viernes, 19 de enero de 2007

Problema de Nunn

“I saw an amazing position at the club last night.”

“I hope you can remember it better than the last one.”

“I can tell you that there were only five pieces on the board. White had a king, a knight and a pawn, while Black had a king and a queen."

“I don’t see anything amazing so far.”

“The amazing thing is that Black had a lost position.”

“I suppose White played knight check, forking king and queen.”

“Oh, no! The point is that it was Black to move, and he wasn't in check.”

What was the position?

Para quien no entienda inglés dice algo asi como que con sólo esas piezas hay una posición en el tablero en la que ganan las blancas pero lo increible de la posición es que el negro mueve y no se encuentra en jaque!!

¿Cúal era la posición?

Enviado al foro por Lucas Mendoza

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