Divino !!
El ajedrez, por encima de todo es un arte. Y el mundo está lleno de grandes artistas. Magnus Carlsen se convirtió en artista del tablero aquella tarde del 22 de Febrero de 2.007 donde en la ciudad mexicana de Morelia, venció por primera vez al número uno del ránking, el búlgaro y ex-campeón del mundo, Veselin Topálov en el Torneo Intercontinental Morelia-Linares 2.007, el denominado Wimbledon del Ajedrez.
El muchacho con 16 años pide ahora un sitio de honor en el trono de Caissa: "Divino, sublime, magistral !!".
También un 22 de Febrero, moría en el olvido del amargo exilio uno de los mejores artistas de las letras españolas. Andaluz, sevillano; que por los avatares de la vida estuvo siete años viviendo en la ciudad jienense de Baeza, muy cerquita de nuestro añorado y querido Linares.
Valga éste, su poema dedicado a los " sueños de la infancia", como reconocimiento al trabajo, don natural e inmenso talento del genial muchacho noruego que probablemente algún día desempeñará el cargo de Emperador del ajedrez mundial:
¡Ah, cuando yo era niño
soñaba con los héroes de la Ilíada!
Áyax era más fuerte que Diomedes,
Héctor, más fuerte que Ayax,
y Aquiles el más fuerte; porque era
el más fuerte...¡Inocencias de la infancia!
¡Ah, cuando yo era niño
soñaba con los héroes de la Ilíada!
Antonio Machado.
En 1.912, Antonio Machado se trasladó a Baeza. Fue el reencuentro con su tierra andaluza natal, aunque la situación anímica tras la muerte de su esposa es de completo abatimiento.
Allí, Machado , se encontrará con una Andalucía provinciana, aburrida, que el poeta verá con ojos muy críticos. Comienza la redacción de Los complementarios , un cuaderno de apuntes que será editado después de la muerte del poeta sevillano, acaecida en el pueblo francés de Collioure, donde murió a las cuatro de la tarde del 22 de febrero de 1.939. Sus ultimas palabras fueron:
"Adiós, madre".
En el bolsillo del gabán del poeta, había un papelito que recordaba a " Guiomar" y otro que contenía un solitario verso:
"Estos días azules y este sol de la infancia".
Murió de pena. El miedo, la pobreza, las interminables esperas en la frontera, el frío, el fracaso, la nostalgia, la soledad... precipitaron su prematura caída.
El cariz sombrío de los acontecimientos en la guerra que terminara con el agobiante periplo final por España y Francia; la separación durante la misma y luego el tremendo sinsabor de saber a su hermano Manuel, tan inseparable camarada de empresas literarias y teatrales, convertido ahora en importante valedor de esa España que empuja a él y su otra familia al exilio. Las solicitudes por su madre anciana que morirá tres días después del poeta y por sus sobrinas, hijas de su hemano José , a las que quería como un padre y de las que no tenía noticias. La irremediable pérdida de "Guiomar", su gran amor otoñal, cuyo recuerdo le acompañará durante todo el exilio interior y exterior, hasta las mismas puertas de la muerte.
Todos estos sucesos, agotaron moralmente al poeta y acortaron una vida llena de sabiduría.
Ahora justo cuando han pasado 68 años de aquel trágico suceso y también a las cuatro de la tarde, la historia nos presenta a otro genio del arte. Muere uno, nace otro. Es la vida… .
Carlsen-Topalov: Vendió cara la derrota Veselin Topalov. Es más, no debía haber perdido por lo ocurrido en la posición final, donde tenía tablas, que increíblemente no vió (¿nuevo fallo en su concentración?). Pero la presión a la que fue sometido se puede catalogar de "durísima" . De hecho, Magnus en su última jugada podía mover su rey para evitar el jaque salvador que no hizo Veselin, quedándose entonces con neta ventaja. Momentos antes, Carlsen sí que desaprovechó una fantástica posibilidad que le llevaba al triunfo. En realidad, se me hizo tremendamente difícil analizar esta partida con la ayuda de Rybka 2.3. Si no hubiéramos tenido computadoras; supongamos que nos remontamos a la época, por ejemplo del Interzonal de Portoroz de 1.958 y Carlsen fuera en aquellos momentos el gran Bobby Fischer (por hablar de un símil bastante parecido !?), seguramente que catalogaría la partida de fenomenal, para Wonderboy. Pero claro, tener la máquina encendida y ver a ese monstruo de silicio que se niega a reconocer que la jugada clave que puso en práctica el chico, 43.g4 !? no es buena, constituye todo un problema sentimental.
La partida se desarrolló con la Defensa Semi-eslava, con la variante 6.Dc2 que Krámnik puso en práctica ante Topalov en el último Campeonato Mundial. Magnus optó inmediatamente por romper en el centro, pero no consiguió ventaja alguna tras la apertura. Lo que sí consiguió fue una posición de esas en donde se sabe que el blanco no puede perder nunca y tiene una ligera iniciativa con la que puede especular sin riesgo alguno durante toda la batalla. El chico maniobró excelentemente y cuando hizo 19.c5!, pronto se entendió que venía dispuesto a presentar sus credenciales a todo un número uno del ranking mundial. Y así fue. Una auténtica guerra de nervios que duró más de cuatro horas, hasta el decidido movimiento 43 que rompió de golpe los moldes de la partida hasta aquellos momentos. En la jugada 45 para Rybka, Veselin cometió su peor error de la partida. No estoy completamente seguro de que el módulo tenga la razón, pero la realidad es que el programa fue desmontando todo intento de ataque por parte de las blancas. Desde que Topalov optó por "jugar humano" protegiendo con sus torres a su monarca, e incluso reculando con su dama para apuntalar su flanco de rey, se puede decir que Magnus ya obtuvo una fortísima presión que terminó en un voraz ataque. Con 51.Th1!, todas las piezas de Wonderboy colaboraron perfectamente en la cacería del rey contrario. Y lo dicho, lástima al error de la jugada 55 de las blancas, que pudo haber puesto un broche de oro a la partida. Pero no podemos quitar al jóven GM noruego ni un solo mérito por el hito conseguido. ¡16 años de edad son demasiados pocos para liderar el Torneo Intercontinental de Morelia-Linares tras la quinta ronda!.
Carlsen,M (2690) - Topalov,V (2783) [D45]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (5), 22.02.2007
1.d4 0 1...d5 8 2.c4 8 2...c6 8 3.Cf3 13 3...Cf6 8 4.Cc3 8 4...e6 8 5.e3 13 5...Cbd7 2 6.Dc2 30 6...Ad6 8 7.b3 8 Greysky (FM) : don´t start saying stupid things 7...0-0 30 8.Ae2 8 Greysky (FM) : lot of people 8...b6 52 9.0-0 8 9...Ab7 8 10.Ab2 13 MightyViking (IM) : K-Fed is not a GM Greysky (FM) : :) Greysky (FM) : it´s not so easy DeadHorse (IM) : i think it is MightyViking (IM) : lol, classic topic DeadHorse (IM) : why not? funnybird (FM) : I think this is fairly safe for black DeadHorse (IM) : i think US is a large part of africa 10...Te8 458 11.Tad1 2 11...De7 2 12.Tfe1 2 12...Tac8 8 Greysky (FM) : he´s going to play with e4 Greysky (FM) : e4 is coming 13.e4N 254 Greysky (FM) : ole Drahacik (FM) : People who call Kramnik boring don't really understand chess. Drahacik (FM) : Most IMs I know are really impressed by his play. funnybird (FM) : boring after Ne4 Ne4 Qe4 Bb4 Rf1 Ba3 Greysky (FM) : I have heard Kramnik got to bored a machine. Greysky (FM) : ...e5 seems bad Greysky (FM) : the move should be ...dxe4 Drahacik (FM) : yes, Knallo, 6 months ago everybody loved Topalov. jensk (IM) : Skål! Her i Danmark er det snart midnat - og der er vinterferie! Drahacik (FM) : federico, errors do not prove that you haven't had computer help in some positions in some games. [ RR 13.Ad3 e5 14.e4 dxc4 15.Axc4 b5 16.Af1 g6 17.Dd2 Tcd8 18.Dg5 a6 19.h3 exd4 20.Cxd4 De5 21.Dxe5 Cxe5 22.Cc2 g5 23.Ac1 h6 24.Ae3 c5 25.f3 Af8 26.Af2 Ac8 27.Ce3 Ae6 Kramnik,V (2743)-Topalov,V (2813)/Elista RUS 2006/1-0 (45)] 13...Cxe4 478 [ 13...e5!? 14.exd5 cxd5 15.dxe5 Cxe5 16.Dd2 Ce4 17.Cxe4 dxe4 18.Cxe5 Axe5 19.Axe5 Dxe5= Rybka.] 14.Cxe4 24 Drahacik (FM) : Nobody says he uses help on every move, or even in every tournament 14...dxe4 8 15.Dxe4 8 Siglar (IM) : c5? lol Drahacik (FM) : funny, but how do you connect a computer to a wire that doesn't have an end or a connector? Those wires had no ends in the photo. Drahacik (FM) : Must be some new technology, put a computer near a wire and it works. Siglar (IM) : what do you think of this position fortin? Drahacik (FM) : maybe you wrap the wires around your head and you get signals. Greysky (FM) : rolf, go to "finger linares07" Siglar (IM) : yes fortin, we would like your evaluation here Siglar (IM) : agree 15...Ab4 150 16.Tf1 18 Drahacik (FM) : it's what he has done afterwards, too, Jelms Greysky (FM) : you´re wellcome, rolf Drahacik (FM) : numerous interviews insulting Kramnik Drahacik (FM) : numerous interviews bringing up closed subjects over and over. Greysky (FM) : this kind of structures are near equal I think.. maybe white is slighly more comfortable Drahacik (FM) : Sure, it's not illegal to insult someone who beat you 6-5 and 2.5-1.5 in a match, but don't expect any respect then. Drahacik (FM) : federico, that doesn't make any sense... he became champ by avoiding Kasparov?? Greysky (FM) : don´t insult please Siglar (IM) : I talked to magnus before he was going to mexico..he was sure that opalov cheated DeadHorse (IM) : is Finlad part of Scandinavia? DeadHorse (IM) : how come Siglar (IM) : computer Drahacik (FM) : I don't know if Topalov cheats or not, but he sure is a big jerk in his interviews. DeadHorse (IM) : what the hell is peninsula Greysky (FM) : me? :S 16...Aa3 319 Drahacik (FM) : not doing anything... federico, you are funny DeadHorse (IM) : bc3 bb4 bb2 is a draw Drahacik (FM) : Again, people who say Kramnik does nothing in his games don't understand chess and would get crushed by him (me too). Drahacik (FM) : I don't understand the depth of Kramnik's games at all. Drahacik (FM) : IM Kraai lectured on one of Kramnik's "boring" games, and it was amazing all the ideas in the game. Mataleo (FM) : right Caveman Drahacik (FM) : Topalov hasn't won a game yet in this event. Drahacik (FM) : a loss and 3 draws. Drahacik (FM) : Ng5 is a funny move. Adaptation (IM) : the guys at geiko might disagree with you savante :) 17.Axa3 445 17...Dxa3 8 Drahacik (FM) : Topalov isn't nice. Read his interviews. 18.Dc2 29 Adaptation (IM) : why ng5?, nf6 and what next? 18...Cf6 73 Adaptation (IM) : i gaze into my crystal ball and see mass simplification and a draw near DeadHorse (IM) : lol paulç Drahacik (FM) : Carlsen is probably happy with a draw. 19.c5! 235 Greysky (FM) : I like c5 Greysky (FM) : please patzers, don´t start ... jensk (IM) : Brave Magnus - c5!? is very principal Greysky (FM) : I think .c5 is the best move Drahacik (FM) : White can always chop off the Nd5 with Bc4 TheCoach (FM) : Magnus is a real chess player. He doesn't play "standard moves all the time. C5 looks interesting and with a clear idea! Drahacik (FM) : Ne5 Nc4 Nd6 19...Aa6 188 Drahacik (FM) : Ne5 Bxe2 Qxe2 Nd5 Nc4 White is fine. Greysky (FM) : a 2700 blitz is never bad Drahacik (FM) : Yes, Ba6 Qa6 Ne5 White is still better. Greysky (FM) : Draha, ...b5 then Greysky (FM) : avoiding Nc4 maybe Greysky (FM) : and ...Nd5... 