martes, 27 de febrero de 2007

Torneo de Morelia-Linares (7)

Así se lleva México en la piel

Terminó la primera vuelta del Torneo Intercontinental Morelia-Linares 2.007. ¡Por todo lo alto!. Hubo mucha lucha en todas las partidas.

Vishy Anand ha sido el "virtual" vencedor. Justamente. Ganó a Carlsen (que le empató a puntos) y por ello y por el resultado de las demás partidas, obtiene mejor coeficiente de desempate.

Magnus, ha terminado con 2.855 puntos de performance. Creo que un resultado formidable, si acaso (por ponerle un pero) sólamente ensombrecido porque el evento aún no ha acabado... . ¡Enhorabuena! de cualquier forma para el "nuevo" Bobby Fischer del ajedrez mundial. He cogido estos días el libro de Wonderboy y lo estoy mirando con lupa desde 2.004 para acá. Luego me pasaré a ver lo que salió en New in Chess de él. Merece la pena hacerle ahora al chico un seguimiento detallado… .

Ivanchuk, que entró (lamentablemente) de recambio por Radjabov (una pena también que el jugador azerí que no haya podido estar aquí) lo está haciendo francamente bien. Ojito, que puede conseguir su cuarto Torneo de Linares !!.

Aronian que perdió en la última ronda la imbatibilidad y Svidler, el único imbatido del torneo, pero con siete tablas (a lo Petrosian) todavía tienen opciones de subir al podio final.

Leko y Topalov andan ya descolgados. Del húngaro no me espero gran cosa (demasiado pasivo); pero de Topalov, nunca se sabe, por lo menos para lograr medalla, porque siempre ha sido un hombre de segundas partes y seguro que el descanso de cuatro días le vendrá muy bien.

Svidler-Carlsen: Defensa Siciliana. Variante del Dragón acelerado. Magnus se quedó con su peón de dama aislado y sufrió mucho para conseguir las tablas. De todas formas (como dijo Illescas), Peter Svidler es un rival durísimo con blancas. Cada día se me parece más a Semyon Furman (el que fuera mentor de Anatoly Kárpov). En la jugada 17 el chico jugó muy pasivo. Rybka indagando en lo sugerido por los maestros del ICC encontró un método fantástico para lograr la igualdad. De nuevo en el movimiento 21, Magnus pudo haber jugado de otro modo un poco más sólido, pero hay que admitir que así también hubiera quedado "inferior", pero menos de cómo sucedió en la partida. Luego sería el ruso el que desperdiciaría la posibilidad de entrar en un final de damas con peón de más. No sé si sería suficiente para lograr la victoria, pero desde luego que sí le hubiera valido para torturar durante un buen rato al flamante jugador noruego.

Svidler,P (2728) - Carlsen,M (2690) [B35]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (7), 25.02.2007

1.e4 Greysky (FM) : it was a good decision to draw yesterday, jadwin Greysky (FM) : magnus wanted to play, but was surprised by the novelty of leko Greysky (FM) : Magnus is thinking. that´s a complicated position 1...c5 209 Greysky (FM) : I think will play 1..e5 Greysky (FM) : aggg 2.Cf3 11 Greysky (FM) : well, sveshnikov clear 2...Cc6 6 Greysky (FM) : Bb5 maybe? Greysky (FM) : if white´s scared... Lapinews (IM) : please not Bb5... Lapinews (IM) : I'll die if I see Bb5 lol Greysky (FM) : dragon is a good opening.... for white, that wins 3.Cc3 34 Greysky (FM) : he´s scared I see :) Lapinews (IM) : oh worse again lol 3...g6 12 Greysky (FM) : dragon acelerated! Greysky (FM) : this is not usual dragon... it´s better for black Greysky (FM) : yes Greysky (FM) : he´s avoiding the Marozcy... Greysky (FM) : and the usual dragon lost, this one not Greysky (FM) : You can see : ( good! ) Greysky (FM) : d4 only serious move, yes Greysky (FM) : Carlsen will get a trick in the diagonal later! :) 4.d4 236 4...cxd4 6 5.Cxd4 6 5...Ag7 6 Greysky (FM) : Bg7 only one.. Greysky (FM) : Be3 .. 6.Ae3 6 Greysky (FM) : Nf6, 6...Cf6 17 Greysky (FM) : jeje Greysky (FM) : before was born, also played 1,.e4 7.Ac4 23 7...0-0 17 Greysky (FM) : it´s not good Greysky (FM) : carlsen NEVER plays dr.... 8.Ab3 23 Greysky (FM) : but not in the last years.. right? Greysky (FM) : of course... I hope any novelty from carlsen :) or at least, any good line to surprise... 8...e6 34 Greysky (FM) : yes materialist Greysky (FM) : e6 ?? Greysky (FM) : strategically I donñt like... olimpus (IM) : Go Magnus!! Greysky (FM) : give up rybka... this is the opening still 9.0-0 246 9...d5 23 10.exd5 85 10...Cxd5 102 [ RR 10...exd5 11.h3 Ca5 12.Df3 Ae6 13.Tad1 Cxb3 14.Cxb3 b6 15.Ad4 Tc8 16.Tfe1 Tc6 17.Te2 Tc8 18.Cb5 Af5 19.Cxa7 Txc2 20.Txc2 Axc2 21.Tc1 Axb3 22.Dxb3 Ce4 23.Cc6 Dg5 24.Ae3 Df6 25.Dxd5 Perez,L (2414)-Malakhov,V (2690)/Villarrobledo ESP 2006/CT-2101/1-0 (35)] 11.Cxd5 23 11...exd5 6 Greysky (FM) : then will be any patzer, than will say black is lost, because of the pawn... is there anyone? jeje Lapinews (IM) : lol Lapinews (IM) : exchanging on d4 would be awful for black Lapinews (IM) : white is slightly better Lapinews (IM) : sure lol Lapinews (IM) : we haven't the same theory Lapinews (IM) : nah TD Lapinews (IM) : yeah Greysky (FM) : for me, ...Nxd5 was going out of theory... 10...ed5 was more natural 12.c3N 361 Lapinews (IM) : is it a joke Sjakkhall ? Lapinews (IM) : ...Nxd4? Bxd4 Bxd4 Qxd4 Be6 Rad1 +/- Lapinews (IM) : true lol Lapinews (IM) : exchanging pieces would be a mistake here Lapinews (IM) : exept R and Q, it's an isolated pawn, the usual rule works there Lapinews (IM) : BxN [ RR 12.Dd2 a5 13.a3 Ce5 14.Tad1 Cc4 15.Axc4 dxc4 16.c3 Ad7 1/2-1/2 Kuehn,P (2028)-Kristjansson,O (2217)/Dresden 2004/CBM 099 ext; RR 12.Cxc6 bxc6 13.Ad4 Te8 14.Axg7 Rxg7 15.Dd4+ Df6 16.Dxf6+ Rxf6 17.Aa4 Te6 18.Tfe1 Tb8 19.b3 c5 20.c3 Tbb6 21.f3 Txe1+ 22.Txe1 Te6 23.Td1 Re5 24.Ab5 Tb6 25.Ae2 Aa6 26.Rf2 Axe2 Fichtl,J-Grabczewski,R/Warsaw 1961/MCD/1/2-1/2 (41)] 12...Ca5 122 [ 12...Cxd4 13.Axd4 Axd4 14.Dxd4 Ae6 15.Tad1+/=] 13.Dd3 195 Greysky (FM) : no.. he´s only 2728 Greysky (FM) : jaja, good widow :) Greysky (FM) : ADVICE: People who always give analysis of computers, might go to my censor list. 13...Cxb3 186 Greysky (FM) : I like white´s position :( :( Greysky (FM) : of course, Carlsen is good with draw as black now Greysky (FM) : If I were white, no draw in at least, 2 or 3 hours... Greysky (FM) : good! Natal... Greysky (FM) : good eval. Greysky (FM) : so Nxb3! Greysky (FM) : young, I don´t think carlsen lost too much in corus as he´s winning now Greysky (FM) : nooo, Natal, bad eval Greysky (FM) : axb3 Bxd4? ( opposite colour bishops) but in the middle game, white is much better. 14.axb3 195 Greysky (FM) : a6 . what´s idea? Greysky (FM) : please, explain me ...a6 Greysky (FM) : a6 does not avoid Nb5 Greysky (FM) : ooops Greysky (FM) : ...a6 avoids Nb5 :) Greysky (FM) : a6 seems neccesary, now or later, yes Greysky (FM) : freddi, why to give up .d5 ??? Greysky (FM) : it´s a pawn! Greysky (FM) : it HIS pawn... Greysky (FM) : Natal.... faust (IM) : what is the idea in a6 move?:))) Greysky (FM) : wrong Lapinews (IM) : agree with faust Lapinews (IM) : and NatalRN stop it lol Greysky (FM) : in the middle game, the player who has activity, with opposite colour bishops, is much better Greysky (FM) : faust, ...a6 avoids Nb5 Lapinews (IM) : Nb5 is not threatened lol Lapinews (IM) : if Nb5 then a6 lol Greysky (FM) : well, Lapi... but now or later, a6 is neccesary Lapinews (IM) : a6 is awful Lapinews (IM) : the END of dark-squares control Lapinews (IM) : I prefer Kh8 rather than ...a6 lol Lapinews (IM) : which means ...a6 looks awful to me lol Greysky (FM) : Lapi, what do you propuse? Lapinews (IM) : i don't know, i think carlsen's position is awful Greysky (FM) : a6 is bad because of the dark squares.. Lapinews (IM) : Well many reasons : 1) Nb5 is not threatened 2) it gives all dark squares 3) there is no idea Lapinews (IM) : slightly worse, true, but awful to play Greysky (FM) : Lapi, you don´t understand modern chess ;) Lapinews (IM) : Yep maybe it's the problem Lapinews (IM) : but then i prefer not to understand lol Lapinews (IM) : you're welcome :) 14...a6 418 Lapinews (IM) : oh no Greysky (FM) : Qh4-e4 seems .... Lapinews (IM) : LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Merick (IM) : b4 Greysky (FM) : Lapi, Carlsen understand better than you modern chess ;) Greysky (FM) : well patzers, tell CArlsen .b4 and resign... Lapinews (IM) : also true, but not onl modern chess Lapinews (IM) : but I keep thinking ...a6 is awful Lapinews (IM) : the fact is: maybe there's nothing to do Greysky (FM) : so lapi, you won´t be world champion ;) Lapinews (IM) : YES AMYDALE Lapinews (IM) : yes Greysky Polydamas (IM) : ..a6 had to be played sooner or later. Lapinews (IM) : hm... shut up ? lol Greysky (FM) : Lapi ? :) Lapinews (IM) : yes but later looked a better idea lol Lapinews (IM) : b4 is just +/- lol Greysky (FM) : b4 Ra5 seems stupid.... Be6 Rc8 then? Lapinews (IM) : ah i start to understand ...a6 Merick (IM) : it is 1-0 think...easy Lapinews (IM) : if white's N moves away then ...Bd7 ...Bb5 maybe Lapinews (IM) : but still black's position is awful lol Garpun (IM) : think about a position in a few moves Garpun (IM) : after simple moves 15.Dd2 180 Lapinews (IM) : Carlsen is not lucky nor overrated (also learn to type your words) Lapinews (IM) : Bh6 coming Lapinews (IM) : ...Re8 looks normal MightyViking (IM) : Always national holiday in Norway when Magnus is playing. Lapinews (IM) : sure, NatalRN, you're right, you're so clever Greysky (FM) : Qh4 is stpud. Greysky (FM) : stupid Greysky (FM) : I think Greysky (FM) : 16 Lapinews (IM) : maybe Natal [ 15.b4 Ae6] 15...Te8 102 Greysky (FM) : lattas, morelia is mexico, and linares spain 16.Tfe1 62 Lapinews (IM) : too late amydale lol Lapinews (IM) : i also liked Bg5 so it can't be played Lapinews (IM) : I'll try to imagine the most awful Black's move according to me --> then i'll be able to guess the whole game as all this will be played Lapinews (IM) : when did i say it NatalRN ? Lapinews (IM) : Anyway, I think so lol Lapinews (IM) : so smart! Lapinews (IM) : /Tell NatalRN! lol (told NatalRN) MightyViking (IM) : Actually Kasparov somewhere claimed that he should be considered to have been WC since 1984 already. Greysky (FM) : Grand, do you want to play this position against me, me white? Lapinews (IM) : looolllll amydale Lapinews (IM) : nah 0.002 Lapinews (IM) : yeah 0.6 looks better lol Greysky (FM) : b4 Nb3 Bd4 seems interesting [ 16.Ag5 Db6] 16...Ad7 497 Greysky (FM) : now will come another patzer, and will say Magnus doesn´t understand that .d5. is weak.... Greysky (FM) : Bxd4 is horrible Greysky (FM) : ask the king after a future Qg7 checkmate... Greysky (FM) : I guess so freddi jensk (IM) : WHAT is this? I have never seen this 8.-,e6 before jensk (IM) : Well, I believe I have seen quite a lot 17.Cc2 787 Merick (IM) : plan is qd4 Merick (IM) : qd5 Merick (IM) : sorry esparago (FM) : not much for black to do Greysky (FM) : Bf5 VERY natural Greysky (FM) : blitz move :) Greysky (FM) : Nb4 coming? MightyViking (IM) : Why did Magnus voluntarily go for a position like this? It can only be better for White. Greysky (FM) : no natal Greysky (FM) : you´re wrong Greysky (FM) : svidler is hoping to move Bd4, and swap bishops Greysky (FM) : natal, you´re wrong. I am sure Greysky (FM) : federico, aronian was lucky against carlsen, anand was also... Woef (GM) : Bf5 Nb4 d4 Bd4? Greysky (FM) : Bf5 Bd4? is bad. so Bf5 N4 maybe Greysky (FM) : yes woef, maybe your line to get draw? Woef (GM) : yes, but Black has to work a little :) Greysky (FM) : yes woef :) Greysky (FM) : Be3 ilegal move Woef (GM) : maybe Be3 after Qd6 in that line Phish? Woef (GM) : but a5 looks good indeed MMCMiranda (FM) : black in trouble here. Woef (GM) : ah sure :) Woef (GM) : ok Woef (GM) : so black is ok 17...Ac6? 632 MMCMiranda (FM) : Bd4 Greysky (FM) : and against Bd4 what? MMCMiranda (FM) : black will suffer for the next 50 moves.. VoinG (IM) : clear +/- [ 17...Af5 18.Cb4 ( 18.Ad4 Axc2 19.Axg7 Axb3 20.Dh6 ( 20.Txe8+ Dxe8 21.Ad4 Dc6 22.g4©) 20...Dd6©) 18...d4 19.Axd4 Dd6 20.Tad1 a5 21.Cc2 ( 21.Ca2 Dd5 22.Cc1 Axd4 23.cxd4 Tac8 24.Txe8+ Txe8 25.b4 axb4 26.Ce2 ( 26.Dxb4 Ac2 27.Tf1 Te4=) 26...Db3=) 21...Axc2 22.Dxc2 Axd4 23.cxd4 Dxd4=] 18.Ad4|^ 62 Woef (GM) : Bd4 f6 I guess Greysky (FM) : very poor... Greysky (FM) : but maybe only one :) MMCMiranda (FM) : white has a stable advantage. Long and painful future for Carlsen. MMCMiranda (FM) : I would love to have this position with white, against anyone... Greysky (FM) : natal, you are wrong Greysky (FM) : don´t repeat it Greysky (FM) : I know more chess than you, and it was a bad plan Woef (GM) : natalnr, that position looks completely lost :) Woef (GM) : schapie is here! MMCMiranda (FM) : trade everything...2 rooks, etc. Greysky (FM) : yes :) Greysky (FM) : I was thinking in that endgame 18...f6 238 MMCMiranda (FM) : RxR QxR Re1 VoinG (IM) : lol federico )) MMCMiranda (FM) : stable advantages are so boring to face... Buffon (IM) : what about Bxe8-bf7 idea Qd7 an Re8 Miranda ? Buffon (IM) : dont like Qf4 too much Buffon (IM) : on Qf4 just Qd7 Greysky (FM) : ape, wash your glasses AGEA (FM) : sweden famous for top tennis players curtains (IM) : sivlder will win this AGEA (FM) : seriously, does Ulf Andersson have health problems? He's been quitting lots of tournaments this last couple of years after only a few rounds MightyViking (IM) : In all fairness Norway has something too: Gerd Liv Valla 19.Txe8+ 949 MightyViking (IM) : Why not? MightyViking (IM) : Fleksnes was great. Greysky (FM) : this smells draw... Greysky (FM) : Qxe8 of course.... Greysky (FM) : well, both posible yes Greysky (FM) : why forced? AGEA (FM) : eurabia? don't take Oriana Fallaci seriously, she was a bit too paranoid MightyViking (IM) : Norwegian has two Wikipedias. Swedish and Danish just one each. [ 19.Df4 Dd7=; 19.Cb4 Dd6 20.Cxc6 Dxc6 21.f3 Txe1+ 22.Txe1 Te8 23.Txe8+ Dxe8 24.Rf2 Dc6=] 19...Dxe8 328 [ 19...Axe8] 20.h3 51 Kingway (IM) : white gets to grind on Magnus for a long time, if he wants to... Greysky (FM) : Qf7 intending Re8 and draw offer Greysky (FM) : is not stupid MightyViking (IM) : Royal league - what a joke. They should have come up with a Scandinavian name. Greysky (FM) : but the way to draw, is to swap rooks! [ 20.Te1] 20...Df7 316 MMCMiranda (FM) : this is a very hard game to defend by black. I guess 1-0 Greysky (FM) : f6 was only one MightyViking (IM) : Black can achieve a draw, but never more. MMCMiranda (FM) : mossigen, I bet all my money...I beat you in this position 10 out of 10 times. Greysky (FM) : black will play Re8 in the next move MightyViking (IM) : Learnt the rules when I was 10. MMCMiranda (FM) : Ok. Lets see. 21.Cb4 297 MMCMiranda (FM) : Nxd5 and? 21...Af8 1356 [ >=21...Dd7 22.Ae3 ( 22.Ab6 Af8=) 22...Td8 23.Te1 Af8 24.Ab6 Te8 25.Txe8 Dxe8 26.Cxd5+/=] 22.Cxc6 102 22...bxc6 6 23.b4 6 23...Ad6

