jueves, 22 de febrero de 2007

Torneo de Morelia-Linares (4)

MegaMagnus tras el Rápido de Madrás

Cuarta ronda del Torneo de Linares. Anand y Carlsen fueron los protagonistas en esta ocasión. De Vishy ya dije tras la tercera jornada lo que se espera de él en este torneo. De Wonderboy, que lo comenzó liderando, hemos hablado sin parar todo lo que podemos y más. Con 16 años tiene el mundo a sus pies. Hay un bonito artículo sobre él de David Llada (por cierto, su libro sobre Kárpov está muy bien) que el otro día el forero Pablo Perera puso en este foro del ajedrez canario. Miro ahora las estadísticas en mi base de datos selecta, que en su día comenzara a elaborar Vladimir Krámnik y que luego he ido yo alimentando con las partidas que han ido saliendo de jugadores de más de 2.500 puntos Elo y encuentro que ante la élite del ajedrez, este chico posee de sus partidas disputadas un 38% de victorias, frente a tan sólo un 23% de derrotas. El resto, un 39%, han finalizado en tablas. Creo que es un logro excepcional. Y ya se encuentra con 2.690 puntos Elo. Un ráting de ensueño. MegaMagnus !!. Lo mejor que tiene es su modestia y madurez para su edad. Su familia le arropa. ¡Cómo tiene que ser!. Se trata de que siga aprendiendo. Pero claro, en el Wimbledon del ajedrez se tumbó primero a Morozevich (Supermoro) por aquello de lo gran táctico que es y ahora noqueó a Ivanchuk, uno de los grandes ases de Linares. Cierto es que Vasily arriesgó demasiado y todo eso… pero la victoria del jovencito noruego no le resta mérito alguno. Y estoy seguro que le da todo el incentivo necesario para continuar en la ardua tarea de la preparación. ¡Enhorabuena para él!. Haga lo que haga, creo que ya lo ha hecho fantástico. Pero dejemos que el torneo transcurra… .

Anand-Morozevich: ¡Qué placer ver una Apertura Española, Variante Breyer!. La defensa favorita de mi juventud cuando seguía el famoso libro de Kárpov de todas sus partidas de la editorial Bruguera. Recuerdo ahora que lo reproducí entero tres veces!. Moro jugó una variante aparentemente sólida con 14…c6. Anand siguió la receta de Kaspárov con un rápido Cf5. Pareció que iba a salir con ventaja de la apertura pero el jugador ruso coordinó bien todas sus piezas y se mantuvo expectante. En la jugada 24 Morozevich intentó expulsar el molesto caballo con …g6 pero Anand ni se inmutó. El análisis muestra que en ese momento esa pieza no se puede tomar. De cualquier forma las negras igualaron "suavemente". En la jugada 31, Rybka 2.3 señala una buena oportunidad para el ruso de explotar las casillas negras débiles del jugador hindú en su flanco de rey, que le hubiera reportado algo de ventaja. Se cambiaron damas, maniobra que no le gustó demasiado al módulo, y Morozevich (fiel a sus principios) continuó jugando activo con un traslado de caballo a la casilla "c5" en lugar de ir al escaque más seguro, "c7". El ruso no quiso cambiar a su debido tiempo en "d5" y poco a poco se fue quedando peor. Anand es tremendamente peligroso cuando obtiene la iniciativa. Su aparente sencillez se convierte en un arma letal. Encima juega rápido y te presiona. Pasado el control de tiempo se las ingenió para materializar su ventaja en victoria (logrando dos peones limpitos) que le sirvió para ubicarse como líder en solitario del evento, tras la desgraciada actuación de Ivanchuk.

Anand,V (2779) - Morozevich,A (2741) [C95]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (4), 21.02.2007

1.e4 0 1...e5 3 2.Cf3 7 2...Cc6 4 3.Ab5 7 3...a6 5 4.Aa4 17 4...Cf6 4 5.0-0 9 5...Ae7 3 6.Te1 8 6...b5 3 7.Ab3 8 7...d6 5 8.c3 7 8...0-0 4 9.h3 9 9...Cb8 4 10.d4 17 10...Cbd7 5 11.Cbd2 12 11...Ab7 7 12.Ac2 8 12...Te8 3 13.Cf1 7 13...Af8 3 14.Cg3 7 14...c6 3 [ RR 14...c5 15.d5 c4 16.Ag5 ( RR 16.Cf5 Dc7 17.Ag5 Teb8 18.Cd2 Ce8 19.Tf1 Ac8 20.Ae3 a5 21.Rh1 Cc5 22.Cg3 Aa6 23.a3 Cf6 24.f4 Cfd7 25.Cf3 f6 26.Dd2 exf4 27.Axf4 Ce5 28.Cd4 Ac8 29.Tae1 Ad7 30.Te3 Te8 Zhigalko,S (2474)-Azarov,S (2565)/Minsk BLR 2005/The Week in Chess 541/1-0 (55)) 16...Dc7 17.Dd2 Teb8 18.Cf5 Kasparov,G (2851)-Piket,J (2633)/Internet 2000/CBM 076] 15.Cf5 236 15...Dc7N 50 [ RR 15...g6 16.Ch6+ Axh6 17.Axh6 Ch5 18.Dd2 f6 19.Tad1 Cg7 20.dxe5 Cxe5 21.Dxd6 De7 22.Cxe5 fxe5 23.Ab3+ Rh8 24.Dxe7 Txe7 25.Ag5 Tc7 26.Ad8 Tcc8 27.Af6 Tf8 28.Axg7+ Rxg7 29.Td7+ 1-0 Burstein,S-Thomson,E/Moscow 1956/CD PDR] 16.dxe5 150 16...dxe5 22 17.Ch2 239 17...c5 606 FrozenShade (GM) : black's concept seems highly dubious to me, that f5 knight is going to be annoying sooner or later 18.Df3 85 MMCMiranda (FM) : Breyer Finegold (IM) : is a Super Gm tournament ever be gonna be held in a non third-wrold country? Finegold (IM) : every tournament has relay problems Finegold (IM) : the Morelia websites is slower than Alexopolous on Valium Finegold (IM) : Probably have better internet, Osama is worth a lot... Finegold (IM) : Obama cannot be in the playing hall... no smoking 18...c4 2594 19.Ag5 5 19...Te6 5 20.Tad1 5 Guillermito (IM) : ruy de lopera Guillermito (IM) : real betis stadium Guillermito (IM) : pijuan Guillermito (IM) : you welcomed Guillermito (IM) : gazpacho AGEA (FM) : Tiviakov has played the scandinavian with good results AGEA (FM) : in my experience 1... d5 is a very solid move but not an ideal choice when you have to play for a win SONIA (WFM) : is the time correct? 20...Cc5 2012 21.Axf6 25 [ 21.Ch6+ Rh8] 21...Txf6 25 22.Cg4 25 22...Te6 861 23.Cge3 147 23...Da5 454 FrozenShade (GM) : define serious FrozenShade (GM) : seems to me black is taking over here, sure white can get knight on d5 but it doesnt do much FrozenShade (GM) : first thing he should do is to drive f5-knight away with g6 whenever he gets a chance to do that FrozenShade (GM) : eventually f5 might become possible Neverwinter tells you: RESUME THE GAME 24.a3 1125 24...g6 87 25.Cd5 147 25...Td8 86 Drahacik (FM) : Morozevich probably thought "Ok, Anand offered a piece, I'm low on time. I won't even think about taking it." Gumptious (GM) : Qe3 now [ 25...gxf5? 26.exf5 Th6 27.Dg3+ Rh8 28.Dxe5+ Ag7 29.f6 Af8 30.Ce7 Cd3 31.Dg5+/-] 26.Dg3 881 [ 26.De3? gxf5 27.exf5 Axd5 28.fxe6 fxe6 29.Dxe5 Ag7<=>] 26...Td7 86 27.Cfe3 147 27...Dd8 208 28.Df3 270 [ 28.Td2 Ag7=] 28...Ag7 209 29.a4 25 29...Ted6 25 30.axb5 86 30...axb5 25 31.g4 86 31...Dh4 148 [ 31...Ah6! 32.Tf1 Rg7 ( 32...Ce6? 33.Cf6+) 33.Td2 ( 33.Tfe1 Axe3 34.Dxe3 Cxe4 35.Dxe4 Txd5 36.Txd5 Txd5-/+) 33...Ce6 34.Tfd1 Cf4=/+] 32.Ta1 86 32...Ce6 211 33.Dg3 25 33...Dxg3+ 147 [ 33...Dd8!? 34.Cf5? gxf5 35.gxf5 Cg5-+] 34.fxg3 25 34...Cc5 86 [ 34...Cc7 35.Cxc7 Txc7 36.Ta5=] 35.h4 25 35...h6 25 Grettir (IM) : BÆ 36.Ta5 20 Drahacik (FM) : no increment. 36...Ac6? 87 Drahacik (FM) : Nxc4? FrozenShade (GM) : Nxc4 bxc4 Rxc5 Bxd5 exd5 Rxd5 Rxc4 Rd2 seems to be ok for black Drahacik (FM) : Nxc4 bxc4 Rxc5 Bxd5 exd5 Rxd5 Rxc4 [ 36...Axd5! 37.exd5 ( 37.Cxd5 Tb7 38.Ta8+ Af8 39.Tea1 Rg7=) 37...Tb7 38.Ta8+ Rh7 39.Tb1 Tdd7 40.Tc8 ( 40.b4? cxb3 41.Axb3 e4=/+) 40...Tdc7=] 37.Cb4 209 [ 37.Cxc4? bxc4 38.Txc5 Axd5 39.exd5 Txd5 40.Txc4 Td2 41.Tc1 Te2|^] 37...Axe4 25 38.Axe4 86 38...Cxe4 25 MMCMiranda (FM) : draw? ElJeffe (FM) : Thank you oh great Zek!!!!! 39.Txb5 71 39...Cd2 7 [ 39...f5?! 40.gxf5 Cxg3 41.Tb8+ Af8 42.Cxc4 Td1 43.Txd1 Txd1+ 44.Rf2 Cxf5 45.Cxe5 Td2+ 46.Re1 Td6 47.Cf3+/=; 39...Cxg3? 40.Rg2 Ce4 41.Cxc4+-] 40.Rg2 4 40...e4 3 ElJeffe (FM) : Take pings to the ping channel! ElJeffe (FM) : Knights are maoist? ElJeffe (FM) : Black position looks good optically, but N better than B, black c4 pawn weak, so += Ng5 (IM) : seems black blundered in time trouble ElJeffe (FM) : Anand better, but winning? Ng5 (IM) : +2 shredder ElJeffe (FM) : +2 is sort of borderline between better and win, yes? 41.Te2 167 FrozenShade (GM) : ned5 coming now, after which e4 goes Ng5 (IM) : hard to say where black went wrong, 36 .. Bxd5 seems OK but white has a small edge FrozenShade (GM) : well, it didnt threaten anything move ago, now rook on e2 threatens the knight 41...Af8 758 [ 41...Rh7!?+/=] 42.Ced5+/- 87 MMCMiranda (FM) : Ned5 and? 42...e3 25 MMCMiranda (FM) : the pawn was lost anyway 43.Cxe3 456 Ng5 (IM) : shredder is nearly +3 43...Te6 87 44.Cbd5 25 44...Cb3 148 mharize (WIM) : actualy mharize (WIM) : yes mharize (WIM) : Rf2 mharize (WIM) : and then Nc4 45.Cf4 87 mharize (WIM) : Anand is simplyfin the position, its a way to win mharize (WIM) : other is not changing pieces mharize (WIM) : i preffer not changing DeadHorse (IM) : some haters here, disrespectful mouths mharize (WIM) : but Anand is 2779 so, he shoul be right [ 45.Tf2] 45...Tc6

