En la sexta, sólo Ivanchuk
Jornada sosa. De cuatro empates. La clasificación no varía. El primero en terminar fue el ex-campeón del mundo, Veselin Topalov. Este parece no ser su torneo. Da pena verlo ubicado en el último lugar. A Kárpov y a Kaspárov en sus periodos de brillantez nunca le pasaron estas cosas. Luego le siguió en el orden de finalización, el líder Magnus Carlsen. Su +2 hasta ahora en el torneo lo dejan arriba, a falta de una ronda para que acabe la fase mexicana. Si logra acabar como campeón de la primera vuelta, seguro que tendrá una semana de ensueño. Me imagino como tienen que estar sus hinchas noruegos !?. Poco tiempo tardaron Morozevich y Svidler en repartir el punto a continuación. Svidler, Aronian y Leko son los únicos imbatidos en el Torneo hasta el momento. Por lo tanto, todavía tienen opciones. Y la última partida en finalizar fue la "clásica" Anand vs Ivanchuk. Esta sí que fue interesante, en las tres horas y media de duración que tuvo, con un Vasily, que de no haberse apurado de tiempo, hubiera tenido opciones de victoria.
Aronian-Topalov: Volvió a entrar Aronian en la partida de la ronda anterior con Anand que tanto éxito le dio. Topalov innovó, porque siguió los consejos de Philidor. Nada de debilitar los peones propios, aún a costa de hacer lo mismo con los del enemigo. Veselin jugó más sólido. Las negras realizaron una maniobra interesante con su caballo de rey: Cf6-d5-b4-c2-d4 e igualaron la contienda sin demasiadas complicaciones.
Aronian,L (2744) - Topalov,V (2783) [D23]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (6), 24.02.2007
1.d4 '0' 1...d5 '10' 2.c4 '2' 2...c6 '2' 3.Cf3 '10' 3...Cf6 '2' 4.Dc2 '9' 4...dxc4 '3' 5.Dxc4 '11' 5...Af5 '8' 6.g3 '9 Dworkin (IM) : interesting to see aronian to play this line...' 6...e6 '3' 7.Ag2 '10' 7...Cbd7 '4' 8.0-0 '8' 8...Ae7 '3' 9.Cc3 '7' 9...0-0 '2' 10.Te1 '9' 10...Ag6N '3 RLH2 (FM) : he won last year i thought? RLH2 (FM) : yea RLH2 (FM) : Topalov-Radja were 2/3 RLH2 (FM) : Topa was 1/4 last year RLH2 (FM) : then went on a rampage to get to 8/14' [ RR 10...Ce4 11.Db3 ( 11.e3 Db6 12.De2 Tad8 13.Cd2 Cxd2 14.Dxd2 Ag6 15.De2 Cf6 16.b3 Cd5 17.Ca4 Da5 18.Ad2 Dc7 19.e4 Cb6 20.Cxb6 Dxb6 21.d5 Ac5 22.dxc6 Dxc6 23.Ae3 Axe3 1/2-1/2 Andersson,U (2640)-Huebner,R (2620)/Tilburg 1983/CD PDR) 11...Db6 12.Ch4 Axh4 ( RR 12...Cdf6 13.f3 Cxc3 14.Cxf5 Ccd5 15.Cxe7+ Cxe7 16.Dxb6 axb6 17.e4 b5 18.Ae3 Ta6 19.a3 Tfa8 20.Ad2 Cc8 21.Tac1 Cb6 22.Af1 Td8 23.Ae3 Ce8 24.Ted1 Cd6 25.b3 f5 26.e5 Cdc8 27.a4 Bareev,E (2739)-Gelfand,B (2703)/Cap D'Agde FRA 2003/The Week in Chess 468/1/2-1/2 (53)) RR 13.gxh4 ( 13.Cxe4 Axe4 14.Axe4 Af6 15.Dc2 Axd4 16.Axh7+ Rh8 17.e3 Af6 18.Ad3 Cc5 19.Ae2 Tad8 20.Tb1 Db4 21.Rf1 De4 22.Dxe4 Cxe4 23.Af3 Cd2+ 24.Axd2 Txd2 25.Te2 Benko,P-Gheorghiu,F/Mar del Plata 1965/CD PDR/1/2-1/2) 13...Cef6 ( RR 13...Cxc3 14.Dxc3 Ag6 15.Af4 Tfe8 16.Tad1 f6 17.e4 e5 18.Ae3 Dc7 19.d5 Af7 20.Ah3 Tad8 21.b4 a6 22.a4 h5 23.f3 Cb8 24.b5 axb5 25.axb5 Td6 26.Dc5 Dd8 27.Rf2 cxd5 28.Dc7 Ivanchuk,V (2717)-Bareev,E (2707)/Monaco 2002/CD PDR/0-1) 14.e4 Ag6 15.Dxb6 axb6 16.Af4 Tfe8 17.Tad1 b5 ( 17...e5 18.dxe5 Cxe5 19.f3 Ah5 20.Axe5 Txe5 21.a4 Te7 22.Td4 Rf8 23.Ce2 Ag6 24.Ted1 Ch5 25.Cg3 c5 26.Td8+ Txd8 27.Txd8+ Te8 Georgiev,V (2525)-Smeets,J (2538)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 638/1-0 (68)) 18.Ad6 e5 19.d5 Ch5 20.Af1 f6 21.b3 Cf4 22.a4 bxa4 23.bxa4 Af7 24.Tb1 Ta7 25.Ted1 Tc8 26.Ce2 Cxe2+ 27.Axe2 cxd5 28.exd5 Cf8 29.Ab5 Taa8 30.Ae7 Cg6 31.d6 Cxe7 32.Ad7 Cc6 33.Txb7 Cd4 34.Axc8 Txc8 35.Tdb1 Tf8 36.Tb8 Ae8 37.a5 Cf3+ 38.Rf1 Cd2+ 39.Re1 Cxb1 40.a6 Ac6 41.a7 Rf7 42.d7 Re7 43.Txf8 Rxd7 44.a8D Axa8 45.Txa8 h5 46.Ta7+ Re6 47.Txg7 Rf5 48.Tg3 1-0 Aronian,L (2744)-Anand,V (2779)/Morelia 2007] 11.h3 '498 Ng5 (IM) : I think Toppy should have a holiday' 11...h6 '568 RLH2 (FM) : bh7. RLH2 (FM) : it gives it space' 12.Af4 '146' 12...Cd5 '69' 13.Ad2 '118' 13...Cb4 '523' 14.Tac1 '44' 14...Cc2 '231' 15.Ted1 '33' 15...Cb6 '176' 16.Db3

