domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008

Mundial de Bonn 2008 (9)


Anand, con blancas, sin motivo alguno, quiso entrar en una complicada variante y no lo pagó caro de milagro.

No obstante de nuevo, vimos como la capacidad en el cálculo de variantes de Krámnik, falló en el momento decisivo.

Partida entretenida pero que deja al final el marcador : Anand 6 – Krámnik 3 a falta de tres partidas. Con medio punto más, Vishy revalida su título.

Anand,V (2783) - Kramnik,V (2772) [D43]
World Chess Ch Bonn Bonn (9), 26.10.2008
[ICC y Rybka 3 32-bit]

Rybka 3 32-bit es manejada aquí por Jiménez,A. 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Cf3 Cf6 4.Cc3 c6 Defensa Semieslava. 5.Ag5 h6 Diagram

6.Ah4!? ICC: with 6 Bf6 position is very stable with 6 Bh4 chaos rules. ICC: it's like his meta-strategy (very successful) is to enter wild complications whenever possible; but match strategy with this lead is to play safe and end the match by drawing out... 6...dxc4 ahora entraremos en una aguda línea. 7.e4 g5 8.Ag3 b5 9.Ae2 Ab7 10.Dc2 [10.e5 Ch5 11.a4 a6 12.Cxg5 Cxg3 13.Cxf7 Rxf7 14.fxg3 Rg8 15.0-0 Cd7 16.Ag4 De7 17.Ce4 Th7 18.Cd6 Tb8 19.b4 h5 20.Ah3 Ah6 21.Rh1 Ag5 22.Dc2 Tg7 23.De2 Aa8 24.Dxh5 Tf8 25.Ce4 c5 26.Cxg5 Ad5 27.Cf3 cxb4 28.axb5 axb5 29.Ch4 Dg5 30.Txf8+ Cxf8 31.De8 Tf7 32.Cf3 Dg6 33.Dxb5 b3 34.Tf1 Dd3 35.Rg1 De3+ 36.Rh1 c3 37.Axe6 Axe6 38.d5 Txf3 39.gxf3 Ah3 40.Dc4 Axf1 41.Dg4+ Rh7 42.e6 Cg6 0-1 Kramnik,V (2770)-Anand,V (2765)/Belgrade 1997/CD PDR; 10.Ce5 Ag7 11.h4 Cbd7 (11...Cfd7 12.Cg4 Da5 13.hxg5 hxg5 14.Txh8+ Axh8 15.Rf1 Ca6 16.e5 0-0-0 17.a4 Db4 18.Af3 Dxb2 19.axb5 Dxc3 20.bxa6 Aa8 21.Tc1 Db3 22.Ch6 Tf8 23.Ah5 Dxd1+ 24.Txd1 f5 25.exf6 Axf6 26.Cf7 Ae7 27.Cd6+ Axd6 28.Axd6 Tf5 29.Ag4 Td5 30.Ag3 c5 31.Axe6 Txd4 32.Txd4 cxd4 33.Axc4 Ae4 34.f3 Af5 35.Af2 Ce5 36.Ab5 Ad7 37.Axd7+ Rxd7 38.Axd4 Cc6 39.Ac5 g4 40.Re2 Re6 41.f4 Cb8 42.Axa7 Cxa6 1/2-1/2 Topalov,V (2740)-Timman,J (2635)/Wijk aan Zee 1998/CD PDR) 12.Dc2 c5 13.hxg5 cxd4 14.Cxb5 Cxe4 15.Cxc4 Cxg3 16.Cbd6+ Rf8 17.Cxb7 Dc7 18.fxg3 