29 años de Linares !!
Soy de los pocos españolitos que han seguido con pasión toda la historia de los torneos de Linares. Quienes me conocen bien, seguro que lo podrán corroborar. Cuando no existía Internet, me encargaba de comprar o ver en la biblioteca (la famosa Casa de la Cultura de Santa Cruz de Tenerife ) todos los periódicos que hablaban a diario, de este magnífico evento. Recortaba o copiaba todo lo que llegaba a mis manos y lo pegaba en cuadernos, que guardo con cariño en mis archivos. Cuando comenzó en 1.978 (yo, con diecisiete años), con un modesto torneo de categoría V, se puede decir que apenas le presté atención. Era la época de Baguío City y estaba más pendiente de lo que iba a ocurrir en aquella ciudad filipina que de lo que pasaba en Linares. Pero recuerdo que lo seguí a través de la revista Jaque.
Después ya la cosa cambió. Porque Korchnoi no pudo ganar el título mundial, pero sí que los linarenses (encabezados por el entrañable sr. Rentero) le dieron la oportunidad de jugar allí en 1.979. Un fortísimo Larry Christiansen , autor de un bonito libro de ajedrez ("El asalto a las barricadas") se impuso aquel año, convincentemente.
Luego en 1.981 tuvo que venir Tolia Kárpov para frenar al GM americano, que no obstante empató con él en el primer lugar. A partir de Linares 1.983 con un torneo de categoría XIV que ganaba Spassky ya comenzó a llamarse el Wimbledon del ajedrez, como el maestro de los periodistas españoles, Leontxo García le bautizó, como siempre, con muy buena perspicacia.
Ahora ha comenzado la XXIV edición (¡que viejo estoy!). Un categoría XX que hace de nuevo las delicias del público. El Torneo Intercontinental, como ahora se le llama, pues como todos Vdes. saben la primera parte se juega en Morelia (México). Lástima lo que le ha ocurrido a Radjabov. Otra vez será.
Permítanme que plantee este torneo desde la perspectiva de lo que Rybka opine sobre las notas de las variantes que los maestros del ICC propongan. La primera fase mexicana, comienza a las 21,30 h. (hora canaria) y obviamente no la puedo seguir completa. Dejo grabando durante la noche las partidas y si tenemos suerte y no hay algún corte de línea inoportuno, al día siguiente podremos ir comentando con la ayuda de la nueva versión 2.3 de mi apreciado "modulito" (que me lo regalaron el día de San Valentín!!) las partidas.
Por fin un Ataque Marshall. La otra reciente vez, fue Anand quien se lo permitió al jugador armenio en Wijk aan Zee 2.007. Ahora ambos jugaron idéntico hasta la jugada 23 en donde Aronian varió, haciendo la que el módulo sugiere. A cambio de un peón, las negras lograron una buena clavada sobre la casilla "e3", primero ocupada por un alfil blanco y luego por una torre. La línea siempre reportó una ligera ventaja a las blancas, que no pareció suficiente. Aunque en honor a la verdad, los aficionados volvemos a recordar a gente como Fischer o ahora Topalov. De haber estado cualquiera de los dos en el lugar de Svidler, allá por la jugada 37 hubieran intentado presionar a las negras hasta la eternidad jugando de otro modo. Podría llegarse también a las tablas, pero les costaría a las negras, sangre, sudor y lágrimas lograrlas; algo que no ocurrió en la partida, pues el ruso se propuso firmar el empate a las primeras de cambio.
Svidler,P (2728) - Aronian,L (2744) [C89]
Morelia-Linares Morelia, 17.02.2007
1.e4 0 1...e5 2 2.Cf3 2 2...Cc6 2 3.Ab5 9 3...a6 3 4.Aa4 3 4...Cf6 4 5.0-0 3 5...Ae7 3 6.Te1 3 6...b5 1 7.Ab3 5 7...0-0 4 8.c3 8 8...d5 4 Un hurra para los dos jugadores!. 9.exd5 4 9...Cxd5 4 10.Cxe5 4 10...Cxe5 19 11.Txe5 4 11...c6 4 12.d4 4 12...Ad6 30 13.Te1 2 13...Dh4 7 14.g3 4 14...Dh3 3 15.Te4 4 15...g5 3 16.Df1 5 16...Dh5 5 17.Cd2 14 17...Af5 3 18.f3 39 18...Cf6 5 19.Dg2 53 19...Dg6 5 20.Te3 5 20...Tae8 4 21.Ce4 34 21...Cxe4 9 22.g4 10 Drahacik (FM) : some Aronian game went ...Bb1, right? 22...Cg3 62 23.hxg3 7 23...Ad3N

2 [ RR 23...Ab1 24.De2 Txe3 25.Dxe3 h6 26.De1 Ac2 27.Axc2 Dxc2 28.De4 Dd1+ 29.Rg2 Rg7 30.De3 Axg3 31.Rxg3 Te8 32.Dxe8 1/2-1/2 Anand,V (2779)-Aronian,L (2744)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 636 (32)] 24.Ad2 150 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : not correct time 24...Txe3 482 25.Axe3 2 25...Te8 3 26.Te1 6 26...c5 2 27.dxc5 972 27...Axc5 8 28.Dd2 18 28...Axe3+ 32 29.Txe3 3 29...Db6 8 30.Rf2 14 30...Td8 2 31.De1 40 31...Te8 17 Drahacik (FM) : f4 doesn't help get out of the pin... f4 and Kf3, then Qc6+ forces Kf2. Herman (IM) : draw? 32.Dd2 227 32...Td8 11 Herman (IM) : good result for both as Ulf Andersson likes to say Drahacik (FM) : Ke1 and what? Drahacik (FM) : Ke1 Bc2 Qe2 MinAl (IM) : then Bb3 ab Qd6 MinAl (IM) : they will make 1/2 by repetition MinAl (IM) : re8 MinAl (IM) : + MinAl (IM) : :) 33.Ac2 938 [ 33.Re1 Ac2 34.De2 Axb3 35.axb3 Dd6 36.Rf2+/=] 33...Ag6 478 34.De2 237 34...Te8 12 35.Axg6 97 35...hxg6 7 Drahacik (FM) : Isn't white playing for a win with Qd2 and Qd4? 36.Dd2 227 clearbluewater (IM) : qd2 rd8 qc1 maybe with ke2? 36...Td8 36 37.De2 5 [ Existía una posibilidad de por lo menos alargar la partida una "purriada" de tiempo: 37.Dc1 Td5! Rybka ( 37...b4 38.cxb4 Dxb4 39.Te2 Db6+ 40.De3 Df6 41.Dc3 Db6+ 42.Rg2+/= aunque Rybka, fría como siempre, señala clara ventaja.; 37...Te8 38.Re2 Td8 39.Te4 Df6 40.De3 Rg7 41.Te8 Txe8 42.Dxe8 Dd6 43.Rf2 Dd2+ 44.De2 Dc1 45.Rg2 Db1 46.a3 Da2 47.Dd2 f6 48.f4 De6 49.fxg5 fxg5 50.Rh3 Dc6 51.Dg2 Dd6 52.Db7+ Rh6 53.Da8+/=) 38.Rg2 Dd8 39.Te2 Td3 40.c4 Td1 41.Dc3 bxc4 42.Dxc4 Db6 43.Tf2 Df6 44.Dc8+ Rg7+/= y aunque se tiene todo el derecho del mundo a dar ligera ventaja a las blancas, como señala la computadora, a los seres humanos, conocedores de las diabluras de las piezas mayores en este tipo de finales, se nos antoja que esta posición debe ser tablas.] 37...Te8 4 MinAl (IM) : Aronian got it in home preparation Exorcist (IM) : Qc1 b4 38.Dd2 147 38...Td8 3 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : Qc1 Re Ke2 :) S-Fazulyanov (FM) : yes 1/2-1/2
Topalov-Anand: Se esperaba con expectación esta partida. Y también ambos continuaron por los cauces recién seguidos en Wijk aan Zee 2.007. Defensa India de Dama . En la jugada 14, Topalov varió de su partida con el mismo Anand en aquel torneo. Tomó directamente en el centro, como también propone Rybka. Las blancas a cambio de un peón "pasajero" lograron la pareja de alfiles y si acaso "un pelín" la iniciativa. Rybka propone en la jugada 20 jugar de otra forma y le da con ello algo de "ventajita" a Topy. Las blancas recuperaron el peón, cambiaron piezas y se llegó a un final completamente igualado. Tablas sosas en esta primera ronda. Algo inusual para el estilo emprendedor de Veselin. Pero claro, enfrente no estaba cualquiera. Estaba el rey de la defensa (activa, por supuesto).