'20' 16...Cxd4 '33' 17.Cxd4 '20' 17...Dxd4 '11' 18.Axh6 '20' 18...Dc4 '190' 19.Ae3 '58' 19...Dxb3 '66' 20.axb3 '20 Kingway (IM) : Personally I think Aronian is a strong WC contender right now! Cowboystiefel (FM) : Nd5 or maybe Nd5' 20...Cd5 '548' 21.Cxd5 '147 Cowboystiefel (FM) : exd5 Cowboystiefel (FM) : ed Bc5 shakehands' 21...cxd5 '264 Cowboystiefel (FM) : another suicide - he is a real masochist Kingway (IM) : I like bc5 here...' [ 21...exd5 22.Ac5] 22.Tc7 '88 Cowboystiefel (FM) : yes wrong hint Cowboystiefel (FM) : ;-)) Cowboystiefel (FM) : wrong finger sign hahaha Ng5 (IM) : I am sure Topalov is not cheating, hand signals from Danilov would be more of a distraction than a help Kingway (IM) : Savante: I love Topalov's fighting spirit, but don't you worry a bit that Top was cheating? I don't think he is getting any computer help this tournament due to huge attention paid to everything he and manager does. But no computer help this tournament does not say he wasn't getting help in previous tour MightyViking (IM) : What was Ivanchuk's rating on ICC? MightyViking (IM) : Thanks, PM Kingway (IM) : Sad thing is that GMs go in and out of form, be a shame if Top had that one great run without computer help just to have it tarnished forever because of concerns re cheating. MightyViking (IM) : Indeed, PM. MightyViking (IM) : Topalov only cheats in Linares anyway, not in Morelia! :) Kingway (IM) : I don't think there will ever be a smoking gun re Topalov and the cheating allegations. Gonna be like some of the U.S. baseball players generally thought to have been on steroids, but never proven.' [ 22.Ac5] 1/2-1/2
Carlsen-Leko: En esta partida, también Carlsen quiso repetir la línea de su cotejo de la ronda anterior con Topalov y prácticamente se jugó de la misma manera, sólo que las torres de Topalov se situaron en e8 y en c8, y ahora aquí, las torres de Leko, fueron a e8 y d8. El húngaro tampoco se atrevió a cambiar su alfil de rey y se llegó a un empate sin más historia.
Carlsen,M (2690) - Leko,P (2749) [D45]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (6), 24.02.2007
Greysky (FM) : let go! Greysky (FM) : go magnussss Greysky (FM) : I Greysky (FM) : depending black´s repertorie Greysky (FM) : Carlsen doesn´t use to play 1.e4 ; he plays both 1.d4 and 1.e4 normaly Greysky (FM) : I predict 1.e4 yes Greysky (FM) : 1.d4 sorry 1.d4 0 1...d5 3 2.c4 10 2...c6 2 Greysky (FM) : deep, magnus had also games won, and only hoy draw... 3.Cf3 9 3...Cf6 2 4.Cc3 9 4...e6 3 Greysky (FM) : .e3 .. Greysky (FM) : Magnus played .e3 against anand and topa. right? Greysky (FM) : Against Anand and Topalov, was 5.e3 Greysky (FM) : leko won´t get an andgame :) Greysky (FM) : endgame* Greysky (FM) : no. it was draw Greysky (FM) : I saw yes... 5.e3 274 5...Cbd7 5 Greysky (FM) : was friendly tennis :) 6.Dc2 14 6...Ad6 3 7.b3 8 7...0-0 4 Greysky (FM) : they only played for fun 8.Ae2 12 8...b6 3 9.Ab2 8 9...Ab7 8 Greysky (FM) : Bb8! Greysky (FM) : novelty :P 10.0-0 14 10...De7 10 MightyViking (IM) : Bb8 and Qc7 would have been good if Magnus had played Ng5 as against Anand. Greysky (FM) : time to think 11.e4 MightyViking (IM) : Magnus has 3 wins. The other seven players together have 4 wins. [ 10...Te8 11.Tad1 De7 12.Tfe1 Tac8 13.e4 Cxe4 14.Cxe4 dxe4 15.Dxe4 Ab4 16.Tf1 Aa3 17.Axa3 Dxa3 18.Dc2 Cf6 19.c5 Aa6 20.Axa6 Dxa6 21.Ce5 Cd5 22.Cc4 Ted8 23.a3 Tc7 24.Dc1 Ce7 25.Td2 Cf5 26.Tfd1 b5 27.Ce5 Dc8 28.Td3 f6 29.Cf3 Tcd7 30.Df4 Td5 31.De4 Dd7 32.T3d2 h5 33.h4 a5 34.Rf1 Te8 35.Te1 Rf7 36.Ted1 Ch6 37.Te1 Te7 38.Df4 Tf5 39.Dd6 Dc8 40.Tde2 Td5 41.Df4 Cf5 42.Te4 Td8 43.g4!? 