332 MightyViking (IM) : Pastafarianism is the only true religion. 46.Cxc4+- 148 46...Txc4 25 47.Txb3 25 47...Rg7 25 48.Tb5 86 Russek (IM) : R.I.P. 48...Ac5 148 49.g5 26 49...hxg5 25 50.hxg5 25 50...Ae7 87 51.Rf3 25 51...Ad8 25 52.Te4 87 52...Tc6 25 mharize (WIM) : c4 53.Rg4 25 53...Td2 148 [ 53...Axg5 54.Rxg5 ( 54.Txg5 f5+ 55.Txf5 gxf5+ 56.Rxf5 Rf7+/-) 54...f6+ 55.Rh4 g5+ 56.Rg4 gxf4 57.gxf4+-] 54.Td5 87 54...Txd5 25 55.Cxd5 25 55...Te6 25 [ 55...f5+ 56.gxf6+ Axf6+-] 56.Txe6 25 56...fxe6 25 Finegold (IM) : Nf6 1-0 is my guess 57.Cf4 87 Russek (IM) : anand won Finegold (IM) : oh well Russek (IM) : oficial 57...Rf7 25 58.Cd3 25 mharize (WIM) : the N on e4 and is all over 58...Ac7 25 59.Rf3 25 Greysky (FM) : is this a joke? mharize (WIM) : hola JoaoFrancisco (IM) : hola mharize (WIM) : 2779 mharize (WIM) : after the N gets to e4 black will surrender mharize (WIM) : f2 or c5 Siglar (IM) : nice to see anand back in good old shape again 1-0

Ivanchuk-Carlsen: Tras una apertura de peón de dama, Vasily no quiso trasponer a la Apertura Catalana y retrasó el obligado 4.c4 . El chico contestó con una receta 4…b5!? que ya había utilizado Peter Leko en el famoso torneo de rápidas y a la ciega de Montecarlo ( 2.005). Ese torneo, es un buen foco de aperturas interesantes, por la modalidad en la que se juega. Y de tarde en tarde, surgen variantes que allí se desarrollan, en las partidas serias a nivel magistral. Ivanchuk siguió los cauces del Sistema Londres. Las piezas se fueron desarrollando armónicamente por ambas partes colocándose en las mejores casillas. Así hasta que en el movimiento 21, Ivanchuk rompió en el centro y se aseguró una ligera ventaja. En el ICC se proponía una entrega de alfil en h6. Rybka lo valoró metódicamente aportando una línea de completa igualdad. Muy bonita para la galería, pero sin más. Ivanchuk, no se conformaba en aquellos momentos con el empate. Y continuó envistiendo. Así hasta que en la jugada 32 el jugador ucranio permitió que Magnus activase su dama por "b6". A lo mejor era el momento tras el error, de empezar a conformarse con las tablas. Pero todos sabemos que muchas veces el ego del jugador se impone a la lógica. Carlsen comenzó a maniobrar certeramente con uno de sus caballos y obtuvo la iniciativa. Luego con el otro, forzó el cambio de un par de torres. Llevó la dama hasta la primera fila del blanco y la canjeó. En la jugada 45, Ivanchuk desaprovechó una manera lógica de movilizar a su torre y comenzó a meterse en un mundo de problemas. En el ICC antes de que se produjera el movimento 49 de las blancas, los maestros no se ponían totalmente de acuerdo de cómo proceder para lograr el empate. Rybka, encontró allí un método que lleva a la igualdad. De nuevo la idea es la misma. Liberar a la torre blanca de la penosa defensa. O sea, la actividad por encima de todo!!. Ivanchuk no lo vio y quedó en desventaja. Pero, ante el poco material existente, ¿era una ventaja suficiente como para ganar?. Bueno. Pues llevo toda la tarde analizando ese final con la ayuda de mi estimado programita y no encontramos la forma de concretarlo. De cualquier forma, supongo que la mayoría de Vdes. me comprenderán cuando "sólo ante el peligro" con mis aproximados 2.070 puntos Elo, me enfrento muchas veces a posiciones que ni tan siquiera el afamado programa es capaz de verificar al 100% y sobre todo cuando se dispone de poco tiempo para realizar esta crónica. Posiblemente tendremos que esperar a los análisis de New in Chess (del propio Carlsen) para aclarar el enigma. Una cosa, sí es segura. Con la jugada que realizó Ivanchuk en la partida (53.Tb5?) se pierde de inmediato.

Ivanchuk,V (2750) - Carlsen,M (2690) [A46]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (4), 21.02.2007