34 MMCMiranda (FM) : Qe2 is the beginning of the end. MMCMiranda (FM) : noone can draw this against Svidler. 1-0 sure..... MMCMiranda (FM) : it is white move.. MMCMiranda (FM) : Qd3 Qe7 g3 and? AGEA (FM) : kf1 is quite logical, threatens re1 AGEA (FM) : in your line AGEA (FM) : in fact in fritz's line Rabudja (GM) : Qd3? Ma-Tei (GM) : fin live DeepRabbit (IM) : Qd3 Qe6 Kf1 Russek (IM) : Qe2 24.b5? 1478 [ 24.Dd3! De6 ( 24...De7 25.g3) 25.Rf1 Ae5 26.Axe5 fxe5 27.Txa6 Txa6 28.Dxa6+/-; 24.De2] 24...cxb5 9 25.Axf6 6 MightyViking (IM) : Look's like Black's life just got a bit easier. Neverwinter tells you: ... 25...a5 516 MightyViking (IM) : Quisling was a quisling. 26.Ad4 162 Greysky (FM) : don´t be idiot, please Sweere (GM) : was this whole thing necessary? looks like Svidler blew it [ 26.Dd3 Te8 27.Ad4 b4+/= ( 27...Db7 28.Ae3 a4 29.Td1+/=) ] 26...Df4 108 27.Dxf4 31 Greysky (FM) : no Greysky (FM) : Magnus did a very good defence MightyViking (IM) : Seven draws for Svidler. Ng5 (IM) : good game Greysky (FM) : VERY GOOD CARLSEN! Greysky (FM) : UES Greysky (FM) : YES FrozenShade (GM) : i wonder why white played 24.b5, qd3 seemed rather promising clalauquen (FM) : yes :-) it means he is playing like a 2690 + 188 player in this tourn , but that doenst mean he up 188 points 1/2-1/2

Leko-Anand: ¡Qué genio es Anand!. Tengo que admitir que nos confundió casi todo el tiempo. A los maestros del ICC, a Rybka y a un humilde siervo del ajedrez, el que aquí escribe. Parecía que se había metido en una variante dudosilla (por no decir mala) de la Apertura Catalana. Y todo el mundo empezó a valorar la posición como de netamente ventajosa para los intereses de Leko. Rybka el primero. Valoraciones en muchos casos de más de dos puntos. ¡Pero no resultó ser tan fácil la victoria!. Cuando Anand hizo 21…Th6! activando su torre por la tercera fila, tuvimos que admitir que parecía que se mantenía. ¡Santo Cielo!, ¡la de veces que tuve que estar cambiando las valoraciones de esta partida!. El análisis de la misma, me dejó extenuado… ¡pero de risa!, por el placer estético que me causó. En la jugada 26 se produjo un momento interesantísimo del cotejo en donde Peter Leko pudo haber forzado la ganancia de calidad en aparentemente mejores condiciones de cómo sucedió en la partida. Pero resulta complicadísimo saber si gana. Creo que no. La verdad es que si valoramos objetivamente el gran trabajo estratégico realizado por el GM hindú afincado en España, creo que la partida es fenomenal. Lo más curioso es que no sólo logró salvarse (ante la mirada perpleja de todos nosotros) sino encima se metió en un laberinto en donde con calidad de menos el único que podía ganar era él. ¡Y así sucedió!. Bravo Vishy Anand!!, tu segundo triunfo en Linares te espera. Apunten este partida para ver en su momento los comentarios del ganador en New in Chess.

Leko,P (2749) - Anand,V (2779) [E04]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (7), 25.02.2007