Dxb7 19.0-0 d3 20.Dxd3 Ce5 21.Cxe5 Db6+ 22.Tf2 Axe5 23.Df3 f5 24.Dxa8+ Re7 25.Df3 hxg5 26.Td1 Rf6 27.Ac4 g4 28.Dd3 Rg5 29.Te1 Dc5 30.b4 Dd4 31.Txe5 Da1+ 32.Tf1 Dxe5 33.Dd2+ Rg6 34.Te1 1-0 Topalov,V (2707)-Dreev,A (2676)/New Delhi/Teheran 2000/CBM 081] 10...Cbd7 11.Td1 [11.0-0 Db6 12.a4 a6 13.Tfd1 Ch5 14.d5 Cxg3 15.hxg3 Ac5 16.dxe6 fxe6 17.Af1 0-0-0 18.axb5 cxb5 19.b3 g4 20.bxc4 gxf3 21.cxb5 fxg2 22.Axg2 Thf8 23.Ca4 Dc7 24.Txd7 Txd7 25.Cxc5 axb5 26.Tc1 Te7 27.Cxe6 Dxc2 28.Txc2+ Rd7 29.Cxf8+ Re8 30.Cg6 Td7 31.e5 Td1+ 32.Rh2 1-0 Relange,E (2505)-Nielsen,P (2628)/ INT 2004/The Week in Chess 493; 11.Ce5 Ag7 (11...Tg8 12.Td1 Cxe5 13.Axe5 Cd7 14.Ag3 Db6 15.0-0 a6 16.d5 0-0-0 17.dxe6 fxe6 18.Ag4 c5 19.e5 Ae7 20.Dh7 Tge8 21.Df7 Dc6 22.Af3 Dc7 23.Dxe6 Af6 24.Txd7 Txe6 25.Txc7+ Rxc7 26.exf6+ Rb6 27.Axb7 Rxb7 28.f3 Txf6 29.Ce4 Tc6 30.Rf2 Rb6 31.Tc1 Td5 32.Re2 Te6 33.h3 Rc6 34.Af2 Tee5 35.g4 Rb6 36.Ae3 Te6 37.Th1 b4 38.h4 a5 39.hxg5 hxg5 40.Th5 a4 41.Cxg5 a3 42.bxa3 b3 43.axb3 cxb3 44.Cxe6 Txh5 45.Cxc5 Th2+ 46.Rd3 b2 47.Ca4+ Rc6 48.Cc3 Rd6 49.Af4+ 1-0 Topalov,V (2702)-Bareev,E (2709)/Frankfurt 2000/CD PDR) 12.Td1 Da5 (12...Db6 13.0-0 Td8 14.Rh1 c5 15.Axc4 a6 16.Cxd7 Txd7 17.e5 Ch5 18.Ae2 1/2-1/2 Pigusov,E (2613)-Dreev,A (2676)/Moscow 2001/CBM 086) 13.0-0 h5 14.d5 Cxe5 15.Axe5 b4 16.Dd2 Th6 17.Axc4 bxc3 18.Axc3 Cxe4 19.dxc6 Cxd2 20.cxb7 Tb8 21.Axa5 Cxc4 22.Td8+ Txd8 23.Axd8 Ae5 24.Axg5 Tg6 25.f4 Ac7 26.Tc1 f6 27.Txc4 Rd7 28.Ah4 Tg8 29.Axf6 Ab6+ 30.Ad4 Tb8 31.Axb6 axb6 32.Tc8 Txb7 33.Th8 Rd6 34.Txh5 1-0 Filippov,V (2617)-Galliamova,A (2547)/Kazan 2001/CD PDR] 11...Ab4 12.Ce5 ICC: why did vishy go into this sharp line? 12...De7N ICC: neither side better, but horribly complicated, so...wins for Anand [12...Tg8 13.0-0 De7 14.a4 a6 15.Cxd7 Cxd7 16.d5 Cf6 17.d6 Dd7 18.f4 Axc3 19.bxc3 c5 20.fxg5 Axe4 21.Dd2 Cd5 22.Ah5 Ag6 23.Af3 Ad3 24.Axd5 exd5 25.Tde1+ Rd8 26.Te7 1-0 Van Wely,L (2643)-Dao Thien Hai (2555)/Istanbul 2000/EXT 2001] 13.0-0 ICC: both players just playing to complete schedule... 13...Cxe5 14.Axe5 0-0 Diagram