(1) Topalov,V (2783) - Anand,V (2779) [E15]
Morelia-Linares Morelia, 17.02.2007
StarkL (FM) : what do you think Anand cares about what you think about his form? clearbluewater (IM) : is there another hour to go before these games start? clearbluewater (IM) : ok thanks gp StarkL (FM) : tate is an IM and he plays in holland right now Lapinews (IM) : welcome to everyone's censor list MrDaggen Lapinews (IM) : sorry? Lapinews (IM) : lol Lapinews (IM) : it's not the good way MrDaggen Lapinews (IM) : go to official website to know Lapinews (IM) : it should have started 15 min ago Lapinews (IM) : probably an opening ceremony Lapinews (IM) : so just shut up and wait Lapinews (IM) : Have you seen a tournament starting without delay yet??? Lapinews (IM) : let political guys talk a bit and then it'll start Lapinews (IM) : well it's rare enough lol Lapinews (IM) : as i said, just let political guys talk a bit... Lapinews (IM) : :p Exorcist (IM) : Can somebody call danailov and get the moves?? 1.d4 0 1...Cf6 5 2.c4 10 2...e6 2 fearless (IM) : yes!!!! 3.Cf3 46 3...b6 3 4.g3 9 4...Aa6 4 5.b3 66 5...Ab4+ 3 6.Ad2 11 6...Ae7 3 7.Ag2 9 7...c6 7 8.Ac3 103 8...d5 3 9.Ce5 21 9...Cfd7 4 10.Cxd7 8 10...Cxd7 2 11.Cd2 12 11...0-0 3 12.0-0 12 12...Cf6 3 13.e4 8 13...dxe4 4 14.Cxe4 12 [ RR 14.a4 Cd5 15.cxd5 Axf1 16.d6 Axg2 17.dxe7 Dxe7 18.Rxg2 f5 19.b4 Dd7 20.De2 Dd5 21.f3 exf3+ 22.Cxf3 h6 23.Te1 Tfe8 24.Dc2 Tad8 25.Ad2 Dd7 26.Rf2 Tc8 27.Af4 Dd5 28.Te5 Dd7 Topalov,V (2783)-Anand,V (2779)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 637/1-0 (35)] 14...b5 2 15.De2N

7 [ RR 15.Cc5 Axc5 16.dxc5 bxc4 17.De2 Cd5 18.Ae5 Dg5 19.Ad6 Tfd8 20.bxc4 Tac8 21.Dc2 Cb6 22.cxb6 Txd6 23.Da4 Ab7 24.Dxa7 De7 25.Da3 c5 26.Da7 Td7 27.Tad1 1-0 L'Ami,E (2586)-Iordachescu,V (2603)/Vlissingen NED 2006/The Week in Chess 614] 15...bxc4 3 16.Tfd1 8 16...Cd5 6 modulator (IM) : i doubt qe2 is a new move modulator (IM) : rc1 ba3 Drahacik (FM) : here's a crazy line: Be1 cxb3!? Qxa6 b2 Rab1 f5 (idea Nc3) Drahacik (FM) : ah, no good, Be1 holds c3 Ng5 (IM) : seems black is fine here Drahacik (FM) : Qualm, bc f5 nc5?? Nxc3 Ng5 (IM) : Be1 looks forced, so black must be OK modulator (IM) : think this line is better for white Ng5 (IM) : i dont trust your mistrust Drahacik (FM) : StrangeDays, computers are stronger than any of us. Of course we should use our own brains too, though. modulator (IM) : there's no sense in saying that Black is OK, just because white must play Be1 - Black has made lots of compromising moves Ng5 (IM) : black is OK because black is OK Drahacik (FM) : Danailov looking through Radjabov's opening notes. "Hmm, this guy isn't in the tournament, lot of good that did." modulator (IM) : might be played by a human who has prepared for the game though scherzo modulator (IM) : for a QID 16 moves is nothing modulator (IM) : pretty sure i've had this position before 17.Ae1 1135 [ 17.Tac1 Cxc3 ( 17...Aa3 18.Ae1 Axc1 19.Txc1 Ce7 20.Cc5 Dc8 21.bxc4©) 18.Cxc3 Aa3=/+; 17.bxc4 f5 ( 17...Cxc3 18.Cxc3 Dc7=) 18.Cc5 Cxc3 19.Dxe6+ Rh8 20.Cxa6 Tf6 21.De1 Cxd1 22.Txd1 f4=/+] 17...Cb6 35 [ 17...cxb3? 18.Dxa6 b2 19.Tab1 f5 20.Cc3+-] 18.Cc5 4 18...Dc8 33 19.Cxa6 6 19...Dxa6 9 20.a4 6 [ 20.Axc6!? Tac8 21.Ae4 Aa3 22.Tab1+/=] 20...Tab8 5 21.Af3 26 21...Af6 14 modulator (IM) : to protect q so that a5 nd5 bc threatens the knight 22.Tac1 11 modulator (IM) : can afford to be slow, black can't do anything Dworkin (IM) : strange play Herman (IM) : What do you say? I like white here. [ 22.a5 Cd5 23.bxc4 Ce7 24.Ta4=] 22...Cd5 403 23.Dxc4 20 modulator (IM) : rfd8 a5 presumably Exorcist (IM) : Kramnik will retain the WC title forever!!! dedo2 (IM) : White is slightly better 23...Db7 706 24.Dxc6 16 24...Dxb3= 6 25.Ae4 9 Exorcist (IM) : lol Exorcist (IM) : we got a wc who playes Catalan all the time!!!! Exorcist (IM) : but not always!!! 25...Cb4 491 26.Dd7 8 26...a5 7 Exorcist (IM) : kramnik paints nothing!! 27.Tb1 226 27...Da2 70 Exorcist (IM) : Kramnik will never give up his ear Exorcist (IM) : Karpov isn't popular!!!!!!!!?????? Mataleo (FM) : LOL. GMs were not strong enough to refute his sacrifices so they were good Exorcist (IM) : if Kramnik doesn't get the jackpot he will have his explanation ready for that Talion (GM) : so, what's eval? advantage to black? 28.Da7 16 28...Dxa4 40 29.Ta1 8 29...Db5 0 30.Dxa5 8 30...Cd5 7 Mataleo (FM) : Topalov was right to take the draw... black is better 1/2-1/2
Ivanchuk-Leko: El bueno de Vasily se encontraba en México de gira y como ocurrió la desgracia de Radjabov, le propusieron ocupar su puesto a él. ¡Ni se lo pensó!. Corrió a la boutique más próxima. Se compró unos buenos trajes para la ocasión y allí apareció a jugar contra el "entrenado" Leko (para este evento). ¡Y el ucranio la lió!. La verdad es que Ivanchuk tiene "barra libre" en Linares. Lo ha ganado varias veces y como si nada… .
Utilizó una Apertura Escocesa, para evitar la española de Leko. Entraron en una línea "modosita" con novedad en la jugada quince. El húngaro se vió sorprendido cuando tras correr con su dama a refugiarse en el flanco de dama, Ivanchuk le hizo un 18.a4!. Merece la pena que vean (los que no lo hayan hecho) la retirada poco ortodoxa que propone Rybka: 17…Dd7!. Lo que más me sorprendió de la línea, fue la frialdad con la que la máquina encierra su caballo al tomar un peón negro en "b7".