20.Axa6 128 [ 20.Ce5 Axe2 21.Dxe2 Cd5 22.Cc4 Da6=] 20...Dxa6= 14 IGUALDAD PARA RYBKA. Greysky (FM) : Nabob, this was not draw, but the people doesn´t understand chess and kibitzed stupid things.. Greysky (FM) : yes, b5 I told Drahacik (FM) : Ne5 b5 ... maybe f4-f5 Greysky (FM) : .f4.f5 looks horrible, draha :) Drahacik (FM) : f4 f5 is typical, no? Drahacik (FM) : Qa6 offside, pressure on f7 Greysky (FM) : nabob, you can study chess Greysky (FM) : and you will understand 21.Ce5 144 Greysky (FM) : now ...b5 of course Drahacik (FM) : after b5, there's also Rd3 Rh3 ideas. Greysky (FM) : ...b5 f4?! .. isn´t too much preasure in -d- ? Drahacik (FM) : b5 Rd3 Greysky (FM) : ok Nabob, no problem Greysky (FM) : but yesterday people said it was draw, even when ivanchuk was lost... Drahacik (FM) : if not b5, then Nc4-Nd6 Greysky (FM) : a4 seems a positional mistake 21...Cd5 155 jensk (IM) : Isnt it good - norwegian wood RLH2 (FM) : f4????? Greysky (FM) : threats Nb4 ? RLH2 (FM) : ne3. Greysky (FM) : I don´t think so.... Greysky (FM) : why was .a4 mistake? Greysky (FM) : because black taked in a4, and there was preasure in -b Drahacik (FM) : Qe4 Nc3 Qf3 Nxd1 Qxf7+ Kh8 Rxd1 is interesting. Greysky (FM) : mikhailo, after ...b5 .a4 you think was good move??? Greysky (FM) : I see it very weak Greysky (FM) : because bxa4 and Rb8 Greysky (FM) : mikhailo, I am telling .a4 is not good... Greysky (FM) : Nc4 I like. Nb4 Qd2 no problem... Greysky (FM) : Nd5 seems mistake... Greysky (FM) : jaja, that means .f4 is bad, not .a4 good :) jensk (IM) : No-no, norwegian is just danish with some spelling errors Greysky (FM) : maybe topa decides to sacrifice exchange in d6 and lose the game quickly.... and go to drink a cofee, what I know! .. Greysky (FM) : Nd3 ??? the knight want to go d6... Drahacik (FM) : Qe4 Nc3? Qf3 Nxd1 Qxf7 look very good for White. Greysky (FM) : Nc4 is the move .... Greysky (FM) : clearly jensk (IM) : Danish is just some micture of nordic und plat-deutsch AGF (IM) : jensk is right jensk (IM) : Yeah, I foresee an exchange sac on d6 AGF (IM) : jensk is so right!!! Drahacik (FM) : Qe4 Nc3 Qf3 Nd1 Qf7 Kh8 Rd1 and Rd3 threatens mate in 2. [ 21...b5 22.Td3 ( 22.f4) ] 22.Cc4 456 Greysky (FM) : apricot.... AGF (IM) : who is magnus coach?? Greysky (FM) : you are very optimist [ 22.De4? Cc3 23.Df3 Cxd1 24.Dxf7+ Rh8 25.Txd1 Dxa2! 26.Tf1=/+; 22.Cd3] 22...Ted8 36 Greysky (FM) : good natal, I like your attitude :) Greysky (FM) : do u see topa? is prepairing the lose move Rxd6 AGF (IM) : who coach Carlsen? jensk (IM) : En kule? Hvad er det? TheCoach (FM) : Magnus play a4! please! MightyViking (IM) : There are two different Norwegian Wikipedias. That's funny in a way, although I understand why. jensk (IM) : Magnus is no doubt the greatest norwegian chess talent since Svein Johannesen AGF (IM) : he train alone then? Greysky (FM) : Nd6 Rb8 I guess esparago (FM) : Svein Johannesen var svært talentfull, men magnus er noen divisjoner høyere TheCoach (FM) : Svein Johannessen played Fisher in his goos days! MightyViking (IM) : Goose days? Greysky (FM) : with Qd2, Natal TheCoach (FM) : good days! AGF (IM) : is carlsen father from Russia? Greysky (FM) : the worse place of the board, is better than a6 :) MightyViking (IM) : Hellers was +2600. jensk (IM) : Norske-varianten - bare Magnus ikke tager den op! esparago (FM) : he,he jensk Greysky (FM) : I like Rd3 idea.... but Nb4 grrr jensk (IM) : Øse? Hvad øser han? TheCoach (FM) : ba4 is obvious, isn't it? Greysky (FM) : if Nd6 Rd8 without thinking TheCoach (FM) : agree Lattas Greysky (FM) : the idea of a4 is to lose. it´s clear Greysky (FM) : .a4 and Qxh7 are similar... Greysky (FM) : yes. h4 could be... Greysky (FM) : good swap spaska 23.a3 598 Greysky (FM) : lol!!!!! [ 23.a4; 23.Cd6 Tb8; 23.Td3? Cb4; 23.h4] 23...Tc7 13 Greysky (FM) : topalov thinks it´s a blitz game. Greysky (FM) : if magnus plays now .a4 I give up chess... playlikestevie (IM) : Say b4 thretheens nothing! Greysky (FM) : Rd3 looks like the idea 24.Dc1 101 playlikestevie (IM) : Qb5!? Greysky (FM) : I wonder what´s carlsen planing... playlikestevie (IM) : Qb5 Rd3 A5 Greysky (FM) : capn, go home [ 24.a4; 24.Td3?! b5] 24...Ce7 95 Greysky (FM) : luisana? Greysky (FM) : give up drugs :) playlikestevie (IM) : lol I prefer black here Greysky (FM) : jon, .c5 was good ok? Greysky (FM) : making friend, mikhail? :) AGF (IM) : topalov just start crying if he lose Greysky (FM) : well, jon, I am right. you can be disagreed Greysky (FM) : .g4 is magnus´s move.. right? :) AGF (IM) : after the match against Kramnik, we dont like Topalov. Greysky (FM) : when Magnus play .g4 ( or ...g5) wins.... playlikestevie (IM) : After TheMatch Idont like Kramnik very much Greysky (FM) : interesting petofi Greysky (FM) : Qf4 also interesting Greysky (FM) : well, if magnus doesn´t win, we all know topalov cheated :) Greysky (FM) : freddi- not agreed Greysky (FM) : savante? c5 must be good! Greysky (FM) : how could not be .c5 good? playlikestevie (IM) : thats nosense to think someone cheat when everybody doesn't leave the table playlikestevie (IM) : D4 and Qeenside pawns week Greysky (FM) : a3. and Qc1 should have been weak... .c5 was good, for sure Greysky (FM) : jajaja, good barfly :) playlikestevie (IM) : I think Topa will score today Greysky (FM) : well, let go! Nd6 Greysky (FM) : Nd6 Nc8 Ne4!? Greysky (FM) : jaja Greysky (FM) : nobody argued me... Greysky (FM) : Nd6 Nc8 Ne4 good for white Greysky (FM) : anybody argue? Greysky (FM) : now Nd6 must be only one. Greysky (FM) : Rxd6 loses playlikestevie (IM) : Nd6 Nc8 Ne4 Rcd7! Greysky (FM) : yes, someone told this line... I have been seing it, and I like Greysky (FM) : draw in 5? sure it´s not.. Greysky (FM) : white or black will play for win Greysky (FM) : :) playlikestevie (IM) : Nd6 Nc8 Ne4 Rcd7! and without pawn Greysky (FM) : yes foffo, I recognised it :) playlikestevie (IM) : Rd2 is PLAYED Drahacik (FM) : anyone understand the purpose of a3 and Qc1? Greysky (FM) : Draha, I think carlsen mistaked.... he thought he was all the time of the world.... a3 and Qc1 mistake for sure 25.Td2 933 [ 25.Df4; 25.Cd6 Cc8 26.Ce4 Tcd7] 25...Cf5 2 26.Tfd1 2 26...b5 13 playlikestevie (IM) : Ne5 f6! MightyViking (IM) : Knowing Magnus, g2-g4 can't be far away! Odysseus (GM) : Topa will make soon d4 a target Greysky (FM) : yes might, I guess .g4 soon :) 27.Ce5 89 Greysky (FM) : f6 g4 crazy. playlikestevie (IM) : b5 was not good to me, it reduce the threaths on yhe queenside Greysky (FM) : play, I think so, yes Greysky (FM) : white´s move 23 and 24 are mistakes. Drahacik (FM) : Westerinen has the longest fingernails in the world :) Drahacik (FM) : Have you seen them? Greysky (FM) : f6 g4 Nh4 27...Dc8 228 TheCoach (FM) : f6 nf3 forced if g4 nh4! Greysky (FM) : making preasure in -c- :P Greysky (FM) : brocky, there is no way to open Greysky (FM) : if .a4 b4, and if b4 a4 Greysky (FM) : jaj Greysky (FM) : a5 is weak Greysky (FM) : because after ...a5 the QS is blocked. if not ...a5, black can always "disturb" with Qa6 [ 27...f6 28.Cf3 ( 28.Cg4; 28.g4? Ch4) ] 28.Td3 202 MightyViking (IM) : In Norwegian "traskesnakker" means "cell phone". playlikestevie (IM) : b4!? Greysky (FM) : b4 ? Greysky (FM) : white or black? Greysky (FM) : black is near zugzwang jaja playlikestevie (IM) : Rd3 was not good Greysky (FM) : to simplify and resign.. :) Greysky (FM) : well, titled players.. slighly better for white, according me. what do you think? ElJeffe (FM) : White should be better but needs to play this dynamically [ 28.a4 b4; 28.b4 a5] 28...f6 247 ElJeffe (FM) : not much else for black to do playlikestevie (IM) : Topa proved himself before 2000 when the Comps were weak! 29.Cf3 68 Greysky (FM) : g4 will be played later playlikestevie (IM) : Topa blunters, thats clear. Thats his problem Greysky (FM) : jajaja 29...Tcd7 152 Greysky (FM) : good line eldorado Greysky (FM) : maybe ...e5 is not the best playlikestevie (IM) : Qf4 h5 and g5!? Ng5 (IM) : i thought yesterday was a very well played draw from Carlsen, then Chucky chucked it at the end 30.Df4 204 Greysky (FM) : black is getting better.... playlikestevie (IM) : Rd5 Greysky (FM) : (irony on )ljp, you are right... why are they playing? wihite could resign ... ( irony OF) Greysky (FM) : floye, and you, win 1250 blitz are telling me I dont understand? playlikestevie (IM) : triple on d File :) Greysky (FM) : with 1250* playlikestevie (IM) : Rd5 g4 Nd4 I think 30...Td5 306 MMCMiranda (FM) : g4 Greysky (FM) : the rook will trivel by the 5'without' file Neverwinter tells you: last chance to resume Greysky (FM) : travel* Greysky (FM) : I am writing horrible :S [ 30...h5] 31.De4 32 MMCMiranda (FM) : no g4, then .. Greysky (FM) : trying to increase preassure in e6 ? MMCMiranda (FM) : stoping e5 playlikestevie (IM) : Triple on D file and E5! Greysky (FM) : thanks sulfur :) Greysky (FM) : I don´t think fritz could analyce this good MMCMiranda (FM) : Qd7 R3-d2 Greysky (FM) : bruum, what rules? Greysky (FM) : :) Greysky (FM) : we understand better chess now, I think TheCoach (FM) : g4 followed by ne1-c2-e3 maybe!!? Greysky (FM) : you believe all the dogmas... 31...Dd7 147 Greysky (FM) : g4 could be answered later by .f5! MMCMiranda (FM) : R3-d2 playlikestevie (IM) : e5 is comming! 32.T3d2 44 Greysky (FM) : white has draw if he want MMCMiranda (FM) : mine too TheCoach (FM) : maybe Johnpauljones! Greysky (FM) : the thing is if he wants to play for win Greysky (FM) : he simply avoid ...e5 teamglud (IM) : e5?? takes.. Greysky (FM) : why do you think carlsen offered draw? maybe tpalov did... playlikestevie (IM) : b4! Greysky (FM) : carlsen can´t lose Greysky (FM) : ....b4 .a4 and then? Greysky (FM) : rsrichard, white play Kh1 Kg1 Kh1 Kg1... how does black improve? Greysky (FM) : Luisana, white play Kh1 Kg1 Kh1 Kg1... how does black improve? Greysky (FM) : it seems will be draw, yes Odysseus (GM) : h5-g5-g4 =0-1 LittlePeasant (GM) : a lot playlikestevie (IM) : Kh8 and g5! Greysky (FM) : why can also play .h4 or so. Greysky (FM) : knight, look at h8 Greysky (FM) : ask the king where does he feel better... in h8 or f7 playlikestevie (IM) : Proably better on f7 Greysky (FM) : f7 ? seems very strange Greysky (FM) : even if defences e6 Greysky (FM) : I would also hope it, but I see very dificult white wins it Greysky (FM) : sign draw, i think 32...h5 457 MMCMiranda (FM) : h3 quick.. playlikestevie (IM) : is good to have b4 played Greysky (FM) : as white or black, play? MMCMiranda (FM) : -0.15 Greysky (FM) : white not, of course Greysky (FM) : comp doesnt understand Greysky (FM) : it´s imposible white´s better here MMCMiranda (FM) : black must be a little better here, no? Greysky (FM) : I think so miranda Greysky (FM) : but not enough for win MMCMiranda (FM) : long way to go. MMCMiranda (FM) : Topalov is very creative. He will try something. Greysky (FM) : the experience is not all Siglar (IM) : white has a small advantage MMCMiranda (FM) : How come, Siglar? Do you think so? Greysky (FM) : of course black is playing for a win MMCMiranda (FM) : Given a choice, I prefer black. Greysky (FM) : but I don´t thnk he has enough advantage playlikestevie (IM) : H3 Kf7 playlikestevie (IM) : and Rh8 [ 32...e5? 