1-0 Carlsen,M (2690)-Topalov,V (2783)/Morelia 2007 1-0 (64) ] 11.Tad1 235 Ng5 (IM) : Leko probably just thinks the middlegame after c5 is a fortress draw MightyViking (IM) : RossA, almost 4 MightyViking (IM) : Inferis, it's not so easy now when Danailov has all eyes on him. Greysky (FM) : pawn storm where? Greysky (FM) : it´s imposible Greysky (FM) : first, rooks to the centre, and think later 11...Tad8 465 Greysky (FM) : maybe quickly draw Greysky (FM) : maybe black is looking for ..dxc4 and ...e5 Greysky (FM) : e3 is equal after swaping and ...Nf6 and ...c5 Greysky (FM) : e4 sorry Greysky (FM) : forget audio! Greysky (FM) : +censor "word" audio 12.Tfe1 444 MightyViking (IM) : Re: quick draw, this is what his father said on his blog: MightyViking (IM) : sorry for my son depriving European spectators their nights sleep. I can assure you he will do his best to continue to do so for 2 more days :-) Greysky (FM) : :) 12...Tfe8 69 Greysky (FM) : yes, e4 seems necesary now Greysky (FM) : really? Greysky (FM) : Nf6 neccesary then 13.e4 262 Greysky (FM) : dxe only one Greysky (FM) : well, Nxe4 mayve MightyViking (IM) : Norway's former capital is actually in Sweden now. Greysky (FM) : yes, Nxe.. Greysky (FM) : but probably trasposes 13...Cxe4 44 14.Cxe4 11 Greysky (FM) : dxe :) 14...dxe4 20 Greysky (FM) : Qxe4 Nf6 I guess 15.Dxe4 11 15...Ab4 25 16.Tf1 11 Ng5 (IM) : i expect a boring draw Kingway (IM) : a really well known middlegame, if well defended usually drifts into drawish lines. 16...Ad6 22 Greysky (FM) : will the people criticize .c5 again ? Ng5 (IM) : we were right last time MightyViking (IM) : Africa is a country according to Bush. Ng5 (IM) : its always safe to bet on a boring draw with Leko MightyViking (IM) : Leko has these move repititions worked out in a lot of openings. Greysky (FM) : +censor word audio [ RR 16...Cf6 17.Dh4 Aa3 18.Aa1 c5 19.Ce5 cxd4 20.Axd4 Ce4 21.Dxe7 Axe7 22.Ah5 g6 23.Af3 f6 24.Cg4 Rf7 25.Ab2 Cc5 26.Axb7 Cxb7 27.g3 Cc5 28.Rg2 a5 29.Ad4 h5 30.Ce3 g5 31.h3 Bluvshtein,M (2453)-Asrian,K (2599)/Moscow RUS 2004/The Week in Chess 485/0-1 (70)] 17.Tfe1 242 Greysky (FM) : dont be idiots. if he wants draw, draw! MightyViking (IM) : Magnus repeated once against Topalov too, but then deviated. [ 17.Td2 Ab4 18.Tc2 Ad6 19.Tc3] 17...Ab4 66 Greysky (FM) : leko wants draw 18.Tf1 11 MightyViking (IM) : It's a psychological move: you repeat once so the opponent relaxes and thinks it will be a draw. Greysky (FM) : well, they played tennis and are friends... not fight! make love no war.. 18...Ad6 55 Lapinews (IM) : he will deviate Greysky (FM) : I think in this position .Rfe1 is the best move :) Ng5 (IM) : Draw sems fair enough, Leko has higher rating and white doesnt have much Greysky (FM) : if i were white, i would accept draw :) Lapinews (IM) : well don't say silly things Ng5 lol Lapinews (IM) : Magnus avoided all draw lines agaisnt Anand because he thought he had a very small edge, so it'll be a nonsense that he takes the draw here Greysky (FM) : francesco, so I would accept draw :) against a 2200 I would refuse draw Lapinews (IM) : how many people here have SpaceChess(C) in their censor list? Greysky (FM) : now comp eval would be ridicule MightyViking (IM) : Magnus offered a draw against Anand when he played Bf6-b2. Greysky (FM) : well.. it´s dificult to say Lapinews (IM) : if he makes qucik draw as white he won't lead it a long while.. Lapinews (IM) : come on play anything but not Rfe1 Greysky (FM) : before bc1, maybe Rad1 and Kh1 Ng1 Greysky (FM) : ok fortin :) Bulten (FM) : siglar is an IM fortin! shame on you! Lapinews (IM) : in the best case, black has equality, so Rfe1 is a bit silly Lapinews (IM) : in the best case black will play ...e5 and draw Greysky (FM) : good phylosophy, lapi :) Lapinews (IM) : :P Bulten (FM) : i know fortin MightyViking (IM) : His father assured that Magnus would do his best to deprive the Europeans of their sleep this round too. Greysky (FM) : my censor list will start receive people... Greysky (FM) : thesavage555 added. Greysky (FM) : I never no-censor anybody 19.Tfe1 585 Lapinews (IM) : oh no Lapinews (IM) : they agreed it playing tennis Greysky (FM) : jajaja Lapinews (IM) : I can't believe it Ng5 (IM) : odd, he could claim draw, instead he makes Leko claim it Lapinews (IM) : white had no risk there.. :( Ng5 (IM) : very sensible from Magnus Greysky (FM) : yes. 3 repetition already Greysky (FM) : maybe carlsen didn´t ask for draw to the arbiter, hoping Leko doesn´t repeat.. Greysky (FM) : go home all Greysky (FM) : draw is ok Greysky (FM) : draw i good result for both Greysky (FM) : el reloj si avanza Greysky (FM) : mark, when u get 