lunes, 5 de marzo de 2007

Torneo de Morelia-Linares (10)

Chapeau por Vishy Anand !

"En el año 1.980 fui a Bugojno a ver su gran torneo. Después de muchos cientos de kilómetros me retrasé en la comida y llegué a la sala de juego pasados quince minutos de la hora de comienzo y me encontré con tres letreros de 'Remis'. Inmediatamente pensé, si yo fuera alcalde de este pueblo, ahora mismo mandaría a por los seis y los azotaría en la plaza. – Perdón".

Luis Rentero.

Gran partida la disputada esta tarde en la décima ronda por el GM hindú Vishy Anand que dio una buena lección estratégica, primero y táctica después, al prodigio noruego de 16 años, Magnus Carlsen. Fue una Apertura Española, Variante Chigorin, en donde ambos jugadores siguieron una línea que es favorita con las piezas blancas del GM húngaro Peter Leko, que la ha jugado tres veces. Tras la apertura, las blancas quedaron mejor, con ventaja de espacio y de desarrollo. Carlsen permaneció pasivo. Los Maestros del ICC acertaron claramente con el peligroso sacrificio de caballo que Anand dispuso sobre el tablero, sin que Magnus pudiese tomarlo en cualquier momento. Por todo ello, Vishy logró un poderosísimo ataque que le llevó al triunfo final en 38 jugadas. Con esta victoria el GM hindú afincado en Collado Mediano - Madrid, ha dado un paso muy importante para lograr su segundo triunfo en este prestigioso Torneo Intercontinental de Morelia- Linares. Por otro lado, Magnus, no se debe preocupar demasiado. Su verdugo en este torneo, es un fantástico jugador, del que seguro aprenderá todo lo necesario para seguir cogiendo más fuerza práctica en el mundo de las 64 casillas del tablero.

Anand,V (2779) - Carlsen,M (2690) [C96]
Morelia-Linares Linares (10), 04.03.2007

1.e4 e5 2.Cf3 Cc6 3.Ab5 a6 4.Aa4 Cf6 5.0-0 Ae7 6.Te1 b5 7.Ab3 d6 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 Ca5 10.Ac2 c5 11.d4 Cd7 12.d5 [ 12.b3 exd4 13.cxd4 Cc6 14.Cc3 Af6 15.Ae3 cxd4 16.Cxd4 Cxd4 17.Axd4 Ab7 18.b4 Tc8 19.Ce2 Te8 20.Axf6 Dxf6 21.Cg3 d5= Milos-Lima, Sao Paulo 2003; 12.Rh1 Ab7 13.d5 f5 14.exf5 Cc4 15.Cbd2 Kramnik-Ponomariov, Linares 2003 15...Ccb6 16.Ce4 Axd5 17.Ceg5 Cf6~~ Kramnik; 12.a4 Ab7 - C92.] 12...Cb6 [ RR 12...Cc4 13.a4 Ccb6 14.b3 Ab7 ( 14...bxa4 15.bxa4 Cc4 16.Ad3 Ca5 17.Ca3 Cb6~~ 18.c4 Cd7 19.Tb1 De8 20.Ad2 Ad8 21.Cc2 Cf6 22.Ce3 g6 23.g4 De7 24.Ac3 Ce8 25.Dd2 Cb7 26.Rh1 Cg7 27.Tg1 Rh8 28.Tg2 f6 29.Ch4 Ta7 30.Cef5 Axf5 31.Dh6 g5 32.gxf5 gxh4 33.Ae2 Ca5 34.Dxh4 Tb7 35.Tbg1 Cb3 36.Tg6 Aa5 37.Th6 Cxf5 38.exf5 Axc3 39.Thg6 Ad2 40.T6g3 Af4 41.T3g2 Cd4 42.Dg4 Df7 43.Ad3 Tbb8 44.Dd1 Tg8 45.Tg6 hxg6 46.fxg6 Dg7 0-1 Sutovsky,E (2665)-Acs,P (2525)/Paks HUN 2005/The Week in Chess 554) 15.a5 Cc8 16.c4 b4 17.Ae3 De8 18.Cbd2 Ad8 19.Cf1 Ce7 20.Ch4 Rh8 21.Cf5 Ac7 22.f4 Cg8 23.g3 Dd8 24.Ac1 g6 25.C5e3 Axa5 26.Ch2 Ac7 27.h4 Navara,D (2660)-Miton,K (2646)/Birmingham ENG 2006/The Week in Chess 592/1-0 (82); 12...Af6 13.Cbd2 g6 14.Cf1 Ag7 15.g4 Cf6 16.Cg3 Ad7 17.b3 h6 18.Rg2 Ch7 19.Ad2 Cg5 20.Ch2 Cb7 21.Th1 a5 22.h4 Ch7 23.Chf1 c4 24.bxc4 bxc4 25.Ce3 Dc7 26.De2 Tab8 27.Tab1 Tfc8 28.f3 Af8 29.g5 Cc5 30.Dxc4 Txb1 31.Txb1 hxg5 32.h5 1/2-1/2 Scholl,E-Andersson,U/Siegen 1970/CD PDR] 13.Cbd2 [ RR 13.b3 f5 14.exf5 Axf5 15.Axf5 ( 15.Ca3 c4~~) 15...Txf5 16.Te4 c4 17.b4 Cb7 18.Ca3 Dd7 19.g4 Tf7 20.Ae3 Ca4 21.Cb1 Taf8 22.Cfd2 Ad8 23.a3 Ab6 24.f3 Cd8 25.Rg2 Db7 26.Cf1 Txf3 27.Dxf3 Txf3 Hunt,A (2395)-Davies,N (2482)/Blackpool 2003/CBM 095 ext/0-1 (31); 13.g4?! h5 14.Ch2 hxg4 15.hxg4 Ag5 16.Cd2 g6=/+ 17.Cdf3 Axc1 18.Dxc1 Rg7 19.Dg5 Cb7 20.Dxd8 Txd8 21.a4 bxa4 22.Axa4 Cxa4 23.Txa4 Ad7 24.Ta2 c4 25.Cd2 Ab5 26.Chf1 Th8 27.Ce3 Th4 28.Rg2 Tah8 29.Cf3 Th3 30.Cf1 Cc5 31.Cg3 Ad7 32.g5 f6 33.gxf6+ Rxf6 34.Te3 Re7 35.Cd2 Th2+ 36.Rg1 Ab5 37.Ta1 T2h4 38.Rg2 Tf8 39.Tf3 Tb8 40.Rg1 Ta8 41.Ta5 Tc8 42.Ta3 Ta8 43.Ta5 Ta7 44.Rg2 Cb7 45.Ta1 a5 46.Cgf1 Cc5 47.Ce3 a4 48.Th3 Txh3 49.Rxh3 Cd3 50.Ta2 Cxf2+ 51.Rg3 Cd3 52.Cexc4 Ta8 53.Cb6 Ta6 54.Cbc4 Cc5 55.Rf3 Ta8 56.b4 Cb3 57.Ca3 Ad7 58.Rg2 Ag4 59.Cac4 Tc8 60.Ce3 Ad7 61.c4 Tb8 62.b5 Cc5 63.Cd1 Rd8 64.Cc3 Ta8 65.Cf3 Rc7 66.Cg5 Rb6 67.Cf7 Tf8 68.Tf2 a3 69.Tf3 Ag4 70.Tf2 a2 71.Cxa2 Cxe4 72.Tf1 Af5 73.c5+ dxc5 0-1 Fischer,R-Keres,P/Curacao 1962/CD PDR] 13...g6 [ 13...f5 14.exf5 Axf5 15.Axf5 Txf5 16.Ce4 De8 ( 16...Dd7 17.b3 Taf8 18.Ch2 Dd8 19.Cf1 Da8 20.Ce3 Tf4 21.f3 De8 22.Ad2 Dg6 23.c4 Cb7~~ 24.Rh1 b4 25.a3 a5 26.Cg4 T4f5 27.Ae3 Cd7 28.Te2 h5 29.Cgf2 Ah4 30.Cd3 Cf6 31.Ag1 Cxe4 32.Txe4 Ag3 33.axb4 axb4 34.Ta6 T5f6 35.Af2 Cd8 36.Ta8 Cf7 37.Txf8+ 1/2-1/2 Leko,P (2749)-Kramnik,V (2754)/Monte Carlo MNC 2005/The Week in Chess 542) 17.Cfg5 Cb7 18.Ce6 Df7 19.b4 cxb4 20.cxb4 Cd8~~ 21.Ae3 Cc4 22.Cc7 Cxe3 23.Txe3 Ta7 24.Tc1 h6 25.Tec3 Dg6 26.Tg3 Df7 27.Tgc3 Dg6 28.De2 Ag5 29.T1c2 Tf4 30.f3 Tf8 31.Df2 Tb7 32.Dg3 Rh7 33.Dg4 Tb6 34.Rh1 Tf4 35.Dd7 Txe4 36.fxe4 Dxe4 37.Dg4 Af4 38.Tc1 Tb7 39.a3 Dd4 40.Df5+ Rg8 41.Dc8 Axc1 42.Dxd8+ Rh7 43.Txc1 Df4 44.Tg1 1-0 Leko,P (2763)-Adams,M (2737)/Miskolc HUN 2005/The Week in Chess 552] 14.b4 [ 14.Cf1 1/2-1/2 Almasi,Z (2628)-Acs,P (2525)/Paks HUN 2005/The Week in Chess 555] 14...cxb4 15.cxb4 Cac4 16.Cxc4 Cxc4 17.Ab3N [ RR 17.Ah6 Te8 18.Ab3 Ad7 19.De2 Cb6 20.Tac1 Tc8 21.Ae3 Txc1 22.Txc1 Db8 23.Cd2 Tc8 24.Txc8+ Cxc8 25.f4 Dc7 26.Cf3 Dc3 27.Dd2 Dxd2 28.Axd2 f6 29.fxe5 fxe5 30.Cxe5 dxe5 31.d6+ Rg7 Leko,P (2741)-Mamedyarov,S (2728)/Moscu RUS 2006/Ajedrez en Madrid/1/2-1/2 (39)] 17...Cb6 18.Ae3 Para un MI del ICC las blancas están mejor. 18...Ad7 19.Tc1 Ventaja de espacio y mejor desarrollo. 19...Tc8 20.Txc8 Axc8 posición pasiva de las negras. Carlsen sufrirá... . 21.Dc2 Ad7 22.Tc1 Ca8 23.Dd2 [ 23.Ah6 Rybka 23...Te8 24.Dd2 Db8 25.Ag5 Axg5 26.Dxg5 Tc8 27.Txc8+ Dxc8 28.Df6 Df8 29.Rh2+/=; 23.a4 ICC] 23...Db8 24.Ag5 Mamedyarov indica en el ICC que naturalmente las blancas están mejor, pero que las negras tienen buenas chances de lograr el empate. [ 24.a4; 24.Ch2 Tc8 25.Tf1 con idea de f4. 25...Cb6!?; 24.Tc6 Db7!?; 24.Cg5] 24...Axg5 [ 24...f6?? 25.Cxe5+/-] 25.Cxg5 [ 25.Dxg5] Un maestro del ICC contempló 25...Tc8 [ 25...Rg7 26.f4 h6 27.Cf3 f6; 25...Rg7 26.f4 h6 27.Ce6+] 26.Tf1 h6 [ 26...Da7 27.Rh2 Ae8 28.f4+/=] 27.Ce6! Todo el ICC en peso llevaba ya un buen rato aclamando esta jugada, mucho antes de que se jugase, indicando clara ventaja para Anand. [ 27.Cf3 Rg7 28.Ce1 Dc7 29.Cd3 Dc3 30.De2 seguido de f4, con ventaja de las blancas. 30...Cb6 31.f4 exf4 32.Txf4 Cc4 33.Tf3 Ae8<=> Rybka.] 27...Rh7