En la jugada 19.Cf6!, estalló la bomba de relojería que Vasily tenía en su arsenal preparada. Seguro que de Ivanchuk me creo que tiene una amplio repertorio de continuaciones posibles escondidas en su cabeza. Según se le presente la ocasión, las pone al descubierto… . Lo digo porque es un jugador que juega de todo y contra el que se hace muy difícil prepararse. LekoICC, los maestros discutían sobre si valía la pena tomar en c6. Rybka"con compensación por el material entregado". Ivanchuk continuó el ataque de otra manera, eso sí, apurándose de tiempo. Y en la jugada 24, ahora ya, con poquísimos segundos en su reloj para llegar al control de la jugada 40, cometió un error, que sólo le reportaba el empate por jaque continuo. De haber continuado como el respetable del ICC dijo, otro gallo le hubiera cantado, como magistralmente señala Rybka 2.3, que todavía la siento más fuerte que su predecesor !!. tuvo que hacer gala de recursos defensivos, como su jugada única en el movimiento 21. En la jugada 22 en el también lo propuso, pero al final encuentra una línea de esas que dicen
Ivanchuk,V (2750) - Leko,P (2749) [C45]
Morelia-Linares Morelia, 17.02.2007
Hatred (IM) : probably the round is delayed because Danailov wants to enter the playing hall and the arbiters don't let him 1.e4 0 1...e5 7 2.Cf3 11 2...Cc6 6 3.d4 7 3...exd4 7 4.Cxd4 10 4...Ac5 11 5.Ae3 10 5...Df6 8 6.c3 7 6...Cge7 9 7.g3 7 7...d5 2 8.Ag2 17 8...dxe4 7 9.0-0 14 9...0-0 4 10.Cd2 9 10...Ab6 8 Lapinews (IM) : 11.Re1! Lapinews (IM) : lol Lapinews (IM) : yeah and Qg6 Re1 Bg4!= Lautier Lapinews (IM) : he does Lapinews (IM) : because after Qg6 white has Bxe4! Lapinews (IM) : and there it's very hard to find a useful move after Re1 Lapinews (IM) : even if i stopped it as White because i don't believe in this line lol Lapinews (IM) : scotch ? Lapinews (IM) : 3.d4 ? it depends lol Lapinews (IM) : i'm supposed to send you my opening tree? lol Lapinews (IM) : it may :) Lapinews (IM) : i should lol dedo2 (IM) : Equal game 11.Te1 3367 11...Cxd4 9 [ 11...Dg6 12.Axe4 f5 13.Ag2+/=] 12.Cxe4 9 12...Dg6 10 13.Axd4 8 13...Cc6 5 14.Axb6 5 14...axb6 3 15.Dd2 10 15...Df5N

6 [ RR 15...Ta5 16.Df4 Ce5 17.Tad1 f6 18.b4 Ta8 19.Cg5 Ag4 20.Td2 Tae8 21.Txe5 1-0 Rublevsky,S (2652)-Sasikiran,K (2663)/Khanty Mansyisk RUS 2005/The Week in Chess 578] 16.h3 9 16...h6 620 17.g4 1376 17...Db5 799 FrozenShade (GM) : that is probably true actually, artteacher, funny that i didnt think of that before Gumptious (GM) : I think the wine has gone to my head- I just calculated b4 f5 nc5 bc qd5+ Kh8 a4 Qb6(?) a5 Qb5 Bf1 trapping the queen... [ 17...Dd7! 18.Dc2 ( 18.Dxd7 Axd7 19.Tad1 Tfd8=) 18...De7 19.Tad1 Txa2 ( 19...Ae6 20.a3=) 20.Cd6 Ae6 21.Cxb7!? Una jugada maquinal 21...Cb8 22.Ad5 Ta7 23.De4 Df6 24.Axe6 fxe6 25.Te2 e5 ( 25...Ca6 26.Rg2 Tb8 27.Dc4 Tf8 ( 27...Tbxb7 28.Txe6 Df7 29.Td8+ Rh7 30.Txh6+ Rxh6 31.Dxf7 Rg5 32.Dxg7+ Rf4 33.Td4#) 28.Cd8 Cc5 ( 28...Txd8 29.Txe6 Df7 30.Txd8+) 29.Cxe6 Df3+ 30.Rg1 Ta4 31.Dd5 Cxe6 32.Dxe6+ Rh7 33.De3 Dxe3 34.Txe3+/-) 26.Dd5+ Rh8 27.Cd8 Ta5 28.Dd3=] 18.a4! 354 FrozenShade (GM) : g5 after qxa4 i suppose, the attack looks fairly dangerous FrozenShade (GM) : qf4 is good too, its a bit unclear which one is better Herman (IM) : frisky play by Ivanchuk Herman (IM) : see if there will be any action Rabudja (GM) : I believe him [ 18.b4 Td8 ( 18...f5? 19.Cd6!? ( 19.Cc5? bxc5 20.Dd5+ Rh8 21.a4 Txa4-/+ ( 21...Db6 22.a5 Db5 23.Af1 Cxb4!=/+) ) 19...cxd6 20.a4 Txa4 ( 20...Da6 21.b5 Da5 22.bxc6 bxc6 23.Axc6+/-) 21.Dd5+ Dxd5 22.Axd5+ Rh8 23.Txa4+/-) 19.Cf6+ gxf6 20.Axc6 Txd2 21.Te8+ Rg7 22.Axb5+/=] 18...Txa4 664 DorianGray (FM) : a4 was beautiful Gumptious (GM) : Ivanchuk is probably working out whether or not to play bf1 before taking on a4 Drahacik (FM) : rizoo, the other players only have to prepare during the tournament for one player (Ivanchuk). Ivanchuk has to prepare for 7 players. Drahacik (FM) : ? Drahacik (FM) : the other players prepared already for all their opponents, except Ivanchuk. sanya (IM) : hf6 DorianGray (FM) : bf1-rxa4 and qf4 Drahacik (FM) : but Ivanchuk has to prepare every night DorianGray (FM) : why Radja renounced ? Drahacik (FM) : or play without preparation Drahacik (FM) : don't need f4 to play g5 19.Cf6+! 1043 [ 19.Af1 Da5 20.Txa4 Dxa4 21.Df4 Dc2 22.Te2 Dd1 23.Dxc7 Ae6 24.Te3 ( 24.Dxb7 Ac4 25.Cg3 Axe2 26.Cxe2 Ce5 27.Dxb6 Cf3+ 28.Rg2 Cd2 29.Cg3 Df3+ 30.Rg1 Cxf1 31.Rxf1 Te8=/+) 24...Ac4 25.Cg3 Tb8 26.Dxb6 h5 27.gxh5 Axf1 28.Cxf1 Dxh5 29.c4+/=] 19...gxf6 7 20.Txa4 6 20...Dxa4 3 21.Dxh6 2 FrozenShade (GM) : wow FrozenShade (GM) : who saw that coming, raise your hand sanya (IM) : i was first to mention hf6 Herman (IM) : I was thinking about it Herman (IM) : actually, it will be hard for Leko now to find a defence FrozenShade (GM) : but wheres whites advantage after qa5 bxc6 qg5? Panaman (FM) : eval Herman (IM) : better ending there Herman (IM) : Re7 is coming Herman (IM) : after Ba4 FrozenShade (GM) : dont think that ending is much considering whites attack looks very strong here Herman (IM) : but it is forced S-Fazulyanov (FM) : Bg4 Herman (IM) : Be4 wins S-Fazulyanov (FM) : Bg4 only move i think but nice Qf6 Herman (IM) : Leko will go for Qg5 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : Its very strange....i told Bg4 is only move.....= ONLY move ) S-Fazulyanov (FM) : also i like Qa5 and Qb5 Herman (IM) : Bg4 is weak FrozenShade (GM) : it seems to me both be4 and qxf6 are worthy of consideration after qa5 as well S-Fazulyanov (FM) : all moves here looks dangerous for black :)) really Ne5 is interesting! Petrovich (GM) : forced win or forced draw? Gumptious (GM) : feels winning to me, but might look different with fritz on hand Herman (IM) : Dg5 variation seems to be forced for both players Herman (IM) : everything else looses for black Herman (IM) : and whites choices are only drawn Herman (IM) : acc to Rybka lentejov (IM) : f5 Herman (IM) : f5 Bd5! Drahacik (FM) : time control in "finger Linares07" 21...Da5[] 168 Herman (IM) : Leko is going for Qg5 Herman (IM) : but I wonder if Ivan is satisfied with a better ending SBV (FM) : Que pasa si Ac6 y despues Df6 Herman (IM) : Bxc6 Qg5! += Mataleo (FM) : Bxc6 wins Herman (IM) : how? Goldmund (GM) : Qf6 is possible? Mataleo (FM) : Bxc6 bc Qxf6 Ba6! Re5 Qa1 Kh2 Bd3 h4! Herman (IM) : yes but buy glasses junior (GM) : qxf6 qc5 i imagine Herman (IM) : Bxc6 Qg5! SBV (FM) : Ac6 bc6 Df6 Aa6 Te5 Da1 Rh2 Ad3 Th5 olimpus (IM) : Draw.. Herman (IM) : bxc6 is loosing Herman (IM) : Qg5 is the only move Siglar (IM) : this is really timetrouble for both olimpus (IM) : Uy.. Bc6 now and then Qf6?! Can stop Re5?! Gumptious (GM) : is that ending really equal? Bc6 Qg5 Qg5 fg Bg2- looks better for White to me Herman (IM) : it is better for white olimpus (IM) : yeah.. Bc6! Herman (IM) : Bxc6 Qg5! Qxg5 fxg5 Ba4! intending Re7 Herman (IM) : += Herman (IM) : Please Vasil, don't wait til you run out of time [ 21...Axg4? 