2700, choose if draw or not..... Greysky (FM) : for now, wait AGF (IM) : Fi krash Hatred (IM) : it's =, why Calrsen can't repeat the position? Greysky (FM) : might, this is very bad MightyViking (IM) : They could do as in shogi - play a new game with the remaining time. AGF (IM) : is carlsen coach that told hime to play draw Greysky (FM) : don´t be selfish please. magnus has his own life, if he want draw.. don´t be dull AGF (IM) : who is carlsen coach? Lapinews (IM) : Agdestein Lapinews (IM) : Agdestein even right a book about Carlsen Lapinews (IM) : Agdestein is Magnus' coach Lapinews (IM) : he is AGF (IM) : no one know this?? MightyViking (IM) : Spassky and Andersson used to come with their tennis rackets to the board when they met. After 15 minutes they drew, and then went out and played tennis for hours. Lapinews (IM) : everyone know this, just shut up emcf (IM) : . Lapinews (IM) : ask magnus when he'll log on ic 19...Ab4 638 AGF (IM) : is Krash his coach? Greysky (FM) : don´t be stupid please.... MightyViking (IM) : This means Leko didn't claim the draw? Ng5 (IM) : Leko is hilarious 20.Tf1 88 MightyViking (IM) : This could become hilarious. Noone wants to be the one who claims the draw! Profylax (IM) : i think heine is magnus' coach Ng5 (IM) : Bd6 Rd2 Bb4 Rc2 Bd6 Rc3 ! Cowboystiefel (FM) : Ba3 olimpus (IM) : this wouldn't be a draw.. calm down! Greysky (FM) : both want his opponent changes? jaj Ng5 (IM) : Nf6 Qh4 Nd7 Qe4 !! Greysky (FM) : jajaja Lapinews (IM) : Leko will probably claim it now Lapinews (IM) : Dear all guys saying Carlsen is overrated and lucky: shut up! Greysky (FM) : Dear all guys saying Carlsen is overrated and lucky: shut up! Greysky (FM) : please :) MightyViking (IM) : Carlsen's performance Elo so far is +2900. AGF (IM) : i think Krash is carlsen coach Greysky (FM) : when you get 2700, think if take or not draw... Greysky (FM) : while not, shut up! Greysky (FM) : good dacha :) Ng5 (IM) : Ba3 Bc3 Bb4 Bb2 = Greysky (FM) : Ng5! Greysky (FM) : your move is not so useful Greysky (FM) : 79.Rf1 Bd6 80.Rfe1 Bb4 .... Greysky (FM) : not claim draw :) Lapinews (IM) : nah Greysky 78.Rf1 not 79 :) check the move order :) Greysky (FM) : jeje Greysky (FM) : aggg Greysky (FM) : Lapi, i tried ;:) Lapinews (IM) : :) AGF (IM) : fi krash, its carlsen coach!!!! Greysky (FM) : now it will change 20...Ad6 462 Kingway (IM) : my feeling is that no draw agreed before the game, but Magnus may not mind a "rest day" at this point... Kingway (IM) : and Leko is always ok with a rest day, with black Cowboystiefel (FM) : h3 Greysky (FM) : the arbiter can shut up... if no one claims draw.. Cowboystiefel (FM) : I once had a girl ... MightyViking (IM) : So this is what Henrik C. meant by keeping the Europeans up all night! :) Ng5 (IM) : Leko can play very well, its just he is happy to draw Cowboystiefel (FM) : hahaha Greysky (FM) : GOOD CARLSEN! GO GO Ng5 (IM) : Carlsen very sensible to take draw MightyViking (IM) : Two games already drawn. Booo. Ng5 (IM) : 2700+ players dont always resign in = positions Lapinews (IM) : True Topalov would resign as black ;) Ng5 (IM) : again i am impressed by Magnus, I thought he would be overconfident and overaggressive after the Topalov fiasco MightyViking (IM) : Clever Leko. The old tennis trick. 1/2-1/2
Morozevich-Svidler: Apertura Inglesa. Variante de los Cuatro Caballos. El Torneo Intercontinental de Morelia-Linares rindió tributo a uno de los torneos más importantes y vistosos de la historia del ajedrez mundial: Las Palmas 1.996. El denominado AVRO de finales del S. XX: El torneo de los "cinco campeones mundiales". ¡El mejor organizado de todos cuantos han habido!. Recuerden: Kaspárov, Anand, Topalov, Krámnik y Kárpov, con el plus de Ivanchuk (tres veces campeón de Linares). ¡Qué gran torneo aquel que pudimos vivir en directo! en nuestras queridas Islas Canarias. La historia está ahí y la recordamos cuántas veces queremos !?. Se siguió por los cauces de la partida Krámnik vs Kárpov de aquel torneo canario. Novedad de Svidler en la jugada quince y tablas en la dieciséis.