[ 27...fxe6 28.dxe6 Ae8 ( 28...Axe6 29.Axe6+ Rg7 30.Axc8 Dxc8 31.Dxd6+-; 28...Rg7? 29.exd7) 29.e7+ Rg7 30.Dd5 Tc4; 27...g5 28.Cxg5 hxg5 29.Dxg5+ Rf8 30.f4+/=] 28.f4+/- Anand parece que quiere barrer del tablero al muchacho Carlsen. 28...Da7+ [ Veamos como lo ve la computadora: 28...Ae8 29.f5 fxe6 30.dxe6 gxf5 31.exf5 Db6+ 32.Rh2 Dd4 33.Dxd4 exd4 34.f6+/-; 28...fxe6 29.dxe6 Ae8 30.f5+/= Dc7 31.f6 Ac6 32.e7+/-] 29.Rh2 Ae8 [ 29...fxe6 30.fxe5 ( 30.dxe6 Ae8 31.f5 Dd4 32.Dxd4 exd4 33.f6 Cb6 34.f7 Axf7 35.Txf7++/-) 30...Ae8 31.exd6 exd5 32.Axd5 con idea de Tf8 y Th8.; 29...Te8 30.fxe5 Axe6 31.dxe6 fxe6 32.exd6+-] 30.f5 [ 30.fxe5 fxe6 31.dxe6 dxe5 32.Dd6+/-] 30...gxf5 el dominio de las blancas por la columna "g" será determinante. [ 30...fxe6 31.dxe6 Dd4 32.Dxd4 exd4 33.f6+/-] 31.exf5 f6 [ 31...fxe6 32.dxe6+/-] 32.Te1 Cc7 33.Tc1+- aprovechando esta molesta clavada, la torre blanca pasará definitivamente a atacar por el flanco de rey. 33...Ad7 34.Tc3 e4 35.Tg3 Cxe6 [ 35...Axe6 36.dxe6 d5 37.Tg6+-] 36.dxe6 Ae8 37.e7 Ah5 38.Dxd6 Anand puso las cosas en su sitio en el Wimbledon del ajedrez !!. 1-0

Ivanchuk vs Svidler se desarrolló bajo los cánones de la Apertura Ruy López. Svidler juega el ataque Marshall tanto con blancas como con negras. Por lo tanto es un gran especialista. Con 8. h3, Vasily lo evitó. Se llegó a una partida de corte posicional. Tras los cambios realizados en el flanco de dama, Ivanchuk tuvo posibilidades de ataque en el flanco de rey con 18.Ce3. Svidler con mucha energía creó contrajuego por la columna "d". Con 26.Df3, el ucranio se podía asegurar el empate por jaque continuo, que curiosamente lo rechazó, pero debido a la acertada defensa del maestro ruso, tras los pertinentes cambios de piezas se llegó a un final de damas con peón de más para las blancas, pero ahora con el jaque perpetuo a favor de Svidler, con el que se llegó a las tablas.

Ivanchuk,V (2750) - Svidler,P (2728) [C88]
Morelia-Linares Linares (10), 04.03.2007

1.e4 '0' 1...e5 '2' 2.Cf3 '3' 2...Cc6 '1' 3.Ab5 '1' 3...a6 '1' 4.Aa4 '3' 4...Cf6 '3' 5.0-0 '3' 5...Ae7 '4' 6.Te1 '2' 6...b5 '1' 7.Ab3 '3' 7...0-0 '1' 8.h3 '5' 8...Ab7 '3' 9.d3 '3' 9...Te8 '3' 10.a4 '4' 10...h6 '3' 11.axb5N '4' [ RR 11.c3 b4 ( RR 11...Ac5 12.Cbd2 Ab6 13.Aa2 Tf8 14.Cf1 d6 15.Cg3 Ce7 16.Ch4 Rh7 17.Df3 bxa4 18.Ab1 Ac6 19.Ac2 a5 20.Td1 De8 21.Chf5 Cfg8 22.d4 Cxf5 23.Dxf5+ g6 24.Dg4 Ad7 25.Df3 Ac6 26.h4 1/2-1/2 Topalov,V (2801)-Anand,V (2792)/Monte Carlo MNC 2006/CT-1970 (38) ) 12.Cbd2 d5 13.a5 dxe4 14.dxe4 Ac5 15.De2 De7 16.Ch4 Cd7 17.Cf5 Df6 18.Dg4 Ce7 19.Cxh6+ Dxh6 20.Dxd7 Ted8 21.Dxc7 1-0 Anand,V (2779)-Svidler,P (2728)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 637] 11...axb5 '3' 12.Txa8 '8' 12...Axa8 '109' 13.c3 '13 Ng5 (IM) : not much for white' 13...d6 '632' 14.Ca3 '644' 14...b4 '461 jensk (IM) : We first reconized Anand at Ol Saloniki 1984 - he was 15 and became IM' 15.Cc4 '154' 15...Af8 '549' 16.Ad2 '237' 16...bxc3 '120' 17.bxc3 '2' 17...Cb8 '139' 18.Ce3 '1229' 18...Cbd7 '28' 19.Cg4 '11 Ng5 (IM) : maybe white has an edge but black is very solid' 19...Cc5 '486' 20.Ac4 '3' 20...Cxg4 '813' 21.hxg4 '15' 21...d5 '2' 22.exd5 '11 Ng5 (IM) : looks like a boring draw coming soon' 22...Axd5 '174 Ng5 (IM) : time Ng5 (IM) : he only had seconds left and no increment Ng5 (IM) : no yesterday he had no time left at the end PorkChopsTamer (IM) : draw? Ng5 (IM) : looks like draw Ng5 (IM) : black wouldnt play d5 if this wasnt drawn' 23.Txe5 '766' 23...Txe5 '258' 24.Cxe5 '3' 24...Axc4 '11' 25.dxc4 '5' 25...Ce4 '61' 26.Df3 '11' 26...Cxd2 '51' 27.Dxf7+ '10' 27...Rh7 '8 Greysky (FM) : perpetual check- handshake' 28.Df5+ Rg8 29.De6+ Rh7 30.Dg6+ Rg8 31.De6+ Rh7 32.Dg6+ Rg8 33.Df7+ Rh7 34.Cd7 Aa3 231 35.c5 27 vogonprotestnik (IM) : vamos Chuky! 35...Rh8 319 36.g5 5 36...hxg5 143 37.De6 47 D-Fridman (GM) : qg8 qe2 azerichess (GM) : qg8-Qe2 azerichess (GM) : draw vogonprotestnik (IM) : Tal wasnt either Sarda D-Fridman (GM) : what was about 34...be7 instead of ba3? D-Fridman (GM) : ob 3 Sweere (GM) : it's hard not to root for Chucky Sweere (GM) : best chess in the tournament by far Sweere (GM) : count the points and half-point he gave away 37...Ce4 621 Ng5 (IM) : just a draw 38.Dh3+ 83 38...Rg8 34 39.De6+ 7 39...Rh8 10 BadViking (GM) : in dasher: how do I move forward (one move) with keyboard? 40.Dxe4 199 40...Dxd7 32 41.Da8+ 10 41...Rh7 11 42.Dxa3 12 42...Dd1+ 9 43.Rh2 12 43...Dh5+ 7 44.Rg1 62 1/2-1/2

Aronian vs Morozevich se desarrolló con la Defensa Semieslava, variante Shabalov (7.g4). Morozevich, fiel a su estilo, eligió la respuesta más complicada: 7…Cxg4. En una posición muy aguda, el ruso tuvo que tener mucho cuidado con su dama ubicada en f3, que no estaba segura. Tras una precisa maniobra: 12…e5, Moro encontró un plan para salvar a su pieza mayor y tras cambiarla, aún quedó un poco peor. Pero de cualquier forma, al rechazar la ganancia de un peón, para dar a cambio juego a su alfil y a sus torres, logró la ansiada igualdad que se produciría más tarde tras una repetición forzada de movimientos.

