Basilio III, Rey de Linares
Permítanme que españolice al jugador ucranio. Vasiliy Ivanchuk, ganador por tres veces del Torneo Internacional Ciudad de Linares (1.989, 1.991 y 1.995) bien podría ganarse el honorable título de Rey del ajedrez.
Ayer se impuso en gran estilo en la segunda ronda de la XXIV edición del torneo, al favorito del evento, el búlgaro y ex–campeón del mundo, Veselin Topalov.
Antes de entrar a definir las partidas, quisiera repasar estos tres grandes torneos de Vasily Ivanchuk, disputados en el Wimbledon del ajedrez.
En 1.989, en un Categoría XVI, Ivanchuk se impuso por delante de Kárpov (superándolo en ½ punto) sin conocer la derrota y con un fantástico +5 de 10 partidas. Pedía el relevo a los occidentales Short y Timman, a los que venció; algo que todavía resultaba ser demasiado pronto, pues el inglés años más tarde se mediría en un match con Kaspárov, al igual que el holandés haría lo propio con Kárpov. Pero sin embargo sí que adelantó en el escalafón mundial a jugadores de la talla de Beliavsky, Andrei Sokólov que, por ejemplo, había tocado techo dos años antes y al Candidato Hjartarson. Allí les venció y les pidió la alternativa.
En 1.991, Ivanchuk consiguió el éxito más sonado de su carrera (Categoría XVII). Se impuso en Linares y adelantó a un tal Kaspárov y a un tal Kárpov . También en aquella ocasión acabó imbatido, dándole alas para el resto del torneo la famosa victoria obtenida ante Kaspárov en la primera ronda, justo cuando llegaba al pueblo jienense en la madrugada anterior al inicio del torneo, por problemas técnicos en su vuelo a Madrid. Con muy pocas horas de sueño, optó por una variante poco teórica contra la Defensa Siciliana de Garry (la variante Rossolimo) y se impuso en gran estilo táctico en una partida que dio la vuelta al mundo. Recuerdo ahora como nada más llegar a mis manos el recorte de prensa con la partida, corrí con ella al Club de Ajedrez para verla con los allí presentes, Lucas Mendoza, Adalberto Villavicencio y José Luis Fernández.
Como era poco con aquello, otro de los que cayó en aquel torneo a los pies de Vasily fue el gélido Tolia. Y luego se deshizo de los entonces muchachitos Anand, Gelfand y Kamsky, aparte del siempre sólido Gurevich. ¡Qué gran torneo aquel!.
Y por último, como no hay dos sin tres, en 1.995, en otro Categoría XVII, Chucky volvió a subir al trono del ajedrez de torneos. Fue el año de la famosa victoria de Illescas contra Short, que con tanto orgullo nos contó de sus vicisitudes, el maestro español días atrás en Tenerife. Para no ser menos que en los otros dos torneos, Ivanchuk acabó imbatido. Logró un +7 (de 13 partidas) y sus víctimas fueron: Topalov, Beliavsky, Tiviakov, Dreev, Ljubojevic, Lautier y Akopian.
Por todo ello, Ivanchuk fue proclamado Rey de Linares, con el nombre de Basilio III.
Ivanchuk-Topalov: Vasily entró al torneo de incógnito y mejor que mejor. Digamos que no ha tenido tiempo de ponerse nervioso (!?). Me llama la atención ver la importancia que le dan los maestros en el ICC a la preparación de las partidas. Eso puede ser con casi todos, pero no con Vasily. Estoy convencido de que Ivanchuk se prepara permanentemente (!?). Siempre está con el ajedrez. No concibe el descanso. Nada de desconectar para alegrar el espíritu. El siempre está "alegre" viendo partidas y buscando ideas en todas las aperturas. En ese aspecto por eso resulta tan difícil prepararse contra él, porque es impredecible. Ayer siguió una línea que el jovencito Carlsen había empleado contra Anand en Wijk aan Zee 2.007. ¡Qué buena conexión entre Linares y Wijk aan Zee!. ¿Verdad?. Resulta que todo el mundo se va a b3 con el alfil. Ivanchuk mientras la veía en casa, se preguntó: ¿Y que pasa si tomo en e6 y luego presiono sobre los peones débiles?. ¡A trabajar en la posición se ha dicho!… . Y eso fue lo que hizo. Y ayer lo pudo poner en práctica. ¡Y vamos que si presionó a Topalov!. El caballo de dama blanco hizo florituras: c3-a4-b6-d5, para por fin immolarse en e7!. Este es el Ivanchuk que a todos nos gusta ver !!. En la jugada 23 se produjo el fatal desenlace para Topalov. En el ICC se recomendaba una mejor ubicación para la dama negra (23…Df6!). Rybka 2.3 así lo corrobora después. Vasily no perdonó, abrió el flanco de dama y se comió la fruta. A partir de ahí, con buena técnica, se impuso progresivamente; no sin antes todos ver, como en el control de la jugada 40, Topalov en uno de sus típicos despistes de concentración (catalogados al dedillo por el ejército ruso) se dejó definitivamente la partida.
¡Cuidado con Basilio III, que cuando coge la onda… no lo para absolutamente nadie!. Recuerden también que en la primera ronda, no le ganó a Leko de milagro (por los apuros de tiempo).
Ivanchuk,V (2750) - Topalov,V (2783) [B90]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (2), 18.02.2007
[ICC+Rybka 2.3+Jimenez]
VerdeNotte (IM) : interesting game VerdeNotte (IM) : why have the others started then? 1.e4 0 1...c5 3 2.Cf3 4 2...d6 42 playlikestevie (IM) : that would be a great game I think! ICCWebCast (DM) : There are problems right now with the server. ICCWebCast (DM) : Just as soon as it's corrected, you'll be notified in channel 165 to connect. 3.d4 373 3...cxd4 1 4.Cxd4 3 4...Cf6 3 5.Cc3 2 5...a6 2 6.Ae3 2 6...e5 2 7.Cf3 12 7...Ae7 5 8.Ac4 3 8...0-0 3 9.0-0 13 9...Ae6 6 10.Axe6N 3 [ RR 10.Dd3 Cc6 11.a3 Ca5 12.Axe6 fxe6 13.Ca4 Cd7 14.b4 Cc6 15.c4 De8 16.Cd2 Rh8 17.Cb3 Dg6 18.Cb6 Cxb6 19.Axb6 Tac8 20.Tad1 Tf7 21.f3 h6 22.b5 Cb8 23.a4 Af8 24.Ae3 Cd7 Shirov,A (2740)-Gavrikov,V (2600)/Horgen 1994/CD PDR/1/2-1/2 (31); RR 10.Ab3 Cc6 ( RR 10...b5 11.De2 h6 12.a3 ( RR 12.Ce1 Cbd7 13.Cd3 Da5 14.a3 Tfc8 15.Df3 Dd8 16.h3 Tab8 17.Cb4 Axb3 18.cxb3 a5 19.Cbd5 b4 20.axb4 axb4 21.Cxf6+ Cxf6 22.Cd5 Cxd5 23.exd5 Ag5 24.Ta7 Tc7 25.Txc7 Dxc7 26.Tc1 De7 Xie Jun (2515)-De Firmian,N (2590)/San Francisco 1995/CD PDR/1/2-1/2 (42); RR 12.Tfd1 Cbd7 13.a3 De8 14.Ce1 Tc8 15.f3 Cc5 16.Aa2 Axa2 17.Txa2 Ce6 18.Cd3 a5 19.Cc1 Cd4 20.Axd4 exd4 21.Cxb5 d5 22.e5 d3 23.Dxd3 Ac5+ 24.Rh1 Dxe5 25.Cb3 Ae3 26.Te1 Tfe8 Short,N (2645)-Kasparov,G (2795)/Horgen 1995/CD PDR/1/2-1/2 (37)) 12...Cbd7 13.Ch4 Te8 14.Cf5 Af8 15.Tfd1 Dc7 16.Df3 Rh7 17.Cd5 Axd5 18.Axd5 Cxd5 19.Txd5 Cf6 20.Td2 Te6 21.g4 Db7 22.Cg3 Tc8 23.h4 g6 24.g5 Ce8 25.h5 Kramnik,V (2777)-Topalov,V (2735)/Cap D'Agde FRA 2003/The Week in Chess 468/1-0 (51)) 11.Ag5 Cd7 12.Axe7 Dxe7 13.Cd5 Dd8 14.c3 Ca5 RR 15.Ac2 ( 15.Te1 Tc8 16.h3 Cb6 17.Cxb6 Dxb6 18.Axe6 fxe6 19.Te2 Tc6 20.Dd3 Dc7 21.Td1 Cc4 22.b3 Cb6 23.c4 Cc8 24.Ted2 h6 Anand,V (2792)-Leko,P (2740)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2006/The Week in Chess 585/1-0 (49)) 15...Cc4 16.b3 Ca3 17.Ce3 Cxc2 18.Dxc2 Tc8 19.Tfd1 Tc6 20.Tac1 b5 1/2-1/2 Carlsen,M (2690)-Anand,V (2779)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 637] 10...fxe6 1 11.Ca4 4 Blitz-King (IM) : If Nbd7 then Ng5! KillerChess (IM) : Ng4 Cloudbuster (IM) : is danailov already waving? Cloudbuster (IM) : maybe he shoves his finger up his .... to give some hints nataf (GM) : this move looks bad 11...Cg4 788 [ 11...Cbd7 12.Cg5; 11...Cxe4 12.Cb6 Ta7 13.Dd3 Cg5 14.Cxg5 Axg5 15.Axg5 Dxg5 16.Dxd6+/-] 12.Dd3 3 nataf (GM) : Nbd7 here was bad Ng4 wins nataf (GM) : sorry nataf (GM) : Nbd7 Ng5 wins ! nataf (GM) : Ng4 is the best nataf (GM) : I mean if instead of Ng4, black would have gone 11...Nbd7? then 12.Ng5 ! +- was the idea nataf (GM) : here white has a trick nataf (GM) : if Nxe3 Qxe3-b5 Nb6-Rxf3? gxf3-Bg5 f4!-Bxf4 Qb3!-Qxb6 Qxe6+-Kf8 Rd1 and white has a big edge nataf (GM) : ivanchuk very tricky in the preparation nowadys nataf (GM) : . plays for positional tricks nataf (GM) : guys, we don't care so much if kramnik beats topalov or the reverse !? no? here we have ivanchuk topalov , so what for to speak about kramnik right now ? nataf (GM) : salut Gary ! nataf (GM) : all the time I log, there are arguments topalov vs Kramnik :) nataf (GM) : yes, I was amazed how ivanchuk was tricky nataf (GM) : . it reminds me his match vs Radji from Odessa 3 months ago nataf (GM) : lines are nothing but full of tricks playlikestevie (IM) : No respect for Kramnik if he don't play. If he is the best lets show it Cloudbuster (IM) : is danailovs finger the best player in the world? Cloudbuster (IM) : or his mobile phone? nataf (GM) : haha , gary you saw ? :) nataf (GM) : already 50 posts on kramnik and Topi :) nataf (GM) : yes but moro plays a bit too much on the edge sometimes nataf (GM) : pl nataf (GM) : ok nataf (GM) : I think nataf (GM) : ivanchuk nataf (GM) : missed something nataf (GM) : in preparation nataf (GM) : I just see it now nataf (GM) : it's draw by force nataf (GM) : but imposssible for topi to find :) nataf (GM) : I guess nataf (GM) : unless... :) nataf (GM) : ok I will give the line nataf (GM) : here I see draw by force nataf (GM) : 12...b5 nataf (GM) : . now let me developp nataf (GM) : 12...b5 13.Nb6 Rxf3! nataf (GM) : 12...b5 13.Nb6 Rxf3! 14.gxf3 Nxe3 15.Qxe3 Bg5 16.f4!? Bxf4 17.Qb3 d5!!(the move he missed) 18.Nxa8 Qg5+ 19.Kh1 Qg5 20.h3 Nd7 and DRAW nataf (GM) : thks arteacher to say that I spam, next time find the line yourself nataf (GM) : I think rizioo either he thinks topi will not see d5 in his calculations , or ivanchuk missed it nataf (GM) : . to me the line is pretty forced nataf (GM) : . I repeat a bit . Ivanchuk wants to put a positional grip here with some Qb3 next nataf (GM) : but Black has a DRAW : 12...b5 13.Nb6 Rxf3! 14.gxf3 Nxe3 15.Qxe3 Bg5 16.f4!? Bxf4 17.Qb3 d5!!(the move he missed) 18.Nxa8 Qg5+ 19.Kh1 Qg5 20.h3 Nd7 and DRAW nataf (GM) : sorry Qh5 nataf (GM) : . at move 19.. Guys nataf (GM) : well guys, I don't know , but I think could be valuable for those who play najdorf with black nataf (GM) : . and didn't want to be bothered by this line in the future ! nataf (GM) : now if you call it spam, ok :) playlikestevie (IM) : It always good when somwoene gives good variation 12...Cxe3 1136 [ 12...b5 13.Cb6 Txf3 14.gxf3 Cxe3 15.Dxe3 Ag5 16.f4 Axf4 17.Dh3! ( 17.Db3? d5! 18.Cxa8 Dg5+ 19.Rh1 Dh5 20.h3 Cd7!-/+) 17...Ta7 ( 17...Dxb6 18.Dxe6+ Rf8 19.Tfd1 Axh2+ 20.Rg2 Af4 21.Txd6 Dc7 22.Df5+ Rg8 23.Tad1 Cc6 24.Td7+-) 18.Dxe6+ Tf7 19.Cc8 Dd7 20.Dxd7 Txd7 21.Cb6+-] 13.Dxe3 17 funnybird (FM) : does it matter? He analyses all the time, i guess VoinG (IM) : black is better playlikestevie (IM) : Nd7 seems no good Qb3 nataf (GM) : hm actually it's tricky a bit right playlikestevie (IM) : b5 should be the move 13...b5 165 nataf (GM) : after b5 Nb6-Rxf3 gxf3-Bg5 Qb3! with the idea Qxb6 Qxe6+-Kf8 nataf (GM) : . and now f4 ! nataf (GM) : . forcing Be7 fxe5-Qc5 14.Cb6 26 nataf (GM) : ivanchuk will play this game by prepa nataf (GM) : actually there is a correspondance game playlikestevie (IM) : Rf3 seems very interisting nataf (GM) : that's why I feel ivanchuk knows it now nataf (GM) : Rxf3 gxf3-Bg5 and now Qb3 ! (not f4?)-Qxb6 Qxe6+-Kf8 f4!! (the critical mvoe) Be7 fxe5-Qc5 exd6 white should be better nataf (GM) : . chess became a bit strange nowadays with all this theorie ! 