Morozevich,A (2741) - Svidler,P (2728) [A28]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (6), 24.02.2007
1.c4 '0' 1...e5 '11' 2.Cc3 '164' 2...Cc6 '8' 3.Cf3 '9' 3...Cf6 '3' 4.d4 '9' 4...exd4 '3' 5.Cxd4 '9' 5...Ab4 '3' 6.Ag5 '7 Ng5 (IM) : isnt this nothing for white ? Ng5 (IM) : dunno, i always thought this was nothing' 6...h6 '158 Ng5 (IM) : why do you say that ? Ng5 (IM) : not for long' 7.Ah4 '239 Ng5 (IM) : dunno, maybe he is saving his good openings for the next tournament Ng5 (IM) : and nobody has played it since' 7...Axc3+ '282 Ng5 (IM) : Botty played c4 e5 e4' 8.bxc3 '5 Immatt (GM) : Ne5 to g6 I think Ng5 (IM) : not exactly but he played that system a lot, its rubbish' 8...Ce5 '90 Immatt (GM) : f4, just Ng6 must be good for Black Immatt (GM) : Maybe f3 is an interseting idea Ng5 (IM) : Bg3 is an idea Immatt (GM) : Bg3 looks a little odd why not just d6? Ng5 (IM) : dunno, maybe he is saving his good openings for the next tournament Ng5 (IM) : Theory has moved on since Botvinnik Ng5 (IM) : Botvinnik played lots of bad lines, eg the h6 Rauzer' 9.f4 '872 Immatt (GM) : Ng6 Bxf6 Qxf6 g3 can that really be good for White? Immatt (GM) : I doubt it maybe a6 to threaten c5?' 9...Cg6 '157' [ 9...Cxc4? 10.e4 d5 11.Axc4 ( 11.e5 g5 12.exf6 gxh4=) 11...dxc4 12.e5 g5 13.fxg5! ( 13.exf6 gxh4 14.De2+ Rf8 15.Dxc4 Dxf6 16.Dxc7 h3 17.g3 De7+ 18.Dxe7+ Rxe7=) 13...Ce4 14.Dh5! Cxc3 ( 14...Cxg5 15.0-0!->) 15.e6! Axe6 16.Cxe6 Dd3 17.Cxc7+ Rd7 18.Dxf7+ Rc6 ( 18...Rd6? 19.Ag3+->; 18...Rc8 19.Df3+/=) 19.Df3+ Dxf3 20.gxf3 Rxc7 21.Tc1 Cxa2 22.Txc4+ Rd6 23.Rd2+/-] 10.Axf6 '34' 10...Dxf6 '20' 11.g3 '11 Immatt (GM) : Nxf4 gf Qh4 Kd2 Qxf4 e3 is nothing Immatt (GM) : maybe h5?' 11...Cf8 '431 Immatt (GM) : e4 d6 c5 maybe? Cowboystiefel (FM) : Isn't that the old Karpov-Kramnik game?' [ 11...Cxf4? 12.gxf4 Dh4+ 13.Rd2 Dxf4+ 14.e3+/-; 11...h5 12.Ag2 h4 13.Cb5 Db6 14.Dd4+/=] 12.Ag2 '1177 Immatt (GM) : maybe Qa6?' [ 12.e4?! d6 13.c5 dxc5 14.e5 Dd8 15.Cb3 Dxd1+ 16.Txd1 Ag4=/+] 12...Ce6 '143' [ 12...Da6? 13.Cb5+/-] 13.0-0 '55' 13...0-0 '121' 14.e4 '231' 14...d6 '114' 15.Dd2 '33 Cowboystiefel (FM) : solid equalizing stuff RLH2 (FM) : Anand-Ivanchuk will be played out i assume Adaptation (IM) : i think 4...e4 is the best route to equality' [ RR 15.f5 Cc5 16.Cb5 Ca6 17.Dd4 Te8 18.Ca3 Cc5 19.Cb5 Ca6 20.Tfe1 Te5 21.Ca3 Cc5 22.Cc2 Ad7 23.Ce3 Dg5 24.Cd5 Dd8 25.f6 c6 26.Ce7+ Rh7 27.Dxd6 gxf6 28.Cd5 cxd5 29.Dxc5 dxc4 Khismatullin,D (2534)-Tomashevsky,E (2480)/Moscow 2004/EXT 2005/0-1 (75)] 15...Ad7N '703 Adaptation (IM) : its also pretty easy to learn: white can move his knight to three squares and black answers bb4 to all of them :) Adaptation (IM) : sardanapal, there are quite a few games, theory assesses the position as about equal. it was also recommended by raetsky and chetverik (english ...e5) and palliser (tango!) Adaptation (IM) : e5 isnt drawish, neither is slav or queen's gambit depending on the variation... Adaptation (IM) : well how can you blame leko? hes black against the carlsen juggernaut and can take a draw... what would you do? jensk (IM) : I believe this Nf8!? is a Karpov-diea Adaptation (IM) : well its not that serious cyronix... but white probably has some advantage jensk (IM) : But anyway nice to see this older line at this level jensk (IM) : I believe Kramnik tried it out a few times i the 90es Adaptation (IM) : this is the kind of position that is horrible for both players ;) Adaptation (IM) : if he plays kh1 i'll be in shock Adaptation (IM) : rae1 looks best' [ RR 15...Cc5 16.Tae1 ( 16.Cb3 Ca4 17.Tac1 Ae6 18.Dd4 c5 19.Dxf6 gxf6 20.Tfd1 Cb2 21.Txd6 Cxc4 22.Td3 b6 23.e5 Tad8 24.Txd8 Txd8 25.exf6 Ce3 26.Af3 Cg4 27.Axg4 Axg4 28.Tc2 Td3 29.c4 Rh7 30.Cc1 Shahade,G (2320)-Akopian,V (2660)/New York 1998/CBM 064/0-1 (42)) 16...Tb8 ( RR 16...Te8 17.Cb3 Ca4 18.Dd4 Ae6 19.c5 Cxc5 20.Cxc5 Dxd4+ 21.cxd4 dxc5 22.d5 Ad7 23.Tc1 b6 24.Tfe1 Tad8 25.e5 Af5 26.Af3 h5 27.Rf2 g6 28.Te3 Rg7 29.h4 Te7 30.Ta3 a5 31.Te3 Schuurman,P (2274)-Makropoulou,M (2315)/Leon 2001/EXT 2002/1/2-1/2 (72)) 17.Te3 Ad7 18.Cb3 Cxb3 19.axb3 Ac6 20.Dd4 a6 21.Dxf6 1/2-1/2 Kramnik,V (2765)-Karpov,A (2775)/Las Palmas 1996/CD PDR] 16.Tae1 '802 Adaptation (IM) : ;)) MightyViking (IM) : Three draws already. ): Adaptation (IM) : yeah, this is horrible Adaptation (IM) : nobody even tries to win, white or black jensk (IM) : Boooooooo! And I just recently wrote in CT that quick draws was no problem today - I take it back! jensk (IM) : Sofia-rules, please! jensk (IM) : All these fantastic young players should try to win in EVERY game! Adaptation (IM) : played out? no. but top players clearly don't have the fighting spirit that they should have...' 1/2-1/2
Anand-Ivanchuk: Defensa Siciliana, Variante Najdorf, Ataque Inglés con 6…e5. Anand innovó con 10.h3 (el tipo de jugada que popularizó Bobby Fischer en la Defensa Siciliana). Vishy lanzó en tromba sus peones por el flanco de rey, pero el contraataque de Ivanchuk por el flanco de dama parecía ser suficiente para procurarle un certero contrajuego. Por lo tanto se cambiaron piezas en el centro y Vasily con precisas maniobras obtuvo la iniciativa a la altura de la jugada 21, pero cargándose bastante de tiempo. En el movimiento 25, Anand llevó su caballo al centro en una jugada que constituyó un serio error, que de haberlo aprovechado Ivanchuk le hubiera proporcionado la ganancia de un peón con una duradera ventaja posicional. En los apuros de tiempo del ucranio, Anand logró complicar y obtuvo el ansiado equilibrio.