Aronian,L (2744) - Morozevich,A (2741) [D45]
Morelia-Linares Linares (10), 04.03.2007

1.d4 0 1...d5 1 2.Cf3 6 2...Cf6 2 3.c4 5 3...c6 1 4.Cc3 8 4...e6 1 5.e3 18 5...Cbd7 29 6.Dc2 8 6...Ad6 2 7.g4 8 7...Cxg4 2 8.Tg1 7 8...Df6 2 9.Txg4 12 9...Dxf3 1 10.Txg7 8 10...Cf6 2 [ RR 10...Cf8 11.Tg1 Cg6 12.Ae2 Df6 13.Ad2 Ad7 14.0-0-0 Axh2 15.Th1 Ac7 16.e4 0-0-0 17.e5 De7 18.f4 f6 19.cxd5 fxe5 20.d6 Dxd6 21.dxe5 Dc5 22.Ce4 Dxc2+ 23.Rxc2 Ce7 24.Cg5 Tde8 25.Ag4 Krasenkow,M (2651)-Piket,J (2646)/Baden-Baden GER 2002/The Week in Chess 416/1/2-1/2 (39)] 11.h3 8 [ RR 11.Ag2 Dh5 12.e4 dxe4 13.Ag5 Af8 14.Axf6 Axg7 15.Cxe4 Da5+ 16.Re2 Axf6 17.Cxf6+ Re7 18.Ce4 Tg8 19.Af3 e5 20.Cc5 exd4 21.De4+ Ae6 22.Dh4+ Re8 23.Cxe6 fxe6 24.Ah5+ Rd7 25.Dxd4+ Re7 Kornev,A (2575)-Grigorian,V (2330)/Voronezh RUS 2006/The Week in Chess 606/0-1] 11...h6N 526 jensk (IM) : h3! and then h6! - dep, very deep [ RR 11...e5 12.cxd5 ( RR 12.dxe5 Axe5 13.Tg5 Cd7 14.cxd5 cxd5 15.Tf5 ( RR 15.Ad2 d4 16.Ag2 Df6 17.exd4 Axd4 18.0-0-0 Axc3 19.Dxc3 Dxc3+ 20.Axc3 f6 21.Tg7 Tb8 22.Af3 Ce5 23.Axe5 fxe5 24.Ah5+ Rf8 25.Tf7+ 1-0 Chytilek,R-Franta,J/Litomysl,CZE 1996) 15...Dh1 16.Ad2 d4 17.exd4 Axd4 18.0-0-0 0-0 19.Ah6 Te8 20.Tg5+ Rh8 21.Txd4 Dxf1+ 22.Td1 Te1 23.Ag7+ Rg8 24.Ae5+ 1-0 Tisdall,J (2492)-Sidselrud,S (2150)/NOR 2002/The Week in Chess 387) 12...Af5 13.Db3 Ce4 14.Cxe4 Axe4 15.Ag2 Df6 16.Dxb7 Tb8 17.Dxc6+ Re7 18.Tg4 Axg2 19.Txg2 e4 20.f4 exf3 21.Tg4 f2+ 22.Rf1 Df3 23.Ad2 Dxh3+ 24.Rxf2 Dxg4 25.Tg1 Dh4+ 26.Re2 Schuurman,P (2274)-Batchimeg,T (2140)/Bled 2002/EXT 2003/0-1 RR 26...Dh2+ ] 12.Ad2 943 12...e5 892 Mataleo (FM) : Moro needs to be boring... great comment... D-Fridman (GM) : cd ed ed bf5 qb3 000 D-Fridman (GM) : have no clue :) D-Fridman (GM) : impossible to evaluate without variations Buffon (IM) : black´s position just looks suspicious D-Fridman (GM) : ofcourse bg2 can be really usefull at some point D-Fridman (GM) : instead of 000 in my variation better kf8! Buffon (IM) : yup Fridman D-Fridman (GM) : with idea re8 + D-Fridman (GM) : first open e file and only after this bf5 D-Fridman (GM) : yaacovn have nothing against D-Fridman (GM) : i am always avaliable :) D-Fridman (GM) : ok, i'll try 13.Tg3 1049 D-Fridman (GM) : 13. Rg5?? D-Fridman (GM) : qf5 D-Fridman (GM) : no D-Fridman (GM) : qf5 qf5 bf5 rf3 D-Fridman (GM) : qh5 be2 qh4 D-Fridman (GM) : maybe qh1 is interesting option here D-Fridman (GM) : looks like most interesting game in the round D-Fridman (GM) : finaly someone got it, easy 1-0 :)) Ng5 (IM) : how does moro always get ridiculous positions ? Ng5 (IM) : doesnt he know how to play proper chess ? 13...Dh5 702 14.cxd5 42 D-Fridman (GM) : ed ne4 ne4 qe4 qe5 D-Fridman (GM) : qe5 be5 f4 D-Fridman (GM) : ed ne4 ne4 qe4 qe5 qe5 be5 f4 bc7 dc D-Fridman (GM) : nd5 nd5 cd de D-Fridman (GM) : be5 bb5+ D-Fridman (GM) : bb4 14...exd4 716 D-Fridman (GM) : bd7 bd7 kd7 qa4 D-Fridman (GM) : it seems that nd5 wasn't an option D-Fridman (GM) : too dangerous D-Fridman (GM) : and for nothing D-Fridman (GM) : equal material 15.Ce4 185 15...Cxe4 46 16.Dxe4+ 6 MegaStar (FM) : 1-0 16...De5 12 17.Dxe5+ 4 17...Axe5 11 18.Tf3 5 18...cxd5 10 19.Ab5+ 15 D-Fridman (GM) : draw :( D-Fridman (GM) : bd7 MegaStar (FM) : Bd7 Bd7 Kd7 Rf7+ Ke6 Rb7 De3 D-Fridman (GM) : ke7 looks good D-Fridman (GM) : ke7 ed(bb4 bd6) bd6 and be6 19...Re7 215 D-Fridman (GM) : ke7 bb4 ke6 ed and 000 D-Fridman (GM) : now 000!? :)) D-Fridman (GM) : ed bd6 following by be6 looks save for black 20.exd4 194 D-Fridman (GM) : bb4 bd6 bd6 kd6 rf7 be6 rb7 rb8 D-Fridman (GM) : for example D-Fridman (GM) : i can not see any problem for black in that line MegaStar (FM) : +/- 20...Ad6 98 21.Rf1 5 D-Fridman (GM) : after bd6 may be small edge for white D-Fridman (GM) : draw 21...Ae6 10 22.Te1 7 D-Fridman (GM) : natalrn i wrote the line D-Fridman (GM) : rag8 with idea bh2 :)) D-Fridman (GM) : rf5-h5 coming :) D-Fridman (GM) : aronian loves to play positions withsmall edge D-Fridman (GM) : no risk D-Fridman (GM) : white have some ideas D-Fridman (GM) : a6 ba4 b5 bb3 D-Fridman (GM) : then kd7 bf4 D-Fridman (GM) : i agree, rag8 is awful :) D-Fridman (GM) : but it looks funny D-Fridman (GM) : rc8 with idea to play rc2 and after bc3 and bd3 lose the rook? D-Fridman (GM) : rybka is the best :)) D-Fridman (GM) : strong line D-Fridman (GM) : bh2-d6 and back D-Fridman (GM) : asking: was up aronian? D-Fridman (GM) : rac8 is ok, but why should white pplay ba4? D-Fridman (GM) : rc2 is not a threat D-Fridman (GM) : bd3 looks better for me D-Fridman (GM) : at some point D-Fridman (GM) : defensive D-Fridman (GM) : why not D-Fridman (GM) : you think that white have such an advantage that you should attack with every piece on board? D-Fridman (GM) : ok. can i play rf5 after rac8? RLH2 (FM) : hmm D-Fridman (GM) : i want the rook on h5 D-Fridman (GM) : if you give me the chance i'll try it 22...Tac8 1087 D-Fridman (GM) : i just don't want to harry up with my bishop D-Fridman (GM) : what comps eval? D-Fridman (GM) : may be i blunder something with rf5 D-Fridman (GM) : rc1 rf7 D-Fridman (GM) : ok, than you take pon h3 23.Ad3 154 23...Tc6 11 D-Fridman (GM) : ha D-Fridman (GM) : i see bd3 D-Fridman (GM) : :) D-Fridman (GM) : = coming soon RLH2 (FM) : rf5 RLH2 (FM) : why not just rf5-h5? RLH2 (FM) : yea, good idea 24.Tf5 570 24...Tb6 155 25.b3 157 D-Fridman (GM) : rd5 kdt? D-Fridman (GM) : kd7? D-Fridman (GM) : bb4 bb4 rb4 rd5 kf6 D-Fridman (GM) : kd7 looks enough also D-Fridman (GM) : kd7 ba5 D-Fridman (GM) : kd7 rf6 bb4 D-Fridman (GM) : kd7 ba5 bf5 bf5 kc7 = 25...Ab4 441 26.Axb4+ 7 26...Txb4 10 27.Txd5 35 D-Fridman (GM) : after kf6 rd6 ket maybe re6 D-Fridman (GM) : and d5 or bc4 27...Rf6 159 28.Td6 8 28...Re7 29.Td5 Rf6 1/2-1/2

Y por último, la Leko-Topalov, que todavía a las 21,10 h. de la noche (hora canaria) continúa jugándose en un final de tablas. La única opción de Topy consiste en los posibles apuros de tiempo de Leko. Como se sabe, estas partidas de Linares terminan a finish sin incremento de tiempo. El cotejo se desarrolló con el Ataque Inglés de la Defensa Siciliana y de nuevo con la retirada de caballo a "f3", que le dio la victoria en la segunda ronda de Morelia, a Ivanchuk frente al mismo Topalov. El momento crítico se produjo con la jugada 12.Cd5. Topalov no tomó el peón que le ofrecieron y contragolpeó por el flanco de rey, mientras Leko hacía lo propio por el de dama. Todo en el más puro estilo siciliano. El primero en llegar en el ataque en flancos opuestos fue Leko con 22.Cc4. El negro, a cambio, se apoderó de la columna "f", tomó posteriormente la iniciativa y parecía que podía tener un fuerte ataque contra el rey de las blancas. Con la aparentemente apresurada 31…Dg3, Topalov permitió cambios simplificadores a Leko, con chances de tablas para el húngaro. En realidad, son a partir de esos cambios donde ambos jugadores poco a poco han ido entrando en el final de torres que les ha llevado discutir durante buena parte de esta tarde-noche. Por lo tanto, vista la tremenda confusión existente entre los maestros del ICC, otorgando algunos ventaja al búlgaro y otros catalogando la posición como de tablas (donde me incluyo), se podría decir que este ha sido el sino de la partida que pretendieron ambos jugadores. Cotejo que finalizó en tablas justamente tras las siete horas de rigor establecidas como tope por el reglamento del Torneo.

