 e5 2.Cf3 Cc6 3.Ab5 a6 4.Aa4 10 4...Cf6 4 5.0-0 10 5...Ae7 11 6.Te1 8 6...b5 15 7.Ab3 10 7...0-0 9 8.h3 8 8...Ab7 5 9.d3 10 Odysseus (GM) : leko always sits for a draw with his hand under the table ready for handshake 9...Te8 8 10.Cc3 15 [ RR 10.a4 h6 11.Cbd2 ( 11.c3 Ac5 12.Cbd2 Ab6 13.Aa2 Tf8 14.Cf1 d6 15.Cg3 Ce7 16.Ch4 Rh7 17.Df3 bxa4 18.Ab1 Ac6 19.Ac2 a5 20.Td1 De8 21.Chf5 Cfg8 22.d4 Cxf5 23.Dxf5+ g6 24.Dg4 Ad7 Topalov,V (2801)-Anand,V (2792)/Monte Carlo MNC 2006/The Week in Chess 595/1/ 2-1/2 (38)) 11...Af8 12.c3 Ca5 13.Ac2 c5 14.d4 cxd4 15.cxd4 exd4 16.e5 Cd5 17.Cxd4 Cb4 18.axb5 Cxc2 19.Dxc2 axb5 20.Cxb5 Db6 21.Cc3 Dc6 22.Cf3 Cc4 23.Txa8 Axa8 24.Af4 Ab4 25.Db3 Aa5 Anand,V (2779)-Svidler,P (2728)/ Morelia/Linares MEX/ESP 2007/The Week in Chess 641/1/2-1/2 (47)] 10...h6 9 [ RR 10...Ab4 11.Cg5 Tf8 12.a3 Axc3 13.bxc3 h6 14.Cf3 d6 15.a4 Ca5 16.Aa2 c5 17.Ch4 Rh8 18.Cf5 Ac8 19.Df3 Ae6 20.g4 Ch7 21.Ad5 Axd5 22.exd5 Dd7 23.Ad2 Cb7 24.Ta3 bxa4 25.Tea1 Lutz,C (2580)-Navara,D (2719)/Koelln GER 2007/The Week in Chess 642/1-0 (43)] 11.Cd5 9 11...Ca5N 13 [ RR 11...Af8 12.Ad2 Cd4 13.Cxd4 exd4 14.Cxf6+ Dxf6 15.Dg4 d6 16.a4 Ac8 17.Dh5 Ad7 18.f4 g6 19.Df3 c6 20.Tf1 Ag7 21.Dg3 d5 22.f5 gxf5 23.exd5 cxd5 24.axb5 axb5 25.Txa8 Txa8 26.Axd5 Wahls,M (2595)-Giorgadze,G (2625)/Germany 1997/GER-chT/1/2-1/2 (32)] 12.Cxe7+ 15 12...Dxe7 183 Ng5 (IM) : Leko- Carlsen Ng5 (IM) : Ivan - Anand 13.Ch4 102 13...Cxb3 273 MMCMiranda (FM) : Nf5 14.Cf5 19 14...De6 51 MMCMiranda (FM) : Now, the Nf5 cant be chased away 15.axb3 11 Ng5 (IM) : black is Ok after d5 Kayfu6a (IM) : qf3MMCMiranda (FM) : why not Re3/Rg3 and...mate... MMCMiranda (FM) : black must react now: d5 MMCMiranda (FM) : If not d5, then Re3 and black is dead.. Ng5 (IM) : Kh7 1? 15...d5 137 MMCMiranda (FM) : Mr.Leko, you have the right of playing d5 or die in silence! MMCMiranda (FM) : lol.. 16.Df3 100 16...dxe4 176 17.dxe4 7 17...Rh7 63 Ng5 (IM) : b4 and Ra3 is one idea Misa (GM) : Qg3 tg8 f3 18.Dg3 154 MMCMiranda (FM) : I was kibbitizing in the wrong game!! suggesting Qg3 as a strong move... MMCMiranda (FM) : Rg8 f3 simple. Ng5 (IM) : seems white has an edge, nice prep from vishy Ng5 (IM) : havent seen it before but it must be, all the moves are obvious LUCIANA (GM) : rg8 too passive,maybe nh5 and qg6 Ng5 (IM) : too passive for Leko ? Ng5 (IM) : g5 is better than it looks Ng5 (IM) : long way to go before 1-0 18...Tg8 402 Ng5 (IM) : nothing is too passive for Leko 19.f3 55 Mataleo (FM) : i like f3 Mataleo (FM) : he can still play b4, Ra3 and perhaps later f4 MMCMiranda (FM) : Oops..all my moves made. Something must be wrong... MMCMiranda (FM) : cause I am a patzer.. Misa (GM) : white has initiative here probably ne8 and nd6 is best MMCMiranda (FM) : Next, Qh4 N move, g4/g5 Misa (GM) : i like how leko plays Neveris (GM) : ne8 MMCMiranda (FM) : yes. Qh4, Ne8 or Nd7 g4. Ng5 (IM) : shredder likes Nd5 MMCMiranda (FM) : black has no counterplay. 19...Ce8 342 MMCMiranda (FM) : Interesting idea: giving the strong Ruy Lopez B (Bb3) to gain time and put N on f5. Misa (GM) : of course:) Ng5 (IM) : Nd5 was too interesting 20.Ad2 44 Misa (GM) : soon draw Ng5 (IM) : Nd6 Ne3 Bxe4 is possible MMCMiranda (FM) : I dont think so: Nd6 Ne3 Bxe4Ng4! 20...Cd6 187 Ng5 (IM) : Nd6 Ne3 Bxe4 Ng4 ? Bxc2 and Qb3 TOM230 (IM) : Bc3 Ng5 (IM) : Ne3 Be4 ! Ng5 (IM) : Ne3 Be4 Bc3 maybe a slight edge for white but its very drawish 21.Ce3 146 Ng5 (IM) : i was just saying Be4 is the best move here, i didnt say Ne3 was bad Ng5 (IM) : no, i said it was possible Ng5 (IM) : i didnt say Ne3 ? Be4 u moron Ng5 (IM) : ur insulting me, several times Ng5 (IM) : Bxe4 Bc3 is += Ng5 (IM) : Bxe4 is a bit interesting, he may play f6 aries2 (IM) : like the morning dew dieck aries2 (IM) : no dieck he really bombed 21...Axe4 1444 bulletmaster (FM) : Anand blundered> aries2 (IM) : Bd2--c3 with complete boredom aries2 (IM) : bd2-c3 = 1/2 aries2 (IM) : Bc3 Ye Olde Fizzle aries2 (IM) : Anand usually does not fancy-pants aries2 (IM) : Bc3 leads to tedium and fizzle, he'll do it Tim (DM) : Is there some reason for White NOT to play Bc3 here? aries2 (IM) : .62 is not winning truthseeker, the game toddles on aries2 (IM) : no risk jimmy-schlumpf (IM) : 0:1 Mataleo (FM) : it's not winning until someone resigns Mataleo (FM) : people forget that players don't have engines like you jimmy-schlumpf (IM) : only looking Mataleo (FM) : well it certainly is NOT winning when your little engines shows +2 Mataleo (FM) : i can show you positions with +30 advantage that are drawn Mataleo (FM) : yes they are +30 on Rybka aries2 (IM) : he didn't miss it drunkenknight he has the safe and good bc3 weasel (FM) : maybe ng4 Neveris (GM) : isnt bc3 drawish? aries2 (IM) : drunkenknight check out this weird spelling: judgment ! isn't that freaky? no "e" after "g" aries2 (IM) : it's ok for him to think about bc3 to see if he has others 22.Ac3 1141 aries2 (IM) : he's way up on time anyway he can ponder a few momentitos aries2 (IM) : acrice, he was just checking some wilder lines aries2 (IM) : nothing wrong yet with his cranium MMCMiranda (FM) : Bg6 looks the best for me aries2 (IM) : bb7 with nf5 soon 22...Ag6 261 aries2 (IM) : nf5 soon seems = aries2 (IM) : anand could take the last train to clarksville with ne3-g4 MMCMiranda (FM) : my move again. I will aply for the GM Title! aries2 (IM) : yes pille clarksville is a node in the graph 23.Dxe5 152 MMCMiranda (FM) : big edge for white, I think. Sweere (GM) : leaving no doubt about his true intentions MMCMiranda (FM) : ahhhh...Qxe5? playing for a draw? 23...Dxe5 64 24.Axe5 8 Sweere (GM) : Anand wants a draw 24...Tgd8 41 Sweere (GM) : I hate this expression straight out of SportsCenter teamX still is in control of it's destiny aries2 (IM) : why edge ljg looks safe enough for black aries2 (IM) : nd5 hanging c2? really? Sweere (GM) : Nd5 Ne8 aries2 (IM) : maybe c3 c6 grovel! idea nb7 grovel aries2 (IM) : looks all right for black aries2 (IM) : black's bg6 is active eyeing c2 should be enough 25.g4 427 aries2 (IM) : he just wanted to avoid nf5 aries2 (IM) : at some point black might let fly with the bum's rush a6-a5-a4 aries2 (IM) : black also has the boring c6 to take away d5 from WN 25...f6 177 26.Ag3 87 aries2 (IM) : drawn here too aries2 (IM) : zzzz aries2 (IM) : c6! nb7! nc5! = aries2 (IM) : wasting a white not so great humanoid (FM) : Have they agreed to a draw yet? humanoid (FM) : Yep 1/2-1/2

Carlsen-Svidler: La partida se planteó con una Defensa Grunfeld, variante del fianchetto. Se llegó a una línea que ya se había jugado, entre otros sitios, en Las Palmas en el año 1.973 en una partida entre los maestros Oscar Panno (Argentina) y Ulf Andersson (Suecia). Svidler a su vez, innovó de una partida suya jugada a principios de este siglo en Alemania. Pronto surgió una posición en donde las negras controlaron muy bien la casilla "d5" e igualaron la contienda. Magnus peleó por la misma, entregando un péon (que luego recuperaría) pero apenas consiguió alguna ventaja que le brindara la oportunidad de obtener el punto necesario para igualar a Anand en la clasificación antes de la última ronda de mañana sábado. Al final se forzó el cambio de la dama blanca por las dos torres negras y se llegó a un justo empate.