22.Ae4 ( 22.Dxf6!? Ah5 23.Ad5 Dc2 24.Rh2 Tb8 25.Ae4 Dd2 26.Tg1+ Ag6 27.Axg6 Dd6+ 28.Dxd6 cxd6 29.Ae4++/=) 22...f5 23.Dg5+ Rh8 24.hxg4 fxe4 25.Rg2+-; 21...Ce5? 22.Ae4 Cf3+[] ( 22...Te8 23.Ah7+ Rh8 24.Ac2+ Rg8 25.Txe5+-) 23.Axf3 Te8 24.Txe8+ Dxe8 25.Dxf6+-; 21...f5? 22.Ad5 ( 22.Dg5+ Rh7 23.gxf5 Tg8 24.Dh5+ Rg7 25.Te4+-) 22...Cd8 23.gxf5+-] 22.Dxf6 530 [ 22.Axc6 Rybka 22...Dg5! ( 22...bxc6? 23.Dxf6 Aa6 24.Te5 Da1+ 25.Rh2 Ad3 26.h4 ( 26.Th5? Ah7 27.Tg5+ Ag6 28.h4 Dxb2 29.h5 Dd2 30.hxg6 Dd6+ 31.Dxd6 cxd6 32.gxf7+ Rxf7 33.Tf5+ Re7 34.Txf8 Rxf8=) 26...Dc1 27.h5+-) 23.Dxg5+ fxg5 24.Aa4 ( 24.Ag2 Rg7 25.Te7 c6 26.Ae4 Rf6 27.Tc7 b5=) 24...Rg7 25.Te7 c6 26.Ab3 Rg6 27.Tc7 f5 28.Ac2 Rf6 29.gxf5 ( 29.Axf5 Axf5 30.gxf5 Tf7 31.Txf7+ Rxf7 32.Rg2 Rf6 33.Rg3 Rxf5=) 29...Td8 30.Ae4 b5 31.Af3 Axf5 32.Txb7 Td2 33.b4 Ad7 34.Tc7 Td6©] 22...Dc5 5 23.Ae4 9 olimpus (IM) : and before busto?! olimpus (IM) : and dont have better than Qf6?! junior (GM) : ivanchuk will lose on time olimpus (IM) : I imagine that.. I dont see how black stops white's plan.. 23...Ce7 93 Herman (IM) : Bh7+ Panaman (FM) : jugaron ya Ce7 Herman (IM) : Kxh7 Re5!? S-Fazulyanov (FM) : 0-1 24.Td1? 29 junior (GM) : what is this? Petrovich (GM) : 3-2 now S-Fazulyanov (FM) : 0-1 Petrovich (GM) : 10-9 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : Rd1 Herman (IM) : very little time for vasil now SalCheech (FM) : yea I liked bh7 Herman (IM) : I told him to keep a minute left for move 40 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : Rd1 maybe with the idea rd5 !!! S-Fazulyanov (FM) : :)) Petrovich (GM) : how can i switch off (C) ? S-Fazulyanov (FM) : if c6 anyway rd5 draw [ 24.Ah7+! Rxh7 25.Te5! ( 25.Txe7 Dd6 26.Txf7+ Txf7 27.Dxf7+ Rh6 28.g5+ Rxg5 29.Dg8+ Dg6 30.Dxc8 Rh4+ 31.Rf1 Db1+ 32.Rg2 De4+ 33.Rf1 Db1+ 34.Rg2 De4+=) 25...Cc6 26.Txc5 bxc5 27.f4 Rg8 28.Dg5+ Rh7 29.f5 Cd8 30.De7 Tg8 31.Rf2 Rg7 32.Dxc5 Cc6 33.b4 Te8 34.b5 Ce5 35.Dxc7 Cd3+ 36.Rf3 Ce5+ 37.Rg3+/- pues como decía Bobby Fischer, el preferido de Ivanchuk, ¡una dama es una dama!.] 24...Cg6 124 25.Axg6 4 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : draw Herman (IM) : Ng6 and a draw seems forced S-Fazulyanov (FM) : DONT TAKE BISHOP AND PLAY ON WIN S-Fazulyanov (FM) : :)) 25...fxg6 99 26.Dxg6+ 4 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : draw 26...Rh8 3 27.Dh6+ 3 27...Rg8 3 FrozenShade (GM) : would be kind of fun if he lost on time now 1/2-1/2
Carlsen-Morozevich: Hay jugadores que, sin saber muy bien por qué, se les dan muy bien a otros jugadores. Y este es el caso de Carlsen con Moro. En Biel 2.006, Wonderboy, le endosó dos sendas victorias al maestro ruso, campeón táctico. Las pongo dentro de esta partida, por curiosear un poco. En esta partida de Morelia-Linares, el jovencito vino con una novedad que hizo temblar el tablero al entregar un movimiento más tarde una pieza. Parece ser que con 15…f5?, Morozevich se complicó la tarde. Magnus, recuperó el material y se quedó con un peón de ventaja, aunque ciertamente restringido. Pero jugó muy preciso. Se cambiaron piezas y el ruso, al menos logró entrar en un final de torres y alfiles de distinto color. Y luego sucedió lo que pasa muchas veces. Justo en la "maldita" última jugada del control, Morozevich jugó un movimiento feísimo: 40…f4?, que perdía un segundo peón. Y todo para forzar entrar en un final con las torres cambiadas y con los famosos alfiles, que es de por sí muy, muy tablífero.
Carlsen maniobró con mucha paciencia y se anotó el triunfo en gran estilo técnico. Rybka, no encuentra el modo de forzar el empate. La verdad es que la posición se antoja demasiado complicada para buscar una línea de salvación a las negras. Las jugadas analizadas aquí, son sólo una "modesta" muestra (y bastante lejana) de lo que es capaz de dar aquí, este tipo de posiciones. Faltarían días para analizarla con exactitud.
Muy bien por Magnus, que de momento se sitúa líder del torneo.
Carlsen,M (2690) - Morozevich,A (2741) [E66]
Morelia-Linares Morelia, 17.02.2007
SilikonaPub (FM) : yes,or a food Greysky (FM) : GO MAGNUS GO! Greysky (FM) : at least, it will not be a boring game Lapinews (IM) : nah probably an opening ceremony or something lol Greysky (FM) : lol Greysky (FM) : good idea fidelito Lapinews (IM) : Donilov lol Greysky (FM) : I will contract you to analice for me Greysky (FM) : yes Greysky (FM) : search in "finger live" :) Greysky (FM) : eso siempre, fug :) Greysky (FM) : z Finegold (IM) : don't these games start 4:30 EST?? chto ta wha? Greysky (FM) : yes, it start soon Greysky (FM) : don´t worry Greysky (FM) : carlsen will crush anyway :P Greysky (FM) : the moves are not in the official site? Greysky (FM) : what´s the official site? I don´t find it Greysky (FM) : found. it´s ok Greysky (FM) : I can´t open the official site Greysky (FM) : really? Heine (GM) : Magnus father says this is a g3 kingsindian Greysky (FM) : yes Greysky (FM) : 1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 I think Greysky (FM) : where does Henrick say it? 1.d4 0 [ 1.e4 c5 2.Cf3 Cc6 3.Ab5 Cf6 4.Axc6 dxc6 5.d3 Cd7 6.Af4 g6 7.Dc1 Ag7 8.Ah6 Da5+ 9.c3 Ce5 10.Cxe5 Axe5 11.Cd2 Da6 12.Dc2 Ae6 13.f4 Ac7 14.0-0 f6 15.c4 0-0-0 16.a4 Td7 17.a5 Thd8 18.Ta3 Axa5 19.f5 Af7 20.fxg6 hxg6 21.e5 Ae6 22.exf6 exf6 23.Cb3 Txd3 24.Cxc5 Ab6 25.Txa6 Axc5+ 26.Rh1 bxa6 27.Ag7 Ag4 28.b4 Ae3 29.h3 Td1 30.Txd1 Txd1+ 31.Rh2 Af4+ 32.g3 Td2+ 33.Dxd2 Axd2 34.hxg4 Axb4 35.Axf6 a5 36.Rg2 Rd7 37.Rf3 Ad6 38.Re4 Axg3 39.Rd3 Re6 40.Ad4 a6 41.Rc2 a4 42.Rb1 Ae5 43.Af2 Rd6 44.Ra2 Ac3 45.Ra3 Re5 46.Rxa4 Rf4 47.Ab6 Rxg4 48.Aa5 Axa5 49.Rxa5 Rf4 50.Rb6 a5 0-1 Morozevich,A (2731)-Carlsen,M (2675)/Biel SUI 2006/The Week in Chess 612] 1...Cf6 1 2.c4 3 2...g6 2 3.g3 1 [ 3.Cc3 Ag7 4.e4 d6 5.Cf3 0-0 6.Ae2 e5 7.0-0 Cc6 8.d5 Ce7 9.a4 a5 10.b3 Cd7 11.Aa3 Ah6 12.b4 axb4 13.Axb4 f5 14.Cd2 Rh8 15.a5 Tf7 16.Cb5 Cf6 17.c5 dxc5 18.Ac3 c6 19.dxc6 bxc6 20.Ca3 fxe4 21.Cac4 Ced5 22.Axe5 Ag7 23.Cd6 Te7 24.C2c4 Ae6 25.a6 Cb4 26.Dc1 Cd3 27.Axd3 exd3 28.Dc3 Axc4 29.Dxc4 Dg8 30.Dxc5 d2 31.Tad1 Txa6 32.Txd2 Cd5 33.Axg7+ Txg7 34.h3 De6 35.Tb1 h6 36.Dc4 Tb6 37.Txb6 De1+ 38.Rh2 Cxb6 39.Df4 Cd5 40.Txd5 cxd5 41.Df8+ Rh7 42.Ce8 1-0 Carlsen,M (2675)-Morozevich,A (2731)/Biel SUI 2006/The Week in Chess 612] 3...Ag7 1 4.Ag2 3 4...0-0 1 5.Cc3 6 5...d6 1 6.Cf3 3 6...c5 1 7.0-0 2 7...Cc6 6 8.d5 3 8...Ca5 1 9.Cd2 6 9...e5 2 10.b3 2 MinAl (IM) : 10...e5 is an old line in Yugoslav, Gligorich played it many times MinAl (IM) : no hurry for e2-e4 MinAl (IM) : white's plan may be: Bb2, e4, Qe2(c2), Rae1, f4 MinAl (IM) : and try to use virtually extra piece on K-side MinAl (IM) : but Morozevich is so unpredictable... if i'm not mistaken, he tryed even 9...h5 Siglar (IM) : yes he did Siglar (IM) : moro won a very nice game with 9.-h5 Siglar (IM) : bukkerogtakker I want magnus to win as well :) Greysky (FM) : ? 10...Cg4 1301 [ RR 10...Ad7 11.Ab2 Cg4 12.h3 Ch6 13.e3 f5 14.f4 a6 15.Dc2 b5 16.Cd1 Tb8 17.Ac3 Te8 18.Tb1 Cf7 19.Cf2 exf4 20.exf4 Te3 21.Axg7 Rxg7 22.Tfe1 Txe1+ 23.Txe1 Df6 24.cxb5 axb5 25.b4 Beliavsky,A (2650)-Kasparov,G (2805)/Linares 1994/CD PDR/1/2-1/2 (41); RR 10...Ce8 11.e4 f5 12.exf5 gxf5 13.Ab2 Ad7 14.Dc2 Cf6 15.Tae1 a6 16.f4 e4 17.Cd1 b5 18.Ce3 h5 19.Ah3 Cg4 20.Axg4 hxg4 21.Axg7 Rxg7 22.Dc3+ Rf7 23.h3 b4 24.Db2 gxh3 25.Rh2 Marin,M (2511)-Sorin,A (2509)/Calvia ESP 2004/The Week in Chess 520/1/2-1/2 (45)] 11.h3 4 11...Ch6 17 12.Cde4N