Anand,V (2779) - Ivanchuk,V (2750) [C20]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (6), 24.02.2007
1.e4 0 1...c5 13 2.Cf3 12 2...d6 3 3.d4 8 3...cxd4 3 4.Cxd4 8 4...Cf6 3 5.Cc3 8 5...a6 4 6.Ae3 9 6...e5 3 7.Cb3 9 7...Ae6 10 8.Dd2 7 8...Cbd7 3 9.0-0-0 8 9...Ae7 4 [ RR 9...b5 10.f4 Tc8 11.Rb1 Dc7 12.h3 h5 13.Ad3 h4 14.Cd5 Axd5 15.exd5 e4 16.The1 Ae7 17.Ae2 Cb6 18.Ag4 Cc4 19.Df2 Cxg4 20.hxg4 h3 21.Ad4 h2 22.c3 Db7 23.De2 Rf8 24.g5 Topalov,V (2801)-Leko,P (2740)/Monte Carlo MNC 2006/The Week in Chess 594/0-1 (46)] 10.h3N 6 TheCoach (FM) : Magnus has lost twice against Leko! Today?? Lapinews (IM) : maybe both KT lol :) Lapinews (IM) : was joking :) Heine (GM) : he does? [ RR 10.Rb1 b5 11.f4 exf4 12.Axf4 Ce5 13.De3 Dc7 14.h3 0-0 15.g4 Tfc8 16.Th2 h6 17.De1 Cf3 18.Df2 Cxh2 19.Dxh2 b4 20.Cd5 Axd5 21.exd5 a5 22.Cd4 a4 23.Cf5 b3 24.c4 a3 Kobalia,M (2630)-Naiditsch,A (2571)/playchess.com INT 2004/The Week in Chess 493/0-1 (34); RR 10.f4 Cg4 11.g3 Cxe3 12.Dxe3 0-0 13.Rb1 Cf6 14.f5 Ad7 15.Tg1 h6 16.h4 Ce8 17.Cd2 Tc8 18.Cd5 Cf6 19.Cxe7+ Dxe7 20.g4 h5 21.gxh5 Cxh5 22.Dh6 Aa4 23.Ad3 1-0 Amonatov,F (2588)-Tihonov,J (2454)/Moscow 2006] 10...b5 2838 11.g4 55 11...0-0 12 Guillermito (IM) : g4 is the point 12.Rb1 522 12...Dc7 992 mishel (IM) : g5 b4? objectivity (FM) : long live the FIns! Sweere (GM) : I live one block of Barrett Ave Sweere (GM) : Richmond, a SF suburb 13.Ag2 552 mishel (IM) : I like Nb6 here Sweere (GM) : I agree with sdr assessment of Pink Floyd, I didn't even her about them until Barrett was already gone objectivity (FM) : Nb6 Na5 Sweere (GM) : that's right Vasil may avoid this Sweere (GM) : this h3 stuff is interesting Sweere (GM) : I don't know much about it Sweere (GM) : likely Sweere (GM) : the immediate h3 (Fischer) is usually answered with ...e6 Sweere (GM) : Fedorowicz played it against me a long time ago I was worse with White Sweere (GM) : Leko playes like he's 64 already [ 13.g5 b4] 13...Cb6 443 Adaptation (IM) : is that the real time? ivanchuk doesn't really have 50 mins less than anand... Ng5 (IM) : Na5 ? b4 Ng5 (IM) : the position is fine for Ivanchuck, time is not a problem 14.Axb6 187 [ 14.Ca5 b4!] 14...Dxb6 20 15.f4 11 Ng5 (IM) : ef is OK Ng5 (IM) : ef e5 ?? de Ba8 Ra8 and black wins Sweere (GM) : I didn't expect Bb6, but it must be good Ng5 (IM) : black can play anything, no threat Sweere (GM) : nobody Ng5 (IM) : I would love to lose that bishop. losing my 2 best pawns would worry me though jensk (IM) : I believe Anand in this game is trying out the good old anti-Tchuky-trick - unusual moves in the openning which makes him think his head off Adaptation (IM) : is it just me or is black better? Ng5 (IM) : looks = to me junior (GM) : its just you jensk (IM) : Ha! Only 15 moves played but only less than 40 minutes left- he will go down...perhaps Ng5 (IM) : my shredder has 9 moves all = mishel (IM) : black's position looks quite solid, but i don't see a move which i would like Ng5 (IM) : Kasparov will dump Fisher when he has finished his books 15...Ac4 750 Ng5 (IM) : Rac8 is fine Adaptation (IM) : This is the last game, let's hope it ends decisively. Ng5 (IM) : g5 is natural mishel (IM) : don't need to END decisively, just need to be a fight, draws can be great fights too Adaptation (IM) : Well I meant let's hope they don't play two more moves, call it "unclear" and then agree a draw. Ng5 (IM) : f5 ? b4 Nd5 Nd5 ed a5 is good for black Adaptation (IM) : The others are dogs zoomzoom?! :)) Adaptation (IM) : true floyd? Ng5 (IM) : whatever happened to the y2k bug ? Adaptation (IM) : even the fastest *occasionally* take some time in their games Ng5 (IM) : so .YY is safe now ? it wont cause a global disaster ? [ 15...exf4 16.The1= ( 16.e5? dxe5 17.Axa8 Txa8|^) ] 16.g5 560 [ 16.f5? b4 17.Cd5 ( 17.g5 Axb3 18.gxf6 bxc3 19.Dxc3 Axa2+ 20.Rxa2 Axf6-/+) 17...Cxd5 18.exd5 a5-/+] 16...Ch5 11 jtayar88 (FM) : g5?! 17.fxe5 11 jtayar88 (FM) : o i see the idea Adaptation (IM) : looks a bit suspicious... 17...dxe5 20 jtayar88 (FM) : nd5 bd5 ed5 nf4 be4 looks pretty good 18.Cd5 11 18...Axd5 44 Adaptation (IM) : to me bxd5 exd5 bd6 looks okay for black mishel (IM) : to me too 19.exd5 20 Adaptation (IM) : knight goes to f4, the d-pawn is blockaded for now, and black has the open c-file and maybe ...a5-a4 mishel (IM) : Nb3 is misplaced Ng5 (IM) : looks = but interesting Adaptation (IM) : bd6 best, no doubt Adaptation (IM) : why a draw grandpatzer? the position is interesting, lots of play Ng5 (IM) : a5 ? d6 Rad8 dxe7 wins 19...Ad6 154 Adaptation (IM) : unfortunately nf4? can be met by d6! [ 19...Cf4? 