14...Ta7 118 Drahacik (FM) : Ivanchuk has to prepare every night. The other guys have been preparing for a couple weeks, and only have to prepare one night (for Ivanchuk). nataf (GM) : yes Ra7 probably a better practical choice nataf (GM) : because if you go Rxf3 vs a guy that played all a tempo nataf (GM) : . it's not so practical nataf (GM) : . you might miss a move sometimes and you lose without playing nataf (GM) : . here black is a bit worse maybe (and even not sure) nataf (GM) : but it's totally playable" nataf (GM) : I think topi won't lose this kind of position and might equalise quickly PorkChopsTamer (IM) : Rf3 looks dangerous after a4 nataf (GM) : interesting note shadows nataf (GM) : but after a4 I get Rxf3 and Bg5 now for sure nataf (GM) : but Nd5 might fall to exd5 indeed nataf (GM) : and if Nc8 I have Rc7 which is the difference with Nd5 variation Cloudbuster (IM) : where is danailov? Cloudbuster (IM) : is he allowed to go to the tournament hall? nataf (GM) : salut ! VerdeNotte (IM) : I think Topalov got help with Ra7 VerdeNotte (IM) : I guarantee all comp programs would suggest it DeadHorse (IM) : ;) Cloudbuster (IM) : what does a thumb up the ass mean?? DeadHorse (IM) : LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL DeadHorse (IM) : You guys will be muzzled soon DeadHorse (IM) : looooool Cloudbuster (IM) : means that topalov is hot [ 14...Txf3 15.gxf3 Ag5 16.f4 ( 16.Db3 Dxb6 17.Dxe6+ Rf8 18.f4 Ae7 19.fxe5 Dc5 20.exd6 Dxd6+/=) 16...Axf4 17.Db3 Dxb6 18.Dxe6+ Rf8 19.Tfd1 Axh2+ 20.Rg2 Cc6 21.Txd6+-] 15.Cd5 563 [ 15.a4 Txf3 16.gxf3 Ag5 17.Db3 Dxb6 18.Dxe6+ Tf7 19.axb5 Dxb5=; 15.Cc8 Tc7=] 15...Tb7 20 DeadHorse (IM) : well i kinda saw it coming DeadHorse (IM) : exd5 looked a bit artificial Cloudbuster (IM) : r u danailovs right hand, chocobot? DeadHorse (IM) : omg ol Cloudbuster (IM) : i knew you'd prefer danailov Vandelay (IM) : why couldn't topalov have used the Rxf3 trick on move 14 (instead of 14...Ra7)? DeadHorse (IM) : i predict a muzzle coming soon DeadHorse (IM) : art vandelay? are you an architect? DeadHorse (IM) : at least show some respect LazyPawn (IM) : Is black's Be7 so great that it's worth playing all those N moves just to trade it? :-) Nc3-a4-b6-d5-e7 LazyPawn (IM) : Nc3 would be funny indeed, he "provoked" b5 and Rb7 laity (IM) : xd5 xa7 xe4 Nd2 d5!? 16.Dd2 635 nataf (GM) : back nataf (GM) : so Topalov didn't want to play for unbalanced with exd5 I see nataf (GM) : . he thought that the rook was not that bad on b7 nataf (GM) : which might be true nataf (GM) : . Ivanchuk is playing a bit strange I Feel nataf (GM) : what for Qd2? nataf (GM) : I go now Nc6 then what ? nataf (GM) : if Rfd1 , I go Bg4!? nataf (GM) : Bh4 I mean nataf (GM) : I don't like Kh8 that much nataf (GM) : due to Nxe7+ and Ra(f)d1 nataf (GM) : . then after Rd7 I have Qa5 nataf (GM) : the queen can be nasty there nataf (GM) : I suggest nataf (GM) : . Nc6 nataf (GM) : to take squares nataf (GM) : from the white queen nataf (GM) : on the queenside [ 16.Cxe7+ Dxe7 17.Tfd1 Tc8=] 16...Cc6 458 nataf (GM) : :) nataf (GM) : you see ? am I a magician ! lol nataf (GM) : :) nataf (GM) : well the knight you must developp nataf (GM) : it's a good square nataf (GM) : well knallo don't joke too much , because those mvoes are important ! I mean there was choice , with Kh8 , Bh4 ,etc.. nataf (GM) : And in the game it's this kind of moves you don't play ! nataf (GM) : Even if they look rather obvious VerdeNotte (IM) : is Rxf3 a threat? faust (IM) : rad1 VerdeNotte (IM) : Rad1 Rxf3 Nxe7 Rxe7 gf3 Nd4 Qe3 Rf7 nataf (GM) : now I explain the difference between Nc6 Nxe7-Qxe7 and 16...Kh8 17.Nxe7 Qxe7 nataf (GM) : . now nataf (GM) : . the rook STANDS well on b7 because it's DIRECTED vs a4 break nataf (GM) : . after a4, I will go bxa4 hitting on b2 nataf (GM) : that's why if I had gone Kh8 instead of Nc6, after Nxe7+ Qxe7-Rfd1 , black would be forced to go Rd7 (no more rook on b file) and then Qa5 or a4 would be unpleasant nataf (GM) : . now after Nxe7+-Qxe7 Rfd1 I go Rd8 ! and I keep the other rook on the "b" line , and then white has a misplaced knight on f3 in my view nataf (GM) : then if the pawn on b5 restricts the 3 pawns on c,a and b, it's fine nataf (GM) : yes but rizioo nataf (GM) : the idea is to go d5 at some point LUCIANA (GM) : rf3 may be possibe at some point nataf (GM) : well this I don't think Luciana , because no more "light pieces" to join the attack nataf (GM) : Rg1-g3, and Kh1 nataf (GM) : looks easy nataf (GM) : but ok, of course depends of the course of the events nataf (GM) : . might be if white is really careless nataf (GM) : actualyl in this line you said nataf (GM) : it's maybe possible nataf (GM) : if let's say Nxe7+ Qxe7 Rfd1 , it's maybe possible to go Rd8 for d5, but also Rxf3 and Nd4 here nataf (GM) : in my opinion, ivanchuk has nothing nataf (GM) : . and will soon offer a draw nataf (GM) : .But he tried to play for a trick in the opening (offered the appealing Rxf3) and as it didn't work, he won't try much I Guess LUCIANA (GM) : that line by rybka is infact interesting nataf (GM) : he won't malancholic nataf (GM) : I am sure he will offer draw fast here nataf (GM) : because he must not get tired , as he just got invited at the last moment nataf (GM) : he has to adapt to the rythme of the tournament nataf (GM) : and this position is not without risk for him nataf (GM) : Rxf3 coming , d5 coming nataf (GM) : actually it's easier for black practically I Feel LUCIANA (GM) : rad1 i guess rf3 RLH2 (FM) : nb4 nataf (GM) : well depends vs whom deepNf3 :) RLH2 (FM) : nb4.... nataf (GM) : well that's where you are wrong melancholic :) nataf (GM) : me I bet there will be a draw offer in next 3 or 4 moves nataf (GM) : but maybe topalov will reject nataf (GM) : . this I don't know nataf (GM) : but it will be from Ivanchuk I guess nataf (GM) : the draw offer nataf (GM) : yes Mcfly LUCIANA (GM) : rf3 is unpleasant,must find some move to stop it [ 16...Rh8 17.Cxe7 Dxe7 18.Tfd1 Tb6 ( 18...Td8? 19.Cxe5) 19.De3 Tc6 20.c3 Cd7 21.a4+/=] 17.Tad1 834 LUCIANA (GM) : now rf3 nataf (GM) : ? LUCIANA (GM) : if rd7 qc3 nataf (GM) : in my opinion chucky is playing with fire you don't agree Luciana ? nataf (GM) : I bet he will draw or lose this one nataf (GM) : Rxf3 is already draw ? LUCIANA (GM) : yes,he may die in fire here,but its interesting nataf (GM) : Rxf3 Nxe7+-Qxe7 gxf3-Nd4 Kh1-Qh4 Kingway (IM) : You just know Topalov is trying to make rf3 work, he loves exchange sacs way too much! nataf (GM) : chucky wants Rd7-Qc3 nataf (GM) : that's why he didn't play c3 nataf (GM) : but now Rxf3 is a serious move LUCIANA (GM) : but ivanchuk is brave,letting rf3 happen... nataf (GM) : yes but he might regret nataf (GM) : because it can be also positional sacrifice Speelman (GM) : presumably if Rxf3 Nxe7+ and Qxd6 nataf (GM) : quite unpleasant to play LUCIANA (GM) : yes speeman,i just saw qd6 LUCIANA (GM) : speelman nataf (GM) : well oaktree I agree, but then play a move ! lol nataf (GM) : :) LUCIANA (GM) : so may be rf3 is not possible ha nataf (GM) : hmm nataf (GM) : yes nataf (GM) : this is unpleasant right nataf (GM) : hmm nataf (GM) : if not Rxf3 nataf (GM) : then it's another story totally LUCIANA (GM) : yes,white seems better:) nataf (GM) : because Bh4 seems to fail to Nxh4 Qxh4 Nb4! Qxe4-Nxc6-Qxc6 Qxd6 LUCIANA (GM) : rd7 qc3 is unpleasant nataf (GM) : yes we all missed the move spoted by speelman , here 17...Rxf3 18.Nxe7+ Qxe7 and now 19.Qxd6 ! and white is better LUCIANA (GM) : mr.Speelman is an expert in finding those "inbetween" moves:) Herman (IM) : Ivanchuk is playing faster today IBorg (GM) : Rd7 IBorg (GM) : rd7 qc3 nb8 Herman (IM) : against Ivanchuk it is almost impossible to prepare Herman (IM) : he plays everything nataf (GM) : because of his repertoire nataf (GM) : right herman nataf (GM) : that's the ONLY player that won't suffer of this situation Herman (IM) : he don't know even himself what he will choose :) nataf (GM) : t'as fini un peu Wlof ? nataf (GM) : . t'es un génie à t'entendre IBorg (GM) : 90's [ 17.Tfd1 Ah4; 17.Cxe7+ Dxe7 18.Tfd1 Td8 ( 18...Txf3 19.gxf3 Cd4) ; 17.a4 bxa4; 17.Cb4] 17...Td7 614 nataf (GM) : unpleasant to play for black now nataf (GM) : Qc3 and Rd3 IBorg (GM) : qc8 IBorg (GM) : after nb4 IBorg (GM) : black defenses hold nataf (GM) : salut ! IBorg (GM) : qc3 nb8 IBorg (GM) : then nb8 goes to c5 KingLoek (GM) : Igor, bonjour! nataf (GM) : probably iborg but ok , he will suffer a bit IBorg (GM) : rc7 KingLoek (GM) : could be nasty for black nataf (GM) : yes loek I agree nataf (GM) : he will take on e7 nataf (GM) : and play around KingLoek (GM) : long term pressure nataf (GM) : vs knight on b8 nataf (GM) : of course nataf (GM) : Qc3, Rd3 ,etc.. Drahacik (FM) : Ivanchuk had a forced win at some point yesterday against Leko? LUCIANA (GM) : after qc3 nb8 maybe ne3 folowed by qb3 e6X nataf (GM) : well I can garantie that if chucky did Qd2 and Rad1 without touching the Nd5, he will now go Qc3 ! lol Herman (IM) : He had but it was very difficult to find nataf (GM) : no but probably Radji withdrew because he knew ivanchuk was there and it wouldn't affect the tournament Herman (IM) : see a finess eights moves ahead 675 [ 17...Txf3 18.Cxe7+ Dxe7 ( 18...Txe7 19.Dxd6 ( 19.gxf3 Cd4 20.Rh1 ( 20.De3 Tf7) 20...Cxf3 21.Dxd6 Df8© 22.Dd8 Te8 23.Dd7 Te7 24.Dd8 Te8 25.Dd7 Te7=) 19...Dxd6 20.Txd6 Tf4 21.Txc6 Txe4 22.Txa6 Te2 23.Tc6 Td7 24.b3 b4 25.Txe6 Rf7 26.Tc6 Tdd2 27.Tc4 Txc2 28.Txb4 Txa2 29.Tb7+ Rg6©) 19.Dxd6 ( 19.gxf3 Cd4 20.Rh1 Dh4) 19...Dxd6 20.Txd6 Tf4 21.Txc6 Txe4 22.Txe6 Tc7 23.Txa6 Txc2 24.b3 b4 25.a4 bxa3 26.Txa3+/=; 17...Ah4 18.Cxh4 Dxh4 19.Cb4 Cxb4 ( 19...Dxe4 20.Cxc6 Dxc6 21.Dxd6 Dxc2 22.Dxa6 Tbf7 23.Dxe6 Dxb2 24.f3+/=) 20.Dxb4 d5 21.Dd6 Dxe4 22.Dxe6+ Tbf7 23.Dxd5 Dxc2 24.Td2 Dc4 25.Dxc4 bxc4 26.Tc1 Tc7 27.f3+/=] 18.Dc3 347 IBorg (GM) : d4 works too LUCIANA (GM) : unpleasant for topalov nataf (GM) : te majo oui mais il vallait mieux qu'il ne joue pas , plutot que de jouer apres un choc emotionel IBorg (GM) : qc3 nb8 ne7 is correct nataf (GM) : yes nataf (GM) : then Rd3 nataf (GM) : etc.. IBorg (GM) : rd3, rfd1 qa4 IBorg (GM) : qa3 LUCIANA (GM) : yes after nb8 i play ne3 not to take on e7 i guess nataf (GM) : in this knight + heavy pieces nataf (GM) : . black will suffer a bit nataf (GM) : you agree iborg? IBorg (GM) : yes nataf (GM) : it reminds me some games of anand in Spanish nataf (GM) : . same structure nataf (GM) : he played around IBorg (GM) : ed5 qc6 d4 less suffering nataf (GM) : vs those double pawns nataf (GM) : . for hours nataf (GM) : And won nataf (GM) : . at least 2 games nataf (GM) : if my memory is good nataf (GM) : .Check a game Anand-Hector nataf (GM) : . reminds me what we have nataf (GM) : but from spanish opening nataf (GM) : . you just play around and attack black's weaknesses nataf (GM) : .And it's unpleasant to defend nataf (GM) : . Here it could be okay, with many pieces on the board, for black (minor pieces I mean ) or if Rxf3 or d5 could be achieved nataf (GM) : .now it's statical and pretty unpleasant to play nataf (GM) : even if it's still solid IBorg (GM) : de4 loses to ne5? LUCIANA (GM) : ed sucks but maybe must be played IBorg (GM) : qd5 and nf7? nataf (GM) : for those who want to see how those structures can be play , I recommand you look in your database Anand-Hector from some years ago LUCIANA (GM) : im fond of ivanchuks style,he is really original IBorg (GM) : permanent advantage with no risk to white IBorg (GM) : topalov is going to suffer for quite awhile nataf (GM) : yes and also remember nataf (GM) : he is back on time nataf (GM) : so time pressure nataf (GM) : plus unpelasant position nataf (GM) : exd nataf (GM) : forget nataf (GM) : after you get nataf (GM) : bad bishop nataf (GM) : and bad pawn structure nataf (GM) : after those c3 nataf (GM) : look your Be7 nataf (GM) : exd5, you don't play LUCIANA (GM) : ok igor but maybe thats best in this position nataf (GM) : he is hesitating nataf (GM) : between Na7 or Nb8 nataf (GM) : I think nataf (GM) : no , I think he must play passive defense here nataf (GM) : . just wondering where the knight will be better placed LUCIANA (GM) : i wonder how black defends e6 if knight goes to b8 or a7 nataf (GM) : that's topi's concern too I Guess luciana ! LUCIANA (GM) : :) nataf (GM) : I think yes kismate , but still unpleasant for black IBorg (GM) : ed5 is better yes nataf (GM) : . probably Nb8 is more solid than Na7 is interesting nataf (GM) : sorry nataf (GM) : Na7 nataf (GM) : is interesting I meant IBorg (GM) : na7 doesn't work nataf (GM) : because I can have Nc8-b6 nataf (GM) : due to ? IBorg (GM) : nb4 LUCIANA (GM) : yes,i think ed is better,though its painfull fight just to draw IBorg (GM) : or even ne7 and qa3 IBorg (GM) : losing pawns nataf (GM) : then a5? nataf (GM) : after Nb4 IBorg (GM) : a5 nc6 nataf (GM) : yes Nxe7 is unpleasant nataf (GM) : and Qa3 nataf (GM) : because if Na7 Nb4-a5 Nc6 I Take and Qc8 1 18...Cb8 658 nataf (GM) : . not that clear nataf (GM) : yes Nb8 nataf (GM) : most solid nataf (GM) : because no more Qa3 hitting the pawn on a6 nataf (GM) : it's probaly the only move actualyl IBorg (GM) : topalov probably going to lose LUCIANA (GM) : i like ne3 here nataf (GM) : so now we will get Nxe7+ and a nice sufference IBorg (GM) : ne7 of course nataf (GM) : . I guess topi will save nataf (GM) : .but unpleasant and long game nataf (GM) : it's interesting to see how ivanchuk killed the dynamism by playing on the edge , moves like 16.Qd2 and 17.Rad1 LUCIANA (GM) : ne3 idea qb3 e6X,and c4-a4 play IBorg (GM) : rd2 maybe more accurate IBorg (GM) : ne3 qc8 IBorg (GM) : queen on c8 is really well placed IBorg (GM) : then rc7 and black will slowly come out nataf (GM) : well possible too Luciana LUCIANA (GM) : yes ne3 seems dangerous nataf (GM) : not sure Iborg LUCIANA (GM) : after rc7 qb3 qc8 maybe nf5 nataf (GM) : Qc8 Qb3 nataf (GM) : what you do ? nataf (GM) : yes nataf (GM) : exactly IBorg (GM) : he has ne3-f idea 1 [ 18...exd5 19.Dxc6 d4 20.c3 dxc3 21.Dxc3 Dc8 22.Tc1 Dxc3 23.Txc3 g5 24.h3 h5 25.Td1 Tb7 26.Cd2+/=; 18...Ca7 19.Cxe7+ ( 19.Cb4 a5 20.Cc6 Cxc6 21.Dxc6 Dc8 22.Dxb5 Tb7 23.Dxa5 Txb2=) 19...Dxe7 20.Da3 Tc8 21.Td2 Tc6 22.Tfd1+/=] 19.Cxe7+ 160 IBorg (GM) : possible nataf (GM) : this is safer nataf (GM) : at least IBorg (GM) : ne3-f5 nataf (GM) : why to go Ne3-f5xe7 nataf (GM) : if you can take at once !lol nataf (GM) : :) 1 [ 19.Ce3 Tf4! Rybka ( 19...Dc8 20.Db3+/=; 19...Tc7 20.Db3 Dc8 21.Cf5+/=) 20.Db3 Rf7=] 19...Dxe7 20 IBorg (GM) : because black queen is on c8 IBorg (GM) : d6-e7 targets LUCIANA (GM) : ne7 is a bit freeing blacks position,but maybe pawn d6 will fall 1 20.Td3 20 nataf (GM) : now maybe Rd2 was even better , as it was protecting c2 nataf (GM) : the Nb8 is pretty badly placed nataf (GM) : . far from the weaknesses on e6 and d6 IBorg (GM) : white queen is better placed on a3 Herman (IM) : Rfd1 Qd2 Herman (IM) : or Qa3 IBorg (GM) : rc7 white does white do nataf (GM) : Qd2 nataf (GM) : and Rfd1 nataf (GM) : it's the idea nataf (GM) : this Rd3 is okay IBorg (GM) : qd2, nc6 nataf (GM) : Rfd1 iborg nataf (GM) : then c3, h3 etc.. IBorg (GM) : d5 nataf (GM) : like that nataf (GM) : take nataf (GM) : you have d6 nataf (GM) : at the end IBorg (GM) : looks good nataf (GM) : yes nataf (GM) : plan is basically simple nataf (GM) : Rfd1 , h3 nataf (GM) : and Qd2 or Qa3 nataf (GM) : adn you see what's going on nataf (GM) : non wlof, la faiblesse c'est d6 pour le moment nataf (GM) : at some point he will have to find a second weakness though nataf (GM) : but first he must place some pieces nataf (GM) : aronian every day will do 30 moves preparation ? nataf (GM) : and after will say in magazines he knows nothing and he doesn't work on theorie ! nataf (GM) : hahaha nataf (GM) : so far, 2 games, he played by prepa it seems to me ! nataf (GM) : ob 3 nataf (GM) : I hope moroz won't start with 0/2 nataf (GM) : . bcause it will just kill the tournament otherwise nataf (GM) : it's not so much of a disadvantage iborg for ivanchuk to enter the field at the last moment 1 [ 20.Td2] 20...h6 521 nataf (GM) : well kakashka, I dont' know who you speak about, but here , even for amators, it's not that hard to see the black is worse seriously, even without engines ! lol 1 [ 20...Tc7 21.Dd2 ( 21.Da3) 21...Cc6 22.Td1+/=] 21.Tfd1 20 1 21...Tfd8 35 Odysseus (GM) : h6? maybe Danailov didnt touched the right ear nataf (GM) : because d6 pawn you don't touch :) nataf (GM) : due to Nxe5 nataf (GM) : here I would go h3 first nataf (GM) : Nc6 nataf (GM) : after Qa3 maybe nataf (GM) : with some tricks with Nb4 if you take on a6 nataf (GM) : h3 deepNf3 nataf (GM) : what black will do ? nataf (GM) : Kh8-g8 ? nataf (GM) : guy why to rush ? nataf (GM) : here black has no move next nataf (GM) : just passive defense nataf (GM) : just improve position slowly nataf (GM) : h3 nataf (GM) : and then search for a second weakness nataf (GM) : why yo urush with Qa3? nataf (GM) : Qa3-Nc6 not that clear nataf (GM) : here go simple nataf (GM) : h3 nataf (GM) : and then you look LUCIANA (GM) : i would not take on e7,seems not easy to crack blacks position nataf (GM) : black can't improve nataf (GM) : it's a matter of time luciana nataf (GM) : just h3, and then you search a plan nataf (GM) : . h3 is prophylactical measure nataf (GM) : me I bet h3 :) nataf (GM) : I bet h3 , then I think nataf (GM) : black will play a waiting move nataf (GM) : and then let me see nataf (GM) : maybe a4 nataf (GM) : then nataf (GM) : and Qc4xa4 nataf (GM) : keeping the c6 square nataf (GM) : and then c4,b4 nataf (GM) : I see this plan at least nataf (GM) : well those days not that much :) nataf (GM) : . but last time I played vs such a field nataf (GM) : . I scored -1 :) nataf (GM) : . in Nao 2002 nataf (GM) : . drew vs Topalov, Leko, beat moroz, drew bareev :) nataf (GM) : any other questions ? nataf (GM) : . haha nataf (GM) : yes but under pin rizioo nataf (GM) : always Qa2 nataf (GM) : and e5 is hanging nataf (GM) : I mean I Take and Qa2 Herman (IM) : Yes, I remember Igor nataf (GM) : :) Herman (IM) : you wrote these guys are not so strong nataf (GM) : well they are Herman (IM) : but what happen since then? IBorg (GM) : players prepare in advance nataf (GM) : but when you get used to them it's fine :) IBorg (GM) : nobody was prepared to ivanchuk either nataf (GM) : yes 1 nataf (GM) : so h3 or not h3 ? :) nataf (GM) : me in a game nataf (GM) : I go h3 a tempo :) nataf (GM) : then I like a4 nataf (GM) : and if you take then Qa3 or Qc4 nataf (GM) : to get Qxa4 and c4 or b4 structure wcristen (IM) : what topa play affter Qa3? IBorg (GM) : h4, h5 to fix kingside sometimes works wcristen (IM) : 22 Qa3 and what black play? IBorg (GM) : qa3 nc6 wcristen (IM) : and qxa6? wcristen (IM) : and black win wcristen (IM) : tks nataf (GM) : iborg what about h3 followed by a4? wcristen (IM) : anyway, Qa3 Nc6 23 c3 white is better no? IBorg (GM) : h4 is useful in case you get to Rook endgame with 4 vs 3 on kingside, then you want your pawn on h5 wcristen (IM) : yes, im wrong wcristen (IM) : but what white play? Pai-Malchik (GM) : may be a4? nataf (GM) : you will see guy , he will think 30 min with white nataf (GM) : to go my h3 :) Petrovich (GM) : well, h3 is okay, but what is next? nataf (GM) : my plan looks good nataf (GM) : h3 nataf (GM) : followed by a4 nataf (GM) : and then if you let me go axb5, then your pawn will be really weak as all pieces are far from protecting b5 nataf (GM) : and if you play bxa4 ,then I will go Qc4xa4 and c4,b4 nataf (GM) : Qc4 I prefer rizioo to controll Nc6 nataf (GM) : yes nataf (GM) : because it avoids some Rc7xc2 nataf (GM) : with backrank , in the future nataf (GM) : . here the point is that BLACK IS CONDEMNED to passive defense nataf (GM) : so don't rush nataf (GM) : . just h3 nataf (GM) : and then ,active measures nataf (GM) : I think the structure aries2 (IM) : looks bad blitzffieden why do you retreat unprovoked nataf (GM) : c4,b4 vs a6 + d6 should be almost winning for white nataf (GM) : . so yes ridzio , this structure nataf (GM) : d5 forget I just take 4 times :) nataf (GM) : after Qc4-d5 , I take it :) nataf (GM) : I don't know why ivanchuk thinks so much nataf (GM) : . plan is very logical nataf (GM) : . no need engine nataf (GM) : . to tell it nataf (GM) : just h3, a4 nataf (GM) : and that's it IBorg (GM) : a4 ba4 ? nataf (GM) : then I want Qc4 nataf (GM) : and Qxa4,c4+b4 nataf (GM) : somehow nataf (GM) : I Feel it's very unpleasant practically for black nataf (GM) : no ? IBorg (GM) : a3 LUCIANA (GM) : tate would attack backs king here,cause f7 pawn is missing and therfore black king is weak IBorg (GM) : ra3 d5 nataf (GM) : yes but then RLH2 (FM) : Tate is an IM now i believe. nataf (GM) : I take on d5 nataf (GM) : and Qe2 IBorg (GM) : ivanchuk good playing makes topalov look bad IBorg (GM) : ok what about qc4 rb7 nataf (GM) : you are under Nxe5 iborg no ? IBorg (GM) : so IBorg (GM) : just take on b2 IBorg (GM) : any exchanges favor defense nataf (GM) : Qxa4 nataf (GM) : yes but you will lose material nataf (GM) : Nc4xd6 nataf (GM) : but ok nataf (GM) : I mean nataf (GM) : I have h3 included iborgh ! IBorg (GM) : how? i took 2 pawns and you take 2 pawns nataf (GM) : I don't go a4 immediate ! nataf (GM) : I go h3 ! nataf (GM) : so after h3 , you have to waste a move ! IBorg (GM) : kh7 nataf (GM) : then a4 IBorg (GM) : ba nataf (GM) : Qc4 IBorg (GM) : rb7 nataf (GM) : take on e5 IBorg (GM) : take on b2 nataf (GM) : take on a4 IBorg (GM) : but black got rid of doubled pawns and c2 is weak nataf (GM) : Nc4 threat nataf (GM) : Nb8 IBorg (GM) : rb5 nataf (GM) : bad pieces Iborg IBorg (GM) : not really nataf (GM) : Nc4 IBorg (GM) : d5 wcristen (IM) : im still think 22 Qa3 Nc6 23 c3 maybe a5 24 Qb3 and white is better nataf (GM) : Ne3 IBorg (GM) : rb4 nataf (GM) : Qa3 nataf (GM) : :) IBorg (GM) : d4 nataf (GM) : c3 IBorg (GM) : ehehe nataf (GM) : pawn down lol IBorg (GM) : good tactics nataf (GM) : ok this time I have put my engine :) IBorg (GM) : ok rb5 might be not good nataf (GM) : . but for the plan nataf (GM) : no need nataf (GM) : I think IBorg (GM) : but somehow that should be ok for black nataf (GM) : h3 and a4 nataf (GM) : are logical no ? nataf (GM) : well maybe, I see what you mean IBorg (GM) : seems like the only plan yes nataf (GM) : . that this opening of position IBorg (GM) : i'm just trying to find defenses for black nataf (GM) : will a bit favor black nataf (GM) : that is struggling with space nataf (GM) : yes nataf (GM) : but it's hard anyway nataf (GM) : because you are under pins nataf (GM) : whatever pawn that you move nataf (GM) : rizioo I advise you not to listen to rybka on this one ! nataf (GM) : Iborg said h4 is good in the rook ending nataf (GM) : but now nataf (GM) : still queens on :) nataf (GM) : after swapping queens, maybe nataf (GM) : right now, don't touch your h pawn ! IBorg (GM) : yep, white plays on queenside and center nataf (GM) : yes nataf (GM) : and rizioo you are right nataf (GM) : here nataf (GM) : kingside you don't touch nataf (GM) : weaknesses nataf (GM) : are a6+b5 wcristen (IM) : gm, what is the problem w 22 Qa3 Nc6 23 c3? nataf (GM) : and d6 and the massive pawn structure nataf (GM) : it's painting wcristen nataf (GM) : then you so what ? nataf (GM) : you watch the pos ? nataf (GM) : I mean you do what nataf (GM) : after Qa3 and c3 ? wcristen (IM) : maybe 23..a5 24 Qb3 nataf (GM) : no no nataf (GM) : I wait nataf (GM) : Kh8 or Kh7 nataf (GM) : then what ? R1d2 and Qb3-d1? nataf (GM) : then what ? :) nataf (GM) : . you need a second target here nataf (GM) : . that's why I tried to change the pawn structure on the queenside nataf (GM) : a6 becomes weak and c4,b4 would be a good structure for white to achieve after a4-bxa4 Qc4xa4 [ 21...Tc7!? 