33.dxe5; 32...b4 33.a4] 33.h4 306 Greysky (FM) : lol Sweere (GM) : the kid plays for a draw Greysky (FM) : mik :) Sweere (GM) : otherwise g3, h3 and g3-g4 was interesting MMCMiranda (FM) : Now, either offer a draw or try something... Sweere (GM) : I don't blame anybody Sweere (GM) : and why address me by the name? MMCMiranda (FM) : white can wait: Kf1/Kg1... Greysky (FM) : maybe topalov make his usual move ( against kramnik) and lose trying to win=? playlikestevie (IM) : Kf7 Ne7 Rf5 and Nd5! [ 33.h3 Rf7] 33...a5 247 playlikestevie (IM) : Kf7 Ne7 Rf5 and Nd5! Greysky (FM) : .g3 Greysky (FM) : Re1 maybe MMCMiranda (FM) : I know what NOT to play...a4 or b4...Do not open lines in the Q wing. Sweere (GM) : salam alekhine Greysky (FM) : I would play Ke1 RLH2 (FM) : re2? Sweere (GM) : Re1 meets with e5 playlikestevie (IM) : topa doing the job A4 after that the N will go on D5 Sweere (GM) : g3 is OK RLH2 (FM) : re1 Greysky (FM) : good sweere ... I am patzering :) MMCMiranda (FM) : I like g3 TheCoach (FM) : g3 looks reasonable! Sweere (GM) : mad? I never was Greysky (FM) : yes, g3 was my first choice Sweere (GM) : and now I learned that there's a town of Natal Greysky (FM) : white won´t let black to open QS, sim Sweere (GM) : one creative handle you have Sweere (GM) : is the local soccer club also named Natal? playlikestevie (IM) : Only black can win here Sweere (GM) : how good is it? Sweere (GM) : oh good [ 33...Rf7] 34.Rf1 244 Greysky (FM) : I think nobody can win it :) MMCMiranda (FM) : waiting.. Sweere (GM) : I'll root for it Greysky (FM) : ...e5 doesn´t woork Greysky (FM) : work* Greysky (FM) : yes gladi :) Sweere (GM) : if Black could get his queen to g4 without losing e6 in the process Greysky (FM) : sorry rscrichard? Sweere (GM) : impossible playlikestevie (IM) : Topa will atack again! jensk (IM) : Well, an idea now is Qf7-g6-g4! playlikestevie (IM) : Qf7 - g6 - g4! RLH2 (FM) : e6 hangs... jensk (IM) : Ok,, you have to cover the e6-pawn first :) Ng5 (IM) : I like Topa Sweere (GM) : I'm glad I gave you something to think about MMCMiranda (FM) : I see nothing for both sides ...Draw. Greysky (FM) : jaja Greysky (FM) : dead draw is king against king. playlikestevie (IM) : I feel like Topa will give a lesson today! Ng5 (IM) : Petrosian would play Ra8, a4 b4 then put his K on a6 and play g5 Greysky (FM) : good Ng5! Greysky (FM) : Ng5, good plan, but I doubt imposible to carry out jensk (IM) : Türksje anlamayourum cok kötu! Greysky (FM) : now topy is waiting danilov put his hand ... :P Greysky (FM) : savante. please. c5 was good playlikestevie (IM) : Re8 PLAYED!!!!!! [ 34.Te2? e5; 34.Te1? e5; 34.g3] 34...Te8 480 Greysky (FM) : I have heard you telling .c5 was bad lot of time ... please, don´t be so repetitive playlikestevie (IM) : Re8 and Qeens go to g4!! [ 34...Df7; 34...Ta8] 35.Te1 23 Greysky (FM) : .e5 ???? Greysky (FM) : ok, no posible Greysky (FM) : I consider it playlikestevie (IM) : Kf7 and e5!!!!!!! Greysky (FM) : if you don´t understand chess, at least try to hide it.. Sweere (GM) : if Carlsen ends up losing this game he'll have the h4 move to blame Greysky (FM) : Sweere, you think .h4 was the mistake? Greysky (FM) : yes savante, but it´s not so easy. Carlen knows more positional play than you Greysky (FM) : when he played .c5 we knew .d4 would be weak, ok? Greysky (FM) : of course! Greysky (FM) : Magnus is trying to play as Kramnik .. get bored to topalov, so that he loses himself :) Greysky (FM) : savante, I didn´t say it Greysky (FM) : nobody knows norwegian... Greysky (FM) : savante, I meant : of course yoy know what´s a hole... do you think Carlsen doesn´t? Greysky (FM) : savante, have you studied this kind of position? Mataleo (FM) : yeah sure savante, I'm sure you saw that when Carlsen played it... Greysky (FM) : .c5 ´s idea was to get the square .d6. to his knight Greysky (FM) : and was the only interesting idea white could get Mataleo (FM) : i liked c5, just not the way Carlsen played it Greysky (FM) : more than Carlsen? Greysky (FM) : jajajaja jensk (IM) : Anlamayuorum Greysky (FM) : ok savante. I was wrong. your level is 2750 fide or high... carlsen is a patzer comparing to you Greysky (FM) : your positional play is as good as Capablanca´s Greysky (FM) : that´s what you think jensk (IM) : Means: I am turkish and I am proud of it' Greysky (FM) : another GM foffo? Greysky (FM) : If Sweere tells me .c5 was wrong, and explain me, I will believe it :) but not you 35...Rf7 557 Greysky (FM) : BenPerez, only natural for rational people Mataleo (FM) : is savante the new pille? Greysky (FM) : I am speaking about the position, not about topalov Greysky (FM) : topalov was my idol until few time ago Greysky (FM) : at 16 topa was asking : what´s to castle? Greysky (FM) : why not to speak english that we all understand? Greysky (FM) : g4 is trying to lose Greysky (FM) : this is qeual Greysky (FM) : equal Greysky (FM) : even if savante things it´s much better for black due to the hole :) 36.Ted1 280 Greysky (FM) : wood, it´s not a real threat. Greysky (FM) : because the knight of f3 defences d2 [ 36.g4 hxg4 37.Dxg4 Rg8=/+] 36...Ch6 47 Greysky (FM) : Qh7 Greysky (FM) : lol aries2 (IM) : il n'y a beacuoup de faire pour les blancs Greysky (FM) : Qh7 avoiding Ng4 :) Greysky (FM) : jajaja, savante, you still think black wins? Greysky (FM) : this must be a joke aries2 (IM) : les noirs peuvent essayer Greysky (FM) : hugo, carlsen is second, with 2,5 / 4 aries2 (IM) : topa veut ng4, rf5 Greysky (FM) : you´re wellcome hugo :) Greysky (FM) : yes grandpatzer.. really it was near a joke :) Greysky (FM) : paulmorphy is rated 1340 :P Greysky (FM) : Fischer, yes 37.Te1 387 Greysky (FM) : yes short. I was propposing it :) Rabudja (GM) : lol Greysky (FM) : I saw the video Greysky (FM) : and was not so clear.. Greysky (FM) : typical nervous signals [ 37.Dh7? Tf5] 37...Te7 200 Greysky (FM) : f5 is weak, because of the square e5 and g5 Greysky (FM) : well, topalov is getting mad.. that´s good. will move something stupid and lose Greysky (FM) : topalov is doing something Re7 Ke8-d8-c8-I think Greysky (FM) : Qe7 Rf5 38.Df4 174 Greysky (FM) : I hope it, melancholic aries2 (IM) : nh6 looked a little cuckoo aries2 (IM) : moving piece from a beautiful square Greysky (FM) : Nh6 intending Ng4 in any moment aries2 (IM) : still not so wonderful i think 38...Tf5 44 Greysky (FM) : yes. the tendency is becoming bad for white Greysky (FM) : Qb8 ... very far aries2 (IM) : i don't see how black breaks thru after qe4 qd5 qd5 Greysky (FM) : bounty, these line is stupid. Rd5 is repetition Greysky (FM) : aries2, I think to swap queens is good for black aries2 (IM) : i still don't see much if N arrives at d5 aries2 (IM) : i will play g3 to limit it Greysky (FM) : now Ng4 and it´s a bit unconfortable 39.Dd6 203 Greysky (FM) : ein? Greysky (FM) : Magnus! Greysky (FM) : wants to put rooks on C and take Greysky (FM) : draw Greysky (FM) : Qd6 is not bad Greysky (FM) : after swaping queens Rc2 and Rc1, and take in c6 Greysky (FM) : why brumm? Greysky (FM) : contradicting what? LittlePeasant (GM) : i... dont get it Greysky (FM) : -1.92 ? that´s ridicule! Greysky (FM) : well.. in diferent squares Greysky (FM) : why is Qd6 so bad? I don´t understand LittlePeasant (GM) : hola LittlePeasant (GM) : sexy kosher Greysky (FM) : Qd6 and people white is losing... Greysky (FM) : why?? jensk (IM) : And if Qb7 there could come d5!? Greysky (FM) : Qb7 won´t be played Greysky (FM) : so who stupid said - 1, 92 ? Greysky (FM) : calvin, don´t spam Greysky (FM) : no winning chances. black can simply not take in d6 DeadHorse (IM) : he is quoting THE UNWRITTEN RULES Greysky (FM) : yes, Rxf3 is a move. a losing move Greysky (FM) : for blck, of course Gumptious (GM) : what's wrong with Rxf3? Greysky (FM) : if Gump says Rxf3 is good.... it´s good :) FrozenShade (GM) : if black tries to avoid draw by qc8 or e8, d5!? looks tricky Guillermito (IM) : Rf5xf3 Gumptious (GM) : I would have played Rxf3 as soon as I realised that Qxd6 wasn't working [ 39.De4 Dd5 40.Dxd5] 39...Dc8 653 LittlePeasant (GM) : ... LittlePeasant (GM) : i give up on chess Greysky (FM) : Topalov is not so good as you, Gump Guillermito (IM) : black is ok LittlePeasant (GM) : no he is not LittlePeasant (GM) : d5 and he is busted DeadHorse (IM) : BLACK IS ALWAYS OK BUT YELLOW IS PRETTIER Greysky (FM) : is .d5 so good??? Greysky (FM) : take with -c- [ 39...Dxd6 40.cxd6 Td7 41.Tc1 Txd6 42.Tdc2=; 39...Db7? 40.d5!] 40.Tde2 63 Greysky (FM) : agggg chuddog (FM) : did black not play Qxd6 b/c of Ne5+ after cd Rd7? LittlePeasant (GM) : this guys suck LittlePeasant (GM) : im going to class FrozenShade (GM) : looks like magnus isnt doing much to try to win either, d5 was really interesting Guillermito (IM) : i like mexican food MightyViking (IM) : If Magnus had read his Nimzowitsch, he would have played d5. FrozenShade (GM) : and last move before time control so it would make sense at least to think about it Siglar (IM) : evaluation anyone? Greysky (FM) : yes... Ng4 and then? Greysky (FM) : bounty, you´re near be censored Guillermito (IM) : Lladini is a sharp kibitzer Guillermito (IM) : thanks Zek Guillermito (IM) : carlsen 1.d4 Guillermito (IM) : Do you think that Danailov people kidnapped Radjabov team? MightyViking (IM) : They don't need to work in Norway, they have oil! aries2 (IM) : what does tisdall do Guillermito (IM) : it is a very serious acusation to say that Danailov people kidnaped Radjabov team. jensk (IM) : It seems to me that Topa is avoiding drawing lines - that could backfire Greysky (FM) : .e5 now is the way to lose as black Greysky (FM) : e5 dxe5 Greysky (FM) : e6+ Greysky (FM) : no wood, .e6+ first MightyViking (IM) : Norway has Gerd Liv Valla. [ 40.d5!? Txd5 41.Txd5 cxd5 42.Cd4 g6 43.Db6 Cf5 44.Cxf5 gxf5 45.Dxb5 Tb7 46.Da6 Tc7 47.Dxc8 Txc8 48.b4 e5 49.Tc1 axb4 50.axb4 Re6 51.Re2 Ta8 52.Tc2 d4 53.b5 e4 54.Rd2 Rd7 55.g3=] 40...Td5 544 Greysky (FM) : Rxe6 loses after Rxe6 Greysky (FM) : Qf4 threating Ne5+ 41.Df4 44 Guillermito (IM) : draw by repetition Greysky (FM) : and Ng5+ Greysky (FM) : only 2 repetitions, guille ? 41...Cf5 5 42.Te4 26 Greysky (FM) : why are they playing so fast! DeadHorse (IM) : LLADINI Your plans are UNREAL Guillermito (IM) : LLADINI's plans are awesome Greysky (FM) : jajaj MightyViking (IM) : Norway is the last Soviet state acccording to a former Swedish minister! Guillermito (IM) : hi sonnyblack DeadHorse (IM) : LLADINIS PLANS ARE ABUESOME Guillermito (IM) : jak sie masz sonnyblack? Guillermito (IM) : do you like me? Guillermito (IM) : sorry i was talking in polish Greysky (FM) : one censored MightyViking (IM) : Björn Rosengren said it when he thought the camera wasn't on! DeadHorse (IM) : GO TOPALOV MMCMiranda (FM) : go where? ReaperMan (GM) : That's Iceland but thank you for playing "Am I the most ignorant flag-hugging redneck on the face of the earth" DeadHorse (IM) : GO TOPALOV DALE CON PEPA Greysky (FM) : haha lladini :) Guillermito (IM) : Lladini what about Kg1-h2-h3 and then your plan Nh2 f3 g4 more stronger DeadHorse (IM) : looool DeadHorse (IM) : GO TOPALOV Guillermito (IM) : thans Lladini Greysky (FM) : I already censored thesave. Greysky (FM) : +censor luisana Greysky (FM) : joke ;) Guillermito (IM) : Lladini : Kg1 and then Nd2--f1-e3 Guillermito (IM) : to prepare f3g4 Guillermito (IM) : Anybody knows where is sonnyblack? Greysky (FM) : another censored Guillermito (IM) : he is in the closed? DeadHorse (IM) : looooooool Guillermito (IM) : Ne1 is the move Greysky (FM) : lladini and guille, si estais cansados, podeis ir a la cama :) Guillermito (IM) : Ne1-g2-f4xh5-g7 MMCMiranda (FM) : shake hands and god to bed. Draw. DeadHorse (IM) : TOPALOV = WORLD CHAMP Guillermito (IM) : topalov is like phil hellmut he never ever gives up when he has good cards DeadHorse (IM) : AND YOURE A STUPID COMPUTER 42...Td8 724 Guillermito (IM) : Rd8-g4 Guillermito (IM) : Topalov is forseeing lladinis plan and tried to avoid f3 g4 roading his rook to g6!!!!! Greysky (FM) : I don´t think carlsen will play .g4 Guillermito (IM) : !? Guillermito (IM) : like the old good days Greysky (FM) : Qxf5 really interesting Guillermito (IM) : I am not Guillermito Garcia from Cuba who died on