20.d6+/-; 19...a5? 20.d6 Tad8 ( 20...Tfd8 21.Axa8+-) 21.dxe7 Txd2 22.exf8D+ Rxf8 23.Txd2+-] 20.Ca5 22 Kingway (IM) : of course it will be a draw, the "draw flu" is strong today ... lol ... olimpus (IM) : Go Vishy! Today is your day!! Kingway (IM) : opposite bishops increase winning chances in this middlegame, only in endgames do they become drawish Adaptation (IM) : f5? is met just be gxf6 Kingway (IM) : f5 gxf6 rf6 followed by raf8/nf4 is reasonable Adaptation (IM) : is there even a shredder 10? Adaptation (IM) : i dont keep track of the ever-blossoming engines :) [ 20.Af3 Cf4=] 20...f5 248 Adaptation (IM) : anand has to play gxf6, otherwise the e and f pawns will dominate mishel (IM) : now black is not afraid of the emergence of the white knight on c6, because he had the f-file for his rooks olimpus (IM) : Stop inviting Kramnik?! The World Champion?! 21.gxf6 374 21...Txf6|^ 20 22.Thf1 11 RLH2 (FM) : Leko shouldve beat Kramnik in that matc Adaptation (IM) : probably dualist, because leko is one of the worlds strongest Adaptation (IM) : sdrawkcab, Your prediction comes too late, Kamsky came back a while ago Adaptation (IM) : in 10 years rybka 16 will be doing a simul between the world's top 10 :) mishel (IM) : Raf8 looks logical, but still black has some coordination problems 22...Te8 431 Adaptation (IM) : I would play Raf8. I thought Black would be much worse here but now I'm starting to see: if White has any advantage it is minor... The problem is of course Ivanchuk's 17 minutes. [ 22...Taf8; 22...Txf1 23.Axf1 e4 24.Cc6=] 23.Txf6 22 23...Cxf6 20 [ 23...gxf6? 24.Dh6 Dxa5 25.Ae4+/- Dc7 ( 25...Cg7? 26.Axh7+ Rh8 27.Tg1 Dc7 28.Ag6+ Rg8 29.Dh7+ Rf8 30.Ah5 Tc8 31.Dh8+ Re7 32.Txg7#) 26.Dxh5] 24.Cb3 11 Adaptation (IM) : 24...e4 is met by 25.Nd4 24...e4 55 25.Cd4? 22 Adaptation (IM) : drunkman, I said e4 was met by Nd4, not that it was bad Adaptation (IM) : its 12:56 anyway :) mishel (IM) : Re5 now? Herman (IM) : Re5 Adaptation (IM) : Black has a nice position after Re5 [ >=25.De2 Te5 ( 25...Db7 26.c4 bxc4 27.Dxc4=) 26.c4 bxc4 27.Dxc4 Df2 28.Af1 e3 29.Ae2 Df5+ 30.Ra1 Dxh3 31.Dxa6=] 25...Te5 132 Herman (IM) : yes!! Adaptation (IM) : anand will play Qc3 I think, just to get some counterplay mishel (IM) : vasily is making a strategic masterpiece! 26.c3

154 Adaptation (IM) : I prefer Indian food to Mexican food... Don't like anything spicy ;) Adaptation (IM) : how could I not Natal? mishel (IM) : damn i'd love anand to lose after playing h3 in the opening! Adaptation (IM) : Maybe Ivanchuk will get scared in his time trouble and refrain from rxd5? mishel (IM) : Nxd5 is fine too, i guess Adaptation (IM) : kakashka, is that you Bobby? Adaptation (IM) : Yes, 70 minutes more is a bit embarrassing [ 26.Dc3 Dc5 27.Dxc5 Axc5 28.Cb3 Ab6 29.d6 Rf7=/+] 26...Dc5? 297 Adaptation (IM) : Anand must play Qe2, cause Ivanchuk more practical problems in his time trouble Indiana-Jones (GM) : any idea why Qc5 not Exd5? Adaptation (IM) : White is very much alive after Qe2, Anand should move and make Ivanchuk think on his own time Indiana-Jones (GM) : rxd5, now after Qe2 not clear... [ 26...Txd5! 27.Dc2 Te5 28.a4 Rh8 29.Db3 h6 30.Af1 b4 31.Ac4 e3 32.cxb4 Axb4 33.Cc2 a5 34.Cxb4 axb4 35.Ab5 Te4 36.Te1 h5 37.Ad3 Te5=/+] 27.De2 324 Indiana-Jones (GM) : Qc5?? Adaptation (IM) : Qxd5? Nf5 27...Cxd5 99 Adaptation (IM) : Ivanchuk secretly hopes for Bxe4?? Nf6 :) Adaptation (IM) : I would play Nb3 Adaptation (IM) : It would be interesting to see a polling sample on who thinks Ivanchuk will win, who thinks it will be a draw, etc... [ 27...Dxd5? 28.Cf5] 28.Axe4= 110 Adaptation (IM) : I must be blind 28...Cf6 11 29.Cb3 20 Adaptation (IM) : Rxe4 Nxc5 is about equal Petrovich (GM) : 30 minutes = 1 pawn 29...Dc7 55 Adaptation (IM) : So the question is what WHite does after Qc7 (Ne2 Qe7 with strong pressure) [ 29...Txe4!? 30.Cxc5 Txe2 31.Txd6 Th2 32.Txa6 Txh3 33.Tb6 Th1+ 34.Rc2 h5 35.Txb5 h4 36.Tb8+ Rh7 37.Ce6 h3 38.Tb4 h2 39.Th4+ Rg8 40.a4 Ce4=/+ ( 40...Te1 41.Txh2 Txe6 42.b4©) 41.Rd3 Cg3 42.Rc2 Cf1 43.a5 g5 44.Cxg5 Tg1 45.a6 Txg5 46.Rd1 Te5 47.a7 Te8 48.b4 Ta8 49.Re1 Ce3 50.Txh2 Txa7=] 30.Cd2 11 Adaptation (IM) : Anand thinks he is playing blitz... Ivanchuk is playing blitz :) 30...De7 77 31.Dd3 44 Adaptation (IM) : Drunkman : anand disconnected....... (unfortunately Ivanchuk doesn't have noescape on one) 31...Ac5 33 Adaptation (IM) : Ivanchuk goes for the win! Adaptation (IM) : Even if he loses we can all admire his bravery Adaptation (IM) : With 4 minutes he sidesteps the drawing line 32.Ag2 47 Adaptation (IM) : damnit modulator (IM) : lol Adaptation (IM) : federico you've played 23000 blitz games on ICC, a lot for a "loser sport", no? 1/2-1/2