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.Cf3 dxc4 5.Ag2 6 5...a6 23 6.0-0 40 6...Cc6 6 7.e3 51 7...Ad7 11 8.Cc3 80 8...b5 478 9.Ce5 528 9...Cxe5 337 10.dxe5 82 [ 10.Axa8?! Cc6 11.Axc6 Axc6©] 10...Cd5 6 11.Cxd5 34 11...exd5 6 12.Dxd5 481 12...Tb8N 17 [ RR 12...c6 13.Dd4 Dc7 ( 13...c5 14.Dd5 Tb8 15.a4 bxa4 16.Td1 Ab5 17.Ad2 Db6 18.Ac3 Ae7 19.e6 Dxe6 20.Axg7 Tg8 21.Ac3 Dxd5 22.Axd5 Td8 23.e4 Tg6 24.e5 h5 25.Ae4 Td3 26.Axg6 fxg6 27.Te1 Gelfand,B (2712)-Van Wely,L (2700)/Monte Carlo 2001/CD PDR/1-0 (54)) 14.b3 Ae6 15.bxc4 Axc4 16.Td1 Ae7 17.Ab2 Td8 18.De4 Ad5 19.Dg4 0-0 20.Axd5 cxd5 21.Tac1 Db6 22.e6 f6 23.Ad4 Db7 24.Ac5 Tfe8 25.Axe7 Dxe7 26.Tc6 Td6 27.Txd6 Dxd6 28.Dd4 Khalifman,A (2653)-Shulman,Y (2565)/Khanty Mansyisk RUS 2005/The Week in Chess 578/0-1 (64)] 13.a4 576 kanza (GM) : a4! looks correct answer [ 13.Td1!? Ae7 14.a4 Dc8 15.axb5 Axb5 16.Ad2 0-0 17.Dd4 c5 18.Df4 Td8 19.Ac3 De6 20.Af3 Td3 21.Ag4|^] 13...Ab4 800 lentejov (IM) : leko is thinking about bd2 lentejov (IM) : after rd1 leko has to go to be6 qc6 bd7 qa6 line or take a draw 14.Td1 743 MMCMiranda (FM) : I like Qc8 14...De7 999 lentejov (IM) : Bd2 is a move lentejov (IM) : bd2 bc5 ab bb5 ra6 ba6 qc6+ lentejov (IM) : first bd2 and then ab Merick (IM) : ab [ 14...Ae6 15.Dc6+ Ad7 16.Dxa6+/-; 14...Dc8+/=] 15.Ad2 1059 MMCMiranda (FM) : black has a hard way to come 15...Ac5 463 [ 15...c6? 16.Axb4 cxd5 17.Axe7 Rxe7 18.axb5 ( 18.Txd5?! bxa4 19.Td2 Tb3=) 18...Txb5 19.Axd5+/-] 16.axb5 71 [ 16.Aa5!? c6 17.Dd2 Tc8 18.Tac1 h5 19.h3+/=] 16...axb5 23 Merick (IM) : Ba5 lentejov (IM) : be1? [ 16...Axb5 17.Txa6 Axa6 18.Dc6+ Rf8 19.Dxa6+/=] 17.Aa5 136 lentejov (IM) : c6 qd2 rb7 bc6! anand is lost kanza (GM) : anand probably in trouble [ 17.Ae1] 17...c6 300 18.Dd2 57 MMCMiranda (FM) : 0-1??? No way! FrozenShade (GM) : hmm ra8 bb4!? appears to be possible FrozenShade (GM) : but its not so easy to find a move for black in any case lentejov (IM) : qd2 rb7 bc6 bc6 qd8 qd8 rd8 ke7 rh8 be8 or b4 but it must be lost for B 18...Tc8 181 FrozenShade (GM) : be6 can usually be met by bxc6+ lentejov (IM) : b4 cb Rac1? [ 18...Tb7? 19.Axc6 Axc6 20.Dd8+ Dxd8 21.Txd8+ Re7 22.Txh8 Ae8 ( 22...b4? 23.Tc8) 23.Ad8+ Rxd8 24.Ta8+ Rd7 25.Taxe8+-] 19.Tac1 359 lentejov (IM) : be6 bc6 Petrovich (GM) : 1-0 MaM (IM) : Bc6 MaM (IM) : sorry kanza (GM) : ok whats whites next move? kanza (GM) : b3 ba3? 19...h5 463 kanza (GM) : pretty sick how they always find a way home Sweere (GM) : just got here. b3 is an idea but the endgame after Be6 Bc6 Rc6 Qd8 etc. seems unclear AGEA (FM) : only hans berliner believes that 1. d4 is better than 1. e4 (or viceversa, for that matter) Sweere (GM) : Loony Chess by Hans Berliner MightyViking (IM) : Boguljubow believed that 1.d4 was better too. AGEA (FM) : also breyer Sweere (GM) : well he couldn't castle how else get the rook into play? MightyViking (IM) : Since he can't castle he wants to get the rook out another way. Sweere (GM) : Rh6 would protect c6 and release Bd7 lentejov (IM) : lakegogo I agree lentejov (IM) : i don't like W anymore lentejov (IM) : h3 for leko kalten (FM) : watch Leko offer a draw with his move MaM (IM) : h5 = out of home analysis ! [ 19...Ae6? 20.Axc6+] 20.b4 1552 [ 20.b3 Ag4 ( 20...Ae6? 21.b4 Aa7 22.Axc6+ Txc6 23.Dd8+ Dxd8 24.Txd8+ Re7 25.Txh8+-) 21.Axc6+ Txc6 22.Dd8+ Dxd8 23.Txd8+ Re7 24.Txh8 cxb3 25.Tb1 Ae6+/=; 20.h3+/=] 20...Aa7 6 kanza (GM) : leko may get terrified, position is not so simple lentejov (IM) : now what Ra1? MaM (IM) : Leko = coward 21.Ta1 139 lentejov (IM) : ra1 bb8 bb6 and bc5 lentejov (IM) : it is clear that Rc1 was bad Neverwinter tells you: ... S-Fazulyanov (FM) : bb8 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : cause white wanna play bd8 and ra7 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : i dont like 20 b4 Arakel (FM) : what's the variation after 21...h4 22.Bd8 Arakel (FM) : maybe 22...Qxd8 23.Rxa7 Rc7 Ng5 (IM) : +7 shredder Ng5 (IM) : +.7 shredder Petrovich (GM) : shredder 7.0 + 21...Th6! 483 Ng5 (IM) : now Bd8 is good Ng5 (IM) : Bd8 Bg4 ?? Bxe7 1-0 lentejov (IM) : bd8 Qd8 Ra7 Bg4 [ 21...Ab8 22.Ab6+/-; 21...h4 22.Ad8 Dxd8 23.Txa7 Tc7 24.Ta3+/-] 22.Dc3 185 Petrovich (GM) : Kramnik beat Anand by Ba5:) in Catalan Petrovich (GM) : Leko put his bishop on a5 too Petrovich (GM) : a magic square Petrovich (GM) : the problem is Leko has 16 min. , no time for coffee drink:) Sweere (GM) : I can uderstand what Leko's doing Ng5 (IM) : playing for a draw ? Sweere (GM) : he won't to stabilize the position even at the cost of worsening it Sweere (GM) : unless he doers something quick he'll be worse/lost [ 22.Ad8 Dxd8 ( 22...Ag4 23.Axe7) 23.Txa7 Ag4 24.Dxd8+ Txd8 25.Txd8+ Rxd8 26.Txf7 c3 27.Ta7 c2 28.Ta1 c5 29.Tc1 Ta6 30.Ad5 Ad1 31.Ab3 cxb4 32.Axc2 Af3 33.Tb1 Re7 34.Af5 Ta2 35.Txb4 Td2 36.Tb1 b4 37.h4 b3 38.Rf1 b2=] 22...Af5 264 junior (GM) : does he want to play rd6?!?! Ng5 (IM) : comp says e6 is big Ng5 (IM) : e6 +1 Ng5 (IM) : seems Bf5 is a blunder Sweere (GM) : e6 now Sweere (GM) : one needs no variations tom appreciate e6 Ng5 (IM) : e6 fe Bd8 Qb7 +.9 [ 22...h4 23.Ad8 Txd8 24.Txa7 hxg3 25.hxg3 c5 26.Td5 cxb4 27.Dd4+/-] 23.e6 161 Sweere (GM) : good boy Leko Sweere (GM) : cool dude Leko Ng5 (IM) : fe Bd8 is very strong junior (GM) : brilliant dafresh (FM) : fe then what Ng5 (IM) : fe Bd8 is very strong Ng5 (IM) : fe Bd8 Qb7 Ra6 +1.3 Heine (GM) : Odessa Ng5 (IM) : there is never ONE full line Ng5 (IM) : its not a clear win, black has many alternatives but white always has a plus Ng5 (IM) : Re6 Qg7 Bg4 is an option too Polydamas (IM) : Not really, Bd8 then again. Polydamas (IM) : ..Rxe6 Qxg7 Bg4 Bd8 is winning immediately I think. Ng5 (IM) : why ? Polydamas (IM) : Mate or winning a7. Ng5 (IM) : cant see it poly, nor can my comp Polydamas (IM) : Hmm... what does your comp play at that point then?! Ng5 (IM) : Rxd8 Bxd8 Kxd8 Polydamas (IM) : ..Rxd8 Qg8+ Ng5 (IM) : Qg8 Qf8 Qxf8 Kxf8 Bxd8 c3= Polydamas (IM) : I said Bd8 first, not Rd8+. Ng5 (IM) : Rxe6 Qxg7 Bg4 Bd8 Qf8= Polydamas (IM) : Hmm... that simple...? Ng5 (IM) : Rxe6 Qxg7 Bg4 Bd8 Qf8 Qg5 Bd1 Rd1 Qb4 is very messy, but the comp says = Polydamas (IM) : Well, if it says so... Polydamas (IM) : Does it see some perpetual? Ng5 (IM) : i think repetition not perpetual lentejov (IM) : why not Qe6 Qg7 bd3? Polydamas (IM) : Ok. Ng5 (IM) : this looks very dangerous for black, amazed Anand allowed e6 [ 23.Td6] 23...Txe6 1104 [ 23...fxe6 24.Ad8 Db7 ( 24...Txd8 25.Axc6+ Rf8 26.Txd8+ Dxd8 27.Txa7 Dd1+ 28.Rg2+/-) 25.Ah4 ( 25.Ta6 Rf8+/= ( 25...Dxa6? 26.Dxg7) ) 25...Rf8 26.Td2 Rg8 27.e4 Ag6 28.Ag5 Th8 29.Tad1+/-] 24.Dxg7 45 Ng5 (IM) : now Bg4 is forced and black seems to survive 24...Ag4

45 Ng5 (IM) : Bd8 Qf8 Ng5 (IM) : Shredder plays the mysterious Qh7 here Ng5 (IM) : this isthe ideal comp position Ng5 (IM) : comps are very strong here Ng5 (IM) : Bd8 works but it doesnt win 25.Td2 349 Ng5 (IM) : Bb8 seems to hold Ng5 (IM) : Rd6 loses Ng5 (IM) : black has to be very careful here Ng5 (IM) : Rd8 Qg8 Kd7 Bd8 and Ra7 [ 25.Axc6+ Texc6 26.Ad8+- Df8 27.De5+ Ae6 ( 27...Te6? 28.Dxb5+ Tec6 29.Td5 Ab8 30.Ta8+-) 28.Txa7 Txd8 29.Txd8+ Rxd8 30.Df6+ Re8 31.Ta8+ Tc8 32.Dxe6+ fxe6 33.Txc8+ Re7 34.Txf8 Rxf8 35.Rf1 Re7 36.Re2 Rd6 37.e4 e5 38.f4 h4 39.f5 hxg3 40.hxg3 Re7 41.g4 Rf6 42.Rd2 Rg5 43.Rc2 Rf6=; 25.Ad8 Df8 ( 25...Txd8? 26.Dg8+ Df8 27.Txd8++-) 26.Dg5 Axd1 27.Txd1 Dh6 28.Dg8+ Df8 29.Dg5 Dh6 30.Dg8+ Df8 31.Dg5=] 25...Ab8 207 Ng5 (IM) : Rd6 Qg8 Kd7 Bd8 and Ra7 Ng5 (IM) : Bxe7 Polydamas (IM) : Sorry, I am new to this game... but how does Bb6 win after ..Qxb4? [ 25...Td6? 26.Dg8+ Rd7 27.Ad8 Txd8 28.Txa7++-] 26.h3?! 164 Mamey (IM) : ob 3 lentejov (IM) : be5 Ng5 (IM) : comp says Be5 -.5 [ 26.Dh7 Ae5 27.Ta3+/=; 26.Dg8+!? Rybka. 26...Df8 27.Dg5 De7 ( 27...Te7? 28.Axc6+) 28.Dxe7+!? Rxe7 ( 28...Txe7 29.Axc6+ Rf8 30.Td8+ Txd8 31.Axd8 Te6 32.Axb5+/-) 29.f3 Ae5 30.Tad1 c3 31.Tc2 Af5 32.e4 Ag6 33.Ah3 h4 34.gxh4 ( 34.Rg2 hxg3 35.hxg3 Ta8 36.Axe6 Rxe6 37.Td8 Txd8 38.Axd8 Ad4 39.g4 f6 40.Aa5 Af7 41.Rf1 Rd7 42.Re1 Ac4 43.Tc1 Ab3 44.f4 Rd6 45.Re2 Ac4+ 46.Rf3 Af7+/= Increíble pero cierto!. Creo que son tablas.) 34...Tg8 35.Axe6 Axe4+ 36.Tg2 Txg2+ 37.Rxg2 Rxe6 38.fxe4 Af4 39.Ab6 c2 40.Te1 c1D 41.Txc1 Axc1 42.Rf3 Ad2 43.Ac5 f5 44.h3 Re5 45.exf5 Rxf5+/= A MI ME HUELE A TABLAS.] 26...Ae5 48 Ng5 (IM) : Leko has blown it Mamey (IM) : ob 4 Ng5 (IM) : draw ? 27.Dg8+ 20 27...Df8 6 Ng5 (IM) : draw PLEASE ? 28.Dxf8+ 23 28...Rxf8 6 Mamey (IM) : ob 3 29.Tc1 6 Mamey (IM) : ob 4 Sweere (GM) : e4 and f4 are coming up 29...Af5 52 Polydamas (IM) : Still an interesting position. Ng5 (IM) : THIS IS STILL VERY SHARP, COUD GO EITHER WAY 30.e4 20 30...Ah7 6 Petrovich (GM) : 30.e4! Petrovich (GM) : why not 1.e4?:) Greysky (FM) : jaja 31.Ab6 17 [ 31.f4 Ab8 32.f5 Td6 33.Txd6 ( 33.Tcd1 Txd2 34.Txd2 Axg3-/+) 33...Axd6=/+] 31...Af6 6 Ng5 (IM) : white is in trouble, cant stop ..c5 Sweere (GM) : bb6? instead of f4 32.h4 108 Ng5 (IM) : huh ? Sweere (GM) : giving up the exchange with be4 is automatic Sweere (GM) : huge edge to Black S-Fazulyanov (FM) : correct time??] Ng5 (IM) : Be7 Bh3 Bxb4 is good [ 32.Ac5+ Ae7 33.Axe7+ Rxe7 34.f3 Ta8=/+] 32...Axe4 155 [ 32...Ae7!? 33.Ah3 Axb4 34.Td4 f5 35.exf5 Te5 36.f4 Te3 37.Rf2 Tce8 38.Td7 Te2+ 39.Rf1 Ag8 40.Ad4 Ad5-/+] 33.Ah3 6 33...Ad5 14 Sweere (GM) : didn't I tell you 34.Axe6 11 34...fxe6 11 Sweere (GM) : rock solid setup 35.Ac5+ 38 [ 35.Ad4 Axd4 36.Txd4 Re7=/+] 35...Ae7 6 Petrovich (GM) : Fat lady has entered the building Ng5 (IM) : comp says = 36.Axe7+ 32 36...Rxe7-/+ 6 37.Tb2 17 Talion (GM) : comp is dumb [ 37.Ta2 c5 38.bxc5 b4-/+] 37...Rd6 6 Polydamas (IM) : Rb2? MMCMiranda (FM) : I prefer black.. 38.Rf1 23 MMCMiranda (FM) : Ra8 Petrovich (GM) : two fat rooks b2+c1 dafresh (FM) : ob 2 Talion (GM) : c5 is simple Ng5 (IM) : simple win or simple draw ? MMCMiranda (FM) : Ra8 first not better, Talion? [ 38.Tcb1-/+] 38...c5 73 39.Re2 6 Talion (GM) : you might need rook behind pawns 39...cxb4 6 Speelman (GM) : looks ghastly for White to me MMCMiranda (FM) : ok, thanks. 40.Txb4 6 40...Rc5 6 Petrovich (GM) : Vicious Vishy:) 41.Tcb1 6 Talion (GM) : bc6 41...Ac6 40 Petrovich (GM) : rook b4 is awesome:) Petrovich (GM) : Ba5 didnt work well enough junior (GM) : o 4 Talion (GM) : hey junior :) junior (GM) : o 2 Talion (GM) : lol Ng5 (IM) : Leko wont resign, but i expect him to lose Ng5 (IM) : white doesnt have a plan Akula (GM) : pora spat' Petrovich (GM) : myocardium, nice kibitz, very informative DorianGray (FM) : hard for white Ng5 (IM) : Leko is thinking why didnt I offer a draw when I had a winning position ? Ng5 (IM) : he had a good position, he probably thought it was winning Ng5 (IM) : depends what you mean by winning MightyViking (IM) : Where did Leko go wrong? Ng5 (IM) : not clearly winning, but he had a position he would expect to win Sweere (GM) : while mere mortals are stuck with Rybka Petrovich got Vobla Polydamas (IM) : Oops...? MMCMiranda (FM) : no moves? [ 41...Ac6 42.Re1 e5 43.Rd1 Td8+ 44.Rc1 e4 45.T4b2 c3 46.Ta2 b4-+] 0-1