22.Da3 ( 22.Db3 Cc6=; 22.Dd2 Cc6<=> 23.Txd6? Cd4 24.Txa6 Txc2 25.Dd3 Txf3 26.gxf3 Dg5+ 27.Rf1 Dh4 28.Td2 Txd2 29.Dxd2 Dh3+ 30.Re1 Cxf3+-+) 22...Txc2 23.Txd6 Da7 24.T6d2+/=] 22.h4 886 nataf (GM) : .pff nataf (GM) : h4 nataf (GM) : what a move nataf (GM) : for me sure nataf (GM) : ivanchuk won't win nataf (GM) : 30 minuts to play this nataf (GM) : he creates too many weaknesses nataf (GM) : . I mean black might strike back later nataf (GM) : . you know it even gives g4 square for queen sometimes nataf (GM) : . I don't like h4 at all personnaly nataf (GM) : . h3 was stronger nataf (GM) : it's strange chess sometimes, because ivanchuk could play h3 ilmmediatly , but after he started to think , he produced a worse move nataf (GM) : of course white is still better nataf (GM) : but h4 nataf (GM) : is a first step in the wrong direction in my opinion nataf (GM) : also to lose ALL THE TIME advance nataf (GM) : to produce h4 nataf (GM) : it's very bad IBorg (GM) : h4 is bad? wcristen (IM) : i knew that ! :) IBorg (GM) : i disagree LUCIANA (GM) : im not sure why h4 is bad IBorg (GM) : h4 is useful for rook 4 vs 3 endgame [ 22.h3 Tc7 23.Dd2+/=; 22.a4 bxa4 23.Dc4 Tb7 24.Dxa4 Txb2 25.Cxe5+/=; 22.Da3 Cc6 23.c3 a5 24.Db3 Tb7<=>] 22...Rh7 190 Herman (IM) : Topa is a practical player Herman (IM) : hope Ivanchuk will not sleep one more move Herman (IM) : g3+Kg2 is it ok? 23.T1d2 135 nataf (GM) : back nataf (GM) : ivanchuk is doing nataf (GM) : strange things no ? IBorg (GM) : he's provoking black IBorg (GM) : what's the rush? IBorg (GM) : black ca'nt do anything anyway nataf (GM) : yes but that's why I said h3 iborg :) nataf (GM) : but what plan he wants ? IBorg (GM) : h4 is better nataf (GM) : let's say Qf6 now IBorg (GM) : qa3 nataf (GM) : to try f5 if queen moves nataf (GM) : d5 I mean nataf (GM) : d5 now IBorg (GM) : e2 nataf (GM) : if Qf6 Qa3-d5 IBorg (GM) : rook e2 nataf (GM) : Nc6 nataf (GM) : I don't know IBorg (GM) : qc5 nataf (GM) : to me it looks nataf (GM) : like white nataf (GM) : is spoiling a bit IBorg (GM) : nope IBorg (GM) : once d pawn moves then double e pawns become really weak aries2 (IM) : yes h4 strikes as 'too much' all over board IBorg (GM) : h4 is fine, g3, kg2 nataf (GM) : Qc5-Rc7 IBorg (GM) : slow improvement IBorg (GM) : ed5? nataf (GM) : Nd4 tricks IBorg (GM) : what tricks IBorg (GM) : qc7-e5 nataf (GM) : Nxe2+ nataf (GM) : where you go ? :) nataf (GM) : then Nf4 hitting rook :) nataf (GM) : and of course black is waiting for Nc6 IBorg (GM) : oh i thought with pawn on g3 and kg2 already nataf (GM) : that's why I prefered IBorg (GM) : getting ahead slighty :) nataf (GM) : to play vs the move Nc6 at all nataf (GM) : with my a4 nataf (GM) : :) nataf (GM) : here I like Qf6 nataf (GM) : somehow nataf (GM) : to have d5 tricks [ 23.g3] 23...Df8? 288 nataf (GM) : it's necessary to cover e5 nataf (GM) : well he decided to keep d6 nataf (GM) : rather than to keep e5 nataf (GM) : Qf6 was a bit more active nataf (GM) : but then what rizioo? nataf (GM) : I just protect ! nataf (GM) : Qe7 IBorg (GM) : qf6 g3 most likely IBorg (GM) : here g3 some rc8 possible maybe nataf (GM) : he must go a4 at some point nataf (GM) : maybe now a4? nataf (GM) : yes but I would rather play it with pawn on h3 IBorg (GM) : a4 looks good nataf (GM) : he was afraid of g5 you think ? nataf (GM) : if h3 ? IBorg (GM) : no nataf (GM) : :) then I can't explain why h4 instead of h3 ! IBorg (GM) : i beat chucky once in similar setup nataf (GM) : but ok , plan should be the same IBorg (GM) : from sveshnikov IBorg (GM) : in tilburg IBorg (GM) : back in 90's nataf (GM) : with white or black ? IBorg (GM) : we ended up with rook endgame 4 vs 3 nataf (GM) : I mean IBorg (GM) : and i got h5 in nataf (GM) : who had this setup nataf (GM) : you or him ? IBorg (GM) : me IBorg (GM) : i had white nataf (GM) : ah ok IBorg (GM) : w 3000-4000 IBorg (GM) : mistell IBorg (GM) : but ok h3 works too :) IBorg (GM) : black is doomed to passivity nataf (GM) : tyes but vs you , he weakened e5 nataf (GM) : lost patience and went d5 too fast IBorg (GM) : already found the game? [ 23...Df6! 24.Da3 a) 24.Te3 De7 25.Da5 Tc8 26.c3 Tb7<=>; b) 24.Db3 d5 25.Te2 (b) 25.exd5? e4) 25...Cc6=; 24...d5 25.Te2 Cc6 26.Dc5+/= Tc7 27.Db6 Tcc8 28.Tc3 dxe4 29.Txe4 Cd4 30.Cxd4 exd4 31.Tc6 Txc6 32.Dxc6 e5 33.Dc5 Tf8 34.f3 Te8=] 24.Db3+/- 252 IBorg (GM) : :) nataf (GM) : actually amazing this game, he just didn't have any patience ! nataf (GM) : he went d5 and then d4 very fast IBorg (GM) : well ok he was young back then IBorg (GM) : now he's a lot more stable nataf (GM) : yes nataf (GM) : he improved lately you agree ? nataf (GM) : Imean on psychological part IBorg (GM) : yes absolutely IBorg (GM) : but lost some of youth ambition nataf (GM) : even in the way he is making time gestion nataf (GM) : well ... I think it's a big ... Too obvious :) [ 24.g3 Tc8; 24.a4; 24.h5] 24...De8 118 nataf (GM) : . and that black will foresee :) nataf (GM) : now a4 IBorg (GM) : qa3 nc6 probably nataf (GM) : will be quite hard for topi nataf (GM) : I guess a4 here no ? IBorg (GM) : so a4 yes nataf (GM) : pnineuil, c'est pas si simple que ca nataf (GM) : . Il a pas eu le choix IBorg (GM) : yeah haven't seen topalov being put so passive in a long time nataf (GM) : yes but it's due to mothe moves "on the edge" actually nataf (GM) : those 16.Qd2 and 17.Rad1 nataf (GM) : . those were the very important moves in the game I feel IBorg (GM) : yes those were really great moves nataf (GM) : . he would go Nxe7+ earlier or Ne3 nataf (GM) : . he would probably lose all the advantage IBorg (GM) : definitely nataf (GM) : . as he wouldn't be able to put in place this ideal setup nataf (GM) : . would be many tricks nataf (GM) : like your Rxf3 ,etc.. nataf (GM) : yes ,for me those moves 16.Qd2 and 17.Rad1 are indeed great mvoes nataf (GM) : . And those moves killed the dynamism nataf (GM) : and after this , no other choice than passivity IBorg (GM) : let's hope he won't let time run out on move 40 this game nataf (GM) : didn't see game yesterday Millesime nataf (GM) : . It's 1:38 AM here :) LUCIANA (GM) : yes,ivanchuk was winning nataf (GM) : I am chess lover but sometimes I have to go to sleep too ! lol nataf (GM) : haha :) 25.a4! 261 nataf (GM) : you see guys ! we were right about the plan [ 25.Da3 Cc6] 25...Dg6 10 nataf (GM) : the only difference is that with a pawn on h3 , it would be better vs those kind of tricks that topi will try to set up now ! nataf (GM) : now maybe axb5 nataf (GM) : and Qb4 nataf (GM) : but then as I told earlier , there might be some Qg4 nataf (GM) : I Didn't like to give this g4 square for the queen but ok , we will see nataf (GM) : still white is better Herman (IM) : I would have played g3+Kg2 after h4 nataf (GM) : Qxe6 deepNf3 nataf (GM) : yes but then f3 would be weak Herman nataf (GM) : . then black might give up d6 Herman (IM) : stabilize the position nataf (GM) : to get play nataf (GM) : . on Rf8,Rdf7 IBorg (GM) : after qe6, those ng5 tricks might actually happen nataf (GM) : . Qg4 nataf (GM) : yes nataf (GM) : ok, now Iguess biggest enemy of chuck is himself, no ? nataf (GM) : he might end up in big time trouble LUCIANA (GM) : he improved his nerves nataf (GM) : yes that's what I meant nataf (GM) : yes this is what might actually occur LUCIANA (GM) : interesting how even be6 in the opening can be played...i allways thought thats bad for white nataf (GM) : it depends luciana of the activity of the pieces nataf (GM) : if you are forced to go passive like here nataf (GM) : then it becomes a liability nataf (GM) : if you manage to put some d5 or Nd4 or Rxf3 or pressure , then it's ok nataf (GM) : I told you guys nataf (GM) : in 3 moves nataf (GM) : he will be in time trouble nataf (GM) : and he will nicely screw up all his efforts nataf (GM) : it's a shame 26.axb5 863 26...axb5 10 27.Te3 10 nataf (GM) : I think he is screwing this one as well nataf (GM) : this is result of h4 nataf (GM) : -40 minutes on the clock + now Re3 passive Herman (IM) : the position is still fine I think nataf (GM) : yes but practically he is goign wrong herman Herman (IM) : I didn't like h4 nataf (GM) : . I mean to get to 10 minutes when you have 30 minutes advantage nataf (GM) : it's bad Neveris (GM) : chukky destined to win this tourney, last time he came in as a replacement he won linares beating kasparov. Herman (IM) : h3 was better :) nataf (GM) : yes I agree nataf (GM) : this plan we discussed nataf (GM) : . just h3 and a4 nataf (GM) : and that's it nataf (GM) : no tricks at all Herman (IM) : you are right Herman (IM) : h4 made some holes in white's position [ 27.Db4 Dg4] 27...Ca6 194 [ 27...Tb7? 28.Cxe5] 28.Dxb5+- 10 Herman (IM) : slurp 28...Cc5 10 RLH2 (FM) : nc5 qe2 29.Dc4 10 LUCIANA (GM) : looks 1-0 Odysseus (GM) : chuck will blunder soon nataf (GM) : I won't be astonished !! nataf (GM) : I said that he is winning , but he might screw it due to bad practical decisions ! Herman (IM) : I gave him an advice Herman (IM) : keep five minutes for the last five moves Herman (IM) : see if he will do it 29...Ta7 215 30.Te1 145 Herman (IM) : 9 mins left for the last ten, must be some kind of record for Ivanchuk Odysseus (GM) : topa is lost 30...De8 351 Drahacik (FM) : apu, no cell phone service Petrovich (GM) : you found it smart, COmputojon? Drahacik (FM) : Capablanca supposedly beat his dad in his first game of chess. Drahacik (FM) : after watching some games Drahacik (FM) : Fischer got good by looking at a chess set for 16 hours a day. 31.b4 381 31...Ca4 10 32.Db3 10 32...Cb6 10 33.Ted1 10 33...Tad7 10 Herman (IM) : yes!! Drahacik (FM) : 8 minutes, cool! Herman (IM) : he will save five minutes for the last five Herman (IM) : c4 or? Drahacik (FM) : c4-c5 is the plan? Herman (IM) : yes Herman (IM) : d2 is well defended MightyViking (IM) : Ivanchuk has won Linares thrice. Last time was in 1995. 34.Dd3 306 34...Tc8 10 35.c3 10 Rabudja (GM) : wtf is this 35...Ta7 10 36.De3 17 Neveris (GM) : danilov has got his phone on speed dial. Rabudja (GM) : this is weird 36...Ta6 71 37.De2 10 37...Cc4 6 38.Ta2 10 Neveris (GM) : is it true topa uses ben johnson as a fitness adviser? 38...Tac6 79 39.Ta7 10 Petrovich (GM) : please stop stupid 39...T6c7 186 40.Tda1 5 40...Df7?