Se nos va a acabando este periplo mexicano de nuestro querido y añorado Torneo Internacional de Linares. Permítanme compañeros, que dé ahora una vueltecita por México y sus costumbres, empezando claro está por Morelia, ciudad muy bonita y graciosa, capital del Estado de Michoacán de Ocampo. Situada justo en el centro del mapa.
Ilustra el estilo noble y señorial de todo el Estado. Sus edificios, ecos de la época del Virreinato, se conservan en su grandeza. El trazo de sus calles conduce casi siempre, a la magnificencia de alguna construcción colonial.
Si fuéramos hacia el norte nos encontraríamos con el Estado de Sonora que gracias a su privilegiada ubicación, es un destino turístico seguro y único que espera al visitante con ciudades tapizadas de leyenda e historia, hermosas playas enmarcadas de color y riqueza y un desierto que se une a la sierra. ¡Ay! esas aguas cálidas y transparentes de los arrecifes de coral de Cozumel, Quintana Roo, que están pobladas por una vida submarina de lo más caprichosa y bella. Nombrar a México es recordar una famosa bebida llamada tequila, un aguardiente que se elabora mediante la destilación del mosto fermentado que se obtiene del corazón de una planta conocida como agave azul, semejante a una gigantesca piña. ¡Y que me dicen de Yucatán! , tierra de leyendas, de sol y esparcimiento. Pocos lugares en el mundo tienen el privilegio de conjugar historia, playas, bellezas naturales, exquisita gastronomía y la atención de un pueblo tradicionalmente hospitalario o del municipio de Aguascalientes, cuyo nombre se debe a la abundancia de aguas termales existentes en la zona, que aún conserva vestigios de su historia de más de cuatrocientos años, por lo que es considerado como tesoro colonial, ya que ofrece al visitante un conjunto armónico conformado por lo antiguo y lo moderno. Otra visita obligada es a Teotitlán del Valle, en el Estado de Oaxaca, ¡tierra de Dioses!. Y hay que ver la sierra de Chihuahua dentro de la Reserva Nacional Barrancas del Cobre, una de las regiones más impresionantes. La combinación de barrancas, pueblos indígenas y construcciones coloniales hacen de este lugar un paraíso para la exploración. Y si queremos un recuerdo habría que valorar las hábiles manos de los artesanos de San Miguel de Allende que producen bellísimos objetos elaborados en latón, lana, vidrio soplado y cerámica. Artesanías todas, cubiertas por el aura de la historia y la cultura, reconocidas en México y en el mundo por su delicadeza y buen gusto. O remontar el Cerro de la Silla que constituye un emblema de la ciudad de Monterrey, capital del Estado de Nuevo León. Y no nos podemos olvidar del folklore encabezado por un grupo de mariachis, conjuntos musicales que representan a uno de los iconos de la cultura mexicana, con esa música que desde el sur se toca con marimba hasta el norte con acordeón y sus corridos, poniéndonos encima un buen "sarape de Saltillo" un textil de forma rectangular tejido generalmente en dos lienzos unidos por el centro. Terminaremos visitando la costa oriental en donde nos toparemos con el famoso Estado de Veracruz, donde nos dejaremos conquistar por sus bellezas naturales, hermosas ciudades, su cultura, tradiciones, su modernidad y excitante aventura. Y todo dejándonos envolver por las aguas cristalinas del Mar Caribe que poseen una menor salinidad que las de nuestro querido Océano Atlántico.
¡Así es México!.
Clasificación tras la sexta ronda:
1. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2690 4.0;
2. Aronian, Levon g ARM 2744 3.5;
3. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2779 3.5;
4. Leko, Peter g HUN 2749 3.0;
5. Svidler, Peter g RUS 2728 3.0;
6. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2750 3.0;
7. Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2783 2.0;
8. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2741 2.0.
Séptima y última ronda de Morelia (Domingo 25-2-2.007):
Recibid un cordial saludo,
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