car accident but I admire him. Guillermito (IM) : Yes my handle is in the honour of Guillermo Garcia Guillermito (IM) : pa que lo gozen Guillermito (IM) : aronian roncando fuerte DeadHorse (IM) : RONCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greysky (FM) : anand already lost Greysky (FM) : opponent, doesnt wor Greysky (FM) : work Greysky (FM) : because of fxg and Rf6! Grettir (IM) : the horse is lost Greysky (FM) : :) Greysky (FM) : luisana? Greysky (FM) : do you want to be still my friend? DeadHorse (IM) : el rape y el murder estan a la vuelta de la esquina MMCMiranda (FM) : no draw yet?? MMCMiranda (FM) : one good question: who is willing to win this game? MightyViking (IM) : 41 more moves and it's a draw... MightyViking (IM) : According to van Wely he is not so nice. Ng5 (IM) : Anand seems to be past his best, normal at his age Guillermito (IM) : Toplov is Big Lebowski on Jesus scene. Please take a look at this video and confirm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StJx7wI8Q-I MightyViking (IM) : van Wely wrote that Anand clicks with his pen and makes strange noices when the opponent is thinking. Ng5 (IM) : comp says Kg1 Siglar (IM) : lol guillermito Ng5 (IM) : another comp plan is Qd2-a2 Guillermito (IM) : Singlar you liked the movie link? Rednurevoc (FM) : two hours till they agree a draw... Siglar (IM) : yes guillermito, that guy looks like topalov..LOL Siglar (IM) : lyset 7 castle long vel :p Guillermito (IM) : tarta do you agree?? Ng5 (IM) : eval +.3 but the comp just shuffles planlessly MightyViking (IM) : There is a GM named Jesus. Guillermito (IM) : There is another investigation line. Topalov = Paris Hilton but I do not agree with that . Siglar (IM) : the Prince of Norway also looks much like topalov. LOL Ng5 (IM) : this happened yesterday, i guess the relayers go home at move 40 43.g4!? 1800 Greysky (FM) : ais Greysky (FM) : what´s good about g4 ? [ 43.Rg1; 43.Dxf5?! exf5 44.Txe7+ Rg8 45.Ta7 Te8 46.Txe8+ Dxe8 47.Txa5 De4 48.b4 Db1+ 49.Re2 Db2+ 50.Re3 Dc2 51.Ta6 De4+ 52.Rd2 Rh7 53.Tb6 ( 53.a4 bxa4 54.Txa4 Db1) 53...Rh6=/+; 43.Dd2= Rybka.] 43...hxg4 26 44.Dxg4 20 MightyViking (IM) : There you have it! g7-g5 or g2-g4 in every game... Greysky (FM) : jejej Greysky (FM) : why Magnus played g4 ? is he playing to win? Siglar (IM) : g4 must have been a winning attempt Siglar (IM) : yes, this is exiting..now there will be a fight Siglar (IM) : magnus has my respect although the move might not be the best here Rednurevoc (FM) : white can hardly be playing for a win Siglar (IM) : I dont think he is gonna play a4 with the idea Nd2-c4 after having played g4 Ng5 (IM) : shredder eval went from +.3 to -.5 after g4, looks pretty bad 44...Dd7 487 Ng5 (IM) : g4 shows bravery and lack of fear, but i doubt its good MightyViking (IM) : h5 must be the idea. MMCMiranda (FM) : well, after g4 now h5 is a must. MightyViking (IM) : Magnus must have had some idea when he played g4. I'm just not sure what. Siglar (IM) : h5 Qd5 and then what MightyViking (IM) : Magnus is a move the g-pawn junkie. Siglar (IM) : lol fortin MMCMiranda (FM) : h5/Qg6+/Rg4 is just not only a check: is a strong attack. Greysky (FM) : white is clearly going for win now Greysky (FM) : danailov would win as white and as black :P ReaperMan (GM) : we dont give a crap, so shut the hell up about your preferences Greysky (FM) : ljc. c5 was good Siglar (IM) : fordi hvit har en dårlig bondestruktur fortin Siglar (IM) : Dd5 og hvit må gi materiell etterhvert 45.h5 368 Ng5 (IM) : this doesnt loos drawish anymore Greysky (FM) : the mistake was move 23 and 24. .c5 was good! Ng5 (IM) : just Kg8 and white looks on the road to ruin MightyViking (IM) : Tripod is merry. Shadeath (IM) : hi all Buffon (IM) : always Nh4 stuff Ng5 (IM) : Kg8 Nh4 Nxd4 looks good for black Shadeath (IM) : there were no comps in the Alekhine time Ng5 (IM) : if white wanted to force a draw he would not play g4 SalCheech (FM) : why was'nt TAte invited? Shadeath (IM) : and when actually did Alekhine say these words? Shadeath (IM) : :) Siglar (IM) : lol tuthmosis SalCheech (FM) : Tate could give them a simul SalCheech (FM) : Chuck Norris-TATE 0 1 Ng5 (IM) : i really dont like whites position, it feels unsafe Shadeath (IM) : it reminds me of Karpov-Larsen, 1979 Ng5 (IM) : black can play qd5-c4 Shadeath (IM) : yes Alonso 45...Rg8? 515 Heine (GM) : the comps says only moderately better for black right? Shadeath (IM) : Heine, what was g4 for? Siglar (IM) : qg6 now..makes sense Ng5 (IM) : now Nh4 Nxd4 f6 -.6 Ng5 (IM) : now Nh4 Nxd4 h6 -.6 SalCheech (FM) : kg8!!! SalCheech (FM) : g4 was a bit nuts MightyViking (IM) : Dolph Lundgren Ng5 (IM) : Adams is top 10 but not top 5 Mataleo (FM) : no it doesn't Ng5 (IM) : now shredder has Nh4 Nxd4 h6 as = MightyViking (IM) : They don't make actors like Cary Grant any longer. SalCheech (FM) : The Power of ODIN Mataleo (FM) : Cary Grant?? Christopher Walken and Gary Oldman are much better Mataleo (FM) : no they are funny, Grant wasn't MightyViking (IM) : Chaplin was great. Siglar (IM) : not easy to play rb1 now Ng5 (IM) : Nh4 is clearly the plan, but the tactics are mad MMCMiranda (FM) : Al Pacino is the best. Siglar (IM) : do they get more additional time? Greysky (FM) : eval? Shadeath (IM) : probably relay problems again MMCMiranda (FM) : Stan=the fat guy Siglar (IM) : interesting pawned MightyViking (IM) : I liked Peter Falk as Columbo. There was a chess WC match in an episode. Guillermito (IM) : what do you think about web2.0 MMCMiranda (FM) : what is the name of the actor of American Beauty? MightyViking (IM) : One of the players in the WC match murdered the other... Shadeath (IM) : Robert Patrick as terminator-2 was not bad ) MMCMiranda (FM) : Kevin! Very good actor. [ 45...Dd5! 46.b4 a) 46.Tb1-/+ Th8; b) 46.Dg6+ Rg8 47.Tf4 (b) 47.Rg2 Dxb3 48.Tg4 Rf8 49.h6 Cxh6 50.Th1 Tf7 51.d5 Dxd5 52.Td4 Dxf3+ 53.Rxf3 Txd4-/+) 47...Tf7 48.Rg2 (b) 48.Ch4? Cxd4 49.Rg1 Dxc5 50.h6 Ce2+ 51.Txe2 Dc1+ 52.Rg2 Dxf4-+; b) 48.h6 Cxh6-/+) 48...Dxb3 49.h6 (b) 49.Tg4 Ce7 50.Dh6 b4 51.axb4 axb4 52.De3 Dxe3 53.Txe3 Ta8-/+ (b) 53...Tb8 54.Txe6 f5-/+) ) 49...Cxh6 50.Th1 Cf5 51.Th7 Dd5 52.Dh5 Rf8 53.Rh2 Re7-+; 46...axb4 47.axb4 Rg8 48.Rg2 Ta8 49.Ch4 Cxh4+ 50.Dxh4 Ta4 51.h6 Txb4 52.Rh2 g5 53.Dh5 Df5 54.Rg2 e5-/+] 46.Rg2 596 Ng5 (IM) : Nh4 Nxd4 h6 Nxb3 Ng6 nd2 Kg2 Ne4 h7= SalCheech (FM) : he played like pontus carlson Shadeath (IM) : lol SalCheech SalCheech (FM) : heh Shadeath (IM) : Aronian played brilliantly Greysky (FM) : Qd5 MightyViking (IM) : Pontus Carlsson recently took his 3rd GM norm, so we will soon have a GM Carlsson too. SalCheech (FM) : wow Shadeath (IM) : well, he didn't need, otherwise Anand would lose the h5 pawn and that was hopeless Greysky (FM) : ljg censured Siglar (IM) : soon we will have FM Fortinbras :) [ 46.Ch4 Cxd4 47.h6 Cxb3-/+] 46...Dd5 196 Siglar (IM) : Magnus should consider Nh4 at some point Greysky (FM) : Carlsen is getting lost Siglar (IM) : b4 is not bad here Greysky (FM) : opening the a- file to the rooks of black? Ng5 (IM) : b4 is normal 47.Dg6 81 Ng5 (IM) : comp says Qxb3 is good Greysky (FM) : I don´t understand anything.... Shadeath (IM) : Qxb3 Rf4, or what Shadeath (IM) : rybka is very cautious in evaluating usually Greysky (FM) : what´s white idea? Shadeath (IM) : positions with a clear extra piece are evaluated as "-1" by "her" Shadeath (IM) : as +1 Ng5 (IM) : Qxb3 Rg4 Kf8 d5 Qxd5 h6 Nxh6 Rd4 is a trick Ng5 (IM) : Qxb3 Rg4 Kf8 d5 Qxd5 h6 Nxh6 Rd4 is a trick but black is better Mataleo (FM) : LOL at savante and his impartial assessement of Carlsen's play Siglar (IM) : mine shredder says -1.45 here Greysky (FM) : I censored savante long time ago.. it´s a good choice Siglar (IM) : after Qxb3 Mataleo (FM) : thx for the tip Greysky, will do Shadeath (IM) : what's this line gladiator? Greysky (FM) : you´re wellcome mataleo Ng5 (IM) : seems Carlsen has blundered, Qb3 is winning Shadeath (IM) : but black won't take all the pawns for sure :) Siglar (IM) : må jo ha noen til å jobbe litt for sreg vet du fortin ;) Greysky (FM) : black´s scared := Greysky (FM) : :) Ng5 (IM) : Topalov ? Take a risk ? never. Greysky (FM) : is is irony, Ng5? Ng5 (IM) : irony ? whats that ? Greysky (FM) : irony is irony :) Greysky (FM) : joke.. Greysky (FM) : I agree comps. white´s bad... [ 47.b4] 47...Tf8? 393 Greysky (FM) : jajaj Shadeath (IM) : hm Greysky (FM) : scareddd Ng5 (IM) : phew Siglar (IM) : hmm..interesting to see that magnus has some practical chances here Shadeath (IM) : somebody is playing not as usual here Greysky (FM) : only comps take in b3 :) Greysky (FM) : yes Shadeath (IM) : Rf8 is a pure human move Guillermito (IM) : please check the video link on my fourth note and tell me if i am right or not. MightyViking (IM) : Danailov is being watched too closely now. Guillermito (IM) : Topalov = Big Lebowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StJx7wI8Q-I Ng5 (IM) : shredder plays h6 here, not threat but black cant take it Greysky (FM) : moves 55-60 lot of blunders :) Greysky (FM) : they are getting low in time MightyViking (IM) : It has already happened, with those Indians. Shadeath (IM) : it's a big temptation to cheat today, when comps are rated 3000 Ng5 (IM) : one line is h6 Ref7 b4 Ne7 Qg3 Nf5 Qg6 draw Shadeath (IM) : even for gm-s [ 47...Dxb3?! 48.Tf4 ( 48.Tg4 Rf8 49.d5 ( 49.h6 Cxh6 50.Th1 Tf7-/+) 49...Dxd5 50.h6 Cxh6 51.Td4 Dxf3+ 52.Rxf3 Txd4-+) 48...Tde8 49.h6 Dc2 50.Tg4 Tf8 51.Rg1 Dd3 52.Ch4©] 48.h6 486 Greysky (FM) : ais Greysky (FM) : carlsen! Siglar (IM) : h6 was actually a nice move Ng5 (IM) : very unclear, now Qxb3 is critical 48...Dd8 98 Greysky (FM) : topalov is totally scared!!!!! Siglar (IM) : wow..not a good move by topalov! Shadeath (IM) : ultrasolid play Shadeath (IM) : unlike usual Topalov's Ng5 (IM) : qd8 ?? Shadeath (IM) : yes, and how do you call it? Greysky (FM) : :) Drahacik (FM) : Nxh6 lost? Siglar (IM) : Rh1 magnus! cmon!! Greysky (FM) : Rh1 is not dificult to see. please magnus! goooo Siglar (IM) : go Magnus!! Go go Magnus! jaw (IM) : set 0 Ng5 (IM) : top hasnt blundered Shadeath (IM) : probably he has Danailov's instruction: to play as uncompish moves as possible Ng5 (IM) : probably = Shadeath (IM) : what habbu? Drahacik (FM) : 900 people kibitzing and nobody has a line after Nxh6 ? [ 48...Dxb3~~ 49.Tg4 Dc2 ( 49...Dd5 50.Th1 Tef7 51.Th5->) 50.Rg1 Dc4 51.Ch4 Cxh4 52.Txh4 Dd5 53.The4©; 48...Tef7 49.b4 Ce7 50.Dg3 Cf5 51.Dg6=] 49.d5 285 Siglar (IM) : what the Shadeath (IM) : ja pierdole Siglar (IM) : what is going on??? Greysky (FM) : I can´t believe .... Greysky (FM) : what´s that????? Greysky (FM) : eval comp? Ng5 (IM) : i think they have both lost it Shadeath (IM) : I have a feeling that they are laughing at us Shadeath (IM) : what's d5? MMCMiranda (FM) : I am lost here: Qxd5 and what follow? Guillermito (IM) : d5-d6 Greysky (FM) : lo bueno es que carlsen lo hace decidido, y topalov se muere de miedo MMCMiranda (FM) : Ie Natal, eu tava meio desligado. Se Qxd5 o que segue? Greysky (FM) : :) MightyViking (IM) : What's the point after 49...Qxd5? Greysky (FM) : ahora topa nos sorprende con un ,De8 jajaj Shadeath (IM) : lol Greysky (FM) : if I were topalov, I would be also scared :) Siglar (IM) : hmm..d5 isnt so bad after all..very strange..dont get it at all... 49...Dxd5 275 50.Tg4 8 Ng5 (IM) : lets see MMCMiranda (FM) : now we will see... Siglar (IM) : magnus must be a genius if this works.. 