49 EL TÍPICO ERROR DE TOPALOV CUANDO PIERDE LA CONCENTRACIÓN ... . Herman (IM) : what? Drahacik (FM) : Qxc4!!! Herman (IM) : yes Drahacik (FM) : Topa is bad without a computer Drahacik (FM) : Qc4 Ra7 Ra7 Herman (IM) : Danialov made mistell [ 40...Rg8 41.Dd3 con mucha ventaja, pero todavía con partida por delante.] 41.Dxc4 50 Drahacik (FM) : Yes!!! Go Chucky! MightyViking (IM) : This is Topalov without Danailov's hand signals! :) Drahacik (FM) : Qf7?? nataf (GM) : now topi will win Drahacik (FM) : I don't feel too bad if 2780's can hang a N, and Kramnik can hang mate :0 nataf (GM) : time trouble passed nataf (GM) : that was the main problem for chucky Petrovich (GM) : stupid VerdeNotte (IM) : oops nataf (GM) : ob 1 Drahacik (FM) : Too bad Chucky didn't win yesterday! MightyViking (IM) : Actually Carlsen and Ivanchuk could both have had 2/2. MightyViking (IM) : Gladiator, no doubt. Drahacik (FM) : starts weak until they work out the signal system according to the layout of the playing hall, location of arbiters, etc. MightyViking (IM) : right, drahacik! Drahacik (FM) : Let's make a Trainingbot problem now! Drahacik (FM) : give it only 2 stars Drahacik (FM) : Give Danailov credit for one thing: He's the most famous chess manager. Anyone know the name of any other managers? [ 41.Dxc4 Txa7 42.Txa7 Txc4 43.Txf7 Txc3 44.b5 Tb3 45.Td7 Txb5 46.Txd6 Tb4 47.Txe6 Txe4 48.Txe5+-] 1-0
Anand-Svidler: Svidler quiso jugar esta vez en serio con Anand. Lo digo por su catastrófica partida de Wijk aan Zee 2.007, donde la gripe hizo estragos en el ruso. Aquí repitieron apertura, pero sabiamente el GM hindú no quiso entrar en aquella línea, a sabiendas de que esta vez, Peter vendría perfectamente preparado para la ocasión. Jugó más clásico y se siguieron los cauces de una partida entre Bruzón y Onischuk. En la jugada catorce se iniciaron las hostilidades en el centro. Algo raro pasó en su preparación casera para que Vishy se dejara entrar en c2, dejándose capturar de camino, el famoso alfil español. Al término de los cambios de piezas, Svidler sacrificó un peón por iniciativa. La pareja de alfiles de las negras podría ser muy peligrosa, unido al control absoluto de la diagonal h1-a8. De hecho en la jugada 25, Svidler podía haber igualado sin ningún tipo de problemas. Como muy bien describió un GM del ICC, Anand realizó un movimiento (27.Ce1) para simplificar la posición, en lugar de haber hecho la jugada creativa (27.Cd4!?) que también Rybka aconsejó y de la que muestra una bella variante que engradece el noble juego, al dotarlo de espectacularidad, aunque hay que decir que las negras no pierden en ella … .
No le quedó más remedio a Vishy que devolver el peón y tras una serie de precisos golpes tácticos, Anand se las ingenió para entrar en un final de alfil y caballo, con peón de menos, pero gracias a la presencia de alfiles de distinto color pudo llegar al empate varias jugadas más tarde.
Anand,V (2779) - Svidler,P (2728) [C88]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (2), 18.02.2007
[ICC+Rybka 2.3+Jimenez]
1.e4 0 1...e5 3 2.Cf3 2 2...Cc6 1 3.Ab5 8 3...a6 1 4.Aa4 39 4...Cf6 3 5.0-0 9 5...Ae7 3 6.Te1 8 6...b5 3 7.Ab3 8 7...0-0 3 8.h3 9 8...Ab7 3 9.d3 7 9...Te8 3 10.a4 8 10...h6 3 11.Cbd2 21 [ RR 11.c3 b4 ( 11...Ac5 12.Cbd2 Ab6 13.Aa2 Tf8 14.Cf1 d6 15.Cg3 Ce7 16.Ch4 Rh7 17.Df3 bxa4 18.Ab1 Ac6 19.Ac2 a5 20.Td1 De8 21.Chf5 Cfg8 22.d4 Cxf5 23.Dxf5+ g6 24.Dg4 Ad7 25.Df3 Ac6 Topalov,V (2801)-Anand,V (2792)/Monte Carlo MNC 2006/The Week in Chess 595/1/2-1/2 (38)) 12.Cbd2 d5 13.a5 dxe4 14.dxe4 Ac5 15.De2 De7 16.Ch4 Cd7 17.Cf5 Df6 18.Dg4 Ce7 19.Cxh6+ Dxh6 20.Dxd7 Ted8 21.Dxc7 1-0 Anand,V (2779)-Svidler,P (2728)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 637] 11...Af8 13 12.c3N 3 [ RR 12.Cf1 Ca5 13.Aa2 d5 14.Ad2 dxe4 15.dxe4 b4 16.Cg3 c5 17.c3 bxc3 18.Axc3 Dd7 19.Dd2 Dxd2 20.Ted1 Cc6 21.Cxd2 Cd4 22.f3 Ac6 23.Rf2 g6 24.Tdc1 Tab8 25.Cgf1 h5 26.Ac4 Cd7 Bruzon,L (2677)-Onischuk,A (2640)/Khanty Mansyisk RUS 2005/The Week in Chess 578/1/2-1/2 (48)] 12...Ca5 90 13.Ac2 10 13...c5 63 14.d4 61 Cloudbuster (IM) : why don't americans learn foreign languages? Cloudbuster (IM) : why being so ignorant? Cloudbuster (IM) : maybe there is some in iraq ;-) 14...cxd4 1026 15.cxd4 3 Cloudbuster (IM) : doesn't talks about bush belong to the joke channel? 15...exd4 71 Cloudbuster (IM) : does bush play chess, btw? 16.e5 467 16...Cd5 29 17.Cxd4 581 17...Cb4 423 18.axb5 472 18...Cxc2 189 19.Dxc2 54 19...axb5 113 20.Cxb5 20 20...Db6 262 21.Cc3 211 21...Dc6 1227 22.Cf3 143 22...Cc4 45 23.Txa8 44 23...Axa8 27 24.Af4 587 24...Ab4 123 RLH2 (FM) : black looks better RLH2 (FM) : o wait RLH2 (FM) : forgot bout the missing pawn 25.Db3

457 25...Aa5? 20 Heine (GM) : ob 4 [ 25...Cxb2! 26.Te3 Axc3 27.Txc3 Da4 28.Dxa4 ( 28.Dxb2 Dxf4) 28...Cxa4 29.Tc7 Cb6=] 26.Tc1 294 26...De6 41 aries2 (IM) : once nxc2 occurred svidler was in clover RLH2 (FM) : nb5? nxe5 RLH2 (FM) : qa2 possible RLH2 (FM) : oo nvm RLH2 (FM) : f3 hanging IBorg (GM) : white looks in trouble 27.Ce1 957 IBorg (GM) : nd4 qg6 f3 IBorg (GM) : not clear IBorg (GM) : qd3 nce2 IBorg (GM) : ne1 is a move to try to simplify position IBorg (GM) : nd4 is a fighting move IBorg (GM) : you make moves according to your style IBorg (GM) : anand prefers clear chess [ 27.Cb5 Cxe5; 27.Da2; 27.Cd4!? Dg6 28.f3 Ab6! 29.Dxc4 Axf3 30.g3 De6 31.Dd3 Axd4+ 32.Dxd4 Dxh3 33.Rf2 Dg2+ 34.Re3 g5 35.Dxd7 gxf4+ 36.gxf4 Ac6 37.Dd4 f6 38.Dc4+ Rh8© Rybka.] 27...Ac6 204 IBorg (GM) : svidler is in good form IBorg (GM) : finding moves to keep tension going up and up IBorg (GM) : yes of course 28.Ce2 295 28...Cxe5 63 29.Dxe6 26 29...Txe6 20 30.Cd4 20 30...Axe1 26 IBorg (GM) : extra pawn for svidler LUCIANA (GM) : no extra pawn:) IBorg (GM) : white plays? LUCIANA (GM) : re1 IBorg (GM) : nd3 LUCIANA (GM) : ne6 IBorg (GM) : ne1 IBorg (GM) : ne1 LUCIANA (GM) : ahh,true,sorry IBorg (GM) : re6 fe6 IBorg (GM) : double attack on bf4 and pawn b2 IBorg (GM) : dc6 IBorg (GM) : nd3 covers e5 square IBorg (GM) : ne6 is probably best IBorg (GM) : extra pawn opposite color bishops IBorg (GM) : didn't see bb6 IBorg (GM) : must feel good to have a powerful computer to do all thinking IBorg (GM) : instead of using computer, try to use your own brain IBorg (GM) : bb6 then bc7 is also possible btw IBorg (GM) : instead of rd3 31.Txe1 624 [ 31.Cxe6 Cd3 32.Td1 Axf2+ 33.Rf1 Ab6 34.Txd3 Ab5 35.Re2 dxe6 36.Rd2 Axd3 37.Rxd3 Rf8=/+] 31...Cd3 20 32.Cxe6 26 aries2 (IM) : something went horribly wrong in anand opening when black got 18...nxc2 in aries2 (IM) : this line must have been a "mis-prep" [ 32.Txe6 fxe6 33.Cxc6 dxc6 34.Ad6 Cxb2=/+] 32...Cxe1 93 33.Cd4 27 Siglar (IM) : nd3? 33...Cd3 26 aries2 (IM) : nxc6 dxc6 what happens looks like b2 pawn drops [ 33...Axg2 34.Ad2 Cf3+ 35.Rxg2 Cxd4=/+] 34.Ad6 26 aries2 (IM) : fisherino that move is bad [ 34.Cxc6 dxc6] 34...Cxb2 20 aries2 (IM) : it fell in yr line too RLH2 (FM) : it does, but opposite color bishops 35.f3 20 RLH2 (FM) : draw aries2 (IM) : svid has excellent chances because white cannot force bish of opp color 35...Cc4 26 36.Ab4 17 aries2 (IM) : after 18...nxc2 black was in clover, looks like a 'mis prep' line by anand IBorg (GM) : still looks drawish aries2 (IM) : alburt would say "22% chance to win" or something like that, he loves assigning weird percentages Petrovich (GM) : 22% chance to lose by a fork:) aries2 (IM) : fish yr B hangs 36...h5 78 aries2 (IM) : i agree, some chances to inflict suffering 37.Rf2 30 aries2 (IM) : but maybe draw in excess of 90% don't know 37...f6 35 aries2 (IM) : fish 34. nxc6?? dxc6 aries2 (IM) : your B hangs 38.Cf5 26 aries2 (IM) : about what mabbu he didn't say anything aries2 (IM) : somehow i think anand strong enough to avoid fork but we shall see aries2 (IM) : yes looks very drawish aries2 (IM) : no real chances to torture i guess 38...Ce5 180 39.Ac3 261 39...Rf7 221 40.Cd6+ 20 40...Re7 20 41.Cf5+ 20 41...Rf8 26 42.Re3 101 42...g6 20 43.Cd6 714 43...Re7 20 44.Ab4 20 44...g5 20 [ 44...Re6 45.f4 Cf7 46.Cxf7 Rxf7=] 45.Cc4+ 20 45...Re6 20 46.Cxe5 20 46...fxe5 18 47.Ad2 2 1/2-1/2
Leko-Morozevich: Los jugadores decidieron entrar en la variante McCutcheon de la Defensa Francesa . Se siguió una partida de los viejos héroes del ajedrez, Euwe y Maroczy, jugada en 1.921. Las aperturas que Morozevich siempre escoge, tienden a revivir esquemas del pasado. Emana una cierta "frescura" con esta actitud, porque a menudo desentierra con mucho éxito, variantes olvidadas. Tras la novedad, Leko no optó por entrar con su alfil por g6, pues hay cierta compensación, como sugiere Rybka. Pareció que las blancas habían salido con algo de ventaja tras la apertura, pero Morozevich evitó astutamente el cambio de damas y obtuvo bastante contrajuego. Después las negras ganaron un peón, pero por la situación de sus piezas no pareció inquietar demasiado a Leko que, a cambio, ubicó un poderoso caballo en d6. Se canjearon las damas y se llegó a un final de cuatro torres y una pareja de caballos en donde parecía que las blancas no deberían sufrir demasiado para conseguir el empate. Sin embargo Rybka, como siempre atenta, sugiere una continuación curiosilla en la jugada 31, en donde logra el cambio de caballos y se queda con una ligera ventaja (por el peón de más) en un final ya sólo con las torres. Morozevich no lo vio, simplificó y se llegó al empate.