Ng5 (IM) : English Greysky (FM) : ei :) Greysky (FM) : ready to enjoy? :) Greysky (FM) : Against, 2 of my idols playing together.. Greysky (FM) : again* I meant :) Greysky (FM) : no seais tan exigentes :) Greysky (FM) : estará recordando el arbitro las reglas, y esas cosas Greysky (FM) : ya saben : el rey se mueve una casilla hacia cualquier sitio.... :P Greysky (FM) : ah es cierto. ahora pensaba que habría algun open paralelo Greysky (FM) : como solia ser en linares Greysky (FM) : me temo que no. MMCMiranda (FM) : at what time games start? Greysky (FM) : a mi me gustaria Greysky (FM) : pero me pilla un poco lejos MMCMiranda (FM) : a que horas empieza el juego? Greysky (FM) : en navarra MMCMiranda (FM) : he..he..Yo he querido decir: en quanto tiempo mas ? Greysky (FM) : la verdad, si se animara algun amigo, iria 1.d4 0 1...Cf6 8 MMCMiranda (FM) : buena jugada! e4 2.Cf3 5 2...e6 8 3.g3 5 MMCMiranda (FM) : g3 3...d5 7 Greysky (FM) : .c5 = 4.Ag2 6 4...b5 6 Greysky (FM) : ole! Greysky (FM) : ...b5 playable MMCMiranda (FM) : eso no lo conocia Lapinews (IM) : very known move Greysky (FM) : yo si :) Greysky (FM) : ...b5 jugable. es solidilla Greysky (FM) : well MMCMiranda (FM) : no me gusta. a4 b4 Nbd2/b3/c5 despues. Greysky (FM) : it could be Greysky (FM) : 1.f3 e6 2.g4? Qf6 N Greysky (FM) : ...b5 is not bad Greysky (FM) : his reputation is good MMCMiranda (FM) : this move was played by Kasparov, in similar position, against.....ME.. MMCMiranda (FM) : seek for Miranda x Kasparov, Rio de Janeiro, 1996.. MMCMiranda (FM) : sure NatalRN. The man played this against this poor creature! MMCMiranda (FM) : Look for Kasparov strategy in Kasparov x Psakhis, Murcia, 1990. 5.Cbd2N 465 Greysky (FM) : this b5 is very playable Lapinews (IM) : playable and strong Greysky (FM) : so white should play .c4 before Greysky (FM) : this order is not so good for white [ RR 5.0-0 c5 a) 5...Ae7 6.Ce5 (a) RR 6.b3 Aa6 7.Ce5 Cfd7 8.Cd3 0-0 9.Cd2 Cc6 10.Ab2 b4 11.Cf3 Ab5 12.a4 Aa6 13.c3 bxc3 14.Axc3 Tb8 15.Tb1 Cb4 16.Cfe5 Cxe5 17.Cxe5 De8 18.Dd2 f6 19.Cf3 Ad6 20.Tfc1 De7 Atalik,S (2525)-Luther,T (2550)/Hastings 1996/CD PDR/1/2-1/2 (32)) 6...0-0 7.a4 b4 8.c3 Cfd7 9.Cd3 bxc3 10.bxc3 Aa6 11.e4 Cf6 12.exd5 Cxd5 13.Te1 Cd7 14.Aa3 Axa3 15.Txa3 Tb8 16.Axd5 Axd3 17.Aa2 Aa6 18.Cd2 Cf6 19.Cb3 Cd7 Gross,G (2355)-Tischbierek,R (2500)/Germany 1996/GER-chT/0-1 (60); b) RR 5...Cbd7 6.c3 c5 7.Ag5 Ae7 8.Cbd2 0-0 9.Te1 Ab7 10.a4 a6 11.axb5 axb5 12.Txa8 Axa8 13.Da1 Db6 14.Ce5 Ad6 15.Cxd7 1/2-1/2 Papaioannou,I (2577)-Hracek,Z (2593)/Turin ITA 2006/Ajedrez en Madrid; 6.b3 Ab7 7.c4 bxc4 8.bxc4 dxc4 9.Da4+ Cbd7 10.Td1 Cd5 11.Dxc4 Ae7 12.dxc5 Tc8 13.Ab2 0-0 14.Cc3 Axc5 15.Dd3 Axf2+ 16.Rxf2 Db6+ 17.Dd4 Cxc3 18.Axc3 Txc3 19.Tab1 Dxd4+ 20.Cxd4 Morozevich,A (2741)-Leko,P (2749)/Monte Carlo MNC 2005/The Week in Chess 541/1/2-1/2 (76); RR 5.Ag5 Ab7 6.Dd3 a6 7.a4 c5 8.dxc5 Axc5 9.0-0 b4 10.Cbd2 Cbd7 11.c4 bxc3 12.bxc3 0-0 13.c4 h6 14.Ae3 a5 15.Tfc1 Tc8 16.Axc5 Cxc5 17.Dd4 dxc4 18.Txc4 Aa6 19.Tc3 De7 Fressinet,L (2646)-Maze,S (2506)/Chalons en Champagne FRA 2007/The Week in Chess 640/1/2-1/2] 5...Ab7 257 Greysky (FM) : Colomet - solved 6.Cb3 9 MMCMiranda (FM) : this is the problem with b5 Greysky (FM) : the main hole here is a5 Greysky (FM) : .c5 is not so important Greysky (FM) : at least now Lapinews (IM) : ...c5 will be played with ...Nbd7's help FrozenShade (GM) : i think black usually plays 5..c5 to avoid this Lapinews (IM) : well black will just play ...Nbd7 and ...c5 Lapinews (IM) : Be7 and 0-0 first maybe FrozenShade (GM) : Nbd7 Na5 6...a5 233 Greysky (FM) : ole magnus! Greysky (FM) : ye.... FrozenShade (GM) : a4 now, perhaps MMCMiranda (FM) : a4 FrozenShade (GM) : and what would be more active? :) mishel (IM) : magnus is toast! Greysky (FM) : mishel, go home :) FrozenShade (GM) : only problem with nc5 is that it sucks as black will just win the pawn with ne4 and nd7 after taking on c5 MMCMiranda (FM) : so many lovely openings! Why to play this? FrozenShade (GM) : not sure if black has many problems after a4 b4 though FrozenShade (GM) : the comp is right it seems, qd3 makes sense, even if it is a surprising move Greysky (FM) : Qd3 ? What idea? FrozenShade (GM) : idea of qd3, apparently, is that its not so easy to protect the pawn without making compromises [ 6...Cbd7 7.Ca5; 6...Ae7] 7.Ad2 511 mishel (IM) : sit varmaa b4 ois ollu suunnilleen ainoo siihen [ 7.a4?! b4; 7.Dd3] 7...Cc6 354 vogonprotestnik (IM) : 5. Nbd2 is a new concept- cool! Ng5 (IM) : looks fine for black FrozenShade (GM) : patzers speaking about carlsen lacking positional understanding? :) FrozenShade (GM) : i also lack positional understanding, i was outplayed by anand in equal position as well FrozenShade (GM) : happens to best of us FrozenShade (GM) : g3 was probably the most ambitious move, even if it weakened the position FrozenShade (GM) : some rapid tournament in estonia FrozenShade (GM) : "positional understanding" is a term overused by people who actually dont have it :) Heine (GM) : quoting Marin? FrozenShade (GM) : this position is a mess, i have no clue who's better here FrozenShade (GM) : still preparation heine? :) Heine (GM) : Carlsen preparation?.... Heine (GM) : according to the way he beats me, yeah! Siglar (IM) : hello donks, this looks good for black mishel (IM) : you've lost a lot to him, heine? Heine (GM) : thtas nothing you can consider.... Siglar (IM) : chucky is very good Heine (GM) : its a nordic country, not a scandinavian MightyViking (IM) : Looks fine for Magnus. DrainYou (GM) : sure Heine? FrozenShade (GM) : finland is a part of soviet union FrozenShade (GM) : frigging socialdemocrats DrainYou (GM) : think the finnish think they r scandinavian mishel (IM) : finland is the last bastion of communism mishel (IM) : even china is market economy now MightyViking (IM) : Heine is correct. Nordic but not Scandinavian. DrainYou (GM) : the Germans dont think DK is scandinavia DrainYou (GM) : u think DK has mountains? MightyViking (IM) : Scandinavian peninsula and Scandinavia are two different things. I know, it's a bit complicated. FrozenShade (GM) : if you like high taxes and cold winters, you should move to finland Heine (GM) : isnt Greenland in America? mishel (IM) : in finland, we share everything DrainYou (GM) : Greenland is ice n (almost) no people FrozenShade (GM) : what do we get exactly? mishel (IM) : one guy works and an another one doesn't, and they get the same money DrainYou (GM) : untill they find oil DrainYou (GM) : then they want to be independent FrozenShade (GM) : inefficient group of officers who get high salary thanks to high taxes? MightyViking (IM) : So Denmark an American country then (at least partially)? DrainYou (GM) : I am going to Greenland this summer DrainYou (GM) : going to be interesting FrozenShade (GM) : you seriously think health care is better in finland than some other civilized european country? FrozenShade (GM) : you need to wait half a year if you need, say, a dentist MightyViking (IM) : Finnish language is not Indo-European, but I read that a study showed Finns to be 75% Germanic genetically. mishel (IM) : finnish is fenno-ugric! FrozenShade (GM) : not exactly what i had in mind when i said civilized european country :) funnybird (FM) : Nc1 looks nice somehow Siglar (IM) : i am international master so everyone should listen to me MightyViking (IM) : But here's an interesting question: When Finland was a part of Sweden, was it in Scandinavia then? And if not, then where was the Scandinavian border? Siglar (IM) : i have nothing to say Siglar (IM) : .... MightyViking (IM) : Yes, Finnish, Estonian, Laponian and Hungarian. Profylax (IM) : agree with siglar .... MightyViking (IM) : And where exactly was that border? The border is what it is now only because the Russians decided where to draw it in 1809. FrozenShade (GM) : wouldnt exactly call huge international company single person, but whatever :) MightyViking (IM) : The point is: The current border between Sweden and Finland was not a border between anything before 1809. It cuts right through two provinces. FrozenShade (GM) : mokami: and this has anything to do with my last sentence in what way exactly? MightyViking (IM) : Yes, Norway, oil and Magnus Carlsen have nothing in common... DrainYou (GM) : true Nabob? DrainYou (GM) : wow FrozenShade (GM) : mozart30: not entirely, working in the youth board of my municapility and some other stuff, but dont plan being a candinate in any election in a while DrainYou (GM) : he will find a way DrainYou (GM) : n norweigans all wear those gaysweaters MightyViking (IM) : So which year does Putin have to resign? MMCMiranda (FM) : ICC says big problems with communication with tournament room. DrainYou (GM) : whale taste like **** MMCMiranda (FM) : Bergen! Nice place. MightyViking (IM) : Thanks, Nabob MMCMiranda (FM) : who has played in Gausdal? [ 7...b4] 8.Cc1 2506 8...Ad6 5 9.Cd3 5 9...0-0 5 10.0-0 5 10...Ce4 5 11.Ae3 26 11...b4 25 Ng5 (IM) : Be3 is fine, he doesnt want to play e4 vogonprotestnik (IM) : viva Chucky Ng5 (IM) : i guess = but not drawish Ng5 (IM) : can see a plan for white Ng5 (IM) : cant see a plan for white Greysky (FM) : black slighly better I gues Ng5 (IM) : h4 and Ng5 ! Greysky (FM) : in what sense? 12.Te1 272 Greysky (FM) : blitz, is more stupid people calling the win of ivanchuk Guillermito (IM) : Re1!! Greysky (FM) : la misteriosa jugada de torre, de Ninzo, Guille ;) Guillermito (IM) : google pgn reader Guillermito (IM) : http://chess.google.com/ Greysky (FM) : the relay is being horrible Guillermito (IM) : this move does not impress wonderboy Guillermito (IM) : zek is the man Guillermito (IM) : http://www.dummylinks.com Siglar (IM) : kib magnus is in good shape here MMCMiranda (FM) : what a complicated position!. Looks computers games.. MMCMiranda (FM) : what is the point of Re1? [ 12.h4] 12...Aa6 1959 13.Cfe5 25 13...Ce7 25 14.f3 25 14...Cf5 86 15.Af4 25 15...Cf6 25 16.c3 25 16...Ce7 318 Siglar (IM) : lol 17.Dd2 269 MightyViking (IM) : The department of redundancy department MightyViking (IM) : A once saw a game where in timescramble a bishop changed colour; none of the players noticed until later. 17...bxc3 330 18.bxc3 25 18...Tc8 148 19.Ag5 1001 MightyViking (IM) : OK, so Ivanchuk has played Bc1-d2-e3-f4-g5. Somebody tell him the bishop can move more than one square at a time! Greysky (FM) : ...c5 19...Axd3 513 Neverwinter tells you: RESUME THE GAME MightyViking (IM) : I read a funny article about how there is no such thing as gravity as the scientists claim. Instead there's Intelligent Falling. Things fall because God wants them to fall. 20.Cxd3 209 MightyViking (IM) : FearofBuddha, that's even better! [ 20.Axf6 Ag6] 20...Cd7 148 MMCMiranda (FM) : 1 second to play e4 Greysky (FM) : please, eval? any GM? MightyViking (IM) : God is omnipotent, therefore he exists. 21.e4+/= 147 Greysky (FM) : dxe Greysky (FM) : maybe ...f6 is the move 21...c5 147 Greysky (FM) : :) Greysky (FM) : I trust magnus.. Greysky (FM) : :) [ 21...f6] 22.exd5 87 22...exd5 25 Greysky (FM) : but I have to recognise, I didn´t like ...c5 Greysky (FM) : ...c5 must be weak 23.Ah3 86 Greysky (FM) : 1-0 might be a normal end.... go magnus! go Greysky (FM) : cxd Greysky (FM) : without thinking... Me-better (IM) : +/- 23...cxd4 86 Greysky (FM) : the problem could be the pawn on a5 24.cxd4 25 Greysky (FM) : if ...h6 Bxh6 played be ivanchuk ... he´s totally crazy! :P Greysky (FM) : Qb6 ? and the knight of d7.. 24...h6 87 Greysky (FM) : Bxh6 ... Greysky (FM) : I am afraidddd Greysky (FM) : Chucky was in Morelia...that was luck Greysky (FM) : Qb6 loses MightyViking (IM) : Maybe Mamed *is* in Linares. Greysky (FM) : jeje 25.Af4! 148 Siglar (IM) : kib yes you are fortin Siglar (IM) : lol MightyViking (IM) : Now he's starting the retreat. Coming up: Be3. Sweere (GM) : Bh6 was more enterprising Greysky (FM) : is black´s position so bad? Siglar (IM) : kib fortin, you dont look like a girl, but you play chess like one :p Sweere (GM) : bad memories from the Leko game? Greysky (FM) : jeje Greysky (FM) : that´s Greysky (FM) : Bxd6 and Rc4 ... is the position so bad? [ 25.Axh6!? gxh6 26.Dxh6 Aa3 ( 26...Ab8 27.Cc5=) 27.Txe7 Dxe7 ( 27...Axe7? 28.Af5-> Cf6 29.Cf4 Db6 30.Ch5 Dxd4+ 31.Rg2 Tc2+ 32.Rh3 Txh2+ 33.Rxh2 Cg4+ 34.fxg4 Dh8 35.g5+-) 28.Axd7 ( 28.Af5 Cf6 29.Dg5+ Rh8 30.Dh4+ Rg7 31.Dg5+ Rh8 32.Dh4+=) 28...Dxd7 29.Dg5+ Rh7 30.Dh4+ Rg7 31.Dg5+ Rh7 32.Dh4+ Rg7 33.Dg5+=] 25...Axf4 148 Greysky (FM) : yes Greysky (FM) : Bxf4 I meant, of course Greysky (FM) : I am crazy ... can´t I? :) Greysky (FM) : yes, it´s logic Greysky (FM) : CArlsen wanted Ivanchuk to play it Greysky (FM) : remembering the first game... 26.Cxf4 87 Greysky (FM) : yes deep Greysky (FM) : Rc4 seems logical Greysky (FM) : but maybe I am hanging.. Greysky (FM) : thegladiator, what eval ? Greysky (FM) : 0,37 ... but the tendency is not good, I think Greysky (FM) : pawned, carlsen is not so bad :) Greysky (FM) : thegladiator, that is not good tencency, it´s bad computers :) Greysky (FM) : to open the position????? Greysky (FM) : more???? Greysky (FM) : jajaj Greysky (FM) : yes ... the bishop of h3 has a very bad diagonal .. ( irony! ) 26...Tc4 208 Siglar (IM) : Qxd5 in that line Greysky (FM) : Bf1 ? Greysky (FM) : the bishop is good in h3 I think.. 27.Af1 86 Greysky (FM) : magnus won´t play Rb4 Greysky (FM) : if you see it, guys, magnu will also :) Greysky (FM) : Rc8 seems the best move, lol 26 Greysky (FM) : Please Magnus... take draw! :) 27...Tc8 21 28.Ah3 1 28...Tc4 1 29.Af1 1 Greysky (FM) : jajaj 29...Tc8 1 30.Tab1! 1 30...Cf6 1 Greysky (FM) : ahhhh RLH2 (FM) : fighting spirit!! Drahacik (FM) : Chucky declines the draw! Greysky (FM) : Ivanchuk wants to win! Greysky (FM) : I don´t :( MMCMiranda (FM) : Rb5 Herman (IM) : x a5 Greysky (FM) : yes shmawa RLH2 (FM) : rb5. Drahacik (FM) : sometime in 10 or 20 moves the White king might be exposed. 31.Tb5 62 MMCMiranda (FM) : Herman(IM) Claudius? Drahacik (FM) : Black's king is safer in a havey piece endgame. Drahacik (FM) : heavy piece Greysky (FM) : yes Greysky (FM) : but unfortunately, ivanchuk will get any pawn Greysky (FM) : jajaj Greysky (FM) : maybe it´s posible to sacrifice the pawn on a5 Greysky (FM) : no schos... 31...Cc6 143 Drahacik (FM) : Ivanchuk avoided the repetition, not Carlsen. Greysky (FM) : jeje Greysky (FM) : well, Re5 would be, at least, funny Greysky (FM) : I would laugh... 32.Tc5? 81 Greysky (FM) : yes, it Greysky (FM) : it´s Greysky (FM) : Nxd4 .. near! MMCMiranda (FM) : white B is very strong. good winning chances. Herman (IM) : Nxd4 Qxd4 Qb6 Rc4 or? Drahacik (FM) : Qb6 Rec1, why is Black better? esparago (FM) : Db6, Rfc1 Herman (IM) : isn't white better? Greysky (FM) : good opponent Greysky (FM) : I like your attitude [ 32.Ah3! Tc7 ( 32...Tb8? 33.Tc5 Dd6+/= ( 33...Db6? 34.Dc3+/-) ) 33.Tc5+/=] 32...Db6! 204 [ 32...Cxd4? 33.Dxd4 Db6 34.Tec1 ( 34.Tc4) 34...Cd7 35.Cxd5+-] 33.Tec1 81 Drahacik (FM) : Nxd4 Qxd4 Nd7 DeadHorse (IM) : Nd4 looks horrible here Drahacik (FM) : ah, Nxd5 at the end 33...g5 64 Siglar (IM) : lol g5 again esparago (FM) : good move. Ne5 next olimpus (IM) : Go wonder boy!! Heine (GM) : seems like Taimanov-Larsen inspired him. ...g5 as black in both games so far Siglar (IM) : carlsen loves to play g5 as black..especially when he has castled kingside Drahacik (FM) : Nxd5 is bad? Blitz-King (IM) : If Nxd5 Nxd5 Rxd5 Nxd4! 34.Ce2