50...Dd7 24 Shadeath (IM) : unreal Greysky (FM) : I dont understand nothinggg Siglar (IM) : now Rh1! Ng5 (IM) : shredder says +1.2 Greysky (FM) : jaja rpraven :) MightyViking (IM) : I don't understand what's happening. Greysky (FM) : nobody is understanding :) Greysky (FM) : only get fun :) [ 50...Dxb3? 51.Th1 Tef7 52.Th5->] 51.Th1-> 62 Greysky (FM) : YES! Siglar (IM) : yes! very nice idea... Greysky (FM) : Qh7+!!!!!!!!! Siglar (IM) : but did anyone see the point behind d5? Ng5 (IM) : Qe8 hg Rg7 Qh7 Kf7 Rg7 Ng6 Rh6 +2 shredder wcristen (IM) : magnus check raise topa Ng5 (IM) : Qe8 hg Rg7 Qh7 Kf7 Rg7 Ng7 Rh6 +2 shredder Ng5 (IM) : Qe8 hg Rg7 Qh7 Kf7 Rg7 Ng7 Nd2 +2 shredder Greysky (FM) : less than 5 years Shadeath (IM) : how had Black play after Rg4? Greysky (FM) : opponent, hxg7 and gxf8=Q Siglar (IM) : hope magnus dont get timetrouble..so additional time after 60 moves right? Shadeath (IM) : how had Black to play after Rg4? MMCMiranda (FM) : I dont know if this is correct, but this boy is a brave one! Ng5 (IM) : Qe8 hg Rg7 Qh7 Kf7 Rg7 Ng7 Nd2 +3 shredder Greysky (FM) : god carlsen! I have always said :) MightyViking (IM) : Where are the hand signals when he needs them the most? SalCheech (FM) : 1 0 time Ng5 (IM) : Nd2-e4 -d6 is logical 51...De8 248 Siglar (IM) : comone magnus!!!!!!! Greysky (FM) : Qh7 works? 52.hxg7 37 Ng5 (IM) : amazing attack by Carlsen Drahacik (FM) : Nice to see Topalov going down again... no wins in his event, 2 losses. 52...Txg7 5 Siglar (IM) : yes magnus!!! Greysky (FM) : YESSS 53.Dh7+ 20 53...Rf7 3 Siglar (IM) : he has to find Nd2 Ng5 (IM) : Rg7 and Nd2 54.Txg7+ 43 54...Cxg7 2 Ng5 (IM) : Rh6 is natural and += SalCheech (FM) : if he finds this nd2 move I will move to Norway Siglar (IM) : do it magnus!! do it!!! Shadeath (IM) : Nd2 Qd7 Rd1 55.Th6 54 Siglar (IM) : nooooo Mataleo (FM) : Nd2 was very difficult with so many choices Greysky (FM) : is this enough? Ng5 (IM) : Nd2 was over +3 Greysky (FM) : titocerveza, go home DeadHorse (IM) : looks great for white Mataleo (FM) : about = here Greysky (FM) : what´s white threating? Ng5 (IM) : maybe Rh3 was better than Rh6 too Greysky (FM) : and Qg8 then? Greysky (FM) : Kg8 sorry Greysky (FM) : well, but we are trying to win Greysky (FM) : draw of course Mataleo (FM) : nobody here without a comp would have played Nd2 Greysky (FM) : me mataleo... ;) joke :) Greysky (FM) : Mattack added. Siglar (IM) : Nd2 is still an Idea in further variations Ng5 (IM) : e5 loses to Rg6 Rg8 Nh2-g4 Greysky (FM) : jaj Ng5 (IM) : lots of ways to lose here Greysky (FM) : Ng5, is this so clear? Greysky (FM) : jajaja [ 55.Cd2! De7 ( 55...f5 56.Cf3 Tg8 57.Ce5+ Rf8 58.Dh6 De7 59.Td1+-; 55...e5 56.Ce4 De7 57.Cd6+ Re6 58.Dg6 Rd5 59.b4 Dd7 60.Td1+ Re6 61.Dg4+ f5 62.Cxf5+-) 56.Ce4+/- e5 57.Cd6+ Re6 58.Dg6 Tg8 59.Dg4+ f5 60.Cxf5+-; 55.Th3] 55...Dd8 49 Greysky (FM) : blunder? blunder? Greysky (FM) : I hope blunder :) MMCMiranda (FM) : Qd8 is a draw offer... 56.Dg6+ 34 56...Rg8 4 57.Dh7+ 4 57...Rf7 1 Shadeath (IM) : what Shadeath (IM) : Qg6 Kg8 Rh7!? Ng5 (IM) : white can play on, but he only has a small plus Greysky (FM) : topalov lives in spain Siglar (IM) : magnus is just gaining time I hope...he needs additional time so he will repeat a few moves and then play for a win..come on magnus..please play on Greysky (FM) : 4.00 a . m. spain ... Greysky (FM) : imposible to sleep before it finish :) Shadeath (IM) : Qg6 Kg8 Rh7, and if Qe7 or Qd7, then maybe Nd2 works? Mataleo (FM) : = = = = Iturrizaga (IM) : Rh6 bad... winning Nd2... Greysky (FM) : b4 is good to get the 60 soon :) Greysky (FM) : Rh4 again is a comp. move Ng5 (IM) : i think its is sensible to take the draw now Talion (GM) : rh4 e5? Talion (GM) : rg4, nh4 idea unless Buffon (IM) : Talion, when are you going to play a tournament ?? Talion (GM) : when i get 100 years old :( Buffon (IM) : pff Buffon (IM) : a bit earlier please 58.Dg6+ 392 [ 58.b4; 58.Th4] 58...Rg8 4 Ng5 (IM) : Carlsen should trake the draw now if the clocks are right Greysky (FM) : I would draw, Shadeath (IM) : Rh7 and Nd2 Ng5 (IM) : Rh7 is += but rishy MMCMiranda (FM) : Rh4 looks good no? Siglar (IM) : he should give Siglar (IM) : one more check Talion (GM) : yeah rh4 looks good Buffon (IM) : what about the next WC cycle Talion ? Talion (GM) : i'm playing not too well :( Talion (GM) : getting old 59.Th7 115 59...Dd7 4 Greysky (FM) : please win... Buffon (IM) : cvome on you play great ! Siglar (IM) : well done magnus! Shadeath (IM) : Nd2 or Nh2 Siglar (IM) : yes he played on!!! Talion (GM) : nh2? Ng5 (IM) : Brave or foolish ? Talion (GM) : nd2 is hard to find Greysky (FM) : Natal, calm down ;) Shadeath (IM) : what perpetual? Shadeath (IM) : ah, and if Nd2 Qd5, then we have Ne4 Me-better (IM) : set kib 2 - ah, the peace Shadeath (IM) : probably that's so Talion (GM) : yeah nd2 looks very strong like someone pointed out earlier Greysky (FM) : yes. 60 move, 30 minutes more Buffon (IM) : Danailov moving his hands all over his face Greysky (FM) : jajjaja Shadeath (IM) : what do comps say after ND2? Greysky (FM) : who is danilov? MMCMiranda (FM) : Nd2 and if Qd5+ Ne4.. Buffon (IM) : danailov putting 2 fiungers in his nose Iturrizaga (IM) : Nd2! Shadeath (IM) : Nd2 f5 Nf3 and =? Ng5 (IM) : Carlsen is missing Dora the Explorer, but he doesnt care !! Iturrizaga (IM) : Nd2! MMCMiranda (FM) : I like the idea Nd2 now. Iturrizaga (IM) : Qh6 Tim (DM) : How many moves left until the time control? MMCMiranda (FM) : Nd4 Qd5+ Kg1 Qg5+ MightyViking (IM) : 60.Nd2 f5 and Black has 61...Rf6 Greysky (FM) : 1 move onlooker (DM) : time added on move 60? 60.Cd2 219 Shadeath (IM) : hehe Greysky (FM) : yes! MMCMiranda (FM) : he..he.. Talion (GM) : f5 qh6 Talion (GM) : rf6 anyway Talion (GM) : khmm Shadeath (IM) : even Qh6... Vandelay (IM) : he found it. this will be exciting.. Siglar (IM) : good move magnus..he still has a lot of chances despite comps evaluations that says equal Greysky (FM) : Luisana. 30 extra minutes MMCMiranda (FM) : f5 is suicide. Nf3. Talion (GM) : wow f5 and rf6 Talion (GM) : rf6 is really hard to find Talion (GM) : thanks tim btw, did'nt see it :) Shadeath (IM) : ok, does it work after f5 nf3 too? Tim (DM) : Carlsen will not lose, but I think this will turn out to be drawn Greysky (FM) : Rf6 is ilegal Shadeath (IM) : but it looks like even after Qxf6 Kxh7 white has some chances Talion (GM) : yeah looks like draw Siglar (IM) : I have played several variations with shredder here..topalov must play very accurate in many varations to hang on to the draw..so good chouce by magnus!!! Siglar (IM) : nf3 Talion (GM) : yeah i remember trying to defend against magnus in siberia, couldn't do it :) Me-better (IM) : my F9 thinks its small edge White Greysky (FM) : jeje :) SBV (FM) : f5 Shadeath (IM) : f5 Nf3 Rf6 Qxf6 Kxh7 Ng5+ and simply Kh2 - white's position is very good SBV (FM) : Go Topalov Greysky (FM) : good lladini! good attitude Me-better (IM) : qd5+ Ne4 Rf7 is it's main idea DeadHorse (IM) : I AGREE WITH LLADINI Me-better (IM) : or Rf7 first Talion (GM) : then ne4 and f3 Greysky (FM) : I hate to say but ... agree lladini :P MMCMiranda (FM) : Qd5+ Ne4 Rf7 f3 Me-better (IM) : critcal line is Qd5+ Ne4 Rf7 f3 Qf5 Rh8+ Kxh8 Qxf7 DeadHorse (IM) : I AGREE WITH ATIMCO Greysky (FM) : 16 Ng5 (IM) : its great to see magnus fight all the way with the world no 1 Me-better (IM) : critcal line is Qd5+ Ne4 Rf7 f3 Qf5 Rh8+ Kxh8 Qxf7 Nh5 and White takes a draw by perp. Iturrizaga (IM) : Me-better your line is bad... Qf5, Qf7! and Nd6+ Shadeath (IM) : f5 Nf3 Rf6 looks best for black Me-better (IM) : that line is draw Me-better (IM) : isn't it? Iturrizaga (IM) : yes KingLoek (GM) : exciting Greysky (FM) : Loek! :) [ 60.Ch2; 60.Cd4 Dd5+ 61.Rg1 Dg5+] 60...f5 453 SBV (FM) : yes Me-better (IM) : Qf5 Qf7 Kf7 Nd6+ Kg6 etc Me-better (IM) : ok SalCheech (FM) : sick Me-better (IM) : Nf3 now looks strong Tim (DM) : Now Nf3 Rf6 is forced MightyViking (IM) : Perhaps Magnus shouldn't have repeated moves after all. Iturrizaga (IM) : Nf3 Shadeath (IM) : they have additional time... poor chesspro commentator Greysky (FM) : white´s better Ng5 (IM) : +.7 shredder BeachLion (IM) : Nf3? BeachLion (IM) : Nf3 Rf6 and? [ 60...Dd5+ 61.Ce4 Tf7 62.f3 Df5 63.Th8+ Rxh8 64.Dxf7 Ch5=] 61.Cf3 110 Kingway (IM) : I still don't understand Aronian's chess style, but he sure plays some interesting chess! Shadeath (IM) : Kh2 - did I guess that compish move? wow Greysky (FM) : CArlsen ha demostrado que tiene pelotas, ale MMCMiranda (FM) : Rf6 forced now. [ 61.Dh6 Tf6] 61...Tf6 25 Siglar (IM) : after rf6 qxf6 kxh7 kh3 is a very interesting winningattempt! Greysky (FM) : Rf6 work? Siglar (IM) : after ng5+ and kg8 ofcourse 62.Dxf6 29 Ng5 (IM) : white has a big plus 62...Rxh7 5 Siglar (IM) : Ng5 now Ngg5 :) Ng5 (IM) : very hard to defend with that horrible N on g7 Greysky (FM) : jajajaj BeachLion (IM) : Ng5, its your hour lol aries2 (IM) : what is white's threat after ng5 63.Cg5+ 38 Tim (DM) : Magnus will have some slight winning chances in the coming Knight endgame aries2 (IM) : just queen to h6 i guess 63...Rg8 11 Ng5 (IM) : its even check ! Greysky (FM) : Qg6 aries2 (IM) : computers usually have defenses, i doubt it's forced win Greysky (FM) : Qg6 I like... works? Siglar (IM) : Kh3 now magnus..push the limits :) MightyViking (IM) : Ng5+(IM) Vandelay (IM) : hmm afraid magnus have missed the e5 defense shown by larry 64.Dg6

30 Me-better (IM) : I suspect we're gonna see a draw BeachLion (IM) : Draw?how? Tim (DM) : Now ...Qd5+ and how does the King find shelter? MMCMiranda (FM) : what draw? Greysky (FM) : hay perpetuo? Drahacik (FM) : Why did Kh2 force e5? Me-better (IM) : well Ng5 (IM) : draw. Vandelay (IM) : ...Qd5+, f3 e5, Qh7+ Kf8, Qh8+ etc MMCMiranda (FM) : what draw?? aries2 (IM) : nice one, qd5 and e5 aries2 (IM) : good defense Me-better (IM) : Qd5+ f3 e5 Qh7+ Kf8 Qh8+ Qg8 and Nh7/Ng5+ Siglar (IM) : topalov must play qd5 and e5 now...not so easy to see..but maybe easy enough for a player of his level aries2 (IM) : very good, qd5 and e5 Me-better (IM) : yeah, he should find it Me-better (IM) : otherwise I doubt he'd play ..f5 aries2 (IM) : maybe qd5 and e5 is the only defense? Greysky (FM) : he moved very quickly Me-better (IM) : it is only defence Ng5 (IM) : now Qe5 Kh2 e5 Qh7 Kf8 Qh8 Qg8 Nh7 Kf7 Ng5 Kf8 draw aries2 (IM) : kh2 is a very tough move aries2 (IM) : notyet watch nepom Greysky (FM) : ya no hay más controles Greysky (FM) : 30 minutos finish mas o menos [ 64.Dg6 Dd5+ 65.Rh2 ( 65.f3 e5 66.Dh7+ Rf8 67.Dh8+ Dg8) 65...e5 66.Dh7+ Rf8 67.Dh8+ Dg8 68.Ch7+ Rf7 69.Cg5+ Rf8=; 64.Rh2!+/=] 1-0
Aronian-Anand: Caramba, carambola y carambita con Levon Aronian… . Recuerdo ahora cuando dije al final de Corus-Wijk aan Zee 2.007, algo así como "Y el tapado era Aronian". Creo que en Linares también va de ese modo. De por libre !?. Cuando he dicho aquí que este también jóven jugador, tiene la suerte de los campeones, es que tampoco voy muy descaminado. Ya ganó Linares el año pasado y se ve que le gustó y viene ahora también con los cuchillos afilados para esta edición… . Se impuso nada más y nada menos que a Vishy Anand. Tal vez estemos ya ante un relevo generacional, como muy bien apuntaba esta mañana en R.N.E. mientras desayunaba, el popular periodista Leontxo García. En fin, que puedo decir y pensar: ¡La juventud se impone!. Y la verdad es que me alegro. ¡La juventud es la única que mueve montañas!. "El escolasticismo y el pensamiento doctrinario entorpecen el normal desarrollo de la sociedad en donde nos movemos y crecemos". ¡Creo que me quedó bien la frase! … .