Leko,P (2749) - Morozevich,A (2741) [C12]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (2), 18.02.2007
[ICC+Rybka 2.3+Jimenez]
1.e4 0 1...e6 4 2.d4 10 2...d5 4 3.Cc3 9 3...Cf6 4 4.Ag5 11 4...Ab4 5 5.e5 11 5...h6 4 6.Ad2 10 6...Axc3 4 7.bxc3 9 7...Ce4 5 8.Dg4 12 8...g6 3 9.Ad3 10 9...Cxd2 3 10.Rxd2 11 10...c5 4 11.h4 142 aries2 (IM) : Raise your hand if the MacCutcheon looks really, really ugly. aries2 (IM) : i think for black more than white, white can just caveman on the kingside aries2 (IM) : AHA - Leko doesn't know how to caveman - so Moro is playing psychologically aries2 (IM) : Leko failed to caveman vs Topy in San Luis aries2 (IM) : Kf8 is ugly, in some Indian Champ. that was annotated in NIC aries2 (IM) : caveman means throw pieces willy nilly at BK aries2 (IM) : soon we will probably see the "mysterious" qf4 move aries2 (IM) : no paint, when bk can scurry that's a no go aries2 (IM) : c4 now looks bad, be2 or whatever, nf3, qf4, etc. aries2 (IM) : well, no, c4 prepares b5-b4 but it's slow aries2 (IM) : i expect qg4-f4 soon aries2 (IM) : one of black's bizarre ideas is cxd, qa5+, b6, and ba6 11...Da5 377 Cloudbuster (IM) : i wouldn't be surprised if morozevich came up with a new idea here aries2 (IM) : moro as white destroyed shipov in a winawaer with an early qa5 aries2 (IM) : maybe black is thinking about b6 and ba6 aries2 (IM) : maybe bxg6 rg8 aries2 (IM) : bxg6!? rg8 h5!? aries2 (IM) : ne2!? c4 bxg6!? rg8 h5! aries2 (IM) : ne2 h5 qg5 c4 bxg6 unclear aries2 (IM) : i get all your pawns aries2 (IM) : ne2 not bad here aries2 (IM) : it's weird aries2 (IM) : not very leko like Cloudbuster (IM) : hasn't qa5 been played that early? aries2 (IM) : i still get all the kingside pawns and i'm fast with my phalanx aries2 (IM) : that's one var., saranad, there are others aries2 (IM) : it might, it's weird (but i def. want ne2 c4 first to protect WK) aries2 (IM) : nf3 doesn't guard c3 which may pose issues aries2 (IM) : it's craziness after ne2, that's a moro move aries2 (IM) : i want black to commit with ne2 c4 first, to safeguard WK, before that bxg6 adventure aries2 (IM) : ok ne2 nc6 is reasonable, but can i get into f6 with my Q aries2 (IM) : again, i am only interested in this stuff if black safeguards wk with c4 aries2 (IM) : DeFirmian blew a great game vs Naka when Naka tried MacCutch in US Champ 2006 aries2 (IM) : naka did that c4 move, which looked lame, but defirmian blew up in time trouble aries2 (IM) : but in naka game, fishhead, he came in with b4 later aries2 (IM) : and defirmian basically flagged while freaking out aries2 (IM) : 12. bxg6 cxd4!!? aries2 (IM) : play over naka defirm game aries2 (IM) : b4 was a long time coming [ RR 11...Ad7 12.h5 ( RR 12.Tb1 Ac6 13.h5 gxh5 14.Txh5 Cd7 15.Cf3 Da5 16.Dg7 Tf8 17.Txh6 0-0-0 18.Tbh1 Cb6 19.Th8 Tfe8 20.Cg5 Ca4 21.Cxf7 Dxc3+ 22.Re2 c4 23.Ag6 Dxd4 24.Rf3 Dc3+ 25.Rg4 Dd4+ 26.Rg3 Dc3+ Stellwagen,D (2561)-Wang Hao (2519)/Instanbul TUR 2005/The Week in Chess 576/1-0 (43)) 12...g5 13.f4 Cc6 14.fxg5 Dxg5+ ( RR 14...Da5 15.dxc5 d4 16.Cf3 0-0-0 17.Tab1 dxc3+ 18.Re2 Thg8 19.De4 Dc7 20.g4 Ce7 21.Ab5 hxg5 22.Tb3 Cd5 23.Thb1 Ac6 24.Axc6 Dxc6 25.Cd4 Da6+ 26.Re1 Td7 27.c6 Tc7 28.Txb7 Txb7 29.Txb7 Leko,P (2736)-Radjabov,T (2624)/Linares ESP 2003/The Week in Chess 434/1-0 (32)) 15.Dxg5 hxg5 16.Re3 g4 17.Tf1 Re7 18.Th4 Tag8 19.Tb1 b6 20.Ae2 cxd4+ 21.cxd4 f5 22.exf6+ Rxf6 23.Tf1+ Re7 24.Txg4 Txg4 25.Axg4 Cxd4 26.Rxd4 Leko,P (2701)-Short,N (2675)/Batumi 1999/CBM 074/1/2-1/2] 12.Cf3N 772 [ RR 12.Th3 cxd4 13.Axg6 Tf8 ( RR 13...Dc7 14.Tf3 Tg8 15.Txf7 Dxc3+ 16.Re2 d3+ 17.cxd3 Dxe5+ 18.Rf3 Tf8 19.Tf5+ Rd7 20.Txf8 Dxa1 21.Tf7+ Rd8 22.Db4 Cd7 23.Dd6 Dh8 24.Ce2 e5 25.Cf4 exf4 26.Af5 De8 27.Axd7 Axd7 28.Tf8 Euwe,M-Maroczy,G/Bad Aussee 1921/HCL/1-0) 14.Tf3 dxc3+ 15.Rd1 Dc5 16.Ah5 Cc6 17.Txf7 Txf7 18.Dg8+ Df8 19.Axf7+ Re7 20.Dxf8+ Rxf8 21.Ah5 Cxe5 22.Ce2 Ad7 23.Tb1 b6 24.Tb3 Tc8 25.f4 Cc4 26.Txc3 Aa4 Zontakh,A (2530)-Hoang Thanh Trang (2450)/Budapest 1999/CBM 072/1-0 (72); RR 12.h5 g5 13.f4 cxd4 14.Cf3 dxc3+ 15.Re2 Da4 16.Th4 gxh4 17.Dg7 Tf8 18.Re3 Cc6 19.Dxh6 b6 20.Cg5 Aa6 21.Axa6 Dxa6 22.Ch7 0-0-0 23.Cxf8 Da4 24.Dg7 Dxc2 25.h6 Cd4 0-1 Seirawan,Y (2595)-Makarichev,S (2510)/Reykjavik 1990/CBM 018 ext] 12...Cd7 4 aries2 (IM) : bxg6 nb6 isn't a human move but it's cool 13.Thb1 323 [ 13.Axg6 Cb6 ( 13...fxg6 14.Dxe6+ Rd8 15.Dxd5+/=) 14.Ad3 Ca4<=>] 13...cxd4 55 SalCheech (FM) : rb4 14.Dxd4 231 14...a6 3 15.Tb4 917 Cloudbuster (IM) : how does black develop? probably white's just better here aries2 (IM) : blitzfrieden that's not good at all aries2 (IM) : I don't predict a resurgence of the MacCutcheon aries2 (IM) : listen to the sheep he is baaing truthfully faust (IM) : WHY g6 no Kf8?:( faust (IM) : why moro played g6 not kf8?:) faust (IM) : i don't believe in McCatchon with g6 faust (IM) : rg8 is OK 15...Dc7 2347 Kingway (IM) : I've been looking at c4, too. gets interesting. 16.c4 1016 16...a5 131 17.Tb3 934 Kingway (IM) : nc5 cd5 nb3 cb3 with rc1 coming gets interesting, probably sound for white but not sure it's more than that 17...dxc4 601 Kingway (IM) : Leko will look at qc4, he loves endgames with edges Kingway (IM) : rc3 b5 a4 is wild and fun, but I think black may be ok [ 17...Cc5? 18.Tb5! ( 18.cxd5 Cxb3+ 19.cxb3 exd5 20.Ab5+ Rf8 21.e6 Th7 22.exf7 Af5~~) 18...Cxd3 19.cxd3 dxc4 20.Dxc4 Dxc4 21.dxc4+/-] 18.Dxc4 268 Kingway (IM) : lol, I understand the mind of LEKO...but is that good or bad?? [ 18.Tc3 b5 19.a4 Db6 20.Ae4 b4 21.Txc4 ( 21.Axa8 bxc3+ 22.Re3 Re7 23.Dxb6 Cxb6 24.Ac6 Td8=/+) 21...Ab7=] 18...Cc5 157 Pai-Malchik (GM) : = 19.Tc3 323 19...b6 20 20.Df4 22 faust (IM) : f5 here faust (IM) : is only faust (IM) : move:) faust (IM) : after f5 black is better faust (IM) : f5 g4 bd7 faust (IM) : f5 faust (IM) : and bene will show McCatchon's advantage;) faust (IM) : to keep f6 square off the white qeen Odysseus (GM) : faust and whats the idea behind 2d4?:) faust (IM) : the idea faust (IM) : is to refresh some theory before the game faust (IM) : and the whole opening is good:) Odysseus (GM) : i commented ur last game here in ICC and saw no counter in white side..:) Odysseus (GM) : faust faust (IM) : bf4 is very very bad move faust (IM) : c3 or bg5 faust (IM) : and it is unclear Odysseus (GM) : yes Odysseus (GM) : old lines faust (IM) : i simply forgot everything:) i've slept only 2 hours at night Hatred (IM) : if f5 then g4 is very unclear faust (IM) : f5 g4 bd7 faust (IM) : and black is better faust (IM) : McCutchon owns;)) Hatred (IM) : bd7 h5 faust (IM) : h5 g5? faust (IM) : wtf? 20...Ab7 641 [ 20...f5!? 21.g4 Ad7 22.Tg1= ( 22.h5 g5=/+) ] 21.Cd4 171 faust (IM) : 0-0-0 loses 21...Dd8 476 Petrovich (GM) : Ke3, go Leko faust (IM) : ke3 is ok faust (IM) : now threat is g5... Petrovich (GM) : yes, Nd4 was Leko move, and Qd8 is Moro move faust (IM) : or simpke Ne4+ Petrovich (GM) : they play each other:) faust (IM) : simple faust (IM) : lol Petro zzhosh faust (IM) : rc5 neploho Petrovich (GM) : Nb5 Ne4 Ke1 Petrovich (GM) : g5 faust (IM) : rc5 bc5 nb5 faust (IM) : and what is then?:) Petrovich (GM) : Rc5 is Moro move and bxc5 is Leko move Petrovich (GM) : :) Petrovich (GM) : 4.5 , Jon faust (IM) : busted?:) faust (IM) : e4 is Leko move and e4 is Moro move:)) Petrovich (GM) : 4 and half moves faust (IM) : f3 is a good try Hatred (IM) : Ke2 Hatred (IM) : oe Ke3 RLH2 (FM) : too bad nb5 doesnt work due to when nxc3 it covers the b5 square IBorg (GM) : wow moroz is looking good [ 21...0-0-0 22.Cb5] 22.f3 918 LazyPawn (IM) : guilty IBorg (GM) : probably 00 IBorg (GM) : short castle IBorg (GM) : and kg7 IBorg (GM) : looks ok for black IBorg (GM) : also some ideas for black to play ba6 and get rid of bishops [ 22.Re3 g5; 22.Txc5? bxc5 23.Cb5 0-0-/+; 22.Cb5? Ce4+ 23.Re1 g5=/+] 22...g5 1340 23.De3 20 23...gxh4 20 24.Cb5 27 24...Rf8 21 25.Cd6 20 25...Ad5 20 26.Tb1 92 flowerchild (IM) : Moro losing again? 26...Dg5 282 IBorg (GM) : interesting games this round IBorg (GM) : moroz is outplaying him IBorg (GM) : leko of all people IBorg (GM) : he's low on time Herman (IM) : Moro is stronger than Leko in practice IBorg (GM) : well, not by me blitzfrieden2 Herman (IM) : Leko plays well mainly in standard positions IBorg (GM) : black has an extra pawn so far IBorg (GM) : g2 is potential weakness IBorg (GM) : bf1 qe3 ke3 ke7 is possible, with idea of rb6 nd7 IBorg (GM) : taking on g5 is bad in terms of losing tempo and structurally unsound [ 26...Axa2 27.Txc5 Axb1 28.Tb5 Aa2 29.Txb6©] 27.Af1 385 27...Dxe3+ 20 28.Txe3 10 IBorg (GM) : rb8 [ 28.Rxe3 Axa2 ( 28...Re7 29.Txb6 Cd7=/+) 29.Txb6 Ca4 30.Ta6 Txa6 31.Tc8+ Rg7 32.Txh8 Rxh8 33.Axa6=] 28...Tb8 10 IBorg (GM) : black is fine IBorg (GM) : only question is if white will be able to draw IBorg (GM) : bb5 rg8 IBorg (GM) : f6 of course IBorg (GM) : who? IBorg (GM) : ob 4 29.Ac4 292 [ 29.Ab5 Tg8=/+] 29...Tg8 10 30.Te2 10 30...Axc4 94 31.Cxc4

10 31...h3? 10 [ 31...Ca4! 32.Th1 Td8+ 33.Cd6 f6 34.Txh4 fxe5 35.Txa4 Txd6+ 36.Re3 Tg5=/+] 32.gxh3 90 32...Tg3 10 33.Re3 11 33...Ca4 5 34.Rf4 26 IBorg (GM) : moro is being outplayed again IBorg (GM) : rh3 possible? IBorg (GM) : kg4 nc3 IBorg (GM) : rg1 rh4 takes knight on c4 34...Tg5 91 [ 34...Txh3 35.Rg4 ( 35.Tg1 Th4+) 35...Cc3 36.Cxb6 Cxe2 37.Rxh3 Re8=] 35.Tb3 5 35...Re7 5 36.h4 5 36...Tf5+ 5 37.Rg3 111 37...Tg8+ 5 38.Rf2 5 38...Tf4 5 39.Cxb6 5 39...Txh4 5 40.Cxa4 5 40...Txa4 5 Petrovich (GM) : The Cross combination Petrovich (GM) : Maltese Cross Kingway (IM) : I've followed the accusations against Topalov, they remind one a lot of the accusations against Barry Bonds. No smoking gun, but lots of stuff that doesn't feel right... Petrovich (GM) : Sosa was a cheater Petrovich (GM) : cork bates Petrovich (GM) : yes Sosa 41.Tb7+ 649 Petrovich (GM) : fishnhead is a stupid kibitzer Kingway (IM) : I think everyone is watching Topalov very carefully now, so if he drops a hundred rating points over the next year, that will but taken as proof that he was getting computer help. But if he holds his high rating, that will be helpful to defending his honor. Kingway (IM) : But that's also unfair, players do go up and down as form is good and good answers anywhere I'm afraid Drahacik (FM) : Why is Black thinking? Maybe Leko offered a draw. Drahacik (FM) : or maybe Black went to the restoom, move 40 Kingway (IM) : I personally think odds that Topalov was cheating about 50/50. And odds that Kramnik cheated about 2%. Rabudja (GM) : lol Kingway (IM) : I'm old school, toreador...just a geezer who used to play MightyViking (IM) : 40...Qf7 was not a blunder per se. He just misunderstood the signals. Kingway (IM) : and toreador, you are such an authority?? lol... Kingway (IM) : I will say I hope Topalov didn't cheat. Felt the same way about Pete Rose, Barry Bonds and plenty others in recent years... Drahacik (FM) : Ok, so Kf8, do you trade rooks and play c3, or just play c3? Drahacik (FM) : "then" meaning with rook trade or without? 1/2-1/2
Aronian-Carlsen: Apertura Catalana. Se entra en una de esas variantes en donde las negras mantienen a toda costa el peón que se comen de c4. Las blancas optan por minarlo con 12.b3! y tras los cambios de piezas que se producen, son ellas ahora las que fuerzan la ganancia de un peón. En la jugada 19, Aronian inicia las hostilidades con un "extraño" sacrificio de pieza. En la primera variante que analiza Rybka, se ve cierta compensación, pero Magnus juega valientemente de otro modo (20…f5!) y emigra con su rey desde g8 a e8. El módulo a partir de ahí no encuentra compensación para Aronian en las variantes que analiza, dando siempre clara ventaja para Magnus. Así hasta llegar a la fatídica jugada 27…Td7?, que permite la entrada de la torre blanca en la primera fila de las negras, con efectos descorazonadores para el noruego, que tiene que aceptar el empate por jaque continuo.