81 [ 34.Cxd5!? Cxd5 35.Txd5 Cxd4 36.Rg2=] 34...Ce5! 20 Herman (IM) : g5, a favourite of Carlsen Greysky (FM) : please magnus Greysky (FM) : winnnn Drahacik (FM) : Qc3 Siglar (IM) : is this any advantage for black? Greysky (FM) : lol!!! Siglar (IM) : calrsen er bedre enn fritz LOL Greysky (FM) : go magnus go! Blitz-King (IM) : yes, maybe Magnus get an advantage at zeinot Greysky (FM) : yes blitz Greysky (FM) : jeje Blitz-King (IM) : jejejej Greysky (FM) : some moves ago we were afraid of his position :) Siglar (IM) : Ive heard that ivanchuk once gobbled like a chicken after a tough phsycological game he played in a super-tournament Greysky (FM) : and now, ivanchuk has still few time olimpus (IM) : Is this the real time?! Greysky (FM) : more or less real 35.Dc3 204 35...Cc4|^ 20 Greysky (FM) : Nc4 seems the easy move Drahacik (FM) : This Ne2 has lots of moves. 36.Rh1 20 Greysky (FM) : well, not brilliant :) Blitz-King (IM) : Oh:O Greysky (FM) : simply it´s goo Greysky (FM) : d Greysky (FM) : Rxc5 minium draw Petrovich (GM) : Ng1 Greysky (FM) : are you his doctor? :P Blitz-King (IM) : diff position Petrovich (GM) : idea Drahacik (FM) : Rxc5 looks like a mistake... dxc5, Queen must protect Nf6, then Nd4. Greysky (FM) : oh yes, I am crazy... i thought Rxc5 and Qxc5, didn´t see the night Greysky (FM) : knight Greysky (FM) : the alcohol is not good ;) Blitz-King (IM) : Grey mira loq dices1 Blitz-King (IM) : !! Greysky (FM) : que paxa blitz? Greysky (FM) : que dije? Blitz-King (IM) : no tomes alcohol tio Greysky (FM) : era broma hombre, jajaj Drahacik (FM) : Lattas, Nf6 is hanging then Greysky (FM) : yes Siglar (IM) : rce8 perhaps--although I dont know what to do after ng1 esparago (FM) : drawoffer maybe esparago (FM) : Nd7 Greysky (FM) : Rce8! Greysky (FM) : don´t be stupid.... of course carlsen don´t lose on time Greysky (FM) : oh no! :P Greysky (FM) : yes Greysky (FM) : I like it more :) Blitz-King (IM) : Magnus is a good blitzes Blitz-King (IM) : Blitzer Greysky (FM) : Rce8, que opinas, blitz-ki Greysky (FM) : := 36...Cd7 71 Greysky (FM) : lol esparago (FM) : Qb7 Greysky (FM) : very good! Greysky (FM) : Qb7 wins material Greysky (FM) : but I liked Rce8! Greysky (FM) : Qxe3, ssm :) Blitz-King (IM) : Rxd5? [ 36...Txc5? 37.dxc5 Db2 ( 37...Dxc5? 38.Dxf6) 38.Dxb2 Cxb2 39.Cd4+/-; 36...Tce8] 37.Txc8 81 [ 37.Txd5? De6 38.Tb5 Cd6 39.Tc5 Cxc5=/+] 37...Txc8 20 Greysky (FM) : ...g5 is Magnus´s move! I will take note.. 38.Dd3 20 Siglar (IM) : rxd5 is just too risky for black. Blitz-King (IM) : Qb2 Rc2 Qb1 Kg2 Qxc2 Qc2 Ne3+! :) Greysky (FM) : well, -/+ according Greysky. right? Greysky (FM) : am I too optimist? Petrovich (GM) : green is better 38...Cf6 142 Greysky (FM) : but the tendency is favouring black clearly! [ 38...Db2?! 39.Tc2 Db1 40.Cc3= ( 40.Rg2? Dxc2 41.Dxc2 Ce3+-+) ] 39.Cc3 20 Greysky (FM) : Nd6 ? ElJeffe (FM) : I'd guess Black is somewhat better, though doubt enough to win with best play unless there is some tactic 39...Db2 81 Greysky (FM) : and the 40 move???? Herman (IM) : ?? [ 39...Cd6] 40.Tc2 2 [ 40.Tb1?! Df2! 41.Df5 Cd2 42.Dxc8+ Rg7 43.Da6 Dxf3+ 44.Ag2 Dxc3 45.Te1 Cc4 46.Tf1 Dxd4=/+] 40...Da1 79 Blitz-King (IM) : Qd1 Petrovich (GM) : some pressure for white Greysky (FM) : Qf5 is good Greysky (FM) : for Magnus, of course :) Ng5 (IM) : i think the gM's gave up kibbing coz ther is so much abuse from patzers Greysky (FM) : I think so, Ng5 Siglar (IM) : no point in nb1..just Re8 Siglar (IM) : fortin - you are gay Greysky (FM) : in the hell? Greysky (FM) : why a winning endgame? Ng5 (IM) : Qd1 Qd1 Nd1 Re8 looks OK Petrovich (GM) : kak ozenivaete, druzya Petrovich (GM) : mozhet slon zaigraet eshe:) Greysky (FM) : ivanchuk has to get over his horrible zeinot Greysky (FM) : -5 minutes Siglar (IM) : in future, Norway will produce the elite chessplayers of the world..just wait and see Siglar (IM) : Im not talking about myself gladiator ;) Siglar (IM) : lol fortin Greysky (FM) : I don´t see after Qd1 white´s better Siglar (IM) : haha gladiator..hvor mye er du villig til å satse? Siglar (IM) : 1k ? :) Siglar (IM) : jepp... Greysky (FM) : jeje Greysky (FM) : don´t say silly things Siglar (IM) : egentlig burde jeg hatt odds... men har troen på frisk luft på gausdal..neida du lopper meg ikke..jeg låner bare av jokka..LOL DeadHorse (IM) : Could Qd1 equalise? 41.Dd1 939 DeadHorse (IM) : YES Greysky (FM) : maybe black´s better. white never [ 41.Cb1 Te8-/+ 42.Te2? Tb8 43.Te1 Tb2-+] 41...Dxd1 82 42.Cxd1 20 Greysky (FM) : jajaj 42...Te8 20 43.Rg2 82 Greysky (FM) : Ne3 can´t be worse Greysky (FM) : worse neither :) Greysky (FM) : what repetition do u mean, sirs? Greysky (FM) : then Re2+ after swaping in c4 Greysky (FM) : dead draw does´t exist Siglar (IM) : I think black should go for the endgame with knight vs bishop with re1 be2 rxd1 bxd1 ne3 kf2 nxc2 bxc2 kf8 Greysky (FM) : u´re wellcome :) Siglar (IM) : maybe not because of the white poawn on d5 though who is a constant target Siglar (IM) : I dont like pizza Petrovich (GM) : What team will sign Scottie Pippen to an NBA Contract? Siglar (IM) : its true..never eaten a bite in my whole life Siglar (IM) : lol Siglar (IM) : the norwegian GM Djurhuus is a vegetarian.. Blitz-King (IM) : Magnus wants blood notvegetables Ernani (FM) : Re1, Be2 Ernani (FM) : Re1, Bc4, Rd1 43...Ce3+ 576 [ 43...Te1 44.Ae2 ( 44.Axc4? Txd1=/+) 44...Txd1 45.Axd1 Ce3+ 46.Rf2 Cxc2 47.Axc2 Rf8=] 44.Cxe3 20 Greysky (FM) : Nxe3 and Rxe3 44...Txe3 20 Blitz-King (IM) : t guessthemove Rxe3 Greysky (FM) : well Greysky (FM) : black isn´t bad Greysky (FM) : if black is worse, I retire from ches Greysky (FM) : -a- pawn is a weak of white Greysky (FM) : no ljg Herman (IM) : a4 Greysky (FM) : imposible white get better. Greysky (FM) : black is more active with Ra3 45.Rf2?! 204 Greysky (FM) : jaja [ 45.a4! Ta3 46.Ab5=] 45...Ta3 20 Greysky (FM) : Bb5 46.Ab5 20 Herman (IM) : Kf2 looked bad Greysky (FM) : Rybka does not know anything if he says white´s better Greysky (FM) : BLACK ROOK PASSIVE?????? Herman (IM) : instead of Kf2 Siglar (IM) : no black rook active Herman (IM) : . a4 Bb5 Bc6 B-Savchenko (IM) : +/- Greysky (FM) : ironike, yes, but the black rook is very active, and the black knight has a good point in f6, from where defence .d5. easily Greysky (FM) : g4! Herman (IM) : here black looks better Greysky (FM) : g4 black´s better Siglar (IM) : looks pleasant for black.. Greysky (FM) : yes... 46...h5 143 Greysky (FM) : why h5 ? Ernani (FM) : Ke2-Bd3-Kd2-Rb2-Bc2 maybe Greysky (FM) : is clear black is going to win B-Savchenko (IM) : TheGladiator who are u in chess? Just Norwean fun Ernani (FM) : black will play g4 DeadHorse (IM) : looool Greysky (FM) : dead draw doesn´t exist! Ernani (FM) : if he doesnt u may play Be2-d1 Greysky (FM) : king against king, that´s dead draw Ernani (FM) : Kf2 is ok Ernani (FM) : just get the B to b3 now [ 46...a4 47.Ac6; 46...g4] 47.Re2 81 Siglar (IM) : savchenko meant this was -/+ B-Savchenko (IM) : will 1-0 or draw Ernani (FM) : Now Bd3-Kd2-Bc2 or Be2-d1-b3 Ernani (FM) : after rb2 Greysky (FM) : b-savchenko? Greysky (FM) : 1-0 ? is ridicule... B-Savchenko (IM) : yes Greysky (FM) : g4 black´s better B-Savchenko (IM) : oki dont wanna give any line Siglar (IM) : lol B-Savchenko (IM) : i am not a teacher :) Herman (IM) : Bd3-Bb1 maybe is an idea Siglar (IM) : allways nice to say something without giving any arguments Petrovich (GM) : B is better than N DeadHorse (IM) : i think is 1-0, or 0-1 but maybe is a draw Greysky (FM) : g4 black´s better because he gets the strong point .e4. Petrovich (GM) : thats main argument Greysky (FM) : good horse :) Herman (IM) : but Ra3 is better than Rc2 B-Savchenko (IM) : Groups : Norway IMs :) Ng5 (IM) : i think they will agree draw soon B-Savchenko (IM) : ok good luck to all DeadHorse (IM) : i think is 1-0, or 0-1 but maybe is a draw Ernani (FM) : 1-0 Ng5 (IM) : wait for Moro to resign then agree draw 10 mins later B-Savchenko (IM) : All people who have think black is good, only from Norway.....why"_ B-Savchenko (IM) : :) MMCMiranda (FM) : after g4 I think is a draw. Petrovich (GM) : =+= Ernani (FM) : Bd3-Kd2-Rb2 and then Bc2-b3 or Be2-d1-b3 Siglar (IM) : no its an objective evaluation... JoaoFrancisco (IM) : g4 B-Savchenko (IM) : Comment nah MMCMiranda (FM) : agree JoaoFrancisco, g4 B-Savchenko (IM) : But anyway Magnus have good improve after Corus he is da man Greysky (FM) : I am not from Norway, but have enough brain to know black is better JoaoFrancisco (IM) : mmmcmiranda oi marcio MMCMiranda (FM) : Alô ! B-Savchenko (IM) : its not free web :) here need pay for unTitle players :) 47...Rg7 389 JoaoFrancisco (IM) : e ai so joga pela internet Greysky (FM) : .g4 is always posible Greysky (FM) : Kg7 improving first the king ( accordin karpov) JoaoFrancisco (IM) : g4 black is better Greysky (FM) : maybe should be a draw, but will be 0-1 sir Petrovich (GM) : eshe po svoemu govoryat, ne ponyatno Petrovich (GM) : vpreder Vasilii Petrovich (GM) : vpered:) Greysky (FM) : yes, he was Greysky (FM) : :) Greysky (FM) : I don´t think more control!!! is there more time control??? JoaoFrancisco (IM) : g4 now [ 47...g4] 48.Tb2 328 Greysky (FM) : g4 now again Ernani (FM) : by putting the B on d3 and then to e2-d1-b3 Ng5 (IM) : anyone know who is trying to win here ? JoaoFrancisco (IM) : g4 Greysky (FM) : I don´t like. show. the knight is good looking at e4 and g4 Greysky (FM) : after posible g4 Ernani (FM) : the knight is ok on f6 Ng5 (IM) : Ng8-f6 looks best Siglar (IM) : nimzowitch would have voted for Ng8 here Greysky (FM) : jajaj MightyViking (IM) : Norwegian is cool Greysky (FM) : .d5 is defenced... Greysky (FM) : don´t worry about it Greysky (FM) : yes... in the correct moment Ng5 (IM) : Ng8 !! 