6 [ RR 12.Ab2 f5 13.Dc2 Cf7 14.Tae1 g5 15.e3 h5 16.f3 Ad7 17.Cd1 b6 18.Cf2 Ch6 19.Cd3 Tf7 20.Dd1 g4 21.fxg4 hxg4 22.Cf2 Dg5 23.hxg4 fxg4 24.Cfe4 Dg6 25.Txf7 Cxf7 26.Cf1 Af5 Tatai,S-Quinteros,M/Ljubljana/Portoroz 1973/EXT 98/0-1 (50)] 12...f6 10 13.Cxd6 12 13...Dxd6 16 14.Ce4 7 Greysky (FM) : is this posible? Siglar (IM) : nice magnus Siglar (IM) : morozwvich running out of time 14...Dd8 74 15.Cxc5 4 Greysky (FM) : poor moro.. losing on time DorianGray (FM) : what are these clocks? Odysseus (GM) : both blk N are on the edge so the sac maybe interesting:) Ng5 (IM) : i dont understand this at all, how can white think he is better here ? Siglar (IM) : f5 e4 b6 and na4? Ng5 (IM) : white is worse because black is a piece up Odysseus (GM) : well the sac maybe not correct but how to beat 2741 player withoout taking some risks?!? Drahacik (FM) : Nf5... control d6 Ng5 (IM) : b6 not in comp top 10 Ng5 (IM) : shredder Ng5 (IM) : i like the big flashy evals Drahacik (FM) : Triangulator suggests Qd6-Qd8-Qc7 :) Ng5 (IM) : Qc7 Ba3 Rd8 -.63 15...f5? 874 Ng5 (IM) : f5 wasnt in shredder top 10 SalCheech (FM) : white has good play SalCheech (FM) : qc2 Ng5 (IM) : Bh6 and d6 wins a piece Greysky (FM) : Tio, then, why is he thinking so much? Greysky (FM) : he has a prodigy memorie... he don´t need to remember Greysky (FM) : memory* Greysky (FM) : not true... Ng5 (IM) : f5 ?? looks like a blunder Lapinews (IM) : f5 is awful Lapinews (IM) : no +/- Greysky (FM) : why is ...f5 so bad? Greysky (FM) : I don´t understand Bxh6 yet :) Ng5 (IM) : just Bh6 d6 and d7, its very simple Heine (GM) : rybka is less optimistic Greysky (FM) : why Bxh6? and not .d6 ? Ng5 (IM) : d6 Nf7 d7 e4 is mesy as the c5 N has to go to a4 Greysky (FM) : agrees that the right eval is ... ? [ 15...Dc7! 16.Ca4 ( 16.Aa3 Td8) 16...Cf5 17.Aa3 Td8 18.g4 Ch4 19.d6 Df7 20.De1 Cc6 21.Axc6 bxc6 22.f4 exf4 23.Dxh4 g5 24.De1 h5=/+] 16.d6 733 Lapinews (IM) : +1.58 is stupid Lapinews (IM) : +0.75 maybe Lapinews (IM) : and d6 is also strong anyway [ 16.e4 b6 17.Ca4; 16.Dc2; 16.Axh6 Axh6 17.d6 e4 18.d7 Tf7 19.dxc8D Dxc8=] 16...e4 17 Talion (GM) : bh6, qd5, d7 Talion (GM) : w 3000-4000 Greysky (FM) : to me, ...e4 is wrong again... Talion (GM) : why, it makes sense to close bg2 Siglar (IM) : agree fortinbras..be serious Greysky (FM) : yes, talion, but after Bxh6 ...e4 may be a time lost... Talion (GM) : lost on what Greysky (FM) : yes... black maybe had not better moves.. Greysky (FM) : I hope a victory for magnus please!!!! Ng5 (IM) : all kibs should be automatically censored by a comp so people dont talk rubbish Greysky (FM) : well, Bxh6 seems only one.. [ 16...Cf7 17.d7 e4 18.Tb1 De7 19.dxc8D Taxc8 20.Ca4+/=] 17.d7 253 Greysky (FM) : gggg Ng5 (IM) : i never talk rubbish Talion (GM) : interposition probably Greysky (FM) : I hope this line is still in Carlsen computer :) Greysky (FM) : 24 ??? Siglar (IM) : what??? Greysky (FM) : "maggie" ? Greysky (FM) : ljg, don´t disturb please Ng5 (IM) : shredder says Nf7= now Greysky (FM) : really Carlsen has only 24 minutes??? that´s ridicule! Greysky (FM) : then? Greysky (FM) : well... I am worried about the time :) Drahacik (FM) : Nf7 Rb1 and White is going to be up a pawn? Greysky (FM) : everybody make the same joke... don´t be boring.. [ 17.Axh6 Axh6 18.d7 ( 18.Dd5+ Tf7 ( 18...Rh8 19.d7 De7 20.Tad1 Td8 21.dxc8D Taxc8 22.De6 Dxe6 23.Cxe6 Te8 24.Cd4+/-) 19.d7 Axd7 20.Tad1 Ag7 21.Cxd7 Cc6 22.Cc5+/=) 18...Tf7 19.dxc8D Txc8 20.Dxd8+ Txd8 21.Tfd1+/=] 17...Cf7 615 Drahacik (FM) : Rb1 pawn up. Siglar (IM) : I agree with fortinbras 18.Tb1 130 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : qb6 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : with the idea nc4 in future S-Fazulyanov (FM) : moro played not so good i think S-Fazulyanov (FM) : maybe now qe7 illescas (GM) : copy 2 Greysky (FM) : unfortunately, I guess Nd2-e4.d6 was home prep. wasn´t it? Greysky (FM) : the time is not right Heine (GM) : they played 2 hours only, some more time is left 18...De7 273 Greysky (FM) : ljg is going to be censored soon Greysky (FM) : 17.d7 was wrong... true? Otero2006 (IM) : 19. dxc8 Greysky (FM) : yes.. I think so Greysky (FM) : white is not winning Greysky (FM) : (unfortunately) Greysky (FM) : really? Greysky (FM) : I prefer that :) Greysky (FM) : well... the eval is not so clear Greysky (FM) : and the times are not right, courts [ 18...Db6 19.Dd5+/-] 19.dxc8D 506 19...Taxc8 8 Drahacik (FM) : at least rybka gives the same eval for c8=Q and c8=R 20.Ca4 7 Siglar (IM) : fortinbras: agree with you Greysky (FM) : I supose it´s compensated Drahacik (FM) : Black has Rfd8 and Ne5 and b5 .. easy to play Black Greysky (FM) : Qe1 and Be3 ? Greysky (FM) : 16 years old Greysky (FM) : is 16 Greysky (FM) : I am not doubting Greysky (FM) : well, in the practice, I don´t like white position at all... pinquito (FM) : obs 1 20...Tfd8 535 21.De1 9 21...Cc6 18 22.Cc3 19 FrozenShade (GM) : black does have some compensation here, but pawn is a pawn of course Mataleo (FM) : material has no meaning in Moro's games Siglar (IM) : I hope Novikov wins areoflot [ 22.Ae3] 22...Cd4 230 Siglar (IM) : yes he is very good, he beat me last year ;) lol Siglar (IM) : no, otherwise I wouldnt speak english.LOL FrozenShade (GM) : its probably better to play Bb2 first and only then Nd5 Greysky (FM) : Nd5 is logic Siglar (IM) : e3 Nc2 gameplayer FrozenShade (GM) : white should avoid that exchange sacrifice, he's healthy pawn up so why allow chaos Siglar (IM) : yes Bb2 now? 23.Ab2 319 [ 23.Cd5 Txd5 24.cxd5 Tc2 25.e3 Cf3+ 26.Axf3 exf3 27.Dd1 Txa2 28.Dxf3 Cg5 29.Dg2 Ce4©; 23.e3 Cc2] 23...b5 6 FrozenShade (GM) : this seems a bit desperate Drahacik (FM) : what's the point after cxb5? Greysky (FM) : I don´t understand anything... Drahacik (FM) : seems ugly, but it's 2 pawns up Greysky (FM) : Nxb5 I don´t like. but cxb5 ? Greysky (FM) : and Qc1 Greysky (FM) : is it lost? Greysky (FM) : I am not using comp FrozenShade (GM) : seems to me the serious alternatives here are Nxb5 and e3, although e3 looks a bit risky Drahacik (FM) : cxb5 Nc2 Qc1 Bxc3 Qxc2 and what? Greysky (FM) : I don´t know, draha...... then?? Drahacik (FM) : I don't know, somebody said Nc2 wins Siglar (IM) : nxb5 nxb5 rc2 I guess Gumptious (GM) : I guess cb Nc2 Qc1 Nb4 is an idea Drahacik (FM) : yes, nice queen trap, Bc3-anywhere Greysky (FM) : patzers ( like me, of course) should always