Carlsen,M (2690) - Svidler,P (2728) [D78]
Morelia-Linares Linares (13), 09.03.2007

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 g6 3.Cf3 Ag7 4.g3 c6 5.Ag2 d5 Defensa Grunfeld, Variante del Fianchetto. 6.Da4 0-0 7.0-0 Af5 Svidler juega una línea que la Enciclopedia de aperturas de Chess Informant no señala. [ RR 7...Ce4 8.Cc3 Cd7 9.cxd5 Cxc3 10.bxc3 cxd5 11.Db4 Te8 12.Af4 Cb6 13.a4 Cc4 14.e4 dxe4 15.Dxc4 exf3 16.Axf3 e5 17.dxe5 Axe5 18.Axe5 Txe5 19.Tfd1 De7 20.h4 Af5 21.Dd4 Ae4 1/2-1/2 Panno,O (2570)-Andersson,U (2535)/Las Palmas 1973/CD PDR; En el año 2.002 el ruso había probado con 7...Cbd7 8.cxd5 Cb6 9.Db3 ( RR 9.Da3 cxd5 10.Cc3 Cc4 11.Db4 e6 12.Af4 Te8 13.Ce5 Af8 14.Db3 Cd6 15.Ag5 Ae7 16.Tfd1 Cf5 17.e4 Cxe4 18.Axe7 Dxe7 19.Cxe4 dxe4 20.Axe4 Td8 21.Dc3 Cd6 22.Ag2 Ad7 23.Da3 Ae8 Portisch,L (2645)-Ivkov,B (2535)/Petropolis 1973/CD PDR/1-0 (37)) 9...cxd5 10.Cc3 Ce4 11.Af4 Cxc3 12.bxc3 Af5 13.a4 Dd7 14.a5 Cc4 15.Cd2 Tac8 16.Tfe1 e5 17.dxe5 Cxd2 18.Axd2 Axe5 19.Dxd5 Dxd5 20.Axd5 Tfd8 21.e4 Axe4 22.Axe4 Dautov,R (2617)-Svidler,P (2690)/Mainz 2002/CBM 089 ext/1/2-1/2; RR 7...Cfd7 8.Ca3 Cb6 9.Dc2 Af5 10.Dc3 Ae4 11.c5 C6d7 12.Af4 b6 13.cxb6 Dxb6 14.Ae3 c5 15.dxc5 Dxb2 16.Da5 Dxe2 17.Tac1 Cc6 18.Dc7 Cde5 19.Cxe5 Cxe5 20.Axe4 dxe4 21.Dxe7 Dh5 22.h4 Grigorian,K (2485)-Sveshnikov,E/Moscow 1973/CD PDR/0-1; 7...dxc4; 7...a5] 8.Cc3 Cbd7 9.cxd5 Cb6N [ RR 9...Cxd5 10.Cxd5 cxd5 11.Af4 Cb6 12.Db3 Ae4 13.Ce5 Axg2 14.Rxg2 e6 15.a4 De7 16.a5 Axe5 17.Axe5 Cc4 18.Af4 a6 19.Da2 Tfc8 20.b3 Cd6 21.Da3 Cf5 22.Dxe7 Cxe7 23.Ad6 Cf5 24.Ac5 Vologin,V-Daamen,F/FSIM April Budapest HUN 1996/1/2-1/2 (65)] 10.Db3 Cfxd5 11.Td1 Dd6 12.Ad2 Cxc3 13.Axc3 De6= Las negras han salido sin problemas de la apertura. [ 13...Ae4; 13...Ae6 14.Dc2 Cd5=] 14.d5!? d4-d5 rupturas de Magnus contra Topalov, Ivanchuk y ahora Svidler. En las dos primeras, el jovenzuelo ganó. 14...cxd5 15.Axg7 Rxg7 16.Cd4 Df6 17.Cxf5+ Dxf5 18.a4!? Parecía lo más activo, pero las negras no lo pasarán tampoco demasiado mal. [ 18.Axd5 Cxd5 19.Txd5 De6 20.Dc3+ f6 21.Dd3=] 18...Tfd8 Svidler responde con la mejor jugada. [ 18...e6 19.a5 Cc4 20.e4! Df6 21.exd5 exd5 22.Txd5 Tac8 23.Dxb7+/=] 19.a5 Cc4 20.Dxb7 [ 20.e4 Df6 21.Txd5 Txd5 22.exd5 Cd6=] 20...e6 21.e4 dxe4 [ 21...Df6] 22.Axe4 [ 22.Txd8 Txd8 23.Dxa7 Td2<=> 24.Tf1 Dxa5 25.Dxa5 Cxa5=/+] 22...De5 23.Ag2 ante la amenaza 23...Cd6 [ 23.Te1 Cd6 24.Dxa8 Txa8 25.Axa8 Dxb2=/+; 23.Dxa8 Txa8 24.Axa8 Dxb2 25.Tab1 Da2=/+] 23...Cxa5 forzando la serie de cambios que se producirán y que llevarán rectilíneamente al empate. 24.Dxa8 Txa8 25.Axa8 De2 26.Te1 [ 26.Td7 Cc4 27.Taxa7 Ce5 28.Te7=] 26...Dd2 27.Ted1 De2 28.Te1 Dd2 29.Ted1 Al haber hecho también Anand (mucho tiempo antes) tablas en la ronda de hoy, quedamos ahora a la espera de lo que suceda mañana en la última jornada del torneo. Es previsible que Ivanchuk-Anand hagan tablas y para empatar en el primer lugar, Magnus, con negras, tendrían que ganarle a Leko. ¡A ver si hace de Bobby Fischer y lo consigue!. Sobre todo porque Peter Leko está "soso" en este torneo. 1/2-1/2

Aronian-Ivanchuk: Siguieron por los cauces de una Defensa India de Dama Clásica, con la aguda variante 7.d5 que primero Polugaievsky en su match de Candidatos con Korchnoi había puesto en boga en Buenos Aires en 1.980 y luego Kaspárov la usaría en su primer Campeonato Mundial con Kárpov en Moscú, 1.984. Se jugó el último grito con 11.Te1 que el GM Reynaldo Vera, participante en el actual Torneo Internacional de La Laguna, jugó este año en Cuba en Santa Clara. Ivanchuk avanzó su peón "d" por dos veces consecutivas, se restableció la igualdad material y se llegó a una posición muy complicada que parecía le podía proporcionar ventaja a las blancas. Sin embargo tras una serie de mutuos golpes tácticos se llegó a un final en donde las negras tuvieron la iniciativa, pero que tampoco fue suficiente como para desnivelar la contienda.

Aronian,L (2744) - Ivanchuk,V (2750) [E17]
Morelia-Linares Linares (13), 09.03.2007