48...h4 266 Greysky (FM) : Magnus! Greysky (FM) : always surprise me Ernani (FM) : h4 is prolly better than g4 Greysky (FM) : yes, I like h4 Ernani (FM) : g4 seems awful Greysky (FM) : magnus the kid? - > magnus the god! Ernani (FM) : h4>g4 Greysky (FM) : g4 is a joke :) Greysky (FM) : If Ivanchuk moves g4 .... He is not ivanchuk Greysky (FM) : he is a patzer from the village :) Greysky (FM) : is clear black is playing to win Greysky (FM) : and he´s getting :) Greysky (FM) : yes. I say so Ernani (FM) : 48...h4 >> 48...g4 Ernani (FM) : thats what i meant Ernani (FM) : g4 now is retard Ng5 (IM) : would be nice to know if anyone has offered a draw Greysky (FM) : Ng5, u can ... Greysky (FM) : tomorrow Greysky (FM) : I see 0-1 Greysky (FM) : Nh5 is coming after hxg Greysky (FM) : and maybe g4 if neccesary Siglar (IM) : these players should take into account that most people who is watching lives in europe and usually sleeps at this time, so that when a draw is obvious they should tak it, so that we can get to sleep Ernani (FM) : i saw 1-0 after 48...g4. now i see like = Greysky (FM) : well, I am optimistic, but ... 0-1 :) Ernani (FM) : although it still seems ok for white Ng5 (IM) : no Greysky (FM) : Rb3 is the way, but is bad :) Ernani (FM) : lol Kf2 Greysky (FM) : but yes, he can try ... Greysky (FM) : si varía Ernani (FM) : lol g4 Ernani (FM) : prolly gxh4 first JoaoFrancisco (IM) : fi colombia21 Greysky (FM) : jaja Greysky (FM) : Where is Larry= Ng5 (IM) : very impressive from Carlsen, playing a good game against Ivanchuk Greysky (FM) : and against Moro :) Herman (IM) : g4 looks ugly but it stops Nh5 Ng5 (IM) : I thought his game vs Moro was rubbish Greysky (FM) : comps says it´s time to sleep Greysky (FM) : not rubish... Greysky (FM) : a game where Magnus beat a 2750, is not rubish :) Ng5 (IM) : moro didnt play like a 2750 Heine (GM) : arent the Norwegians celebrating a tad early? Siglar (IM) : the more I look at blacks pos, the more I like it Heine (GM) : ok, my apologies Herman (IM) : Hi Heine Herman (IM) : what do you think Heine (GM) : thought black had serious chances Kingway (IM) : white has decent drawing chances imho Heine (GM) : sorry, has Heine (GM) : its 3.35 here.... Herman (IM) : I didn't like Kf2, a4 instead Ng5 (IM) : my opinion is dead draw Ng5 (IM) : if I say black is better do i get free Rollmops ? Petrovich (GM) : gh4 doesnt look almost forced Greysky (FM) : good work, gladiator Greysky (FM) : I am waiting a time date Siglar (IM) : savchenko did Ng5 (IM) : Radja was upset coz he was burgled, seems fair enough but not the organisers fault Greysky (FM) : yes show.. drunk titled maybe Siglar (IM) : strange..boris is really strong Ng5 (IM) : I wouldnt expect the organisers to compensate him for a burglary that happened when the tournament wasnt running Greysky (FM) : it´s right position, yes Siglar (IM) : look at ivanchuks time..he has obviously a hard time here Ng5 (IM) : Relayer is burgling chuckys room Russek (IM) : "there is no country like mexico" Ng5 (IM) : I assume they have agreed a draw. cu tomorrow. Greysky (FM) : ng5, that´s absurd MightyViking (IM) : As we established the other day, Bush is the greatest president of the 21st century. So far anyway. Siglar (IM) : no way magnus accepts a draw in this pos Siglar (IM) : Are there any americans in here who would like to vote for me the next election? Id like Hillary to win Russek (IM) : transmision people got to dinner Greysky (FM) : jajajaj Greysky (FM) : really, rusek? Russek (IM) : i am in morelia press room Greysky (FM) : russek, more moves? Russek (IM) : my last move is ....h4 MightyViking (IM) : You are allowed to talk politics when the game relay is down! :) Greysky (FM) : russek, how many minutes ago? Petrovich (GM) : call to Morelia Russek (IM) : about 254 Russek (IM) : 25 Finegold (IM) : how much wood would Ivanchuk trade if Ivanchuk could trade wood? Russek (IM) : i cant enter players room Siglar (IM) : any norwegians who can call henrik? I dont have his phonenumber Russek (IM) : no more cookies in the press room Siglar (IM) : lol fortin..godt poeng MightyViking (IM) : Compassionate conservatism Siglar (IM) : jadwin how can you ask someone after you have bombed them? Greysky (FM) : no chance, ivanchuk can resign Greysky (FM) : a4 is weak for sure Russek (IM) : we are detecting the trnamision trouble..... Greysky (FM) : lot of people Siglar (IM) : is susan singel? Siglar (IM) : I know she has a kid..but she is devorced or something right? Siglar (IM) : you mean Krush gladiator? Siglar (IM) : yes on Krush LOl Sweere (GM) : Hillary anyone? Sweere (GM) : I'm going home this game isn't coming back Greysky (FM) : for me too Petrovich (GM) : time to go to bar Greysky (FM) : good bye all. good luck carlsen! Petrovich (GM) : 10 am here Petrovich (GM) : 10:04 Petrovich (GM) : sunny morning in Siberia Siglar (IM) : dont leave fortin..youre such an entertainment in here :) Russek (IM) : they finished Russek (IM) : carlsen won Siglar (IM) : really?? Russek (IM) : right, i am in the press room, but cant see the moves Charisma (IM) : where did you see the results? Siglar (IM) : let russek relay zek Russek (IM) : i cant Siglar (IM) : Bravo for Magnus!! Siglar (IM) : Good game Magnus :):) Petrovich (GM) : slow mexican internet connection Russek (IM) : oficial , carlsen won Russek (IM) : right, i hope we can get last moves soon [ 48...g4; 48...Cg8] 49.Rf2? 2829 [ 49.g4!? Cg8 50.Ad3 Ce7 51.Tc2 Cg6 52.Axg6 Rxg6 53.Td2 f5|^; 49.gxh4! Rybka. 49...gxh4 50.Ad3 Ce8 51.h3 Cd6 52.Ab1=] 49...hxg3+ 2 Petrovich (GM) : hg3+! killing check Buffon (IM) : so chuck lost ? Petrovich (GM) : first check wins MightyViking (IM) : g5-g4 is annoying for White. Russek (IM) : very soon we wiull have all moves Herman (IM) : anyone who knows the remaining moves? [ 49...a4] 50.hxg3 344 50...g4=/+ 4 Siglar (IM) : be2 51.Ae2 15 51...gxf3 4 52.Axf3 3 Siglar (IM) : kib rd3 52...a4 2 [ 52...Td3 53.Tb5 a4 54.Re2 Ta3 55.Axd5 Cxd5 56.Txd5 Txa2+ 57.Rf3 ( 57.Rd3? Ta3+ 58.Rc4 Txg3 59.Rb4 a3 60.Ta5 Td3 61.Txa3 Txd4+ 62.Rc5 Tg4 63.Ta7 Rg6 64.Rd5 f5 65.Ta8 Rg5 66.Rd6 Tg3 67.Tg8+ Rf4 68.Ta8 Rg4 69.Re5 f4 70.Rd4 Te3 71.Tg8+ Rf3 72.Tb8 Rf2 73.Tb2+ Te2 74.Tb7 f3-+) 57...a3 58.Ta5 Ta1 59.Re4 a2 60.Rd5= Rg6 61.Rd6 f5 62.Rd7 Rg5 63.d5 Rg4 64.Ta3=; 52...Rg6!?=/+ Rybka.] 53.Tb5? 5 [ >=53.g4! Rg6 54.Te2 Td3 55.Te5 Txd4 56.Re2 Tb4 57.Rd3 Tb2 ( 57...Tf4 58.Ae2 a3 59.Rd2 Cxg4 60.Txd5 Ta4 61.Ad1 Tb4 62.Ac2+ Rf6 63.Tf5+ Re6 64.Ta5=) 58.Te2 Tb1 ( 58...Txe2 59.Axe2 a3 60.Rc3 Rg5 61.Rb4 Cxg4 62.Rxa3 Ce5 63.Rb3 d4 64.Ab5 Rf4 ( 64...f5 65.a4 f4 66.a5 f3 67.a6 d3 68.a7 f2 69.a8D f1D 70.Dg8+ Rf6 71.Df8+ Cf7 72.Ac4 Db1+ 73.Ra4 Da1+ 74.Rb5 De5+ 75.Ra4=) 65.a4 d3 66.a5 Re3 67.a6 d2 68.Rc2 Cf3 69.Ac4 ( 69.a7? Cd4+ 70.Rd1 Cxb5 71.a8D Cc3+-/+) 69...Cd4+ 70.Rd1 Cc6 71.Axf7=) 59.Te5 Ta1 60.Te2 Td1+ 61.Td2 Tg1 ( 61...Txd2+ 62.Rxd2 Rg5 63.Re3 a3 64.Rd4 Rf4 65.Ae2 Cxg4 66.Rxd5=) 62.Rd4 Rg5 ( 62...Cxg4 63.Tg2 Txg2 64.Axg2 Cf6 65.a3 Rf5 66.Ah3+ Cg4 67.Ag2 Rg5 ( 67...Cf6 68.Ah3+ Rg5 69.Ac8 Rf4 70.Ab7=) 68.Axd5 f5 69.Ac6 f4 70.Axa4 Ce3 71.Rd3=) 63.Td3 Rf4 64.Ad1 a3 65.g5 Rxg5 66.Af3 Rf4 67.Txa3=] 53...Txa2+-+ 1 54.Re3 7 Siglar (IM) : a4 was good yes 54...a3 5 55.Ta5 2 55...Ta1 2 56.Rd2 3 56...a2 2 57.Rc2 3 57...Tf1 10 Siglar (IM) : ikke glem fortin heller 58.Ad1 9 58...Ce4 5 59.g4 5 59...Cf2 2 60.Txa2 4 60...Txd1 2 chuddog (FM) : that got ugly MightyViking (IM) : Ivanchuk sure went down quickly. Siglar (IM) : fascinating how magnus made a win out of a small advantage LOH (IM) : I'm hope aronian MightyViking (IM) : Anand almost 40 years younger than Korchnoi. LOH (IM) : what does Tate have to do with any of this? MightyViking (IM) : At chessninja.com people were predicting that Magnus would finish on -5 or -6. LOH (IM) : bd1 ne4+ and nc3 LOH (IM) : pachacutect, then ne4+ and nc3 Siglar (IM) : any analysis on 55.Bxd5? Siglar (IM) : youve gotta have heart - Mike Matusow MightyViking (IM) : 55.Bxd5 Nxd5 56.Rxd5 Ra1 -+ 0-1