Ivanchuk-Aronian: De nuevo Aronian planteó su favorita Variante Ragozin del Gambito de Dama. Me entretuve y puse en la partida todas las Ragozin de Aronian. Muy instructivas (!?). Ivanchuk optó por mejorar lo que van Wely le jugó al armenio en Wijk aan Zee 2.007. Pero se puede decir que no salió muy mal parado de la apertura Levon Aronian. Lo que pasa es que hay jugadores que no se le dan nada bien a otros y este caso ocurre con Ivanchuk que casi siempre le puede al armenio cada vez que se enfrentan. ¡Y hoy no iba a ser una excepción!. En la jugada 30, Aronian se dejó un peón. Así de simple. Un poquito más tarde, Levon lo pudo haber remediado un pelín, quedándose sólo con una ligera desventaja, pero le entraron los complejos de siempre y terminó perdiendo dulcemente… . La técnica de Vasily fue exquisita. Dos peones limpios de ventaja y a soñar con ganar Linares de nuevo!!.

Ivanchuk,V (2750) - Aronian,L (2744) [D38]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (7), 25.02.2007

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 e6 3.Cf3 20 3...d5 20 4.Cc3 6 4...Ab4 20 5.Ag5 20 [ 5.Da4+ Cc6 6.Ag5 h6 7.Axf6 Dxf6 8.e3 0-0 9.Tc1 Dg6 10.Dc2 Dxc2 11.Txc2 Td8 12.a3 Af8 13.Cb5 Td7 14.cxd5 exd5 15.Ad3 a6 16.Cc3 Td8 17.0-0 Cb8 18.Tb1 a5 19.h3 c6 20.e4 dxe4 21.Cxe4 Ae6 22.Ac4 Axc4 23.Txc4 Cd7 24.Tc3 Ae7 25.b4 axb4 26.axb4 Cf6 27.Cxf6+ Axf6 28.b5 cxb5 29.Tcb3 1/2-1/2 Bacrot,E (2717)-Aronian,L (2752)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2006/CT-1901] 5...Cbd7 20 6.cxd5 20 [ 6.e3 c5 7.Ad3 cxd4 8.exd4 dxc4 9.Axc4 Dc7 10.Dd3 Axc3+ 11.bxc3 b6 12.Ah4 Ab7 13.Ag3 Dc8 14.0-0 0-0 15.Tac1 a6 16.Ab3 Ch5 17.c4 Td8 18.De3 Cxg3 19.fxg3 Dc6 20.Tf2 Cf6 21.Ce5 1/2-1/2 Gelfand,B (2729)-Aronian,L (2761)/San Sebastian ESP 2006/The Week in Chess 619] 6...exd5 20 7.Dc2 20 [ 7.e3 c5 8.Ae2 ( 8.Ad3 Da5 9.0-0 ( 9.Dc2 0-0 10.0-0 c4 11.Af5 Te8 ( 11...g6 12.Ah3 Te8 13.Ah4 Axc3 14.bxc3 Ce4 15.Tfc1 Cb6 16.Axc8 Taxc8 17.a4 Rg7 18.Cg5 Tc6 19.Cxe4 dxe4 20.Tcb1 Cd5 21.Txb7 Dxc3 22.Dxc3 Cxc3 23.Rf1 a6 24.Ae7 Cd5 25.Ac5 Rf6 26.Tc1 c3 27.Re2 Td8 28.f3 Te8 29.Tf1 exf3+ 30.Txf3+ Rg5 31.Tbxf7 Tce6 32.Tg3+ Rh6 33.Af8+ Txf8 34.Txf8 Tc6 35.Tf1 Cb4 36.e4 Ca2 37.d5 Tc8 38.d6 c2 39.Rd2 c1D+ 40.Txc1 Cxc1 41.e5 Rg7 42.d7 Td8 43.Rxc1 Txd7 44.Tb3 Td4 45.Tb7+ Rh6 46.e6 Txa4 47.e7 Te4 48.Rd2 Rg5 49.Rd3 Te6 50.Ta7 Rf6 51.Txa6 Rxe7 52.Ta7+ Rf6 53.Txh7 Ta6 54.Re4 Ta4+ 55.Rf3 Ta3+ 56.Rg4 Ta4+ 57.Rh3 Ta3+ 58.g3 Ta2 59.Rg4 Ta4+ 60.Rf3 Ta3+ 61.Rg2 Ta2+ 62.Rh3 Rg5 63.Tb7 Rh6 64.Tb5 Tc2 65.Te5 Ta2 66.g4 Ta3+ 67.Rh4 Ta4 68.Te3 Tb4 69.Rg3 Tb6 70.h4 Ta6 71.Rf4 g5+ 72.hxg5+ Rg6 73.Te4 Tb6 74.Ta4 Tc6 75.Tb4 Ta6 76.Tc4 Tb6 77.Tc5 Tb4+ 78.Rg3 Tb1 79.Tf5 Ta1 80.Tc5 Tb1 81.Ta5 Tc1 82.Td5 Ta1 83.Te5 Tb1 84.Te8 Rxg5 85.Te5+ Rg6 86.Te3 Rg5 87.Te5+ Rg6 88.Td5 Ta1 89.Rf4 Ta4+ 90.Rf3 Ta3+ 91.Rf4 Ta4+ 92.Rg3 Ta1 93.Tb5 Tc1 94.Te5 Ta1 95.Rf4 Tf1+ 96.Rg3 Ta1 97.Te8 Rg5 98.Tg8+ Rf6 99.Tf8+ Rg5 100.Tf5+ Rg6 101.Tf2 Tb1 102.Te2 Ta1 103.Rf4 Tf1+ 104.Rg3 Ta1 105.Te3 Tb1 106.Rf4 Tf1+ 107.Tf3 Txf3+ 108.Rxf3 Rg5 109.Rg3 Rg6 110.Rf4 Rf6 111.g5+ Rg6 112.Rg4 Rg7 113.Rf5 Rf7 114.g6+ Rg7 115.Rg5 Rg8 116.Rh5 Rg7 117.Rg5 Rg8 118.Rf6 Rf8 119.g7+ Rg8 120.Rg6 1/2-1/2 Moiseenko,A (2665)-Aronian,L (2693)/Warsaw POL 2005/The Week in Chess 556) 12.Cd2 g6 13.Axd7 Cxd7 14.f3 Cb6 15.Af4 Axc3 16.bxc3 Da4 17.Dc1 Af5 18.Te1 Dc6 19.Cf1 Ad3 20.Cg3 Te6 21.Ch1 f6 22.h4 Tae8 23.Cf2 Da4 24.Td1 Rg7 25.Db2 T8e7 26.Cxd3 cxd3 27.Txd3 Cc4 28.Df2 Tb6 29.Dg3 Tb2 30.e4 dxe4 31.fxe4 Txe4 32.Tf1 Dd7 33.Tdf3 Tee2 34.T3f2 De7 35.Txe2 Txe2 36.a4 Ce3 37.Axe3 Txe3 38.Tf3 Txf3 39.Dxf3 De1+ 40.Rh2 Dxh4+ 41.Rg1 De1+ 42.Rh2 De7 43.c4 h5 44.c5 h4 45.Rh3 g5 46.Rg4 a5 47.Rh5 De8+ 48.Rg4 Dc8+ 49.Rh5 De8+ 50.Rg4 Df7 51.Df5 De7 52.Df3 Rh6 53.Dd5 Dc7 54.Rf5 Rg7 55.Rg4 Dc8+ 56.Rf3 h3 57.gxh3 Dxh3+ 58.Rf2 Dh2+ 59.Rf1 Df4+ 60.Rg2 Dd2+ 61.Rg3 De3+ 62.Rg2 De2+ 63.Rg3 De7 64.Rg4 Dc7 65.De4 Rf8 66.Df5 Dc6 67.d5 Dxc5 68.Dxf6+ 1/2-1/2 Mamedyarov,S (2728)-Aronian,L (2741)/Moscow RUS 2006/The Week in Chess 627) 9...c4 10.Af5 Axc3 11.bxc3 Ce4 12.Dc2 Cdf6 13.Axc8 Txc8 14.Axf6 Cxf6 15.Tfb1 b6 16.Tb4 Da6 17.Cd2 0-0 18.f3 Ch5 19.g3 Tce8 20.e4 b5 21.Te1 Dg6 22.Txb5 dxe4 23.fxe4 Cxg3 24.hxg3 Dxg3+ 25.Rf1 Df4+ 26.Re2 Dg4+ 27.Rf2 Dh4+ 28.Re2 Dg4+ 29.Rf2 1/2-1/2 Radjabov,T (2700)-Aronian,L (2752)/Morelia/Linares MEX/ESP 2006/Ajedrez en Madrid) 8...Da5 9.0-0 0-0 10.Cd2 ( 10.Dc2 Axc3 11.bxc3 Ce4 12.c4 cxd4 13.cxd5 Te8 14.Tad1 h6 15.Ah4 dxe3 16.fxe3 Cc3 17.Ae1 Txe3 18.Ad3 Dc5 19.Dxc3 Txe1+ 20.Dxc5 Txf1+ 21.Axf1 Cxc5 22.Ce5 Cd7 23.Cc4 Cf6 24.Ae2 Ad7 25.Af3 Td8 26.Ce5 Af5 27.d6 Cd7 28.Cc4 b6 29.a3 Rf8 30.Rf2 Tc8 31.Ce3 Ae6 32.Cd5 Tc2+ 33.Rg3 Ce5 34.Cc7 Ad7 35.Ca6 Re8 36.Te1 f6 37.Te3 Rd8 38.Ad5 Td2 39.Cc7 Af5 40.Rf4 g6 41.Tc3 Rd7 42.Re3 Td3+ 43.Txd3 Axd3 44.Ae4 Axe4 45.Rxe4 Rxd6 46.Cb5+ Rc5 47.Cxa7 Cc4 48.a4 Cd6+ 49.Rd3 Rb4 50.Rd4 Cf5+ 51.Rd5 Ce3+ 52.Re6 f5 53.Cc8 Cxg2 54.Cxb6 f4 55.Cd5+ Rxa4 56.Rf6 f3 57.Cc3+ Rb4 58.Ce4 Ch4 59.Rg7 h5 60.Rh6 Rc4 61.Rg5 Rd3 62.Cg3 Cf5 63.Ch1 Ce7 64.Rf6 Re2 65.h4 Rf1 0-1 Radjabov,T (2729)-Aronian,L (2744)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 637) 10...Axc3 11.bxc3 Dxc3 12.Tc1 Da3 13.dxc5 Dxa2 14.Af4 Te8 15.Cf3 Ce4 16.Ab5 a6 17.Aa4 Cexc5 18.Txc5 Cxc5 19.Axe8 Ae6 20.Ae5 Txe8 21.Axg7 Rxg7 22.Dd4+ Rg8 23.Dxc5 Dc4 24.Dd6 Tc8 25.h3 Dc7 26.Db4 a5 27.Dh4 Dc2 28.Cd4 De4 29.De7 b6 30.Rh2 Af5 31.Df6 Ag6 32.f4 Dxe3 33.Tf3 Dc1 34.Tg3 Da1 35.f5 Tc1 36.Te3 Th1+ 37.Rg3 Te1 38.Tf3 Tf1 39.fxg6 Txf3+ 40.Dxf3 De1+ 41.Rf4 hxg6 42.Dxd5 Df2+ 43.Cf3 1/2-1/2 Morozevich,A (2741)-Aronian,L (2744)/Morelia 2007; 7.Tc1 c6 ( 7...c5 8.dxc5 0-0 9.a3 Axc3+ 10.Txc3 h6 11.Axf6 Cxf6 12.Dd4 Ce4 13.Tc1 Da5+ 14.Db4 Dxb4+ 15.axb4 a5 16.b5 Ad7 17.Cd4 Tfc8 18.c6 bxc6 19.bxc6 Cg5 20.e3 Ce6 21.Cxe6 fxe6 22.Ab5 Tab8 23.Tc5 Rf7 24.Rd2 Axc6 25.Txc6 Txc6 26.Axc6 Txb2+ 27.Rd3 Txf2 28.e4 Re7 29.e5 Txg2 30.Tb1 Tg4 31.Tb7+ Rf8 32.Tb8+ Rf7 33.Td8 Rg6 34.Td6 Rf5 35.Ad7 Rxe5 36.Txe6+ Rf4 37.Ta6 1/2-1/2 Vallejo Pons,F (2674)-Aronian,L (2724)/Khanty Mansyisk RUS 2005/The Week in Chess 579) 8.e3 Da5 9.Ad3 Dxa2 10.0-0 Da5 11.Ce5 0-0 12.Df3 Cxe5 13.dxe5 Cg4 14.Dg3 Cxe5 15.Dxe5 f6 16.Axf6 Txf6 17.De8+ Tf8 18.Dh5 h6 19.Dg6 Tf6 