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 e6 3.Cf3 b6 4.g3 Ab7 5.Ag2 Ae7 6.0-0 0-0 7.d5 exd5 8.Ch4 [ 8.Cd4 Cc6 ( 8...Ac6 9.cxd5 Axd5 10.Axd5 Cxd5 11.e4 Cb4 12.Cc3 Af6 13.Cf5 Te8 14.f4 d6 15.Dg4 C8c6 16.e5 dxe5 17.Ce4 exf4 18.Ch6+ Rf8 19.Cxf6 Dxf6 20.Txf4 Te1+ 21.Rg2 Ce5 22.Txf6 Cxg4 23.Txf7+ Re8 24.Txg7 Cxh6 25.a3 Td8 26.axb4 Td7 27.Txd7 Rxd7 28.Rf2 Th1 29.Re2 Cf5 30.Rd3 Rc6 31.b3 Rd5 32.g4 Ce7 33.Ab2 Txh2 34.Ac3 Cc6 35.Tf1 Th3+ 36.Rc2 a6 37.Tf5+ Rd6 38.Tf6+ Rd7 39.Tf7+ Rc8 40.Tf8+ Rb7 41.Tf5 Th2+ 42.Rd3 Th3+ 43.Rc2 Ce7 44.Te5 Cg6 45.Te4 Tf3 46.g5 Tf5 47.Ad2 Rc6 48.Te1 Tf7 49.Ta1 Rb5 50.Te1 Ce7 51.Te4 Rc6 52.Tc4+ Rd7 53.Td4+ Re6 54.Te4+ Rd5 55.Tg4 Cg6 56.Tg1 Ce5 57.Tg2 Re4 58.Ac3 Cg6 59.Ad2 Cf8 60.Te2+ Rd5 61.Ac3 Tf5 62.Td2+ Re6 63.Ag7 Cg6 64.Th2 Tf7 65.Ac3 Cf4 66.Ad2 Cd5 67.Te2+ Rf5 68.Tf2+ Rg6 69.Te2 Te7 70.Tf2 Ce3+ 71.Rd3 Cf5 72.Af4 Td7+ 73.Rc3 Cd6 74.Te2 Cb5+ 75.Rb2 Tf7 76.Te4 Rf5 77.Te1 Cd4 78.Ac1 Cf3 79.Td1 Tg7 80.Rc3 Cxg5 81.Td5+ Rg4 82.Td4+ Rh5 83.Td5 h6 84.Rc4 Tg6 85.Ae3 b5+ 86.Rc5 Rg4 87.Td7 Ce4+ 88.Rd4 Td6+ 89.Txd6 Cxd6 90.Rd5 h5 91.Af2 h4 92.Axh4 Rxh4 93.Rc6 Rg4 94.Rxc7 Ce4 95.Rb6 Rf4 0-1 Polugaevsky,L (2635)-Korchnoi,V (2695)/Buenos Aires 1980/Candidates) 9.cxd5 Cxd4 10.Dxd4 c5 11.Dd3 d6 12.a4 a6 13.Ca3 b5 14.Af4 b4 15.Cc4 a5 16.e4 Aa6 17.Dc2 Axc4 18.Dxc4 Cd7 19.Tfd1 Cb6 20.Db5 Dc7 21.Ah3 Tfb8 22.Dc6 Dd8 23.e5 Cc4 24.exd6 Axd6 25.Axd6 Cxd6 26.Dxc5 b3 27.Td4 Tb7 28.Tc1 h6 29.Dc3 Tab8 30.De3 Te7 31.Df4 Te2 32.Tc6 Tb6 33.Dc1 Df6 34.Df4 Dd8 35.Td2 g5 36.Dd4 Tb4 37.Dc3 Te1+ 38.Af1 Txa4 39.Te2 Txe2 40.Axe2 De7 41.Ad3 Ta1+ 42.Rg2 Td1 43.Ta6 Dd8 44.Dd4 f5 45.Ta7 Df8 46.Dc3 a4 47.Dc7 Df7 48.Ta8+ Rg7 49.Dxd6 Txd3 50.De5+ 1-0 Polugaevsky,L (2635)-Korchnoi,V (2695)/Buenos Aires 1980/Candidates] 8...c6 9.cxd5 9 9...Cxd5 3 10.Cf5 9 10...Cc7 9 [ 10...Ac5 11.e4 Ce7 12.Cxg7 Rxg7 13.b4 Axb4 14.Dd4+ f6 15.Dxb4 c5 16.Dd2 Cbc6 17.Ab2 Aa6 18.Td1 Ce5 19.Ca3 C7c6 20.De3 De7 21.f4 Cc4 22.Cxc4 Axc4 23.e5 fxe5 24.Axc6 dxc6 25.Td7 Dxd7 26.Dxe5+ Rf7 27.Df6+ Rg8 28.Dg5+ Rf7 29.Te1 De6 30.Dg7+ Re8 31.Txe6+ Axe6 32.Af6 Af7 33.Ag5 Rd7 34.Ah6 c4 35.Dxh7 c5 36.Axf8 Txf8 37.Dg7 Re7 38.De5+ Rd7 39.g4 Te8 40.Df6 Ad5 41.g5 Te2 42.h4 b5 43.Df5+ Rd6 44.Df8+ Rc6 45.Dc8+ Rd6 46.Dd8+ Rc6 47.Da8+ Rd6 48.Df8+ Rc6 49.a3 Te3 50.h5 c3 51.Df6+ Ae6 52.Rf2 c2 53.Db2 Th3 54.Rg2 Af5 55.Df6+ Rc7 56.Dxf5 c1D 57.De5+ Rb6 58.Rxh3 b4 59.axb4 cxb4 60.h6 Dh1+ 61.Rg4 Dd1+ 62.Rf5 Dc2+ 63.Rf6 b3 64.h7 Dxh7 65.De3+ Rc6 66.Dxb3 Dh8+ 67.Re7 Dh4 68.Dc4+ Rb6 69.Db4+ Rc6 70.De4+ Rb5 71.Rf7 a5 72.g6 Dg4 73.De5+ 1-0 Polugaevsky,L (2635)-Korchnoi,V (2695)/Buenos Aires 1980/Candidates] 11.Te1 3 Ng5 (IM) : is it any good ? i thought it was analysed to a draw in the 80's Ng5 (IM) : can be very drawish if black gives the pawn back Ng5 (IM) : maybe but this was been very well analysed for a long time [ RR 11.Cc3 Ce6 ( 11...d5 12.e4 Af6 13.Af4 Ac8 14.g4 Cba6 15.Tc1 Ad7 16.Dd2 Cc5 17.e5 Ae7 18.Cxe7+ Dxe7 19.Ag5 De6 20.h3 Dg6 21.f4 f6 22.exf6 gxf6 23.Ah4 f5 24.b4 fxg4 25.hxg4 Cd3 26.Tf3 Cxc1 27.f5 Dg7 28.Dxc1 Tae8 29.Dd2 d4 30.Ce2 Cd5 31.Cxd4 Rh8 32.g5 Te4 33.Af2 De5 34.Tg3 Tf4 35.f6 Ae8 36.b5 c5 37.Cc6 Da1+ 38.Af1 Tf5 39.g6 Axg6 40.Txg6 T5xf6 41.Txf6 Dxf6 42.De1 Tg8+ 43.Rh2 Df4+ 44.Ag3 Txg3 45.Dxg3 Dxf1 46.Db8+ Rg7 47.Dg3+ 1/2-1/2 Kasparov,G (2715)-Karpov,A (2705)/Moscow 1984/MainBase) 12.e4 d6 13.f4 Cd7 14.Ae3 Cf6 15.Tf2 d5 16.exd5 cxd5 17.Cxd5 Axd5 18.Axd5 Cxd5 19.Dxd5 Te8 20.Td1 Af8 21.Cd6 Axd6 22.Dxd6 Dc8 23.f5 Cf8 24.Ag5 Dc4 25.Ae7 Tac8 Salov,V (2670)-Adams,M (2660)/Madrid 1996/CD PDR/1-0 (55)] 11...d5N 272 [ RR 11...Ce6 12.e4 g6 13.Cxe7+ Dxe7 14.Cc3 d6 15.Ah6 Te8 16.Dd2 Cd7 17.f4 Tad8 18.Tad1 Cdf8 19.f5 Cg7 20.Af4 f6 21.Axd6 Df7 22.Df2 Cd7 23.fxg6 hxg6 24.Te2 Ce5 25.Ted2 Cc4 26.Td3 Vera,R (2494) -Corrales,F (2507)/Santa Clara CUB 2007/The Week in Chess 641/0-1 (74)] 12.e4 98 12...d4 16 13.Cxd4 481 13...c5 153 14.Cf5 171 14...Cc6 15 15.Cc3 9 15...Cd4 140 16.Af4 855 16...Af6 190 17.e5 574 17...Axg2 5 18.exf6 82 18...Af3 161 Mataleo (FM) : 18...Nxf5 was better i think Mataleo (FM) : still very complicated Mataleo (FM) : looks strong when you have an engine Mataleo (FM) : if Aronian has to find Bxc7 Qxc7 Nb5 to win... chanpk (IM) : Ne7!! Kh8 fg7 Kg7 Bh6!!+- Morfius (IM) : the chanpk kh8 again then Mataleo (FM) : perhaps Ne7 Kh8 fg Kg7 Qc1 Grettir (IM) : then Nce6 Mataleo (FM) : i meant if Bxc7 Qxc7 Nb5 Qb7 first Grettir (IM) : what do the engines say..? 19.Ce7+ 410 Grettir (IM) : there he goes.. Morfius (IM) : white looks very nice here Mataleo (FM) : very complicated Grettir (IM) : yes, morfius, Iagree 19...Rh8 76 Mataleo (FM) : Bxc7 now? Manuan (IM) : Be5 Ng5 (IM) : seems white is better but its not clear yet 20.Axc7 38 Grettir (IM) : rooar.. Ng5 (IM) : shredder about +1.1 Mataleo (FM) : man Aronian sure is playing fast with so many possibilities Grettir (IM) : filth about +0,9 Morfius (IM) : hehe Grettir (IM) : those bloodless engines are destroying chess... Mataleo (FM) : not the engines, it's the amateurs who use it and believe they hold the ultimate truth of chess comprehension 20...Dxc7 172 Morfius (IM) : it does? 21.Cb5 38 Ng5 (IM) : just drawish now Mataleo (FM) : it was better on move 19 me thinks Ng5 (IM) : Bxd1 Nxc7 Bc2 and += but drawish Woef (GM) : Qb7 I suppose Ng5 (IM) : Bd1 is forced pandorA (IM) : èô ÿä7? pandorA (IM) : qd7 QD2 nb5 take g7 anm qg5 # pandorA (IM) : qb5 :) Ng5 (IM) : Bd1 is just drawish Ng5 (IM) : Bd1, no danger, no attack, boring and drawish Ng5 (IM) : Nb5 looks like an error, but it was very complicated Ng5 (IM) : dont thinl Levon stronger than chucky in endings Ubiyca (GM) : yes but it's nothing compared Ubiyca (GM) : to Maradona's play vs England Ubiyca (GM) : no but u remember that match which year it was when he overplayed 6 English players !!! and made goal! come on Maradona N1-N2 with Pele I think Maradona even better Ubiyca (GM) : yeah but that was a fantastic goal klaras (GM) : it was after goal with hand of god Movses (FM) : Hi, Teimour. Nice to have you hear klaras (GM) : that he passed everybody including goalkeeper Ubiyca (GM) : pfff come on Ronaldinho's is great player but it's something like to compare top players now and top players of 1985 Mataleo (FM) : both goals from Maradona against England were incredible Ubiyca (GM) : ok one of them of course as he said was God's hand even if it was:) but OK Mataleo (FM) : who cares, many goals should not have counted. England got a lucky break against Cameroon in 1990 but nobody complains about that 21...Axd1 1048 22.Cxc7 15 Ng5 (IM) : now B moves anywhere and its = Ubiyca (GM) : yes but for me football is what Brazilians are showin Mataleo (FM) : they need a team 22...Ac2 106 Mataleo (FM) : Brazil had its best players in 30 years last year Morfius (IM) : i think the african teams will be very strong in next world cup Mataleo (FM) : they always say that Morfius! Ng5 (IM) : Henry is good but not fit Ng5 (IM) : seems Henry has long term fitness problems, and he is getting old Ng5 (IM) : Ronaldo is my No 1 Ng5 (IM) : yes Ng5 (IM) : Henry was best, now he is past his best Ng5 (IM) : Anybody like Drogba or Robben ? Ng5 (IM) : Drogba is very athletic and a good striker, but i think he has been a bit lucky Ng5 (IM) : Robben can be brilliant, but he is inconsistent Finegold (IM) : Levon is Elton John's favorite player Ng5 (IM) : this game was fun but it seems to be dying 23.Cxa8 653 23...Cf3+ 16 24.Rg2 15 24...Cxe1+ 4 25.Txe1 7 25...Txa8 4 Mataleo (FM) : seems Aronian played a little too fast 26.Cd5 47 Ng5 (IM) : Ba4 -c6 is = Ng5 (IM) : Chelsea Ng5 (IM) : always, grew up in Putney, my localteam 26...gxf6 234 27.Cxf6 46 Ng5 (IM) : i guess only black can win here 27...Rg7 45 Sweere (GM) : Shabalov used to experiment with it Sweere (GM) : does look kind of stupid Sweere (GM) : what of this game can Ivanchuk win? Sweere (GM) : I root for Vasil Sweere (GM) : I was put off by Aronian's dismissive comment about theit first game - oh, I just blundered a pawn Sweere (GM) : this Armenian fellow could use better manners Morfius (IM) : do u have something against aronian sweere Sweere (GM) : Vaganian, Akopian Lputian all gentlemen, what's wrong with Aronian's manners Sweere (GM) : yes I have this against him Morfius (IM) : i disagree that aronian is arrogant Mataleo (FM) : natalrn are you stupid or just plain dumb? Mataleo (FM) : Vaganian was a world championship candidate 28.Ch5+ 310 28...Rf8 4 29.g4 11 Sweere (GM) : Natal you better stick to soccer in your judgments, you can't call vaganian, Akopian and Lputian crap, it's disgusting Sweere (GM) : they're good players and decent people Sweere (GM) : could you come to their faces and say that? Sweere (GM) : you embarass me Mataleo (FM) : Censor Natalrn for a better life Sweere (GM) : I think White will escape here I like the last move g4 - counterthreats against the black king 29...Td8 192 Sweere (GM) : g5 now? Sweere (GM) : to play Nf6 and keep the black rook tied up to the 8th 30.Cf6 322 30...h6 69 Sweere (GM) : h4 to renew it Sweere (GM) : but then Ba4 protects e8 and rd2 is coming Arakel (FM) : Chess in blood..hmm..interesting Arakel (FM) : can it be removed? Sweere (GM) : they're not so poor Arakel (FM) : really? Arakel (FM) : tell me more! Sweere (GM) : nobody is starving in Armenia Arakel (FM) : Probably shouldn't start that talk here Sweere (GM) : how do you measure that? MMCMiranda (FM) : Re2 fol by f4,h4,g5. Sweere (GM) : Romania of 1990 was one of my all-time favorite soccer teams Sweere (GM) : they knocked out Argentina and would have beaten Brazil too if it wasn't for a fluke loos to Sweden Mataleo (FM) : no way Sweere Mataleo (FM) : Brazil killed Sweden, even if it ended only 1-0 Mataleo (FM) : 24 shots on goal Mataleo (FM) : Romania played equal against Sweden Sweere (GM) : no way? Brazil squeaked 1-0 bt Sweden that was forced to fly back acroos the country after playing Romania in LA Sweere (GM) : the schedule was fixed to see Brazil-Italy, the only teams who didn't have to travel 31.Rg3 692 Mataleo (FM) : Sorry Sweere but you're forgetting that the Schedule was not fixed for that, as Italy came second in their pool Sweere (GM) : beautiful Sweere (GM) : what are you busy with calculating variations? Sweere (GM) : give us one please Sweere (GM) : about the game Aronian plays the best moves trying to drum up some attacking chances against the king Sweere (GM) : it won't be enough to win the game unless Black gets too busy on the Q-side Sweere (GM) : it's in Turkey Sweere (GM) : it's OK not too many people know that Sweere (GM) : Aronian does have a bit of Tigran in his style Hatred (IM) : Aronian is much more tactical Sweere (GM) : of course, I know that Hatred (IM) : all Armenian GMs have something common in their style Sweere (GM) : some differences too Hatred (IM) : of course, for they're not clones Sweere (GM) : Artashes Minasian is very original , not quite solid Sweere (GM) : Lputian is ultra-aggressive with White Sweere (GM) : Asrian is very solid, many draws Sweere (GM) : Vasil is trying to decide if playing for a win is worth risking 0-0-0 Sweere (GM) : top 15 in the world easily Sweere (GM) : I was thinking in general terms, not one rating list funnybird (FM) : Vaganian wa number 3 in 1985 I think Sweere (GM) : just like Aronian now is top ten Sweere (GM) : even though he was #3 once 31...Rg7 821 32.Ch5+ 50 32...Rf8 17 Sweere (GM) : it's self-explanatory, just watch the game continuation 33.Cf6 5 Sweere (GM) : White is trying to keep the black king bozed in Sweere (GM) : boxed Hatred (IM) : I guess Ivanchuk will accept the silent draw offer Hatred (IM) : yes he was Hatred (IM) : right Hatred (IM) : even despite of my evil nickname I feel sorry for Radjabov in that situation Sweere (GM) : I would too if it wasn't for his ridiculous demands afterwards Hatred (IM) : but what were these demands? Sweere (GM) : 100,000 euros for a stolen laptop 33...Aa4 654 Sweere (GM) : he made it sound like the organizers were involved in the crime Hatred (IM) : not bad, like it has been made of gold 34.Ce4 27 34...Ac6 49 Sweere (GM) : was there any? I thought everythign is in the prize fund 35.Cc3 10 Sweere (GM) : so he drove the knight back vogonprotestnik (IM) : nice ighting spirit! Sweere (GM) : Rd6, f6 Kf7 - a bit slow Sweere (GM) : is White going to play Rd1 Sweere (GM) : pray? I'm not religious are you referring to Othello? Sweere (GM) : going to strangle me for suggesting that Brazil could have been beaten by Romania in 1990? Hatred (IM) : Rd3!? Sweere (GM) : Bobby is compared to a swere rat, oh well Sweere (GM) : isn't a first time my handle is Sewer Sweere (GM) : what is it? Sweere (GM) : it's OK Sweere (GM) : Natal stop the politics baiting Sweere (GM) : white is defending solidly Sweere (GM) : no weaknesses, got the king out Sweere (GM) : Aronian shouldn't lose this one Arakel (FM) : I wonder how much of this was preparation by Aronian? Sweere (GM) : was Vasil's counter sac d4 a novelty? Arakel (FM) : at what point? Sweere (GM) : OK thanks Arakel (FM) : still..the whole business with 21.Nb5...looks like it may still have been prepared 35...Td2 619 36.Te2 13 36...Td4 5 Arakel (FM) : actually 15.Nc3 was the novelty Arakel (FM) : although 15.Nc3 very natural... Arakel (FM) : Piket played 15.e5 immediately Arakel (FM) : look..I'm Armenian..I'm poor..I'm lucky I have a DB 37.Te1 431 Arakel (FM) : I don't have all of your blitz games in my DB, so in fact I am very poor aries2 (IM) : ljubo says 20. be5 smashed chuk Arakel (FM) : 20.Be5 was dangerous aries2 (IM) : maybe 20. be5 just won Arakel (FM) : was thinking 20.Be5 Nce6 at that point Arakel (FM) : and if you put 20. Be5 on comp Aries...you know what you get? Arakel (FM) : 20..g5! aries2 (IM) : no arakel what aries2 (IM) : looks good Arakel (FM) : comp says black is fine there...hard to believe! aries2 (IM) : who aries2 (IM) : i mean how aries2 (IM) : 20. be5 g5 looks horrible aries2 (IM) : black can't move anything 37...Ad7 246 aries2 (IM) : oh ok he wants qd7 to h3 got it Arakel (FM) : but white's light squares also horrible Aries aries2 (IM) : be5 g5 qd3 ne2+ Qxe2 Bxe2 Rxe2 brilliant queen sac Arakel (FM) : 20.Be5 g5 21.Qc1 Nce6 just is complete mess... aries2 (IM) : i sac queen to put you in zug Arakel (FM) : it's not me you are putting in zug Arakel (FM) : I take no credit for 20...g5 aries2 (IM) : This formation be5 p/g6 n/e7 suggests the queen sac Arakel (FM) : comp move, not me aries2 (IM) : oops p/f6 Arakel (FM) : and also, it's ot quite zug 38.f3 212 38...Ae6 84 aries2 (IM) : ljubo said chuk can torture here 39.a3 22 Arakel (F M) : seems like every Aronian/Ivanchuk game is torture for Aronian 39...Td2 342 Arakel (FM) : good prediction bigm Hatred (IM) : but Black is better still Hatred (IM) : a little though Hatred (IM) : Carlsen also drew... ( aries2 (IM) : game heading for big fat draw aries2 (IM) : what are you talking about zoomi the buffet table is ready 1/2-1/2