Leko,P (2749) - Topalov,V (2783) [B90]
Morelia-Linares Linares (10), 04.03.2007

Merick (IM) : leko wants draw today Ng5 (IM) : i suspect they might both give up on this tournament and agree a quick draw Ng5 (IM) : Topalov is tired and playing too much and he probably knows it MightyViking (IM) : Topalov is tired of having to think for himself, instead of getting Rybka feeds. 1.e4 '0' 1...c5 '3' 2.Cf3 '7' 2...d6 '2' 3.d4 '8' 3...cxd4 '2' 4.Cxd4 '19' 4...Cf6 '2' 5.Cc3 '7' 5...a6 '1' 6.Ae3 '26' 6...e5 '3' 7.Cf3 '8' 7...Dc7 '2' 8.a4 '14' 8...Ae7 '2 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Guess the Move! Tell me your predictions before each move.' 9.a5 '23' 9...0-0 '1' 10.Ae2 '17' 10...Ae6 '3' 11.0-0 '211 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 11.O-O: Staunton SuperG (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Buffon (IM) : slight edge abdu' 11...Tc8N '345 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 11...Rc8: SuperG (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Buffon (IM) : Na4 is too soon Buffon (IM) : just Nbd7 Buffon (IM) : after Na4 Nbd7 c2 hangs and black can also play d5 Buffon (IM) : and e4 hangs also Buffon (IM) : so take it easy Buffon (IM) : Bg5 is reasonable' [ RR 11...Cbd7 12.Cg5 Ac4 ( RR 12...Dc6 13.Db1 d5 14.Cxd5 Cxd5 15.exd5 Axd5 16.c4 Axg5 17.cxd5 Dh6 18.Axg5 Dxg5 19.Dc1 Dd8 20.d6 Cf6 21.Dc7 Dxc7 22.dxc7 Tac8 23.Tfc1 Tfe8 24.Ta3 Te7 25.Tb3 Tcxc7 26.Txc7 Txc7 27.Axa6 1-0 Jakovenko,D (2667)-Bu Xiangzhi (2664)/Erguna CHN 2006/CT-2113 (37) ) 13.Ta4 Axe2 14.Dxe2 Tac8 15.Td1 Tfd8 16.Cf3 Dc6 17.h3 h6 18.Ch4 Cf8 19.Cf5 Cg6 20.Df3 De8 21.Ab6 Td7 22.g3 Tc6 23.h4 h5 24.Td2 Ad8 25.Ae3 Txc3 26.bxc3 Nunn,J (2585)-Hoelzl,F (2370)/Vienna 1986/CBM 001/1-0 (41)] 12.Cd5 '1488 SBV (FM) : ? bellicose (IM) : still rc1 qf5 holds bellicose (IM) : yup but c4 coccected with a5 is fine later b4-c5 bellicose (IM) : connected* MegaStar (FM) : Bd5 ed5 Qc2 Rc1 Qf5 Qb3 ! Qd7 Rc8 Qc8 Rc1 bellicose (IM) : a) Bd5 ed Qc2 Rc1 Qf5 defends still c8 however Qb3 gives nice position and black still is out of development MegaStar (FM) : yes bellicose playlikestevie (IM) : N x d5 also posible! bellicose (IM) : how f5? anyway white has much more interesting progress with c4,b4-c5 later if Nd5 ed Bf5 c4 is played bellicose (IM) : hello I would say white is better anyway bellicose (IM) : Bg4 leaves opportunity to play f5 after c4' 12...Cxd5 '690 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 12...Nxd5: sharkmeister sardanapal Bg7 calponas (Tell GuessTheMove your guess)' 13.exd5 '10' 13...Ag4 '6 junior (GM) : 1-0' 14.c4 '11 Garpun (IM) : opening fiasko for Topa' 14...Cd7 '459 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 14...Nd7: calponas KAPAMA3OB Petersonc atimco SuperG Bg7 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Garpun (IM) : thanks for organisers-good control Garpun (IM) : no bugs' 15.Cd2 '65 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 15.Nd2: sharkmeister (Tell GuessTheMove your guess)' 15...Axe2 '8' 16.Dxe2 '9 jensk (IM) : Now, this seems very nice for Leko - could be that Topa underetimated 12.Nd5! Garpun (IM) : normally black should have a computer adviser! Garpun (IM) : but its true Garpun (IM) : your comments are so idiot's, except junior and sardanapal playlikestevie (IM) : Topalov cheating - ha-ha Garpun (IM) : i like him, though it's strange' 16...f5 '272 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 16...f5: Logosity columbo SuperG (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Garpun (IM) : let then all cheating-i want beautiful chess Garpun (IM) : let them all cheating-i want beautiful chess Garpun (IM) : stable at bullet? Garpun (IM) : lat1(C)--last sentence is an computer advice?/ Garpun (IM) : make your own thought!!' 17.f3 '255 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 17.f3: atimco Bethabara SuperG (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Garpun (IM) : Wizbang!Train your spirit! MightyViking (IM) : Looks promising for Leko.' 17...Cf6 '588 Garpun (IM) : what a poor game.. Garpun (IM) : I want a game Morphy-Topalov Garpun (IM) : or Leko-Kapablanka! Garpun (IM) : i won some games against NDShort already' 18.b4 '593 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 18.b4: aktikt1 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess)' 18...Dd7 '4' 19.Tfd1 '12 Garpun (IM) : go home, Topalov? MegaStar (FM) : 1-0 Garpun (IM) : it would be nice! MegaStar (FM) : +- Mataleo (FM) : great pawn structure for white, like Geller-Fischer Garpun (IM) : Topalov advised to computer against Kramnik(secret)!!!' 19...De8 '235 Garpun (IM) : Sicilian is an English opening without 1 move.. Garpun (IM) : He gets sicilian lessons Garpun (IM) : So clothes is for inaccurate people??? Garpun (IM) : gnom, we so like Topa that we can joke! Garpun (IM) : you are too serious today Garpun (IM) : ok, give me some lessons of joking, please Garpun (IM) : i must know youe planning of teaching Garpun (IM) : and what about discounts? Garpun (IM) : and are you an official Joking Vendor on ICC???' 20.Dd3 '984' 20...Dh5 '180 elastase (FM) : leko is going to win this, hopefully LUCIANA (GM) : topalov is the best LUCIANA (GM) : plays bravest chess' 21.c5 '785 playlikestevie (IM) : e4' 21...Td8 '319' 22.Cc4 '78 playlikestevie (IM) : dc5 d6 cb4 playlikestevie (IM) : dc not so good Nb6' 22...Tac8 '211 playlikestevie (IM) : What Rybka says about this? Buffon (IM) : ´topalov plays like topalov Buffon (IM) : before topalov play liked advanced chess Buffon (IM) : lol Buffon (IM) : like' 23.Tac1 '221 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 23.Rac1: Sharpov (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) playlikestevie (IM) : Comp evaluation? pls Buffon (IM) : why do you need a comp eval ? Buffon (IM) : clarity ? Buffon (IM) : is that needed in this pos ? lol Buffon (IM) : use your brain Buffon (IM) : dont say silly stuff kapa Buffon (IM) : leko is just a boring player ...but his very strong Buffon (IM) : he is Buffon (IM) : but he is not better than the rest of the +2700 guys Buffon (IM) : he lacks spirit Buffon (IM) : of course but he is not the kind of player who can take a lot of risks Buffon (IM) : well to be a champion Buffon (IM) : risk is needed Buffon (IM) : well kramnik although in very bad shape Buffon (IM) : took risks in the match against leko Buffon (IM) : and it paid off Buffon (IM) : quite easily Buffon (IM) : kapa leko nevers plays a line he didnt prepare we are talking about that eh Buffon (IM) : he played benoni ! Buffon (IM) : lol Buffon (IM) : yup Buffon (IM) : no Buffon (IM) : in the match against leko Buffon (IM) : he almost won the benoni game Buffon (IM) : lol' 23...e4 '374 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 23...e4: EvilKnight (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Buffon (IM) : it was in the penultimate game' 24.fxe4 '4 Buffon (IM) : i dont think so Buffon (IM) : and lat(c) the intelligent comp ...well buffon is not wrongly written if you would something else than the english language Buffon (IM) : well sad in second division :p Buffon (IM) : haha sandman' 24...fxe4 '189' 25.Db3 '10' 'playlikestevie (IM) : Topa! Buffon (IM) : leko just isnt able to do it in complicated positions' 25...Cg4 '221 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 25...Ng4: MeatGrinder Stendhal Sharpov mikhailo666 EvilKnight playlikestevie sharkmeister KAPAMA3OB Boye (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Buffon (IM) : he wasnt able to smash anand Buffon (IM) : after that he had lots of troubler against moro' 26.h3 Cxe3 27.Cxe3 'Buffon (IM) : look azerichess is here :o) Buffon (IM) : when are you going to play some tourney azeri ? azerichess (GM) : after april' 27...Ag5 28.c6 Tf8 4 playlikestevie (IM) : Qe2 next playlikestevie (IM) : Its for first in World Championship someone to ga so many times to WC 29.Te1 170 Ng5 (IM) : Leko losing AGAIN !!! Merick (IM) : Qf7 Ng5 (IM) : Bf4 also dangerous playlikestevie (IM) : Topa! 29...Dh4 312 playlikestevie (IM) : Topa is Back!!!!!!!!! playlikestevie (IM) : :) 30.Da2 289 Ng5 (IM) : if white has to play Qa2 something has gone wrong Sweere (GM) : sweeping statement Sweere (GM) : anytime you forced or just feel like playing Qa2.... Ng5 (IM) : maybe Leko just bet he could play Qa2 and still draw Sweere (GM) : "holds" may also mean White is winning on the Q-side Cowboystiefel (FM) : Kh8 ElJeffe (FM) : She's got everything I want in a woman -- blood pressure, pulse ... azerichess (GM) : black is better maybe 30...Af4 453 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 30...Bf4: numbercrunch Sharpov Neo atimco EvilKnight NTAVE (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Cowboystiefel (FM) : Correct hint by Danailov 31.De2 33 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 31.Qe2: Pawnage Sharpov (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) ElJeffe (FM) : good thought UncleZeb 31...Dg3 112 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 31...Qg3: Qxf2 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 32.Cf1 30 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 32.Nf1: EvilKnight Cowboystiefel Sharpov (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) azerichess (GM) : why dont will win vogonprotestnik (IM) : Qg5 vogonprotestnik (IM) : 28. c6 was good attempt to defend:) Toboll (IM) : Qg5 or Qb3 Sweere (GM) : I don't think Black should exchange the queens Sweere (GM) : Topa ceratainly won't 32...Dd3 320 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 32...Qd3: Sandstad Cerditorebelde Sharpov josje apostate MeatGrinder (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Sweere (GM) : I was wrong vogonprotestnik (IM) : ending looks also nice for Black vogonprotestnik (IM) : look at the black bishop and at the white knight Pille Sweere (GM) : IM's aren't supposed to operate with generalities Blitz-King (IM) : Rc2 ! Sweere (GM) : Qd3 ed3 Rc4 d2 Rd1 and? Blitz-King (IM) : i like Rc2 Sweere (GM) : chicken and egg 33.Dxd3 223 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 33.Qxd3: FatalImage Qxf2 chesspimpery Leonhardt beefworm37 TruthSeeker Sweere mikhailo666 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Tim (DM) : So Leko looks a little worse here after the Q trade, but is it really horrible? 