15.Axf6 [15.f4 Cd7-/+; 15.Ag3 Axc3 16.bxc3 c5=/+; 15.h3 Cd7 16.Ah2 Tad8=/+; 15.h4 gxh4 16.Af4 Rh8=/+] 15...Dxf6 16.f4! Anand hace la jugada más acorde con su posición, pues necesita de movimientos activos para compensar su peón de desventaja. [16.e5 Dg6 17.Ce4 Ae7-/+] 16...Dg7 [16...Dg6 17.f5 exf5 18.exf5 Dg7-/+] 17.e5 Diagram

[17.fxg5 hxg5 18.e5 c5=/+] 17...c5! Tras pensar casi media hora... . [17...f5 18.exf6 Dxf6 19.fxg5 Dxg5 20.Af3=; 17...Ae7 18.fxg5 hxg5 19.De4 a6=] 18.Cxb5 [18.Ce4?! cxd4 19.Txd4 (19.Cf6+ Rh8 20.Af3 d3-+) 19...Tad8-/+] 18...cxd4 Krámnik ha obtenido el tipo de posición añorada para intentar remontar un match que tiene cuesta arriba. 19.Dxc4 [19.Af3 Axf3 20.Txf3 Tac8=/+] 19...a5 Diagram

ICC: that bb7 is a monster...Vishy has to give some thought to make sure he has that nasty bishop under control... [19...gxf4?! 20.Af3 Axf3 21.Txf3 a5=] 20.Rh1? Tras 22 minutos de reflexión. ICC: never even considered sharp positions like this time is critcal and kh1 strikes me as a time waster. Makes sense if the g1/a7 diagonal is in play, but it isn't. And is the king really safer on h1 than g1? Really don't like this move, expect to see computer evals go up some for Vlad [20.Cxd4?! gxf4 21.Cf3 Tac8 22.Dxf4 Tc2-/+; 20.Dxd4 Tac8 21.Rh1 Ac5 22.Dd3 gxf4 23.Af3 Aa6-/+; Parece mejor 20.Cd6!? Axd6 21.exd6 Aa6 (21...gxf4 22.Af3 Axf3 23.Txf3 e5=/+) 22.Dc2 Tfd8 23.Axa6 Txa6 24.f5 Taxd6 25.fxe6 fxe6=/+] 20...Tac8 21.Dxd4 Diagram

21...gxf4? y aquí comete Volodia un error que fue muy criticado por los maestros del ICC. De nuevo un fallo en el cálculo de variantes. [Se imponía 21...Ac5! 22.Dd3 (22.Da4 gxf4 23.Af3 Axf3 24.Txf3 Tcd8 25.Txd8 Txd8 26.Dxf4 Td1+ 27.Tf1 Txf1+ 28.Dxf1 Dxe5 29.Dc1 Df5 30.Ca3 a4 31.Cb5 Ab4 32.Ca3 Df2-/+) 22...gxf4 23.Af3 Aa6 24.Tfe1 Ae3-/+] 22.Af3 Aa6 23.a4?! ICC: feels to me that Kramnik is increasing his edge in potential endgames. Provoking a4 kills the 2/1 white majority on the queenside and still has the 2Bs. But bc5 was so much stronger than gxf4 [23.Db6!=] 23...Tc5 [23...Dg5=/+] 24.Dxf4 ICC: Kramnik ba6 provoked a4, it can come back into play later. The black f/e pawns have a real future if this swaps into an endgame which is what I think Kramnik is aiming for. 24...Txe5 ICC: while it seems clear that Kramnik didn't realize how strong bc5 was, this is still a position that he has some chances. And it's technical, which is his strong suit...all dreams of white getting an attack for the pawn sac (remember when?) are history. Vishy is being tortured at this point. ICC: I think Kramnik would love to win a pawn on b5 and play the pawn up position with opposite bishops. 25.b3 [25.Ae4! con contrajuego.] 25...Axb5 26.axb5 Txb5=/+ Diagram