Morozevich-Topalov: Surgió lo previsible. Una enconada lucha a fuego lento. Morozevich culpó tras el Mundial de San Luis de 2.005 a Topalov de usar a mi querido módulo Rybka como espía y Topalov nunca se lo ha perdonado. En el momento de realizar esta crónica llevan cinco horas y media de larga lucha, con Topalov haciendo todos los esfuerzos posibles para ganarle al ruso. Rahal en Radio ICC pronosticó hace ya bastante rato que serían tablas. Pero recuerdo aquella contestación de Veselin en Tenerife: "Es posible que determinadas posiciones sean tablas, pero hay que saberlas jugar casi a la perfección y por ello, a mi se me hace necesario llevarlas hasta las últimas consecuencias". Es la garra de un luchador, que tanto apreciamos los aficionados al ajedrez. Pero, por principios, Morozevich, siempre muy original, tampoco se queda atrás. Así que ambos homenajean hoy, con este fuerte carácter, al gran Bobby Fischer en el día de su cumpleaños. La partida se desarrolló con una Defensa Siciliana en donde las blancas optaron por una formación a las primeras de cambio a base de Cf3-Pc3-Pd3-Ae2 y Cbd2. Una especie de Giuoco Piano en la Siciliana. Topalov dobló un peón en el centro para controlar la débil casilla "d3" de las blancas. La posición en el medio juego distó de ser clara. Veselin hizo un buen movimiento en la jugada 20 con …Ag5 para cambiar al fuerte alfil de las blancas, pero de nuevo a costa de doblar otro peón, aunque es verdad que controlando importantes casillas. Tras 25.c4 se produjeron una masiva serie de cambios de piezas que llevó a un final aparentemente igualado, pero en donde Topalov en sus ansias por obtener la victoria entrega el peón de "a7" en vez del de "e5" que anima de nuevo la contienda. Se cambian los alfiles y se llega a un final de caballos, que se hizo largísimo. A esta altura, Rahal entendía que se podía llegar a las tablas y se despidió de la audiencia. Hizo mal. Tenía que haber seguido. Como yo, hasta el final !!. Amigo Rahal: "En Linares, tres huevos son dos pares". Topalov, fiel a su estilo, forzó demasiado los acontecimientos, cambió caballos y se llegó a un final de peones, esta vez con muy buenas posibilidades para Morozevich. Se aterrizó en un final de dama y peón contra dama y peón, y la circunstancia del peón más avanzado de las blancas le están dando muy buenos chances de victoria. En efecto, escribo en directo y posteriormente el ruso gana el peón y entra en un final de damas con ese peón de ventaja, que según las tablebases le deben reportar la inaudita victoria a Morozevich, pero eso sí en 41 jugadas más. Increíble, pero cierto. Veremos a ver que pasa… . Ahora van por el movimiento 75.

Morozevich,A (2741) - Topalov,V (2783) [B50]
Morelia-Linares Linares (13), 09.03.2007