La partida se desarrolló bajo los cauces de un Gambito de Dama Aceptado por transposición. Hasta la jugada 17 se siguio por los senderos de una partida del Torneo del Grupo B de Wijk aan Zee de este año. Quedó cada bando con peones doblados. Posición complicada. Pareja de alfiles para el armenio. En la jugada 29 se produjo el primer error serio de Anand. Rybka encontró un método para frenar a un peligroso peón central pasado de las blancas. Tan sólo una jugada más tarde, nuevo error de Vishy. Ya ese fue de mayor importancia, porque a partir de ahí las posibilidades de victoria de Levon se incrementarían bastante. En la jugada 36, el módulo en un intento desesperado, propone una defensa a ultranza para las negras, aunque siempre terminando sus análisis en ligera ventaja de las blancas. Anand al jugar pasivo, terminó perdiendo un final impecablemente manejado por Aronian.
Aronian,L (2744) - Anand,V (2779) [D23]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (5), 22.02.2007
1.d4 0 1...d5 5 2.c4 5 2...c6 5 3.Cf3 5 3...Cf6 5 4.Dc2 5 4...dxc4 61 5.Dxc4 5 5...Af5 33 6.g3 11 6...Cbd7 105 7.Cc3 27 7...e6 50 8.Ag2 11 Manuan (IM) : e7 8...Ae7 597 9.0-0 11 9...0-0 5 10.Te1 11 10...Ce4 11 11.Db3 11 11...Db6 32 12.Ch4 38 12...Axh4 153 13.gxh4 43 13...Cef6 11 Ng5 (IM) : not drawish at all 14.e4 27 14...Ag6 5 Adaptation (IM) : i have to say i cant understand this opening... Lapinews (IM) : understandable lol Adaptation (IM) : gxh4 is a bit too much for me, and i consider myself a creative player :)) Lapinews (IM) : lol Lapinews (IM) : night attack! 15.Dxb6 257 Lapinews (IM) : nah Lyset 15...axb6 11 Lapinews (IM) : must be a home preparation Lapinews (IM) : but it might be a wrong one lol Lapinews (IM) : bishop pair + center AGAINST king-side structure Lapinews (IM) : but the center is hardly exploitable 16.Af4 153 Ng5 (IM) : I like white, its obviously forced mate on g7 Ng5 (IM) : white cant be worse here Ng5 (IM) : no better just easier to play 16...Tfe8 284 17.Tad1 76 17...b5N 104 Talion (GM) : aronian is going to lose Talion (GM) : can't play against anand like this [ RR 17...e5 18.dxe5 Cxe5 19.f3 Ah5 20.Axe5 Txe5 21.a4 Te7 22.Td4 Rf8 23.Ce2 Ag6 24.Ted1 Ch5 25.Cg3 c5 26.Td8+ Txd8 27.Txd8+ Te8 28.Txe8+ Rxe8 29.Rf2 Cxg3 30.hxg3 f6 31.Re3 Af7 32.Af1 Georgiev,V (2525)-Smeets,J (2538)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 638/1-0 (68)] 18.Ad6 122 18...e5 427 19.d5 164 19...Ch5 517 20.Af1 953 20...f6 478 21.b3 391 [ 21.Ac7!? Te7+/=] 21...Cf4 71 22.a4 273 22...bxa4 31 23.bxa4 26 23...Af7 26 Ng5 (IM) : looks roughly = Neverwinter tells you: last chance to resume 24.Tb1 1514 chuddog (FM) : cd Rxb7 d4 looks good for black 24...Ta7 387 Ng5 (IM) : interesting dynamic and double edged flukey (FM) : hard for a patzer like myself to work out who is better ... [ 24...cxd5 25.Txb7 d4 26.Cb5 Cf8 27.Cxd4 exd4 28.Axf4+/=] 25.Ted1 228 jensk (IM) : of course we would now like to see Rxb7!? - but I dont think it works after all jensk (IM) : ...neither did Aronian flukey (FM) : i'll guess that white is better as if c x d5 then n or bb5 becomes possible .. 25...Tc8 261 jensk (IM) : The best move for W now is h4-g3! - but its not alloed 26.Ce2 503 Ng5 (IM) : seems white has more tricks tann black Ng5 (IM) : black has to be accurate lentejov (IM) : Bh5? 26...Cxe2+ 615 [ 26...Ah5? 27.Cxf4 Axd1 28.Txd1 exf4 29.Ah3+/-] 27.Axe2 12 DarkMagician (IM) : bh5 was a bad move, that's why he didn't play it Ng5 (IM) : they can all play blindfold, so they can think an infinite number of moves ahead jensk (IM) : This Aronian can surely do something... Ng5 (IM) : black has several moves, none good enough to equalise Ng5 (IM) : Nf8 is plausible Ng5 (IM) : c5 Bg4 and black is sweating Ng5 (IM) : also after cd ed white has an edge Ng5 (IM) : cxd5 looks natural, opening the c file and isolating whites pawns Ng5 (IM) : += Ng5 (IM) : += but dangerous 27...cxd5 626 Ng5 (IM) : just ed5, he must play it so dont mess about [ 27...Cf8!?; 27...c5? 28.Ag4+/-; 27...Txa4? 28.Ag4 Ae8 29.Ae6+ Rh8 30.Txb7 cxd5 31.exd5 ( 31.Axd7?! Axd7 32.Txd7 Txe4+/-; 31.Txd7?! Axd7 32.Axd7 Td4 33.Txd4 Tc1+ 34.Rg2 exd4 35.exd5 d3+/-) 31...Txh4 32.Axd7 Axd7 33.Txd7+-] 28.exd5 68 28...Cf8 7 Ng5 (IM) : Bb5 obvious and good Ng5 (IM) : Bg4 ?! Rc6 was Ok for black jensk (IM) : Bb5! Ng5 (IM) : you cant get any jensk (IM) : Anand is in troubles for sure Ng5 (IM) : no prizes for kibbing jensk (IM) : NOW the party is really getting on - all the copules on the dance floor Ng5 (IM) : looks like the dodgy gxh4 has worked well 29.Ab5 312 jensk (IM) : Oops! Not "copules" - couples - sorry for that one [ 29.Ag4 Tc4] 29...Taa8?

7 Ng5 (IM) : Be7 may get trapped, Ba3 is worth a look jensk (IM) : IM-comment: I really should go to bed now Ng5 (IM) : white is better, very difficult position for black to defend but some counterplay McShane (GM) : haha that's a funny fingerfehler VoinG (IM) : be7 be8 ? jensk (IM) : And now we all see why they still talk about the bishoppair as something to go for... VoinG (IM) : i think its better for white, but not win aries2 (IM) : why, white can press aries2 (IM) : white can try aries2 (IM) : aronian stands well aries2 (IM) : i don't need f4 aries2 (IM) : even bf8 and d6 is fine aries2 (IM) : i don't think aronian would accept an offered draw here aries2 (IM) : he has no risk [ 29...Cg6! 30.Ab4 Ae8 31.d6 Axb5 32.axb5 Taa8 33.d7 Td8 34.h5 ( 34.Tbc1 b6 35.Tc7 Rf7 ( 35...Cxh4? 36.Ae7) 36.h5 Cf4 37.Rf1 Cxh5 38.Ad2 Cf4 39.Axf4 exf4 40.Tb7=) 34...Cf8] 30.Ae7 556 aries2 (IM) : bishop pair good on open board, he is happy aries2 (IM) : ng6 prob met by d6 aries2 (IM) : fine in what sense, looks horrible aries2 (IM) : bh5 rdc1 bf3 d6 aries2 (IM) : that's not a stable blockade aries2 (IM) : i will have later d6 and rc7 splat FrozenShade (GM) : pretty much anything will be answered by d6, blacks position looks hideous aries2 (IM) : not for long Ng5 (IM) : white is better, probably not winning by force but a clear advantage aries2 (IM) : white can do either R to c1, d6, rc7, etc FrozenShade (GM) : probably white can just play d6 if black tries bh5, too aries2 (IM) : aronian is on him like a pit bull on a poodle Ng5 (IM) : Ng6 d6 Ne7 de7 Be8 Bc4 1-0 aries2 (IM) : no bc4 covered aries2 (IM) : oh rd8 ok aries2 (IM) : does that work?? ne jensk (IM) : Aronian is usually very effective in such pos Ng5 (IM) : Bc4 doesnt work, my bad aries2 (IM) : ng6 only Greysky (FM) : isn´t bad near lost Greysky (FM) : ? aries2 (IM) : ng6 ba3 pawn sac nxh4 d6 Ng5 (IM) : Ng7 d6 Nh4 d7 Rd8 is an idea but white is much better aries2 (IM) : no knighttourist you must snap on c4 Gumptious (GM) : still three results- after ng6 d6 nxe7 de be8 and kf7 I think black is better aries2 (IM) : ng6 ba3 pawn sac [ 30.Axf8? Rxf8 31.d6 Ae6=] 30...Cg6? 373 aries2 (IM) : b to b4 or a3 aries2 (IM) : just advance d pawn aries2 (IM) : d6 nxe7 looks ok for black aries2 (IM) : that nxh4 to f3 to d4 is annoying [ 30...Ah5! 31.Tdc1 Af3 32.d6 Rf7 33.Ac4+ Ce6 34.Ab3 Tc6=] 31.d6 129 [ 31.Aa3? Cxh4 32.d6 Cf3+ 33.Rg2 Cd4=] 31...Cxe7 7 Ng5 (IM) : i cant see a win aries2 (IM) : no "win" but i can draw with rd1-d8 aries2 (IM) : this nh4-f3-d4 was very good resource aries2 (IM) : completely drawn dxe be8 rd8 draw [ 31...Cxh4? 32.d7 Td8] 32.Ad7 68 Ng5 (IM) : comp says black is better aries2 (IM) : white devilishly plans to play with a-pawn too! Ng5 (IM) : Bd7 ? [ 32.dxe7 Ae8 33.Ae2 Rf7 34.Txb7 Txa4 35.Td8+/=] 32...Cc6 68 Goldmund (GM) : wow aries2 (IM) : he wants n/d4 [ 32...Cg6 33.Axc8 Txc8 34.Txb7 Ae6 35.a5 Cxh4 36.Te7 Af7 37.a6 Cf3+ 38.Rf1 Rf8 39.a7 Ac4+ 40.Rg2 Cd4 41.Tb1 Ab5 42.Tc7 Td8 43.f4+/-] 33.Txb7 68 aries2 (IM) : ng6 last move very interesting Ng5 (IM) : ths is very odd, dxe7 looked like a safe plus with no risk aries2 (IM) : dxe7 be8 i didn't see anything better than rd8 draw aries2 (IM) : otherwise w has probs with weak pawns everywhere aries2 (IM) : nd4 is just one piece, game toddles on jensk (IM) : 32.Bd7!!!! wouw! aries2 (IM) : maybe ng6 better than nc6? 33...Cd4 68 aries2 (IM) : crazyness, bd5 soon Ng5 (IM) : Bc8 Rc8 Rdb1 and Rb8 and white is += 34.Axc8 68 34...Txc8 7 35.Tdb1 7 Ng5 (IM) : shredder has Nf3 or Rf8 = aries2 (IM) : did computer indicate 32...ng6 superior to 32...nc6? Ng5 (IM) : Nd5 or Ng6 better than Nc6 Rednurevoc (FM) : Be6 d7? Ng5 (IM) : shredder says = but i suspect the a pawn queens beyond the horizon aries2 (IM) : anand seems to have played too quickly the last few critical moves 35...Tf8 251 chuddog (FM) : i was looking at Nf3... Kh1 and then if Bd5, d7 aries2 (IM) : rb8 hack off a rook FrozenShade (GM) : if d7, be6, simple rb8 appears the best chuddog (FM) : Rb8 Nf3 does not matter, but a5? Nf3 does matter Ng5 (IM) : shredder cant see much for white [ 35...Cf3+? 36.Rh1 Ae6 37.d7+-; 35...Ae6 36.d7 Tf8 37.Tc7+/=] 36.Tb8 129 MMCMiranda (FM) : black is lost. FrozenShade (GM) : Rxf8+ a big threat now 36...Ae8? 129 [ 36...Cf3+; 36...Ae6! 37.f4 ( 37.Txf8+ Rxf8 38.Tb8+ Rf7 39.a5 ( 39.Tb7+ Rf8 40.Rf1 Cf5 41.a5 Ac4+ 42.Re1 Cxd6 ( 42...Re8 43.h5) 43.a6 Axa6 44.Tb6 Cf5 45.Txa6 Cxh4+/=) 39...Cf3+ 40.Rh1 Cxh4 41.Tb7+ Rf8 42.a6 Ad5+ 43.f3 Re8 44.Txg7 Cxf3 45.a7 Cd4+ 46.Rg1 h6 47.a8D+ Axa8 48.Tg8+ Rd7 49.Txa8 Rxd6=) 37...Cc6 38.Txf8+ Rxf8 39.fxe5 fxe5 40.Rf2 Re8 41.Tb7 Ad7 42.Tc7+/=] 37.a5 7 Ng5 (IM) : shredder +.9 Mataleo (FM) : free version of rybka is better than expensive version of fritz lentejov (IM) : nc6 a6 Heliopolitanus (IM) : welcome to the jungle Mataleo (FM) : cheap bastards, just buy the program Mataleo (FM) : encourage the best program on the market Goldmund (GM) : Bd7 was brilliant idea MMCMiranda (FM) : Nc6 looks the only move Ng5 (IM) : the key line is Nf3 Kf1 Bc6 a6 Nd2 Ke1 Nb1 a7 and white may be winning Gumptious (GM) : bb5 and grovelling might be best now- comps will dismiss- but then takes takes takes and ra8 and kf7- might be enough to draw MMCMiranda (FM) : but Nc6 see a6! Nxb8 a7... lentejov (IM) : nc6 a6 nxb8 rxb8 bc6 a7 rf7 d7 1-0 MMCMiranda (FM) : so, black is lost. MMCMiranda (FM) : Bc6 R1b6 Gumptious (GM) : . even that doesn't seem to work- rd5 kf7 d7 ke7 a6 at the end- lentejov (IM) : made a mistake..i meant kf7 37...Cf3+ 434 Hatred (IM) : Bb5 Rxb5 Rxb5 Rxb5 Ra8 Rb7 Ng5 (IM) : looks like a white win Hatred (IM) : and Kf8 a6 wins Ng5 (IM) : Kf1 !! wins Hatred (IM) : Kf1 nd2 Gumptious (GM) : it's a sad moment when you realise that even the rook endings are lost Ng5 (IM) : Kf1 Nd2 Ke1 Nb1 a6 Bc6 a7 is winning [ 37...Cc6? 38.a6 Cxb8 39.Txb8 Ac6 40.a7 Rf7 41.d7; 37...Ac6 38.a6+/-] 38.Rf1 68 38...Cd2+ 7 [ 38...Ac6 39.a6 Cd2+ 40.Re1 Cxb1 41.a7] 39.Re1+/- 7 39...Cxb1