Leko-Aronian: Defensa Bogoindia. Se siguió una línea que habían disputado Khalifman y Adams en Turquía en el año 2.004. Parecía que Leko quería esta vez ganar con el famoso caballo de Pillsbury. La idea del armenio de llevar su dama a aquel flanco, permitiendo la entrada de una torre blanca por "c7" pareció arriesgada. Lo cierto es que esa torre se terminó estrellando en "f7". Pero por lo que se vió, Aronian lo tenía todo perfectamente controlado. Tras una serie de cambios forzados se llegó a un final de dama, torre, alfil y seis peones frente a dama, dos torres y cuatro peones. Las negras pudieron tomar un peón y quedaron con una ligerita ventaja durante el resto de la partida. La cuestión que se planteó en el ICC acaloradamente era si esa ventajita se podía o no concretar. Conociendo la solidez defensiva de Leko, la respuesta fue que no. Los programas informáticos (desde siempre) no entienden este tipo de finales. Habría que idear lo que tantas veces he dicho: Un módulo de análisis especial sólo para determinado tipo finales dinámicos (no estáticos), en donde la valoración material de la posición no sea lo más importante de todo… . Pero en fin, supongo que esto es pedir demasiado. ¿No les parece?.

Leko,P (2749) - Aronian,L (2744) [E11]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (4), 21.02.2007

Ng5 (IM) : Not theory yet Ng5 (IM) : Never been in book Ng5 (IM) : Good, no time to argue, watching Ugly Betty Ng5 (IM) : will be mine soon vogonprotestnik (IM) : there are always more relevant duties:) FrozenShade (GM) : i think black usually plays 5..c5 to avoid this Heine (GM) : some catalan 1.d4 0 1...Cf6 3 2.c4 7 2...e6 3 3.Cf3 7 3...d5 2 4.g3 7 4...Ab4+ 3 5.Ad2 9 5...Ae7 4 6.Ag2 8 6...0-0 3 7.0-0 6 vogonprotestnik (IM) : you prepared him Heine? 7...c6 3 8.Af4 10 8...b6 3 9.Cc3 22 9...Ab7 6 10.Tc1 9 10...Ch5 12 11.Axb8 8 11...Dxb8 4 vogonprotestnik (IM) : looks like a blitz game 12.Ce5 7 12...Cf6 5 13.e3 7 13...Td8 655 Ng5 (IM) : Leko ?? f4 and g4 ???? lol 14.cxd5 800 Ng5 (IM) : i think his plan is g4-g5 and h4-5-6 MMCMiranda (FM) : white position looks very promising. [ 14.f4] 14...cxd5 1838 15.f4 10 15...Dd6N 10 [ RR 15...g6 16.g4 Cd7 17.De1 1/2-1/2 Khalifman,A (2669)-Adams,M (2740)/Izmir TUR 2004/The Week in Chess 518] 16.Cb5 10 16...Db4 71 Guillermito (IM) : leko tryin to win a la pillsbury with a k on e5 17.Tc7 86 Guillermito (IM) : sure it is ' a la pillsbury' he was always happy with a knight on e5. 17...Aa6 86 funnybird (FM) : why? Ng5 (IM) : Nc6 seems best but = Ng5 (IM) : a4 Bd6 Nc6 Bb5 is unclear Ng5 (IM) : Na7 ? Qd6 and black is better 18.a4 148 Ng5 (IM) : not drawish Ng5 (IM) : comp says Bb5 ab Bd6 Rf7 Be5 fe is good for white Ng5 (IM) : Bb5 ab Bd6 Rf7 Be5 fe Kf7 and now white has several tries but the comp says = Ng5 (IM) : why ? Ng5 (IM) : Leko will take the draw Ng5 (IM) : even if there is a win he will take the draw Ng5 (IM) : nobody is lost here Ng5 (IM) : why ? Ng5 (IM) : Rf7 Ng5 (IM) : havent updated it for months Ng5 (IM) : or Bd6, transposes Ng5 (IM) : in 2015 it will be all comps and they will post their own games Ng5 (IM) : Zek will become part of the collective Hatred (IM) : Qxb2 Rxe7 no? [ 18.Cc6?! Dxb5 19.Cxe7+ Rf8 20.Tf2 Td7 21.a4 Dd3 22.Dxd3 Axd3 23.Txd7 Cxd7 24.Td2 Ac4 25.Tc2 Ab3 26.Tc3 Axa4=/+; 18.Cxa7!? Ad6 ( 18...Dd6 19.Dc2 Ce8 20.Txe7 Dxe7 21.Cac6 Dc7 22.Tc1 Tdc8 23.e4©) 19.Cac6 Dxb2 20.Tf2 Da3 21.Txf7 Tf8 22.Txf8+ Rxf8©] 18...Axb5 1797 [ 18...Ad6 19.Txf7 ( 19.Cc6 Axb5) ] 19.axb5 25 19...Ad6