1.e4 c5 2.Cf3 d6 3.c3 Cf6 4.Ae2 Ad7 5.d3 [ RR 5.Dc2 Dc7 6.0-0 g6 7.d4 cxd4 8.Cxd4 Cc6 9.Ae3 Ag7 10.c4 Cg4 11.Axg4 Axg4 12.Dd2 0-0 13.b3 Cxd4 14.Axd4 Axd4 15.Dxd4 Dc5 16.Dd3 a6 17.Cc3 Ae6 18.a4 b6 19.Rh1 b5 Adams,M (2715)-Kasparov,G (2851)/Wijk aan Zee 2000/CD PDR/1/2-1/2 (61)] 5...e6 445 [ RR 5...g6 6.0-0 Ag7 ( RR 6...Cc6 7.Te1 Ag7 8.Cbd2 0-0 9.Cf1 e5 10.Cg3 Te8 11.h3 Tc8 12.Ae3 h6 13.Dd2 Rh7 14.Af1 Da5 15.a3 b5 16.b4 Dc7 17.Tab1 cxb4 18.cxb4 d5 19.Db2 d4 20.Ad2 Ae6 21.Tec1 Rzoska,K (2161)-Zuk,A (2072)/Koszalin POL 2006/The Week in Chess 616/1/2-1/2 (81)) 7.h3 0-0 8.a4 Cc6 9.Ca3 e5 10.Te1 h6 11.Cc4 Ae6 12.Af1 Dc7 13.Ad2 d5 14.exd5 Cxd5 15.Dc1 Rh7 16.Te4 g5 17.Te1 Af5 18.Db1 Ag6 19.Ta3 a5 20.Ta1 Tseshkovsky,V (2572)-Kim,A (2446)/Voronezh RUS 2006/The Week in Chess 606/1-0 (40); RR 5...Cc6 6.0-0 e5 7.Te1 Ae7 8.h3 0-0 9.Af1 Te8 10.d4 cxd4 11.cxd4 exd4 12.Cxd4 d5 13.exd5 Cxd5 14.Cb5 Ae6 15.C1c3 Cxc3 16.Cxc3 Dxd1 17.Txd1 1/2-1/2 Rublevsky,S (2687)-Naiditsch,A (2664)/Sochi RUS 2006/The Week in Chess 603] 6.Cbd2 417 Odysseus (GM) : maybe a draw but not before 40th move [ RR 6.0-0 Ae7 7.Te1 0-0 8.Af1 Ac6 9.Cbd2 Dc7 10.a3 Cbd7 11.b3 Tfe8 12.Ab2 b6 13.d4 Tad8 14.Ad3 Cf8 15.De2 Cg6 16.g3 Db7 17.Tad1 b5 18.Ab1 a6 19.h4 e5 20.d5 Ad7 Flores,D (2442)-Felgaer,R (2509)/Pinamar 2002/CD PDR/1/2-1/2 (89)] 6...Ae7 8 7.0-0 5 7...0-0 183 Petrovich (GM) : Sosa cheated with cork bates Petrovich (GM) : Topa used cork pieces 8.a3N 412 [ RR 8.d4 Cc6 9.a3 a6 10.Ad3 b5 11.e5 dxe5 12.dxe5 Cd5 13.Ce4 c4 14.Ac2 Ae8 15.De2 Ta7 16.Ceg5 g6 17.Ce4 Rh8 18.Ah6 Tg8 19.Ceg5 Td7 20.De4 Ac5 21.Dh4 f5 22.Cxe6 Dxh4 Ng Tse Han-Kamal,R/Asian Teams Genting Highlands MAS 1998/1-0 (81) ; RR 8.e5 Cd5 9.Ce4 dxe5 10.Cxe5 Ae8 11.f4 f6 12.Cf3 Ag6 13.Ch4 Af7 14.f5 e5 15.De1 Cc6 16.Dg3 Te8 17.Rh1 b5 18.Ah6 Af8 19.Tae1 b4 20.c4 Cb6 21.Cxc5 Rh8 22.Ae3 Cd4 De Armas,A (2125)-Abreu,A/Isla Guitart op 1994/1-0 (39)] 8...Ac6 30 Mataleo (FM) : did they shake hands? Mataleo (FM) : better than arguing with Pille klaras (GM) : today again no handshake between these 2? klaras (GM) : in 1st game in morelia there was nohandshake 9.Te1 575 9...Cbd7 100 10.Af1 7 10...Ce5 216 11.Cxe5 413 11...dxe5 3 12.Cc4 22 Mataleo (FM) : nice little edge for white here 12...Dc7 409 13.b4 113 13...Tfd8 240 14.Db3 8 Ng5 (IM) : just looks murky and unclear with lots of play to come Ng5 (IM) : i guess black is happier coz he has equalised Ng5 (IM) : he wants dynamic equality with chances of playing for a win Goldmund (GM) : whatever Rybka say white is better to me,at least some play on queen side,f3,Be3 to come 14...b5 270 15.Ca5 135 15...Ae8 5 Goldmund (GM) : f3! Goldmund (GM) : no 16.f3 251 16...Cd7 17 17.Ae3 15 aries2 (IM) : game toddles on aries2 (IM) : black looks ok here aries2 (IM) : no hocus aries2 (IM) : black ok aries2 (IM) : the doubled pawn is very useful holding up pawn breaks aries2 (IM) : he has enough space, he's ok aries2 (IM) : he can move Mr Horse to e.g. b6 or his QR aries2 (IM) : the dreaded h6 is also quite possible aries2 (IM) : this is not a key position he can do anything e.g. h6 aries2 (IM) : maybe he'll move his QR to mysterious b8 who knows aries2 (IM) : i played in some round robins and some swisses aries2 (IM) : yes if you started 200 points too low for some reason 17...Cb6 439 aries2 (IM) : white doesn't have very much to undertake here aries2 (IM) : unless he does the bizarre c3-c4 aries2 (IM) : he needs QR for some pawn action aries2 (IM) : maybe rac1 to put it opposite queen aries2 (IM) : anything can happen in kiddie tournaments including illegal moves 18.Tec1 371 aries2 (IM) : in new york, a whole bunch of kids in an official chess program were taught that any piece can do en passant aries2 (IM) : they can if nobody is watching aries2 (IM) : parents would love to signal their kids if they could, they have been banned from the tournament room altogether 18...Ca4 212 aries2 (IM) : rec1? bizarre aries2 (IM) : why not the "moro" normal rac1 aries2 (IM) : maybe ra2 with complete tedium 19.Dc2 327 aries2 (IM) : on its way to f2 19...h6 83 20.Df2 91 aries2 (IM ) : Nostradamus predicted an "abron" which we now know was the apron 20...Ag5 139 aries2 (IM) : here, bxg5 hxg5 qe3 aries2 (IM) : exchange it moro and qe3 aries2 (IM) : he can do d4 but what occurs aries2 (IM) : isn't bg5 hg qe3 safe enough 21.Axg5 327 21...hxg5 9 22.Tc2 9 aries2 (IM) : game goes on 22...Tac8 236 23.Tac1 3 aries2 (IM) : both players may be sick of their game aries2 (IM) : I saw Silman once and he had on a cool full length wizard's robe with stars and moons aries2 (IM) : I asked him if he had ever actually played a game and that threw him into a deep think aries2 (IM) : Except at the beach aries2 (IM) : breeze he doesn't remember the anchorage trip aries2 (IM) : it happened in a fugure aries2 (IM) : "fugue" state aries2 (IM) : partying was the condition aries2 (IM) : This structure is mutual blah 23...De7 550 24.De1 157 isradiamond (GM) : I doubt so, moro believes he is a cheater 24...Tc7 194 isradiamond (GM) : lol theorist isradiamond (GM) : moro can't play him since moro thinks he is against computer isradiamond (GM) : i have the same problem when I play against fritz-I feel hopeless Mataleo (FM) : i have 2.3 is 2.3.1 anybetter? 25.c4 227 Mataleo (FM) : ssdf is way too late Mataleo (FM) : ssdf is not a serious list anymore aries2 (IM) : luke warm water on board 25...Tdc8 265 Goldmund (GM) : position is almost simmetrical:) all pieces Goldmund (GM) : most like Goldmund (GM) : all draws' day to come in Linares again Ng5 (IM) : g4 f5 f4 looks pretty Neveris (GM) : masturbation is mental chess 26.cxb5 1282 26...Axb5 253 27.bxc5 152 mharize (WIM) : white is better mharize (WIM) : a little 27...Txc5 222 28.Txc5 229 28...Txc5 7 funnybird (FM) : Qb4 Bd3 looks tricky not is it good? 29.Db4 353 Sauerkraut (GM) : qb4 then bxd3 Lala (FM) : Qxc5 is check on Rxc5 OldFaithful (IM) : Bd3 and after c5 exchange Nc6 recovers pawn. Sweere (GM) : didn't know that Goldmund (GM) : Bd3 Rc5 Qc5 Qc5 Nc5 Nc6 a6 Ne5 is drawn Sweere (GM) : no Nc6 after Bd3 Sweere (GM) : are yousure? 29...Axd3 711 30.Txc5 11 30...Dxc5+ 4 31.Dxc5 24 31...Cxc5 3 32.Cc6 6 funnybird (FM) : last year it wasn't Play2Ke2 Goldmund (GM) : Carlsen just drew 32...Rf8 256 funnybird (FM) : Na7 it is easy to get out 33.Cxa7 596 33...Re7 8 34.Cc6+ 8 34...Rd6 4 35.Ca5 45 Ng5 (IM) : easy draw for both sides Ng5 (IM) : dunno who is trying to win Dworkin (IM) : hard to win..and hard to lose... so draw! Goldmund (GM) : very strange play by Topa LittlePeasant (GM) : black is certainly not better LittlePeasant (GM) : if he does he must make sure not to lose all his k-side pawns playlikestevie (IM) : Kc7 - b6 LittlePeasant (GM) : oh im 18 alright LittlePeasant (GM) : and ill be 18 for another 6 months LittlePeasant (GM) : :) Goldmund (GM) : ok I'm ordinary GM then you is unordinary putzer:) playlikestevie (IM) : Kc7 - b6 35...f6 588 FrozenShade (GM) : below 2700 is ordinary patzer, so what should we call under 2600? or under 2000? :) FrozenShade (GM) : nb7+ perhaps Goldmund (GM) : i likeNb7 36.Rf2 195 Ng5 (IM) : this id drawn Ng5 (IM) : this is drawn Ng5 (IM) : very drawn Ng5 (IM) : even if someone gets an advantage it will still be drawn LittlePeasant (GM) : moro did not miss nb7+ LittlePeasant (GM) : nb7+ is just a bad move 36...Axf1 113 37.Rxf1 3 Ng5 (IM) : now g4 looks dead drawn Petrovich (GM) : alive draw 37...g4 148 38.Re2 44 playlikestevie (IM) : ha -ha MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : 0.45 in favour of white or black ? playlikestevie (IM) : Topalov was 2750 before the comps became strong aries2 (IM) : relay error Ng5 (IM) : relayerror 38...gxf3+ 13 Goldmund (GM) : deep stuff 39.Rxf3 7 39...Cd3 25 aries2 (IM) : repeliyo the crack house called your credit is no good anymore LittlePeasant (GM) : = Sweere (GM) : no winning chances for White Ng5 (IM) : -.01 shredder MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : every endgame move from strange Kf8 are first line of my fritz aries2 (IM) : h2-h4 +0.001 40.Cb3 49 playlikestevie (IM) : Kc6 aries2 (IM) : white might try the bum's rush with kg4 at some point Sweere (GM) : Ne1 Kf2 Nd3 Ke3 Ne1 draw Ng5 (IM) : wow, blunder, now -.15 aries2 (IM) : white up +0.0023 40...Ce1+ 86 aries2 (IM) : 1/2 GMAlex (GM) : only black can win here LittlePeasant (GM) : = GMAlex (GM) : Kf2 Nc2 a4 Nd4 Sweere (GM) : Kf2 Nc2 a4 Nd4 is a winning attempt playlikestevie (IM) : Kf3 blunder aries2 (IM) : kg4 nxg2 kh5 GMAlex (GM) : black is better 41.Rf2 28 GMAlex (GM) : K:f3 was a very strange move aries2 (IM) : no poc Sweere (GM) : it's not GMAlex' fault when Moro makes a mistake Ng5 (IM) : its all drawn GMAlex (GM) : well, guys, then I just stick with my opinion.With all the modesty, I think that I understand it better than average spectator.Just wanted to share it with you - will not do it again playlikestevie (IM) : Topa! MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : no GMAlex, we want to see your opinion MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : just censor this idiot andcontinue 41...Cc2 94 Sweere (GM) : GMAlex come back please playlikestevie (IM) : Yeee 42.a4 12 playlikestevie (IM) : Nd4 playlikestevie (IM) : Nd4 and Kc5! playlikestevie (IM) : 0-1 playlikestevie (IM) : Topa! playlikestevie (IM) : ist far from 0-1 but Topa changed a lot the evaluation!!! 42...Cd4 84 Ng5 (IM) : cmon guys, comp eval can get to +/- 3 and its still dead drawn GMAlex (GM) : weill, thanks for your kind permission, malthrope.It's =+, so white shall be able to hold LittlePeasant (GM) : white should hold playlikestevie (IM) : yeee MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : every black move from first line of fritz10 MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : but probably fritz10 is not so strong in endgames aries2 (IM) : quanta don't suicide Sweere (GM) : Moro's allowing g4 was careless GMAlex (GM) : Nd2-f1-g3 should hold MightyViking (IM) : "MASLAKKOSTIA(IM) : every black move from first line of fritz10" So Danailov is at it again, eh? playlikestevie (IM) : Topa is Topa!! well said! GMAlex (GM) : yes, punter Sweere (GM) : I'll go out on a limb saying that endgame mastery of the top level GM's has declined in the past 5 years. aries2 (IM) : nd2!? kc5 g4!? idea g5 Sweere (GM) : Kramnik is the only exception aries2 (IM) : nd2 kc5 g4!? trying to establish h-pawn Sweere (GM) : braindead from computer analyses LittlePeasant (GM) : na5 i guess Sweere (GM) : Nto h5 is a reasonable idea aries2 (IM) : how about nd2 kc5 g4!? idea g5 aries2 (IM) : fire on board (both of them) seem a bit rushed aries2 (IM) : stohl's stuff has more explanation SilikonaPub (FM) : there are too many ppl on ICC, it's impossible everyone of us be nice :) aries2 (IM) : check out my idea, nd2 kc5 g4!? playlikestevie (IM) : Na5 and pawn down! aries2 (IM) : Danailov-Kaspy 1980 is a fantastic game where kaspy gets him in full board zug after danailov tries for a draw in the exch. var. KID (dxe5 qxd8). Ng5 (IM) : abuse is not just today, last time I saw NigelShort on here he just got a lot of abuse and left Shadeath (IM) : is Topalov better? playlikestevie (IM) : Danailov - strong IM aries2 (IM) : this game danailov-kaspy excellent Shadeath (IM) : at least Topalov seems better aries2 (IM) : i was impressed by kaspy's maneuvers to put him in the full board press Sweere (GM) : Black's better, but not enough to win after Nd2 Kc5 Nf1 Kb4 Ng3 g6 h4 Ka4 h5 gh5 Nh5 f5 Petrovich (GM) : generichandle go to 97th channel with these crap Sweere (GM) : Danailov used to be a nice fellow. We played once 20 years ago he was OK Shadeath (IM) : your line looks logical Sweere Sweere (GM) : a lot of people say he isn't Shadeath (IM) : probably even forced MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Na5 best here MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Na5 Kc5 h4 Shadeath (IM) : but why is Nd2 Kc5 Nf1 Kb4 Ng3 g6 h4 bad? 43.Cc1 770 Sweere (GM) : Moro takes a different route, where? Shadeath (IM) : I don't understand this move Ng5 (IM) : Moro's knights have a mind of their own Shadeath (IM) : Nd2 was looking like a forced draw Sweere (GM) : not the same thing: Kc5 Ne2 Ne2 may be possible aries2 (IM) : chessbase is a great tabloid aries2 (IM) : yes, g4-g5 Shadeath (IM) : white has no reasons to play for a win here Ng5 (IM) : bfd Sweere (GM) : Linares is a strong tournament but just a tournament Sweere (GM) : it's no World Championship LittlePeasant (GM) : chessbase has the ability to give inside information like no other save NIC playlikestevie (IM) : chessbase is like yellow newspapers! playlikestevie (IM) : g5 43...Rc5 299 Sweere (GM) : g4 now Shadeath (IM) : black's pawnstructure is like monolite, and therefore he is better MightyViking (IM) : When Topalov/Danailov accused Kramnik, ChessBase reported that too. Sweere (GM) : g4 g5 Kg4 Kb4 h4 gh4 Kh4 Nf3 Kh5 Ng5 - White's in trouble playlikestevie (IM) : no they present what they want to present! aries2 (IM) : wow aries2 (IM) : for fractured grammar timman is the champ, i like it when white gets fresh perspectives Shadeath (IM) : and if to continue the line, Sweere - Kg4 Ne4 Kf7? Ng5 (IM) : 1/2 95% 0-1 5% Shadeath (IM) : Kg6 Ne4 Kf7 aries2 (IM) : the idea of approaching pawn with K is not a mind blowing novelty 44.Cd3+ 130 44...Rc4 9 Shadeath (IM) : anyway doesn't mateer now ) Shadeath (IM) : matter Sweere (GM) : suprising developments 45.Re3 56 aries2 (IM) : maybe white can organize a K & P ending down a Pawn that is still a draw playlikestevie (IM) : Kc2 playlikestevie (IM) : Nc2 Ng5 (IM) : Nc2 Ke2 Nb4 a5 ! is a nice trick aries2 (IM) : it was careless as sweere said to allow the 37...g4 move Ng5 (IM) : 0-1 or = MightyViking (IM) : No handshake between these guys. playlikestevie (IM) : Moro said before things against Topa, thats why MightyViking (IM) : I'm not sure. Possibly because Moro is convinced that Topalov cheated in San Luis. Sweere (GM) : Petrosian and Korchnoi reportedly kicked each other on the shins during their match in 1974 aries2 (IM) : no oak playlikestevie (IM) : U can cheat onlyif u have private WC, in other caseshard! 45...Cc2+ 367 pandorA (IM) : íö2 êä2 íá4 à5 íö6 à6 êá5 Sweere (GM) : even paranoid countries get invaded sometimes Ng5 (IM) : now draw 99% pandorA (IM) : nc2 kd2 nb4 a5 nc6 a6 kb5 MightyViking (IM) : Rustam Kamsky threatened to kill Short during the Short-Kamsky match, didn't he? aries2 (IM) : rustam threatened to punch P Wolff and P Wolff got scared 'Sweere (GM) : How about bringing the Hague inquisitors to Gitmo? Sweere (GM) : why is Moro thinking? is he in trouble? Sweere (GM) : I don't like his position Sweere (GM) : can't believe Moro is just waking up to it Sweere (GM) : don't give Topa too much credit it was Moro who's self-destructed Sweere (GM) : if Moro went h3 instead of Kf2 Topa would be worse with no counterplay Sweere (GM) : Kf3 was definetely wrong Sweere (GM) : which is good enough Sweere (GM) : GMAlex said go to h5 before me Sweere (GM) : is he still here? Ng5 (IM) : this is still a draw Sweere (GM) : except that the kights could have been exchanged on e2 - need to analyze the pawn ending Sweere (GM) : sad Sweere (GM) : I meant with the knight, not the king playlikestevie (IM) : ke2 lose Kd4 a5 Ke4 a6 Nd4+ Sweere (GM) : no complaints from me, the games were quite interesting Sweere (GM) : a5 Nc6 a6 Kb5 Sweere (GM) : Nc6 holds e5 makes the g4-g5 idea less dangerous Ng5 (IM) : Ke2 is draw Ng5 (IM) : havent looks at Kd2, but i assume its draw playlikestevie (IM) : Ke2 Kd4 a5 Ke4 a6 Kd4+ and Kc6 0-1 Ng5 (IM) : if he plays Kd2 is a draw Sweere (GM) : how can yuou be so sure Sweere (GM) : Kd2 draw, any lines to support this?' 46.Re2 1164 Sweere (GM) : lots of amateur psychologists here Sweere (GM) : Topa could have become a Fischer-like legend if he quit while ahead - before the match with Kramnik SilikonaPub (FM) : fishhead, I think ur nick is very appropiate SilikonaPub (FM) : strangesfruit did you put them in cold water? MightyViking (IM) : A funny thing is that there is no preserved game of Ruy Lopez actually playing Ruy Lopez. Sweere (GM) : Nd4 Ke3 Nb3 h4 Nc5? Nc5 Kc5 h5 Kb4 g4 Ka4 g5 fg5 Kf3 Kb4 Kg4 Kc4 Kg5 Kd4 Kg6 White queens first and wins Sweere (GM) : same line after Nb4 now only with an extra move for Black, draw? Ng5 (IM) : Nb4 a5 and its a draw Ng5 (IM) : Nb4 a5 Nc6 a6 Kb5 Ke3= Sweere (GM) : no it's actually two moves ahead for Black, so he queens first and wins the queen ending Sweere (GM) : so Nb4 is poossible 46...Rd4 644 Sweere (GM) : I don't like this move Nf2 now Sweere (GM) : I took a sick day it was worth it 47.Cf2 84 Sweere (GM) : yes, if you agree to pay my bills faust (IM) : lol why topa is winning? Golcher (IM) : Ce3 Sweere (GM) : if the black king returns to the a-pawn White has h4-h5 and Ng4xf6 Golcher (IM) : Ce3 Sweere (GM) : Danailo must be going rubber-faced again Golcher (IM) : Ce3¡? Golcher (IM) : no 01 Sweere (GM) : Ne3 a5 and Black has no time for the g2-pawn Golcher (IM) : Ce3 c4 d6 Sweere (GM) : none of the knight jumps threatens anything Sweere (GM) : topalov must play f5 a5 Nb4 and try to hang on Sweere (GM) : Kd4?? 47...Cb4 405 Goldmund (GM) : h4 and white is better again 48.h4 131 Sweere (GM) : White has a simple plan: tie down the black knight with the a-pawn, Kf3, h5 and g4-g5, then fg5 Kg4 and K to g7 Goldmund (GM) : h4-h5 then g4-g5 idea MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : then black knight go to f4 Sweere (GM) : from a6 to f4? MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : and take h5 pawn at the end. WHite can take e6 and e5 pawns after g7 but it is not enough for a win MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : a6-c5-b3-c1-e2-f4 or c5-a4-c3-e2-f4 flowerchild (IM) : Topalov still thinks he is playing for the win, or why did he decline the repetition of moves Sweere (GM) : he didn't play a5 because of Kc5-b5 Sweere (GM) : f5 looks the only chance Sweere (GM) : K to the a-pawn is too slow MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : it's wrong MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : becouse first fritz line are Na6 and Topalov played already at least 20 moves in a row from first line fritz Goldmund (GM) : this reminds one of Kramnik-Topalov games from Elista,where Topa also "played for a win" and finally lost after ad blunder Sweere (GM) : no wonder his position has deteriorated so much Sweere (GM) : that's right. let's see Sweere (GM) : f5 h5 Na6 a5 Nc5 48...Cc6 273 MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : wow Sweere (GM) : reasonable try SilikonaPub (FM) : performance says tiopalov is about 2715 in this tournament, I guess you are all under 1300 for to make up such comentaries Sweere (GM) : the knight isn't going to attack anything it's heade for f7 to stop the white pawns 49.h5 168 49...Ca5 54 SilikonaPub (FM) : thanks for your compliments Sweere (GM) : Ng4 f5 Nf6-e8-g7 is a thought Goldmund (GM) : Ng4 Ke4 Nf6! Sweere (GM) : Na5?? Sweere (GM) : instead Nd8-f7 and stop the a-pawn with the king MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Ng4 nc4 and what ? 50.Cg4 105 faust (IM) : f5 now then ef ef h6 = Sweere (GM) : f5 Nf6 Goldmund (GM) : f5 Nf6 Robatch would play faust:) 50...Cc4 142 playlikestevie (IM) : Nf6 is bad Goldmund (GM) : h6 gh Nf6 keeps advantage for Moro Mataleo (FM) : small men, big insults playlikestevie (IM) : mardot : why the 40% of the are insults to the players?? Goldmund (GM) : Nf6 is not possible gf h6 Nd6 h7 Nf7 Pai-Malchik (GM) : a5 or h6 Crest (GM) : look at draw: 50...Nc4 51.Nxf6 gxf6 52.h6 Nd6 53.h7 Nf7 54.a5 Kc5 55.Kf2 Kb5 56.Kg3 f5 57.exf5 exf5 58.Kh4 Kxa5 59.g4! f4 60.g5 Nh8 61.Kh5 f3 62.g6 Nxg6 63.Kxg6 f2 64.h8=Q f1=Q 65.Qxe5+ = Pai-Malchik (GM) : i think that a5 is correct 51.h6 43 playlikestevie (IM) : a joke :) 51...gxh6 9 Dworkin (IM) : still draw 52.Cxf6 16 Sikandar (IM) : 0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Dworkin (IM) : maybe its time to stop danailov and topy cheetings storys, how much can be! 52...Rc3 200 Sweere (GM) : g4 Kb4 Kf3 Ka4 Kg3 Kb4 Kh4 Kc5 Kh5 the fight is over Sweere (GM) : great endgame play by Topalov: 46...Kd4? 49...Na5?? elastase (FM) : kf3 kb4 g4 Sweere (GM) : g4 Kd4 and what if I go Kf3 Dworkin (IM) : well in sophia he is back i hope! 53.Cg4 215 Sweere (GM) : your comp cannot see deep enough in the pawn ending after you take on e4 Sweere (GM) : what's this for? MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : relay mistake probably 53...h5 101 54.Ce3 10 54...Ca5 10 55.Rf3 38 Dworkin (IM) : is there any time added? Sweere (GM) : I saw no reason to remove the knight from f6, now e4 is vulnearble Sweere (GM) : the knight was ideal on f6, why move it? Dworkin (IM) : kd3? Sweere (GM) : but it loses 55...Cb3 181 playlikestevie (IM) : both of them blundered a lot 56.Cf1 67 playlikestevie (IM) : no win f white!!!!!!!!!! 56...Rd3 88 Ng5 (IM) : draw Ng5 (IM) : i accept 57.Rg3 73 Sweere (GM) : Ke4 Kh4 Kd3 Kh5 Ke2 Mataleo (FM) : you guys crack me up: 20 moves ago you claimed dead draw, then you criticize Topa for missing a win, then Moro, then you want less draws and more fighting games. You have it here dummies 57...Rxe4 249 58.Rh4 9 Ng5 (IM) : i have always said draw Sweere (GM) : Moro blew it Mataleo (FM) : just appreciate the fight. Applaude the players who are going for it instead of agreeing to chicken draws Ng5 (IM) : was draw , is draw. in the middle i was out to lunch Sweere (GM) : well, you're always 33% right Ng5 Sweere (GM) : not bad for an IM 58...Rd3 59 59.Rxh5 7 59...e4 6 60.g4 5 Charlatan (GM) : expected Ke2 instead of e4 Charlatan (GM) : e3 Ng3 e2 Nxe2 Kxe2 g5 Nd4 g6 Nf5 a5 looks like good chances Sweere (GM) : e4 was something Charlatan (GM) : I have not counted, I follow with one eye, I can only speak for this position :) Sweere (GM) : I saw no win for White after Ke2 Charlatan (GM) : but it looks winning for white here. I thought Ke2 was better 60...Cd2 157 Sweere (GM) : only move Charlatan (GM) : Ng3 is the normal move Charlatan (GM) : how can g5 win? g5 Nxf1 and we both make a queen Tim (DM) : if Ng3, Black's idea is ...e3 and then ...Ne4 Tim (DM) : So Ng3 is no good Mataleo (FM) : hmm not so clear Charlatan (GM) : Nf1 good idea acirce Mataleo (FM) : Nxd2 best move yes? 61.Cxd2 64 61...Rxd2