33...exd3 8 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 33...exd3: FatalImage atimco (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Blitz-King (IM) : before fm comes national master Sweere (GM) : I wouldn't give up my c6-pawn with meek stuff like Rcd1 Sweere (GM) : that's more like it 34.Tc4 23 Ng5 (IM) : looks drawish now Sweere (GM) : Rc3 be5 wasn't enough Ng5 (IM) : -.3 shredder smeets (GM) : how about bxc6 bxc6 and d5? Sweere (GM) : Leko's going for it ALL THE WAY! Sweere (GM) : freaking Rybka, before you said it was -.3 or somethign, two forced moves and it swings in White's favor vogonprotestnik (IM) : Leko waiting for his chances like a Nil Crocodile 34...bxc6 130 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 34...bxc6: fehdlabidi (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) SilikonaPub (FM) : sometimes it looks as Rybka is yout god 35.dxc6 6 smeets (GM) : see?:) SilikonaPub (FM) : I bet for a draw Sweere (GM) : when was teh e-pawn backwards? 35...d5 144 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 35...d5: EvilKnight Avedldesierto (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Ng5 (IM) : draw seems by far the most plausible Sweere (GM) : Topa saw a draw in the endgame, likely there wasn't anything better SilikonaPub (FM) : it looks drawish 36.Td4 125 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 36.Rd4: KingDestroyer ljg AngelDown fishhead (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 36...Txc6 31 SilikonaPub (FM) : Rd3 Rc4 37.Txd3 34 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 37.Rxd3: Boye Raisingthebar ATSTOY SilikonaPub (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Cowboystiefel (FM) : Even Danailov's handy doesn't help here SilikonaPub (FM) : and I don't see any real problem for black Ng5 (IM) : comp sees a small plus for back but it looks drawish SilikonaPub (FM) : I don't wonder what does think comp here,even my sister would evaluate better 37...Tc4 90 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 37...Rc4: goldenogre (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Ng5 (IM) : b5 dead draw 38.b5 127 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 38.b5: Ng5 mala9 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Merick (IM) : ab vogonprotestnik (IM) : completely lekolyzing the situation 38...axb5 155 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 38...axb5: Cowboystiefel Sharpov Merick snailmail ATSTOY (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Merick (IM) : ab-Rd3-Rb8 39.Txd5 5 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 39.Rxd5: Cowboystiefel (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 39...b4 120 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 39...b4: Cowboystiefel Boye Stendhal (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Ng5 (IM) : agreed draw on move 41 40.a6 94 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 40.a6: Boye (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) RLH2 (FM) : bb8 rd7 looks great for white Ng5 (IM) : = Ng5 (IM) : black top 10 moves all = 40...Tc6 188 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 40...Rc6: Qxf2 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) SilikonaPub (FM) : where do ypou live pille? SilikonaPub (FM) : in Spain we enjoyed it too Cowboystiefel (FM) : All over the world they enjoyed it Sweere (GM) : slept right through it SilikonaPub (FM) : well I guess in scandinavia it was not a total eclipse, but maybe I'm wrong :) Sweere (GM) : yeah, it's in the paper, no fun stuff ever happens here Ng5 (IM) : seems only black can win but its a dead draw with accurate play SilikonaPub (FM) : Kramnik didn't want to play,but he's not the player I most miss SilikonaPub (FM) : I wanted mamedyarov there :) Lapinews (IM) : god vkop : Why Naka is not playing ? Lapinews (IM) : I guess you wanted to make everyone laugh lol Lapinews (IM) : lol Nakamura doesn't have the level to play Linares Lapinews (IM) : are u stupid? Lapinews (IM) : jelous? lol SilikonaPub (FM) : I would like nakamura in this tournament,it would be at least more atractive Lapinews (IM) : 1.e4 e5 2.Dh5 is not great enough to play Linares i think Blitz-King (IM) : Lapinews is God, whatever he says its right Ng5 (IM) : bless you my son Sweere (GM) : Peter Leko is a neatly dressed polite young man who can converse in 5 languages he deserves his inviataions Ng5 (IM) : Leko will draw Cowboystiefel (FM) : was this kinda ironic? Lapinews (IM) : Yeah I'm not as good as Nakamura as chess, nor to say "**** you" to everyone who beats me once Blitz-King (IM) : agree lapin Sweere (GM) : naka is rough around the edges, he gets no love from organizers Ng5 (IM) : white can get into trouble with inaccurate play but Leko should find the way to a draw Sweere (GM) : I prefer Nakamura the soccer player Lapinews (IM) : forget naka one second lol Sweere (GM) : he transfered from Italy? Cowboystiefel (FM) : maybe the s means "Sofia" Sweere (GM) : I want a nakamura Celtic shirt, what number is he wearing still 10? Sweere (GM) : I will find out SilikonaPub (FM) : nakamura is so nice when he wins Sweere (GM) : in the world cup Sweere (GM) : but who scored for japan, Naka? Ng5 (IM) : CELTIC-REPLICA-NAKAMURA-JERSEY-SHIRT-SIZE-M-NIKE_W0QQitemZ300085404371QQihZ020QQ categoryZ64497QQcmdZViewItem Sweere (GM) : I need to improve my knowledge Sweere (GM) : you guys dribble too much, plus Brazil never gets real soccer weather, rain wind and soggy field Sweere (GM) : all great, but they should have stayed home I don't like the conceot of club soccer Sweere (GM) : it has destroyed stylistic differences 41.Tb5 1214 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 41.Rb5: Qxf2 Muddus Cowboystiefel (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Ng5 (IM) : Bd6 is the only winning try Sweere (GM) : he won't Sweere (GM) : Kasparov is turning into an Al Sharpton of Russia he doesn't even get arrested for his antics Sweere (GM) : ask Mig, they're buddies Ng5 (IM) : I think Kasparov will make a name for himself as a political commentator Ng5 (IM) : he will get a job as a US TV "expert" 41...Ad6 403 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 41...Bd6: Ng5 Butchy1948 NatalRN TioZeh GunSlinger atimco (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Sweere (GM) : arrested and released a few hours later no big deal Sweere (GM) : dozens did during antiwar marches here 42.Ta1 30 Sweere (GM) : violent, soo hoo you're child you have never seen violence in your life 42...Ta8 61 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 42...Ra8: Cerditorebelde Butchy1948 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Sweere (GM) : and being American you'll never see it Blitz-King (IM) : a7 only move Ng5 (IM) : a7 Rb6 ! is the trick Blitz-King (IM) : Ra4 Rcxc6 Raxb4 Bxb4 Rxb4, and 0-1 Tim (DM) : Kf2 is possible here as well. Idea: swap off a pair of Rooks on a6, then run the King towards the b-pawn to help stop it Ng5 (IM) : a7 Rb6 looks nasty for white Ng5 (IM) : Rba5 looks forced, but black has some chances 43.a7 475 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 43.a7: ccie1 Blitz-King Soo-Hoo Ng5 mabbu Butchy1948 angrywookie IAMC NTAVE (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Tim (DM) : Oops Blitz-King (IM) : Rb6 43...Tb6 63 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 43...Rb6: KingDestroyer Blitz-King Shmawa Xebeche Sharpov angrywookie NTAVE (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Tim (DM) : Now if Rd5, b3-2 is terribly strong Blitz-King (IM) : Rd5 humanoid (FM) : thanks Pille, I was wondering Tim (DM) : Leko collapsed last year in the second leg of Linares. I wonder whether he doesn't adjust well to a shift in time zones?? vogonprotestnik (IM) : watch the Bishop, Pille 44.Txb6 101 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 44.Rxb6: John2Janssen (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 44...Ac5+ 8 Blitz-King (IM) : Kh2 Blitz-King (IM) : Kh2 Tim (DM) : Hold on. Is this so clear? Tim (DM) : Kh1 humanoid (FM) : I thought Benjamin said this game would be a draw Tim (DM) : Avoid checks Tim (DM) : Then when ...Bxb6, Ra4 Blitz-King (IM) : Kh2 hiesel (FM) : -+ Ng5 (IM) : Kh1 Bb6 Ra6 Ba7 Nd2 Rd8 Rax7 Rxd2 Rb7 is borderline Vandelay (IM) : Kh1Bxb6, Ra4 seem to pick up the b pawn with a draw Tim (DM) : K goes to h1 so that the Black B cannot move out of a potential pin with check vogonprotestnik (IM) : still good drawing chances probably Greysky (FM) : -1.00 -> -/+ 45.Rh1 175 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 45.Kh1: NTAVE angrywookie Tim Charnel Ng5 Quietus (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Ng5 (IM) : Kh1 Bb6 Ra4 Bc5 Ra5 Ba7 45...Axb6 14 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 45...Bxb6: atimco (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Greysky (FM) : no.... it´s -+ Sweere (GM) : Kh1 Bb6 Ra6 Ba7 Nd2 Rd8 Ra7 Rd2 Rb7= Goldmund (GM) : Ra6 draw Tim (DM) : Now Ra4, and if ...Bc5, Ra5 Sweere (GM) : Ra4 is also good enough Vandelay (IM) : Ra4 and Ra6 both draw easily Greysky (FM) : =- doesn´t exist Tim (DM) : This ends up with the minor pieces coming off Tim (DM) : and Black has an extra pawn on the b-file, but White's Rook gets behind it. This may well be drawn aries2 (IM) : bxa7 ra4!! rf8!!!!! 