20.De8+ Tf8 21.Dg6 Tf6 22.De8+ 1/2-1/2 Navara,D (2719)-Aronian,L (2744)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 636] 7...c5 20 8.a3 20 [ 8.dxc5 h6 9.Ad2 Axc5 10.e3 0-0 11.Ad3 a6 12.0-0 Ad6 13.Tfd1 Cc5 14.Af5 Ae6 15.Ae1 Tc8 16.Cd4 Dd7 17.Tac1 Ae5 18.Cxe6 fxe6 19.Ah3 Df7 20.Cxd5 Cxd5 21.Txd5 exd5 22.Axc8 Txc8 23.b4 b6 24.De2 Db7 25.bxc5 bxc5 26.g3 Rh8 27.Dc2 c4 28.Ac3 Axc3 29.Dxc3 Tc6 30.Dd4 Tb6 31.Rg2 Tb5 32.Tc2 Tb4 33.Rh3 c3 34.De5 Tc4 35.De6 Tc8 36.Df5 Da8 37.Dd3 Tc4 38.Df5 Tc8 39.Dd7 a5 40.a3 a4 41.De6 Db7 42.Df5 Dc6 43.g4 Tb8 44.Rg3 Tb3 45.Df8+ Rh7 46.Df5+ Rg8 47.f4 Txa3 48.De5 Tb3 49.h4 a3 50.h5 d4 51.Dxd4 Tb2 52.Dd3 Txc2 53.Dxc2 Dc4 54.Dg6 a2 55.De8+ Rh7 56.g5 Dg8 57.Da4 Rh8 58.gxh6 c2 59.Da3 Rh7 60.Dc3 g6 61.Rf2 Rxh6 62.hxg6 Dg7 63.Dc5 Df6 64.g7 Rxg7 65.Dc7+ Rh6 0-1 Mihalcisin,A (2512)-Aronian,L (2675)/Calvia ESP 2004/The Week in Chess 521] 8...Axc3+ 6 9.Dxc3 20 9...h6 20 10.Axf6 20 [ 10.De3+ De7 11.Dxe7+ Rxe7 12.Af4 b6 13.dxc5 bxc5 14.b4 a5 15.bxc5 Cxc5 16.Cd4 Ad7 17.f3 Thc8 18.g4 Ce8 19.h4 Cd6 20.Td1 Ca4 21.e3 Tab8 22.Th2 Cb2 23.Ta1 Tb6 24.Td2 Cbc4 25.Tc2 Cb5 26.Cxb5 Txb5 27.e4 Tb3 28.Ae2 Cxa3 29.Txc8 Axc8 30.Ad1 Txf3 31.Ac1 Th3 32.Axa3+ Re6 33.exd5+ Rxd5 34.Af8 Txh4 35.Txa5+ Re6 36.Axg7 Th1+ 37.Rd2 f6 38.Th5 Txd1+ 39.Rxd1 Rf7 40.Txh6 Axg4+ 1/2-1/2 Van Wely,L (2683)-Aronian,L (2744)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 638] 10...Dxf6 20 11.e3 20 11...0-0 6 12.Ae2 20 12...b6 74 13.0-0 11 Immatt (GM) : I don't really understand this, looks like White should have an advantage with Black having few prospects 13...Ab7N 34 Immatt (GM) : Bb5 now? Immatt (GM) : Maybe Bc6 is a good answer to Bb5 Immatt (GM) : I guess Bb5 Bc6 Bxc6 Qxc6 dxc5 bxc5 b4 is an advantage to White but maybe it's nothing Immatt (GM) : Not sure where you would prefer the queen though, just the hanging pawns concept seems to favour White because we have had minor piece exchanges Immatt (GM) : Bb5 Rfd8 Rac1 c4 b3 looks dodgy for Black Immatt (GM) : Yes but if you manage to play f5 I can try Bb5 swap Bishop for Knight and my Knight will be a monster on e5 Immatt (GM) : I assume that stands for water closet Esalen? [ RR 13...a6 14.Tac1 c4 15.Ce5 b5 16.f4 Dd6 17.Af3 Ab7 18.g4 Tfe8 19.Tce1 Cf8 20.g5 hxg5 21.fxg5 Txe5 22.dxe5 De7 23.h4 Cg6 24.Dd4 Cxe5 25.Ag2 Te8 26.Te2 De6 27.Tef2 Te7 28.Tf5 Yakovich,Y (2577)-Sargissian,G (2658)/Moscow RUS 2007/The Week in Chess 641/1-0 (49)] 14.Tfc1 624 Immatt (GM) : Maybe Rfc8 and relocate Knight f8 - e6 Merick (IM) : Rfc8-Bb5-Nf8,dc! Immatt (GM) : Is that a problem Merick? Qxc3 Rxc3 Rxc5 [ 14.Ab5 Ac6 ( 14...Tfd8 15.Tac1 c4 16.b3) 15.Axc6 Dxc6 16.dxc5 bxc5 17.b4] 14...Tac8 301 [ 14...Tfc8 15.Ab5 Cf8 16.dxc5 Dxc3 17.Txc3 Txc5] 15.dxc5 615 Immatt (GM) : bxc5 I guess Immatt (GM) : bxc5 if Bb5 Qxc3 Rxc3 Nb6 threatening c4 and a6 Immatt (GM) : bxc5 b4 maybe? Immatt (GM) : +censor kalasnikov Immatt (GM) : +censor kalashnikov 15...Dxc3 529 [ 15...bxc5 16.b4 ( 16.Ab5 Dxc3 17.Txc3 Cb6) ] 16.Txc3 14 16...Txc5 6 Immatt (GM) : Yes but perhaps Black will alway keep one Rook eg Rc1 Rc8 Rxc5 bxc5 Immatt (GM) : Seems like that must be played tiptop Immatt (GM) : Rxc5 bxc5 b4 what is black to do? c4 Nd4 doesn't look good Immatt (GM) : Not sure why Rc1 is necessary i like Bf3 atticus Immatt (GM) : Of course it is playable but then obviously d5 is an isolated weakness Immatt (GM) : After Kg7 maybe Ne2 to c3 then rd1 and pressure on d5 jensk (IM) : Strange that it was so easy for Ivanchuk to get this exellent pos in Aronians pet line 17.Tcc1 1798 [ 17.Tac1 Tfc8 18.Txc5 bxc5 19.b4 c4 20.Cd4] 17...Tfc8 34 18.Td1 20 Immatt (GM) : rc2 bb5 idea of rb1 and nd4 Immatt (GM) : trying to keep pieces on to win AGEA (FM) : don't know if this is good or not, but just to think of it shows you how original a player Chucky is 18...Tc2 282 19.Ab5 6 19...Cf8 17 Immatt (GM) : nf6 still just rb1 and ne4 bd3 [ 19...Cf6 20.Tab1 Ce4 21.Ad3] 20.Tab1 45 20...T2c7 6 Immatt (GM) : Ba4 to b3 maybe 21.Aa4 695 AGEA (FM) : oh yes, that game by berg was really crazy 21...Ce6 183 22.Ab3 107 22...Rf8 201 23.h3 351 MMCMiranda (FM) : no checkmate. MMCMiranda (FM) : Bxd5 playable. Immatt (GM) : Bxd5 Bxd5 Rxd5 rc1 Rd1 Rxd1 Rxd1 Rc2 Rb1 Nc5 should be a draw [ 23.Axd5!? Axd5 24.Txd5 Tc1+ 25.Td1 Txd1+ 26.Txd1 Tc2 27.Tb1 Cc5 28.Cd4 Td2 29.f3+/=] 23...Tc5 124 Siglar (IM) : ne5 24.Rh2 68 [ 24.Ce5] 24...Re7 45 25.Td2 6 AGEA (FM) : I believe most armenian players are creative and not too keen about theory AGEA (FM) : aronian started playing main lines when he became a top player, but he enjoys sidelines, in the blindfold event he even opened 1. f4 AGEA (FM) : but you should start joining the navara fan club... by the way ChessVibes invented it many months after I posted my finger note :-) AGEA (FM) : no jokes axxis, yours is really a wonderful site with some brilliant videos and commentary 25...Tb5 661 Immatt (GM) : bd1 I guess threaten b4 26.Aa2 355 [ 26.Ad1] 26...Tbc5 23 AGEA (FM) : perhaps just rbd1 here? and if rc2 bb3 27.Ce1 147 AGEA (FM) : in fact ivanchuk playing quicker than in previous rounds... [ 27.Tbd1 Tc2 28.Ab3] 27...a5 209 28.Tbd1 209 28...Td8 179 29.Rg3 285 29...Tb5 156 30.f3 79 30...Tc8? 1010 [ 30...Aa8; 30...Cc5!= Rybka.] 31.Cd3 224 Neverwinter tells you: ... 31...d4 184 Rabudja (GM) : compensation aint very static though [ 31...Cc5 32.Cf4+/-; 31...Td8? 32.a4+-] 32.Axe6 178 32...Rxe6? 215 Tiko (GM) : ne ponyal yumora, blunder chto li ? [ >=32...fxe6 33.exd4+/=] 33.Cf4+ 43 Sweere (GM) : Nf4 and Rd4 huge trouble 33...Re7 45 34.Txd4+/- 34 Tiko (GM) : strange.. very strange Sweere (GM) : technique Polydamas (IM) : Aha, Ivanchuk doing what he always does with Aronian? 34...Tc7 147 Polydamas (IM) : His score must be at 5-0 after this game. Polydamas (IM) : I think so. Petrovich (GM) : easy win Petrovich (GM) : go Chucky Sweere (GM) : in the bag 35.T1d2 99 Polydamas (IM) : I have to apologize... it's only a 6-2 score for Chucky. 35...Tbc5 14 Arakel (FM) : still...not a good opponent for Aronian 36.e4 43 Arakel (FM) : most of the games have been one sided 36...Tc4 119 37.Td6 237 37...T4c6