12 Mataleo (FM) : it looked draw 62.a5 5 62...e3 5 Tim (DM) : White is somewhat better in the Q+P ending 63.a6 8 63...e2 5 Charlatan (GM) : white pawn a little farther, maybe still some kind of chances? Sweere (GM) : some advantage to White but drawish 64.a7 9 64...e1D 10 65.a8D 8 SilikonaPub (FM) : they'll play till K vs K, so I'm gonna go with some friends to take a beer... Mataleo (FM) : fun game playlikestevie (IM) : fun :) Goldmund (GM) : good practical chances for a win if there is no perpetual Sweere (GM) : Qe5 Kg6 Qd5 Tim (DM) : Comp analysis is no good here unless it's sufficiently deep, which these aren't smeets (GM) : 1-0 anybody wants to bet? MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Qb1, Qf1, Qg1, Qe3, Qe5, Qg3, Kc2, Ke3 - all draw MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : according to TB MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : computer can't lose it Sweere (GM) : we're in a Tablebase territory Sweere (GM) : I rest my case, notinng to add ELEKTRONIK (IM) : what tablebases say here? smeets (GM) : hmm, didn't expect any responses on my proposal mharize (WIM) : e5? Qa5 check a win! Ng5 (IM) : tablebases at http://www.k4it.de/index.php?topic=egtb〈=en but dont bother, its drawn Tim (DM) : This is drawn by the tablebases smeets (GM) : let's say 5 beers when we meet?:) 65...De5+ 246 66.g5 42 Mataleo (FM) : i would be surprised that Topa would push for a win here Ng5 (IM) : Kd1 is mate in 66 66...Df5 31 Goldmund (GM) : Kh6! Mataleo (FM) : i was being sarcastic Ng5 (IM) : seems white is better MightyViking (IM) : Danailov is calling up Carlsen to ask if this position is draw and if so Topa will resign. faust (IM) : da nichia po table 67.Dd8+ 58 Charlatan (GM) : Qh7 Qxd2 wins smeets (GM) : next move Qf6 ELEKTRONIK (IM) : :)) ELEKTRONIK (IM) : kc3 now best move here:) and Qd5 and Qd3 also best faust (IM) : draw everythere, tablebases can't lie ELEKTRONIK (IM) : :) ELEKTRONIK (IM) : sure:) 67...Rc1 232 mharize (WIM) : Qf6! Tim (DM) : Kh6 now gives White the best winning chance (i.e., best chance for Black to set a foot wrong) beefeater (IM) : slip.. beefeater (IM) : mistell ELEKTRONIK (IM) : how i can see tablebase online? Ng5 (IM) : Qf6 nearly wins Ng5 (IM) : only 2 move draw after Qf6 Tim (DM) : Actually, Qf6 is also pretty tricky ELEKTRONIK (IM) : thx 'berbat' Ng5 (IM) : only 2 moves draw after Qf6 Ng5 (IM) : after Qf6 only Qd5 or Qh3 draw Finegold (IM) : I predict 1-0 will be the result...tough to play after a long struggle ELEKTRONIK (IM) : without tablebases make draw here is not so easy smeets (GM) : Kh6 looks nice now Ng5 (IM) : Gerrard yes but it wont happen, Henri too late, he is past it now, not good value ELEKTRONIK (IM) : arsenal lost hehe 68.Df6 274 Ng5 (IM) : nearly winning for white Ng5 (IM) : after Qf6 only Qd5 or Qh3 draw 68...Dd5 55 Ng5 (IM) : wow !! mharize (WIM) : Qf1 and then Kh6 mharize (WIM) : white is winning Tim (DM) : Still drawn, guys mharize (WIM) : Qf1 first! nataf (GM) : salut guys! nataf (GM) : so, topi will save you think? 69.Rh6 62 Charlatan (GM) : salut Igor Tim (DM) : Vargen, go here: http://www.k4it.de/index.php?topic=egtb〈=en nataf (GM) : only rule to know here, in races of queens 69...e5 6 70.g6 7 nataf (GM) : is that only the pawn the most advanced counts nataf (GM) : so look the difference nataf (GM) : g6 vs e5 Tim (DM) : WHOA Tim (DM) : These moves PLAYED???? Finegold (IM) : e5 loses according to base nataf (GM) : in rook endings, to have a more advanced pawn counts even more than material Tim (DM) : Now it's a win for White 70...e4 24 nataf (GM) : sorry in queen's endings I meant Finegold (IM) : tough to play after a long game, losing is easy Tim (DM) : CRUD nataf (GM) : so here Tim (DM) : Now it's drawn ... now ... nataf (GM) : only moroz can win this nataf (GM) : to have chances Tim (DM) : Now lost again for Black Tim (DM) : Holy smokes nataf (GM) : topi's pawn should have been on e3 71.g7 30 nataf (GM) : now it's VERY UNLIKELY he will draw nataf (GM) : you see ? ;) MightyViking (IM) : What a game! nataf (GM) : I told you nataf (GM) : only one rule nataf (GM) : push pawn ! Goldmund (GM) : 1-0 nataf (GM) : rusti Finegold (IM) : it says g6 was an error, and that Qf1+ wins...then it was draw again... they are playing pretty fast considering ELEKTRONIK (IM) : now 1-0 by tablebase? nataf (GM) : white wins , yes? Tim (DM) : Yes!! nataf (GM) : rusti = goldmant MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : black missed draw twice nataf (GM) : goldmund Pai-Malchik (GM) : 1-0 MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : now again 1-0 according to TB Tim (DM) : This just ping-ponged backi and forth Finegold (IM) : after g6, Qh1+ would draw...e4? loses Tim (DM) : from Draw to win to draw to win Goldmund (GM) : e3 Qc3+- MightyViking (IM) : Danailov not happy. Pai-Malchik (GM) : fi padrino 71...e3 92 Finegold (IM) : this is losing according to TB nataf (GM) : yes but ok Tim (DM) : Qc3+ only move to win now nataf (GM) : . neither moroz nataf (GM) : .neither topi have them Finegold (IM) : yes, Qc3 ONLY winning move! lol nataf (GM) : so it's about common sense Finegold (IM) : then take the pawn! ELEKTRONIK (IM) : how i can see tablebase online now? Tim (DM) : Obvious win Moro. PLAY IT Ng5 (IM) : http://www.k4it.de/index.php?topic=egtb〈=en 72.Dc3+ 70 Finegold (IM) : the win is VERY tough....takes 46 moves after Qc3+, Kb1 72...Rb1 5 faust (IM) : YES!!! Lala (FM) : if Qc3 is a win in 47 its not definitely sure that moro will find it Charlatan (GM) : Qe1+ is cheeky Sweere (GM) : this has to be a win Finegold (IM) : Qe1+ also wins...but takes a little longer 73.Dxe3 26 Finegold (IM) : Qxe3 is best MightyViking (IM) : Tablebase win, but may still be draw. Ng5 (IM) : win in 45 sounds very tricky Sweere (GM) : OK, Moro deserved it he was winning before 53.Ng4? Charlatan (GM) : if he was the hottest, then who was the coolest? 73...Dh1+ 64 Finegold (IM) : Qh1+ was best! 74.Rg6 71 74...Dg2+ 4 Finegold (IM) : if Moro wins ...then he will have had quite a run... something like 3 wins and 3 draws the last 6 rounds! not bad! Charlatan (GM) : these endings are not at all obvious. Often require subtle play to win Charlatan (GM) : Kh7 Qc2+ Finegold (IM) : Qg5 is quickest..but all normal moves win 75.Dg5 59 75...Dc6+ 12 ELEKTRONIK (IM) : 69...e5 was blundered. but 70.g6 is also blundered after g6 it's draw. 70.Qf1 was win! Finegold (IM) : last 4 moves by both sides perfect Finegold (IM) : Kf5 and Kf7 draw Finegold (IM) : all others win 76.Rh7 53 Finegold (IM) : easier to play white then black Finegold (IM) : Qc7 is best now Finegold (IM) : that is hard to find I suppose Charlatan (GM) : K on b1 is very bad 76...Db7?? 30 Finegold (IM) : Qb7 was not good ...loses quickly Movses (FM) : BLUNDER Charlatan (GM) : Kh6 Finegold (IM) : Qg1 best, Qg6 #2 Goldmund (GM) : Qg1-h2,Kh8!! 1-0 ELEKTRONIK (IM) : Qf6 ! win in 56 moves:)) Charlatan (GM) : does Kh6 win? I like to test myself :) Finegold (IM) : Kh6 wins, but takes forever Finegold (IM) : 41 moves Ng5 (IM) : Kh1 win in 41 Ng5 (IM) : Kh6 win in 41 Sweere (GM) : Actually Qg1 isn't impossible to find - the idea is to cover h1 MightyViking (IM) : Qg1, Qh2, I get it. Charlatan (GM) : thanks Ng5 and Finegold. ELEKTRONIK (IM) : came on topa ! Pai-Malchik (GM) : Qg1 and Qh2 and then Kh8+- Finegold (IM) : I asked Charlatan how he could beat Anand if he does not play these endings perfectly.. he said.. "Anand is not a good tactician, so I simply checkmate him quickly, no ending necessary, eh?" Sweere (GM) : simple enough ELEKTRONIK (IM) : yes malchik Sweere (GM) : was Qb7 wrong? MightyViking (IM) : "AnttiLaato : Qg1 and Qh2+ and Kh8 and no pin no check only resign" Right mharize (WIM) : Kh6 [ 76...Dc7[]] 77.Dg1+ 220 Charlatan (GM) : malchik kak vrosliy skazal faust (IM) : YEEEEEEEEEAH 77...Ra2 10 modulator (IM) : q on h2 could leave stalemate traps Sweere (GM) : I know that but some computer wins are impossible to find Sweere (GM) : not this one 78.Dh2+ 21 mharize (WIM) : Qh2 and then Kh8 winnig 78...Ra1 3 nataf (GM) : it's easy with fritz and table bases guys ,no ? Goldmund (GM) : Kh8 nataf (GM) : yes Tim (DM) : ... and Kh8 wins it all Finegold (IM) : Kh8 gg Charlatan (GM) : I can't wait for the tablebases to have 32 pieces and watch the Pai-Malchik (GM) : He wants stilmate Tim (DM) : No pin: Moro's Q looks at b2 now 79.Rh8 39 Sweere (GM) : he's looking for stalemates Sweere (GM) : aren't there Finegold (IM) : so, since 71.g7, Moro played ALL perfect moves :) Sweere (GM) : giving up the e-pawn was stupid Finegold (IM) : mate in 12 I got Sweere (GM) : 67...Ke3 had to be played MightyViking (IM) : Sweet victory for Morozevich. Finegold (IM) : oh Kh8 is move 1 of 12....so mate in 11 now...lol Dworkin (IM) : many mistakes by topa Sweere (GM) : Qc8 g8Q Qc3 Qg7 Kb1 - fat chance 79...De4 124 Finegold (IM) : simply amazing Moro's comeback this event... -3 at the half, and now = ...amazing! faust (IM) : hahahahahahahhahahahahahahhhahhhah faust (IM) : LOOOOOOOOL Dworkin (IM) : really topa need to breake Ng5 (IM) : idea g8Q Qh7 !! Tim (DM) : just make a Q Finegold (IM) : g8=R also wins!! Tim (DM) : Topa doesn't want to resign because of the bad blood between him and Moro 80.g8D 73 Sweere (GM) : moro underpromotes to N and goes on to win in another 49 moves faust (IM) : wow ELEKTRONIK (IM) : g8Q Qh7 check ! :) but kh7! 1-0 faust (IM) : no mate in 43 Pai-Malchik (GM) : Qh7!! gerenimo (IM) : ? ELEKTRONIK (IM) : Qh7-Qhh7 ! 1-0 ELEKTRONIK (IM) : :) HSK (FM) : 80...Qh7+ 81 Kxh7 Pai-Malchik (GM) : :)) Sweere (GM) : this was a huge battle a round cheers for the gladiators!!! MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : no resing, no handshake MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : just lost on time smeets (GM) : uhm is the guy that owes me 5 beers still here?:) Finegold (IM) : what does Qh7 do? Anything can take, no stalemate there Finegold (IM) : ah Qgxh7, did not see that was legal! lol MightyViking (IM) : Lol if Topalov tries Qh7+ Finegold (IM) : but writing down Qgxh7 is cool! Ng5 (IM) : ok, its not a draw ELEKTRONIK (IM) : ****************************************************************************** Pai-Malchik (GM) : Yes its time to think for topa... MightyViking (IM) : After the Magnus game Topalov is afraid to resign! Ng5 (IM) : it was drawn, I promise Finegold (IM) : Now they have the same score... Mig will have a field day.,..he loves when Moro wins and brings the other guy down to h9is score! ELEKTRONIK (IM) : now topa go to tualet to ask rybka can i offered a draw ?:) Goldmund (GM) : great game Finegold (IM) : Topa is -2?? huh? MightyViking (IM) : From -3 to =0 Finegold (IM) : I forgot he was -1, I thought he was +1...close! Finegold (IM) : Topalov sucking the dilznik this event... he is allowed one bad event a year I guess...he played pretty well the last 2 years or so Tim (DM) : If Topalov plays a move here rather than resigning, Morozevich should stand up, stretch, and then very deliberately turn around and walk to the bathroom smeets (GM) : hmm, maybe i should just leave my address - let the guys send me some 6 packs:) Neveris (GM) : topa needs to switch to another engine Neveris (GM) : maybe he could have a word with that indian im? Finegold (IM) : I just read that Topalov is scheduled to play a match with Singh....lol MightyViking (IM) : Give Topalov a break, guys. It's not so easy chess without Danailov's hand signals. 1-0 *GM_Morozevich (2741)-*GM_Topalov (2783)/chessclub.com 2007 1-0

