martes, 18 de marzo de 2008

XVII Torneo Melody Amber 2008

Buenos detalles mostrados por el GM Hikaru Nakamura en el ICC (Smallville) comentando pinceladas en la partida "a rápidas" entre Karjakin y Carlsen.

Fue una lucha de maniobras, con ligera ventaja de las blancas. Al final Magnus, al borde de las tablas, falló y permitió que los temibles golpes tácticos del GM ucranio se terminaran imponiendo.

Empate a uno final, pues, entre ambos jugadores.

Karjakin,S (2732) - Carlsen,M (2733) [B04]
Niza Rapid Francia (3), 17.03.2008
[ICC/Rybka 2.3.2a mp 32-bit/Jimenez,A]

1.e4 Cf6 'Smallville (GM) : Haha, Magnus stealing my opening as usual' 2.e5 '0426' 2...Cd5 '045' 3.d4 '045' 3...d6 '045' 4.Cf3 '045' 4...dxe5 '045 (C DM) : 4...dxe5: drunkman ( your )' 5.Cxe5 '045' 5...c6 '045 (C DM) : 5...c6: drunkman ( your )' 6.Ae2 '045' 6...Cd7 '045' 7.Cf3 '0426' 7...C7f6 '045' [RR 7...e6 8.0-0 Dc7 9.Te1 Ae7 10.c4 C5f6 11.Cc3 0-0 12.Ad3 Td8 13.De2 Cf8 14.Ag5 Cg6 15.g3 b6 16.h4 Ab7 17.Tad1 Te8 18.Ce5 Cxe5 19.dxe5 Cd7 20.De4 Cf8 21.Dg4 Tad8 22.Af6 Najer,E (2641)-Mamedyarov,S (2674)/Khanty Mansyisk RUS 2005/The Week in Chess 578/1-0 (39); RR 7...b5 8.0-0 e6 9.b3 Ae7 10.c4 bxc4 11.bxc4 C5f6 12.Cc3 0-0 13.Af4 Da5 14.Dc2 Aa6 15.Tfd1 Tfc8 16.Tab1 Ch5 17.Ad2 Af8 18.Ce4 Da3 19.Ce5 Chf6 20.Cg5 Cxe5 21.dxe5 h6 22.Cxe6 Parligras,M (2553)-Sergeev,V (2507)/Predeal ROU 2007/The Week in Chess 678/1-0] 8.0-0 Diagram

'0426' 8...Ag4N '0426' [RR 8...Af5 9.Ch4 Ag6 10.c4 Cb6 11.Cc3 e6 12.g3 Ce4 13.Cxg6 Cxc3 14.bxc3 hxg6 15.Tb1 Dd7 16.h4 c5 17.Af3 cxd4 18.cxd4 Ae7 19.Db3 0-0 20.c5 Cd5 21.Dxb7 Tfd8 22.Axd5 exd5 23.Af4 Najer,E (2606)-Bauer,C (2595)/ INT 2004/1-0] 9.h3 '0489' 9...Axf3 '0426' 10.Axf3 '045 Smallville (GM) : This is soooo dull' 10...e6 '045 bulletmaster (FM) : White has a pair of bishops bulletmaster (FM) : And after c4 bulletmaster (FM) : Ah, maybe not bulletmaster (FM) : This is just equal bulletmaster (FM) : Yes, Im sorry bulletmaster (FM) : bye all bulletmaster (FM) : gtg bulletmaster (FM) : to bed bulletmaster (FM) : And som1 ask smallville to uncensor me bulletmaster (FM) : Yep bulletmaster (FM) : I need to go bulletmaster (FM) : lol bulletmaster (FM) : This is just equal' 11.c4 '0489 bulletmaster (FM) : ty bulletmaster (FM) : I meant uncensor bulletmaster (FM) : lol bulletmaster (FM) : bye! bulletmaster (FM) : Good knight all!' 11...Cb6 '0447 (C DM) : 11...Nb6: Young-Sun Michal1990 ( your ) Smallville (GM) : Its amazing that even Karjakin unprepared can reach equality unlike Topalov' 12.b3 '0426' 12...Ae7 '045' 13.Ab2 '045' 13...0-0 '045' 14.Cd2 '0426' 14...a5 '045 Smallville (GM) : this is small +=' 15.a3+/= '0447 Smallville (GM) : All Your Base Are Belong To White' 15...Dc7 '0426 Smallville (GM) : What irony?' 16.De2 '045 PorkChopsTamer (IM) : que?' 16...Tfe8 '0447 Smallville (GM) : Rfd1' 17.g3 '0489' 17...Tad8 '0447' 18.Ag2 '0447 (C DM) : 18.Bg2: drunkman ( your )' 18...Cbd7 '0447 Smallville (GM) : Rfd1 Smallville (GM) : This is actually similar to the French lines with 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bd7' 19.Cf3 '04193 (C DM) : 19.Nf3: Bootylicious ( your )' 19...Db6 '0426 Smallville (GM) : Nf3 was wrong Smallville (GM) : I think Kramnik is avoiding using his prep FrozenShade (GM) : whats wrong with nf3? just qc2 now, white is comfortable Smallville (GM) : And is saving it all for the match' 20.Dc2 '0447 (C DM) : 20.Qc2: tigru ( your ) Smallville (GM) : This will be a draw Smallville (GM) : Salad is good FrozenShade (GM) : might be drawn but white enjoys a safe edge nevertheless Smallville (GM) : I'm better than these guys at blindfold, I know that. Smallville (GM) : I don't think Karjakin can do 20 games blindfold at the same time' 20...Cf8 '04235' 21.Ce5 '0489 Smallville (GM) : Actually, I'm not joking fredrix Smallville (GM) : You are funny Jadwin' 21...Cg6 '0489' 22.Cd3 '045' 22...h5 '0489 (C DM) : 22...h5: Lone-Tiger Michal1990 ( your ) Smallville (GM) : I don't like Nd3 Smallville (GM) : Ne5-d3 is weird Smallville (GM) : lat1, this is why I was able to crush Karjakin when I played him Smallville (GM) : When you get out of his preparation and avoid tactical positions he is not that strong Smallville (GM) : But going into something very tactical like the Najdorf is suicide against him' 23.Tad1 '04110 (C DM) : 23.Rad1: NoSpoon ( your ) Smallville (GM) : Renzer, the point is that he's messing this up Neveris (GM) : 2200 FrozenShade (GM) : h4 is met by g4, after which blacks position just got worse' 23...Dc7 '0489 (C DM) : 23...Qc7: Piti ( your )' 24.f4 Ad6 [24...c5!?+/= Nakamura y Rybka.] 25.Ce5 '04403 (C DM) : 25.Ne5: Lone-Tiger Bazillus freddi Piti MeatGrinder Bootylicious e4ia Deep-Pawns ( your )' 25...Ce7 '045 (C DM) : 25...Ne7: Piti ( your )' 26.c5 '045' 26...Axe5 '045 (C DM) : 26...Bxe5: drunkman ( your )' 27.fxe5 '045 (C DM) : 27.fxe5: Piti ( your )' 27...Cfd5 '045 (C DM) : 27...Nfd5: Piti ( your )' 28.De2 '045 (C DM) : 28.Qe2: Piti ( your )' 28...Cf5 '0426 (C DM) : 28...Nf5: Piti ( your )' 29.Td3 '045 (C DM) : 29.Rd3: Piti ( your ) Smallville (GM) : This is not pretty' 29...h4 '0426 (C DM) : 29...h4: Sanosfe fischerreborn Piti VGodAWata ( your )' 30.gxh4+/= '045 Smallville (GM) : Nxh4 Be4 Russek (IM) : white is better Neveris (GM) : unclear still Russek (IM) : more space Russek (IM) : not much better, just better Neveris (GM) : pair of knights Russek (IM) : watson is also overrated skylover (IM) : pair of knights in pair of outposts;)' 30...b6 Diagram