74 Sweere (GM) : go natal! go America Sweere (GM) : e5 Rc5 e6! Sweere (GM) : Anybody but Topalov, Anand or Leko I'm tired of this guys Sweere (GM) : Ivanchuk's tournament win will be poetic justice [ >=37...Ac6+/-] 38.e5!+- 366 Sweere (GM) : after being left out of some many big events Sweere (GM) : I know him very well, we played a few times Sweere (GM) : only when he's deep in calculation Sweere (GM) : Ivanchuk is a good guy, very friendly Sweere (GM) : ratings are stupid should be ablished long ago Sweere (GM) : Arpad never meant his system became the basis of segregation in chess Sweere (GM) : how does one get to play Leko or Anand? Sweere (GM) : Alexander Onischuk won a US Ch got no chances to play good tournaments Sweere (GM) : simply getting to 2700 means shuttingoneself off all fun opens here in teh US Sweere (GM) : and chances to make some dough 38...Tc2 394 Sweere (GM) : no Wijk twice and madrid were the three big ones Sweere (GM) : don't miss them Sweere (GM) : too tough to prepare and no chance to win first prize [ 38...Tc5 39.e6 Tg5+ ( 39...fxe6 40.Txe6+ Rf7 41.Txb6+-) 40.Rf2 Tf5 ( 40...fxe6 41.Txe6+ Rf7 42.Txb6+-) 41.Td7+ Txd7 42.Txd7+ Re8 43.Txb7 Txf4 44.Txf7 Txf7 45.exf7+ Rxf7+-] 39.Txc2 54 39...Txc2 20 40.Txb6 9 Polydamas (IM) : Wow, Aronian is going down really quick in this endgame. Sweere (GM) : he's not, but he looks overmatched in this game 40...Ac6 21 Polydamas (IM) : Ten moves ago they had a normal IQP position and now Chucky is two pawns up. Impressive. Sweere (GM) : no pressure 41.b4 159 Sweere (GM) : just fill in and win the damn thing Polydamas (IM) : ..axb4 axb4 Rc4 Nd3 Kd7 e6+ would be a finish in style. Sweere (GM) : he grew up on a farm you know Sweere (GM) : Vasil van chop with the best of them Polydamas (IM) : They only add the time when a flag falls. 41...g5 134 [ 41...axb4 42.axb4 Tc4 43.Cd3 Rd7 44.e6++-] 42.Ch5 34 42...axb4 45 43.axb4 20 43...Ad5 6 Polydamas (IM) : Come on Levon, head for the bar. 44.Cg7 399 44...Te2 88 45.Cf5+ 17 45...Re8 6 46.Cxh6 653 46...Ae6 19 47.Tb5 57 47...Tb2 6 LazyPawn (IM) : Rb8+ nataf (GM) : guys , relax, you have all modules and say he should resign, it's a bit too easy to say this , no ? nataf (GM) : I mean he can try some Bc4-f1 ,etc.. nataf (GM) : he saved many games by fighting nataf (GM) : of course I wouldn't have resigned nataf (GM) : and so what ? if Bc4-f1 or any cheap trick works, then he can be saved, so why he should resign ? DorianGray (FM) : why resign? just 3 pawns down nataf (GM) : guys, it's too easy to say resign, with fritz or Rybka nearby DorianGray (FM) : well u dont need fritz here Polydamas (IM) : I would resign this against Ivanchuk. Polydamas (IM) : Maybe against anyone... nataf (GM) : yes but you wouldn't resign this vs a guy of your level polydamas nataf (GM) : . so aronian won't resign vs ivanchuk 48.Tb8+ 324 Polydamas (IM) : I would. DorianGray (FM) : at 2700 level one should resign nataf (GM) : then you are right 48...Rd7 6 nataf (GM) : sorry wrong Polydamas (IM) : Against any titled player. 49.Tg8 18 nataf (GM) : then it's wrong, I am sorry to say nataf (GM) : you must try a few more moves Sweere (GM) : what for? nataf (GM) : now maybe nataf (GM) : yes Polydamas (IM) : Aha. nataf (GM) : now yes nataf (GM) : but if nataf (GM) : Bc4-f1 nataf (GM) : you wouldn't DorianGray (FM) : ng4 ne3 nataf (GM) : I said a few more moves nataf (GM) : when you lose g5 nataf (GM) : you resign nataf (GM) : not before Manuan (IM) : Aronian resigned too late here! Sweere (GM) : small men with oversized egos Polydamas (IM) : Well, why should he deny Chucky the pleasure to play with three extra pawns? Garpun (IM) : Aronian thinking: why bishop not at f1 Garpun (IM) : ob 3 1-0

Topalov-Morozevich: Una comedia de errores!. ¡Mi madre!. ¡La de veces que fallaron ambos jugadores!. La verdad es que los dos son tipos de la misma calaña. Agresivos, tácticos, con fenomenales embestidas. Dos toros andaluces!!. Saltaron chispas. ¡Sólo les faltó que invitaran a Shirov para analizar la partida concluída entre los tres!. Fue un sistema clásico de la Defensa Francesa con 4.e5. Novedad en la jugada nueve y en la jugada doce, ya Topalov no se enroca, porque va a "f2" con su rey. Morozevich se vuelve ansioso por abrir la columna "f". Topalov se va con su monarca a "g2". La torre negra deja entonces la columna "f" y se sitúa rápidamente en la columna "g". Ya sólo con ésto os podréis imaginar (para los que no la hayan visto aún) que en esta partida iba a ocurrir de todo, menos tablas… . Curioso. A Veselin no le importa abrir la columna "g", porque a su vez él dispone entonces de la columna "h" para su torre del rincón. Y en la jugada 19, Morozevich rompe el centro del tablero y entrega una pieza. Sin discusión nos encontramos desplazados en el tiempo. ¡Cómo si estuviéramos en el Café de la Regence en época de Philidor!. Tras precisas maniobras tácticas, Topalov se queda superior y justo cuando está a punto de finiquitar la partida (jugada 26) no acierta y le permite un respiro al ruso. Pero es que en la jugada 27 ocurre lo mismo: puede ganar de inmediato y tampoco gana. Y entonces Morozevich, también en el movimiento 27 no acierta de nuevo con el plan que le da tablas. ¡Errores de espanto!. Pero no han acabado, porque en la jugada 28, más de lo mismo. Topalov no vuelve a acertar para conseguir clara ventaja y por todo ello, Morozevich iguala. Periodo de respiro, que se vuelve a romper en el movimiento 32. De nuevo Veselin no logra concretar para lograr clara ventaja. Pero es que en la 34,no logra dar con el plan ganador. En la 36, ahora se da una jugada de doble signo de interrogación para Morozevich (que no iba a ser menos) y desaprovecha la ocasión de igualar de nuevo. Y cuando ya Veselin parece que puede ganar, comete otra gran imprecisión, de nuevo doble signo de interrogación para su movimiento 39 y signo de interrogación para el movimiento 40. Y no acabó aquí la cosa: Doble signo de interrogación para el Moro, también en la 40. Pasado el angustioso control, Topalov, se serena y ya no suelta a su presa que se deja cazar como un cervatillo en el movimiento 48. Fue como una película de National Geographic de la "lucha por la vida" (!?).

Topalov,V (2783) - Morozevich,A (2741) [C11]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (7), 25.02.2007