25 20.Txf7 25 Ng5 (IM) : the comp isnt convinced by this, gives black a small edge 20...Axe5 25 Ng5 (IM) : i think draw 21.fxe5 25 21...Rxf7 26 Ng5 (IM) : -.8 shredder 22.Dh5+ 25 22...Rg8 25 Ng5 (IM) : comp says black is better 23.exf6 25 Ng5 (IM) : gf Qg4 Kh8 Qe6 Rf8 and black is better 23...gxf6 25 24.Dg4+ 25 24...Rh8 25 Shakhmaty (IM) : don't give me another draw, please don't Ng5 (IM) : Qe6 Rf8 is forced Ng5 (IM) : then a long think 25.Dxe6 86 25...Tf8 12 Ng5 (IM) : -.9 shredder Ng5 (IM) : black is better Ng5 (IM) : Leko is getting ronied Ng5 (IM) : Qd5 Rae8 Qf5 Re3 -.9 Ng5 (IM) : Rf6 Rae8 Rf8 Qf8 Ng5 (IM) : sad, if Leko loses he wont play another combo for 2 years 26.Dxd5 330 Ng5 (IM) : im excited by calling Leko boring [ 26.Txf6 Tae8 27.Txf8+ Dxf8 28.Dxd5 Txe3=/+] 26...Tae8 86 Ng5 (IM) : Be4 and Rf4 is interesting Ng5 (IM) : Be4 Qe7 Rf4 f5 Bf5 Qe3 is only a small plus for black FrozenShade (GM) : Be4 Qd2 Rf3 f5 Rxf5 Bxf5 Rxe3 looks interesting FrozenShade (GM) : might be that white has perp there but im not sure at all Ng5 (IM) : seems clear that white is just hoping for a perp Ng5 (IM) : white has no winning chances FrozenShade (GM) : yeah, but i think white will be forced to give up his bishop in that line if he wishes to keep on checking FrozenShade (GM) : and even so, he might not get it Ng5 (IM) : no, black is clearly better Ng5 (IM) : 100 % certain Leko would take a draw here Ng5 (IM) : White can lose 27.Tf3 1001 Ng5 (IM) : Rf3 ? why ? it doesnt even defend the pawn [ 27.Df5 Dd2=/+ ( 27...Txe3 28.Ae4 De7 29.Tf4|^) ; 27.Ae4 De7 ( 27...Dd2 28.Tf3 f5 ( 28...Tc8!?) 29.Dd6|^ ( 29.Txf5 Txf5 30.Axf5 Dxe3+ ( 30...Txe3 31.Dd8+ Rg7 32.Dd7+ Rf6 33.Ah3 De1+ 34.Af1 Te7 35.Dc6+ Rg7=/+) 31.Rg2 De2+ 32.Rh3 Dh5+ 33.Rg2 Te2+ 34.Rf1 De8=/+) ) 28.Tf4 f5 29.Axf5 Dxe3+ 30.Rg2 Dd2+ 31.Tf2 Te2 32.Txe2 Dxe2+ 33.Rg1 Rg7=/+] 27...De1+ 147 Ng5 (IM) : we all saw Rf3 loses a pawn, we cant see why Leko played it 28.Af1 86 28...Txe3=/+ 25 Ng5 (IM) : Rf6 just loses a rook 29.Dd6 86 Ng5 (IM) : now Kg7 and white looks silly Woef (GM) : Kg7 Rf4 perhaps Woef (GM) : although f5 looks ok there Ng5 (IM) : Kg7 Rf4 f5 looks good for black Ng5 (IM) : Kg7 Rf4 f5 Rh4 Rf7 looks good for black Woef (GM) : maybe something like Kg7 Rf4 f5 d5 offers drawing chances Woef (GM) : not so easy for black to make progress Ng5 (IM) : just Kg7 is fine 29...Tee8 391 Ng5 (IM) : Rf6 ? Kg7 and black wins Ng5 (IM) : Rf6 is ? Ng5 (IM) : comp plays b3 and grovels Ng5 (IM) : Qc7 does nothing, thats the point Ng5 (IM) : trying to do anything loses Ng5 (IM) : not lost, worse Ng5 (IM) : b3 and its still a tough game [ 29...Rg7!? 30.Dd7+ ( 30.Tf4 f5 31.d5 ( 31.Th4 Tf7) ) 30...Tf7 31.Dg4+ Rh8 32.Tf4 Dc1 33.Df5 Te8 ( 33...Dxb2? 34.Dc8+ Rg7 35.Tg4+ Rh6 36.Dg8+-) 34.b4 Dd2 35.Dd5 Tff8 36.Db7 Tg8 37.Rh1 Dxb4 38.Dxa7 Dd6=/+] 30.Txf6 330 Ng5 (IM) : whoops Petrovich (GM) : 0-1 [ 30.b3=/+; 30.Dc7=/+] 30...Rg7 86 Ng5 (IM) : Kg7 Rf4 is forced Panaman (FM) : Ya jugaron Neverwinter tells you: RESUME THE GAME Drahacik (FM) : white would lose e5 immediately Ng5 (IM) : Rf4 Qe3 Kg2 Rf4 gf Qe4 Kg3 Re6 should win Ng5 (IM) : Rf8 loses 31.Txf8 208 MinAl (IM) : so stupid [ 31.Tf4? De3+ 32.Rg2 Txf4 33.gxf4 De4+ 34.Rg3 Te6 35.Dc7+ Rh6-+] 31...Txf8 25 Ng5 (IM) : yes MinAl (IM) : cant count for a 2 moves Ng5 (IM) : this is trivial 32.De5+ 25 MinAl (IM) : it's 0-1 forced 32...Dxe5 25 MinAl (IM) : Bc4, b3 - black put king on c5, Ra1, and plays a5 33.dxe5 25 Woef (GM) : everybody sure Black is winning after b3-Bc4-Kg2-h4? Woef (GM) : a5 will be taken rizioo MinAl (IM) : then b5, Woef Woef (GM) : then a7 :) 33...Te8 87 MinAl (IM) : bc4 Woef (GM) : ok, let's say you exchange the a against b5 Woef (GM) : not so easy Ng5 (IM) : Aronian is a genius at endings Woef (GM) : but ok Woef (GM) : what next? MinAl (IM) : then take on b3 Woef (GM) : ok, but in the meantime Woef (GM) : I have h and g Woef (GM) : running MinAl (IM) : if you run it- i will go back and eat them Woef (GM) : I agree that Black chances of winning are very real Woef (GM) : but it's not easy at all 34.Ac4 86 34...Txe5= 25 AUNQUE LOS MÓDULOS INFORMÁTICOS SEÑALEN CLARA VENTAJA DE LAS NEGRAS (o incluso ventajas ganadoras en algunos casos) SON TABLAS. Woef (GM) : Kg2 now Petrovich (GM) : zugzwang will come Ng5 (IM) : looks to me black just plays Rc3 and e5 and its over 35.Rf2 87 Woef (GM) : or f2 :) Petrovich (GM) : not hard zuzgwang , having doubled pawns:) 35...Rf6 25 Odysseus (GM) : leko soon will bend 36.b3 25 36...Te4 25 Woef (GM) : h4! Woef (GM) : h4 and Kf3 Woef (GM) : and then wait 37.Ad3 86 37...Te7 25 38.Rf3 25 38...h6 25 Petrovich (GM) : show us money, jcsuperstar:) 39.Rg4 86 39...Te5 86 Ng5 (IM) : its not clear how he wins, but it feels very won 40.Ac4 25 Woef (GM) : the longer I look at this the more drawish it looks Drahacik (FM) : Black can't even do the usual plan of Kc5 and Rxc4, because the white pawns are too fast. Woef (GM) : I simply dont see a way for Black to make progress Odysseus (GM) : I can bet anyone its 0-1 40...Tc5 86 Drahacik (FM) : everyone that is saying it's 0-1, tell us the plan for Black. Drahacik (FM) : which material are you winning? Drahacik (FM) : White's plan is to say: show me your plan MinAl (IM) : h6 was a bad move i think Drahacik (FM) : a7? bxc4 MinAl (IM) : good Aronian did help white - he bring pawn h7 closer to let white attack it or exchange Drahacik (FM) : Ra5 and a6, then bxa6 b5 Bf1 and you can't take Rxa6 because Bxb5. Drahacik (FM) : If Ra5 AND King to queenside, h6 falls to the White King. Drahacik (FM) : -1.44 means Rybka doesn't see a win. Ng5 (IM) : that like doesnt seem to make progress jc Drahacik (FM) : any way for the Black King to get down to g2 or g1? Probably not. 41.Rf4 524 Drahacik (FM) : Black king goes too far away, White just plays g4 h4 and g5 Drahacik (FM) : Black King on b4, maybe White plays for a win :) 41...Tf5+ 87 Ng5 (IM) : i am here Ng5 (IM) : dont think this is drawn yet Ng5 (IM) : hard to win but harder to draw Woef (GM) : waiting doesn't look that hard to me :) Ng5 (IM) : but waiting alertly is tiring 42.Re4 270 Petrovich (GM) : suggest a plan, not just a move 42...Tf2 209 43.h4 25 Woef (GM) : me too, JC 43...Td2 25 Woef (GM) : Kd3! Petrovich (GM) : KD3 Rd3 Bd3 = 44.Re3 269 [ 44.Ad3] 44...Td8 86 45.Re4 26 45...Td1 25 Woef (GM) : so perhaps 29...Kg7 was more precise Woef (GM) : in order to prevent this ending 46.Ad5 148 Petrovich (GM) : in endgame comixes Ng5 (IM) : my comp still says -+ Drahacik (FM) : Ng5, your comp says more than 2.0? 1/2-1/2

Topalov-Svidler: ¿Qué le pasa a Veselin?. Está como desinflado. Creo que llegó a Morelia con el tiempo justo, sin aclimatarse al Jet Lag. También creo, que la posibilidad de no poder jugar el match revancha con Krámnik, le está haciendo un flaco favor a su juego. En esta ronda comenzó con 1.Cf3. Mal augurio. Es sintomático ver el cariño que Svidler le profesa a la Defensa Grunfeld. De una Apertura Inglesa, se metió isofacto en los entresijos de aquellos esquemas. Se siguió por los senderos de su partida con Navara en Wijk aan Zee 2.007. Allí jugó clásico y entabló. Aquí jugó más activo y también empató. Entregó un peón que pronto recuperó. No se podía mantener bajo ningún concepto. Desde que hizo 19…b4! se vió venir que igualaría sin demasiados problemas y así fue. El control de la columna "b" y de la gran diagonal "h1-a8" fueron suficientes para lograr el empate.