'04214 (C DM) : 30...b6: raooel Piti ( your ) Russek (IM) : 2 B = R+N+ a chessburger Russek (IM) : Gasquet is winning over chela' 31.Ae4?! '0489 Neveris (GM) : 0-1 Neveris (GM) : not now Neveris (GM) : but later Celine (IM) : 1-0 Celine (IM) : 1-0 Smallville (GM) : Karjakin is messing this up badly Smallville (GM) : No attack coming Smallville (GM) : bxc5 Smallville (GM) : Magnus is better here' [Es mejor primero 31.cxb6 ] 31...bxc5 '04172 (C DM) : 31...bxc5: MisterBlack Piti Young-Sun Smallville Bootylicious ( your )' 32.dxc5 '045 Smallville (GM) : Obama 08!' 32...De7 '0426 Smallville (GM) : Its sad that Obama is the best choice in 2008 Russek (IM) : aronian is lost' [32...Cde7!?] 33.Axf5 '0447 (C DM) : 33.Bxf5: ppeon ( your )' 33...exf5 '045' 34.Txf5 '045' 34...Dxh4 '0426 (C DM) : 34...Qxh4: NoSpoon VGodAWata ( your ) Heartachee (IM) : what a terrible knigth on d5 Smallville (GM) : yep, its =+ Russek (IM) : Qg4 Smallville (GM) : McCain is too old to become president elastase (FM) : rh5 nf4' 35.Ac1 '0489 (C DM) : 35.Bc1: bardin1 ( your )' 35...Dh7 '0468 elastase (FM) : rh5 nf4' 36.Tdf3 Diagram

'0468 (C DM) : 36.Rdf3: Lone-Tiger Boye Sanosfe ( your ) Russek (IM) : latest news....VW almost winning Ivanchucky (IM) : Nc3' 36...Cc3?? '0489 (C DM) : 36...Nc3: Bajas StockFish Ivanchucky ( your ) elastase (FM) : nc3' [36...f6= Rybka.] 37.Dc4 '0426 (C DM) : 37.Qc4: Piti Boye ( your )' 37...Td1+ '042' 38.Rh2 '045 (C DM) : 38.Kh2: Piti ( your ) Russek (IM) : Mexico out of olympic soccer 8-(' 38...Dg6 '0426 (C DM) : 38...Qg6: Piti spacecadet ( your )' 39.Tg5+- '045 Ivanchucky (IM) : :O slint (GM) : Nd5 slint (GM) : isn't he?' 39...Dc2+ '04111 (C DM) : 39...Qc2+: leeuwtje ( your )' 40.Tg2 '045 Smallville (GM) : blah Smallville (GM) : Zek added. Russek (IM) : i will make a political statement....."BLA, BLA, BLA" Smallville (GM) : New York is terrible cafemilate (FM) : thesavage5 is a child.... I think they are just letting him out of preschool' 1-0

Un cordial saludo,

Angel Jiménez Arteaga

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