Aronian,L (2744) - Carlsen,M (2690) [E04]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (2), 18.02.2007
[ICC+Rybka 2.3+Jimenez]
Greysky (FM) : well, victory of Carlsen, no doubt :) Greysky (FM) : revenge about their last game. Greysky (FM) : yes... he can still resign and go to sleep :P Greysky (FM) : he´s 2690 of course Blitz-King (IM) : Go Magnus MightyViking (IM) : Carlsen's performance Elo in Wijk aan Zee was 2610, so not that bad really. Greysky (FM) : why to kill aronian so easy? 1.d4 0 1...Cf6 3 2.c4 1 2...e6 1 3.g3 4 3...d5 1 4.Cf3 3 4...dxc4 1 5.Ag2 3 5...a6 1 Blitz-King (IM) : let's go 6.0-0 3 6...Cc6 1 7.e3 2 7...Ad7 3 8.De2 3 Blitz-King (IM) : yes, Catalan Greysky (FM) : is not clear what is it :P Greysky (FM) : I think so.. Magnus played this line sometimes Blitz-King (IM) : Maybe b5 now? Blitz-King (IM) : b5 Ne5? Greysky (FM) : and exchange sac. Blitz-King (IM) : Who knows:) Greysky (FM) : or Nd5 ? Greysky (FM) : I don´t know theory about this :) SilikonaPub (FM) : Aronian usually plays this kind of opening,not aiming for a quick win Blitz-King (IM) : Maybe with Nd5..but I'm afraid, it seems good for White Greysky (FM) : silikona, not aiming for a "." win. :) Blitz-King (IM) : Magnus thinking next move:) SilikonaPub (FM) : he always win with this stuff,I'll try to copy him :) 8...b5 164 9.Td1 2 Greysky (FM) : pawn up... Greysky (FM) : :P Lapinews (IM) : yep 0-1 pawn-up ;) Blitz-King (IM) : yes:) Lapinews (IM) : is a pawn Greysky (FM) : ei Lapi :) hi Blitz-King (IM) : Levon has prepared it all Greysky (FM) : well, ARonian has still chances to draw.. SalCheech (FM) : 0 1 pawn up :) Greysky (FM) : I wonder why is Carlsen thinking so much... [ RR 9.a4 Tb8 10.axb5 axb5 11.b3 cxb3 12.Cbd2 Ab4 13.Cxb3 0-0 14.Ab2 Ce4 15.Ce1 Cc3 16.Dc2 Ca4 17.Cd3 Cxb2 18.Dxb2 Ad6 19.Tfc1 Tb6 20.h4 De7 21.Cd2 Tfb8 22.Ce4 Ae8 23.h5 h6 Georgiev,K (2658)-Ponomariov,R (2743)/Bled SLO 2002/CD PDR/1-0 (61)] 9...Ae7 182 [ RR 9...Ad6 10.e4 Ae7 11.d5 exd5 12.exd5 Cb4 13.Ce5 0-0 14.a3 Cd3 15.Cxd3 Ag4 16.Af3 Axf3 17.Dxf3 cxd3 18.Cc3 Cd7 19.Af4 Ad6 20.Txd3 Te8 21.Td2 Ce5 22.Axe5 Txe5 23.Ce4 De7 24.Cxd6 Rustemov,A (2573)-Potkin,V (2557)/Moscow RUS 2006/The Week in Chess 596/1-0 (52)] 10.Cc3 2 Greysky (FM) : "obviously" ? Blitz-King (IM) : 0-0 Blitz-King (IM) : 0-0 Ne5 Na5!:) SilikonaPub (FM) : well,mexico is far away and we get the moves a bit later, it's not a matter of long thinking... Greysky (FM) : wow Cloudbuster (IM) : how come btw that radjabov was so quickly replaced? MightyViking (IM) : Someone broke into Carlsen's room and stole his GM title. Blitz-King (IM) : Magnus will be Number 1! MightyViking (IM) : I heard there's a new mexico now. Heine (GM) : yeah, just an hour left :-) Greysky (FM) : Heine... Carlsen´s friend :P 10...0-0N 358 Greysky (FM) : really an hour left? Greysky (FM) : I think he was in time-trouble Heine (GM) : afraid o Greysky (FM) : :) Lapinews (IM) : heine likes carlsen Greysky (FM) : that´s Lapinews (IM) : i think it is a joke between them Lapinews (IM) : they often play together and i heard they worked together, also SilikonaPub (FM) : I am aronian and carlsen's fan, I don't really know who of them to support today... Lapinews (IM) : the youngest of course! Siglar (IM) : hello fortin :) Lapinews (IM) : i don't like Aro's head Blitz-King (IM) : Agree Lapinews Siglar (IM) : allright..lets go! heia magnus esparago (FM) : is this prepared heime? Lapinews (IM) : :) Siglar (IM) : suglar? Siglar (IM) : its ok Blitz-King (IM) : Ne5 fails to B@d5 Siglar (IM) : håper det..LOL [ RR 10...Cd5 11.a4 0-0 12.axb5 Cxc3 13.bxc3 axb5 14.Txa8 Dxa8 15.d5 exd5 16.Txd5 De8 17.Dd1 Cb8 18.Cd4 c6 19.Te5 Dd8 20.Dh5 g6 21.Dh6 Te8 22.h4 Af8 23.Txe8 Axe8 24.Df4 c5 25.Cf3 Beliavsky,A (2665)-Akopian,V (2655)/Pula 1997/CBM 057 ext/0-1 (66)] 11.Ce5 295 Greysky (FM) : this must be studied by both players esparago (FM) : what to do?? Greysky (FM) : most of you didn´t see Qe8 Blitz-King (IM) : well I like the position after Nd5 Nd5 ed5 Bd5 Ne5 de5 Rb8 Bc6 Bxc6 Rxd8 Rxd8 Greysky (FM) : Na5!!! Blitzking, the king jaja Greysky (FM) : yes :) Greysky (FM) : Frank, I think it was not preparation Greysky (FM) : of course it´s not clear Greysky (FM) : thanks :) Blitz-King (IM) : Qe8 Qf3? Greysky (FM) : he´s unemployed.... 11...De8 467 Greysky (FM) : well, all defenced, let count pawns ;) Greysky (FM) : please patzers, you should use "I think" before your lines and evals :) Lapinews (IM) : killer for black, ljg :) Blitz-King (IM) : Qf3 possible?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! Lapinews (IM) : Qf3 Nxe5 and Nd5 must be OK Lapinews (IM) : after Qf3 is Qxa8 Qxa8 Bxa8 Nc6! is enough aries2 (IM) : compare this opening to the insanity of "examine aries2 %0" (my game vs Shirazi) Blitz-King (IM) : If Lapinews says it, It must be true Lapinews (IM) : :P [ 11...Cd5 12.Cxd5 exd5 13.Axd5 Cxe5 14.dxe5 ( 14.Axa8 Ag4 15.f3 Dxa8 16.fxg4 Cf3+ 17.Rh1 Cxd4+ 18.Dg2 Cf3 19.h3 Ad6©) 14...Tb8 15.Ac6 Axc6 16.Txd8 Tbxd8 17.Ad2+/=] 12.b3! 183 Lapinews (IM) : when will you stop those kind of stupid ? lol Lapinews (IM) : this kind* Lapinews (IM) : b3 is logicial anyway Lapinews (IM) : logical Blitz-King (IM) : If LP says it, I dont know lol Blitz-King (IM) : lOL Cloudbuster (IM) : what about b4? Greysky (FM) : I don´t like comps... isn´t any GM there?? Greysky (FM) : I suspect it [ 12.Df3 Cxe5 13.Dxa8 Dxa8 14.Axa8 Cc6 15.Axc6 Axc6|^] 12...Cd5 998 Greysky (FM) : the control is in the move 30 or 40 ? Greysky (FM) : ouch Greysky (FM) : ouch that [ 12...cxb3 13.axb3 Cxe5 14.Axa8 Dxa8 15.dxe5 Cd5 16.Cxd5 exd5 17.Da2 Ac8©] 13.Axd5 41 Greysky (FM) : well... 85 minutes are so much 13...exd5 45 Greysky (FM) : the idea is to threat c7 obviously Greysky (FM) : but seems very strange 14.Cxd5 20 Greysky (FM) : suddenly I like black... Greysky (FM) : am I crazy? 14...Cxe5 138 15.dxe5 53 SalCheech (FM) : bd8 Greysky (FM) : what´s about Rd8? :P Greysky (FM) : me too Gladiator Greysky (FM) : :) Greysky (FM) : the game of ponomariov was a blunder--. SilikonaPub (FM) : who is with aronian on morelia, does anyone know it? Sargissian is on Moscu Drahacik (FM) : This looks almost winning for White? SilikonaPub (FM) : thanks EeEk, I forggot him :) Drahacik (FM) : White has his pawn back and looks like he's winning another one, threats Nc7 and bxc4. Greysky (FM) : black has, in the other side, good bishop of sligh squares SilikonaPub (FM) : 66 minutes is not a big problem... 15...Ta7 657 Drahacik (FM) : passive rook Cloudbuster (IM) : lol Cloudbuster (IM) : go gormally go Cloudbuster (IM) : ;-) MightyViking (IM) : Rooks to a7 all the rage in this round. 16.bxc4 137 SilikonaPub (FM) : yes,and tattoed DeadHorse (IM) : paris hilton loves bush SilikonaPub (FM) : yes... complicated DeadHorse (IM) : negative Greysky (FM) : hi ruif :) DeadHorse (IM) : women > chess 16...c6 263 17.Cf4 20 Blitz-King (IM) : if Bc5 Nd3!? [ 17.Cxe7+ Dxe7 18.Ab2+/=] 17...Dc8 164 [ 17...Ac5 18.Cd3] 18.Ab2 62 Greysky (FM) : white position is more promising :( Heine (GM) : g5 does look decent actually [ 18.e4!? Ae6 19.Cxe6 Dxe6 20.Ae3 Tb7 21.f4+/=] 18...g5 703 SilikonaPub (FM) : who won linares last year? Otero2006 (IM) : Cd5 !? SilikonaPub (FM) : foffo I saw Spassky winning Larsen in 17 moves as black, that does not mean anything Otero2006 (IM) : whats said rybca about 19.Cd5 Otero2006 (IM) : ?? Siglar (IM) : yes foffo, aronian must be vaery bad since he got beaten by kramnik in an equal endgame SilikonaPub (FM) : well, we are lucky he is not convincig, winning linares, khanty cup, Tal memorian and wijk aan zee... DeadHorse (IM) : federico your way off SilikonaPub (FM) : experience... Korchnoi next WC! Kingway (IM) : Aronian is amazingly good, but I have no clue how he wins. He just does... SilikonaPub (FM) : right kingway, I agree with u Kingway (IM) : Magnus is a serious PR and Door draw, organizers care about that a lot. If they want to keep organizing, that is... DeadHorse (IM) : carlsen qualified for wijk ann zee Siglar (IM) : lol fortin DeadHorse (IM) : get your FACTS STRAIGHT SilikonaPub (FM) : for to be lucky, u gotta seek it 19.e4? 875 Drahacik (FM) : yes, e4 much better than Nd3 :) [ >=19.Ad4 Tb7 20.Cd3 c5 21.Ac3 Ac6©] 19...gxf4 20 20.gxf4 20 SilikonaPub (FM) : wow SilikonaPub (FM) : maybe levon does not have a clue of chess,but I love his games :) Drahacik (FM) : Apricot : Black looks lost cheaptrick : lost for white SilikonaPub (FM) : what did win radja? IBorg (GM) : looks very unbalanced and good for white SilikonaPub (FM) : I thought u were strong if u win tournaments VerdeNotte (IM) : this looks so fun IBorg (GM) : bh5 kh1 and rg1-g3 VerdeNotte (IM) : is Rxd7 threatened? VerdeNotte (IM) : Rd7 Qd7 e6 Qe6 f5 VerdeNotte (IM) : yeah I'm saying that's the threat Siglar (IM) : what is going on?? Drahacik (FM) : coffehouse moves, not coffee moves :) Siglar (IM) : relayer, why do you do such mistakes? IBorg (GM) : cheap tactics wins this game KingLoek (GM) : f5 now? Kingway (IM) : strange game, I would be in a panic playing either side ... lol ... VerdeNotte (IM) : Levon gonna flag Magnus aries2 (IM) : yes 20...f5 456 Pai-Malchik (GM) : Bg4 f3 Bh5 with big advant. Herman (IM) : I like f5 Pai-Malchik (GM) : =+ Pai-Malchik (GM) : f5 is possible KingLoek (GM) : strange that aronian did that RLH2 (FM) : qe3 attacks ra7, could be useful KingLoek (GM) : but dont forget this guy is very tricky and resourceful Pai-Malchik (GM) : But Bg4 was much better Siglar (IM) : qe3 and qg3 followig involves some calculation Pai-Malchik (GM) : Kh1 Be6! KingLoek (GM) : what was so great about Bg4 f3 Bh5 f5? Pai-Malchik (GM) : -+ Pai-Malchik (GM) : Qe3!? Kingway (IM) : don't forget rd3, also gets to g3 aries2 (IM) : rd3 be6 what happens [ 20...Ag4 21.f3 Ah5 22.Dg2+ Rh8 23.e6+ f6 24.Dh3 Ae8 25.cxb5 Tb7 26.f5 Txb5 27.Ac3 Dc7 28.Dh6 Ac5+ 29.Rg2 Dg7+ 30.Dxg7+ Rxg7 31.Rh3 h6 32.Td8©] 21.De3 202 aries2 (IM) : gatorchess too crazy kh1 after bh3 Pai-Malchik (GM) : c5 looks good SilikonaPub (FM) : it made sense. I have to wake up in 5 hours and I'm still here... mharize (WIM) : of course has snese Drahacik (FM) : Bh3 Kh1 Bg2+ draw? mharize (WIM) : its attacking a player who likes to attack aries2 (IM) : don't think so mharize (WIM) : thats not confortable for Magnus Greysky (FM) : what about Be6 = Greysky (FM) : ? Greysky (FM) : ooops Greysky (FM) : rook