46.Ta4 140 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 46.Ra4: Tim Fillmore Quietus abdu BoondockSaints Sweere Vandelay pin-fork Dennis-Finn (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) hiesel (FM) : well, rybka is wrong here - the rook ending is not winning Vandelay (IM) : yes aries but that's an easy draw when white has his rook behind the passer aries2 (IM) : i am not pretending this game does not end in draw Sweere (GM) : Rybka is usually wrong unless tactics are present Blitz-King (IM) : Bc5 Ra5 Bxa7 Nd2 Rd8 Rxa7 Rxd2 Rb7! aries2 (IM) : soviet analysis always uses double negative aries2 (IM) : Black is not without prospects 46...Ac5 109 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 46...Bc5: Quietus leeuwtje atimco Blitz-King N71 IAMC Frens84 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 47.Ta5 7 Blitz-King (IM) : Bxa7 Greysky (FM) : the endgame after Bxa7 is draw? aries2 (IM) : if white gets a blind pig on 7th it's enough aries2 (IM) : leeuwtje, the blind pig on the 7th Greysky (FM) : after swaping bishop and knight, and the rook in b7 for example... draw? 47...Axa7 44 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 47...Bxa7: Blitz-King Frens84 Quietus N71 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Blitz-King (IM) : Nd2 aries2 (IM) : N to anywhere Goldmund (GM) : Nd2 Rd8 Ra7 Rd2 Rb7 is drawn aries2 (IM) : so is ne3 Greysky (FM) : thx goldmund, that was my doubt aries2 (IM) : nd2 and ne3 both fine 48.Cd2 60 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 48.Nd2: Tim Blitz-King Quietus Gzhelka Goldmund Soo-Hoo francesco75018 aries2 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Greysky (FM) : not a lot of practical chances Hatred (IM) : switched it again aries2 (IM) : white gets the blind pig on 7th aries2 (IM) : not much torture Goldmund (GM) : if Topa won a pawn this doent mean 0-1 at all Goldmund (GM) : Leko is the best defender in the world aries2 (IM) : ah-ha: = aries2 (IM) : Blindus Porcus aries2 (IM) : on 7thcus vogonprotestnik (IM) : valid documents Goldmund! aries2 (IM) : angrywookie didn't you hear the saying all rook endings are drawn Greysky (FM) : Natal, please ..... 48...Td8 98 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 48...Rd8: Quietus N71 angrywookie NTAVE PizzaPi (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 49.Txa7 10 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 49.Rxa7: N71 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) aries2 (IM) : yygraupera never saw Bisguier play 49...Txd2 10 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 49...Rxd2: N71 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) aries2 (IM) : when they are drawn, angrywookie, they are 50.Tb7 11 Greysky (FM) : Rd4 or Rb2 ? aries2 (IM) : doesn't matter quietus Greysky (FM) : are equal anyway? aries2 (IM) : yes Greysky (FM) : yes, seems draw.. aries2 (IM) : i've seen black lose this in american swisses, by going nuts and losing both Kside pawns to try to get K over to help his passed pawn onlooker (DM) : 9 pieces is way too many for tablebases, mayanking aries2 (IM) : ouch i just played over anand-carlsen what a mangle aries2 (IM) : no ntave aries2 (IM) : no dennis-finn Greysky (FM) : the verdict is clear. DRaw aries2 (IM) : you can't win it dennis-finn onlooker (DM) : topalov will probably agreetoa drawright here SilikonaPub (FM) : everybody except fools and engines Goldmund (GM) : i saved many positions like this vs dumb comps which is+1,1 eval always aries2 (IM) : no fisherino aries2 (IM) : no chances 50...Td4 243 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 50...Rd4: N71 MindRide e4ia (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) playlikestevie (IM) : Topa is with black What more can be expected? SilikonaPub (FM) : Sharpov you can add pawns and find black is a pawn up fro yourself hiesel (FM) : who is "we"? D-Fridman (GM) : should be a draw, but not easy hiesel (FM) : dennis finn seems to have a binary keyboard... hiesel (FM) : lol dagamma aries2 (IM) : n23, blind pig on 7th aries2 (IM) : n23, blind pig means unopposable rook on 7th aries2 (IM) : dennis-finn, blind pig seals the result aries2 (IM) : no move here means anything mindride aries2 (IM) : doesn't matter mindride nothing occurs anyway aries2 (IM) : thta carlsen game was pretty one sided, he must have missed the ne6 aries2 (IM) : unclezeb 1800s can draw this 51.Rg1 345 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 51.Kg1: chessepeake kabindra (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) aries2 (IM) : no move means anything atimco aries2 (IM) : i have seen black lose in swisses by donating both kingside pawns on a bad king run to queenside aries2 (IM) : h5 doesn't mean anything fisherino aries2 (IM) : no dennis-finn that doesn't do anything aries2 (IM) : i saw a 2000 lose by running his K to queenside, winning R, and losing R vs 2 connected passers aries2 (IM) : no dennis-finn aries2 (IM) : if you paid white off you could win it aries2 (IM) : snicker generichandle aries2 (IM) : the 2000 donated his pawns on a king's bum rush aries2 (IM) : the 2000 in question is related to an icc vendor aries2 (IM) : they are playing because the buffet table not yet set up SilikonaPub (FM) : well,whoever would continue,he is a pawn up anyway 51...Tf4 345 Ng5 (IM) : i think black has some genuine winning chances here 52.Rh2 342 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 52.Kh2: kabindra (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Ng5 (IM) : should be a draw with accurate defence but its not trivial TIGRANO (GM) : h6-g5 TIGRANO (GM) : i meant h6 Kg3 g5 pille :) junior (GM) : h6 kg3 g5 rc7 then what? Ng5 (IM) : draw but worth playing on Ng5 (IM) : h5 or h6 is the question 52...h5 216 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 52...h5: OakTree mikhailo666 Ng5 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 53.Rg3 30 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 53.Kg3: mikhailo666 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 53...Tc4 108 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 53...Rc4: antiRIDGE sharkmeister fisherino mikhailo666 cdcaplan (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) PorkChopsTamer (IM) : looks quit bad for white? PorkChopsTamer (IM) : h4 is a blunder here 54.Rf3 174 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 54.Kf3: Iapep tiptop Theodulf (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Mataleo (FM) : drawn but Topalov has every reason to continue Mataleo (FM) : most patzers who claim draw here would readily lose 54...Rh7 53 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 54...Kh7: antiRIDGE foffo geom (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Mataleo (FM) : i could lose, in theoretical drawn endgames, yes 55.Tb6 132 Merick (IM) : g6,g3-Kh6,Rb5-Rc3 Ng5 (IM) : just g6 and Kh6, then see Merick (IM) : if w. play h4 ,easy win for b 55...g5 247 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 55...g5: Iapep (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Goldmund (GM) : if h4 g3 draw immidiately Ng5 (IM) : dead draw now with Rb5-b6 Sweere (GM) : to bore Leko must be a tall order 56.Tb7+ 158 Ng5 (IM) : i guess black wants Rb5 Kg6 Rb6 Kg7 Rb5 Kf6 Rb6 Ke5 Rb5 Kd4 but thats drawn Sweere (GM) : this looks like a losing move 56...Rg6 65 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 56...Kg6: antiRIDGE (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Sweere (GM) : Kto c3 give the pawns 57.Tb6+ 9 Hatred (IM) : Kf5 g4+! Sweere (GM) : the pawns won't save white Sweere (GM) : Kf5 g4 hg4 hg4 Ke5 Rb5 Kd4 Rg5 b3 Rb5 Kc3 g5 b2 g6 Rc6 g7 Rg6 Rc5 Kb4 Rc7 draws Sweere (GM) : so I was wrong about checks being wrong Sweere (GM) : Kf7 is the right move Ng5 (IM) : u r not taking this very seriously sweere MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Kf5 g4 hg hg Ke5 Rb5 Kd4 Rg5 b3 Rc3 Kc3 g5 b2 g6 Kc2! g7 Rc8 Kf4 Rg8! and black wins Goldmund (GM) : Kf5 Rb5 Kf6 g4 is a draw 57...Rf7 390 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 57...Kf7: Jonmeista vkop mikhailo666 walter IAMC (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Sweere (GM) : great comment if you can't follow this line in your head, give it to your comp IM chuleton (IM) : is this draw is this draw what im feeling? MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Sweere try to use your computer, becouse without it you can't calculate well Ng5 (IM) : i feel draw PorkChopsTamer (IM) : what do u think about this? is this win? MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : b3 Rb5 i meant chuleton (IM) : Ng5 is not possible Ng5 (IM) : i havent analysed it to death but in have faith in Leko 58.g4 112 MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : someone said that rook endings are always draw MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : lol Goldmund (GM) : good move chuleton (IM) : who is tate? GMAlex (GM) : Maslakkostia, it was Tartakower who said that.g4 seems to be the only move, but does it save the game after 58...h4? MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : i don't know, but i like Rf4+ first MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : and then h4 GMAlex (GM) : I'd say it looks like 0-1 Goldmund (GM) : i say draw:) chuleton (IM) : Any other hot finger note? PorkChopsTamer (IM) : time is also bad for white here GMAlex (GM) : actually , there is no need in Rf4+.h4 at once is as good chuleton (IM) : Paris Hilton is not WGM 'help WGM-bio' 58...Tf4+ 219 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 58...Rf4+: cyronix (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) chuleton (IM) : chuleton de buey 59.Rg3 30 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 59.Kg3: antiRIDGE (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) humanoid (FM) : What do the comps say here SilikonaPub (FM) : the comp probably gives +1, and its winning sequence is to arrive to this same position 10 moves later... 