7 Ng5 (IM) : +3 shredder 40.a6 7 tapia (FM) : awesome Ng5 (IM) : all correct tapia (FM) : fricken awesome chuddog (FM) : ok, but why was Kf1 necessary? Siglar (IM) : brilliant Siglar (IM) : a7 bc6 and d7 chuddog (FM) : Bc6 a7 40...Ac6 68 Ng5 (IM) : now Bc6 a6 Kf7 d7 Ke6 Rf8 Kd7 is forced and white wins RLH2 (FM) : a7 kf7 d7 chuddog (FM) : BUT black might be able to give up the bishop for both pawns Ng5 (IM) : amazing comp by Aronian, the comp says it is correct and the only way to win 41.a7 68 41...Rf7 7 42.d7+- 7 42...Re7 7 Morfius (IM) : the sixt sense Morfius (IM) : sixth chuddog (FM) : guys this isn't over Kingway (IM) : Aronian is a big talent, he plays unbalanced and unclear middlegames better than anyone else right now. Ng5 (IM) : easy win now Kingway (IM) : His opening prep is weak compared to Topalov, but once he gets past the opening he is just amazing 43.Txf8 68 43...Rxd7 7 44.a8D 7 44...Axa8 7 45.Txa8 7 Ng5 (IM) : he played a8 so quickly chuddog (FM) : the knight might be trapped after Ke7 Juliano (FM) : = Kingway (IM) : rf7 seemed much clearer to me Ng5 (IM) : Rf7 was very clear Juliano (FM) : Rf7 was the move Drahacik (FM) : why no Rf7+ and Rxg7 and win the bishop later? FrozenShade (GM) : this should win too, as the knight is likely to be trapped if black tries to keep g7-pawn Ng5 (IM) : still winning, fairly easy chuddog (FM) : no no, Ke7 Ra7+ Kf8 Rc7 FrozenShade (GM) : ke7 ra7+ kf8 rc7 na3 rc5 ke7 kd2 kd6 rc8 and it should be winning Drahacik (FM) : Ke6 Rc8 Na3 Rc5 Kd6! N is not trapped Ng5 (IM) : yeah 45...h5 191 Ng5 (IM) : easy win for white [ 45...Re7 46.Ta7+ Rf8+/- 47.Tc7 Ca3 48.Tc5 Re7 49.Rd2 Rd6 50.Tc8; 45...Re6 46.Tc8 Ca3 47.Tc5 Rd6] 46.Ta7+ 7 Goldmund (GM) : he wants to catch the knight after Ke7 Ra7 Kf8 Ra5!? and then f3 andKd1-c2 Ng5 (IM) : cool Siglar (IM) : anand doesnt use time here,,in such a complicated position..strange Kingway (IM) : black will play ke6 and kf5 then bring the knight back into play. Not easy for white 46...Re6 68 47.Txg7 7 47...Rf5 7 Drahacik (FM) : Rg7 Kf5?? Rc7 traps the N [ 47...Ca3 48.Th7 Cc2+ 49.Rf1 Cd4 50.Txh5+-] 48.Tg3 7 tapia (FM) : over Ng5 (IM) : great game Drahacik (FM) : Why Anand played h5 so fast? Goldmund (GM) : brilliant play Drahacik (FM) : Anand played h5 and Kf5 very fast... why not think 10 minutes? jensk (IM) : The ball is open, folks! Ng5 (IM) : if black doesnt play Kf5 white thake the h pawn and its over Drahacik (FM) : well, if you resign after Kf, play something else. Guillermito (IM) : aronian = nadal Drahacik (FM) : Kf5 Ng5 (IM) : very pretty game Guillermito (IM) : topalov = federer Guillermito (IM) : kramnik = McEnroe Ng5 (IM) : probably Nc6 was a losing blunder onlooker (DM) : in fact, he did that, some 10 minutes ago :) Guillermito (IM) : Rg3! Guillermito (IM) : no drawed games in tenis Guillermito (IM) : no soy de la pampa Guillermito (IM) : McEnrou = Kramnik Guillermito (IM) : how can you deal that move???? Guillermito (IM) : its in!! Ng5 (IM) : Carlsen = Borg Guillermito (IM) : topalov = big lebowski Guillermito (IM) : yes Guillermito (IM) : jesus Guillermito (IM) : you are right Guillermito (IM) : yes Guillermito (IM) : it is official Guillermito (IM) : have you seen that movie? Guillermito (IM) : Topalov = Big lebowski on Jesus scence. Take a look at it and confirm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StJx7wI8Q-I [ 48.Tc7] 1-0
Svidler-Leko: Svidler permitió el ataque Marshall de Leko. Todo igual que otra partida de jóvenes valores entre Negi y Kosteniuk, celebrada el año pasado en Francia. Y en la jugada 21 se produjo la novedad teórica. Las blancas salieron un poquito mejor de la apertura, pero se puede decir que las negras se mantuvieron firmes con la consabida intencionalidad de atacar si les fuese posible por el flanco de rey. Ni los maestros del ICC, ni la máquina, ni por supuesto Svidler, encontraron un método para las blancas que les reportara ventaja. Por lo tanto se repitieron jugadas y en el movimiento 27 ambos jugadores se repartieron el punto en litigio.
Svidler,P (2728) - Leko,P (2749) [C89]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (5), 22.02.2007
1.e4 0 1...e5 25 2.Cf3 25 2...Cc6 86 3.Ab5 25 3...a6 25 4.Aa4 25 4...Cf6 29 5.0-0 10 5...Ae7 10 6.Te1 10 Adaptation (IM) : the question now is: will svidler allow the marshall or not? i would guess not 6...b5 10 7.Ab3 10 7...0-0 10 8.c3 10 Adaptation (IM) : yes! 8...d5 10 Heine (GM) : wow 9.exd5 10 9...Cxd5 10 10.Cxe5 10 10...Cxe5 10 Adaptation (IM) : nowadays when someone accepts the challenge to play the marshall he is deemed crazy :) mishel (IM) : nobody even knows how to create problems for black in marshall - it is rather white who has to fight for the draw 11.Txe5 71 11...c6 10 12.d4 10 12...Ad6 10 13.Te1 11 13...Dh4 10 14.g3 10 14...Dh3 10 15.Te4 10 15...g5 10 mishel (IM) : black's development advantage and central grip seem to be enough comp for the pawn 16.Df1 10 16...Dh5 10 17.Cd2 10 Brassman (IM) : Qf5! 17...f5 11 mishel (IM) : everybody plays marshall when allowed to mishel (IM) : e4 is in crisis mishel (IM) : perhaps i should switsch to d4 mishel (IM) : for my level, e4 is ok 18.Ad1 620 18...Dh6 71 19.Te1 71 19...f4 10 Ng5 (IM) : cant see how Leko will draw this Ernani (FM) : kasparov DeadHorse (IM) : Kasparov Ernani (FM) : anand is 999 times more friendly than kasparov =) Ernani (FM) : karpov is ok RLH2 (FM) : he was up 1 game RLH2 (FM) : and he drew 2 games RLH2 (FM) : vs weaker players RLH2 (FM) : and Bronstein beat Smyslov and Keres.. RLH2 (FM) : **Bronstein felt he had better shot and asked Boleslavsky to make draws cuz if Bronstein beats Smyslov and Keres then he is deserving Adaptation (IM) : comical position, white is grovelling on the first two ranks Adaptation (IM) : certainly this isnt what svidler was aiming for jensk (IM) : Well, it would be really nice if some of the best could shoot down this Marshall - wee are tired of anti-Marshalls Adaptation (IM) : im also pretty tired of having to rely on a4 or h3.... Adaptation (IM) : well generi, white may not be losing but usually top grandmasters don't aim for that after 19 moves with white, he certainly doesnt have any advantage and must defend for a while... very unpleasant Adaptation (IM) : ne4 looks most logical Adaptation (IM) : still, what does white do after bc7 20.Ce4 1199 20...Ac7 71 jensk (IM) : Please, some of you Marshall-freaks - keep us updated when they play a new move jensk (IM) : Hmmmm...in every chessgame - almost - there most occure a "novelty" sooner or later I guess' Woef (GM) : white should be able to play something else then f3 here Adaptation (IM) : its interesting that in all the games white has gotten very little or nothing from the opening Woef (GM) : Bd2 I would play Adaptation (IM) : after bd2 how do you answer bh3 woef? Woef (GM) : I go to d3 Adaptation (IM) : and then if i do something primitive like rae8... flowerchild (IM) : is g4 out of question Woef (GM) : probably a4 adaption Woef (GM) : there is pressure of course Woef (GM) : but I'm not sure how much Woef (GM) : :) flowerchild (IM) : ok it just loses Woef (GM) : I'd like to connect the rooks if possible Woef (GM) : if he goes Rae8 Adaptation (IM) : white will have to play bd2 one time or another strangedays, since after something like bf5 and rae8 the rook on e1 should be defended (if the knight moves)... a4 isnt strictly necessary Woef (GM) : but Black seems to have very decent compensation Adaptation (IM) : actually patzer ive noticed the newer engines are willing to accept material dissadvantages for more dynamic factors like development, etc Adaptation (IM) : are the times correct? has leko only used 6 minutes? 21.Af3N 690 Woef (GM) : interesting Woef (GM) : trying to force g4 Adaptation (IM) : i like it:) Woef (GM) : and then Bd1 back [ RR 21.f3 Ah3 22.Df2 g4 23.fxg4 Dg6 24.Dc2 Tae8 25.Ad2 Ce3 26.Axe3 fxe3 27.Cc5 Dh6 28.Ce4 Dg6 29.Cc5 Dg5 30.Dd3 Tf2 31.Ac2 Te7 32.Ce4 Tg2+ 33.Rh1 Dg6 34.Txe3 Rg7 35.Tae1 Tf7 Negi,P (2538)-Kosteniuk,A (2534)/Cap d'Agde FRA 2006/The Week in Chess 625/1-0 (47); 21.Ad2] 21...Ah3 73 Adaptation (IM) : bg2 bxg2 qxg2 rae8 still looks very comfortable for black Adaptation (IM) : but without the light-squared bishops a lot of danger is gone for white Woef (GM) : it's still ok, smallmaster :) Woef (GM) : so Bg2 Bg2 Qg2 and how to proceed? Woef (GM) : Rae8 or maybe f3?! Woef (GM) : maybe Bg2 Bg4! is better Woef (GM) : and f3 22.Dd3 376 Woef (GM) : g4!? Woef (GM) : g4 followed by Rae8 looks strong ElJeffe (FM) : Knallo, the evening is still young ElJeffe (FM) : Remember Knallo this is ICC so the potential for unintelligibility is virtually limitless ElJeffe (FM) : Moppie I was just about to ask the same question ElJeffe (FM) : I'm at work so can't look it up easily here ElJeffe (FM) : I hope Pille is alive. He is the heart and soul of ICC. ElJeffe (FM) : Anyway, is this book, anyone? [ 22.Ag2 Ag4!? ( 22...Axg2 23.Dxg2 Tae8 24.gxf4 Axf4 25.Axf4 Cxf4 26.Dxg5+ Dxg5+ 27.Cxg5 Cd3 28.Txe8 Txe8 29.a4+/-) ] 22...Tf7 591 Drahacik (FM) : Seems Leko has turned into an attacking maniac, looking at his last 2 games. ElJeffe (FM) : Tx Knallo for answering my question. I was away, had to work for a second :-( Ng5 (IM) : g4 +1.1 shredder Me-better (IM) : a4 Raf8, ab ab, b3!? planning c4 Drahacik (FM) : shredder thinks black has NO compensation for the pawn?? ElJeffe (FM) : I should have married a rich woman Knallo who could support my chess addiction Ng5 (IM) : shredder usually sees compensation, its not very materialistic as comps go Drahacik (FM) : But 1.1 is silly Drahacik (FM) : +1.1 means it thinks white has a pawn AND a slightly better position. ElJeffe (FM) : I can dream Knallo. Anyway back to grim reality. Hard to believe Leko went for this if it wasn't OK for him. He is superbly prepared Ng5 (IM) : Eval has changed, now g4 Qh4 only +.3 nataf (GM) : bravo svidler to enter this nataf (GM) : only way to lose fast with white is this way Ng5 (IM) : a4 +1 shredder nataf (GM) : haha [ 22...g4 23.Ad1+/=; 22...Tae8 23.a4+/=] 23.Ad2 438 nataf (GM) : a4 +1 shredder :) common ! on the board it's another story nataf (GM) : I think that leko nataf (GM) : well I think radji with black here nataf (GM) : would win nataf (GM) : without effort nataf (GM) : leko I don't know Ng5 (IM) : dont blame me, im just the messenger nataf (GM) : I didn't plug engines, and I took one