say : I THINK .. ( and then, what they think). Don´t forget "I think" or "I guess" Gumptious (GM) : good point greysky- I think that's true for patzers like me too Siglar (IM) : lol fortin Greysky (FM) : :) Gump Gumptious (GM) : it's not clear to me what is happening here, but I am fairly sure that the bishop on g2 is not happy Gumptious (GM) : maybe white should repeat, cb, Nc2 Qc1 Nb4 Qe1 Nc2 etc 24.Cd5 424 Gumptious (GM) : feels like the right move, though I wouldn't put it past morozevich to take on d5 and play rc2 now and then after Bd4 Bd4 it might be good comp [ 24.cxb5? Cc2 25.Dc1 Axc3 ( 25...Cb4 26.De1 Cc2 ( 26...Axc3 27.Axc3 Cc2-+) 27.Dc1 Axc3-+) 26.Dxc2 Ae5-+; 24.Cxb5 Cxb5 25.cxb5 Tc2 26.Axg7 Rxg7 27.a4 Tdd2©; 24.e3!? Cc2 25.De2 Axc3 26.Axc3 Ca3 27.Tbd1 bxc4 28.Txd8+ Txd8 29.Td1 Td3 30.Ad4+/=] 24...Dd6 91 Gumptious (GM) : ...or perhaps there is no need to get carried away in round one Greysky (FM) : "white is better after Bxd4" ----> "I think white is better after Bxd4" Greysky (FM) : I don´t think... I am tired Greysky (FM) : hi leoch, what´s up? Greysky (FM) : jeje, really. leoch? Goldmund (GM) : the real cow is on g2 here Goldmund (GM) : looks like black's activity is enough for a draw at least [ 24...Txd5? 25.cxd5 Tc2 26.Axd4 Axd4 27.Dd1 Dc5 28.e3 Ae5 29.Tc1 Txc1 30.Dxc1 Dxd5 31.Td1 De6 32.Dc5 a6 33.Dd5+-] 25.Axd4 365 25...Axd4 3 26.Td1 8 Siglar (IM) : agree knallo..Bg7 now 26...Ae5 158 Drahacik (FM) : dyslectic? Greysky (FM) : illiterate maybe Gumptious (GM) : nice- I guess cb Bxg3 is the idea [ 26...Ag7] 27.Da5 450 Ng5 (IM) : no, UK was not united till we got the scots and irish Greysky (FM) : Carlsen is getting a good position? FrozenShade (GM) : bxc4 Ne3 is the idea I suppose Greysky (FM) : everybody is obsessed because CArlsen is young.... Carlsen is 2690 FIDE, and he´s strong. FrozenShade (GM) : well, qxa7 might or might not work, after ne3 white is healthy pawn up and gets his knight on about the best square available Greysky (FM) : PWN? FrozenShade (GM) : probably carlsen has achieved more Siglar (IM) : one has to take in to account that todays players at magnus age are much better than fischers cometitors at his age [ 27.cxb5!? Axg3 ( 27...De6 28.Cf4+/=) 28.fxg3 Dc5+ 29.Df2 Txd5 30.Dxc5 Tdxc5 31.Td7 Txb5 32.Txa7 Ce5 33.Td1+/=] 27...bxc4 303 Goldmund (GM) : Ne3 Qb6 Qb6 ab Nc4 b5 perpahs FrozenShade (GM) : Nxe5 Nxe5 Rxd8 Rxd8 and a4 in the end of that line probably, goldmund Siglar (IM) : lol mightymax Greysky (FM) : Luisana Greysky (FM) : really? Greysky (FM) : with Ne3 ? Greysky (FM) : is interesting the line GoldMund says Goldmund (GM) : do you think white can win this endgame FrozenShade? FrozenShade (GM) : I think he has chances, with Ra1 coming next FrozenShade (GM) : anyway, he can hardly avoid that line if he decides to go for ne3 here Goldmund (GM) : ok maybe Bd4 or Bc7 after Nc4 28.Ce3 374 Greysky (FM) : PLEASE. Talk about the game... SBV (FM) : white is better Greysky (FM) : PLEASE. Talk about the game... Greysky (FM) : the game I played against a famous actress the last weekend 28...Dc7 162 [ 28...Db6 29.Dxb6 axb6 30.Cxc4 Ad4 ( 30...b5 31.Cxe5 Cxe5 32.Txd8+ Txd8 33.a4+/=; 30...Ac7 31.g4+/=) 31.a4+/=] 29.Dxc7 5 29...Axc7 4 30.Cxc4 5 FrozenShade (GM) : Ne5 now Gumptious (GM) : black is not worse Greysky (FM) : well.... now white can´t be worse...draw maybe? 30...Ce5 27 Gumptious (GM) : white can be worse- because his bishop is worse Gumptious (GM) : but a draw seems likely 31.Txd8+ 74 31...Txd8 2 Greysky (FM) : Rc1, what do you think, GMs? :) 32.Tc1 56 Goldmund (GM) : 80% of a draw Gumptious (GM) : I think Black would have to play a lot of bad moves before he is in any danger Greysky (FM) : and 20% ? Greysky (FM) : for 1-0 or 0-1 ? Goldmund (GM) : hard to imagine 1-0 or 0-1 here DorianGray (FM) : nxc4 and bb6 Greysky (FM) : then e3 Bf1 and draw? Greysky (FM) : might --- "I think white has ....." DorianGray (FM) : its drawish DorianGray (FM) : black has strong countergame DorianGray (FM) : will threatens DorianGray (FM) : will threaten e3 and rd2 as well Drahacik (FM) : that's a first, someone wrote "lose" when they meant "loose" :) Greysky (FM) : maybe you didn´t see white is a pawn up Drahacik (FM) : usually the other way around 32...Cxc4 211 33.Txc4 5 33...Td1+ 7 [ 33...Ab6 34.e3 Td2 35.a4+/=] 34.Af1 13 34...Ad6 13 Greysky (FM) : there is no technic Greysky (FM) : handshake Greysky (FM) : .e3 to make it easier... Siglar (IM) : seems as magnus can play on with e3 here doesntit? Greysky (FM) : e3 Rd4 Speelman (GM) : looks like an extra pawn to me - I don't understand at all why people don't think that MC can play Gumptious (GM) : I guess ...a5 and Bb4 might be some kind of positional threat 35.e3 208 Speelman (GM) : Yes I preume that's why he played ...Bd6 but it still takes tiome to get to d2/e1 35...a5 19 MinAl (IM) : Ra4 Bb4 a3 Be1 Greysky (FM) : Rd4 does not seem good Greysky (FM) : profe ... please 36.Rg2 219 MinAl (IM) : without rooks it's draw Drahacik (FM) : g4 sometime is an idea. g4xf5 makes weak pawns on f5 and h7 Siglar (IM) : good point drahachik Greysky (FM) : why he needs victory? [ 36.Ta4 Ab4 37.a3 Ae1 38.Ae2 Tb1 39.Td4 Ac3+ 40.Td1 Txd1+ 41.Axd1+/=; 36.Td4 Txd4 37.exd4 Rf7 38.Ac4+ Re7 39.Rf1+/=] 36...Rf7 246 Petrovich (GM) : go Carlsen 37.Tc2 188 Siglar (IM) : can we get a GM-statement here? Siglar (IM) : rc2? what was that for? Siglar (IM) : yes..can white exhange rooks? Greysky (FM) : yes, this is probably draw but ... pawn up Greysky (FM) : is there control? ReaperMan (GM) : Here's my statement: IE7 refuses to open the chess.fm feed for me Greysky (FM) : 1 hour more? ReaperMan (GM) : I didnt want to upgrade but windows kept on nagging ReaperMan (GM) : or maybe that was the Java thing 37...Re7 175 38.Ae2 10 ReaperMan (GM) : alright, the Mozilla thing got chess.fm up and running ReaperMan (GM) : but they're talking about food, for some reason Siglar (IM) : lol 38...Td5 117 Greysky (FM) : f4 and f3 interesting.. but I dont think white wants to lose Siglar (IM) : no reason for magnus to not play on in this position...bc4 rc5 and rd2 Greysky (FM) : if I were white, I would play until move 70... why not? Greysky (FM) : the arbiter is his friend.. 39.Ac4 150 [ 39.f4 exf3+ 40.Rxf3 h6 41.Tc6+/=; 39.f3] 39...Td1 22 Greysky (FM) : I doubt you would get draw against Carlsen [ 39...Tc5 40.f3 exf3+ 41.Rxf3 Ae5 42.a3+/=] 40.g4 177 Greysky (FM) : kai.. Greysky (FM) : carlson? 40...f4? 118 Drahacik (FM) : Magnus is about a foot shorter than Kramnik Greysky (FM) : yes Greysky (FM) : ...f4 seems weak.. Drahacik (FM) : Black threatens mate in one :) MightyViking (IM) : Well, do you know what "banana" is called in Norwegian? Greysky (FM) : good luisana! Drahacik (FM) : Kramnik might miss f3 :) Siglar (IM) : nice luisana FrozenShade (GM) : had exactly the same line in mind luisana, seems to me black's last move before timecontrol is a serious blunder Gumptious (GM) : so now one line is ef Bxf4 Re2 Rd4 Bd5!? FrozenShade (GM) : bd3 is more accurate gumptious, as black can put something on e5 if his rook is on d5 Greysky (FM) : exf forced and enough Drahacik (FM) : at the end, Rd2 forces a rook trade, but 2 pawns down MightyViking (IM) : As all Swedes know, "banana" is called "gulebøj" in Norwegian. [ 40...Ab4! 