Pues qué tenga cuidado Veselin Topalov hoy en la quinta ronda, que le viene MegaMagnus con blancas; el chavalín sin problemas… como un ¡lobo hambriento!.

Topalov,V (2783) - Svidler,P (2728) [A24]
Morelia-Linares Morelia (4), 21.02.2007

wcristen (IM) : what time start? wcristen (IM) : thx 1.Cf3 0 1...Cf6 4 2.c4 7 2...g6 4 3.Cc3 10 3...d5 3 4.Da4+ 16 4...Ad7 5 5.Db3 10 5...dxc4 3 6.Dxc4 9 [ 6.Dxb7 Cc6 7.Cb5 Cd5 8.Cbd4 Ccb4©] 6...a6 3 7.d4 10 7...b5 3 8.Db3 7 8...c5 13 [ RR 8...Cc6 9.Ag5 Ae6 10.Dd1 Ag7 11.e3 0-0 12.Ae2 Cd5 13.Ce4 h6 14.Ah4 f5 15.Cc5 Dd6 16.0-0 Af7 17.Cb7 Dd7 18.Ag3 g5 19.a4 f4 20.exf4 gxf4 21.Ah4 Cdb4 22.axb5 axb5 23.Txa8 Navara,D (2719)-Svidler,P (2728)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 636/1/2-1/2] 9.dxc5 8 9...Ag7 10 10.e4 7 10...0-0N 3 [ RR 10...Cc6 11.Ae2 Ae6 12.Dc2 0-0 ( 12...Cb4 13.Db1 Cd7 14.Ae3 Tc8 15.0-0 Ac4 16.a3 Axc3 17.Axc4 bxc4 18.Dc1 Ag7 19.axb4 Cb8 20.Dxc4 Axb2 21.Tad1 Dc7 22.Ah6 Cc6 23.Dxa6 Ac3 24.b5 Cb4 25.Da3 Vorobiov,E (2552)-Yandemirov,V (2494)/Dagomys RUS 2004/The Week in Chess 494/1-0 (32)) 13.0-0 Dc7 14.h3 ( RR 14.a3 Tad8 15.g3 Da7 16.b4 Cxe4 17.Ab2 Cxc5 18.bxc5 Dxc5 19.Tad1 b4 20.axb4 Cxb4 21.Dc1 Tc8 22.Ca4 Da5 23.Df4 Dxa4 24.Axg7 Rxg7 25.Cd4 Ah3 26.Tfe1 Da5 27.Dh4 e5 28.Cf3 Af5 Werle,J (2566)-Vachier Lagrave,M (2573)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 637/0-1 (34)) 14...Cb4 15.Db1 Dxc5 16.Ae3 Dc8 17.Tc1 Cc6 18.Cd4 Cxd4 19.Axd4 Db8 20.Td1 Td8 21.e5 Cd5 22.De4 b4 23.Cxd5 Axd5 24.De3 Db7 25.Af1 h5 26.b3 Rh7 27.Dg3 Peng Zhaoqin (2431)-Nepomniachtchi,I (2587)/Wijk aan Zee NED 2007/The Week in Chess 637/0-1 (60)] 11.Ae2 8 11...Ac6 8 Lapinews (IM) : THE best Heine (GM) : he did against Gelfandin Moscow as well 12.e5 271 12...Cfd7 5 13.Ae3 8 [ 13.e6 Cxc5 14.exf7+ Txf7 15.Dd1 Dxd1+ 16.Cxd1 Cbd7@] 13...Cxe5 4 14.Cxe5 360 14...Axe5 15 15.Td1 182 wcristen (IM) : http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1438189 Lapinews (IM) : RxQ Lapinews (IM) : ...Qa5 threatening ...b4 and ...Bxg2 ? Lapinews (IM) : it's not white idea to be solid Lapinews (IM) : well black has no problem here Lapinews (IM) : i don't know if ...Qa5 works or not but ... Lapinews (IM) : it looks painful Lapinews (IM) : 2 threats Lapinews (IM) : but even if it doesn't work black must be OK Lapinews (IM) : Svidler knows how to play this kind of positions perfectly Lapinews (IM) : Qc7 Nd5 ? Lapinews (IM) : then Bf3 or something Lapinews (IM) : lol Kakashka what about shutting up about all this and letting everyone have pleasure looking at the game? [ 15.0-0] 15...Da5 417 Lapinews (IM) : good! Lapinews (IM) : :P Lapinews (IM) : Bxg2 and b4 (with ...Ba4 coming) Lapinews (IM) : but 0-0 b4 Nd5 must be checked :P Lapinews (IM) : true! Lapinews (IM) : lol ;) Lapinews (IM) : arghhhhhh when will you stop this sentenncceeeee [ 15...Dc7 16.Cd5] 16.0-0 198 16...e6

26 Lapinews (IM) : ! Lapinews (IM) : good ! Lapinews (IM) : a3 neded i think Lapinews (IM) : needed* Lapinews (IM) : looks the only interesting game.. spanish... d4+g3... etc.. Lapinews (IM) : finally something else! Odysseus (GM) : ÊÀÐÀÌÀÇÎÂ translate Odysseus (GM) : :) Odysseus (GM) : kakashka added MMCMiranda (FM) : I like simple a3 here. MMCMiranda (FM) : a3 Bxc3? I think Svidler will never play it.. MMCMiranda (FM) : another move is Bd4 MMCMiranda (FM) : after Bd4 trading B is forced, and white can play Rd6 mishel (IM) : why not f4? if Bg7 then Rd6, if Bf6 then Bf3, and later Ne4 is coming with a tempo MMCMiranda (FM) : no communication with the tournament? MMCMiranda (FM) : it is possible to be connected using a webcam? Finegold (IM) : If ICC cannot get these games going, I want my membership fee back. [ 16...b4? 17.Cd5] 17.f4 2691 [ 17.a3 Cd7 ( 17...Axc3) ; 17.Ad4 Axd4 18.Txd4 Cd7] 17...Ag7 20 Finegold (IM) : that's better!! ya gotta threaten them in the pocketbook! [ 17...Af6 18.Af3 Axf3 19.Txf3 Axc3 20.Dxc3 Dxc3 21.bxc3 Cc6 22.Td6 Tfc8=] 18.a3 29 [ 18.Td6 b4] 18...Dc7 18 19.Dc2 9 19...b4! 7 20.axb4 7 20...Db7 7 21.Td6 7 clearbluewater (IM) : rb6 21...Dxb4 68 Guillermito (IM) : no bets? mishel (IM) : koska Nd7 Bf3 Guillermito (IM) : where is Tony Montana? 22.Tfd1 71 Odysseus (GM) : blk is OK now 22...Ta7 69 23.T1d2 7 Odysseus (GM) : yes Odysseus (GM) : not to me Odysseus (GM) : a5-a4a3 was tha plan for blk Odysseus (GM) : push "a" Odysseus (GM) : a5 is the most human reaction Odysseus (GM) : i dont care about comps Odysseus (GM) : BiganEasy:) Odysseus (GM) : 22..Ra7?!(a5-a4-a3)? Odysseus (GM) : ! 23...Td7 1896 [ 23...a5] 24.Txd7 7 24...Cxd7 8 25.Td6 8 25...Db7 7 26.Dd2 129 26...Cf6 129 Odysseus (GM) : no Odysseus (GM) : blk is in da game:) Odysseus (GM) : and Notingham 36! 27.Af1 292 MightyViking (IM) : Lost horribly to van Wely too. Drahacik (FM) : jonanater, you're scrolling my screen. Drahacik (FM) : at least put your kibs together on one line Drahacik (FM) : there's not a 3-word limit, you know. MightyViking (IM) : Grünfeld is very difficult in practical play. White has so many good continuations, and Black must play very exact against all of them. MightyViking (IM) : KID was back for a brief time, but then Radjabov's laptop was stolen. Drahacik (FM) : jonanater, please, not one word per line... scrolls the real kibs so I can't see them. 27...Tb8 801 Drahacik (FM) : and tell us what the A stands for... LazyPawn (IM) : You guys are funny. Half the openings are boring (Petroff, Caro-Kann, Ruy, Sveshnikov, Slav) and the other half are refuted (Gruenfeld, Benoni, Benko, French, gambits etc) 28.Td8+ 251 MightyViking (IM) : Yes, boring or refuted. That's why you should play poker instead. LazyPawn (IM) : Just watch and you will see, there is always some 1600 guy knowing it for sure 28...Af8 68 MightyViking (IM) : Yes, Grünfeld is also refuted, just slightly less than other openings! :) MightyViking (IM) : There's some truth in that, JEGutman... 29.Txb8 312 Drahacik (FM) : Qa7 recovers the pawn Neverwinter tells you: RESUME THE GAME Drahacik (FM) : 4 games, no wins for Topalov. 1/2-1/2

Clasificación tras la cuarta ronda:

1. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2779 3.0;

2. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2690 2.5;

3. Svidler, Peter g RUS 2728 2.0;

4. Aronian, Levon g ARM 2744 2.0;

5. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2750 2.0;

6. Leko, Peter g HUN 2749 2.0;

7. Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2783 1.5;

8. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2741 1.0;

Quinta ronda:





Recibid un cordial saludo,



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