1.e4 e6 133 2.d4 6 2...d5 6 3.Cc3 6 3...Cf6 6 4.e5 6 4...Cfd7 6 5.f4 6 5...c5 17 6.Cf3 9 6...Cc6 6 7.Ae3 6 7...a6 37 8.Ce2 17 [ RR 8.h4 Db6 9.Ca4 Da5+ 10.Cc3 cxd4 11.Cxd4 Ab4 12.Cb3 Axc3+ 13.bxc3 Dxc3+ 14.Rf2 Cb4 15.Ad3 0-0 16.Rg1 f6 17.Ad2 Dc7 18.Axh7+ Rxh7 19.Axb4 Tf7 20.Ad6 Dc4 21.Dd3+ Rg8 22.Cd4 fxe5 Kasparov,G (2825)-Ivanchuk,V (2740)/Frankfurt 1998/CBM 065 ext/1/2-1/2 (72); RR 8.g3 cxd4 9.Cxd4 Ac5 10.Cce2 Db6 11.Tb1 f6 12.exf6 Cxf6 13.b4 Cxd4 14.Axd4 Axd4 15.Dxd4 Dc7 16.Dc3 Dd6 17.Ag2 Ad7 18.Dc5 Re7 19.Dxd6+ Rxd6 20.Rd2 Tac8 21.Cd4 h6 22.h4 Tc4 Tarlev,K (2413)-Riazantsev,A (2594)/Moscow RUS 2006/1/2-1/2 (38)] 8...Db6 24 9.Dc1N 12 [ RR 9.Tb1 cxd4 10.Axd4 Cxd4 11.Cexd4 Ae7 12.Ad3 Cc5 13.0-0 Cxd3 14.Dxd3 Ad7 15.Rh1 g6 16.c3 Tc8 17.h3 Tc4 18.Tfc1 0-0 19.Ch2 f5 20.Chf3 Tfc8 21.Dd2 Dd8 22.Df2 b5 23.a3 a5 Vestol,A-Yanofsky,D/Amsterdam 1954/CD PDR/1/2-1/2 (52)] 9...g5 356 10.c3 679 [ 10.fxg5 cxd4; 10.Cxg5 cxd4] 10...cxd4 777 11.cxd4 43 11...Ab4+ 118 12.Rf2 299 12...f6 252 Merick (IM) : ef!? 13.g3 237 Merick (IM) : it is probably lose for b. [ 13.exf6] 13...Tf8 430 Merick (IM) : Kg2 14.Rg2 421 Kingway (IM) : Good fighting chess on all boards, nice change of pace from yesterday! SuperPerrazo (IM) : how is better maradona or pele? 14...g4 409 15.Ch4 23 Merick (IM) : nd2 SuperPerrazo (IM) : who is more beatifull marilyn o jeniifer lopez? AGEA (FM) : Meazza maybe? AGEA (FM) : bad behaviour from Totti again today AGEA (FM) : argued with the keeper who stopped his penalty AGEA (FM) : the book of Totti jokes is great lentejov (IM) : Ke7? a3! MightyViking (IM) : Inter pretty good this year. AGEA (FM) : indeed, Inter 17 wins in a row... AGEA (FM) : can't believe cristiano ronaldo plays chess MightyViking (IM) : Sergey Kasparov just became a GM. AGEA (FM) : Sergey Kasparov, the REAL Kasparov, not just any old Weinstein :-) MightyViking (IM) : The best active Kasparov! :) AGEA (FM) : does he open 1. a4 2. Ra3? AGEA (FM) : beautiful quote, they used is as an ad for his film MightyViking (IM) : "Utter crap." lol AGEA (FM) : most accurate book review ever AGEA (FM) : nothing personal against schiller of course, only about his writing AGEA (FM) : if you want a prolific american writer Soltis is much better AGEA (FM) : really, do you know any openings named after fishes? MightyViking (IM) : I've been impressed with Richard Palliser's books. There's an excellent new name on the scene. AGEA (FM) : some english chess authors are very good lentejov (IM) : bd2 must be strong AGEA (FM) : Wells, Emms, McDonald etc., perhaps even Gallagher and Flear MightyViking (IM) : I certainly think Palliser is better than average. At least what I've seen. 15...Tg8 1228 MightyViking (IM) : But when Nunn put the computer on Vukovich's book he found a large amount of errors. But that was perhaps to be expected considering the topic. 16.h3 142 16...h5 6 MMCMiranda (FM) : white is clear better, no? Merick (IM) : hg-hg,Kg1 MMCMiranda (FM) : I give Moro more 10/15 moves before resigning..... Merick (IM) : yes black totaly lose MMCMiranda (FM) : what?? white is clear better. 17.hxg4 269 17...hxg4 6 MMCMiranda (FM) : one. More 19 to go.. dafresh (FM) : f5!? Merick (IM) : Kg1 MMCMiranda (FM) : must already think about f5(!) AGEA (FM) : "both stand badly here" that was a tarrasch quote I believe Gladiator? MMCMiranda (FM) : tipical Topalov move: f5 dafresh (FM) : if qc2 f5 nxf5 interesting sac MMCMiranda (FM) : why f5 is premature? MMCMiranda (FM) : black needs to develop...white is ok. Clear better. Merick (IM) : Kg1 or Bg1 AGEA (FM) : moro was not very nice to topalov - voting for rybka 1st and Danailov 2nd for Chess Oscar was a plain accusation of cheating lentejov (IM) : bg1 !? 18.Cc3 701 [ 18.Rg1; 18.f5; 18.Dc2 f5 19.Cxf5!?; 18.Ag1; 18.Af2 Rybka.] 18...fxe5 494 19.fxe5 12 Merick (IM) : Nde5?? -de-d4,Bg1 Merick (IM) : Nd4?! - Qd1! 19...Ccxe5 466 Merick (IM) : ed-d4,Nd5!! - ed ,Bf4 MMCMiranda (FM) : thanks chesspimpery! I needed to know this, for 1-0 min games... [ 19...Cdxe5? 20.dxe5 d4 21.Ag1+/-; 19...Cxd4!? 20.Ca4 ( 20.Dd1 Axc3 21.bxc3 Db2+=/+) 20...Da5 21.Axd4 Dxa4 22.Ad3©] 20.dxe5 391 Smurfie (IM) : interesting line: dxe5 d4 Na4 Qa5 Qc4 Nxe5 Qxd4 Bd7 Nb6 Bc6 Kh2 Rd8 Nc4! with unclear position but seems better for white 20...d4 57 MMCMiranda (FM) : Na4 is not winning? Merick (IM) : also ok is Nd5 -ed5,Bf4 21.Ca4 260 Merick (IM) : Nd5 maybe not win ,but w. have nice position [ 21.Cd5 exd5 22.Af4 Cc5<=>] 21...Da5 57 AGEA (FM) : don't suggest illegal moves in your lines please 22.Dc4 136 Russek (IM) : this can be game of the week junior (GM) : oops junior (GM) : 1-0 people MMCMiranda (FM) : Ne5 Qxd4 junior (GM) : ne5 qxd4 nc6 qd1 MMCMiranda (FM) : 1-0 as predicted...More 10 moves maybe JTorres (FM) : m the point was moro sac the wrong knight...better was Nd7xe5! JTorres (FM) : . yes thats hes losing after this AGEA (FM) : Qf7 mate is not bad at the end of cluaaab's line Russek (IM) : what computers said if Ndxe5 instead Ncxe5? Sweere (GM) : noone will resign until smoke clears JTorres (FM) : did you meas after 22..Nxe5 23.Qxd4 then what? Sweere (GM) : his position does look suspicious, but resign? JTorres (FM) : ok..23...Nf3 24.Nxf3 gxf3 25.Kxf3 and white's has the upper hand... MMCMiranda (FM) : Moro is playing like a Moron faust (IM) : lol 22...Cxe5 639 faust (IM) : he's just trying to play creative 23.Dxd4 11 faust (IM) : unlike many oithers Mamey (IM) : 23...b6 JTorres (FM) : black's king in danger open position...white's bishops are going to eat it Mamey (IM) : 23...Ad7 es mejor faust (IM) : ty oguel? faust (IM) : ohuel?* faust (IM) : sosi huj :) 23...Cf3 119 DSquared (IM) : Eto ty komu Ian ? :D faust (IM) : wow faust (IM) : what is it? Mamey (IM) : De4 AGEA (FM) : faust you were in wijk with topalov, please tell us nobody was cheating MMCMiranda (FM) : I like De4 faust (IM) : lol natal faust (IM) : lol faust (IM) : looool JTorres (FM) : 24.Nxf3! faust (IM) : ask Katia AGEA (FM) : faust actually flirting with gretchen :-) faust (IM) : ;) faust (IM) : loool kanza (GM) : unable to find promising lines for white.... kanza (GM) : without comp Sweere (GM) : Topi's in a tough spot: if he accidentally plays a good move the cheating accusations will flare up kanza (GM) : njah that comp line may be winning kanza (GM) : sure evil danailov saying moves against topas will! Sweere (GM) : damned if he did damn if he didn't Sweere (GM) : Topi needs a long vacation from chess to let the controversy die out Sweere (GM) : why? his chess would only get better if he took ayear off MightyViking (IM) : Danailov won't allow Topalov to take a year off. Sweere (GM) : what bills Topi pays no bills in Bulgaria Sweere (GM) : he's like a hero there Sweere (GM) : people line up to buy him lunch Sweere (GM) : he lives in Spain the same way US businesses live offshore [ 23...Ad7 24.Cb6 Ac6+ 25.Rh2 Td8 26.Cc4+/-; 23...Cc6 24.Dd1+-; 23...b6 24.Rg1+-] 24.Cxf3 805 24...gxf3+ 12 25.Rf2 11 [ 25.Rxf3!?] 25...Dxa4 89 Neverwinter tells you: ... 26.Ad3?! 23 Sweere (GM) : looks bad for Moro Buzzo (IM) : black is busted junior (GM) : what a sick position junior (GM) : bd7 may be the only move kanza (GM) : looool i just realised moro isnt piece up faust (IM) : bd7 now and what?:) faust (IM) : qd7 is playable Sweere (GM) : about time for Bd7 faust (IM) : lool faust (IM) : yes qd7 bg6 finishes MaM (IM) : moro = gay MaM (IM) : not [ 26.Ad2! GANABA DE INMEDIATO. 26...a5 27.a3 Ad7 28.b3 Dxb3 29.axb4+-] 26...Dd7