41.Ag8 h5 42.gxf5 gxf5 43.h4 Td2 44.Txd2 Axd2 45.Ac4 Rf6 46.Ab5 Rg6 47.Ae8+ Rh6 48.Ac6 Rg6+/=] 41.exf4 220 41...Axf4 6 42.Te2 6 MightyViking (IM) : And "toilet" is called "brusefåtølj". Drahacik (FM) : Rd4 Bd3 g5 Be4 Rd2 can Black hold 2 pawns down, by trading rooks? MightyViking (IM) : There was a dictionary that came out in the 80s with those kinds of words. Drahacik (FM) : I think Moro thinks he can draw the endgame 2 pawns down, no rooks 42...Td4 106 Siglar (IM) : hm..black will play g5 after rooktrade to take control of the dark squares..not sure if it is enough for white even with 2 pawns up 43.Ad3 5 Drahacik (FM) : g5 Drahacik (FM) : g5 Bxe4 Rd2 Drahacik (FM) : ah, not g5... something else Drahacik (FM) : h7 is hanging if g5 MightyViking (IM) : It was probably good for Magnus to win some games again in Faaborg. Greysky (FM) : eval? Drahacik (FM) : ok, Kf6 now, and trade rooks Greysky (FM) : Kf6 Bxe4 ? Drahacik (FM) : Rd2 forces rook trade Drahacik (FM) : Kf6 Bxe4 Rd2 Petrovich (GM) : 2-0 Petrovich (GM) : +2pawns, so 2-0 Drahacik (FM) : Carlseberg, then Rxa2, why is that winning? Drahacik (FM) : no check Drahacik (FM) : King is on f6 Siglar (IM) : magnus can take the lead if he wins this one :) [ 43.Ad5 Txd5 44.Txe4+ Ae5 45.f4 Td2+ ( 45...Rd6 46.fxe5+ Txe5 47.Txe5 Rxe5 48.Rf3+-) 46.Rf3 Txa2 47.Txe5++/-] 43...Rf6 280 [ 43...g5 44.Axe4 h6 ( 44...Td2 45.Txd2 Axd2 46.Axh7+-) 45.Af5++/-] 44.Axe4 8 44...Td2 3 Rabudja (GM) : draw Drahacik (FM) : hard to win this, even though 2 pawns up Rabudja (GM) : draw S-Fazulyanov (FM) : like a strong but draw Greysky (FM) : draw????? Greysky (FM) : let play! Greysky (FM) : 2 pawns up flowerchild (IM) : take and h4 45.Txd2 70 45...Axd2 2 Rabudja (GM) : and h6? Rabudja (GM) : h6+g5 Drahacik (FM) : he doesn't have 2 passers Drahacik (FM) : not easy to make a passer anywhere KingLoek (GM) : Kg3 or a3 Petrovich (GM) : guys remember Carlsen lost drawing Rp vs R to Aronian? Kingway (IM) : h6 h4 g5 h5 preserves some chances KingLoek (GM) : if white can get f4 in, he wins flowerchild (IM) : but then h6 is a target? Siglar (IM) : kg3 ke5 KingLoek (GM) : i felt magnus was very uncorfortable in R+B vs R endgame against me flowerchild (IM) : pawn chains g4+h5 and g5+h6, go with K to the other side, black has to go along, then try to switch flanks somehow if possible and win h6 pawn S-Fazulyanov (FM) : a3 Greysky (FM) : Magnus liked more :) KingLoek (GM) : do you want me to do it again? Greysky (FM) : jaja S-Fazulyanov (FM) : because black want to play Bb4 and white never will be dont make a passed pawn Drahacik (FM) : ljg, 2 potential passers, not 2 passers Gumptious (GM) : think h4 is nothing special after h6- even if h6 gets fixed- there is no access to it so Kg3!? Ke5 Bc2 and then h4 and g5 is a threat so maybe Bf4+ Kf3 Bg5 but then who knows- maybe something on the queenside KingLoek (GM) : so, if Kg3 Ke5 is forced KingLoek (GM) : not me S-Fazulyanov (FM) : a3 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : because black want to play Bb4 and white never will be dont make a passed pawn S-Fazulyanov (FM) : h4 h6 a3 KingLoek (GM) : black is threathening h6 and g5 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : Kg3 Kg5 KingLoek (GM) : monaco KingLoek (GM) : Kg5 h4 flowerchild (IM) : g5 is coming anyway, and fixing h6 creates a weakness so why not Siglar (IM) : Im just thinking loud..if black plays g5 and h6..black cant allow whiteking to g7 KingLoek (GM) : Be1Kf3 threatening Ke2-f4 LUCIANA (GM) : this is easy win S-Fazulyanov (FM) : lol Greysky (FM) : luciana, people defences it´s "easy draw" S-Fazulyanov (FM) : Shen21 has stopped examining game 4. / cause not interesting / :)) Gumptious (GM) : Kg3 Ke5 Bc2(threat h4 and g5)Bf4+ Kf3 Bg5 a3!? Be7 b4 ab a4 and look confident LUCIANA (GM) : simple king walk on the queenside 46.Rg3+/= 403 MinAl (IM) : simple king walk to Q-side, but black, Luciana LUCIANA (GM) : what would back play after kf3? MinAl (IM) : Kf3 - Ke5 Greysky (FM) : profe.. please Petrovich (GM) : Magnus goes to h4:) LUCIANA (GM) : ok then u cant play h6 LUCIANA (GM) : kf3 ke5 ke2 and? LUCIANA (GM) : next kd3 LUCIANA (GM) : i guess kf3 was over [ 46.a3; 46.h4 h6 47.a3] 46...Ae1 111 Greysky (FM) : generic... pawn on h7 Drahacik (FM) : Kf3 h6 Ke2 and f4 KingLoek (GM) : Be1 doesnt look right, Kf3now KingLoek (GM) : yeah , especially for moroz Siglar (IM) : kf3 ke5, what then? [ 46...Re5 47.Ac2 Af4+ ( 47...h6) 48.Rf3 Ag5 49.Ad3+/= ( 49.a3 Ae7 50.a4 ( 50.b4 axb4 51.a4 Rd4=) ) ; 46...Rg5 47.h4++/=] 47.Rf3 154 Drahacik (FM) : maybe Kf3 Kg5 and White still doesn't get f4 KingLoek (GM) : Bc2 47...Ab4 4 Greysky (FM) : h4 KingLoek (GM) : threathening g5 or Ke3 Greysky (FM) : looks apropiate Greysky (FM) : but moro has 2 pawns down Greysky (FM) : did u see? Greysky (FM) : but Magnus has also pawns in the queenside. didn´t you see it neither= KingLoek (GM) : Bd3 now KingLoek (GM) : threat Ke4 Greysky (FM) : I don´t like Bd3 Greysky (FM) : well, Bd3 Bc5 Siglar (IM) : bd3 ke5 h4 is that the plan kingloek? KingLoek (GM) : yes or g5 KingLoek (GM) : Bd3 Bc5 Kg3 Bd6 f4 g5 probaly draw KingLoek (GM) : in fact i am also not so sure if its a draw if black manages to push g5 [ 47...h6 48.Re2 Ab4 49.f4+/=; 47...Rg5 48.Re3 Rh4 49.Ag2+/=] 48.h4 411 KingLoek (GM) : because the pawn on h6 cannot be defended Greysky (FM) : now, in h6 wouldn´t be bad... KingLoek (GM) : so h6, Bd3 and next move h5 and Ke4 Greysky (FM) : yes, I like these plan, Loek KingLoek (GM) : in fact Bc2 more accurate Greysky (FM) : this is 1-0 chuleton (IM) : must be akward for morozevich that carlsen beats him all the time Greysky (FM) : is not so difficult, I think Siglar (IM) : sigh..its 3 in the morning, and Im tired to death..but I cant go to sleep now Greysky (FM) : Be1-b4 was also a waste of tempo Greysky (FM) : me neither siglar :) Siglar (IM) : its gonna be a tough week ..lol KingLoek (GM) : moroz is alsno not known for a flawless technique KingLoek (GM) : Bh3 it was junior (GM) : loeky what r u doing up at this hour? Petrovich (GM) : with knight h3 Petrovich (GM) : fat lady wont sing tonight:) Drahacik (FM) : computer evals are useless, if you realize that anything less than about +3 means the computer hasn't found a win yet. Drahacik (FM) : I mean "aren't useless" Greysky (FM) : shark, you would lose this position as white and as black LUCIANA (GM) : white wants after h6 ke2 g5 h5 Drahacik (FM) : ok, all in one line: computers evals aren't useless in this position, as long as you