59...h4+ 159 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 59...h4+: antiRIDGE OakTree breeze petofi99 shaka angrywookie Shmawa (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 60.Rg2 7 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 60.Kg2: antiRIDGE drunkman (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Ng5 (IM) : its drawn Ng5 (IM) : Leko wouldnt have played g4 if he didnt know this was drawn Sweere (GM) : I can't believe Leko went g4, I thought Ke3 was better junior (GM) : how does black make progress alex? IUROSAMAD (IM) : easy win Blitz-King (IM) : draw Toboll (IM) : draw 60...Tc4 273 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 60...Rc4: antiRIDGE Draob tiptop dogbolter MarsPathfinder Miguelanjeloz (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) SilikonaPub (FM) : it is funny how a basic rook ending is so confusing for many tittled players :) Blitz-King (IM) : Kf3 Toboll (IM) : Kf3 SilikonaPub (FM) : this is not -1,-2 or -3. It's just to say "black wins" o "it's a draw" Blitz-King (IM) : Rxg4+ and Black gets 2 passed pawns SilikonaPub (FM) : potpie then is much harder :) Sweere (GM) : well, since 57...Kf5 didn't seem to work, then there's no reason to criticize Leko's play SilikonaPub (FM) : but I don't like comp evaluations anyway Sweere (GM) : I'd still look at Ke3 instead of g4 because I hate to see the white king out of play SilikonaPub (FM) : g4 is an ugly move, I agree Sweere (GM) : Kf3 looks like the move now Ng5 (IM) : still looks well worth playing on Greysky (FM) : draw anyway? Greysky (FM) : Rb5 is bad? Sweere (GM) : Kf3 Rc3 Ke4 b3 Kf5 Gumptious (GM) : If it helps- I am not certain what the result should be- I think g4 probably gave topalov some encouragement though. Probably still a draw, but the margin seems smaller Sweere (GM) : Rb5 is also an option GMAlex (GM) : Rb5 just KE6 GMAlex (GM) : I think black will win GMAlex (GM) : Rb5 Ke6 Rg5 b3 SilikonaPub (FM) : Leko won Anand in a drawish rook ending in this same tournamente 2 or 3 years ago. This could be a kind of topalov's favor to anand... Sweere (GM) : all of you longing for tablebases should contemplate retirement at 30 61.Rf3 294 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 61.Kf3: dogbolter Sweere RossA (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) SilikonaPub (FM) : I like Rd4 MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : my fritz saying Ke8! now better than Ke7 61...Re7 125 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 61...Ke7: vkop mikhailo666 wrydog Shmawa (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Sweere (GM) : Ke7 Rb5 Kd6 Rg5 Rc3 Kf4 Rh3 Rb5 b3 Kg5 draw Greysky (FM) : yes, agree sweere Sweere (GM) : then Rg8 GMAlex (GM) : Well, now it's a draw GMAlex (GM) : but I think Topalov missed it Sweere (GM) : I'd play 52.g3 instead of all this nonsense Greysky (FM) : Alex, what did topa miss? what move? Sweere (GM) : get your pawn on h4 White can never lose Greysky (FM) : of coure, the defence idea is always to put the structure -h4-g3 right? MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : how to draw it ? MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : give me any line Greysky (FM) : Maslaka, sweere said the draw line... onlooker (DM) : now don't be insulting, zak :) Goldmund (GM) : Ke3 looks like only move Greysky (FM) : g4 looks like a mistake also to me .. but it´s still draw elstan (GM) : Rb5 Rc3 Ke4 Rh3 Rg5 b3 MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : i don't see a draw Greysky (FM) : elstan, Rb5, draw according sweere... Greysky (FM) : and a bishop.. MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Ke3 - Rc3+ Kd4 Rf3 elstan (GM) : interesting ending! SilikonaPub (FM) : sweere's line is not the only black's way Goldmund (GM) : Leko still may save with Ke3 Kd7 Kd3 Rc3 Kd4 Rh3 Rb4 i think MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : i still can't find a draw here, guess it's win MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Ke3 - Rc3 + MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : oops, Ke3 - Kd7, Kd3 - Rc3+ MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : and on Kd4 - Rf3 instead of Rh3 62.Re3 503 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 62.Ke3: JorgeS chess-animal Goldmund rizioo MASLAKKOSTIA (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Kd7 Kd3 Rc3 Kd4 Rf3 ! 62...Rd7 50 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 62...Kd7: MASLAKKOSTIA Pericles McCrafty (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Ke4 - Kc7 ! Sweere (GM) : Ke3 was a bad move for sure MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Rb5 - Kc6 ! MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Rb8 - Rf7 ! and black wins SilikonaPub (FM) : +1.20 means a pawn up,that's to say, nothing we don't know Greysky (FM) : good silikona :) Greysky (FM) : what´s a pawn? :P MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : may be Kd3 - Rc3 Kd2 ? did't see it, but pretty sure that Kd4 - Rf3 won for black chuleton (IM) : I believe in Hilton Rahjus (GM) : Hiarcs wsays: hmm... let me see... 63.Rd2 131 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 63.Kd2: McCrafty JorgeS (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Greysky (FM) : I believe in capatrosian.... Greysky (FM) : good glaidator! I liked the "I think" :) Greysky (FM) : Kc7 Rb5 63...Rc7 126 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 63...Kc7: NTAVE Shmawa Greysky antiRIDGE (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 64.Tb5 9 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 64.Rb5: Quietus (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Greysky (FM) : ? I didn´t predic ... Greysky (FM) : why is my name in the list? Greysky (FM) : Kc6 also only chance to lose ;) Greysky (FM) : hehe :) riverbeauty (WGM) : Kc6, Rg5, Rc3, followed by Rh3! 64...Rc6 86 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 64...Kc6: NTAVE Sticko antiRIDGE drunkman numbercrunch Tanstaafl pedersen Greysky Kroll RookMasterG CAPATROSIAN (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 65.Txg5 8 Ng5 (IM) : looks drawn to me Greysky (FM) : b3 Rg8 SilikonaPub (FM) : b3 Rg8 Rb4 Greysky (FM) : b3 Rg8 is draw to me SilikonaPub (FM) : jelou espanyolista azerichess (GM) : b3-rg8 MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : b3 Rg8 Kd7 Greysky (FM) : Kd7, masla ? MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : plan - play Rc3-Rh3 and move king to g-pawn Ng5 (IM) : still not clear Greysky (FM) : masla... I take in b4 when Rc3, and ... draw! simply MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : you can't take on b4 MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : becouse i play b3 now SilikonaPub (FM) : drunkman I'm bad player who plays just move by move, don't ask me for something I can't give Greysky (FM) : ah, right... MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : and rook from h3 will defence both pawns Greysky (FM) : masla, b3 Rg8 Kd7 Rb8 ... then? Greysky (FM) : if Rc2+ Qe1.. Greysky (FM) : Ke1 sorry GMAlex (GM) : well, now it's draw MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Rb8 - Rc3 MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : where is a draw ? GMAlex (GM) : black was winning in the line I've shown to Sweere 65...b3 211 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 65...b3: boktorrr antiRIDGE pedersen petofi99 bigm752003 Skoal Silvio-Dante Greysky RookMasterG NTAVE clikmate CAPATROSIAN tammany SilikonaPub DropZone EvilKnight Birty Tarkovsky MASLAKKOSTIA UncleZeb Shmawa Norvoll Bakunin savante (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Greysky (FM) : Rc3 loses the rook GMAlex (GM) : 60... Ke7 instead of Rc4? MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Rg8 - Rc2 + MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : Kd1 - Kd7 MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : there is no draw Greysky (FM) : ok, masla, good plan... I don´t know if enough to win, but at least interesting MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : 1)Ëåêî 250.00 2.25 1.60 line 2)Òîïàëîâ GMAlex (GM) : well, the line was 60...Ke7 61.Rg6 Kd7 62.Rg5 Kc6 63.Rb8 Rf7!! Greysky (FM) : federico, I will censor you junior (GM) : that's interesting gmalex, but black's pawn is on b4 Greysky (FM) : always repeating "where´s the easy draw guys..." Greysky (FM) : I never said easy draw. Ng5 (IM) : fredirico, people stop kibbing if they think an idiot is going to laugh at them if they get it wrong GMAlex (GM) : sure, who wants to defend that position with white?challenge me SilikonaPub (FM) : +ya no te ajunto GMAlex (GM) : I'm ready 66.Tg8 249 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 66.Rg8: drunkman generichandle JorgeS MASLAKKOSTIA rheldmann McCrafty Norvoll antiRIDGE NatalRN Dualist CAPATROSIAN rocco2 atimco (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Kgt1 (IM) : chalenge GMalex position * GMAlex (GM) : thanks, RossA, that was Sweere's idea.but after 62.Rb8 I just play Kc5, you can't poush your pawn now Ng5 (IM) : i dont mind, but I would rather have GM's kibbing than idiots 66...Tc2+ 125 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 66...Rc2+: antiRIDGE NTAVE NatalRN pedersen atimco DropZone Atticus Sticko fisherino (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Greysky (FM) : Rc2 only way FrozenShade (GM) : Rc2+ Kd1 Rh2 Kc1 Rxh3 g5 Kd5 g6 Ke6 Rf8! Rg3 Rh8! Greysky (FM) : Kd1 only one Greysky (FM) : good frozen! I like your line ... seems draw Ng5 (IM) : after Kd1 Rh2 is not forced FrozenShade (GM) : should be fairly easy rzbrzotrz (IM) : KD3= besheny (IM) : Rc2+ Kd1 Rh2 Kc1 Rxh3 g5 Kd7! g6 Ke7! 