Creo que va siendo el momento que siga la partida entre Julio Granda, el talentoso maestro peruano frente a nuestro afamado GM José Luis Fernández. ¡Está animada la tarde-noche!. No tengo prisa… . Por fin llegó el ansiado fin de semana !!.

Granda,J (2612) - Fernandez Garcia,J (2463) [A16]
I Torneo Internacional de La Laguna La Laguna-Tenerife (6), 09.03.2007

1.Cf3 Granda es un talento natural que como el gran Capablanca nunca necesitó de un trabajo analítico en el mundo de las aperturas. 1...Cf6 2.c4 g6 3.Cc3 d5 Txelu, como Svidler, es un especialista en la Defensa Grunfeld. 4.cxd5 Cxd5 5.Da4+ Línea secundaria. Típico de Granda. 5...Ad7 6.Dh4 Cxc3 7.dxc3 Cc6 8.Dg3 f6 9.h4 e5 10.h5!? g5 obligado. 11.e4 De7 planeando enrocarse largo. 12.Ae2 Cd8 el caballo quiere ir a "f4". 13.Cd2N [ RR 13.Ch2 Ce6 14.Ag4 0-0-0 ( 14...Cc5 15.De3 0-0-0 16.0-0 Axg4 17.Cxg4 De6 18.Df3 Ae7 19.Ch6 Dc4 20.Cf5 The8 21.Cxe7+ Txe7 22.Dxf6 Te6 23.Dxg5 Dxe4 24.f3 De2 25.Df5 Td1 26.Txd1 Dxd1+ 27.Rh2 De1 28.c4 a5 29.b3 e4 30.Df8+ Rd7 31.Df7+ Rc6 32.Af4 Dh4+ 33.Rg1 De7 34.Dxe7 Vaganian R-Gutman L/1, Ashkhabad URS sf 1978/1-0 (49); RR 14...Cf4 15.Axf4 exf4 16.Axd7+ Dxd7 17.Dg4 0-0-0 18.Re2 Ad6 19.Dxd7+ Rxd7 20.a4 The8 21.Rf3 Re6 22.Thd1 Ae5 23.Rg4 Td6 24.Txd6+ cxd6 25.Cf3 h6 26.Ta3 Tc8 27.Cd2 Tc5 28.Tb3 d5 29.Rf3 Hansen,L (2525)-Brinck Claussen,B (2415)/Lyngby 1991/TD/1-0 (53)) 15.0-0 Df7 16.Td1 Ad6 17.Df3 Rb8 18.g3 Thg8 19.Af5 Cf8 20.Axd7 Txd7 21.Ae3 Ce6 22.Cg4 Dxh5 23.Df5 Df7 24.Cxf6 Tf8 25.Cxd7+ Dxd7 26.Dh3 Df7 27.Td5 h5 28.Tad1 g4 29.Dh4 Krasenkow,M (2595)-Gurevich,I (2575)/Hastings 1993/CD PDR/1/2-1/2 (41)] 13...Ce6 14.De3 Cf4! Fernández ha conseguido una buena posición tras la apertura. Este caballo es una cuña en el flanco de rey. 15.Af1 g4 16.g3 Ce6 [ Rybka no quiere recular y sugiere la melodramática 16...Ch3!? 17.Cc4 ( 17.Axh3 gxh3 18.f3 b6 19.g4 0-0-0 20.Txh3 Df7© con la pareja de alfiles.) 17...De6 18.Ae2 b5 19.Ca5 Db6 20.Cb3 Ae7~~] 17.Ae2 Tg8 18.Th4 Granda pretende asediar el peón negro. 18...Cd8 19.Cf1 Cf7 20.Ac4 Ae6 21.De2 0-0-0= 22.Ce3 Axc4 23.Dxc4 Dd7 24.De2 Cd6 [ El módulo se muestra más activo con 24...Ac5!? 25.Cd5 ( pues no vale 25.Cxg4 Ae7 26.Ce3 f5!©) 25...De6=] 25.Cxg4 Cxe4 Txelu no elude las complicaciones tácticas. ¡Mucha lucha en La Laguna!. 26.Cxe5!? fxe5 27.Txe4 Dh3!© 28.Df3 Dh2 [ >=28...Ac5! 29.Th4 e4! 30.Txh3 exf3 31.Ae3 Tge8© incluso estando las negras un poco mejor, según Rybka.] 29.Rf1

[ >=29...Ac5 30.Ae3 ( 30.Txe5? Axf2! 31.Af4 ( 31.Dxf2 Dh1+ 32.Dg1 Td1+-+) 31...Axg3-+) 30...Axe3 31.Txe3 Tgf8 32.Dg2 Dxh5= que es más próximo a la igualdad que a la ventaja de las blancas. ] 30.Dxd1 Dh1+ 31.Re2 Dxe4+ 32.Ae3 Tg7?! Se acerca el apuro de tiempo y comienzan los inevitables errores. [ 32...Ad6! 33.Dd3 ( 33.f3 Dc4+ 34.Rf2 e4 35.f4 De6©) 33...Dg4+ 34.Re1 Dxh5 35.Td1 a6 36.Dc4 Td8 37.De4+/= aunque sólo ligerita.] 33.f3 Dc6 34.Rf2 Td7 35.De2 e4!? 36.f4 Ac5? El primer gran error de la partida. [ Se imponía 36...Dd5! dominando la columna abierta y tras 37.a3 Ac5! 38.Axc5 Dxc5+ 39.Rg2 e3! 40.Td1 Dc6+ 41.Rh2 De4! 42.Txd7 Rxd7 43.Rh3 Re6©] 37.Te1+/- Granda se enmaza. 37...Db6 38.Axc5 Dxc5+ 39.Rg2 Te7? pierde inmediatamente justo una jugada antes del control, como tantas veces ocurre en las partidas de la alta competición. [ >=39...Df5+/- pero todavía queda mucha lucha.] 40.Dg4+ [ 40.Dg4+ Td7 ( 40...Rd8? 41.Td1+ Re8 42.Dg8#) 41.Td1 clavando se producen todos los cambios de las piezas mayores. 41...De7 42.Txd7 Dxd7 43.Dxd7+ Rxd7 44.Rf2 Re6 45.g4+- EL GM español José Luis Fernández le hizo frente honrosamente al talentoso jugador peruano, pero falló justo en los apuros de tiempo.] 1-0

Miro la hora. 21,05 h. Ganó Morozevich en la jugada 80!. Doble signo de interrogación de Topalov en la jugada 76 que pierde casi de inmediato (¡Qué sabio es Illescas!). Cierto es que está ya perdido, pero la tarea no es nada fácil y sobre todo con poco tiempo en el reloj.

De cualquier forma por el espíritu de lucha desplegado por ambos jugadores, hemos presenciado una espectacular partida. Este no ha sido el torneo de Veselin. Creo que necesita urgentemente descansar un poco… .

Clasificación tras la decimotercera ronda:

1. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2779 8.0;

2. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2690 7.5;

3. Svidler, Peter g RUS 2728 7.0;

4. Aronian, Levon g ARM 2744 6.5;

5. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2741 6.5;

6. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2750 6.0;

7. Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2783 5.5;

8. Leko, Peter g HUN 2749 5.0;

Decimocuarta ronda y final, del Torneo Intercontinental de Morelia-Linares. Sábado 10 de Marzo de 2.007 :





Bueno como usualmente hago, me voy a mojar:

Mañana Ivanchuk-Anand terminan en tablas y Carlsen, espectacularmente con las piezas negras, vence a Leko y gana ex-aequo el Torneo de Morelia-Linares 2.007, en la mayor demostración de fuerza precoz de la historia del ajedrez !!.

Bueno y como presagié en la crónica del día de ayer la partida entre Granda y Fernández del I Torneo Internacional Ciudad de La Laguna podía ser apetecible. Y así fue. De las cuatro que se retransmitieron por Internet: http://www.lalagunainternacionalajedrez.com fue la única que se definió. Resultó una partida muy bien jugada por José Luis que sólo aflojó al final, con los apuros de tiempo. Granda, de cualquier forma, mostró su característica maestría. Estuvo agazapado y desde el momento en que se le brindó una oportunidad, no dudó en aprovecharla.

Seguidamente el cotejo y…¡nos vemos mañana por la mañana en la séptima ronda de "La Universiada".

Recibid un cordial saludo,



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