glass of vodka, so I am not sure I will be of much help, but we can have fun ! lol :) nataf (GM) : also I have to chose between a date right now, or svidler-Leko nataf (GM) : I Am hesitating :) nataf (GM) : yes but I can have the date tomorrow as well :) [ 23.a4 Taf8 24.Ah1= ( 24.axb5? fxg3) ] 23...Taf8 132 nataf (GM) : women can wait as well no ? nataf (GM) : guys you see what I told you Drahacik (FM) : drunk GMs play better than FMs nataf (GM) : leko would blitz nataf (GM) : the next 20 moves MMCMiranda (FM) : Cheap price for such an attack... nataf (GM) : pff, what a line svidler enters nataf (GM) : well guys , I Am not drunk, just one glass , I am just in happy mood nataf (GM) : what compi understand here ? nataf (GM) : I guess nothing ,no ? MMCMiranda (FM) : If Ne4 is removed, white position colapses nataf (GM) : black is practically winning almost I think nataf (GM) : 6 pieces nataf (GM) : + pawns Drahacik (FM) : yes, cause then he's down a piece :) nataf (GM) : on the king nataf (GM) : good luck svidler nataf (GM) : Bd2 is .. :) nataf (GM) : I wouldn't say it's !? nataf (GM) : haha nataf (GM) : salut majo :) Drahacik (FM) : Anyone noticed that if you remove the White Qd1 in the initial position, Rybka says -4.35? Very weird. Ng5 (IM) : Comp plays g4 Qh4 Kh1, looks odd to me nataf (GM) : I just explain that svidler might lose fast and furious here lol nataf (GM) : some Ne3 sooner or later Ng5(IM) I guess no ? nataf (GM) : haha vkop jensk (IM) : There IS a vodka-openning: e4 e5 Qh5 Nc6 Qxf7!!! chuddog (FM) : is leko ever out for blood? nataf (GM) : well I think svidler is out for hara kiri more than leko out for blood :) Rednurevoc (FM) : Drahacik: you should usually multiply Rybka's evaluation with 2-3 to get the equivalent evaluation of Fritz, Shredder etc. jensk (IM) : According some rumours it was played by Lasdker once chuddog (FM) : leko will probably manage to draw every game no matter what he tries nataf (GM) : Leko / tkachiev team on marshall nataf (GM) : one day I'll look at it, and I'll refute them all nataf (GM) : I mean I am a bit amazed jensk (IM) : ...in a game where al the pieces were bottlers of vodka - the seize according to there vlaue - Lasker won quickly nataf (GM) : svidler playing vs practical and ramping chess vs sicilian with Nc6 nataf (GM) : he goes Bb5xc6 all the time nataf (GM) : and vs marshall nataf (GM) : enter it Rednurevoc (FM) : probably just scaled down, but it doesn't really matter, when you get used to it jensk (IM) : ...but the story is unverified by sober sources nataf (GM) : I think it's last game of svidler in open marshall for his whole life guys nataf (GM) : well I Don't know nataf (GM) : I look at the position nataf (GM) : for me it looks like nataf (GM) : only black has chances nataf (GM) : I Tell you , the only thing that can save him is that peter leko is more a calm player. here you put any Radjabov, Volokitin or even Nakamura , I would say good luck to Peter jensk (IM) : Ok, lets see a refutation of the simple Bg2 Ng5 (IM) : seems black is at least =, eg g4 Qh4 Kh1 Ne3 nataf (GM) : guys , no refutation, each move you place a piece on a normal square, white's evaluation is dropping nataf (GM) : I think we don't need more insight no ? ;) Ng5 (IM) : Leko is boring, even he has to bluff sometimes nataf (GM) : but ok, leko should be able to put pressure here too nataf (GM) : no but seriously , look difference : normally leko is thinking a lot in his games nataf (GM) : here nataf (GM) : at every move , white is struggling to find a move nataf (GM) : if he plays one move wrong , he loses at once nataf (GM) : while leko nataf (GM) : plays a tempo nataf (GM) : Rf7; Raf8 nataf (GM) : ,etc.. nataf (GM) : salut FrozenShade (GM) : g4 probably loses at once, bh1 looks like the move here nataf (GM) : well knallo nataf (GM) : . if fxg3 is so strong nataf (GM) : maybe he has too ! lol 24.Ah1 829 FrozenShade (GM) : now its an important moment for black, so far all his moves were more or less natural development but now its time to decide how to continue the attack nataf (GM) : I agree frozen FrozenShade (GM) : dont see drawish ending arising any time soon.. nataf (GM) : now leko must think 30-40 min nataf (GM) : and then nataf (GM) : we will be fixed nataf (GM) : personnaly , I think practically, it should be worse for white Ng5 (IM) : Bf5 Bg2 Bh3 Bh1 draw nataf (GM) : no Ng5 (IM) : seems black has enough but I cant see what to do next jensk (IM) : In fact I dont really see how B can continue his attack - can any one help me? Ng5 (IM) : no myth, he does play a lot of boring drawish games jensk (IM) : Well, may be Nf6!? jensk (IM) : Merano! Merano! - to quote from Chess-the opera Ng5 (IM) : Leko lost the world championship by giving Kramnik a draw when he was 2 pawns up jensk (IM) : I´m the arbiter I know the rules - from square one I´ll be watching all - 64! jensk (IM) : Yeah, its really not easy to be a chessmaster with such wonderfull fans, is it? Neverwinter tells you: last chance to resume Ng5 (IM) : Short is tall and Adams is short ? Goldmund (GM) : Leko is known like one the best defenders,he may collapse in such attacking position jensk (IM) : But...will we have moves? Sweere (GM) : please keep on talking about Nigel Since I have the kibitzing line low on the screen his name comes in as "snort" jensk (IM) : Sorry, 12-12 in 87, Sevilla [ 24.g4 Dh4! 25.Rh1 Ce3; 24.Ag2] 24...Tg7 2176 Goldmund (GM) : i told you Leko will collapse Goldmund (GM) : after 35min of thinking he found Rg7 the move without ideas Goldmund (GM) : aha,now i got it:he wants fg fg Nf4! [ 24...Af5 25.a4+/= ( 25.Ag2 Cf6= ( 25...Ah3? 26.Cxg5) ) ] 25.Af3 411 Goldmund (GM) : hahah the invitation for Rgf7:)) MMCMiranda (FM) : Qg6 Goldmund (GM) : you expect something else then Rgf7,Bh1 Rg7 draw?:) [ 25.gxf4? gxf4+; 25.c4 fxg3 ( 25...bxc4 26.Dxc4 Rh8+/=) 26.fxg3 Cf4 27.Da3 Ae6 28.Af3 Ch3+ ( 28...Axc4 29.gxf4) 29.Rh1 Cf2+ 30.Rg1 Ch3+ 31.Rh1 Cf2+=] 25...Tgf7 947 Goldmund (GM) : weak up! FrozenShade (GM) : lekoish solution, this repetition 26.Ah1 79 Goldmund (GM) : one draw a day keeps the doctor away:) Ng5 (IM) : Leko keeps his 100% record jensk (IM) : And now...we will soon see if Bf3 was just a trick to win some time on the clock... Ng5 (IM) : obviously a drawish position Goldmund (GM) : what about Sofian rules if repetion? Goldmund (GM) : then an arbiter comes and says:Ok,this position is totally drawn:) Sweere (GM) : I find it hard to believe usually our 2200 gain rating when playing in Europe Sweere (GM) : USCF 2200 is probably close to 2300 FIDE while USCF 2600 is little above 2500 FIDE Sweere (GM) : chessdads (Kamsky and such) are often heard saying we play, why can't the creators/owners of chess programs jensk (IM) : And NOW we would like to see the Sofia-rules in command jensk (IM) : Påsketurneringen! 26...Tg7 1256 27.Af3 26 Goldmund (GM) : big draw MMCMiranda (FM) : Leko will not accept the draw; fxg3 coming 27...Tgf7 299 Ng5 (IM) : who said Leko was boring ? Goldmund (GM) : the game was not drawn...we saw in the last hour Rg7 Bh1 Rgf7 Goldmund (GM) : was not boring i mean Ng5 (IM) : the last hour was very funny Goldmund (GM) : heheh jensk (IM) : Boooooooooooo! jensk (IM) : Sofia-rules, please Guillermito (IM) : hi Guillermito (IM) : who is the icon? Mataleo (FM) : stupid... Mataleo (FM) : i prefer ridiculous blunders than this chicken **** Guillermito (IM) : position is almost lekualized nataf (GM) : bravo leko nataf (GM) : 0 courage 1/2-1/2
Morozevich-Ivanchuk: Tanto el ruso como el ucranio no estaban en esta ronda para demasiados trotes, tras lo acontecido a ambos en la jornada anterior. Se disputó la partida bajo los cánones de la Variante Berlinesa de la Apertura Española. Ivanchuk hizo de Krámnik, repitiendo una partida suya celebrada en Montecarlo en 2.001. Las negras igualaron sin demasiadas dificultades y se llegó al empate en 32 jugadas.
Morozevich,A (2741) - Ivanchuk,V (2750) [C67]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (5), 22.02.2007
1.e4 0 1...e5 5 2.Cf3 5 2...Cc6 5 3.Ab5 5 3...Cf6 5 4.0-0 5 4...Cxe4 5 5.d4 11 5...Cd6 5 6.Axc6 5 6...dxc6 5 7.dxe5 5 7...Cf5 5 8.Dxd8+ 11 8...Rxd8 5 9.Cc3 5 9...Ad7 5 10.h3 55 10...Rc8 11 11.b3 621 11...Ae7 11 12.Ab2 350 12...h5 104 13.Tad1 241 13...a5 142 14.a4 6 [ 14.g3 Ta6 15.Ac1 Te8 16.Ag5 Ab4 17.Td3 Ce7 18.Axe7 Axe7 19.Rg2 Af5 20.Te3 Axc2 21.Ce4 a4 22.Tc1 axb3 23.axb3 Axe4 24.Txe4 c5 25.Tf4 Tf8 26.g4 hxg4 27.Txg4 g6 28.h4 b5 29.Cg5 Ta3 30.Tg3 Rb7 31.Tf3 Rb6 32.Ch7 Te8 33.Txf7 Txb3 34.Tg7 Axh4 35.Txg6+ c6 36.f4 c4 37.Th1 Td8 38.Txh4 Td2+ 39.Rh1 Tb1+ 40.Tg1 Txg1+ 41.Rxg1 c3 0-1 Shirov,A (2718)-Kramnik,V (2772)/Monte Carlo 2001/CD PDR] 14...b6 551 15.Ce2N 411 [ RR 15.Ce4 Ae8 ( 15...Ae6!?) 16.Cfg5 h4 17.Td3 Th5 18.g4 hxg3 19.fxg3 Axg5 20.g4 Ae3+ 21.Rh2 Th8 22.Txf5 Ah6 23.Tf2 f6 24.exf6 gxf6 25.g5 Ag6 26.gxh6 Axe4 27.Te3 Ah7 28.Te7 Rb7 29.Axf6 Tae8 Almasi,Z (2672)-Tu Hoang Thong (2507)/Bled 2002/EXT 2003/1-0] 15...c5 720 16.Cf4 109 16...Ac6 11 17.Cd5 65 17...Rb7 27 [ 17...Axd5 18.Txd5 Rb7 19.Tfd1 Tad8 20.Txd8 Txd8 21.Txd8 Axd8 22.g4 hxg4 23.hxg4 Ch6 24.Ch2 Rc6 25.f4 Rd5 26.Rg2 c4 27.Rf3 cxb3 28.cxb3=] 18.c4 576 [ 18.Cxe7 Cxe7 19.Cg5 Ad5 20.c4 Ae6 21.Cxe6 fxe6 22.Td7 Tae8 23.Tfd1 Rc8=] 18...Tad8 764 19.Td2 436 19...h4 283 20.Tfd1 42 20...Tde8 37 21.Te1 359 Ng5 (IM) : this looks fine for black Ng5 (IM) : white idea probably Re4 but it looks = Neverwinter tells you: last chance to resume 21...Ad8 310 RLH2 (FM) : fold? 22.Te4 310 22...Rc8 36 TheCat (FM) : re4 is centralisation, as taught by Nimzowitsch 23.Rf1 1143 Sweere (GM) : Svidler gesturing to Danailov my king can't go to f1 you moron Sweere (GM) : same here says Aronian Sweere (GM) : indeed what if all the moves are semaphored by Danailov 23...Ad7 357 24.Tde2 345 24...Th7 16 25.Ac1 16 25...Thh8 21 26.Ab2 273 26...Th7 20 27.Re1 20 RLH2 (FM) : wat 4? RLH2 (FM) : anand is worse 27...Th6 20 28.Rd1 20 28...Tg6 87 29.Cf4 20 29...Th6 20 aries2 (IM) : perhaps he doesn't know the vicissitudes of this system 30.Cd5 329 30...Tg6 20 31.Re1 81 aries2 (IM) : chuk risks nothing here 31...Th6 203 32.Rf1 21 1/2-1/2
Clasificación tras la quinta ronda:
Ver tabla adjunta en donde se aprecia la tremenda performance de Carlsen con 2.916 puntos, en contraste con el tremendo bajón de Topalov, último y con 2.593 puntos.
Hoy viernes, merecida jornada de descanso para todos.
Ronda sexta: Sábado, 24 de Febrero de 2.007.
Recibid un cordial saludo,
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