144 [ 26...Ad7? 27.Df6->] 27.De4? 14 faust (IM) : moro rules, he'll save this game:) Sweere (GM) : I don't get why did he play so quickly? junior (GM) : what else sweere? [ 27.Ag6+ Txg6 28.Dxb4 Tg8 29.Tad1+/=; 27.Th8! DE NUEVO GANABA DE INMEDIATO 27...Dxd4 28.Txg8+ Rf7 29.Axd4 Rxg8 30.Th1+-] 27...Ad6? 122 Tani (WIM) : Rh8 instead of Qe4 looked winning... kanza (GM) : perhaps you r speaking with wrong gurevich? [ 27...Dg7! 28.Dxf3 Tf8 29.Af4 Dxb2+ 30.De2 Ac5+ 31.Rf3 Dxe2+ ( 31...Df6? 32.Dc2 b6 33.Ag6++-) 32.Rxe2 e5 ( 32...Ad7? 33.Ag6+ Rd8 34.Tad1 Rc8 35.Th7 Ab5+ 36.Ad3 Axd3+ 37.Txd3+-) 33.Axe5=] 28.Tag1? 102 DarcyLima (GM) : ob 1 [ 28.Th7! Dc6 29.Dxc6+ bxc6 30.Td1 Ae7 31.Ae4 Ad7 32.Axf3 Tb8 33.b3 e5 34.Rg2 Tb7 35.Ah5+ Rd8 36.Af7 Tf8 37.Ac4 Re8 38.Axa6+/-] 28...Dg7= 74 junior (GM) : there's more than 1? :) MMCMiranda (FM) : g4 MMCMiranda (FM) : hmmm;;;g4 not good. Qxb2+ Hatred (IM) : that Topalov who outplayed Moro in San-Luis and this one, they play completely in a different way Hatred (IM) : you analyse the game with comp, then see Hatred (IM) : on steroids or something else, but those 2 players are simply different Petrovich (GM) : "I have never in my life played the French Defence which is the dullest of openings" Steinitz 29.Th6 979 MightyViking (IM) : So 29.Rh6 is the Rybka move, hmm.... [ 29.g4? Dxb2+] 29...Dxb2+ 237 30.Rxf3 181 Manuan (IM) : Kd8, run forrest! 30...Tf8+ 57 FrozenShade (GM) : us owes more money than most other countries combined would be more correct :) [ 30...Rd8] 31.Af4 46 FrozenShade (GM) : well, we have santa claus here in finland, guess every country needs something to believe in FrozenShade (GM) : federico, i found that rather brilliant, rewards are much better than in most religions MightyViking (IM) : 13 minutes in a position like this... 31...De5 266 MMCMiranda (FM) : nice move! 32.Dg6+ 158 [ 32.Dxe5! Axe5 33.Ag6+ Rd8 34.Th7 Ad4 35.Td1 e5 36.Re4 Ag4 37.Td2 Rc8 38.Axe5 Axe5 39.Rxe5 Rb8 40.Ae4 Ta7 41.Td6+/-] 32...Rd8 6 MMCMiranda (FM) : no more castle.. 33.Rg2 127 Hatred (IM) : yeah Hatred (IM) : he is a 2700 himself 33...Db2+ 236 [ 33...Dd4 34.Axd6 Dxd6 35.Tc1 Dd5+ 36.Rh3|^] 34.Rh1? 20 [ 34.Ac2! Tf5 ( 34...Axf4 35.Th7 Ad7 36.Td1 Db5 37.Thxd7++-) 35.Th7 ( 35.Axd6 Dxc2+ 36.Rh3 e5 37.Ac7+ Dxc7 38.Td1+ Dd7 39.Db6+ Re8 40.Txd7 Axd7 41.Dg6+ Rf8 42.Dd6+ Rg7 43.Dxd7+ Rxh6 44.Dxf5 Tg8+-) 35...Ad7 ( 35...Dxc2+ 36.Rh3 Ad7 37.Tc1+-) 36.Rh3 Dxc2 37.Tc1 Dxc1 ( 37...Db2 38.Ag5+ Txg5 39.Dxg5+ Re8 40.Dg8+ Af8 41.Df7+ Rd8 42.Dxd7#) 38.Axc1 Rc7 39.Dg7 Td8 40.Ag5 Txg5 41.Dxg5+-] 34...Axf4 6 35.gxf4 20 35...Ad7 6 Sweere (GM) : White looks lost MMCMiranda (FM) : Rd1(!) Sweere (GM) : Kc7 and Rh8 MMCMiranda (FM) : who is winning? Rd1 is dangerous Sweere (GM) : Rd1 Kc7 and? [ 35...Rc7 36.f5<=>] 36.Ae4 139 [ 36.Td1 Rc7] 36...Rc7?? 124 MMCMiranda (FM) : Rb1 is not winning? Hatred (IM) : Rb1? MightyViking (IM) : Rb1 is the Rybka move. He will "find" it. pichonazo (IM) : who wouldn t find Rb1? [ 36...Dd4! 37.Tc1 Ac6 38.Dg5+ Rc8+/= 39.Axc6 bxc6 40.Txc6+ Rd7 41.Tcxe6 Da1+ 42.Dg1 Dxg1+ 43.Rxg1 Txf4 44.Txa6 Tg8+ 45.Thg6 Txg6+ 46.Txg6 Ta4=] 37.Tb1 201 37...Df2 40 Petrovich (GM) : 1-1 Petrovich (GM) : Stupid Kibitz! Narez [ 37...Dd4 38.Txb7+ Rc8 39.Txd7 Dxd7 40.Axa8+-] 38.Txb7+ 37 [ 38.Dg7! Tab8 39.Th7 Tfd8 40.Dc3+ Rd6 41.De5#] 38...Rc8 6 39.Tb1?? 85 [ 39.Ag2! De1+ 40.Rh2 Dd2 41.De4+-] 39...Ta7 11 FrozenShade (GM) : wonder why he took b7 so fast, there was no hurry Manuan (IM) : Moro wanted to lose b7, now he activates Ra8-a7!! lol Talion (GM) : position about = ? Polydamas (IM) : Equal material, draw. 40.f5? 469 manest (IM) : it's karamazov Polydamas (IM) : A classical position for a Nimzowitschian pawn lever?! [ 40.Dg5! Tc7 ( 40...Dxf4 41.Tc1+ Tc7 42.Dxf4 Txf4 43.Th8+ Ae8 44.Txe8+ Rd7 45.Txc7+ Rxe8 46.Ac6++-; 40...Txf4 41.Th8+ Tf8 42.Dg7+-) 41.De5 Dd2 a) 41...Dxf4 42.Dxf4 Txf4 43.Th8+ Ae8 44.Ag6 Te7 45.Axe8; b) 41...Txf4 42.Th8+ Tf8 43.Dg7 Td8 44.Txd8+ Rxd8 45.Dg5+ Re8 (b) 45...Rc8 46.Dg8++-) 46.Ag6+ Rf8 47.Dd8+ Ae8 48.Dxc7 Df3+ 49.Rg1 De3+ 50.Rg2 Axg6 51.Tb8+ Ae8 52.Dg3 De2+ 53.Df2+ Dxf2+ 54.Rxf2+/-; ] 40...Tc7?? 106 Hatred (IM) : lol MMCMiranda (FM) : fxe and what? MMCMiranda (FM) : fxe Be8 Qg4 threat e7+ Petrovich (GM) : 'examine petrovich -1' - how to beat Rybka Akula (GM) : pora spat' [ 40...Df4! 41.Te1 exf5= 42.Ag2 Dd2 43.Tb1 Te8 ( 43...Dxa2 44.Tc1+ Rd8 45.Db6+ Re8 46.Te1++-) 44.Df6 Ab5! ( 44...Te1+ 45.Txe1 Dxe1+ 46.Rh2 De3 47.Th4|^) 45.Dxf5+=] 41.fxe6+- 141 Manuan (IM) : topa survived time control, now he can play rybka move, bye bye moro! Petrovich (GM) : french bishop is still bad:) 41...Ae8 219 Polydamas (IM) : Qg4 Rf4 Rh8!? Polydamas (IM) : Gamn, too late. Petrovich (GM) : toreador is loser Ng5 (IM) : the trick is Qg4 Rf4 Qh3 Rxe4 e6 Rd7 Rc6 mate Polydamas (IM) : Knights aren't animals as far as I am aware... 42.Dg5 637 MMCMiranda (FM) : this is type of position that computer see everything in seconds.. Polydamas (IM) : Tss... mouse slip. MMCMiranda (FM) : what is comp evaluation? Looks dead lost for black. Polydamas (IM) : I remember Topalov-Morozevich from San Luis... Topalov spoiled a very very clear win there too... Ng5 (IM) : noe Qd4 Bg2 Rf4 and I cant see a win Ng5 (IM) : Qg4 was over Polydamas (IM) : Is this winning after ..Qd4? Ng5 (IM) : this is winning but not over, Qg4 was just over Ng5 (IM) : white can mess this up MMCMiranda (FM) : threat now is Qd5 MightyViking (IM) : Danailov's cell phone only works in Europe. Polydamas (IM) : ..Qd4 Bg2 Rh8 maybe. MMCMiranda (FM) : yeah! Qd4 Qg4 looks fine! Ng5 (IM) : it will be a shame if Moro is last, his games have been the most interesting [ 42.Dg4!? Tf4 ( 42...Df4 43.Dxf4 Txf4 44.Th8 Te7 45.Ag6+-) 43.Dh3! ( 43.Th8? Th7+ 44.Txh7 Txg4 45.Tc1+ Rd8 46.Td1+ Rc8 47.Tc1+ Rd8 ( 47...Rb8 48.Tb7+ Ra8 49.Tc8#) 48.Td1+ Rc8 49.Tc1+ Rd8=) 43...Txe4 44.e7+ Td7 ( 44...Ad7 45.Th8++-) 45.Tc6#] 42...Dd4 876 Ng5 (IM) : Bg2 looks the clearest win, maybe the only one 43.Ag2 102 Ng5 (IM) : now a long think Ng5 (IM) : black has lots of tries but they all lose Polydamas (IM) : Kramnik has a slight plus against Anand. Polydamas (IM) : That's with rapid chess. Polydamas (IM) : In classical games Kramnik is ahead. Ng5 (IM) : time to punt Qh4+ and hope Topalov resigns Polydamas (IM) : Not yet schostak... MMCMiranda (FM) : I like very much Kramnik. He is a nice person, a simple man, and a fantastic player also. MMCMiranda (FM) : analysing with Kramnik is so fun! He sees everything! Polydamas (IM) : Could someone please wake Moro up? Polydamas (IM) : Could someone please wake up Moro in the bathroom? Polydamas (IM) : Karpov? In 1999 he did even know how to use a mouse. Polydamas (IM) : It's ridiculous that everyone expects a clear no. 1 as the world champion. Now there are 3 very strong players, one of them has the title, what is there to complain? MMCMiranda (FM) : Bled/Zagreb/Belgrad, 1959: Tal 4 x 0 Fischer... MMCMiranda (FM) : dificil para Moro, né Natal? [ 43.Dg4] 43...Tf4 1195 MMCMiranda (FM) : e7 MightyViking (IM) : Yes, Tal was ill in 1961 when he lost the rematch. Polydamas (IM) : Hmm... I don't get the point behind ..Rf4... MightyViking (IM) : Geller started with chess late. Who knows how good he could have become otherwise. Ng5 (IM) : +3.8 Ng5 (IM) : e7 wins Ng5 (IM) : nothing else, Rf4 best try Ng5 (IM) : yes e7 wins MMCMiranda (FM) : Korthnoi, for sure. Polydamas (IM) : Timman Sweere (GM) : what on e7 Rc5? MightyViking (IM) : Rubinstein and Lundin both started at 18. MightyViking (IM) : Suba at 20 I think. Polydamas (IM) : At 20? Are you serious? MightyViking (IM) : Yes. Polydamas (IM) : Impressive. Ng5 (IM) : e5 Rc5 Qg3 Rc3 Qe1 says the comp Ng5 (IM) : e7 Rc5 Qg3 Rc3 Qe1 says the comp [ 43...Ac6 44.e7 Axg2+ 45.Dxg2 Te8 46.Dh3+ Dd7 47.Df3 Ta7 48.Tc6+ Tc7 49.Txc7+ Rxc7 50.Db7+ Rd6 51.Td1+ Rc5 52.Txd7+-] 44.e7 354 44...Tc5 9 Sweere (GM) : Nuzhnik? Sweere (GM) : who's that? MightyViking (IM) : Suba started at 20 and was a GM before 30. Impressive! Ng5 (IM) : Qg3 is fored, otherwise its not so clear 45.Dg3 97 Ng5 (IM) : Bh3 Kc7 Qg2 Qe4 is hard to win MMCMiranda (FM) : Rc3 interesting Sweere (GM) : rat cheater is anagram of Thatcher Sweere (GM) : I know 45...Tc3 269 46.De1 11 46...Te3 88 Polydamas (IM) : ..Qe3 Rc5+! Sweere (GM) : Qa5 over Polydamas (IM) : Qa5 Rh4 looks not really over. MightyViking (IM) : Poor Moro. If only he had found the correct 40th move. Sweere (GM) : move 40 could he take the pawn? MightyViking (IM) : 40...Qf4/Qe3 Sweere (GM) : right, both look good [ 46...De3 47.Ah3+ Rc7 48.Dxe3 Txe3 49.Tc1+ Rb7 50.Ag2+ Rb8 51.Tb6+ Ra7 52.Tb7+ Ra8 53.Tc8#] 47.Da5 218 Polydamas (IM) : Hmm... centralization is not everything apparently. Sweere (GM) : extra pawn is the key MMCMiranda (FM) : cant take e7 with Q (after Rh4+, etc) cause lose the Q Sweere (GM) : hindsight is great, just watch SportsCenter lentejov (IM) : bb5 Sweere (GM) : I demand a recount Sweere (GM) : how many people say 1-0 MMCMiranda (FM) : Ra3 Rb8+ mate. 47...Ab5 35 [ 47...Th4+ 48.Txh4 Dxh4+ 49.Rg1+-; 47...Ta3 48.Tc1++- ( 48.Tb8++-) ] 48.Tc1+ 17 MMCMiranda (FM) : Rc1+ end of line. Sweere (GM) : Moro in last place MMCMiranda (FM) : Bc4 RxB+ Sweere (GM) : too many blunders Polydamas (IM) : A cool game nevertheless. MightyViking (IM) : -1 before Linares - that's better than last year. Sweere (GM) : Topi played badly MMCMiranda (FM) : resigned? MightyViking (IM) : Danailov getting ready for Linares. 1-0

Clasificación final de la primera vuelta celebrada en Morelia (México):

Octava ronda (Viernes 2 de Marzo de 2.007):





Termina la primera fase de este Torneo Intercontinental de Ajedrez. Ahora los jugadores se desplazarán a la ciudad española y andaluza de Linares, para continuar el evento.

Nos despedimos pues de la tierra mejicana, con un hasta pronto! y como dice la canción

"Así se lleva México en la piel !!":

Como una mirada hecha en Sonora
Vestida con el mar de Cozumel
Con el color del sol por todo el cuerpo
Así se lleva México en la piel

Como el buen tequila de esta tierra
O como un amigo en Yucatán
Y en Aguascaliente deshilados
O lana tejida en Teotitlán

Como ver la sierra de Chihuahua
O la artesanía en San Miguel
O remontar el cerro de la Silla
Así se lleva México en la piel

Como acompañarse con mariachi
Para hacer llorar a esa canción
Que en el sur se toca con marimba
Y en el norte con acordeón

Como un buen sarape de Saltillo
Como bienvenida en Veracruz
Con la emoción de un beso frente a frente
Así se lleva México en la piel

Como contemplar el mar Caribe
Descubrir un bello amanecer
Tener la fresca brisa de Morelia!!
La luna acariciando a una mujer

Así se siente México, Así se siente México,
Así como unos labios por la piel
Así te envuelve México, Así te sabe México
Así se lleva México en la piel.

Hasta el año que viene, si Dios quiere, Morelia !!.

Fotos panorámicas de Morelia

Gracias a todos Vdes. por vuestra atención y particularmente a aquellos que siempre me dan ánimos por mis artículos. ¡El mejor regalo que puedo recibir es que me sigan leyendo!.

Nos vemos en Linares, donde comentaré con el apoyo de Rybka 2.3 y siguiendo en directo el torneo en el ICC, una partida de cada ronda del evento, según se vaya desarrollando.

En los días libres de Linares asistiré al Magno Certámen Internacional de Ajedrez, Ciudad de La Laguna:

¡Suerte para todos los participantes!.

Recibid un cordial saludo,



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