Drahacik (FM) : Aronian playing pretty fast aries2 (IM) : i am trying to get both of white rooks playing, not easy VerdeNotte (IM) : Rb7 e6! I guess VerdeNotte (IM) : although can't see anything :S Greysky (FM) : I hope 2-0 , but it´s really dificult this position Petrovich (GM) : this is summerhouse preparation Morfius (IM) : nice creative play from Aronian aries2 (IM) : c5 rd5 be6 rad1 going for the pawn weasel Drahacik (FM) : c5 clears c6 for the queen to help defend. [ 21.Rh1 Ae6] 21...Tb7 352 Siglar (IM) : no Kingway (IM) : Magnus could win this game and start with 2-0, that would be pretty cool... aries2 (IM) : cheaptrick c5 gives white the pawn weasel Morfius (IM) : who is winning here SilikonaPub (FM) : computers have not really idea, they find the truth in this kind of position when u plug some moves aries2 (IM) : kh1 maybe SilikonaPub (FM) : not really, computers can't understand many things SilikonaPub (FM) : easy things for whichever strong player aries2 (IM) : that fizzles lazerpawn white has to be more nuanceful than that aries2 (IM) : kh1 be6 rg1+ IBorg (GM) : qg3 IBorg (GM) : kf7 qh3 aries2 (IM) : yes, idea kf7 qh3 SilikonaPub (FM) : just plug Queen against rook and pawn in the tipical fortress. Fritz gives +5 and of course "he" can't win aries2 (IM) : TheGladiator, is Henrik Carlsen related to Henrik Ibsen? SilikonaPub (FM) : I can't beat fritz, I just find weak points dragon-70 (GM) : Kh1 seems the best try,but hard to believe if white has compensation here, SilikonaPub (FM) : u can believe them if they give u in this position +8 SilikonaPub (FM) : I have analyzeda lot with computers and they can't understand GMs atacking sacs SilikonaPub (FM) : computers beat humans, but humans r stronger analyzing whichever ending SilikonaPub (FM) : ya cucu SilikonaPub (FM) : me estan poniendo nervioso los amantes de lso ordenadores estos pichonazo (IM) : black is a piece up if i a comp gives him under 1.00 it means big troubles for black SilikonaPub (FM) : -0.96 means a pawn up, bishop against 2 pawns. We don't need to be rybka for to say that Greysky (FM) : well, then? is the attack enough strong? SilikonaPub (FM) : a computer calculates. If 15 moves later he has bishop against 2 pawns it gives +1, and it doesn't know if is a win or a draw SilikonaPub (FM) : so if rybka is that good, plug it to play against itself. Maybe you find the truth of chess! Siglar (IM) : I dont like that magnus has bad time Siglar (IM) : lol fortin SilikonaPub (FM) : I don't know,rybka surely knows... it knows everything [ 21...c5 22.Dg3+ ( 22.Td5 bxc4! ( 22...Ae6 23.Tad1) ) 22...Rf7 23.Dh3~~] 22.Dg3+ 152 [ 22.Rh1 Ae6 23.Tg1+ Rh8-/+ ( 23...Rf7 24.Dh3) ] 22...Rf7 20 SilikonaPub (FM) : rybka cooks better that whichever human. And it can make up children too! 23.Dh3 20 SilikonaPub (FM) : aronian is playing for a win,forget computers! Siglar (IM) : be6 seems to be most correct here Herman (IM) : very exciting game Herman (IM) : what does rybka says? SilikonaPub (FM) : when will be rybka president of the united states? Greysky (FM) : jajajaj Greysky (FM) : Mr-Creosote : Greysky(FM) - very insightful????????? Kingway (IM) : big problem for white is how black controls the white squares e6/f5 in all variations and that leaves white hurting bad RLH2 (FM) : fxe4 looks bad aries2 (IM) : keinnuts is no nuts aries2 (IM) : zwischenhund aries2 (IM) : an in-between dog aries2 (IM) : it's not written in creosote Siglar (IM) : draw in this pos? lol aries2 (IM) : Ueberstuekelschwein: the head porcupine MightyViking (IM) : Zugzwang = train compulsion SilikonaPub (FM) : alñ is simply if u have a engine analyzing and u believe all it says... aries2 (IM) : creosote, it's still scary aries2 (IM) : Did he get a refill on his StarterPak (TM) of raisins SilikonaPub (FM) : magnus is in the toilette aries2 (IM) : Magnus needs his resupply of raisins in zeitnot 23...Re8 738 Siglar (IM) : that is also a good move aries2 (IM) : luke warm water on board aries2 (IM) : still not over sjakkhall scary stuff remains Siglar (IM) : magnus is making good moves all the way..only problem is the time aries2 (IM) : Rc1 Be6 Rd5!? going for the pawn armadillo Greysky (FM) : eval? aries2 (IM) : mrvugg you must not have seen naka destroy "solid" epishin in a miniature recently SilikonaPub (FM) : my engine coffecup 1.0 gives here -032 aries2 (IM) : shmawa carlsen had a monster game in opening vs moro no risk aries2 (IM) : that was a portisch-like non-speculative sac SilikonaPub (FM) : no one can say he will win a 2650 player "easily" RLH2 (FM) : qxh7. SilikonaPub (FM) : I go to sleep, see you tomorrow SilikonaPub (FM) : and plug off rybka and use your brains ;) aries2 (IM) : mrvugg i think we've seen enough radia sveshnikovs for a while aries2 (IM) : it's good to take a break from players with 100% openings predictability aries2 (IM) : just play in this ruif so i can obs [ 23...fxe4] 24.Dh5+ 976 [ 24.Tac1 bxc4 ( 24...Ae6 25.Td5) 25.Dh5+ Tf7-/+; 24.Dxh7 Ae6 25.cxb5 Txb5 26.Ac3 fxe4 27.Dxe4 Tg8+ 28.Rf1 Ad5-+] 24...Tf7 20 aries2 (IM) : what is his Broncept after rf7 aries2 (IM) : maybe rd3 and rad1 i guess aries2 (IM) : rd3, idea either rg3, or rad1 RLH2 (FM) : what was wrong with qxh7 instead of qh5+ 25.Rh1 41 Siglar (IM) : magnus has an even bigger advantage now..hope hope he makes it aries2 (IM) : Aronian is mixing his Broncepts Morfius (IM) : interesting game aries2 (IM) : bxc4 bc3 and game toddles on aries2 (IM) : aronian has 15 moves left to confuzzle raisinboy aries2 (IM) : i don't mind seeing bxc4, because bc3 lets me shoot out to a5 in some positions Siglar (IM) : seems like every move here wins..its just that he has to move..move boy!! aries2 (IM) : aronian's chief hope is Montezuema's revenge aries2 (IM) : ljg i saw rd6 nonsense but it was too nonsensical to shout or kib MightyViking (IM) : Magnus getting dangerously low on time. [ 25.Td3 bxc4 26.Tg3 Txb2 27.Tg7 Ae6 28.exf5 Rf8 29.Txf7+ Axf7 30.Dxh7 Db7 31.Tf1 Re8 32.e6 Af6 33.Td1 Da7 34.exf7+ Dxf7 35.Dh3 Ad4-+] 25...fxe4 220 [ 25...bxc4 26.Ac3 ( 26.Td2) 26...fxe4 27.Tg1 Ae6 28.Tg8+ Af8-+] 26.Tg1 6 26...Af5 4 aries2 (IM) : it's like drumline the two squads are facing off with snare drums aries2 (IM) : looks like the kid has things under control aries2 (IM) : no good fisherino aries2 (IM) : no tricks to be seen for white 27.Tad1 150 MightyViking (IM) : Odd sacrifice from Aronian. What did he miss? aries2 (IM) : bg6 rxg6 Siglar (IM) : come on maggie..bg6 now aries2 (IM) : why not rd7 here aries2 (IM) : no sjak you hung c6 aries2 (IM) : bg6 rxg6 Siglar (IM) : hmm, he has to find qh3 after bg6 rxg6 qxg6 27...Td7? 142 aries2 (IM) : yes kalas, he must find the cute qh3 aries2 (IM) : my point being it was tricky as heck aries2 (IM) : no more bishop on board creosote IBorg (GM) : wow magnus is defending aries2 (IM) : georgian wine is very good, comes in a funky flask IBorg (GM) : e6 be6 and? nataf (GM) : I guess Rg8 and Ba3 no ? nataf (GM) : then c5 nataf (GM) : hmm aries2 (IM) : kalas, your computer qh3 not easyt o spot nataf (GM) : ah by Bg7 ! MightyViking (IM) : Bg6 lookeed simple and good. aries2 (IM) : apricot, bg6 rxg6 aries2 (IM) : he didn't see the followup necessary qh3, if you don't see that, you dont know why bg6 good IBorg (GM) : wow bg7 aries2 (IM) : that's right wstew that's what is so tricky about it Siglar (IM) : I guess he still has some chances aries2 (IM) : seriously bg6 rxg6 is SUPER SCARY in zeitnot IBorg (GM) : ok so wait IBorg (GM) : bg6 rd1 qd1 and ke7? IBorg (GM) : wow nice round today MightyViking (IM) : Surely Carlsen should see Qh3? IBorg (GM) : sorry i hate kasparov IBorg (GM) : try again MightyViking (IM) : Shirov!? aries2 (IM) : very tal like, very unsound but constant pressure aries2 (IM) : aronian the new tal!?! Otero2006 (IM) : :) MightyViking (IM) : 28.e6 and Magnus may lose on time before he reaches move 40. Siglar (IM) : hope he goes for e6 bxe6 rg8 bf8 and rxf8 instead of rdg1 Greysky (FM) : Rd7 is a blunder? Greysky (FM) : ei cucu :) Greysky (FM) : que raro que haga blunder no? con 7 minutos para llegar a la 40, y una posicion mas complicada q la vida misma.. MightyViking (IM) : If Magnus had read his Nimzowitsch, he wouldn't have allowed e5-e6. MightyViking (IM) : The pawn's lust to expand. The passed pawn is a criminal that must be put behind bars, etc. [ 27...Ag6! 28.Txg6 hxg6 29.Dxg6 Dh3 30.Dxe4 Th7 31.Dxc6+ Rf8 32.Dg2 bxc4 33.Ad4 Td7 34.Td2 Th4-+] 28.e6

917 28...Axe6 11 Kingway (IM) : Aronian is a very creative calculator, he has excellent cp here (cp=cheapo potential) 29.Tg8+ 4 29...Af8 11 30.Txf8+ 15 30...Rxf8 2 31.Dh6+ 2 Greysky (FM) : is hi refuting ? Siglar (IM) : this is good Siglar (IM) : Im more optimistic now Greysky (FM) : jaja Greysky (FM) : Ke7 so what? IBorg (GM) : ba3 rde7 IBorg (GM) : i mean after qf5 IBorg (GM) : qg5 Siglar (IM) : magnus can still win this IBorg (GM) : ke8 looks interesting IBorg (GM) : but with such low time IBorg (GM) : ke8 leaves black with slight advantage 31...Re7 251 IBorg (GM) : draw :) IBorg (GM) : very nice game by both players Heine (GM) : maybe just gaining time Siglar (IM) : good choice magnus IBorg (GM) : i wouldn't call that piece sac a gift IBorg (GM) : looked very dangerous for black Siglar (IM) : what the Siglar (IM) : I dont believe it IBorg (GM) : guys IBorg (GM) : carlssen started with 1,5 out of 2 IBorg (GM) : this is solid tournament strategy MightyViking (IM) : Could have been 2/2 IBorg (GM) : lots of things could have been, might have been MightyViking (IM) : IBorg, you might be right! MightyViking (IM) : Blockade, yes. As Nimzowitsch said. [ 31...Re7 32.Dg5+ Re8 33.Dg8+ Re7 34.Dg5+ Re8 35.Dg8+ Re7= ( 35...Tf8 36.Dxe6+ Rd8 37.Af6+ Txf6 38.Dxf6+ Rc7 39.Txd7+ Dxd7 40.cxb5 Dd1+ 41.Rg2 Dg4+=) ] 1/2-1/2
Clasificación tras la segunda ronda:
1. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2750 1.5;
2. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2690 1.5;
3. Aronian, Levon g ARM 2744 1.0;
4. Svidler, Peter g RUS 2728 1.0;
5. Leko, Peter g HUN 2749 1.0;
6. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2779 1.0;
7. Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2783 0.5;
8. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2741 0.5;
Tercera ronda ( 19-2-2.007):
Recibid un cordial saludo,
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