know that something like +2.0 means it's just counting pawns, no win found. Drahacik (FM) : no computer would say +0.8 here :) Petrovich (GM) : Carlsen beat Moro twice in Biel Greysky (FM) : why not, Draha? Drahacik (FM) : show me a program that says less than +1.0 here. Drahacik (FM) : none of them will S-Fazulyanov (FM) : h6 need Ng5 (IM) : long think is justified here, he needs to work out the position then he can move quickly Drahacik (FM) : I'm surpised it's less than 1.0, I guess computers are getting better :) Siglar (IM) : magnus has good winning chances it seems to me Siglar (IM) : loeks plan with bd3 and h5 seems promising Sweere (GM) : I wonder what Tim Hardway thinks about the global warming Sweere (GM) : I want a Tim Hardaway show Drahacik (FM) : Seems Moro intentionally sacked a pawn with 40...f4 instead losing it. [ 48.Ad3 Ac5 ( 48...Re5 49.h4+/-) 49.Rg3 Ad6+ 50.f4 g5 51.Axh7 Axf4+ 52.Rf3+/=] 48...h6 1112 49.Re2 6 Greysky (FM) : I like white´s work! Siglar (IM) : if the timeuse is correct it proves that moro is having a hard time here.. [ 49.Ad3; 49.Ac2] 49...Ad6 53 [ 49...g5 50.h5+/=] 50.Rd3 6 50...Ac5? 3 Sweere (GM) : ok g5 h5 then the white king marches to b5 followed by a3 and b4 KingLoek (GM) : f4 looks nasty MightyViking (IM) : Everyone says Danailov broke into Radjabov's room. How do we know it wasn't Ivanchuk? Look where he is now - he had a motive. Sweere (GM) : no the black king stays on d6 to answer Ka6 with Kc7 Ng5 (IM) : very odd to allow f4 Greysky (FM) : .f3 h5! is posible? chuleton (IM) : lots chuleton (IM) : carlsen also has beaten anand Greysky (FM) : machia, go home chuleton (IM) : he beat more twice at BIEL chuleton (IM) : MORO* Heine (GM) : f4 Bf2 g5 Kg7 draws? Greysky (FM) : for me, Ke2 only one Greysky (FM) : if f3 h5 is strong.. isnt it? KingLoek (GM) : f4 maybe h5? Greysky (FM) : +censor machiavelli Siglar (IM) : f4 bf2 h5 gxh5 gxh5 bg3 ke3 with bg6 and f5 comming..and then king over to the queeenside or something? S-Fazulyanov (FM) : f3 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : f3 bf2 h5 gh gh ke5 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : yes [ 50...g5!? evitando 51.f4. 51.h5 Re7 ( 51...Re5 52.f3 Ac5 53.Rc4 Ae7 54.Rb5 Ab4 55.Ra4 Rd4 56.a3 Ad2 57.Rb5 Ae1 58.b4 axb4 59.a4 b3 60.a5+/-) 52.Rc4 Rd7 53.Rd5 Re7 54.Ad3 Rd7 55.Re4 Re6 56.Ac4+ Rf6 57.Rd5 Re7 58.Rc6 Ae5 59.Rb5 Ac3 60.a3 Rd7 61.b4 axb4 62.a4 Rc7 63.a5 Rb7 64.a6+ Ra7 65.Rc5 b3 66.Axb3 Rxa6 67.Rd5 Rb5 68.Re6 Rc6 ( 68...Rb4 69.Aa2 Rc5 70.Rf7 Rd4 71.Rg7 Re5 72.f3 Rf4+ 73.Rxh6 Rxf3 74.Rxg5+-) 69.Rf5 Ab4 70.Rg6 Af8 71.Rf7 Ac5 72.Rg7 Axf2 73.Rxh6 Ad4 74.Rxg5+-] 51.f4 784 Siglar (IM) : after bf2 h5 seems to be only move Ng5 (IM) : h5 g5 Kf7 Ke2 Bb4 looks drawn Ng5 (IM) : h5 is good Ng5 (IM) : h5 looks like a draw to me Ng5 (IM) : Sadvaskov is happy Sweere (GM) : both g5 and h5 lose Bf2 might still draw Ng5 (IM) : how does h5 lose ? Siglar (IM) : how doeas h5 lose sweere? Sweere (GM) : g5 check and K to b5 Siglar (IM) : ah..of course..nice [ 51.f3 Af2 ( 51...h5) 52.h5 gxh5 53.gxh5 Re5 54.Rc3 Rf4 55.Rd2+/-; 51.Re2 Ad6] 51...h5 548 [ 51...Af2 52.h5 ( 52.g5+ Rg7) 52...gxh5 ( 52...g5) 53.gxh5 Ag3 54.Re3+/-] 52.g5+ 3 52...Rg7 3 Sweere (GM) : kingloek was right Siglar (IM) : wow 53.Rc4 13 Sweere (GM) : and g5 instead of the horrific Bc5? was a draw 53...Ad6 9 [ 53...Ae3 54.Rb5 ( 54.f5 gxf5 55.Axf5 Af2 56.g6 Axh4 57.Rd3 Ag3 58.Re3 Ab8 59.Rf2 Ae5 60.Rg2 Rf6 61.Ab1 Rg7 62.Ac2 Ac7 63.Ae4 Ad8+/=) 54...Ad2 55.a3 Rf7 56.b4 axb4 57.a4 Ae1 58.a5 Axh4 59.Rxb4 Ae1+ 60.Rb5 Af2 61.Rc6+-] 54.Rb5 17 54...Axf4 7 [ 54...Ac7 55.f5 gxf5 56.Axf5 Rf7 57.a4 Re7 58.b4 axb4 59.a5 b3 60.a6 Ab8 61.Rb6+-] 55.Rxa5 2 55...Ag3 5 Sweere (GM) : pathetic Sweere (GM) : b pawn to b6, Kb5 and queen the a-pawn 56.Rb5 87 56...Axh4 3 Ng5 (IM) : shredder is over +4 Drahacik (FM) : What's the point of Kb5 ? Drahacik (FM) : a-pawn rolls to a6 and we play Bf2 and laugh Petrovich (GM) : 1-1 57.a4 246 57...Axg5 3 58.a5 70 58...Rf6 3 Hatred (IM) : Kc6 1:0 Siglar (IM) : still winning yes? Ng5 (IM) : easy win now Siglar (IM) : even a6 leads to the same variaton 59.a6 150 Petrovich (GM) : Fat lady has entered the building 59...Ae3 7 60.Rc6 10 60...g5 9 61.b4 3 Siglar (IM) : well done magnus!! Drahacik (FM) : What did Kf6 do? 61...Re5 0 Russek (IM) : morsa, como la ves? Petrovich (GM) : nice analysis by Rybka Ng5 (IM) : Kc7 wins Petrovich (GM) : human would never find it Petrovich (GM) : +9.89! awesome! 62.b5 110 62...Rxe4 5 63.b6 3 Siglar (IM) : why did he do that..bh1 was simple Siglar (IM) : lol fortin Russek (IM) : hora de cenar MightyViking (IM) : Carlsen leading Linares alone. How does that sound? Drahacik (FM) : Moro will only have pawns on 5th and 6th versus a queen 63...g4 117 64.a7 31 64...g3 3 65.a8D 4 65...Rf3 8 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : DRAW!!:) Petrovich (GM) : +666 S-Fazulyanov (FM) : +777 :) S-Fazulyanov (FM) : stavil na Tampa Bey? Hatred (IM) : b7 g2 b8 g1 Kd7 and mate possibly 66.b7 101 Petrovich (GM) : Rushing TouchDown Carlsen 5 yards. Ng5 (IM) : b7 was 9th best according to comp S-Fazulyanov (FM) : bf4!!:) Drahacik (FM) : if carlsen keeps making 9th best moves, maybe he still wins :) Hatred (IM) : will Moro play until checkmate? 66...Af4 111 Drahacik (FM) : of course tablebases... b8 Bxb8 is tablebases. Petrovich (GM) : b8 N draw Petrovich (GM) : he has knight autopromotion Kawas (IM) : just Qf8 Lependin (IM) : Kd5 g2 Qa3 Kg4 Ke4 g1N!! :)) Siglar (IM) : I dont understand..Bh1 was so extremely natural and easy...I wouldnt have felt very comfortable here..although its winning yes..but why do it so complicated? KingLoek (GM) : on chessbase the result is already posted KingLoek (GM) : you dont need to check it KingLoek (GM) : if you dont want Drahacik (FM) : Maybe even Kc5 wins Ng5 (IM) : so it was a losing blinder to allow f4 ? Ng5 (IM) : 50 .. g5 was a draw ? Ng5 (IM) : no, g5 before white plays f4 [ 66...g2 67.b8D g1D 68.Rd7+] 67.Df8 316 SilikonaPub (FM) : rybka says +10 because white is a queen up, you don't need to be a machine for to say that... [ 67.Rd5 g2 68.Da3+ Rg4 69.Re4 g1C] 67...Re4 120 68.De8+ 8 Siglar (IM) : g'night everyone..viva la carlsen!! 1-0
1. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2690 1.0;
2. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2779 0.5;
3. Aronian, Levon g ARM 2744 0.5;
4. Svidler, Peter g RUS 2728 0.5;
5. Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2783 0.5;
6. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2750 0.5;
7. Leko, Peter g HUN 2749 0.5;
8. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2741 0.0;
SEGUNDA RONDA ( 18-2-2.007):
Leko, Peter - Morozevich, Alexander
Aronian, Levon - Carlsen, Magnus
Anand, Viswanathan - Svidler, Peter
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Topalov, Veselin
Recibid un cordial saludo,
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