67.Rd1 188 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 67.Kd1: JorgeS gmkarbov Greysky Cartesian mimo68 Shmawa octavia drunkman (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Ng5 (IM) : shredder has about -1.8 which sounds like a draw FrozenShade (GM) : ok white probably has to play rf8 after kd7, besheny Ng5 (IM) : TB not relevant here faust (IM) : draw here faust (IM) : rh2 kc1 rh3 g5 kd7 rf8 rh1 kb2 faust (IM) : ke7 rf4 h3 rf3 h2 rh3"_ faust (IM) : :) 67...Rc7 157 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 67...Kc7: numbercrunch boktorrr e4ia (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) SilikonaPub (FM) : I have 32 pieces tablebases,but is just a secret and I can't give them to anyone :) Greysky (FM) : Rh2 was draw Greysky (FM) : jejeje sili :) 68.Tg7+ 61 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 68.Rg7+: antiRIDGE dans (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Visam (GM) : Rg7 Kd6 Rb7 Rc3 Greysky (FM) : is the time correct? 8 minutes? after the control on the 60 move? FrozenShade (GM) : rg5 looked better than this FrozenShade (GM) : kd6 now, might get tricky SilikonaPub (FM) : the opening position is winning for white with 1.a3!! U left black in zugzwang Greysky (FM) : jajajajaja 68...Rb6 191 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 68...Kb6: pedersen iamzero (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 69.Tg8 31 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 69.Rg8: generichandle Misha65 JorgeS Atul-V (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Greysky (FM) : draw draw draw.... faust (IM) : LOL Natal 69...Ra7 154 SilikonaPub (FM) : JoseMaReyesIII,did u get that conclusion by ur own? 70.Tg7+ 65 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 70.Rg7+: antiRIDGE pedersen ccie1 sd194 Atul-V (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) MASLAKKOSTIA (IM) : why not make this stupid kingmoves when opponent and time trouble without increment humanoid (FM) : What do the comps say now Greysky (FM) : never onlooker (DM) : what would be fun is Kb6 Rg6+!? Rc6 :) Sweere (GM) : not sure anymore Sweere (GM) : some chances after Ka6 Rg8 Rc3 (the point of Ka5 is not to walk into rc8+ with the black king on c6 Sweere (GM) : after Ka6 Rg8 Rc3 Rb8 Rh3 g5 Rg3 g6 h3 Black wins 70...Ra6 218 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 70...Ka6: antiRIDGE SilikonaPub toreador DropZone Micawbr McCrafty (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 71.Tg8 2 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 71.Rg8: antiRIDGE (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) StarkL (FM) : rb8 is nonsense elstan (GM) : Ka5 g5 Rc7 SilikonaPub (FM) : CAPATROSIAN's peak was 2798 Sweere (GM) : better placed where? on c6 he'd walk into Rc8 after Rc3 Sweere (GM) : and Rh2 lets the white king to b2 elstan (GM) : ka5 g5 Rc7 with idea b2 is interesting Goldmund (GM) : Ka5 Rb8 for sure elstan (GM) : ka5 Rb8 Ka4 Goldmund (GM) : i mean Ka5 g5 Rc7 Rb8 SilikonaPub (FM) : Fischer used rybka for to win Spassky,he was a cheater Guillermito (IM) : 0-1 Kingway (IM) : Better way to think is what rating would a player get for beating anand, kramnik and topalov 6-0, 6-0 and 6.5-2.5; these 3 I named are all WC contenders today just like Bobby's were back then Sweere (GM) : Rc3 Rb8 Rh3 Kc1 Rg3 Kb2 h3 g5 Ka5 g6 Ka4 is tough to see through to the end Sweere (GM) : Black has chances Guillermito (IM) : lol kahluadude SilikonaPub (FM) : I think nakamura's real strengh is over 2950 71...Rb7 311 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 71...Kb7: generichandle Shmawa (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 72.Tg7+ 2 Goldmund (GM) : Sweere Rc3 Kd2 for sure Rh3 Kc1 72...Rc6 36 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 72...Kc6: Millionaire pedersen (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 73.Tg8 9 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 73.Rg8: atimco (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 73...Th2 8 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 73...Rh2: iamzero (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) SilikonaPub (FM) : well,karpov tried to play US championship but they didn't let him... 74.Rc1 8 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 74.Kc1: TheGladiator (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Sweere (GM) : this is bad play Rc3 (with the king on a6) would force White to play Rb8 while now he doesn't have to 74...Txh3 29 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 74...Rxh3: Atul-V antiRIDGE atimco TheGladiator Y-Master (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Sweere (GM) : I'm Bush I like rook endings SilikonaPub (FM) : Bush is about 650 75.g5 27 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 75.g5: ccie1 TheGladiator (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 75...Rd7 35 Sweere (GM) : Kd6 is the only try GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 75...Kd7: Quietus DropZone (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Sweere (GM) : same thing Sweere (GM) : Rg6-h6 Sweere (GM) : actually Kd6 was much better to have Ke5 after Rg6 Goldmund (GM) : Rg6 and draw 76.Tf8 90 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 76.Rf8: rizioo octavia iamzero TheGladiator ccie1 pedersen (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) humanoid (FM) : Dead draw now! Sweere (GM) : Natal let's not extend Leko and Topi's contracts we can get better players for our club elstan (GM) : Ke7! Guillermito (IM) : correct yerminator!!! humanoid (FM) : Ke7, then Rf4, adn push the g-pawn humanoid (FM) : He trades the g-pawn for the h-pawn now SilikonaPub (FM) : at least computers don't swear u when they lose.. Guillermito (IM) : best player ever is Yerminator = Yermolinsky + Terminator humanoid (FM) : Fischer proved that even lunatics can become world champion 76...Re7 161 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 76...Ke7: federico octavia TheGladiator melrobin Misha65 patzerforlife Atul-V (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) Guillermito (IM) : best player ever is Yerminator = Yermolinsky + Terminator Guillermito (IM) : who is Silvio-Dante ? 77.Tf6 60 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 77.Rf6: Bg7 Y-Master (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) TIGRANO (GM) : Rg3 TIGRANO (GM) : 0-1 TIGRANO (GM) : Rf4 was only move TIGRANO (GM) : now 0-1... kanza (GM) : ok how black is winning just rh6 and kb2 77...Tg3 61 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 77...Rg3: antiRIDGE TIGRANO clikmate tiptop Atul-V Bg7 leeuwtje dagamma41 (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) kanza (GM) : white always has kb2 and ka3 Goldmund (GM) : Rh6 78.Th6 40 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 78.Rh6: generichandle antiRIDGE Norvoll pedersen leeuwtje Heine Genthnaldodagui bigm752003 Atul-V AlphaOmega RingLord bluemax zeigmata geom Goldmund (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 78...h3 4 79.Rb2 7 Goldmund (GM) : Kb2 Sweere (GM) : no! Rh2 was winning! Goldmund (GM) : dead draw now Sweere (GM) : Rh2 instead of Rg3 TIGRANO (GM) : no TIGRANO (GM) : Kf7 79...Rf7 44 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 79...Kf7: Nyana antiRIDGE fisherino melrobin Bg7 DropZone LAKKYBOY TIGRANO (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 80.Ra3 3 Guillermito (IM) : 0-1 TIGRANO (GM) : ah TIGRANO (GM) : Ka3 ! TIGRANO (GM) : i missed that :) 80...Rg7 32 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 80...Kg7: antiRIDGE melrobin LAKKYBOY Guambomb (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) 81.Rb2 3 GuessTheMove (C DM) : Correctly predicting 81.Kb2: antiRIDGE (Tell GuessTheMove your guess) ElDuke (FM) : Topalov will shoot himself kanza (GM) : rh2 was only try Guillermito (IM) : Please be patient, danailov is working hard in the toilet with tablebases now Sweere (GM) : pathetic endgame performance from both ElDuke (FM) : Rh2 looked winning kanza (GM) : but still draw 81...Rg8 55 82.Ra3 3 FrozenShade (GM) : will be drawn now Guillermito (IM) : 77... Rh2? Goldmund (GM) : he could win with Rh1 instead of Rg3 Sweere (GM) : I can feed off this ending for some time - good teaching material 82...Rf7 61 83.Rb2 3 Sweere (GM) : my guess about one question mark per 3 moves 83...Rg7 28 RLH2 (FM) : flag! RLH2 (FM) : lol Shadeath (IM) : he couldn'n win with Rh1 instead of Rg3 Guillermito (IM) : Rh7 check flags Lapinews (IM) : he meant Rh2 not Rh1 Sweere (GM) : this would have been Zugzwang with Rh2 vs. Kb1 Shadeath (IM) : white gives away the g pawn and it is a theoretical draw 84.Rc1 55 kanza (GM) : 77... rg3 rh1 or rh2 all draw Sweere (GM) : 77.Rf4 was a draw Goldmund (GM) : i mean practically could Guillermito (IM) : 0-1 1/2-1/2

Clasificación tras la décima ronda:

Mañana día de descanso, merecido para todos nosotros (permítanme que me incluya !?).

Undécima ronda: (Martes 6-3-2.007)





Recibid un cordial saludo,



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