¿Tocará tortura?. 27.Ae4 Ac3 ICC: Ok, Kramnik has a technical position with a plus pawn. This is what Anand has successfully avoided all match until now, positions where Kramnik does the grind, grind, grind. This could can the match dynamics a lot if Kramnik grinds it out. 28.Ac2 Ae5 29.Df2 mejor ir directamente a "f3" por aquello de situarse por casillas blancas. 29...Ab8 [29...Tb4 30.g3 f6-/+] 30.Df3 No gustó este movimiento, primero a f2 y ahora a f3, pero la posición no cambia en su valoración general. 30...Tc5 31.Ad3 [31.Ab1 Tc3 32.Td3 Txd3 33.Dxd3 Ae5=/+] 31...Tc3 32.g3 Rh8 [32...Ae5 33.Tc1 Tb8 34.Txc3 Axc3=/+] 33.Db7 [33.Dh5=/+] 33...f5 ICC: bc7 looks correct. But we are watching 2 players with little time under huge pressure. I expect a lot of 2nd best moves (well, by Rybka standards) from both players over the next 5-10 moves. [33...Ac7 34.Db5 Dg4=/+] 34.Db6 Diagram

[34.Dxg7+ Rxg7 35.Ac4 Rf6-/+] 34...De5? [Es mejor 34...Tg8=/+ ] 35.Db7? [Y Anand no encuentra una línea rectilínea hacia el empate: 35.Axf5! exf5 36.Dxh6+ Rg8 37.Tfe1 Dg7 38.De6+ Df7 39.Td7 Dxe6 40.Txe6 Tc1+ 41.Rg2 Tc2+ 42.Rh3 Tfc8 43.Tee7=] 35...Dc7? ICC: bc7 looks correct, but I bet Kramnik is thinking qc7. he really wants queens off...I don't think he has much confidence in his own tactical calculations right now. [35...Ac7-/+] 36.Dxc7 Axc7 de nuevo Krámnik se muestra miedoso. El cambio de damas alivia la labor defensiva de las blancas. 37.Ac4 Te8? demasiado espesa. [37...a4=/+] 38.Td7 [38.Tde1=] 38...a4 ICC: I think Kramnik was very focused on winning, I think his nerves and lack of self-confidence impacted his play over the last 10 moves. 39.Txc7= Anand está ya un paso de conseguir su objetivo de no perder una partida que se le había puesto cuesta arriba. [39.Ta1 axb3 40.Axb3 Txb3 41.Txc7 Td8 42.Taa7=] 39...axb3 Diagram

40.Tf2?! Pero complica ahora inncesariamente su labor defensiva, aunque la situación ahora no es grave. [40.Td1! b2 41.Rg2! Tc2+ 42.Rh3 Tc1 43.Tdd7 Txc4 44.Th7+ Rg8 45.Thg7+ Rh8 46.Th7+=] 40...Tb8 41.Tb2 ICC: draw anyway but now 50 moves play 41...h5 un intento de alargar la situación, pero que tampoco va a lograrse. [41...e5 42.Rg2 e4 (42...Ta8? 43.Txb3 Ta2+ 44.Rh3+-) 43.Tc6 Tb4 44.Tc8+ Rg7 45.Tg8+ Rf6 46.Ae2 Tc2 47.Txc2 bxc2 48.Tc8 Tb2 49.Rf2 h5 50.Re3 h4 51.g4 fxg4 52.Axg4 c1D+ 53.Txc1 Txh2 54.Tc5=; 41...f4 42.Rg2 f3+ 43.Rf2 Ta8 44.Td2= (44.Txb3? Ta2+-+) ; 41...Tc2 42.Txc2 (42.Txb3? Txb3-+) 42...bxc2 43.Axe6 Tb1+ 44.Rg2 c1D 45.Txc1 Txc1 46.Axf5= ICC.] 42.Rg2 h4 ICC: I tend to trust Vlad's calculations in endings. But his middlegame calculations in this match have been deeply flawed, got to hurt. 43.Tc6 hxg3 44.hxg3 Tg8 45.Txe6 [45.Rf2 Tgxg3 46.Axe6 Txc6 47.Rxg3 Txe6 48.Txb3=] 45...Txc4 Y Anand quedó a tan sólo medio punto de renovar su título de Campeón del Mundo, cuando faltan aún 3 partidas. 1/2-1/2

Recibid un cordial saludo,

Angel Jiménez Arteaga

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

La partida nº 10 está totalmente VENDIDA. Increible.

¿Cómo no va a ver Cc4?